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1.1 Cloud formation

2. Cloud shapes

2.2 High clouds

2.3 Middle clouds

2.4 Low clouds

2.5 Unusual clouds



The significance of clouds is that they retain part of solar radiation and thereby affect the light and thermal regimes of the active surface, prevent the Earth's thermal radiation, and precipitation falls from them.

Despite the development modern technologies in metrology and weather forecasting, cloud observation remains important, allowing one to obtain significant information about the coming weather. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish between different types of clouds.

It is difficult to say why many people think that distinguishing clouds is not an easy task, because, in essence, it is not at all so. Although it is true that the sky never repeats its appearance, there are still only ten main types of clouds, and they all have quite visible differences. But before moving on to consider these types, it is useful to gain some understanding of how clouds form and what properties they have. It is these aspects that are addressed in this work.

Clouds are a collection of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere, or ice crystals, or a mixture of both, resulting from the condensation of water vapor.

1.1 Cloud formation

As a result of condensation, accumulations of condensation products - droplets and crystals - appear inside the atmosphere. They are called clouds. The dimensions of the cloud elements are so small that their weight is balanced by the force of friction even when they have a very low falling speed. The steady-state speed of falling droplets is equal to only fractions of cm per second. The rate at which crystals fall is even slower. This refers to still air. But the turbulent movement of air leads to the fact that such small droplets and crystals do not fall out at all, but long time remain suspended in the air, moving down and up along with the elements of turbulence. Clouds are carried by air currents. If relative humidity decreases in the air containing clouds, then the clouds evaporate. Under certain conditions, some cloud elements become larger and heavier so much that they fall out of the cloud in the form of precipitation. In this way, water returns from the atmosphere to the earth's surface.

When condensing directly at earth's surface accumulations of condensation products are called fogs.

When fogs form, the main reason for cooling the air is no longer the adiabatic rise, but the transfer of heat from the air to the earth's surface.

Depending on the conditions of formation, clouds are divided:

On intramass, occurring inside a homogeneous air mass. The rise of air and its cooling to a state of saturation occurs as a result of the processes of thermal convection and dynamic turbulence. Sometimes clouds of this group appear due to air cooling from the underlying surface or due to wave movements on the surface of the inversion layer;

Frontal, formed during upward movements of large air masses on atmospheric fronts;

Orographic, arising on the windward side during the forced rise of air masses along the slopes of mountains.

1.2 Microstructure and water content of clouds

According to the phase state of cloud elements, clouds are divided into three classes:

· Water (droplet) clouds, consisting only of water droplets. They can exist not only at positive air temperatures, but also at negative ones (-10°C and below). In this case, the drops are in a supercooled state.

· Mixed clouds, consisting of a mixture of supercooled water droplets and ice crystals. They can exist, as a rule, at air temperatures from -10 to -40°C.

· Ice (crystalline) clouds, consisting only of ice crystals. They prevail, as a rule, at air temperatures below -30°C.

Clouds are characterized by water content. The water content of clouds is the content of water in them in liquid or solid form. In water clouds, each cubic meter of cloudy air contains from 0.2 to 5 g of water. In crystalline clouds there is even less - hundredths and thousandths of a gram per cubic meter. With high water content and negative temperatures in the clouds, intense icing of aircraft is observed.

2. Cloud shapes

2.1 International classification

Altitude range











2.2 High clouds

The highest clouds in the troposphere. They are formed at the most low temperatures and consist of ice crystals. In appearance, the clouds of all three genera are white, translucent, little obscuring the sunlight.

Cirrus clouds appear as individual filaments, ridges or stripes of a fibrous structure. Cirrocumulus clouds are ridges or layers that have a clearly defined structure of very small flakes, balls, curls (lambs). They often look like ripples on the surface of water or sand.

Cirrostratus clouds are a thin transparent whitish veil that partially or completely covers the sky. They often produce optical phenomena called halos or various combinations of light arcs.

