Currently, many people work part-time while having a permanent job. Naturally, when the opportunity to obtain an additional source of income arises, not everyone thinks about whether the second job will somehow be taken into account in their employment. But nevertheless, this question is relevant. Let's look at what a sample entry looks like in work book part-time and what are the main nuances of working part-time.

What the law says

The work form contains all the information about all official places of work of a citizen and is an important document when calculating work experience. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an individual has another place of work, in addition to the main one, this information does not need to be included in the employment record. But in practice you can encounter several situations:

  1. A citizen takes a part-time job at his main job (internal part-time job), where he can be entered into his employment record without any problems. In this case, you do not need to submit any additional documents; everything you need is in the HR department.
  2. A citizen expressed a desire to find a part-time job in a third-party company. Here, problems with registration may arise, since the boss at the first job may be against it.

The legislation does not regulate specific rules for drawing up a written statement regarding the entry of an external part-time job. In other words, the employee can express his desire both in writing and orally.

But many lawyers, based on practice, still advise correctly drafting a written request to make an entry in the employment form about a second job.

Below is a sample entry in a work book about part-time work.

Time limits

If an employee of an organization intends to work part-time, he needs to know that Russian legislation provides for temporary restrictions on additional official earnings. It turns out that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not limit the number of part-time jobs, but there is a time frame.

It turns out that according to the rules, a part-time worker can work no more than four hours a day, which is 16 hours a week. That is, in addition to the main job, a citizen can work for a specified amount of time (less is possible, but more is not). Based on this, maximum amount part-time jobs cannot exceed two.

It turns out that filling out a work book when working part-time is not so important; compliance with the temporary regime is considered more important.

Part-time rights

Regardless of what position a person works in, and whether it is a part-time job or a main job, the employee’s rights should not be violated. Therefore, the employee retains privileges at each job. These include a full social package, as well as the right to:

  • on ;
  • sick leave payment;
  • annual leave;
  • free education;
  • benefits.

In other words, a second job should be perceived in terms of human rights in the same way as a first job. The exception is unofficial work. An employment contract is not concluded here and, accordingly, no entries are made on the employment form.

For official employment is presented below.

Why record

If the law allows you not to make records about additional official work, why do many employees insist on entering information about part-time work?

Firstly, everyone knows that any recording is seniority, and its presence affects the calculation of pensions in the future. Secondly, an additional record of the work performed can greatly help with future employment. A record of part-time employment will be direct evidence of the employee’s professional competence.

There are situations when the management of an organization is categorically against extraneous entries in the work record, so the employee will have to defend his desire to make the appropriate note.


Before making entries in the employment record about part-time work, you need to properly hire such an employee. The registration procedure is not much different from the usual one. The process for registering a part-time worker is as follows:

  1. Conducting an interview.
  2. The applicant writes an application for combined admission.
  3. Introduction to the applicant regulatory documents for reference.
  4. Drawing up and signing an employment agreement (the main difference here from a regular contract is that it is necessary to indicate that the employee will work part-time).
  5. Issuance of an order for admission to a combined position.
  6. Filling out the work record (a sample entry in the part-time work book can be presented to the employee before filling out the form).
  7. Registration of an employee’s personal file.

An employer may require a new employee to provide a certificate of first place of employment, which is the basis for accepting the employee as a part-time worker. Otherwise, the manager has the right to refuse employment.

After the certificate is submitted, we can talk about filling out a work book when working part-time. We will consider the features of its filling below.

Making entries about part-time work is no different from filling out an employment record at your main place of work. All columns must be filled in indicating the serial number of the record, the date of hire, indicating the full name of the employee’s position and information about the document on the basis of which the employee received a part-time job.

There is a significant difference when filling out the document only in the types of part-time jobs. With internal combination, the organization that hires the employee for the position is not indicated, but with external combination, it is indicated.

Before making an entry for a second position, an employee can look at a sample entry in a part-time work book, which must be submitted by an employee of the personnel department or any authorized person.

External part-time job

External part-time work refers to official employment with another employer. The employment agreement must contain, in addition to the main points, additional ones. They contain information about the fact of part-time employment and the timing of the performance of duties.

As for working out time, as mentioned earlier, an employee should not work additional work for more than four hours. But these standards apply to civil servants, but as for private organizations, there are no strict standards, although overtime is not encouraged. A citizen must work no more than 40 hours a week.

Also, part-time work should not take more time than your main job.

How should the job be paid? The employer himself sets the payment. It can be based on hourly wages, the amount of work performed, general indicators, etc., or it can set a full rate that is determined for a specific position. Any of the listed facts must be reflected in the employment agreement.

