The name Natalya is very popular in Russian. She is one of the 20 most popular names in Russia. The meaning of this name, like all other names, must be sought in its history. The name Natalya has several theories of origin, and therefore meaning.

The most probable theory is the origin of the name in the first centuries new era. It is the name of Christendom and is associated with the Christian faith. It is believed that it is derived from the word “natalis”, which means “native”. To be more precise, it comes from the phrase “Natalis Domini”, which means “Christmas”. This gave rise to the idea that the meaning of the name Natalya is “blessed” or “Christmas”.

The second version of the origin of the name can be called the theory of origin from the language of ancient Judea (other Hebrew), and not from the Latin language. It is believed that the name Nathan and Natalie came from the same word "נָתָן", meaning "given (given) by God." According to this theory the meaning of the name Natalya is “given” or “gifted”.

The meaning of the name Natalya for a girl

Natasha is growing up as an active and obedient girl. She is a cheerful child and charges those around her with her joy. She is very sociable and loves company. Gets along easily with other children and plays well with them. He learns early to understand what is good and what is bad. Sometimes someone who has been taught correct behavior begins to teach others.

Natasha studies well, and especially loves when she is praised. After praise, Natasha’s efforts double, and this applies not only to training. The humanities and exact sciences are equally easy for her. The mindset is rather analytical, which does not prevent him from successfully pursuing literature and artistic circles.

Natasha’s health as a child was good, but it couldn’t be called heroic. Common childhood problems are often accompanied by a stomach problem. It is the ability to be passionate about something that affects Natalya’s health. She may sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position and forget about food. Ulcers and scoliosis rarely appear in childhood, but the first problems are noticeable already in adolescence. Take care of the girl's health.

Short name Natalya

Nata, Natasha, Natakha, Natalie, Tasha, Nasha, Tusya, Talka.

Diminutive pet names

Natochka, Natalochka, Natashenka, Natashechka, Natushka, Natulya, Natunya, Natusya, Natalya.

Name Natalia in English

On English language the name Natalya is written as Nataly, but read as Natalie.

Name Natalya for international passport- NATALIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Natalya into other languages

in Arabic - ناتاليا
in Belarusian - Natalya
in Hungarian - Natália
in Greek - Ναταλία (Natalia)
Natalie in Danish - Natalie
in Hebrew - נטליה‎
in Spanish - Natalia
in Italian - Natalia
in Chinese - 娜塔莉娅
in Latvian - Natālija
in German - Natalie
in Norwegian - Natalie
in Polish - Natalia
in Serbian - Natalia
in Ukrainian - Natalia
in French - Nathalie
in Czech - Natálie
in Estonian - Natalie
in Japanese - ナタリア

Church name Natalya(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged unless Natalya is given a different name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Natalya

Natalya is pleasant to talk to and even a sweet person. It has such characteristics as honesty and moral purity. Natalya will not take part in unseemly affairs and commit unworthy acts. Self-esteem will characterize her entire life path.

At work, she is characterized by hard work and increased efficiency. She keeps her distance from her colleagues and only occasionally allows herself to be relaxed. Natalia's success is typical in almost all types of work. Her name has a positive effect on career advancement, although given her efficiency and talent, this is only a small part of her success.

Family for Natalia is the most important thing in her life. She chooses a man quickly enough, since there are plenty of candidates for her hand and heart. She will create the most comfortable home and be the best mother, but from time to time she will need to take a break from all this and be weak. She is unlikely to admit this, but this is the task of her loved ones.

The secret of the name Natalya

Natalia's secret can be called her sensitivity to comments. She doubles her work if you praise her and completely gives up if you scold her. Even the smallest remark can hurt her, but he remembers insults for a long time. Find a way to convey information about the situation without making comments.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Swimming beetle.

Name color- Scarlet.

Tree- Aralia.

Plant- Burnet.

Stone- Bloody.

Natalya did not suffer in vain,
Natalya gave a new day.
Our whole family loved him
Although she is too lazy to mow.