2.3 Middle clouds

Altocumulus clouds are cloud layers or ridges of white or gray(or both at the same time). These are fairly thin clouds that more or less obscure the sun. Layers or ridges consist of flat shafts, disks, plates, often arranged in rows. The apparent width of these elements in the clouds on the vault of the sky is 1-5°. Characteristic optical phenomenon- crowns, i.e. colored circles of small (several degrees) radius around the disks of the luminaries. They are associated with the diffraction of light by water droplets in clouds. Iridescence is also observed in altocumulus clouds: the edges of the clouds in front of the sun acquire a rainbow coloration. Irization also indicates the structure of altocumulus clouds of very small homogeneous droplets, usually supercooled.

Altostratus clouds are light, milky-gray cloud cover that covers all or part of the sky. The sun and moon can shine through less dense areas, however, in the form of blurry spots. Altostratus clouds are typical mixed clouds: along with tiny droplets, they also contain small snowflakes. Such clouds produce light precipitation, which in the warm season, as a rule, evaporates on the way to the earth's surface. In winter, fine snow often falls from altostratus clouds.

Nimbostratus clouds have the same origin as altostratus clouds. However, their layer is thicker (several kilometers). These clouds are found in the lower, middle and often upper levels. cloud sky atmosphere condensation

In the upper part they consist of tiny drops and snowflakes, and in the lower part they can also contain large drops and snowflakes. Therefore, the layer of these clouds appears grayer; The sun and moon do not shine through it. From these clouds, as a rule, heavy rain or snow falls, reaching the earth's surface.

Under the cover of such clouds there are often shapeless clusters of low, broken clouds, especially gloomy against the backdrop of nimbostratus.

2.4 Low clouds

Cumulus clouds are individual clouds in the lower and middle tiers, usually dense and with sharply defined contours, developing upward in the form of hills, domes, and towers. They are club-shaped (similar to heads of cauliflower) and appear bright white in the sun. The cloud bases are relatively dark and more or less horizontal. Against the sun, the clouds appear dark with a light border around the edges. Clouds are often so numerous that they form ridges. Sometimes they have torn edges and are called suscuscumulus. Cumulus clouds consist only of water droplets (without crystals) and, as a rule, do not produce precipitation. However, in the tropics, where the water content of the clouds is high, small rains may fall from them due to the mutual merging of drops.

Stratus clouds are also found in the lower tier. These are the clouds closest to the earth's surface: in flat areas their height can be only a few tens of meters above the ground. This is a uniform-looking gray layer of drip structure from which drizzle can fall. But at sufficiently low negative temperatures, solid elements also appear in the clouds; then ice needles, fine snow, and snow grains may fall from the clouds. These clouds do not produce halo phenomena; The solar disk, if it shines through the clouds, has clear outlines. At times, stratus clouds appear as torn pieces; then they are called broken-layered.

Low-level stratocumulus clouds are ridges or layers of gray or whitish clouds, almost always having darker parts. These clouds are built from the same elements as altocumulus (from disks, plates, shafts), but they appear to be larger, with an apparent size of more than 5°. These are located structural elements mostly regularly, in rows. In most cases, stratocumulus clouds consist of small and homogeneous droplets, which are supercooled at subzero temperatures and do not produce precipitation. It happens that a light drizzle or (at low temperatures) very light snow falls from them.

Cumulonimbus clouds are a further stage of cumulus development. They are powerful cumulus-shaped masses, very strongly developed vertically in the form of mountains and towers, often from the lower to the upper tier. By blocking the sun, they have a gloomy appearance and greatly reduce illumination. Their apices are flattened and have a fibrous, feather-like structure, often with the characteristic shape of anvils. Cumulonimbus clouds consist of ice crystals in the upper parts, and in the lower parts of crystals and droplets of various sizes, up to the largest. They produce precipitation of a torrential nature: this intense rains, sometimes with hail, in winter there is heavy thick snow, groats. Thunderstorm phenomena are often associated with them, which will be discussed in more detail later. Therefore, such clouds are also called thunderstorms (as well as showers). A rainbow is often seen against their background. Under the bases of these clouds, as well as under nimbostratus, clusters of broken clouds (such as fractostratus or fractocumulus) are often observed.

