Interest in the culture of the ancient Slavs is growing every year. After all, this knowledge contains hidden secrets that can change a person’s life. One of these mystical objects is a talisman. How can you feel its power today? Just choose Slavic amulets by date of birth.

Our ancestors believed in the mystical power of amulets. They decorated their houses with sacred signs, attached amulets to the cradles of babies, put them around the necks of children and wore them until their death. According to the ancient Slavs, such a symbol contains the power of nature and the gods, which protects against evil spirits, misfortune, and the evil eye. At the same time, granting health, longevity and success. Find out further how to choose the right amulet based on your date of birth.

What is a talisman and how to wear it?

Amulet - a symbol or object endowed with magical power. The first amulets were primitive: the claws of wild animals, the tooth of a defeated enemy, the roots of a plant, stones. Later, amulets began to be made from wood. And then - from silver, gold. They were created with strict observance of rituals.

Most often, runic symbols acted as protectors. They were applied to the body, clothing, personal belongings, walls of the house, and household utensils. You can often find embroidered towels or sheets with magical symbols.

The ancient Slavs had many symbols. Each of them had its own meaning and was selected individually. The amulets for men and women were different, because they had different functions. Talismans helped girls get married happily, conceive and give birth to a baby without pain. Men were protected in battles. There were also universal amulets.

You can still use ancient magic today. One way is to calculate your talisman by date of birth. To do this, you need to compare your date of birth with the Slavic calendar. How to wear a talisman? Can be in the form of a pendant, earrings, ring, bracelet. It can be made of wood, silver or gold. It's all a matter of taste. Everyone knows the simplest Slavic amulets in the form of red wool thread tied on the wrist. The only condition is that the talisman made of plastic has no power.

How to choose a Slavic amulet by date of birth?

Few people know that our ancestors had their own horoscope, which was called Svarog circle. Unlike the usual horoscope, the Slavic zodiac circle is divided into 16 hall signs. Each palace is patronized by its own deity and corresponds to a specific symbol.

Externally, the amulets based on the date of birth look very similar: a nine-pointed star with the symbol of the palace located in the center. But their interpretation and action differ: some talismans protect against troubles, others help to find love, others promote success in work, and so on. The number of rays of a star with a symbol is not accidental. The Slavs singled out the number nine, considering it the most powerful in a magical sense.

Virgo (August 27 – September 20)

Those born into the chamber of the Virgin are protected by the goddess eternal life, hunting and forests of Jevan. These are balanced and self-confident people who love order and are distinguished by clarity of mind. Excellent intuition helps them avoid dangers and confidently move towards their goals. Strong personalities, talented leaders, successful businessmen. The amulet allows them to maintain mental clarity and beauty.

Vepr (September 20 – October 11)

The Palace of the Boar is patronized by Ramhat - the god of order, justice, and Heavenly Court. People born during this period are distinguished by perseverance and the ability to achieve their goals. They are courageous, determined, and often stubborn. They take their obligations responsibly, performing their work above all praise. Rational thinking and analytical skills help them in their career. However, relationships with others are tense. This is due to selfishness and isolation.

Pike (October 11 – November 3)

The Slavic goddess of comfort, prosperity, and family, Rozhana, gives a person the ability to be at ease regardless of external circumstances. Such people feel like they belong always and everywhere. They are excellent at adapting and taking advantage. These are bright personalities, prone to eccentricity and selfishness. They love comfort and wealth. Very temperamental, although fickle.

Swan (November 3 – 24)

The palace is patronized by the goddess of fortune-telling, lucky chance, and fate Makosh. It imparts a penchant for adventure and risk-taking. Such people rarely succumb to the influence of others, preferring to act of their own free will. Capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of a higher goal. They are scrupulous about little things, they like to follow the established order, demanding its implementation from all household members. Proud people who can develop narcissism to the point of delusions of grandeur.

How to determine your birthday by round trip

About knowledge and amulets


Serpent (November 2 – December 16)

The Slavic god of fertility and living fire Semargl gives a person prudence and a sober mind. These are conservatives who are sensitive to change. Their inherent selfishness and inability to listen to criticism of themselves from loved ones often prevents them from creating a strong and happy marriage. Failures in love are compensated by study and self-development. The amulet enhances protection for people born in the palace of the Serpent.

Raven (December 16 – January 7)

The god of human destinies Varuna patronizes the good and open people, valuing family comfort. They are amorous and charming. They love to indulge in daydreams and often live in a surreal world. They strive to understand the highest philosophical meaning. Depending on the degree of self-realization, they can be mentors, hermits or destroyers. The Slavic amulet adds wisdom.

Bear (January 8 – 31)

Those born under the auspices of God the Father Svarog are distinguished by endurance and masculinity. They endure even the most difficult adversities of life with dignity. Although in fact they are distinguished by their vulnerability and need for care. Their house is always clean and bright.

