To achieve success, a person needs a lot: a clearly defined goal and awareness of why it is needed; set deadlines that will not allow you to relax and put things off until later; perseverance and hard work; the ability to analyze your mistakes in order to prevent them in the future.

However, despite the fact that the above conditions are very important, the most important factors remain motivation and inspiration. Sometimes motivation may be lacking - then you should concentrate on your goal and constantly keep it in mind.

Without motivation and desire, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve anything - everyone knows this successful people.

Nothing is impossible

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve.” The meaning of this quote is that nothing is impossible. This statement belongs to Napoleon Hill, one of the most famous American journalists and author of the popular book “Think and Grow Rich.” This book is Hill's revelation of personal success and life observations.

It was Napoleon Hill who created such a genre in literature as self-help. In addition to Think and Grow Rich, he is the author of many more books about personal growth: “16 laws of success”, “Keys to wealth”, “Every person is capable of working miracles” and others.

Hill was born in a small hut in the mountains and achieved his success on his own, so this man can be considered a shining example that nothing is impossible in life. The quote above is exactly about this.

You're right

“If you think you are capable of something, you are right; if you are sure that nothing will work out for you, you are also right.”

Henry Ford is a great American industrialist and inventor, creator of the Ford automobile. From his name comes the name of such a political economic phenomenon as Fordism, the source of which was the inventor’s book “My Life, My Achievements.”

As with Hill, Ford's personality suggests that nothing is impossible. The quote belonging to him has the following meaning: all great achievements begin in the head. It is enough to believe in your strengths and capabilities, and then success will be guaranteed.

You decide

“The person you are destined to become is only the person you choose to become.” The author of this statement is Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American essayist, philosopher and public figure. He is considered one of the great thinkers in US history.

Waldo attended Harvard, where he studied theology. He was the first to formulate the philosophy of transcendentalism, the main issues of which are the themes of freedom, personality, relationships human soul and nature.

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Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - we have heard these names since childhood. But few people know what trials they had to go through. They achieved success only through willpower.

website presents the stories of people who showed the world that there are no barriers for those who believe in themselves.

Marlee Matlin

Having been deaf since she was one and a half years old, she made her credo the phrase “The only thing I can’t do is hear.” As a child, despite the advice of doctors, her parents sent the girl to a regular school (instead of an institution for the deaf), and with the help special programs she adapted over time. This made her the first and only deaf actress to win an Oscar. Marley often says, “I try to make sure people understand what my parents taught me, that deaf people deserve not only respect, but to be heard.”

Nick Vujicic

“I don't need arms and legs. I need life. And never give up!” - this credo helped him become one of the most famous motivational speakers, get an economics education, get married and have two children. Willpower Nick Vujicic received from my mother. In an interview, he said that her words set the tone for the rest of his life: “Nicholas,” she said, “you should play with normal children, because you are normal. Yes, you are missing something, but it’s nothing.”

He writes books, sings, surfs and plays golf. He often travels around the world giving lectures to help young people find the meaning of life, realize and develop their abilities and talents.

Stephen Hawking

IN student years Stephen began to show signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The disease progressed, and after a few years he became completely immobile, and after throat surgery he lost the ability to speak. However, this did not stop him from marrying twice, raising three children, and becoming one of the most outstanding scientists of our time by the age of 74.

He is now one of the most influential theoretical physicists today. According to him, he achieved success largely thanks to his illness: “Before, life seemed boring. I'm definitely happier now. The prospect of dying early made me realize that life is worth living. There is so much that can be done, everyone can do so much!”

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo is an outstanding Mexican artist who became famous thanks to her extraordinary paintings. At age 6, she became seriously ill with polio, causing one of her legs to become thinner than the other. At this moment, her iron character began to form. To get rid of the ridicule of her peers, who teased her “Frida is a wooden leg,” the girl took up swimming, dancing, football and boxing.

IN adolescence Frida was in a car accident, because of which she suffered all her life severe pain in the spine. After the accident, the girl could not get out of bed for several months. At this time, she constantly painted pictures, most of them self-portraits. Now Frida Kahlo's works are worth millions of dollars.