Whether to make an entry in the work book about external part-time work or not is a personal matter for the citizen. If the employer at the main place does not object, then the employee can submit all the information from the second job for registration.

Internal part-time job

Internal part-time work involves an additional position with the same employer where the main work is carried out. There is no need to present additional documents; it is enough to express a desire to work in one more position (if there is one in the company’s open vacancies).

Let's look at filling out work books with examples. Part-time internal and part-time external jobs will differ only in the form of entry; otherwise, filling out the form is standard for any type of employment.

From part-time worker to employee

It also happens that a part-time worker leaves his main job and wants to join the staff for a second job. In this case, an additional agreement on changes in working conditions is drawn up. The document contains the following information:

At the main place of work, the citizen must resign according to at will, which is recorded in the labor report. And at the place where the part-time job was registered up to this point, sign an additional agreement on employment on a permanent basis. A corresponding entry is also made in the labor report.

The form of entry in the work book when transferring a part-time worker to work on a permanent basis is presented above.

for external and internal combinations can be found in our article. In addition, the material will introduce you to the rules and nuances of entering information of this kind into the work book.

What regulatory sources can you use?

The main sources on the issue under consideration are:

In situations that are not regulated by law, a personnel service employee is forced to make independent decisions, relying on the analogy of the law, his experience or established practice.

General registration of part-time employment

According to the current legislation, a citizen has one work book, and it must be kept at the main place of employment. Consequently, all records of combined work activities, including dismissal, are made by a personnel specialist only of the main employer. At the same time, the legislation does not oblige citizens to provide information about part-time employment and enter it into the work book.

If a person decides to nevertheless enter the relevant information, then he should contact the management of the main enterprise. This can be done either orally or in writing in any form.

Next, the employee must submit supporting documents. A copy of the original employment contract (the employee’s copy is always in his possession) can be certified by a personnel employee of the main organization. But copies of orders should only be certified by the part-time employer.

After receiving necessary documents The personnel officer has the right to enter data into the book. The citizen must be familiar with the record of the dismissal of a part-time worker, which he signs on his personal card (clause 12 of section II of Resolution No. 225).

Here we note that it is allowed to write both “The employment contract was terminated on such and such grounds” and “Dismissed on such and such grounds.” But constantly check the text with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 5, Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). So, if the working relationship is terminated on the grounds of clause 3, part 1, art. 77, then this is included in the following phrase: “Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee.”

Filling out the book (sample)

Download the registration form

When entering data into the work report, nothing should be shortened, cleaned up, or crossed out. Recording is carried out in the following order:

  1. Column 1, without skipping lines, indicates the serial number of the record in ascending numbering.
  2. Column 2 indicates the date of the dismissal, but not the date of entry. Format: day and month are two-digit numbers, year is four-digit.
  3. Column 3 indicates the grounds for termination labor relations. Please note that the name of the part-time employer must be entered. Otherwise, it will not be entirely clear where the employee was fired from.

IMPORTANT!!! By virtue of Part 5 of Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, not only the clause and article are indicated in the entry (as, for example, shown in all samples from the Instructions), but also the number of the part of the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

  1. Column 4 contains the details of the document on the basis of which the employment contract was terminated. In this case, the name of the enterprise where the employee combined work is also indicated.
  2. Unlike dismissal from the main place of employment, when a part-time job is terminated, the entry in the employment record is not certified by anyone’s signature or seal.

Entry no.

Information about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal (indicating reasons and reference to the article, clause of the law)

Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made

Housing and construction cooperative

No. 109 in Ivanovo (housing cooperative No. 109)

Hired as a lawyer

Order dated April 13, 2015

No. 15-p

Hired by

Order of Vash LLC

representative" from

04/20/2015 No. 17-p

"Your Representative" (LLC "Your

representative") for the position

senior legal adviser

Order of Vash LLC

part-time with Vash LLC

representative" from

representative" on the initiative

10.11.2016 No. 3-u

employee, paragraph 3 of part 1

Article 77 Labor Code

Russian Federation

Some nuances when dismissing a part-time worker

Information about the dismissal of a part-time employee may be inconsistent with the general chronology of records. This happens in a situation where a person leaves his main job earlier, and leaves his combined position later. Since the entry can only be made in the HR department for the main employment, information about dismissal will be recorded only after information about hiring a new job.

Garage-building cooperative No.