2.5 Unusual clouds

Pearlescent clouds have virtually no effect on the weather. They are formed at altitudes of 15-30 km and consist of ice crystals on which light diffraction occurs, manifested by a strong iridescence of the cloud. There are such clouds white, most often found in Antarctica, but they look most impressive when painted in soft, pastel colors. Mother-of-pearl clouds are visible only in high latitudes(above approximately 50° north or south latitude) when the sun has already dropped below the visible horizon, but the clouds are still illuminated, that is, just after sunset and just before sunrise. However, according to observational statistics, it is less likely to see pearlescent clouds in the morning than in the evening. These clouds are classified as wavy clouds that form on high altitudes in the presence strong winds V upper layers atmosphere and when there is a low pressure zone nearby.

Noctilucent clouds are even rarer than nacreous clouds and can be observed in the middle of the night, in the summer, and at latitudes of approximately 45 to 60° on either side of the equator. At this time, the sun sets below the horizon almost to the north and continues to illuminate the clouds located in the atmosphere at the very high altitude: approximately 80-85 km. Noctilucent clouds lie directly below the mesopause plane, the coldest region of the atmosphere. These clouds have a distinctive silvery-white color and are visible for about an hour around midnight. Noctilucent clouds consist of ice crystals arranged in very thin layers, in which folds and waves are discernible, which then form the integral structure of the cloud.


Having examined how clouds are formed, having learned their properties and, most importantly, types, we can come to the conclusion that clouds can tell us a lot about the processes taking place in the sky. They change the character of the air around them.

Many people, and especially meteorologists, have a genuine interest in clouds, because knowing them can easily and almost accurately predict the weather for the near future.

List of sources used

1. Weather atlas: Atmospheric phenomena and forecasts / Storm Dunlop; [transl. from English D. Kurdybaylo]. - St. Petersburg: Amphora. TID Amphora, 2010. - 191 pp.: ill. - (Series "Amphora - Atlas").

2. Meteorology and climatology: textbook. - 7th ed. / S.P. Khromov, M.A. Petrosyants. - M.: Publishing house Mosk. Univ.: Nauka, 2006. - 582 pp.: ill. - (Classical university textbook).

3. Polyakova L.S., Kasharin D.V. Meteorology and climatology Publisher: Novocherkassk: NGMA, 2004, 107 p.

4. Aviation meteorology // Clouds. The influence of cloudiness on flight operations. - Access mode:

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Light, fluffy and airy clouds - they float above our heads every day and make us raise our heads up and admire the bizarre shapes and original figures. Sometimes it breaks through amazing view a rainbow, and sometimes in the morning or evening during sunset or sunrise the clouds are illuminated by the sun's rays, giving them an incredible, spirit-enchanting hue. Scientists have been studying air clouds and other types of clouds for a long time. They gave answers to the questions of what kind of phenomenon this is and what types of clouds there are.

In fact, it is not so easy to give an explanation. Because they consist of ordinary droplets of water, which were lifted up by warm air from the surface of the Earth. The most a large number of water vapor is formed over the oceans (at least 400 thousand cubic kilometers of water evaporate here in one year), on land - four times less.

And since in the upper layers of the atmosphere it is much colder than below, the air there cools down quite quickly, the steam condenses, forming tiny particles of water and ice, as a result of which white clouds appear. It can be argued that each cloud is a kind of moisture generator through which water passes.

Water in the cloud is in gaseous, liquid and solid states. Water in the cloud and the presence of ice particles in them affect appearance clouds, its formation, as well as the nature of precipitation. It is the type of cloud that determines the water in the cloud; for example, shower clouds have the largest amount of water, while nimbostratus clouds have 3 times less water. Water in a cloud is also characterized by the amount that is stored in them - the cloud's water reserve (water or ice contained in a cloud column).