Busl (February 1 – 25)

The highest god who created the universe, Rod patronizes family ties and kinship. People born under its influence are distinguished by a sense of duty and dignity. Ready to protect your home and loved ones until your last breath. Faithful comrades, ready to help in any situation. The amulet adds to their reliability and faith in the best.

Wolf (February 25 – March 22)

The palace is under the influence of the god of animal husbandry and art, Veles. Those born during this period love order and rules. They are aggressive, do not listen to advice and therefore live alone. They rarely achieve happiness in love. The talisman stimulates creativity.

Fox (March 22 – April 14)

The Slavic goddess of darkness and winter cold Marena endows with cunning, practicality, and the desire to make money at someone else's expense. With the help of flattery, such a person is able to achieve his goals. Unable to earn money on his own, preferring to live behind the back of a patron. The amulet develops activity and diplomacy.

Tour (April 14 – May 6)

Under the influence of the god of light and wisdom, Kryshen, hardworking, purposeful and responsible individuals are born. Straightforward and truth-loving. They always act ahead. They are stubborn and stubborn. They never change their point of view. The talisman helps to overcome any obstacles.

Moose (6 – 29 May)

Lada, the goddess of family, spring, harvest, bestows a bright character and lightness. These are jokers and merry fellows who dream of a strong family. Open to communication, but cautious with strangers. They build their own destiny independently, achieving goals by any means. The amulet helps create strong family.

Finist (May 29 – June 20)

The god of justice and law-abiding, Vyshen gives people endurance and vitality. Caution and rational thinking help them calculate everything possible risks. Subject to frequent mood swings, impulsive. The amulet protects against failure.

Horse (June 20 – July 13)

The god of joy, sunshine, and happiness, Kupala, patronizes caring family men and excellent parents. These are hard workers with a heightened sense of responsibility and duty. For them, family is the basis of the universe. They tend to be overprotective of their children. However, the amulet allows you to soften these qualities and direct them in the right direction.

Oryol (July 13 – August 4)

Slavic Perun patronizes military valor. People born under his influence are strong in spirit and body. Strong, resilient, not afraid of anything in the world. They travel and move frequently. They tend to be authoritarian and tend to leave the last word behind you. They want to be a leader in all areas of life, often suppressing their loved ones. The amulet will protect them from dangers.

Ras (4 – 27 August)

The god of light, fertility and natural wisdom, Dazhdbog, patronizes purposeful and active individuals. These are sociable, sociable people who feel confident in an unfamiliar group. We are used to relying only on ourselves, without taking into account the opinions of strangers. They prefer to solve problems after carefully thinking about the situation. The talisman will add self-confidence and consistency.

A description of the Slavic palaces will help you choose suitable amulet. Let him bring only positive changes into your life, protecting you from failures and disappointments.

The palaces of the Slavs are an ancient, traditional horoscope that our ancestors used long before the appearance of the signs of the Zodiac and the astrological traditions associated with them. In total, our ancestors had 16 Halls, each of which corresponded to mythical creature, and God is the Patron.

In the article:

Halls of the Slavs - the origins of tradition

The Slavs have had the tradition of dividing people into Halls since ancient times - even in pre-Christian times, our ancestors had established traditions, and the accuracy of the description characteristic features a person even now will be much higher than the lengthy horoscopes of the Western tradition. The first historical document that reliably confirms the existence of the Slavic calendar and, accordingly, Chertogov as a horoscope can be considered the book “ Krugolet of Chislobog" It also proves the use of the same horoscope in practice not only in antiquity, but even at the end of the 19th century - this book, published in 1888, has been preserved in one of the libraries.

Slavic cycle

It should be noted that our ancestors paid Special attention the change of seasons and the periodicity of the processes occurring around them, and they had a lot of time for observations. One of the most ancient human structures has always been various observatories, so it is not surprising that it was quite easy for the ancient Slavs to unravel the secrets that the constellations and the universe itself hold.

What does the word palace mean and other secrets of the Slavic calendar

To understand the meaning of the word “chamber” among our ancestors, it is worth turning to both the explanatory calendar and fairy tales. The palace was the name given to a separate large hall in a prince's mansion or simply in the dwelling of a rich and important person, and sometimes the palace itself. Thus, the Heavenly Palaces are a kind of mansions in which certain constellations live. It was from the idea of ​​our ancestors that the zodiac astrological system arose, translated into traditional Arabic interpretations of the celestial constellations.

The Slavic chronology was one of the most ancient in the world - some scientists and archaeologists believe that it arose much earlier than the Mayan calendar, which almost all the inhabitants of our planet learned about on the eve of 2012. Even the word “calendar” itself had a special meaning among our ancestors. It stood for “Kolyada’s Gift” - according to Slavic myths, it was presented to our ancestors by the god Kolyada, who has now been replaced by Father Frost and Santa Claus.

