Eating onions, especially in their pure form, leads to bad breath. Of course, this vegetable is rich in useful elements, and is especially often used to prevent colds. How to get rid of the smell of onions from your breath when you need to contact people? You can neutralize an unpleasant aroma using pharmaceutical, folk remedies.

Pharmacy drugs

To urgently remove the unpleasant odor after onions, it is recommended to use commercial preparations, which are usually sold in pharmacies. You don’t have to give up this healthy vegetable; you just need to have an effective remedy in your home medicine cabinet. Helps many:

  1. Septogal. Lozenges, the strong mint flavor of which can overpower the aroma of foods such as onions and garlic. The drug is especially valued for how long the effect lasts - usually lasts for at least 2 hours. It contains mint, menthol, thymol, benzalkonium chloride, and other components.
  2. Infresh. Lollipops with a pleasant taste, the main substance is chlorophyll. It can freshen your breath for a long time and fight off the onion smell. It is recommended to take one tablet after eating the vegetable, and the second after about half an hour.
  3. Petrusha. Parsley-based lozenges. The plant is often used in folk recipes for unpleasant odors; simply chewing a few branches is enough to eliminate the onion aroma. Since fresh parsley is not always available, many people buy Parsley. The capsules contain exclusively natural ingredients: essential oils, vitamin E.

You can also remove onion odor using mouth rinses. Unlike lollipops, their use is convenient only at home. Some people use them before going outside after eating onions or garlic. The following rinses are common:

  • Lakalut Active;
  • Elmex;
  • Gel-tonic Mirra;
  • Listerine.

Important! If you need to remove an unpleasant odor from a child, you must use only those rinses and other pharmaceutical preparations that do not contain alcohol.

Most people don't eat onions often enough to buy special preparations. If necessary, they use one of the available folk remedies to remove the unpleasant aroma. Popular recipes are those for the preparation of which plants are used and not only:

  1. Mint. A decoction is prepared on its basis; you can use both fresh and dried leaves of the plant. Take 10 leaves per 100 g of water and cook for five minutes. After cooling to room temperature rinse the mouth.
  2. Green tea. As a rule, most homes have it, so applying it will not be difficult. Important rule: You must use only natural tea, without impurities or additives. All of these can interfere with the product's ability to neutralize odor. Brew a cup of the drink according to the manufacturer's instructions, let it brew, drink in small sips, holding it in your mouth for a while.
  3. Oil. It is better to use olive oil, but other vegetable oils are also possible. At 2 tbsp. l. take 0.5 tsp of oil. salt, mix, rinse the mouth without swallowing. This method is effective only when there is time; the mixture does not begin to act immediately, after 10-20 minutes.

Before using any folk recipe, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction on the products used. It is not safe to give them to children.

There are more quick methods, capable of killing the smell of onions in a short time:

  1. Coffee. A few sips of a drink made from natural grains can temporarily overwhelm even the strongest aroma. If you don’t have time to make coffee, you urgently need to conduct business negotiations, meet a girl/boyfriend, or just someone unexpectedly came to visit, you can simply chew a few coffee beans. The effect, at least short-term, will be ensured.
  2. Citrus. Any citrus fruits and juices from them contain acids that help quickly get rid of unpleasant odors.
  3. Greenery. All you need is fresh, just chew a couple of branches of cilantro and parsley, and the unpleasant smell will disappear.

Many spices, cloves, cardamom, and others also help. You just need to find what is available, without chewing gum - a common remedy for many.

Interesting! Dentists say that chewing gum, no matter how minty it tastes, cannot completely eliminate the smell of onions and other strong odors from the mouth.

Oral hygiene

For some reason, adults forget about the simplest remedy available to everyone - toothpaste. Any cause of bad breath can be eliminated by proper teeth brushing. It is not able to kill the smell of onions, but supplementing its properties with other means is effective.

Dentists advise brushing your teeth every time before using a pharmaceutical product: lozenges, capsules. To experience the effects of toothpaste, it is important to know how to use it correctly:

  • brush your teeth not twice a day, but more often;
  • thoroughly clean the tongue, especially its root;
  • the brush must be of high quality, the material must be natural;
  • Use floss to remove food debris between teeth.

If the morning after evening reception If your breath still smells bad even after brushing your teeth, you should see a doctor. This may be a sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs.

Thus, getting rid of bad breath is quite possible; there is no need to give up eating healthy vegetables for fear of bad breath. Some people find it more convenient to use pharmaceutical products: lozenges, rinses. Others get by using folk remedies. It is also important to monitor oral hygiene, brush your teeth correctly, and choose the right toothpaste, floss, and rinses.

