Who are they, Meladze's wives? From time to time this topic excites the hearts of fans of the work of two brothers - Konstantin, born in 1963. (composer and music producer), and Valeria, born in 1965. (singer). Although, when in 2015 Konstantin married singer Vera Brezhneva, for many the news about the wedding shrouded in darkness did not come as a surprise. The fact that the popular diva was having an affair with an equally famous pop music author began to be said soon after his divorce from his wife Yana Summ. The couple lived together for nineteen years and have three children.

If there is no faith, but there is Faith

Rumors about the relationship between Konstantin and the bright and sexy lead singer of the group "VIA Gra" reached Meladze's wife Yana much earlier. But there is no indisputable evidence directly confirming adultery, did not have. When she openly asked her rival for clarification, Vera assured: “Friendship and working relationships are nothing more than that.” Yana tried to drive away dark thoughts, convincing herself that she was simply screwing herself up.

According to rumors, the romance between Vera and Konstantin began in 2004. True, secretly from the producer, the girl started a relationship with another gentleman (she has a daughter from civil marriage). Then she married oligarch Mikhail Kiperman and gave birth to another daughter. But the family fell apart: Kiperman allegedly found Vera hugging the composer. Now the ex-wife found out about this, but did not dare to kick her husband out: this meant leaving two daughters - Alice and Leah - and son Valery (the boy has a severe form of autism) without a father. They say that she convinced her rival to leave her husband alone, but to no avail.

Ten years of lies

Having survived betrayal loved one, Konstantin Meladze’s ex-wife Yana Summ does not want Brezhneva to come into contact with her children, but she cannot change the current situation: she often comes to meetings with Konstantin. At first the children were delighted with the pretty Galushko ( maiden name singer V. Brezhneva). They told her mother that she was good. They considered everything a given: dad got married again, mom got married. But gradually the teenagers began to understand: the family was broken, separated, nothing would be the same as before, and this was so painful.

After a decade-long deception was exposed, the couple Konstantin and Yana broke up. In 2015, Summ (she is known to be a native of Ukraine and has a legal education) married a man named Oleg. Yes, life does not stand still, one way or another it gets better. But the deceived woman admits that it is still difficult for her to accept and forgive the deception. Yana doesn’t understand: how could you lie for so long and so vilely? Today she remembers less and less about the bitter role of Meladze’s wife.

The world has changed

The wedding anniversary (like the celebration itself once) became “Italian” - producer Konstantin Meladze and singer Vera Brezhneva cheerfully celebrated it on the “boot”, which washes five seas at once. Since they entered into a legal marriage, the newly-made husband has avoided sensitive conversations on the topic of “first wives,” especially since his brother Valery, after 20 years of marriage, also broke up with his wife Irina.

Meladze Sr. believes that with Vera, a lot has changed in his life. Previously, he was not known as a fan of long trips, but with Brezhneva he began to travel a lot. He watches his weight and tries to move a lot. His new passion weaned him from the habit of wearing the same T-shirts and jeans for years.

The separation of Irina and Valery

The ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze is also happily married. Mutual understanding and respect reign in her family. As you know, brothers Konstantin and Valery divorced with a difference of only one year. Valery and his wife Irina have three daughters (Inga, 1991, Sophia, 1999, Arina, 2002). The first son was born in 1990, who lived only 10 days.

Irina did not want a divorce; she learned about it from the press. She didn't expect her husband to file a lawsuit.

There are rumors that Valery Meladze has been in love with the singer from the VIA Gra trio Albina Dzhanabaeva (born in Volgograd, has Kazakh roots) for several years. Moreover, it was rumored that the boy whom the fatal beauty gave birth to in 2004, when Valery was still legally married, was his son. Irina assures that the child is not at all like Valery, does not exclude another paternity, but the singer himself has no doubt that he officially recognized the baby.

All kinds of dads are needed, all kinds of dads are important

Now Konstantin is 11 years old, he has a younger brother Luka (2014), but the wedding is apparently ahead (according to other sources, Valery and Albina got married in February 2016). Thus, Meladze’s wives gave birth to a total of five children (3 daughters from Irina, 2 sons from Albina). Before it became public, the couple’s romance lasted more than ten years (another “brotherly” coincidence). Valery regrets that the children are from different wives.

Konstantin still has only three from his first wife. So, after many years of tossing and secrecy, all the cards are revealed. They say that neither the eldest nor the youngest descendant of a Georgian family forgets their children from their first marriage, and tries to maintain warm relations with them. Valery admits that he feels guilty and tries everything free time dedicate to daughters and sons. He really wants everything to work out well for them, just like Konstantin. Meladze's first wives are sure: everything is for the better. This means it was given from above. And this must be experienced.

Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva got married on October 23, 2015 after 10 years of secret dates, unsuccessful attempts to cope with feelings and stay in their old life.

They met in 2003 - the selection of soloists for the VIA Gra ensemble was underway.

How it all began

Master Meladze, immersed in music and his own fantasies, set a difficult task for the debutantes: “Become the way I want.” The generous and cheerful Vera seemed to have managed this without difficulty. It was as if they were made for each other.

It became more and more difficult to hide the surging feelings every year. Vera’s husband, M. Kiperman, was the first to break down; they divorced in 2012. Konstantin's wife Yana endured until 2014 - and also filed for divorce. Having received freedom, the lovers secretly marry.

Wedding of Vera and Konstantin

The wedding venue was the Italian resort of Forte dei Marmi, long favored by the Russian elite. The mayor of the city, U. Buratti, sealed their union, after which the bride in a transparent dress ran headlong down the steps of the city hall, hiding in a car from the cameras of nosy paparazzi.

The fussy groom could barely keep up with her. The celebration ended with a gala dinner at the Paradiso al Mare hotel in the circle of the most chosen and close ones.

Video of the wedding of Meladze and Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze: latest news of family life

For the first time, Vera introduced her husband to a wide audience with the words: “Talented and beloved.” The composer himself admitted that she pulled him out of his shell and taught him to enjoy life. To curious questions, both spouses found a single answer: “Happiness loves silence.”

Valery Meladze is a popular domestic performer of Georgian origin. He became famous from his first appearance in the show “Christmas Meetings”, which was organized by Diva Russian show business Alla Pugacheva. Listeners fell in love with his magical voice, which can drive anyone crazy.

Every year a man becomes the winner of the most prestigious awards, which are presented by “Russian Radio”, “Chanson of the Year” and others.

Currently, Valery lives happily in his second marriage, raising two sons. But the popular artist does not forget his daughters from his first marriage and participates in their fate.

When a young man appeared in the "Christmas Meetings" of a popular star Russian stage Aly Pugacheva, they started talking about him. After the release of Yulia Menshova’s TV program “Alone with Everyone,” the hero of which was Valery Meladze, was released on the country’s screens, the man himself openly told everything about himself. He did not hide any information, including his height, weight, age. How old Valery Meladze is was known to his fans from the beginning of his creative activity. The artist is 53 years old. He weighs 90 kg and is 183 cm tall.

Valery Meladze, whose photo in his youth and now is easy to find, looks good. The man maintains his shape by working out in his own gym.

Biography 👉 Valery Meladze

In the mid-60s of the last century, the future popular pop singer was born. Valery's father and mother were engaged in accounting. The boy did not grow up alone. He has an older brother, Konstantin, with whom he was friends from a young age.

School evoked bad emotions in the boy. He got bad grades and skipped classes. In high school, Valery was registered in the children's room of the police because of minor hooliganism. Together with his brother, he attended music school, learning the basics of playing the piano. But his classes bored him, although many teachers spoke about his musical talent. With desire, the boy swam, studied in an aviation club, dreamed of the sky, dreaming of space flights. He was engaged in Georgian wrestling and won several awards.

After receiving his certificate, the young man began repairing phones. After some time, Valery realized that he could achieve more. Having mastered a number of subjects, Meladtse becomes a student at a radio engineering university. Having received his diploma, the young man goes to the city of Nikolaev, where brother Kostya lived at that time. It was at this time that it began creative biography Valeria Meladze. He begins performing at various city events, performing songs written by his brother.

The artist enters Nikolaev University, learning the basics of musical literacy. Since the beginning of the 90s, the talented performer has been talked about throughout the entire post-Soviet space.

Currently, he is a recognized performer whose opinion is listened to by others. He performs songs written by his brother Konstantin. The tandem of an artist and a composer invariably brings victories in the most prestigious song competitions Russian Federation and Ukraine.

The man participates several times as a jury member of the most prestigious competitions. In 2018, Meladze became one of the jury members in the show program “The Voice. Children".

Personal life 👉 Valeria Meladze

The personal life of Valery Meladze was happy for 18 years with his first wife. The marriage raised 3 daughters, of whom the singer was very proud. The marital union of the singer and his wife aroused the envy of many. It seemed that they would live happily until their death.

Suddenly Meladze files for divorce. Many of Valery’s fans greeted the news of the couple’s separation with bewilderment. It turned out that the artist had been in a relationship with another woman for several years, who gave birth to his son.

Soon after his divorce from his first wife, the popular performer began to appear everywhere with his colleague Albina Dzhanabaeva, who later gave birth to another son.