Natalya, our beloved,
You are a ray of sunshine, you are our light.
So be happy, Natasha,
Be loved, love in return.

And believe that fate will protect you
You and your chosen Path.
Natalya Ovsyanitsa doesn’t lie:
After all, Christianity is the essence!

On the day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa,
If the night drags on,
And the morning will become foggy,
And your cheeks are flushed from the coolness,
It will be cold in winter,
It will snow early.
Remember, friend, a poem,
This knowledge will be useful.

On the Day of St. Natalia Ovsyanitsa, from the bottom of my heart I hasten to wish you a generous harvest and a rich table, peace over your head and grace in the house, bright love in your heart and true happiness in life. Let the cut oats give strength and health to all household members and dear people.

On Natalia's Day, on Fescue Day
Congratulations for the soul,
May she remain young
Enjoy life, breathe.

May your dreams definitely come true,
There will always be a lot of joy
Let good days will not be forgotten
And the star will fulfill your wishes.

I wish you many, many good things:
House, car, green meadow,
So that sadness does not come from the past,
Here is a poem from the bottom of my heart!

Early in the morning, September eighth,
Get out of the house and look:
If it's cold outside today,
It will be winter, no matter how you look at it.
Let the hostess put pancakes,
Let her give the horses oats,
After all, today is Natalia Ovsyanitsa’s day.
I wish you well on this day,
The house is full of guests, and the table is full of food,
Peace in the house, and love in the soul.

Happy Saint Natalia Ovsyanitsa’s Day, who followed her husband into captivity and strengthened him in faith, despite all the difficulties and sorrows. Our ancestors believed that before this day we had to collect all the oats and then the year would be successful. Let neither food, nor love and loyalty to each other dry up in your family, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor ever.

Please accept congratulations on this holy holiday,
Oats are honored among the population,
Today the weather gives signs,
And the verses of the songs are filled with happiness.

So may there be happiness on Natalia Ovsyanitsa’s day
It will come down to you from heaven, all bad weather will go away,
Let the world enchant you with its kindness,
Beautiful love, holy purity!

Natalia - Martyr of Nicomedia
She was a pious Christian.
And despite prejudices
She took it and married a pagan.

Their happiness did not last long
They lived for a little over a year.
Then everything changed suddenly,
The days of martyrdom have arrived.

All Christians suffered severe persecution,
The emperor promised a reward for them.
And Natalya’s husband admired the faith,
After thinking about it, he accepted Christianity.

The wife was tormented and tortured for a long time,
She was with him until the end.
And soon after the death of the faithful
I gave my soul to the Lord God.

Peasant care -
Good harvest
Both on holidays and on weekdays -
Collect quickly.

And now Natalya
The fescue has arrived
And back to work
She called us into the fields.

Oat river,
The grain is flowing, flowing,
Feeds all of Russia
And the whole world, it is!

The oats have left the fields,
Andrey removed it with his Natalya.
And three hours, laughing, were removed from the day,
But my prayer-song is heard:

Good Natasha, I love you so much
You are always our joy, I sing your praises!
For everything that she has done, for everything that she has saved...
For the holy darling who gave us everything.

Today to all Natasha women
I will congratulate you with all my heart.
And according to tradition I will,
Of course, treat them to oats.

Oatmeal, cookies,
Pancakes, cutlets, bread -
This is the body's salvation,
But they won’t please the eye, yes.

But this is your secret -
The secret of witchcraft beauty.
Tasteless, albeit unusual,
But all the recipes are simple.

Let's go mushroom picking, rowan berries,
We need to celebrate the day
Which is not that long
(After all, the sun became too lazy to shine).

In ancient times, they gave a name that actually reflected the character of a person; today, most parents name their children according to personal whims, relying on the euphony of the surname-patronymic combination. The name Natalya is one of the most common among female names in the post-Soviet space.

Translated from Latin, it means “native”; it was usually given to girls who were gentle in character, active in activities and games, and cheerful. IN Orthodox Saints you can find 7 different holidays for Natalia, but there is only one Angel Day. Why and on what date should a woman with that name celebrate Angel and Christmas Day?