47 in Khabarovsk (GSK No. 47)

Hired as a lawyer

Order dated May 15, 2015

No. 17-p

Hired by

Order of LLC "Pravo-3"

part-time in society with

dated 05/21/2015 No. 11-p

limited liability

"Pravo-3" (LLC "Pravo-3") on

position of senior legal adviser

Termination of an employment contract by

Order dated 10/19/2016

employee initiative, paragraph 3 of part

No. 10

Russian Federation

HR Department Inspector Vavila I.V.

Reviewed by: Fedorova Yu. V.

Society with limited

responsibility of Romulus

(Romulus LLC)

Hired as chief

Order dated 12/01/2016

legal department

No. 14-p

Termination of an employment contract by

Order of LLC "Pravo-3"

part-time with Pravo-3 LLC for

dated 02.11.2016 No. 3-u

employee initiative, paragraph 3

1 Article 77 of the Labor Code

Russian Federation

For internal part-time jobs (when they hold two or more positions at one enterprise), you do not need to write the name of the organization. You should simply indicate the position from which the person is being released.

Society with limited

responsibility "Swan"

(LLC "Lebed")

Hired as a legal consultant

Order dated January 15, 2015

No. 2-p

Hired as an inspector

Order dated January 25, 2015

part-time personnel

No. 3-p

Dismissed from the position of inspector

Order dated December 23, 2015

part-time personnel due to

No. 5-y

hiring an employee, for

whom this work will be

main, article 288 of the Labor Code

Russian Federation

So, all information about part-time work, including dismissal, is reflected in the citizen’s work book only at his request. The entry is made by personnel department employees only at the main place of employment. The nature of the combination - external or internal - determines the content of the record. If external, be sure to indicate the name of the joint venture. With internal, the main thing is to designate the position from which the person is leaving.

According to the current labor legislation, every employer is obliged to properly organize the accounting, maintenance, storage and issuance of work books at an enterprise or organization. All of the above issues are dealt with by an employee appointed by order of management in accordance with the Rules established by government decree number 225 of April 2003.

When preparing work books, HR department employees are guided by both labor legislation and internal instructions adopted at a particular enterprise.

Internal part-time job

When hiring

Internal part-time work, documented, imposes additional social responsibilities on the employer. For example, he undertakes to pay insurance amounts for the employee at the main and additional workplace. Therefore, managers are more inclined to favor the idea that it is not necessary to conclude a separate contract with the employee and make an entry in the work book.

However, this opportunity is not always available to management - an employee may refuse to take on additional responsibilities without being released from the main work, and this is his legal right. In this case, a separate contract is concluded, and the employee may require that additional work be recorded in the work book.

To make such a mark, no additional documents are required; they are already available in the archives of the personnel department. Personnel department employees are guided by the order issued after the conclusion of a separate agreement. The order contains an order to amend the staffing table and accrual wages also in an additional workplace.

In the work book, information is entered in the section intended for information about work. In this case, you do not need to re-enter information on the employer - its full name is indicated above, in the entry on admission to the main place of work!

The responsible person fills in the following fields:

  • The serial number of the record is displayed in column number one;
  • the date of commencement of work received as a part-time worker is indicated
  • in column number two;
  • the structural unit and position held are recorded in column number three;
  • the grounds for making this entry in the document are displayed in column number four (usually the number and date of issue of the order are entered).

It should be noted that such entries in work books are made after changes are made to the staffing table of an organization or enterprise.

We remind you once again that entering information on an additional job obtained as a part-time job is not prohibited and at the same time is not established as an obligation for the employer (Article 66 of the Labor Code).

If the employee considers that such an entry will have a positive impact on the formation of his pension payments in the future, it must be entered into the work book. If such an entry contradicts the employee’s main type of activity, and he does not want to see it in his work book, the employer has no right to insist on making a note.

Upon dismissal

A record of dismissal is made only if information on admission to free employment was previously entered into the book. workplace. The procedure for entering data is as follows:

  • the first column records the entry number, for example, it is the third in the work information section;
  • the second column indicates the date of termination of employment according to the manual;
  • in the third column it is written that this employee was dismissed from a part-time position (the reason and article according to which the contract was terminated are also indicated here);
  • in the fourth column, information is entered on the documents serving as the basis for this entry (the number of the specific order and the date of its issue).

External part-time job

When hiring

Part-time job external type is issued according to similar rules, with the exception of some points related to the specifics of such employment.

The work book of an employee applying for an external part-time job is located in the archives of the personnel department located at the main place of work.

Consequently, any entry in this document can only be made at the main place of work!