Family 👉 Valeria Meladze

Valery Meladze’s family includes his beloved wife Albina, sons Kostya and Luka, as well as his beloved brother Konstantin, with whom the artist has been friends since his youth.

The popular pop singer also does not forget his daughters from his first marriage. He supports them, considering himself obligated to marry each one off.

Valery calls his many artist friends his family. In particular, the Russian pop star is friends with Philip Kirkorov. Friends often communicate, share secrets, and support in everything.

Children 👉 Valeria Meladze

The popular performer has 5 children who were born in his two marriages. The performer's first wife gave birth to daughters. From his second wife, the artist had two sons. Each of Valery Meladze’s children feels the support of their father. He does not abandon any of his offspring.

The children of Valery Meladze do not feel that their father’s attitude towards them is different. He loves them and devotes all his strength to raising them. During the rest period of the second family, the man invariably invites his daughters with him. The artist allocates money for the maintenance of his daughters, allowing them not to need anything.

Son 👉 Valery Meladze

Valery Meladze's first son was born in early 1990. The boy was born several times ahead of schedule. At first, doctors gave an optimistic prognosis for its development. But suddenly the boy’s condition worsened and he was admitted to intensive care.

The popular artist was going crazy with anxiety. On day 9, doctors said that the baby began to feel better. But the next day the child died. It was a great tragedy for Valery and his wife. The lovers almost divorced after the death of the baby, but found the strength to live on.

Son 👉 Valery Meladze - Konstantin

The boy was born in 2004. Long time the fact of his birth was hidden from everyone, and even more so from his ex-wife Irina, since the artist was still married to her. Suddenly, in 2005, a number of media outlets published articles that revealed that it was Valery Meladze who was the father of the child. Tired of making excuses, the artist files for divorce from his first wife, officially adopts the boy and begins to live with him and his mother Albina Dzhanabaeva.

The boy was named after Valery's brother Konstantin, who became his godfather.

Currently, Valery Meladze’s son, Konstantin, is studying at one of the best schools in the capital. The boy is thinking about connecting his life with computer technology.

Son 👉 Valery Meladze - Luka

In mid-summer in 2014, Albina Dzhanabaeva once again gave her husband a child. A son was born into the family again, whom it was decided to name according to the calendar. Since the baby was born on St. Luke's Day, he was given the name of his heavenly patron.

While Valery Meladze’s son, Luka, is small. He follows his older brother everywhere, dreaming of becoming like him. The baby is currently learning letters and numbers. He says that he will become the best student in school.

Daughter 👉 Valeria Meladze - Inga

After the death of their first-born, Valery and his wife were very afraid that they would no longer have children, but the following year they became parents again. This time they had a charming and healthy girl, whom they named Inga.

After graduating from one of the Moscow schools, Valery Meladze’s daughter, Inga, studied at the University of Cambridge. There she met Nori Verghese. The young man currently works as a journalist. The young people were friends for about 10 years. At the beginning of 2017, they officially got married in Cambridge. The wedding took place in a close circle, with only 16 people present.

The main wedding events took place in October 2017. The wedding took place according to Georgian and Moroccan traditions. The wedding dance of the newlyweds took place to the song of the girl’s father, “How beautiful you are today.” The young people permanently reside in the UK.

Daughter 👉 Valeria Meladze - Sofia

The next time the popular performer became a father was at the end of the new millennium. He had a daughter again, whom, after some hesitation, it was decided to name Sophia.

After graduating from school, the girl decided to study close to home. She connected her life with journalism. In the future he wants to become an international journalist.

They say that Valery Meladze’s daughter, Sophia, sings well and plays the piano, but the girl sings songs only to close and dear people.

Daughter 👉 Valeria Meladze - Arina

At the beginning of the new millennium, the wife gave the artist another daughter. It was decided to name her Arisha. The girl is very close to her mother. Unlike her sisters, she rarely communicates with her father. Her parents' divorce happened when the girl was young, so she spent almost all her time with her mother and sisters.

The daughter of Valery Meladze, Arina, is still a schoolgirl. She studies at one of the capital's schools. The girl has not decided what she will become. She does well at school and attends dance and drama clubs.

Ex-wife 👉 Valeria Meladze - Irina Meladze

The young people met by chance. Irina literally ran into the guy, who, lost in thought, stopped. After that, they began dating, and then officially registered their marriage. Valery's career took off in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century. The couple moved to Moscow, where their children appeared.

In 2005, Valery Meladze’s ex-wife, Irina Meladze, learned that her husband had a beloved woman who had already given him a son. Irina did not keep her husband and agreed to a divorce, maintaining friendly relations with him.

Recently ex-wife Valeria Meladze appeared at one of the social events with a man, which gave rise to talk that she loves and is loved again.