But everything is not so simple, because in order for a cloud to form, droplets need condensation grains - tiny particles of dust, smoke or salt (if we are talking about the sea), to which they must stick and around which they must form. This means that even if the air composition is completely supersaturated with water vapor, without dust it will not be able to turn into a cloud.

What exact shape the droplets (water) will take depends primarily on temperature indicators in the upper layers of the atmosphere:

  • if the atmospheric air temperature exceeds -10°C, white clouds will consist of water droplets;
  • if the temperature of the atmosphere begins to fluctuate between -10°C and -15°C, then the composition of the clouds will be mixed (drip + crystalline);
  • if the temperature in the atmosphere is below -15°C, the white clouds will contain ice crystals.

After appropriate transformations, it turns out that 1 cm3 of cloud contains about 200 drops, and their radius will be from 1 to 50 μm (average values ​​are from 1 to 10 μm).

Cloud classification

Everyone has probably wondered what types of clouds are there? Typically, cloud formation occurs in the troposphere, the upper limit of which in polar latitudes is 10 km away, in temperate latitudes - 12 km, in tropical latitudes - 18 km. Other species can often be observed. For example, pearlescent ones are usually located at an altitude of 20 to 25 km, and silver ones - from 70 to 80 km.

Basically, we have the opportunity to observe tropospheric clouds, which are divided into the following types of clouds: upper, middle and lower tiers, as well as vertical development. Almost all of them (except for the last type) appear when moist, warm air rises to the top.

If air masses the troposphere is in calm state, cirrus, stratus clouds (cirostratus, altostratus and nimbostratus) form and if the air in the troposphere moves in waves, cumulus clouds (cirocumulus, altocumulus and stratocumulus) appear.

Upper clouds

We are talking about cirrus, cirrocumulus and cirrostratus clouds. Sky clouds look like feathers, waves or a veil. All of them are translucent and more or less freely transmit the sun's rays. They can be either extremely thin or quite dense (cirrostratus), which means it is harder for light to get through them. Cloud weather signals the approach of a heat front.

Cirrus clouds can also occur above the clouds. They are arranged in stripes that cross the vault of heaven. In the atmosphere they are located above the clouds. As a rule, sediment does not fall out of them.

In middle latitudes, white upper-level clouds are usually located at an altitude of 6 to 13 km, in tropical latitudes they are located much higher (18 km). In this case, the thickness of the clouds can range from several hundred meters to hundreds of kilometers, which can be located above the clouds.

The movement of upper-tier clouds across the sky primarily depends on wind speed, so it can vary from 10 to 200 km/h. The sky of the clouds consists of small ice crystals, but the weather of the clouds does not provide practical precipitation (and if it does, then measure them at this moment there is no possibility).

Mid-level clouds (from 2 to 6 km)

These are cumulus clouds and stratus clouds. In temperate and polar latitudes they are located at a distance of 2 to 7 km above the Earth; in tropical latitudes they can rise a little higher - up to 8 km. All of them have a mixed structure and consist of water droplets mixed with ice crystals. Since the height is small, warm time In years, they mainly consist of water droplets; in cold years, they consist of ice droplets. True, precipitation from them does not reach the surface of our planet - it evaporates on the way.

Cumulus clouds are slightly transparent and are located above the clouds. The color of the clouds is white or gray shades, darkened in places, looking like layers or parallel rows of rounded masses, shafts or huge flakes. Hazy or wavy stratus clouds are a veil that gradually obscures the skies.

They are mainly formed when cold front displaces the warm one to the top. And, although precipitation does not reach the ground, the appearance of middle-tier clouds almost always (except, perhaps, tower-shaped ones) signals a change in the weather for the worse (for example, a thunderstorm or snowfall). This happens due to the fact that cold air itself is much heavier than warm air and moving along the surface of our planet, it very quickly displaces heated air masses upward - therefore, because of this, with a sharp vertical rise of warm air, white clouds of the middle tier are formed first, and then the rain clouds, the sky of which carries thunder and lightning.