In general, determining your place in the Slavic horoscope will require certain knowledge about the chronology of your ancestors. So, initially the week consisted of nine days, and the day - of sixteen hours. The year had nine months of 40 and 41 days, and every sixteen years the year consisted of 369 days, it was called the “Sacred Summer”. Our ancestors did not have the word “year” in their vocabulary, because years were previously called nothing more than “summer”. You can find out more about this below.

The halls of the Slavic calendar and the subtleties that need to be taken into account when calculating them

If you want to know what the Slavic palaces mean by date of birth, then you should take into account that for our ancestors the new day began not at an incomprehensible midnight, but at the moment when the sun set on the day of the equinox - that is, around 19:30. Thus, in order not to be mistaken in determining your palace, you should take into account this aspect of the life of our ancestors. The total number of Heavenly Halls, each of which has its own tree and its own Patron God, is 16 - all of them are dedicated to certain animals that played special significance in the lives of our ancestors.

Table of patronage by palace

The year began for the Slavs after autumn equinox, and from that moment on, the Chertogov report was also carried out. All the Halls are easily transferred to modern chronology, however, subtleties Slavic horoscope and its full disclosure can be found out only by fully clarifying your date of birth down to the hour, different watches birth and different days can explain much more than just the Halls, which are responsible only for the most common features character. First of all, it should be noted that the nearby Halls provide people with both individual character traits and excellent psychological compatibility. We will talk further about which Slavic Halls by date of birth provide maximum compatibility and what character traits are inherent in such couples.

Maiden and Boar. Such people are very eager to search for something new and understand the surrounding reality. They do not recognize attempts to manipulate themselves, demonstrate independence and become excellent leaders.

Pike and Swan. Those who were born in these undoubtedly watery Halls love a quiet life without sudden changes, but at the same time fill it with passion and sensuality. It is not easy for them to make changes and take on great responsibility.

Serpent and Raven. People from these Halls are incredibly active and have an extremely difficult time dealing with loneliness. Love is one of the main things for them driving forces, but maintaining it requires effort on the part of the partner.

Bear and Stork (Busl). One of the most important characteristics of these people is kindness and the desire to improve their own and others' lives. They almost always have harmony in the family and a large number of children, and a cozy hearth is their main happiness.

Wolf and Fox. These people, following the example of their animal patrons, are distinguished by their tenacious mind and thirst for searching for something new. They have almost no fear and strive for new achievements in any area of ​​activity.

Tur and Moose. Hard work is the main feature of people born in these Halls. They like any job, even the most routine and monotonous. However, especially in the cold season, they are characterized by apathy and loss of interest in life.

Finist (falcon) and Horse. Restless and eager for action, representatives of these palaces want to get everything from life. They often abandon what they started halfway through, because it becomes uninteresting, and petty and trivial tasks simply do not interest them.

Eagle and Race. Despite their benevolence and good nature, people born under the light of these Halls may seem annoying to others. They learn new things very easily, but their laziness can prevent them from achieving anything in life.

How to find out your Hall by date of birth

Although to determine the Hall it is best to study the calendar of our ancestors directly, simple correspondences will help you easily determine which celestial sign you belong to.

September 20 - October 12. . The patron of this Hall is the god Ramhat, and the protective tree is a pear. Boars easily cope with any seemingly hopeless situations, however, in a calm environment their performance decreases. They are determined and self-confident, but sometimes they can be too apathetic to show their character at its best.

October 12 - November 3. . The patron of this Hall is the goddess Rozhana, and the protective tree is the plum. Pike always manage to feel comfortable in any environment. Due to this, they can be very difficult to lift, and they always prefer adapting to them to solve problems.

November 3 - November 24. . The patroness of the Swans is the goddess Makosh, and the pine tree acts as a talisman tree. Swans often suffer from excessive pride, but much more often their pride is justified. They never pay attention to the opinions of others and always want to be on top.

November 24 - December 17. . The patron god for the Serpents is Semargl, and their sacred tree is a linden tree. People born in this Hall often become selfish. But sometimes this selfishness can lead to real love and self-sacrifice. They do not tolerate criticism and have a tenacious grip in any matter.

December 17 - January 8. . It was from the traditions of meeting the patron god of the Ravens, Kolyada, that the New Year holiday arose. The tree that is sacred to the Ravens is larch. Anyone born at this time can boast a good combination of curiosity and worldly wisdom. They are amorous, loving and can be very unreliable partners in their youth.

January 8 - February 1. . Those born at this time are protected by one of the main Gods of our ancestors - Svarog. Their trees are beech and raspberry. All Bears easily understand even the most complex tasks and find a way out of any trouble. They make excellent guardians of family and home comfort, skillful and kind leaders, and persistent and courageous law enforcement officers.