Wife 👉 Valeria Meladze - Albina Dzhanabaeva

At the beginning of the new millennium, a popular pop singer began secretly dating a former member of the famous group “ Via Gra» Albina Dzhanabaeva. Even after the birth of their son Konstantin, the lovers remained silent. After rumors appeared about their relationship, Valery leaves the family and recognizes Albina’s son.

After the performer’s divorce from his ex-wife, the lovers registered their marriage. They prefer to remain silent about their relationship.

Valery Meladze's wife, Albina Dzhanabaeva, gave her husband a second son in mid-2014. Currently, she manages to do everything: raise children, pursue a performing career, and provide comfort for her beloved husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Valeria Meladze

The popular artist is registered in in social networks. But since due to his busy schedule he can’t create his own pages, they do it for him official representatives. The artist himself only maintains an Instagram page where you can see where Valery Meladze performed recently. The most often posted here detailed information about the star's tour.

Wikipedia contains the most detailed information about the life and fate of the artist. Here you can find out more full list his songs performed from the beginning of his creative activity until now.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Meladze does not allow tracking the details of the singer’s personal life. It only lists when the singer married both his wives.

17 October 2014, 15:17

The ex-wife of producer Konstantin Meladze, Yana, admitted that she does not like the children’s communication with their father’s lover, singer Vera Brezhneva. However, she cannot prohibit it. In turn, Konstantin Meladze himself said in a recent interview that he could not be worse as a husband, and admitted that he dreams of slowing down a little and plunging into a new life.

Konstantin and Yana Meladze divorced after 19 years of marriage. The producer left his wife for the popular performer Vera Brezhneva. Now each of the ex-spouses has their own life: Yana recently got married, and Konstantin admitted that he is ready for change. However, there remains a close connection between the people who have become practically strangers to each other - their three children. Yana did not immediately find out that Meladze introduced his daughters Alisa, Leah and son Valery to Brezhneva. And what children communicate with new love ex-wife, she is not happy at all.

“She suddenly had a desire to meet my children. At first the guys didn’t want to tell me about this meeting. But I guessed it myself. I understand how women of this kind act... Now my children periodically spend time with Galushka ( real name Brezhneva) and her daughters. Kostya takes them to the movies and restaurants. We recently went to Italy. Of course, I don’t like their communication. But I can't prohibit it. At first, the children were fascinated by Galushka. They told me: "Mom! She's normal. She's good." - "Wait and see!" - I answered. Alisa, Leah and Valera accept everything as inevitable: mom has new husband, and dad - new wife. But they are already taking a closer look, starting to notice some things and understand what kind of person he is. And nothing needs to be explained anymore,” Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes Yana.

The children of Meladze's ex-wife are in close contact with the children of Vera Brezhneva, spend weekends and holidays together. This became known in May. The secret was revealed by the girls themselves, publishing on their microblogs photographs taken during a joint weekend. Brezhneva’s daughter Sonya Kiperman and Meladze’s heiress Alisa were photographed in front of the same mansion, which turned out to be Konstantin’s country house in the village of Ukrainka in the vicinity of the elite village of Koncha-Zaspa.

Yana explained why this situation does not leave her indifferent even now: “I still feel indignant at the fact that a person commits acts of some kind of large-scale disgusting, while constructing an innocent look or justifying himself with good words about love and care. From Everyone hid me for TEN years! They said: “No, what are you doing? We are just friends and cooperate!" To deceive me, Kostya even released songs written for Galushka under some pseudonyms, then under her name. Although Vera never wrote either music or lyrics. And it was not difficult for me to determine Who real author. To be honest, I would really like to forget about all this. I now live a completely different life. And it is absolutely illogical for me to indulge in memories of ex-husband and his mistress. But there’s no way to pull away.”

Meanwhile, in a recent interview, Konstantin Meladze admitted that he wants to slow down and pay more attention to loved ones. “Now I’m cherishing the idea of ​​slowing down a little, working less, trying to plan some kind of different life: travel, go on vacation, see the world. I’m thinking of slowing down a little and paying more attention to the children, myself, and loved ones. It seems to me that the time has come to radically change my life,” Meladze said in an interview with Yulia Menshova.

At the same time, the producer believes that as a husband he is far from ideal. Whether this statement relates only to his previous marriage, or whether Vera Brezhneva also has a hard time with him, the composer did not specify. Konstantin admits that his ex-wife has every reason to be offended by him, and does not insist that his point of view in this situation is correct: “I am one of this type of people: until they kick me out, I will sit and live like this. She is 100% right, right in all claims. If she says so and thinks so, then she is right. Of course, I may have my own point of view. But I don’t argue and I think that, of course, as a husband I’m worse than ever.”