Low clouds (up to 2 km)

Stratus clouds, nimbus clouds, and cumulus clouds contain water droplets that freeze into snow and ice particles during the cold season. They are located quite low - at a distance of 0.05 to 2 km and are a dense, uniform low-overhanging cover, rarely located above clouds (other types). The color of the clouds is gray. Stratus clouds look like large shafts. Cloudy weather is often accompanied by precipitation (light rain, snow, fog).

Clouds of vertical development (conventions)

Cumulus clouds themselves are quite dense. The shape is a bit like a dome or tower with rounded outlines. Cumulus clouds can become torn in gusty winds. They are located at a distance of 800 meters from the earth's surface and above, the thickness ranges from 1 to 5 km. Some of them are capable of transforming into cumulonimbus clouds and are located above the clouds.

Cumulonimbus clouds can be found at fairly high altitudes (up to 14 km). Their lower levels contain water, the upper levels contain ice crystals. Their appearance is always accompanied by showers, thunderstorms, and in some cases, hail.

Cumulus and cumulonimbus, unlike other clouds, are formed only with a very rapid vertical rise of moist air:

  1. Moist warm air rises extremely intensely.
  2. At the top, droplets of water freeze, top part the clouds become heavier, descend and stretch towards the wind.
  3. A quarter of an hour later a thunderstorm begins.

Upper atmosphere clouds

Sometimes in the sky you can observe clouds that are located in the upper layers of the atmosphere. For example, at an altitude of 20 to 30 km, pearlescent sky clouds form, which consist mainly of ice crystals. And before sunset or sunrise, you can often see silvery clouds, which are located in the upper layers of the atmosphere, at a distance of about 80 km (interestingly, these celestial clouds were discovered only in the 19th century).

Clouds in this category can be located above the clouds. For example, a cap cloud is a small, horizontal and highly stratus cloud that is often located above clouds, namely cumulonimbus and cumulus. This type of cloud can form above an ash cloud or fire cloud during volcanic eruptions.

How long do clouds live?

The life of clouds directly depends on the humidity of the air in the atmosphere. If there is little of it, they evaporate quite quickly (for example, there are white clouds that last no more than 10-15 minutes). If there is a lot, they can last for quite a long time, wait for certain conditions to form, and fall to Earth in the form of precipitation.

No matter how long a cloud lives, it is never in an unchanged state. The particles that make it up constantly evaporate and reappear. Even if outwardly the cloud does not change its height, in fact it is in constant motion, since the drops in it descend, move into the air under the cloud and evaporate.

Cloud at home

White clouds are fairly easy to make at home. For example, one Dutch artist learned to create it in his apartment. To do this, at a certain temperature, level of humidity and lighting, he released a little steam from a smoke machine. The cloud that turns out is able to last for several minutes, which will be quite enough to photograph an amazing phenomenon.

When water vapor condenses in the atmosphere, small droplets of water appear, which turn into ice crystals when the temperature drops. Simply cooling the air is not enough for this; it needs to contain some solid particles - condensation centers (dust particles, salt crystals, etc.). This is how they arise clouds that may spill rain or collapse hail. Positive and negative charges arise in drops and ice crystals of clouds. As a result, a giant spark—lightning—jumps between differently charged sections of the same or different clouds, or between a cloud and the ground (Fig. 73), which is often accompanied by a sound effect—thunder.

Sometimes the sun's rays illuminate a cloud or rain, resulting in a bright and spectacular optical phenomenon in the atmosphere - rainbow(Fig. 74). This phenomenon is explained by refraction and subsequent dispersion (i.e., decomposition into component parts) sun rays in raindrops or clouds. On the plain, a rainbow always looks like an arc, since its lower half cannot be seen - it has gone into the ground. When they say: all the colors of the rainbow, they mean the following sequence of color stripes: red (inner), orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

When the temperature decreases, water vapor located in the ground layer of the atmosphere condenses, turning into liquid, i.e. it is formed fog. Thus, fog is a cloud lying on the surface of the earth or water. London, the capital of Great Britain, is especially famous for its fogs.