If an employee decides to register a job received as an external part-time worker, he must submit a document (a copy of the order or a certificate issued at the place of additional work activity) confirming the fact of being hired for a vacant position.

After which, the HR department employee removes the work book from the personal file of this employee, opens it in the “Work Information” section, and makes the appropriate entry:

  • the entry number is entered in the first column;
  • the second column records the date the book was filled out;
  • in the third column, information is entered on the employer, structural unit, as well as the position received (it must be recorded that this job was received as a part-time worker);
  • The fourth column is devoted to documents confirming the fact of admission to a vacant workplace (the number of the order and the date of its signing are indicated).

Upon dismissal

Dismissals are recorded using a similar algorithm:

  • first column - record number;
  • the second is the date this entry was made in the document;
  • third - recording the fact of dismissal indicating the name individual, structural unit and position (the reason and article according to which the contract was terminated is also indicated here);
  • fourth - indication of documentary grounds (the number of the corresponding copy of the order and the date of its issuance by another employer are entered here).

Dismissal is most often confirmed by a certificate issued at the place of additional work (in the employer's personnel department).

This document contains information about the reasons for termination of the contract, as well as the number and date of issue of the relevant order. Based on the certificate, a note is made in the work book, and then the entry is certified with the wet seal of the main employer. can be obtained from the NFR at your place of residence or from a non-state pension fund.

Do you need to apply for a pension soon? Find out what documents you will need for this. Details.

Lately The government is increasingly talking about raising the retirement age. Read how this will happen.

Recording "retroactively"

If for any reason an employee decides to make an entry in the work book in order to record the fact of a previous part-time job, employees of the personnel department must take into account that:

  • if the employee is employed part-time at this enterprise, it is impossible to make any contributions;
  • if the employee has already quit his main job, and the additional job has automatically become his main job, you can make entries in the book.

The main thing in this case is to have documents confirming the fact of work (certificates, copies of orders). The personnel department examines the submitted documents, determines their authenticity and makes appropriate entries.

It should be noted that records of admission to a vacant workplace are made within a week from the start of work and the date of hiring is written exactly. That is, the employee was hired for a vacancy on July 12, and the entry was made on the 18th - and this is completely legal. But the date of dismissal is always fixed on the last day of work before the issuance of the work book former employee.

The issue of dismissing part-time workers is quite important both for many employers, their accountants and HR specialists, and for the employees themselves. Despite the fact that the norms labor legislation provide clear guidance on how to fire a part-time worker; this procedure has a number of features and nuances, knowledge of which can help all participants in the labor relationship.

Part-time dismissal – article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and legal regulation

It is a special labor regime that involves the use of different approaches and mechanisms in comparison with traditional employment. Key Features legal regulation Part-time work as a part-time worker is disclosed by the provisions of Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Chapter 44 of the Labor Code as a whole. Thus, part-time work can mean both external and internal combination of the main job with another position - respectively, with a different employer or with the same one.

Part-time work is considered to be only additional paid work performed while having a main job. In case of dismissal from the main job for any reason, part-time work is considered the main one.

Part-time work in itself does not detract from the guarantees and level of social protection from the state for persons working in this regime. The grounds for dismissal and the procedure for carrying out such a procedure do not differ from the standard ones, with rare exceptions. In particular, the legal regulation of issues of part-time dismissal is ensured by the provisions of Articles 77-84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Some nuances and special conditions for the dismissal of part-time workers are considered in the provisions of Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Types and methods of dismissal during part-time work

According to the provisions of the Labor Code, part-time workers, like employees on a general basis, can be dismissed as follows:

  • In this case, the employee and employer sign an agreement with which both parties fully agree. The agreement may contain various conditions regarding working hours, payment of additional compensation or other requirements of participants in the labor relationship. The legal regulation of dismissal on this basis is discussed in Article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • In this case, the employee himself submits an application for dismissal, and the employer does not have the right to refuse him - he can only demand compliance with the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regarding the mandatory 14 days of work. The issue of part-time dismissal at will is regulated by the provisions of Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Due to the expiration of the contract. As is the case with regular employment contracts for the main job, part-time relationships may provide for work until a certain date or the occurrence of some event. In this case, the norms of Article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are applied for legal regulation.
  • At the initiative of the employer., disciplinary action and misconduct, making unreasonable decisions or committing immoral acts, or inadequacy for the position held. All these standards disclosed in the text of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be applied in full to part-time workers.
  • Due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties The dismissal of a part-time worker can also be carried out. In the event of the death of an entrepreneur or employee, if one of the parties goes missing, or if an employee leaves for conscript service or in case of his incapacity for work, as well as inability to perform work according to medical indications, part-time dismissal is carried out in full compliance with the established general procedure for dismissals. The procedure for said dismissals is regulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A special procedure for dismissal for part-time workers is provided for by the standards of Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Its text gives the employer the right to dismiss a part-time worker if there is an employee for his position who is ready to accept it as the main one. Such dismissal only requires the employer to notify the employee in advance at least 2 weeks before the date of dismissal. However, this article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is applicable only for terminating an employment contract with a part-time worker working under an open-ended contract.