Ray Charles

Ray Charles is a legendary American musician who has received 12 Grammy awards. As a child, he began to lose his sight, and by the age of 7 he was completely blind. When Ray was 15 years old, his mother died. The young man could not sleep, eat or speak for many days. He was sure he would go crazy. When he came out of depression, he realized that having survived this tragedy, he could cope with anything.

At the age of 17, the musician began recording his first singles in the styles of soul, jazz and rhythm and blues. Now many consider Ray Charles a legend: his works were even included in the US Library of Congress. In 2004, after the musician's death, Rolling Stone magazine included Ray Charles at number 10 on its list of the 100 greatest artists of all time.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

At the age of 39, he fell ill with polio. Years of treatment did not help, and the future president remained confined to a wheelchair. After he realized how serious the illness was, no one heard him complain. Gathering his will into a fist, Roosevelt tried unsuccessfully to learn to walk using crutches and heavy orthopedic devices. Despite his illness, he became President of the United States. “The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow can be our doubts today,” said Roosevelt.

Helen Adams Keller

At 1.5 years old, after suffering from an illness, Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing. But this did not break her spirit; she managed to realize her dream of becoming a writer: several books and more than 400 articles were published under her name. She became the first deaf-blind person to receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. In addition, Keller was actively involved in politics: she fought for the rights of women and workers.

Helen Keller achieved success thanks to her strong character and curiosity. She often said: “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door.”

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Once upon a time, in the stupidity of my youth, I believed that there are things that a person can do and there are those that he cannot do. Then I had not yet studied psychology and did not know the true power of the human psyche, which allows him to achieve the impossible, which lies beyond the limits of his own consciousness. Today I can say with complete confidence that nothing is impossible, there is only our idea of ​​​​the limitations that we invent for ourselves. A person may not know only one thing - how to achieve what he wants to achieve. He may simply not notice the opportunities that are around him, and the ways to solve the task at hand may seem too complicated and meaningless to him. The most strong feeling, allowing a person to achieve the impossible is his faith. Without faith there is and cannot be any success, faith in yourself determines everything, you have to believe and the impossible will become possible. Then comes the goal, or the meaning of what you are going to do, the higher this goal is, the more it resembles a great mission and your possible destiny in this life, the more desperately you will pursue your goal, despite the obstacles and difficulties along the way.

The base goals that are so persistently imposed on us today do not provide us with sufficient incentive; grabbing a larger piece is not a goal, it is an insignificant desire of a pathetic dog, whose purpose is to serve its owner. Very important point, which must be taken into account when following your goal is the importance of it specifically for you. The goal should be yours and no one else’s; you must clearly understand why you need what you do. Next comes the direct method of solving the problems that have arisen in front of you on the way to your goal. Such an act as self-sacrifice or sacrifice by others is not uncommon on the path to achieving one’s mission. It’s hard to make such decisions, but it has to be done, such is life, we often sacrifice a lot for the sake of victory, for the sake of achieving results, and we must be prepared for this. Patience is truly a special state of a person, together with composure and prudence, patience allows you to overcome any, even the most hopeless, situation in your favor.

The fact is that our psyche is structured in such a way that we usually immediately react emotionally to everything that happens around us; emotions are our weakness, because they open us, show our true intentions, our inner state and desires. All this can be used against us, and decisions made on an emotional wave will certainly be wrong. Therefore, you must be cold as ice, reasonable and patient, which will allow you to soberly assess any situation and find the right solution for any task assigned to you. Only special psychological preparation can prepare a person in such a way that he meets all the above requirements. But for such people there are no impossible things, there are only deadlines that are necessary to complete the task assigned to them.

The impossible will become possible if your psyche accepts such a concept, if you force it to accept it. Restrictions have always been only for slaves, and that is why today people are so often limited in everything, introducing into their consciousness frameworks that limit human capabilities. If you think something is impossible, then you either don’t know how to do it and don’t want to look for such an opportunity, or someone convinced you of the impossibility of it. However, having trained your psyche accordingly, you yourself will be amazed at the capabilities that have been sleeping within you. Look for a goal, be cool and reasonable, don’t be afraid to sacrifice, clearly understand what you are doing and why. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your business, do not pay attention to the words of other people if they try to confuse you. They are just helpless boogers trying to stop you.