February 1 - February 25. (stork). Those born these days can boast of the patronage of the Family itself - the Supreme God of our ancestors. Their tree is weeping willow. Buslov's character is open and calm. They easily find their place in life and use this to create an ideal environment for themselves and their loved ones. For the most part, Storks - faithful spouses and monogamous.

February 25 - March 22. . The patron of wolves is Veles, the god of secret knowledge and the afterlife, and their tree is poplar. Their character is distinguished by persistence and toughness. They are always on guard and are idealists. All Wolves are responsible and purposeful people who do not tolerate people without an “inner core.”

March 22 - April 15. . Foxes are protected by Madder, and their plants are currants and hornbeam. Foxes work best with people; their innate cunning and other fox-like qualities allow them to achieve any success in almost any social field. Therefore, material problems go away from them instantly, but their innate curiosity can play a cruel joke on them.

April 15 - May 7. . The patron god of Turov is the cheerful and joyful Kryshen, and aspen is considered their sacred tree. All those born in this Hall are hardworking, persistent, and have excellent business acumen. They easily achieve their goals and become both excellent performers and effective leaders if no one interferes with them.

May 7 - May 30.. The goddess Lada patronizes all people born in the last month of spring. Their guardian tree is the white-sided birch. A cheerful character, openness and love allow Elks to easily find a common language with other people. But this side of character can also play a cruel joke - such people often become victims of scammers and deceivers.

May 30 - June 21. . No one except Vyshen can patronize Finist flying in the skies. And in honor of this God, the cherry is a talisman plant for Finists. Finists are very prone to curiosity and experimentation, but their keen eye provides them with sufficient caution. They easily achieve their goals and do not despair when they fail.

June 21 - July 13. . God patronizes horses summer holiday- Kupala, and their plants are elm and fern. Horses are distinguished by their desire to search for new things and incredible optimism. At the same time, almost all representatives of this Hall suffer from their carelessness and do not pay due attention to any small details.

Anyone can choose a stone that suits them perfectly. Sometimes you can feel your talisman immediately after touching it. This method does not always work, so you should turn to the magic of numbers.

Its magical properties are precious or semiprecious stone manifests itself to its maximum when they believe in its power. It is important to select stones responsibly. There are many ways to find a talisman, but the most accurate is to determine it by date of birth. Amulets selected using this method will be able to:

  1. Protect from negativity.
  2. Improve health.
  3. Bring success in life and career.
  4. Reward with strength and energy.
  5. Help in your personal life.

The main thing is not only a smart choice, but careful care of the mineral. If used incorrectly, it loses its strength and cracks. The easiest way is to feed the amulet with earth energy. To do this, you need to put it in a flower pot for a couple of days.

Date of Birth

Numbers play human life a big role, so people are dependent on them. This feature relates to the question of how to choose a talisman stone.

Numerology experts say that a birthday carries important information. Many years of research have shown that it can be used to recognize certain character traits. Data can help in the formation of personal qualities.

A birthstone is chosen based on certain calculations, during which the essence of the number is determined. It can be calculated as follows:

  1. Date of birth November 29, 1991. The month on the calendar is 11th. It turns out November 29, 1991.
  2. The sum of the components is calculated: 2+9+1+1+1+9+9+1=33.
  3. You need to get a result in the range from 1 to 9, so we additionally add 3+3=6.
  4. Based on the calculations, it is clear that the essence is the number 6. You need to find it in the memo and choose your talisman in accordance with it.


  • Number 1 rewards with energy and determination. Obsidian is a talisman in love affairs.
  • Number 2. Sapphire and citrine will clear your mind and guide you in the right direction on any path in life.
  • Number 3. Coral and obsidian will be restored peace of mind and maintain good health.
  • Number 4 will protect you from the evil eye and create powerful protection from bad thoughts from the outside.
  • Number 5. Turquoise will soften your harsh character and help you establish harmonious relationships with others.
  • Number 6 promotes the development of creative potential and fulfillment in the professional sphere.
  • Number 7 will attract good luck, which will accompany you everywhere.
  • Number 8 will help you build successful friendships and professional relationships.
  • Number 9 will clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and set you up to solve current problems.
RepresentativedateAmuletDangerous talismans
AriesMarch 21 – April 20TopazLibra sign
TaurusApril 21 - May 21Beryl, onyx, turquoiseScorpio sign
TwinsMay 22 - June 21JasperSagittarius sign
CancerJune 22 - July 22Emerald, tourmalineCapricorn sign
a lionJuly 23 - August 23Chrysoprase, onyxAquarius sign
VirgoAugust 24 - September 23TurquoisePisces sign
ScalesSeptember 24 - October 23Obsidian, sapphireAries sign
ScorpionOctober 24 - November 22Chalcedony, carnelianSign Taurus
SagittariusNovember 23 - December 21Diamond, opalGemini sign
CapricornDecember 22 - January 20Amber, topazCancer sign
AquariusJanuary 21 - February 18Citrine, sapphireLeo sign
FishFebruary 19 - March 20Coral, bloodstoneVirgo sign

Day of the week

The day of the week on which a person was born also carries a special meaning. If the previous methods did not help you determine your talisman, you can consider this option by selecting your stone by day from the table.