History of the name and its meaning

First, you should understand the difference between name day and angel day. In the first case, we mean the day of remembrance of the saint, i.e. Christians remember a deceased person who at one time suffered for Christ or who through his life deserved to be included in the canon. Angel's Day is the day on which the baby was baptized, i.e. Everyone who took part in the church as a child has an angel day.

Angel Day is considered the date of the child's baptism

The name is of Latin origin, most likely it was coined in the Roman Empire (“Natalis Domini”) and translated can mean “Birth”, “native” or “Birth of a new one”, all three meanings have a similar root. At the same time, historians claim that Natalya was originally a male name, like many others, but with the spread to the Slavic lands it was converted into a female one and since then the male variation has not been used.

Interesting! Modern language allows you to shorten the name and create its derivatives. This is how “Natka”, “Tasha”, “Nyuta”, “Natalla” and other options appeared. Today, derivatives or abbreviations of “Natalia” may be written in the passport, but children will still have Christmastide on the day of remembrance of Saint Natasha.

Church calendar

If it’s clear with Angel’s Day that it is celebrated on the day of baptism, when should a child’s name day be celebrated? In total, there are several such holidays in the Orthodox Saints:

  1. January 11 - Natalya Sundukova, Siluyanova and Vasilyeva are venerated. The first two saints were included in the canon only in 2000, so these days are celebrated by girls born after 2000. All three Christian women were sent into exile and shot by the Soviet authorities.
  2. March 22 - The Venerable Martyr Ulyanov is venerated, and her Christmastide is celebrated by those born from February to March 22. This nun was shot by the Soviet authorities due to the slander of slanderers and for her faith in Christ.
  3. March 31 - nun Baklanova is venerated, who took novitiate at the Novodevichy Convent. She was sent into exile for preaching the Gospel, where she rested.
  4. September 8 is the main day when the Martyr of Nicomedia or fescue is remembered (due to the fact that oats are actively collected at this time). She was executed for her faith in Christ in the early 4th century.
  5. September 14 - Saint Kozlova, canonized only in 2004, is remembered. Name days on this day can be celebrated by girls who were born after 2004.

According to tradition, Christian women should celebrate those days of remembrance that are closest to their birthday according to the calendar. That is, those girls who were born in the period October-January and the first half of February celebrate their name day on the 11th, those whose date of birth falls on the second half of February - March 22, and 31 those who were born between the 22nd and 31st of this month . Girls born in April-May or summer celebrate September 8th.

Patron Saints

Natalia was the name of many saints and martyrs in Orthodox canon. According to tradition, it is believed that they all protect the Christian soul of the girl. They are prayed for preservation Christian faith from temptations, about its strengthening, about the strength to resist temptations.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Natalia of Nicomedia

They pray to the Martyr of Nicomedia for the blessing of getting married, for the preservation of the family hearth. According to legend, she was a Christian, but her husband was not, but over time, her persistent faith helped him accept Christ as the Savior, and then accept martyrdom for His name.

Currently, the tradition of celebrating not only a person’s birthday, but also his name day is being revived. You need to know that these dates do not always coincide. And the owners of some names get the opportunity to celebrate this special day several times throughout the year. For example, Natalia’s name day is recorded in the Orthodox calendar five times. What is this connected with? Is it so important for modern man memory of people ranked among the saints?

Name day calendar

A holiday associated with a person’s name most often has nothing to do with his date of birth. This day is dedicated to a memorable event in the life of a saint. The calendar lists the names of those whom the church honors with special respect. Special literature contains a description of their deeds committed during their lifetime.

Specific dates and places where the events took place are indicated. important events.
This largely explains the fact that name day can be celebrated not once, but several times throughout the year. Each specific date is associated with the names of different saints. Natalia's name day Orthodox Church are celebrated on January 11, March 22 and 31, September 8 and 14. Catholics also have a saint with this name, and her day is also celebrated by believers.

