(1) Compassion is an active helper.

(2) But what about those who don’t see, don’t hear, don’t feel when someone else is in pain and bad? (3) An outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. (4) How to help both those who suffer from indifference and the indifferent themselves?

(5) From childhood, educate yourself - first of all, yourself - in such a way as to respond to someone else's misfortune and rush to the aid of someone in trouble. (6) And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, a sentimentality alien to us.

(7) Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty. (8) People who are endowed with such an ability or who have alarmingly sensed a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated the talent of kindness, those who know how to transform sympathy into assistance, have a more difficult life than those who are insensitive. (9) And more restless. (10) But their conscience is clear. (11) As a rule, they have good children. (12) They are, as a rule, respected by others. (13) But even if this rule is broken and if those around them do not understand, and their children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.

(14)... it seems that they are having a good time. (15) They are endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. (16) But it only seems to them that they are not endowed, but deprived. (17) Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!

(18) I recently had the good fortune to meet an old, wise doctor. (19) He often appears in his department on weekends and holidays, not out of emergency, but out of spiritual need. (20) He talks to patients not only about their illness, but also about complex life topics. (21) He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. (22) Many years of observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone’s suffering, when faced with his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. (23) He faces such a test pitiful and helpless. (24) Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. (25) Blind fear. (26) Loneliness. (27) belated repentance.

(28) One of the most important human feelings is sympathy. (29) And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. (30) Assistance. (31) You must come to the aid of someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, without waiting for a call. (32) There is no radio receiver more powerful and sensitive than human soul. (33) If you tune it to the wave of high humanity.

Lvov Sergei Lvovich (1922-1981) - prose writer, critic, publicist, author of numerous articles about Soviet and foreign literature, works of biographical and children's literature.

Main problems:

1. The problem of cultivating compassion (Is it necessary to cultivate the ability to sympathize in a person?)

2. The problem of a person’s ability to sympathize (How does the ability to sympathize and the lack of such ability affect a person’s life? Does a person need the ability to sympathize?)

3. The problem of the relationship between sympathy and active assistance to a person (What connection exists between sympathy and assistance?)

1. The talent of kindness and empathy must be cultivated in a person from childhood, and you need to start with yourself.

2. A person who has never had compassion for anyone is not protected from his own troubles and may be left alone.

3. A person with the ability to sympathize will be able to understand the pain of another person and hear his silent request for help, and then sympathy will become assistance.


Compassion is an active helper.

But what about those who don’t see, don’t hear, don’t feel when someone else is in pain and bad? An outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. How can we help both those who suffer from indifference and the indifferent themselves?

From childhood, educate yourself – first of all, yourself – in such a way as to respond to someone else’s misfortune and rush to the aid of someone in trouble. And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, a sentimentality alien to us.

Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty. People who are endowed with such an ability or who have alarmingly sensed a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated the talent of kindness, those who know how to transform sympathy into assistance, have a more difficult life than those who are insensitive. And more restless. But their conscience is clear. As a rule, they have good children. They are usually respected by others. But even if this rule is broken and those around them do not understand, and their children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.

...they seem to be having a good time. They are not endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. But it only seems to them that they are not endowed, but deprived. Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!

I recently had the good fortune to meet an old, wise doctor. He often appears in his department on weekends and holidays, not out of emergency, but out of spiritual need. He talks to patients not only about their illness, but also about complex life topics. He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. Many years of observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone’s suffering, when faced with his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. He faces this test pitiful and helpless. Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated repentance.

One of the most important human feelings is empathy. And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. Assistance. To someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, you need to come to help without waiting for a call. There is no radio receiver more powerful and sensitive than the human soul. If you tune it to the wave of high humanity.

(According to S. Lvov)

Essay No. 1

Indicators of the civilization of any state are the most important manifestations of morality: empathy, compassion, assistance. Unfortunately, modern society is deprived of these feelings. We are too busy with our daily affairs to see the grief of others. And there are so many people in need: terminally ill, lonely, half-starved! One involuntarily recalls the words of Bruno Jasinsky: “Fear the indifferent! They do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent there are betrayals and murders on Earth!” The publicist S. Lvov noticed this and decided to make the reader seriously think about the problem - how to help the indifferent and those who suffer from their indifference?