The culture of any nation closely connects the date and time of a person’s birth with his actions in life and position in society. This connection
very clearly visible between specific person and the position of celestial objects at the moment of birth. Everyone knows the zodiac signs that accompany a person through life, but this system is considered relatively young and not always accurate. More ancient systems have a higher percentage of accuracy in describing human character, his fate and human destiny. More than one scientific treatise is devoted to this point, and more than one scientific astrologer deals with this professionally - this is a topic for a separate multi-day discussion. But the descendants of the ancient Slavs were always interested in the moment of patronage of this or that deity, its influence on the fate of man.

The Slavs have long used their system of patronage, which was distinguished by its perfection, but was also quite simple. In a few documentary sources, this system is called the palace of the Svarog circle, which, by analogy with the signs of the zodiac, divides the sky into several parts, each of which has its own psychophysical effect. At the moment when the Sun passes a certain sector of the circle, the inhabitants of the earth receive a set of certain characteristics. The circle of Svarog is divided into 16 palaces, which have their own properties and have a certain effect on each person. Each descendant of the Slavs is simply obliged to know his palace of the Svarog circle by date of birth, since not only his fate depends on this, but also the choice of a talisman or rune that will help him achieve certain results in life.

Every day the number of people who are drawn to the memory of their ancestors is growing exponentially, and one of the first questions asked by the descendants of the Slavs is “how to recognize your palace.” On the Internet or in specialized literature you can find many options for determining your palace, the simplest of which is a table of correspondence between the modern Gregorian calendar and the Chislobog Kruglolet (ancient Slavic calendar). But especially inquisitive modern Slavs know how to find out their palace by date of birth - there is a completely working algorithm in which, through simple mathematical calculations, you can accurately independently find out the date of birth according to Kruglolet. The trick and at the same time the difficulty of determining your date of birth according to the Slavic calendar is that the start date of the year is floating, so we recommend using either ready-made correspondence tables or special services. An important factor that should not be forgotten during calculations is that the Slavs have their own chronology system.

The halls of the Slavs by date of birth allow you to find out real information about the characteristics of your character, which can be adjusted. It is worth remembering that the palaces only determine the basic properties and personality traits, and a person throughout his life, by changing his internal energy, changes what is inherent in him by nature. An important feature of knowledge of the palaces are warnings and warnings about what should be avoided, what to change, and what requires additional development. Astrological horoscopes, which have already become familiar to many, is just one of the interpretations of the Halls of the Slavs, who had unique knowledge and thousands of years of experience.

For modern man, a descendant of the ancient Slavs, it is not always easy to independently calculate your palace according to the instructions, so specialists in ancient Slavic mythology developed special program calculating the correspondence between the Gregorian calendar and the palace of Svarog.

Forget about all those dates that are presented on websites or other resources as correct, this is possible and true, but all this data is calculated for a certain date of birth, because our ancestors lived according to a different calendar and there were completely different calculations (40 - 41 days lasted month, 9 days was a week). How to calculate the palace, you ask? So, to simplify the calculation, they created a program in the form of the “Slavic-Aryan” Clock with a calculation algorithm according to the Slavic calendar. And therefore, in order not to mislead you with dates, we have created for you a separate service for calculating the Hall by date of birth, which takes into account all the subtleties and features of the calculation and the likelihood of calculation errors is reduced to zero.

From some gadgets (phones, tablets) the calculation will not be possible because they do not reproduce flash. The solution to the problem is to postpone the calculation from a phone or other device and proceed to the calculation from a personal computer or laptop.

Here are the names of days and months according to the Slavic calendar. Go to the calculation service and find out your data according to the Slavic calendar.

How does the Svarog circle differ from the zodiac systems?

The Slavic horoscope by date of birth (halls) is based on an intricate design, which became the basis for the circle of the Zodiac. In the calendar of the ancient Slavs, all stellar objects were displayed - the Sun, Moon, planets, galaxies, which occupied a certain place in the sky. Quite often the horoscope of the Slavic-Aryans is compared with zodiac horoscope– in some points they are similar, but there are much more differences than similarities. The first and most important difference is the 16 palaces, which can be figuratively called months lasting 21-23 days. It is generally accepted that the palaces of the Slavs determined the set of soul traits bestowed by the gods.