Onions are a very healthy product, which is why you can see them in the list of ingredients of most first and second courses, as well as all kinds of salads. The main disadvantage of this root vegetable can be confidently called the unpleasant smell that accompanies every person who tastes it. Today you will learn how to get rid of onion smell from your mouth, and we are sure that after this conversation the number of onion lovers will increase significantly, because many do not like it precisely because of its specific smell.

How to remove onion odor from your mouth

Bad breath that appears after eating dishes that contain onions is nothing more than the interaction of sulfur compounds with bacteria in the mouth. You can fight the smell, and it’s not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are several ways; we will introduce you to the simplest and most effective ones right now.

1. Rinse your mouth after eating warm water And eat a few sprigs of parsley. Parsley will not only kill bacteria in your mouth, but will also protect your teeth and gums.

2. After tasting a dish that included onion, in order to avoid bad breath, it is recommended to eat a couple of walnuts, almonds or pine nuts.

3. Lemon zest has been proven to perfectly kill the smell of onions, so you can eat a little zest or just rinse your mouth with lemon juice.

4. You can dull the smell of onions from your mouth if chew cardamom seeds, because they perfectly kill bacteria, which are considered the source of unpleasant odors. For this purpose, some people prefer to chew cloves, cinnamon, and even Bay leaf.

5. Rinse your mouth after eating milk It will also help get rid of the unpleasant smell of onions from your mouth.

6. Thorough brushing of your teeth, tongue and palate after an onion meal will ensure that your breath is fresh.

7. And finally, the most drastic measure - hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse. This product, which is in any home medicine cabinet, kills bacteria, which means it will be an excellent assistant in the fight against unpleasant smell onions from the mouth. However, it is worth noting that for a quarter of an hour after the procedure, the mouth does not have the most pleasant sensations, but we completed the task.

Onion - healthy vegetable, included in every second dish. And not in vain, because it is a source of large amounts of vitamins. Most of us are familiar medicinal qualities Luke. It is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. Eating this vegetable will help strengthen the immune system and relieve colds, flu and many other diseases.

The only drawback of this healing vegetable is the unpleasant pungent odor, which is not so easy to remove after eating. The fact is that when onions are chewed, sulfur compounds are released that interact with oral bacteria. This is the main reason. The problem for many onion lovers is that this scent is inconvenient to appear in public, especially in front of important people. How to solve this problem? In fact, there are many ways to easily and easily get rid of onion smell. Let's look at each of them.

How to remove the smell of onions from your mouth? Products that eliminate onion odor

You can easily get rid of the strong onion aroma using products. This is a fairly simple and effective method.

  • Fresh greens. Parsley, cilantro, and celery help a lot. Just chew a couple of sprigs of greens after lunch. For greater effect, you can prepare fresh. To do this, grind the greens in a blender and add a little water. Not a trace will remain of the onion aroma.
  • Fruits. Apples and citrus fruits can quickly cope with the pungent odor. Orange or lemon zest is especially good in this regard. Chew the zest for a few minutes after lunch and you will appreciate its effectiveness against onions.
  • Nuts. Help quickly walnuts and almonds, but pistachios and peanuts will not be beneficial. Just a few pieces of nuts are guaranteed to relieve you of the smell for the whole day. You can also use seeds, but it is worth considering that they simply interrupt the aroma, that is, fresh breath is not guaranteed.
  • Dairy products. Drinking a glass of kefir after lunch will not only eliminate the aroma of onions, but also speed up the digestion process.
  • Cinnamon. Chew a pinch of ground cinnamon or, if you suffer from allergies, simply add it to your coffee to taste. Cinnamon contains essential oils.
  • Vegetables. Eat onions as a snack with vegetables. The smell will become less noticeable, if not disappear completely.
  • White bread or other foods high in carbohydrates, because the smell can be caused by a lack of this microelement in the body.

Drinks that eliminate onion odor

You can eliminate the unpleasant onion smell by drinking the following drinks after meals:

  • Green tea. Contains a substance that neutralizes pungent odor - polyphenol. So a mug of green tea after a meal can eliminate the aroma and freshen your breath.
  • Coffee. Drink a cup of strong coffee or chew a couple of coffee beans.
  • Acidic juices, such as grapefruit or lime. The acid quickly combats unpleasant odors.
  • Milk or milkshake. Milk significantly reduces the amount of sulfur compounds, neutralizing the unpleasant odor.