The author believes that compassion is an active assistant and it is necessary to cultivate the talent of kindness and empathy in a person from childhood. His opinion is undeniable that, first of all, one should educate oneself to respond to someone else’s misfortune and rush to help.

Yes, cultivating compassion, empathy, and sensitivity is an urgent need. But how to do this? I think we need to educate with the help of literature. A living feeling of compassion and mercy permeates the works of Gogol and Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. A direct call for sympathy is heard in the story “Mumu”. Samson Vyrin, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden,” evokes deep compassion among readers. Undoubtedly, literature cultivates moral qualities. But this is not enough. An original method for developing empathy is offered by a medical scientist. Employees of his laboratory work in the clinic to see how patients suffer. This forces young researchers to work with triple energy, since a specific human life depends on their efforts. And in ancient Babylon, the sick person was carried out into the square. Every passerby could give him advice on how to heal, or simply sympathize with him. This fact shows that already in ancient times people understood that there is no other person’s misfortune, there is no other person’s suffering.

Remember that “compassion is the highest form of the human condition.”

Love those around you, take care of them, actively help them! (F. Dostoevsky)

Essay No. 2

It is known that a sighted person cannot understand the condition of a blind person, a healthy person cannot understand the condition of a sick person, a rich person cannot understand the state of a person working in the public sector who can barely make ends meet, and a free person cannot understand the condition of a prisoner. Why? What is the essence of truly understanding the actions of another person? This is a complex question raised in this text.

The author’s opinion is undeniable that true understanding is impossible without “feeling”, without the desire to stand in the place of another and look at what is happening through his eyes. And from the position of Varvara Petrovna, he convinces us that the cruelty and power of the serf woman is a terrible consequence of serfdom.

After reading the text, I realized: when evaluating the actions of others, we often do not delve into the essence of their problem, we reason from our own bell tower. Hence the cold relationships, and sometimes hostile ones. In order to avoid wrong conclusions and conflict situations arising from them, we listen to the opinion of the great critic D. Pisarev: “To understand a person, you must be able to put yourself in his position.” He is echoed by V. Posner, the famous journalist, TV presenter, polyglot. He strongly advises: “When communicating with people, try to get off your own bell tower and climb someone else’s bell tower.”

In this regard, I would like to remind you that the state of students taking the Unified State Exam can only be understood by that teacher, that inspector who sits next to you and, by the sweat of his brow, writes an essay - an argument. To some, this example may seem banal and inappropriate, but I am deeply convinced that in order to appreciate our work, you need to be “in our skin.” After all, sometimes mistakes made at work are the result of excitement and stress. It would be much easier to pass within our own walls...

To look at what is happening through the eyes of another person, to “feel” is also a difficult task. But, you see, if we want to make a fair decision, this is the only correct way. On another it is impossible!

Essay No. 3

Is it possible to cultivate a sense of compassion? How does the presence or absence of empathy affect a person’s life? What should true empathy be like? These are the questions that interested the author of the article.

S. Lvov advises those who are indifferent and suffer from indifference to cultivate kindness and compassion in themselves and in those around them from childhood. The spiritually blind, based on many years of observations of a wise doctor, ... warns: selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. At best - belated repentance, and at worst - complete loneliness. For greater persuasiveness, he cites folk wisdom: as it comes around, so it will respond. It seems to me that the author combines the qualities of people from at least 3 professions: philosopher, psychologist and teacher.

In our mercantile problem time, staged by Lvov, sound especially poignant. Cases from life and publications in newspapers and magazines speak in favor of his position.

I'm sure of one thing. No matter how the world changes, no matter what cataclysms shake society, there will always be people who know how to turn sympathy into assistance. A striking example is Alfred Ziganshin, head of the gerontology center located in the village of Shemordan. Compassion, sympathy, assistance - these are the three rules with “c” that guide an experienced doctor. People even come to him from Germany for help.

Odessa television made a film about the feat of a unique resident of Kazan A. Galimzyanov. Without knowing sleep or peace, enduring complaints and endless checks, he raised bulls with his whole family and transferred all the proceeds to the accounts of orphanages in Kazan and Ivanov. This is whose soul is tuned “to the wave of high humanity”!