Features of the design and use of the Svarog circle

The horoscope of the Slavic-Aryans was based on the knowledge gained over thousands of years and the life experience of hundreds of generations. That is why all the palaces allow you to maximally characterize any person - his talents, hidden qualities and fears. At correct interpretation and understanding the palaces, you can predict not only the fate of a person, but also the nation as a whole, and avoid troubles. All amulets of the circle have their own specific properties that will help make a person’s life better and reveal the potential of each person. At the same time, the amulet of the circle of Svarog gave a person those qualities that the gods did not give him.

Description of the Chetogov Halls

The Svarog circle is a unique system of systematization of astrological data, on the basis of which many valid zodiac judgments were created. The basic element of the circle is the halls, consisting of certain 9 halls, but that’s not all; each hall has 9 tables. On both sides of which there are benches. On one side of the table there are 36 benches for men, on the other there are 36 benches for women. Each bench has 760 seats. We will not go into this detail, but will simply study what the halls are like.

  1. Homebodies

    – In this Hall, a person receives at birth the knowledge that he needs to master a profession. Also certain knowledge and skills in housekeeping and family management. This Hall is also called the house building, i.e. how to arrange everything in your life.

  2. Military valor

    – In this Hall, a person receives classical ancient Wisdom, directing him to serve the Forces of Good, with the abilities to do so inherent at the genetic level. various types martial arts, which determine the powerful level of both bodily, mental and spiritual forces. A person receives these powers regardless of whether he is a man or a woman. Sometimes this Hall is called: the Hall of the military caste or military class. People born in this Hall are united by the combination of two highest principles, which are called Duty and Honor.

  3. Creation

    – In this Hall, individuals with a great desire for creation are formed. They create everything they can for the benefit of the Family and for the edification of future generations. People born in this Hall have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. various aspects life, with the subsequent implementation of the ideas that have arisen in practice for the benefit of one’s Family and people. In ancient times, people born in the Hall of Creators were called great architects (builders).

  4. Mercy

    – Those born in this Hall, as a rule, control their abilities that they have from birth - this can be attributed to controlling their body: flexibility, plasticity, the ability to regulate the heartbeat, hold their breath, etc. And with sufficient development of these internal abilities, and to control other organisms, let’s say: the grandmother “whispered” and the person’s tooth does not hurt. Therefore, this Hall is also called: the Hall of Magi-healers.

  5. Irinations

    – (irination is a system of connection, fusion at the physical, biological, genetic and other levels). This Hall is a place where various life systems connect on the basis of Harmony and Love. People born in this Hall perceive other people's problems as their own, spiritually imbued with the state of another person, or animal or plant. As a rule, such people become teachers, mentors who carry Ancient Wisdom to their descendants. Very often those born in this Hall have large families. Those who became priests or priestesses received the title “Confessors,” let’s say: The priest Vedamir was the confessor, and his disciple Magus Velimudr followed in his footsteps; of female images, these are primarily Tara and Yogini-Mother (Baba Yoga).

  6. Wisdom and death

    – Those born in this Hall have enormous powers of divination, i.e. clairvoyance. From birth they are given the opportunity and ability to move along the River of Time both into the future and into the past. Such people were called “the caste of priest-foretellers and priest-soothsayers.” Very often, warriors who very often encountered death on the battlefields also fell into this caste, i.e. they looked beyond the boundary of life and death, which led to the discovery of this gift in them, and then they were called “Prophetic” (example: prince-warrior Prophetic Oleg).

  7. Rulers of destinies

    – People born in this Hall have the ability to control the Elements of both the Revealed World and the Navi World. As a rule, such people (especially in past times) formed the caste of priest-rulers of nature and priest-guardians of the Gates of Interworlds in all the Lands of the Svarog Circle.

  8. Hall of Fates

    – Those born in this Hall are initially destined for a fate with many different tests in order to select the best children of men, for whom a special mission is intended in Svarga the Most Pure. As a rule, in ancient times the caste of rulers consisted of such people: princes, kings, gridni, rodans, as well as elders and elders (this is worldly, secular power). But this does not mean at all that it was a caste of slackers; they were all engaged in creative work. Representatives of the managerial caste could only be a person who had achieved certain results in his professional and creative activities.

  9. Wisdom and Vedas

    – (Hall of Vedas). Those born in this Hall are united by the desire to understand and preserve the Ancient Wisdom of the First Ancestors and the Wisdom of the High Gods. As a rule, the Vedic caste (high priests-guardians of the primordial Wisdom) was made up of people born in this Hall. The area of ​​their knowledge and aspiration has no boundaries, because they care about everything. They say about such people: “they are in this world, but not of this world,” i.e. operate with such concepts and categories that to an ordinary person they are difficult to understand.

The circle of Svarog consists of 144 parts - 16 palaces, consisting of nine halls. Each part of the circle had its own rune. If a person is born on the border of two palaces, then the features of the two houses are inherent to him to the same extent.