If there is insignificant air movement over an industrial city, then it often forms smog (English) smog, from smoke - smoke and fog - fog) - an accumulation of toxic fumes, dust particles, soot in a thick fog. Under the influence of smog, buildings and architectural structures are destroyed; it is very harmful to human health, as it causes or aggravates various diseases. Material from the site

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Dangerous climate events in Russia report

  • Report abstract on the topic of the water cycle in nature

  • The report is not on the topic of clouds and fog.precipitation

  • Climate emergencies report

  • Fog and clouds precipitation report brief

Questions about this material:

A remarkable property of water vapor, which distinguishes it from other gases that make up the atmosphere, is that its quantity changes depending on the air temperature. If you count the content of water vapor in units of weight, it turns out, for example, that at a temperature of 27° in 1 kg air can contain a maximum of 23 G water vapor, and at 0° - only 4 G. At low temperatures, the amount of water vapor in the air is negligible. For example, at 1 kg air at a temperature of 33° below zero can contain only 0.2 G water vapor. This is 115 times less than the amount of steam contained in 1 kg of air at a temperature of 27° above zero. Since air temperature decreases with height, the amount of water vapor quickly decreases with height. Therefore, in the layer from the surface of the earth to a height of 1.5 km half of all moisture contained in the troposphere is concentrated.

Many processes are associated with this property of water vapor - condensation, evaporation, the formation of various forms of clouds, precipitation atmospheric precipitation, so necessary for the existence of life on Earth.

As we know, the air becomes saturated with water vapor when the amount of the latter at a given temperature reaches its maximum. Therefore, if saturated air cools, then excess water vapor appears, which condenses, that is, turns into a liquid or solid state, and falls out in the form of precipitation. The nature of precipitation (liquid or solid) depends on air temperature. If air saturated with water vapor is heated, then, on the contrary, it moves away from the saturation state and condensation stops. Then favorable conditions are created for evaporation from the surface of the seas and oceans, the moistened surface of the earth, vegetation and from everywhere where there are reserves of water, since the air, trying to replenish the lack of moisture, absorbs the missing amount at a given temperature. Under favorable conditions, the air is enriched with moisture even through evaporation from the surface of snow cover and glaciers.

Evaporation occurs the faster the further the air is removed from the saturation state. Therefore, on clear days, when the surface layer of air warms up during the day, evaporation from the wet surface of the earth and from the surface of water bodies occurs most intensely. On the contrary, at night, when the air cools and approaches a state of saturation, condensation of the water vapor contained in it begins, the formation of fog, and dew. In these cases, evaporation from the surface of the earth stops.

For condensation of water vapor to occur, leading to the formation of clouds, some excess of water vapor is required above saturation. Such an excess can appear either as a result of an increase in the moisture content of the air, or as a result of a decrease in its temperature below the dew point.

An increase in the moisture content of the air occurs due to evaporation from the underlying surface. The temperature of the air decreases either as a result of its contact with a cold underlying surface and radiation, or as it rises due to expansion and adiabatic cooling of the air. In nature, both factors usually act together, but in large volumes and most often the air cools as it rises. As for the increase in moisture content due to evaporation, it occurs slowly and is rarely decisive for the formation of heavy precipitation.