Therefore, compassion, assistance is “active

assistant" person.

  • Actions done out of mercy may seem absurd and senseless at first glance.
  • A person can show mercy even in the most difficult situations
  • Actions related to helping orphans can be called merciful
  • Showing mercy often requires sacrifices from a person, but these sacrifices are always justified in some way
  • People who show mercy are worthy of respect


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Natasha Rostova shows mercy - one of the most important human qualities. When everyone begins to leave Moscow, captured by the French, the girl orders that the carts be given to the wounded, and not carry her own things on them. Helping people is much more important for Natasha Rostova than material well-being. And it doesn’t matter to her at all that among the things that were to be taken away, the dowry is part of her future.

M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man.” Andrei Sokolov, despite difficult life trials, did not lose the ability to show mercy. He lost his family and home, but could not help but pay attention to the fate of Vanyushka, a little boy whose parents died. Andrei Sokolov told the boy that he was his father and took him to his place. The ability to show mercy made the child happy. Yes, Andrei Sokolov did not forget his family and the horrors of war, but he did not leave Vanya in trouble. This means that his heart did not harden.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fate of Rodion Raskolnikov is difficult. He lives in a miserable, dark room and is malnourished. After the murder of the old pawnbroker, his whole life resembles suffering. Raskolnikov is still poor: he hides what he took from the apartment under a stone, rather than taking it for himself. However latest hero gives it to Marmeladov’s widow for the funeral, cannot ignore the misfortune that has happened, although he himself has nothing to live on. Rodion Raskolnikov turns out to be capable of mercy, despite the murder and the terrible theory he created.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". Margarita is ready to do anything to see her Master. She makes a deal with the devil, agrees to be the queen at Satan's terrible ball. But when Woland asks what she wants, Margarita only asks that they stop giving Frida the handkerchief with which she gagged her own child and buried him in the ground. Margarita wants to save a complete stranger from suffering, and this is where mercy is manifested. She no longer asks for a meeting with the Master, because she cannot help but take care of Frida and get past the grief of others.

N.D. Teleshov "Home". Little Semka, the son of settlers who died of typhus, most of all wants to return to his native village of Beloye. The boy escapes from the barracks and hits the road. On the way he meets an unfamiliar grandfather, they walk together. Grandfather also goes to his native land. On the way, Semka falls ill. Grandfather takes him to the city, to the hospital, although he knows that he cannot go there: it turns out that this is the third time he has escaped from hard labor. There the grandfather is caught, and then sent back to hard labor. Despite the danger to himself, grandfather shows mercy towards Semka - he cannot abandon a sick child in trouble. One’s own happiness becomes less significant for a person than the life of a child.

N.D. Teleshov “Elka Mitricha”. On Christmas Eve, Semyon Dmitrievich realized that everyone would have a holiday, except for eight orphans living in one of the barracks. Mitrich decided to please the guys at all costs. Although it was hard for him, he brought a Christmas tree and bought fifty dollars worth of candy, given by the resettlement official. Semyon Dmitrievich cut each of the guys a piece of sausage, although sausage was his favorite delicacy. Sympathy, compassion, mercy prompted Mitrich to do this act. And the result turned out to be truly wonderful: joy, laughter, and enthusiastic screams filled the previously gloomy room. The children were happy from the holiday he organized, and Mitrich from the fact that he did this good deed.

I. Bunin “Lapti”. Nefed could not help but fulfill the wish of the sick child, who kept asking for some red bast shoes. Despite the bad weather, he went on foot for bast shoes and magenta to Novoselki, located six miles from home. For Nefed, the desire to help the child was more important than ensuring his own safety. He turned out to be capable of self-sacrifice - in a sense, the highest degree of mercy. Nefed died. The men brought him home. A bottle of magenta and new bast shoes were found in Nefed’s bosom.