Labor legislation fully provides guarantees in relation to employees dismissed as part-time employees. That is, it clearly prohibits the dismissal of pregnant women at the initiative of the employer, minors without notifying supervisory authorities and parents of children under 3 years of age for a number of reasons. In the same way, the employer is fully liable for the illegal dismissal of a part-time employee, as for the dismissal of regular employees.

The guarantees that apply to the above-mentioned categories of persons who are part-time workers do not apply and do not take place if the dismissal is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned article. 288 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for dismissing a part-time worker, entry in the work book and other features

Labor legislation, in connection with certain features of documenting part-time work, suggests possible changes in the procedure for dismissal of workers employed in this way. In particular, one of the main differences from regular employment at the main place of work is the absence of the obligation to enter information about part-time work in the work book. Otherwise, the order implies following the standard procedure:

  • Preparation of documents on the basis of which dismissal will be carried out and carrying out relevant procedural actions.
  • Issuing an order to dismiss an employee and familiarizing him with it under the act or act of refusal.
  • Issuance of the final payment and required documents.

If an entry in the part-time work book was made at the time of employment, then the employee or his part-time employer sends a signed or stamped notice to the main place of work, which indicates the termination of the employment contract. A copy of the dismissal order may also be sent instead.

Part-time dismissal, if it was not associated with making entries in the work book, is a fairly good way for an employee to protect his work history. So, if initially no entry was made about part-time work, then even if you are dismissed under an unfavorable article, subsequent employers will not know about this fact from the work record book. Confirmation of the insurance period and payment of contributions in the case of part-time work without a work book will be an employment contract.

The procedure for paying part-time workers severance pay and compensation upon dismissal is absolutely similar to standard mechanisms. Thus, it provides for full settlement with the employee and payment of compensation for all unspent vacation days, as well as severance pay, if required by law and the reason for dismissal.

If dismissal requires offering the employee other vacant positions, the employer is only obliged to offer vacant positions specifically for part-time positions. He has no right to offer positions that require full-time work. Accordingly, the employer has much more opportunities to fire an employee in the case of a part-time job.

You will need

  • - employee’s work record;
  • - confirmation of his employment on a part-time basis (employment contract, copy of the order or an extract from it or a certificate) or dismissal (copy of the order);
  • - employee’s statement in case of internal part-time work;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - seal (in case of dismissal from the main job).


If an employee who works part-time in another organization wants to make an entry in the employment record, he must present his choice of one of the confirmations of his work on the side. This may be an employment contract with another employer, a copy of the employment order or an extract from it, or a certificate from the place of work on company letterhead, with the signature of the person in charge and the seal of the organization.
Then, in column 3 of his work book, the full name and, if available, the abbreviated name of the third-party employer are entered and an entry is made about hiring him for part-time work based on the document provided by the employee. The 4th column indicates the output data of the latter (number, date).

An internal person can leave a position that is an additional job without leaving the main one. In this case, an entry is made in his employment record only about part-time work, which does not need to be certified with the signature of the responsible person and the employer’s seal.

To record the dismissal, an external part-time worker must bring to the main job a copy of the order of dismissal from part-time work, an extract from it or another supporting document.

Before entering the dismissal record in column 3, the name of the organization (can be abbreviated if available) from where the part-time employee resigned is given as a heading in parentheses.

Part-time work can turn into an employee’s main job, both internally and externally. In the first case, the employee must first leave both the main place of work and the position held part-time, and then be hired for the job in which he was previously a part-time worker, but as the main one.

A similar situation with the current employer and turning into the main part-time job performed by a third party.
The employee must first resign from his part-time job and bring to the current main copy of the relevant order. Then quit her job and apply to the employer with whom you previously had a part-time job, now for the main job with all the accompanying bureaucracy: writing an application, issuing an order, etc.

A situation may also arise when an employee leaves his main job for another main job, while continuing to work part-time.
In this situation, it is enough for him to quit his main job. If in the future he decides to leave a part-time position with another employer, a record of this will be made in his work book by the new employer at his main place of employment.