Reducing unpleasant odor before and after meals

To reduce the aroma of the vegetable, scald the onion with boiling water before eating. In general, it is best to avoid eating raw onions before important meetings. Give preference to dishes in which onions are heat-treated.

If you can’t imagine your life without salads with fresh onions, replace them with pickled ones. Or soak in cold water for 2-3 hours, the onion will not lose its beneficial properties, and the smell after eating will be less noticeable.

Chewing gum will help reduce the onion smell a little.

Give preference to natural chewing gum with mint or cinnamon flavors.

Pharmacy products

How to remove onion smell from your mouth urgently?

  • Chlorophyllipt. This alcohol solution quickly and efficiently copes with the problem of pungent breath. It contains eucalyptus extract. Simply add 5 ml of solution to a glass of water and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is great at fighting viruses, but few people know about others beneficial properties this cheap remedy. Hydrogen peroxide can easily freshen your breath and eliminate odors. To do this, you just need to dissolve 10 drops of peroxide in 1 tbsp. l. water, then rinse your mouth with the resulting solution.
  • Special mouth rinses. When choosing a mouthwash, carefully study its composition. Rinse aids that contain chlorhexidine work best, but it is better not to use alcohol rinses, they are ineffective, and they can even make the smell even stronger.
  • Parsley capsules are an effective remedy. The capsules contain only natural products: vitamin E, parsley seeds and vegetable oils.
  • Anti-policeman. The essential oils included in the preparation can not only drown out the aroma, but completely eliminate it. Available in two versions - spray and lozenges, both products are equally effective.
  • Activated carbon. Charcoal fights toxins, thereby eliminating unwanted odors. Just hold the tablet in your mouth for a few minutes. The oral cavity will be colored dark color, but this problem is easily solved by rinsing your mouth with plain water.

How to quickly remove onion smell from your mouth? Consider hygiene procedures

Hygiene procedures will not help you completely eliminate the odor, but in combination with other methods they will have a positive effect on the freshness of your breath.

  • Teeth cleaning. You need to brush your teeth as often as possible, while Special attention focusing on the language. The fact is that food residues remain on the tongue, which further enhance the aroma. It’s good if you have a special tongue scraper on hand, you can use it to effectively get rid of food particles and bacteria. Food debris can also accumulate in the openings of your teeth, so if you suffer from tooth decay, the smell of onions may be more difficult to get rid of. In this case, you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible.
  • Dental floss. Dentists advise using dental floss every time after eating, it cleans the oral cavity of food debris.
  • Mouth rinse. A properly selected mouthwash should be used daily after meals.

All of the above methods are effective in combating onion odor. Choose the most suitable method for yourself, and remember that the smell is not a reason to refuse such a vitamin-rich and healing vegetable as onions.

Video on the topic

About beneficial properties onions has been known for a long time. Homeopaths and traditional healers claim that onions take their healing energy from the depths of the earth. Due to the content of vitamins and phytoncides, onions are effective in treating colds, helping to increase immunity and strengthen the body.

Once upon a time, it was this vegetable that saved long-distance sailors from scurvy. In addition, onions are recommended for skin fungus and dermatitis, hypertension and kidney stones. The use of this product significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. But many people try not to eat it, because after eating it, an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth, which can last for several hours.

What causes an unpleasant odor?

While chewing onions, sulfur compounds are released, to which the bacterial environment of the oral cavity begins to react. It is thanks to this contact that an unpleasant odor appears that scares people away.

The following little tricks will help you avoid the smell:

  • Before eating, finely chop the onion, this makes it easier to chew and swallow;
  • Before adding onions to the salad, scald them with boiling water; it will wash away the substances that cause bitterness and odor;
  • At a feast, do not choose dishes with onions last, so that subsequent food will displace its aftertaste.

If, nevertheless, an unpleasant aftertaste appears, there are several simple and effective ways, helping to remove it.

How to get rid of onion smell in your mouth

Onion odor and taste in the mouth can be easily eliminated with the help of remedies and products that can be found in any home.