V. Rasputin “French Lessons”. For Lydia Mikhailovna, teacher French, the desire to help his student turned out to be more important than preserving his own reputation. The woman knew that the child was malnourished, which is why she played for money. So she invited the boy to play for money with her. This is unacceptable for a teacher. When the director found out about everything, Lydia Mikhailovna was forced to leave for her homeland, to Kuban. But we understand that her act is not bad at all - it is a manifestation of mercy. The seemingly unacceptable behavior of the teacher actually conveyed kindness and care for the child.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Compassion is an active helper. But what about those who don’t see, don’t hear, don’t feel when someone else is in pain and bad? An outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. How to help both those who suffer from indifference and the indifferent themselves? From childhood, educate yourself - first of all, yourself - in such a way as to respond to someone else's misfortune and rush to the aid of someone in trouble. Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty. People who are endowed with such an ability or who have alarmingly sensed a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to transform sympathy into assistance, have a more difficult life than those who are insensitive. And more restless. But their conscience is clear. As a rule, they have good children. They are usually respected by others. But even if this rule is broken and those around them do not understand, and their children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position. I recently had the good fortune to meet an old, wise doctor. He often appears in his department on weekends and holidays, not out of emergency, but out of spiritual need. He talks to patients not only about their illness, but also about complex life topics. He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. Many years of observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone’s suffering, when faced with his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. He faces this test pitiful and helpless. Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated repentance. I One of the most important human feelings is empathy. And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. Assistance. To someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, you need to come to help without waiting for a call. There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul, if it is tuned to the wave of high humanity. (According to S. Lvov)

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Compassion is an active helper. But what about those who don’t see, don’t hear, don’t feel when someone else is in pain and bad? An outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. How to help both those who suffer from indifference and the indifferent themselves? Compassion is an active helper. But what about those who don’t see, don’t hear, don’t feel when someone else is in pain and bad? An outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. How to help both those who suffer from indifference and the indifferent themselves? Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty. People who are endowed with such an ability or who have alarmingly sensed a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to transform sympathy into assistance, have a more difficult life than those who are insensitive. And more restless. But their conscience is clear. As a rule, they have good children. They are usually respected by others. But even if this rule is broken and those around them do not understand, and their children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position. Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty. People who are endowed with such an ability or who have alarmingly sensed a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to transform sympathy into assistance, have a more difficult life than those who are insensitive. And more restless. But their conscience is clear. As a rule, they have good children. They are usually respected by others. But even if this rule is broken and those around them do not understand, and their children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.

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I recently had the good fortune to meet an old, wise doctor. He often appears in his department on weekends and holidays, not out of emergency, but out of spiritual need. He talks to patients not only about their illness, but also about complex life topics. He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. Many years of observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone’s suffering, when faced with his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. He faces this test pitiful and helpless. Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated repentance. I Recently I had the good fortune to meet an old, wise doctor. He often appears in his department on weekends and holidays, not out of emergency, but out of spiritual need. He talks to patients not only about their illness, but also about complex life topics. He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. Many years of observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone’s suffering, when faced with his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. He faces this test pitiful and helpless. Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated repentance.

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One of the most important human feelings is empathy. And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. Assistance. To someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, you need to come to help without waiting for a call. There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul, if it is tuned to the wave of high humanity. One of the most important human feelings is empathy. And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. Assistance. To someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, you need to come to help without waiting for a call. There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul, if it is tuned to the wave of high humanity. (According to S. Lvov)

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A man was born. But who knows what will come of it? The concept of man in general is so limitless that it is impossible to answer such a question. A child can become a great artist, a great thinker, a great activist, an Aristotle, Columbus or Shakespeare - in a word, one of those people who are called benefactors of humanity. It can, of course, turn out not only simple, ordinary person, but even the person is completely insignificant. On what reasons does all this depend? This question is usually answered without hesitation: from upbringing, from circumstances privacy- in a word, from all sorts of influences, but not from the person himself. But those who see nothing further than such a look are cruelly mistaken. The greatness and dignity of a person most often does not stem from circumstances. This is confirmed by daily experience. Often, despite all the efforts of the parents, instructions, punishments, rewards do not produce the desired effect: books do not give thoughts, pictures of nature do not give sensations, and, in general, all possible actions on the pet do not give rise to his initiative, and often even interfere with its development. It is absolutely clear that every person can develop only when he develops himself. Upbringing and education do not produce development, but only give it opportunity; they open paths, but do not lead along them. A person can move forward in his development only on his own feet; he cannot ride in a carriage. No one can educate a person if she does not educate herself. Our homeland provides us with many examples of original development. Even until recently, most of our wonderful people- self-taught people, people who have received environment only a weak indication, a weak push, and those who created their own activity. Remember Lomonosov, running after a convoy of fish to Moscow. Here is a sample of many of our leaders.