And do not give up under any circumstances, it is no coincidence that I say this at the very end, because on the way to the impossible, there may be a lot of failures, many defeats and an incredible number of mistakes, but this does not mean that you will not be able to achieve what you want, it means that you need to demonstrate fortitude and resilience. I do not believe in the impossible, moreover, I firmly believe that there is no impossible, I believe in possibilities and in a person for whom there are no restrictions and no limits, except those that he invents for himself.

“In our country, unlike Africa,
They don’t eat political opponents.”
(V. Putin)

The words included in the epigraph are no longer relevant. In the sense that we really don’t eat our opponents, but Africa has not been in first place for a long time. But more on that later.

I have long wanted to find fundamental differences between Russian conventional conservatives and conventional liberals. Not those superficial and temporary ideological differences that are widely heard, but those that are hidden deeply, deeply under the husk of words that masks the true goals, and in many ways inaccessible to momentary comprehension.

Now the occasion has arrived - just recently in Moscow there was a procession of non-systemic opposition under flags of all the colors of the rainbow: from the tricolor to yellow-black banners, diluted with red and black banners. This phenomenon in Once again demonstrated an extreme degree of illegibility and unprincipledness, amusingly and shamelessly disguised in Russia under the term creativity.

The relative abundance of the latest action should not be misleading: creativity, in its essence, is a piecemeal phenomenon and is trivially determined by the minimum percentage in any society. As for Russia, a significant increase in the indicated percentage is hampered by the complete failure of liberalism as an ideology in the 90s of the last century and the absence of truly charismatic leaders capable of unconditionally winning against the background of the country’s official top leaders. To the same piggy bank you can add exclusively gray and inadequate personalities in all Western elites, which is no longer possible to hide from an attentive glance. Therefore, we can confidently state: Russian creatives, despite titanic efforts and solid external support, are destined to forever hang out in their creative corridor of statistical error.

However, the corridor is different from the corridor, so let's talk about this in more detail.

There is an experiment: they put fleas in a jar from which they can easily jump out. They cover the jar with a lid, after a certain amount of time the lid is removed and it turns out that the fleas continue to jump, but only to the height that was previously limited by the lid.

Fleas turned out to be too small for broad generalizations, so experiments were continued on pikes, catfish, rabbits, cats, dogs, monkeys and even elephants. In all cases, our smaller and larger brothers demonstrated similar behavior, determined by instincts, as well as innate and developed reflexes, forced into a certain corridor, from which they could no longer leave.

Experimenters and their followers-interpreters quickly and wittily extended the results of their experiments to all of humanity, which, in principle, is true, but requires significant clarification. The fact is that the human psyche turned out to be much more inventive, demonstrating miracles of resourcefulness and adaptability. It turned out that people have not only instincts and reflexes, but also a lot of other properties, both innate and acquired in the process of growing up: mentality, complexes, stereotypes, thematic choices, as well as consciousness, subconscious, unconscious (including . and collective) etc. As a result, it sometimes turns out that entire institutions dealing with the behavior of humans and human communities eat their bread in vain and are only capable of making mistakes, and in a situation where it is difficult to even find a monetary equivalent for the cost of an error. The latest example: the bet that in a situation of falling living standards Russians will inevitably refuse to support the authorities has already cost the world trillions of dollars, and Russia suddenly, for no reason, for no reason, is on the shoulders of an “economy torn to shreds” and with full support population, quickly burst into the vacant position of a superpower. I must say that for these institutions this is not just a mistake, it is a fatal mistake.

Well, God be with them, with the institutions. One way or another, the corridor, determined by the properties of the human psyche, really exists. The main factors that form its framework are reflexes and instincts, for example, the same instinct of self-preservation, which warns of danger and restrains a person from reckless actions. From the point of view of the modern paradigm, this phenomenon is rather negative, since it hinders human development, not allowing him to take risks and go beyond the corridor. That's why I call it the conservative corridor.