Find out your hall of the palace of the Svarog Circle

You can calculate it yourself. Let's try to explain the calculation to you, and so let's start with your date of birth, approximately August 16, 1995. We go to the service and enter the initial data - we get the Palace of Ras under the auspices of Tarkh. At the same time, we get the date according to the Slavic Kruglolet - this is the 6th day of Tailet. We return to the table - look at the period - 35 Heylet - 18 Tylet, the number of days in the hall - 23, the length of the hall - 2 days 13 hours 20 minutes. Accordingly, to determine the hall in the hall, we need to calculate how many days were lived in the hall, and then divide it by the length of the hall. In our case, it is necessary to take into account that Haylet is an odd month, which means it has 41 days, so we count 6 days of Haylet + 6 days of Taillet = 12 days. To determine the hall, simply divide the number of days by the hall length coefficient (data taken from the table) - 12/2.56 = 4.6.

4.6 is the border of two halls - Mercy and Irination, which means that a person absorbs the figurative structures of both Halls or both Halls, i.e. In one case one system may predominate, in another another.

Or use the sample Hall table.

Even and Odd Months

Days of the week from which the months of the Krugolet years begin

The ratio of days of the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of each Slavic-Aryan Calendar

How does the Svarog Circle work?

How does the Svarog circle stand for?

The Svarog circle consists of several circles (sorry for the tautology):

  • External with the names of the palaces and gods;
  • Circle of runes of time;
  • A circle of palace runes that serve as the basis for amulets;
  • Circle of elements - earth, fire power, solar energy, moon, deity, starry sky, trees, water, heavenly power;
  • The fifth circle is the days of the week, patrons and luminaries;
  • The central circle is a nine-rayed star, each ray of which is a symbol of the human chakra.

Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog

Video about the Svarozh circle Lecture

The essence of palaces and their impact on humans

Slavic palaces by date of birth are a great opportunity to comprehend yourself, discover hidden possibilities, and perhaps awaken the memory of your ancestors, which will allow you to gain the strength and wisdom of your family.

Our ancestors believed that two palaces located nearby had similar characteristics, so they always considered them in pairs. There were pairs of palaces:

  • Maiden and Boar. A person born under these palaces strives to understand the world around him in all its forms. People under the auspices of Virgo and Boar do not like it when someone puts pressure on them when making a decision. They try to be leaders and like to make decisions themselves;
  • Pike and Swan. A calm and measured life is the basis of the way of life of people born under these palaces. The biggest problem of such people is making an independent decision;
  • Snake and Crow. Such people are active and afraid of loneliness. Their special attitude to love in all its manifestations is a priority, so they are very amorous;
  • Bear and Busla. These palaces are manifested by the fact that people are good-loving from the very beginning. They are constantly trying to make the world a better place. The principles of their Clan are their basis of being, prosperity and well-being, healthy offspring and happiness of children - this is what people born in these palaces constantly think about;
  • Wolf and Fox. Like their amulets, people who are born in such palaces are in an endless search for the meaning of life and truth. By nature, they are experimenters, curious and not afraid of change and challenges;
  • Tur and Los. For them, even the hardest, monotonous work is not scary, since they believe that only through work can one achieve everything in life. Their peculiarity is that their activity appears with the onset of spring, and gradually fades away by autumn;
  • Finista and Horse. The desire to do several things at once often plays a cruel joke on people born in these palaces. Perseverance and hard work are not their path. Natural maximalism and ingenuity give them the opportunity to achieve high results if they successfully complete the task;
  • Orla and Race. People who are born into these palaces are distinguished by good nature and goodwill. They are always ready to help everyone, but sometimes they go overboard. They are a little lazy, which is why knowledge of the world is difficult for them. They wait for knowledge to come by itself, when the necessary time comes.

To select, simply click on the appropriate one.

The ancient Slavs tried to protect themselves and their family from various troubles. For this, various amulets and amulets were widely used. As a rule, all of them, one way or another, were solar signs, because the cult of the Sun god left its mark on their beliefs. A striking example is such a popular amulet as the sign of the Valkyrie, which every Slavic woman had.

However, in ancient times they were not limited to just the sign of the Sun. Men took amulets with Perun, Veles and Vseslavets as talismans, and women - with Lada and Makosha. Each of them was individual and intended to be worn by one single person. Amulets classified according to purpose as follows:

  • Women's amulets.
  • Men's.
  • Children's amulets. Often these were things or toys of a child.
  • For a specific case. It could be a talisman against uninvited guests or help on a long journey.

Some amulets were burned during the manufacturing process. Ancient Slavic magic has preserved many rituals with which you can get rid of negativity. Usually an object was chosen that acted as a symbol of the problem. Subsequently, it was burned along with the amulet after it was made.

In order for ordinary objects to become talismans, they were prepared accordingly.