Option 1: discussion, option 2: literature

In our world, each of us has periods when life becomes black line: Everyone around seems angry, aggressive and unfriendly. Succumbing to the influence of others, a person himself can become irritable, nervous and react incorrectly to current events. At such a time, everyone needs goodness - a small ray of sunshine that will illuminate the soul and give understanding and positive emotions. And one of the most important qualities of a kind person is mercy.

Mercy... What is the meaning of this seemingly simple word? Mercy is the ability to tear off a part of yourself to those people who need something, who need our help.

Fate can lead everyone into quite difficult life situation, and when a person asks for help, you need to be able to respond to him and extend your hand.

Mercy is the ability to help a person in trouble, and not just help, but do it free of charge, without expecting any gratitude in return. Often, the person to whom you give goodness may not even know your name. This applies, for example, to charity events for children from orphanages, raising money for the treatment of terminally ill children, and so on.

Why does a person need such a quality as mercy? It’s not for nothing that they say: “What goes around comes around.” There is a balance in the Universe, and absolutely everything that he does in life comes back to a person. None of us are immune from the fact that something unpredictable may happen in life when we need help. In this case, the good that we did when we had the opportunity will definitely return to us a hundredfold.

The main problem of mercy is that now, unfortunately, there is not enough of it for everyone. Many people are closed, angry, and unrestrained. They are afraid or unwilling to do good to others, to be open and merciful. This doesn’t make them look good at all, but on the contrary, it pushes other people away from them.

Developing compassion in yourself is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, you need to catch yourself thinking evil thoughts and immediately drive them away. If you see a reason to do a good deed, there should be no options - you need to definitely do it, thereby making it better not only the world, but also yourself.

Essay on the topic The problem of mercy (with examples from literature)

Reflecting on this topic, two main questions can be identified: what does mercy mean, and what is it by nature? And what is the role of mercy in modern society. I will try to understand these issues with the help of several examples and reasoning.

Many authors in their works raised the problem of mercy. One of the most striking examples is the story of Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”. The main character is Andrey Sokolov lost during the war what is unforgettably dear to every person - family. It would seem that there is no point in living, there is no strength to fight, but Andrei was able to show mercy. It consisted in the fact that he pretended to be, and later became the real father of an orphaned boy and took him to him. Sokolov took pity on the child, showed kindness towards him, tenderness is mercy. It is also worth noting that mercy is something that should always accompany a person, because a “sweet heart” is one of the most valuable and beautiful gifts that exist on Earth. And all because mercy is not only good or right, but sometimes it is the way to save others.

It is impossible not to mention another wonderful work - “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy. Natasha Rostova showed the most real mercy when she gave the carts on which her family could take out their property for the wounded. She realized that helping others is most important. Thus, we came to the conclusion that mercy is also the ability to self-sacrifice, selflessness, because sometimes in order to help someone you need to lose yourself.

We learned about what mercy is, but what role does it play in modern times, does it have a place and does modern man need it?

We can say that mercy in modern society is inherent in some of the most powerful people in spirit, all because this moment indifference and cruelty prevail in the world; resisting them and sacrificing feelings and benefits every time is the destiny of a strong personality. Mercy plays a vital role in our rhythm of life, because it makes a person human. Will You pass by indifferently looking at someone who needs Your help or will You open your heart for them? This is what distinguishes a real person. Mercy determines the best.

Undoubtedly, mercy means so much not only for this reason, but also because without it the world will turn into chaos, where there will be no more mutual assistance, where indifference, greed, and self-interest will rule. Mercy gives us faith that people have not lost the ability to trust each other and sympathize, to be together, one for the other. Mercy justifies the title “Man”.

Thus, from the reasoning it follows that mercy is sacrifice, kindness, sincerity, sympathy. This is something that should always exist in people, no matter how bad they themselves are. And in the end, mercy is what saves us and what we can do to save others.

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