Thus, in Russian society At least two corridors are revealed: creative and conservative. IN philosophical sense These are some objective realities that consider a person as an object. But given the general terminological context, they have completely different content, motivations, driving forces, goals and objectives.

Conservative corridor, like any objective reality, is an irrational, paradoxical and contradictory phenomenon. The main paradox of people who carry conservative thinking lies in their attitude to life in general, to the lives of other people and to their own lives. By refracting the instinct of self-preservation through the human psyche, the result is a warrior man, a statesman who instinctively senses danger and is ready to risk his life for the lives of others. At an unconscious level, the basic values ​​of such people at all times coincide with religious commandments, even if they consider themselves convinced atheists. In a non-ideologized society, conservatives are always the majority, which allows the government, which cares about state interests, to have firm support and a long planning horizon, regardless of the current situation.

The primary task of a conservative is the salvation and preservation of humanity as biological species, which has only a distant relation to personality development. However, only until an individual person realizes that he has a corridor. That is why, if you look closely at greatest achievements of humanity, an interesting detail will become clear - at the heart of all eternal values, from art to engineering, there is a person with conservative thinking, who does not depend on additional motivations, such as “decent financing”, momentary fame and other temporary attributes that can distort any worldview to the point of unrecognizability.

Creative corridor is also contradictory and paradoxical, but the instinct of self-preservation in it is elevated to the absolute, turning into its ugly continuation - the fear of personal death. No matter what anyone says, this is the basic basis that dictates the very behavior characterized by promiscuity and unprincipled behavior. As objects of influence, creatives are, at a minimum, the main consumers of material assets, creating demand and stimulating technological progress. As a result, it was in their midst that fashionable transhumanist ideas arose, believing that man is on the threshold of technological evolution in the new kind, something like “Nano sapiens”.

I will not go into details of technological evolution, I will only note that these ideas are quite popular in the creative community and, according to their modest estimates, by the year 2045 they hope for significant results along this path. There is even a corresponding movement “Russia 2045”, which aims to achieve immortality by the said year by transplanting consciousness into an artificial body (avatar).

Creatives are, of course, convinced that people descended from monkeys (I expressed my opinion about this more than 13 years ago) and, in connection with this, have a lot of unnecessary properties and atavisms, both physical and mental. A person, who has received intelligence and consciousness as a result of natural evolution, is obliged not to stop in his development and, having received unlimited technologies at his disposal, must begin to improve his body to finally overcome aging and death.

Creatives understand that this is not a cheap pleasure, so they try at any cost to create a system that allows them to make fortunes on anything, even in a vacuum, constantly blaming the financial illiteracy of the population, who do not want to master the basics of the stock market and plunge into total credit dependence. They instinctively understand that Russia is a conservative country, so they see the urgent need for its destruction, which was not completed in the 90s. In the same way, they instinctively understand that the Russian people themselves are extremely conservative, therefore the country must be destroyed, and the people, if not destroyed, then at least corrected, which is stated at every step.

That is why any enemy of Russia is a potential ally of those running along the creative corridor towards a bright future, in which physical death must be finally defeated. Russian liberals are well aware of the powerful forces behind them, forces seeking to crush Russia at any cost, the last bastion of a conservative world based on faith in man as opposed to faith in the machine.

I don’t know whether there were black ISIS flags with the seal of the prophet at the march on the late Nemtsov, but given the abundant slogans against the VKS operation in Syria, this hypothetical assumption of mine is not at all without foundation. In any case, the extremely ambiguous position of the Western coalition most definitely forces us to recognize the complete coincidence of the goals of the two ideologies: terrorist and liberal. And if representatives of the first mostly cut the throats of dissenters and only occasionally demonstrate their cannibalism on camera, then the adherents of the second have long put trade in human organs on stream, not disdaining to publicly support the real cannibal rippers, for whose sake they bombed an entire country in the center of Europe. At the same time, you need to understand: the main consumers of the “products” of the rippers are people like 99-year-old David Rockefeller, who has already undergone his sixth operation to transplant a young heart and is confident that he will live to be 200 years old. And there, as the calculations of transhumanists show, if the artificial body arrives in time, there would be (very big) money.