How to activate the talisman

To activate it, the following ritual was performed:

For women

Amulets helped Slavic women not only attract the attention of their loved ones, but also maintain a strong family, safely give birth to a child and reap a good harvest. Some amulets were passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter.

Love spell amulet

Women's Slavic amulets for love spells were very popular in ancient times. The girls were raised in strictness and obedience. They could not say about their liking for the guy. It was no less difficult to attract his attention to yourself or simply meet. Conspiracies, rituals and love spells were often the only way out of the situation.

You had to make the talisman yourself. Some of them were real works of art, decorated precious stones. The basis for the amulet was wood or clay.

Love pouch

Cloth bags with dried herbs St. John's wort and mint were very popular. The fabric for the bag was selected white, and the thread that tied him was red. The bag was embroidered with embroidery and decorated with stones. The following spell was used for the love spell: “The flame is blue, the flame is red. As you turn around the flame, so turn around my betrothed.” During the ritual, they turned to Makosha. In order to receive her support, Makosha was given gifts in the form of wool.

Amulet for pregnancy and childbirth

To get pregnant and give birth safely, they turned to Lada. But first it was necessary to prepare a special amulet in the form of a Doll in labor. They sewed a doll from multi-colored scraps of fabric, and decorated it with ribbons of red and of blue color. Required condition the doll had a fluffy skirt and a small doll that was tied to the belly of the woman in labor. This amulet was kept under the pillow and cared for until pregnancy.

Sometimes they didn’t sew the doll themselves, but ordered them from witches and received a ready-made activated amulet.

Amulet in the form of a tattoo

It was believed that such tattoos would reliably protect against the evil eye and damage. Most often they depicted Lada, Makosha, and birds. Making them was extremely painful, but tattoos were considered the most reliable sign that would protect throughout life. They were applied to the wrist and ankle.


Bracelets were made from metal or bone. The bracelets were supposed to have sun signs and other symbols. They were worn exclusively over clothing, and not on the naked body. Unlike bracelets, rings were only worn married women, and they were intended for family well-being.


Girls and women hung a pendant around their necks, which protected them from female envy and the evil eye. It depicted Alatyr, bringing beauty and health. If Lunnitsa was depicted, it means that the woman was expecting a child and wanted to protect him even before birth. Bunches of herbs as a pendant were intended to preserve health and ward off existing diseases.


An amulet with the sign of the Valkyrie helps to maintain reason and prudence in any stressful situation. With its help, they find the right solutions in the most hopeless situations.

Hair comb

This amulet was used to treat illness and attract good luck. The comb had to have seven rays and be decorated with pendants or ribbons. As soon as one of the loved ones began to get sick, the owner of the comb combed his hair, giving him strength to resist the disease.

For men

Not only women, but also men used amulets and talismans. There were exclusively male Slavic amulets. Traditionally, warriors most often used amulets, because for them, wearing a talisman was commonplace and served the function of protection.


The image of the god Yarilo was used to attract love and family happiness. The Yarilo sign could also protect against witchcraft and love spells, and bring wealth and prosperity to the house. Only married couples, both husband and wife, could use it.


The sign of Veles was depicted in the form of a bear's paw and was intended to give strength and courage to a warrior or hunter. It was believed that the amulet with Veles would protect against accidents while hunting and help in battle. Now it has become popular to get tattoos with the sign of Veles, remembering the ancient Slavic god.


Warriors applied Perun's ax as tattoos before the campaign. This amulet gave stamina and protected health. In ordinary life, Perun patronizes hunters and simply protectors of his kind.


The ancient Slavic god gives success in all endeavors and imparts wisdom. This sign was used by traders and people who wanted to get rich. It is believed that everyone connected with money should have the Vedaman sign.


The image of the Vseslavets sign was intended to maintain peace in the family and between relatives. In the tribal relationships in which our ancestors lived, this was extremely important. It was also used as a talisman against fires, for which purpose this sign was painted on the walls of the home.


The sign of Doukhobor was intended to guide sinners and people of weak will onto the path of correction. He got rid of aggression and self-destruction. It was also worn by drunkards as a talisman to get rid of addiction.


A sign used by sailors. It protects against natural elements and helps survive storms. Farmers have always used Thunderstorm amulets to call rain or snow. Rituals with Thunderstorm amulets were intended for a good harvest.


Like the goddess Malosha, Kalorad was used for the birth of children. Often people turned to him with a request to increase potency and male attractiveness. This sign plays the role of a love spell to attract female attention.


A sign symbolizing renewal new life and change. With his help they got rid of generational curses and hereditary diseases. Talismans with Kolovrat were used to attract energy and restore strength.

Slavic amulets by date of birth

The ancient Slavs had their own zodiac signs. It was believed that every person has his own palace in the house of Svarog. The name of the palace can be found out by the date of birth and the corresponding talisman can be selected.

Thus, according to the date of birth, you can select the appropriate amulets that should be carried with you at all times.

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