  1. Mint toothpaste is an excellent breath freshener. When brushing your teeth, treat your tongue well with the rubber pad located on the back side brushes.
  2. IN warm water add a little lemon oil or tea tree, rinse your mouth with this product.
  3. Spices with a pronounced taste are also good at eliminating unpleasant odors. You need to chew cardamom grains or coffee (can be ground) for several minutes, covering the entire surface of your mouth with the pulp.
  4. Activated carbon is not only a good absorbent, it also perfectly masks unpleasant odors. Just hold one tablet in your mouth for 3 – 4 minutes. True, this remedy has a significant disadvantage - the teeth and tongue will turn black, but this disadvantage is easily eliminated by rinsing the mouth with warm water and lemon juice.
  5. They remove unwanted amber and nuts (almond, walnut or pine) well. You need to eat them immediately after the onions; the unwanted smell will either disappear or become weaker.
  6. Fresh parsley can also cope with the onion aroma. Just a few chewed twigs will freshen your breath.
  7. Some fruits, such as apple, lemon, pineapple, tangerine, significantly reduce the unpleasant aroma. However, it is not completely eliminated.
  8. An effective remedy is mouthwash. But you can only use it at home.
  9. Black tea without sugar with natural chocolate and freshly brewed natural coffee will also help cope with the problem.
  10. Chewing gum with a strong flavor also dulls the onion taste in the mouth.

Helpful advice! You can minimize the smell of onions by using dairy products. If you drink a glass of milk or eat yogurt, the unpleasant aroma will gradually become less noticeable.

How to get rid of onion smell from your mouth using folk recipes

In addition to the above methods, there are several folk recipes, helping to eliminate unpleasant taste and odor.

Green tea

Helps eliminate unwanted odor green tea with honey, it contains antioxidants that destroy sulfur compounds. Add to a cup with hot water a pinch of green tea. Cover the cup and leave for 5 minutes. Strain the tea and add a small amount of honey. For the smell to completely disappear, you need to drink this tea several times.

Mint infusion

Mint perfectly freshens breath and eliminates the smell of onions, thanks to its antiseptic properties. Chop a small bunch of mint and add hot water. Cover for 10 minutes, strain the infusion, add honey. If making a drink is not possible, you can simply chew fresh mint leaves.

Vegetable oil

Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower or olive oil and 1 teaspoon of salt. Rinse your mouth with this mixture. After a while, the unpleasant smell will disappear.

People are often concerned about how to get rid of onion smell from their mouth quickly at home. This product is an important component of many dishes, giving them a pleasant taste and aroma. And in winter it becomes an indispensable assistant in the fight against colds.

But onions have one very unpleasant feature - after eating it, a persistent, pungent and characteristic odor remains. This impairs communication between people and creates a bad impression. Lovers of this product often sacrifice their own tastes, as they are required to arrive at an important meeting after lunch. business meeting, negotiations, dating, etc.

Why do onions cause bad breath?

Let's first figure out why a person who recently ate onions stinks and how long does this aroma last? The fact is that when the cells of this product are damaged (cut, bitten into pieces), special sulfur compounds are released. Scientists call them thiosulfides. They quickly interact with bacteria found in the oral cavity, on the mucous membrane and teeth.

Their active reproduction leads to a persistent, pungent and unpleasant odor. But the situation is complicated by the fact that these sulfur compounds themselves are not processed by gastric juice and are absorbed into circulatory system. Thus, they enter the lungs and come out during breathing, which causes corresponding consequences.

Therefore, eliminating the smell of onions is not as easy as we would like. After all, it remains not only on the surface of the teeth and gums, but is also absorbed into internal organs and is excreted with various natural secretions, for example, with sweat.

It is worth noting that sometimes a person smells of onions even when he has not consumed this product. This is due to some pathological malfunctions gastrointestinal tract. And if this happens often, it is advisable to contact a gastroenterologist or therapist and undergo appropriate diagnostics.

What to do first to neutralize

The easiest way to brush your teeth is with regular, or better yet mint, toothpaste and a brush. In addition to this, it is advisable to use or. Then you will be able to get rid of all the remnants of the onion from the interdental space. A high-quality hygiene procedure kills germs and eliminates the cause of their spread throughout the oral cavity.

But most often a person notices that this is not enough. After all, it smells like onions not only because of the presence of its particles on the mucous membrane, but the breath itself is saturated with sulfurous substances. What to do in this case and how to remove the unpleasant odor in a short time?

In addition to the usual hygiene procedure, you can also rinse using special solutions that are sold at the pharmacy. They have a pleasant aroma and aftertaste. But it is important to choose products that do not contain alcohol. When you have neither toothpaste nor mouthwash on hand, you can use regular mint chewing gum. But its effect is short-lived.

How to quickly get rid of the smell of onions using folk remedies?