The air is cooled most significantly due to radiation in dark time days near the ground and at the top of the clouds. The intensity of radiation from the earth's surface and the cooling of the air depend on the degree of cloud cover in the sky. Particularly intensively cooled ground layer air due to radiation from the earth's surface in cloudless weather, which often leads to the formation of fog. But still the main reason The formation of clouds, as already mentioned, is adiabatic expansion, which occurs during upward movements of air. The speed of vertical movements is small, on average about 3-5 m/sec. However, if we take into account that the process of raising or lowering air masses takes place over a long period of time, it becomes clear what a huge role the ascending movements of large volumes of air play in the formation of clouds and precipitation. Indeed, if we accept that average speed air rise is 3 m/sec, then the air mass during the day can rise by more than 2.5 km and under normal conditions cool by 20-25°. With optimal moisture content in the air, such cooling is sufficient for the formation of thick clouds and heavy precipitation.

A significant rise in large air masses is also caused by thermal convection with unstable air stratification. In this case, the rate of ascent often reaches 10 m/sec and more, therefore the formation of convective clouds and precipitation occurs most rapidly.

Among other reasons causing vertical air movements, a significant role is played by air friction on the surface of the earth, turbulence, meeting of the air flow with mountain obstacles, etc. In some cases (in particular, in cyclones), friction causes convergence of flows and upward movement of air, in others (in particular, in anticyclones) - divergence of flows and downward movement of air.

When meeting mountain ranges and hills in general, the air tends to flow around them. However, if the mountain obstacle is significantly wide, then the air rises along the slopes and passes over the ridge to the leeward side. With unstable air stratification, its rise along the windward slopes of the ridges occurs violently. Therefore, on the windward side of hills or mountain ranges, in a stably stratified mass of air, clouds of layered forms form, from which long-lasting precipitation of weak and moderate intensity falls. This is most often observed in winter. In summer, air masses with unstable stratification, when meeting hills, rush upward at high speeds, which leads to the formation of powerful cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds, which, with sufficient moisture content in the air, produce heavy rainfall.

The process of formation of clouds and precipitation at first glance seems simple, boiling down to the fact that due to the rise and cooling of air, water vapor condenses, and then water droplets, merging with each other, become larger and fall to the ground in the form of precipitation. However, in reality the formation of clouds and precipitation is quite complex physical process. In the last two to three decades, the process of cloud formation has been studied not only in laboratory conditions, where clouds are artificially created and dispersed in special chambers, but also in natural conditions with the help of instruments lifted together with observers on laboratory aircraft. Behind last years many details of the cloud formation process have become more clear.

For clouds to form, in addition to the upward movements of air, it is necessary that it contains such an amount of water vapor that is sufficient for the condensation process to begin when the air rises and cools by several degrees. The higher the moisture content of the air at a given temperature, the lower the level of condensation. In winter it is usually closer to the surface of the earth than in summer.

The process of condensation of water vapor near the surface of the earth leads to the formation of fog. In this case, the relative humidity usually approaches 100%. During fogs, the level of condensation lies at the surface of the earth.

Water, or liquid clouds, consist of water droplets. At the same time, below the level of zero air temperature, water droplets have a positive temperature, and above - a negative temperature, i.e. they are supercooled. Tiny droplets of water can exist at temperatures of -10°, -20° and even -30°. Supercooled water clouds consist of them. At several degrees below zero (up to -10°, -20°), supercooled droplets predominate in the clouds. As the temperature drops, the number of ice crystals increases, and at temperatures below -30°, clouds tend to consist of ice crystals. Mixed clouds consist of supercooled droplets, water and ice crystals. As studies have shown, in middle lane In Europe, pure water, pure ice and mixed clouds are found almost equally often. Naturally, pure water clouds most often occur in the warm half of the year, and ice clouds most often occur in the cold half of the year.

Clouds vary in structure, shape and height. Accordingly, the precipitation that falls from them is small-droplet and large-droplet, liquid and solid. To understand the details of education various types clouds and precipitation, it is necessary to know the microphysical features of the structure of clouds, primarily their phase structure (i.e., whether they consist of water droplets or ice crystals), water content, the reason for the growth of droplets, etc.

- Source-

Poghosyan, Kh.P. Atmosphere of the Earth / H.P. Poghosyan [and others]. – M.: Education, 1970.- 318 p.

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