« Artificial organs, implanted microchips, neural interfaces at the level of brain synapses and other rapidly developing attributes and accessories are all a direct path to the disappearance of such imperfect and fragile living people. I'm not even talking about financial instruments accompanying any technology (credit, leasing, etc.), which will instantly fill a new niche, providing an unobtrusive service that is impossible to refuse“- here is a creative scenario for the development of humanity, which I wrote about almost two years ago.

That is why Russian liberals, despite the catastrophic narrowing of the corridor of their support, they will go to the end with any temporary ally, no matter how outright cannibal he may be, just to have the opportunity to uncontrollably amass capital and live up to their cherished goal - to buy themselves immortality.

And you say Africa...

Hello, dear readers!

As promised in the last post, today we will tell you about a person who knows.

We will introduce you to a man whose motto was the following words: “ Nothing is impossible».

18 years - that's exactly how long it took William Boeing to make his name synonymous with aviation. How many years have you been planning to realize your dream?

He turned romance into profitable business when everyone treated it as entertainment.

“The attitude of society in aeronautics today is such that if anyone expresses hope for its prospects, it will be tantamount to admitting their own madness...” Magazine “Scientific American", 1910

How many ideas have you discarded that seemed unrealistic?

Life's dream and first defeat

William Boeing was born into a wealthy family of a timber merchant. It would seem that material well-being should not push one to take any action. After all, everything is fine.

But when William learned in 1903 about the Wright brothers, who had proven that a person could soar in the sky, thoughts of flight haunted him.

After 3 years, he has the opportunity to fulfill his dream - he gets to the convention of American aviators in Los Angeles. But, despite persuasion, none of the pilots wanted to take him as a passenger. This hit Boeing's pride hard, but at the same time he understood what he would do in the next 20 years.

Preparing to make your dreams come true

William Boeing took a thorough approach to realizing his dream. Unfortunately, we don't know if he had a plan to achieve his goal. But his actions were correct.

From 1908 to 1914, William intensively earned start-up capital for his dream by trading timber. IN free time he studies the theory of aeronautics and the practice of aircraft construction.

Meeting with a partner

When you wholeheartedly wish for your dream to come true, fate will definitely give you the necessary meetings. This happened with Boeing. A chance meeting with naval sailor George Conrad Westervelt determined future fate world aviation.

Together they made their first airplane - a seaplane, which was named by their initials B & W. Here is what William Boeing said about this time:

We, as pioneers, landed on an unfamiliar shore, invaded the sphere where any of our new idea deserved that everyone could confidently say: “This cannot be.” And yet we had to do the impossible. We tried our best to turn everything we thought was necessary into reality.

Foundation of the company

J. Westervelt soon decided to leave the common business and Boeing founded his company Pacific Aero Products on July 15, 1916, to which a year later he gave his name - Boeing Airplane.

Having founded the company, he hired an aircraft designer (this was not easy to do, since there were very few specialists in this profile in the United States) and two very talented engineers. William Boeing immediately decided that he would work with the best, and he was right.

Ups and downs

The further fate of the Boeing company and his life consists of ups and downs. But not even completely good times became a springboard for further achievements.

William Boeing always found a way out of the situation. So, when after the First World War the state stopped ordering seaplanes and difficult times came for the company, Boeing decided to “retrain” a little. And Boeing Airplane began producing boats, furniture and even clothing. This saved the company from bankruptcy.

The further development of the company under the strict leadership of William Boeing was so successful that they became leaders in the sky for many years. They had no equal in mail, passenger and military aircraft. However, even now we strongly associate Boeing with aviation. And this is after almost 100 years of the company’s existence!

What is it William Boeing's secret to success? We have highlighted the following key points:

  1. Defeat is a magic kick to move forward, not a reason to stop.
  2. You need to approach the realization of your lifelong dream thoroughly, preparing a solid foundation for it.
  3. Listen to your heart and follow your dreams.
  4. Invite the best specialists.
  5. Remember: “Nothing is impossible”!

By the way, at the end of his life, William Boeing made another dream come true. He loved horses very much and last years life began to breed horses.

Good luck and victories to you, dear readers!