We will describe what to eat or drink to remove onion amber in as soon as possible, as well as other simple and effective recipes based on available products:

  1. Green tea - brew as usual, but as it cools you need to add a spoonful of natural honey. This drink contains many antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of cells, including sulfur compounds. But to really kill the pungent smell, you will need more than one mug of tea.
  2. Mint is a very effective plant in the fight for fresh breath. You can chew its leaves a little or make a decoction. It is enough to infuse this drink for about 10 minutes. It has antiseptic properties and imparts a pleasant aroma.
  3. Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons mixed with a small amount of table salt and when the crystals are completely dissolved, you can rinse your mouth with this product. The oil combats unpleasant odors well, and in combination with salt it has deodorizing properties.
  4. Cup fresh milk or natural yogurt - quickly eliminates the unpleasant odor if you drink it almost immediately after eating onions. You can mix it with tea or coffee.
  5. Soda solution - dilute no more than 10 g in 200 ml of water baking soda. With the help of this rinse, bacteria are quickly removed from the mucous membrane, due to which the bad odor disappears.
  6. You can also eat unpleasant amber with nuts. But only cedar, walnuts or almonds, as well as pumpkin or sunflower seeds are suitable for this purpose. Other varieties delicious product will not have the desired effect.
  7. Coffee beans act in a similar way, giving your breath a pleasant aroma.
  8. Various citrus fruits and fruits can relieve a person of onion smell. Lemon, orange, grapefruit, pear, cherry, tangerine, apple, pineapple are suitable for this. The most effective means Lemon juice diluted in water is considered. If you rinse your mouth with it, you can quickly eliminate all the consequences of a delicious lunch.
  9. Spices – cloves, cardamom, marjoram, basil, bay leaf, cinnamon. It is enough to chew a small amount of any of them or dilute the seasoning in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it. You can choose any of your preferred spices, as they are all highly effective.
  10. Parsley, cilantro, celery, dill, oregano - act in a similar way and after chewing a leaf of greenery for five minutes, they quickly eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  11. Quite specific, but effective method– 1 tsp. mustard is diluted in water and used as a rinse.
  12. A decoction of chamomile, strawberry leaves and wormwood - you need to steep it for about half an hour, but after rinsing, your breath becomes fresh and clean.
  13. Cranberry juice also works well to combat bad taste.
  14. It is believed that if you eat onions in dishes made from carrots or potatoes, then their smell will not even appear.
  15. You can make a decoction of cumin and alder. To do this, pour a spoonful of these components into a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes and filter. The same rinse can be made with sage and mint.
  16. Oatmeal also helps neutralize odor and actively produce salivary secretions.
  17. Alcohol - you need to drink 30-40 ml of a strong drink (low-alcohol drinks are not suitable) and eat a piece of lemon to eliminate the onion odor. But such a tool should be used only in cases where you do not have to drive.
  18. If you add a few drops to the rinse water essential oil, for example, tea tree or lemon, then they will quickly eliminate the unpleasant odor.

What medications can help?

There are situations when the above products are not available, for example, at work or on the road. Then you need to figure out how to urgently eliminate the smell of onions from your mouth pharmaceutical drugs. Suitable for this:

  • any absorbent agents (activated carbon, Enterosgel) - can be taken orally, as usual, or held in the mouth for a while;
  • make a solution with Chlorophyllipt - for this, add 5 ml of green liquid to a glass of water and rinse;
  • The pharmacy has special mouth products that contain Chlorhexidine, or you can take its concentrate and dilute it in large quantities water;
  • any means to combat throat diseases or dental pathologies also eliminate bad breath;
  • hydrogen peroxide in an amount of 10 ml is diluted in 200 ml of warm liquid, lemon juice is added and used as a rinse;
  • tablets “Petrusha” or “Antipolitsay” can help eliminate not only the consequences of drinking alcohol, but also have a similar effect on onion amber.

Video: methods for eliminating onion odor from the mouth in the “Everything Will Be Good” program.

In order not to suffer from this phenomenon immediately after a feast, experienced people recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Before eating the onion, it is advisable to fry it in sunflower oil, pour boiling water over it or marinate in vinegar for a while. Then the unpleasant smell will not appear.
  2. The finer you chop it, the less likely it is to have a strong flavor.
  3. To prevent onion particles from lingering in the mouth, it is advisable to brush the surface of the tongue immediately after eating it. You also need to use dental floss.
  4. If you eat this product at the very beginning of lunch or dinner, there is a greater chance that other dishes and spices will overcome the unpleasant odor.