Natalia's name day and the holy new martyrs

The day of veneration of the new martyrs Natalia Vasilyevna Vasilyeva, Natalia Tikhonovna Siluyanova, Natalia Ivanovna Sundukova and other saints with this name was established by the church in the 90s of the last century. All events related to the lives of these women are tragic.

In the thirties of the 20th century, Siluyanova, Sundukova and nine other women faced a great test. On a fabricated case, they were arrested by the NKVD and sentenced to serve their sentences in a colony. The women were accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, trying to show people the real essence Bolshevik authorities, refusal to carry out work in the camp. The convicts themselves never admitted their guilt, but did not deny that they were deeply religious people.

In the dungeons, persecution became especially cruel. In January 1942, a group of women were shot. The place of their execution and burial has not yet been established. Similar circumstances of death are described in the biography of Natalia Vasilyeva.

Every year, since 2002, on January 11, in memory of Christian women who did not want to give up Orthodox faith, the church and all the parishioners celebrate Natalia’s name day. Martyrdom, accepted as faith, is the main condition for canonizing Christians.

Natalia's birthday Orthodox calendar are celebrated not only in January, but also in March. Saints Natalia Vasilievna Baklanova and Natalia Lukyanovna Sivakova are commemorated on these days. Their fate is in many ways similar to the fate of thousands of women during the Soviet era. The only difference is that they were strong in spirit and did not renounce their involvement in Christianity. It was this circumstance that served as the reason for the cruel sentence handed down by NKVD investigators.

Execution was replaced by hard labor in the camps. Prisoners rarely withstood the difficult living conditions. Such was the fate of these two women who accepted martyrdom.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Natalia’s name day is celebrated by all believers in September. On the days of their remembrance, a prayer service is read. Facts from the lives of saints deserve to be remembered forever. The lives of Natalia Fedorovna Kopytina, Natalia Semyonovna Karikh, Natalia Nikolaevna Ulyanova, Natalia Skopinskaya (Kozlova) can be called a real feat. These simple Russian women possessed such strength of spirit that the most cruel tortures, torment and the threat of physical violence could not break.

Natalia Nicomedia

The eighth of September is a date that all owners of the name Natalya know. Name day Orthodox people This day has been celebrated for several centuries. The celebration is associated with the name of the holy martyr Natalia of Nicomedia. She was the wife of the martyr Hadrian. In difficult times, the woman managed to support her husband, and he did not renounce his accepted faith.

Holiday Traditions

According to church custom, Natalia’s name day is usually celebrated by attending services and reading prayers in memory of the martyrs. The people also have rituals that are performed on name days. If the holiday falls in the fall, then this is the height of the harvest. On this day, jelly is boiled from the new harvest of oats and pancakes are baked.

A wedding played on a name day foretells a long and happy family life for the newlyweds.

Natalya is feminine, kind, lyrical, shy, charming, at the same time proud, receptive and hot-tempered person. Outwardly, she looks modest and sometimes frivolous.

Characteristics of the name Natalya

Depending on the season of birth, character traits differ.
So, Natalya, born in the summer, is an emotional person. They are active, optimistic, energetic, cheerful. They are never interested in the opinions of others, they can wear bright things, behave inappropriately and shock people.

Winter Natalias have an analytical mind. They are reserved and proud, and a little mercantile women. They are very touchy and can take revenge on offenders. Treason and betrayal are never acceptable for them.

Natalyas, born in the fall, are practical, ambitious and proud people. Overcoming various obstacles, they achieve their goals, and they can also step over their principles for this.

Spring Natalyas are emotional, cheerful and somewhat peculiar personalities. They have well-developed intuition. They are very sociable, they are leaders in society, so they have many loyal friends.

The mystery of the name

The name Natalya comes from male name Nataliy. It comes from the Latin word "natalis", which means "native".

Also in Latin there is an expression “dies natalis”, that is, birthday. Hence the name Natalya is translated as native, born. There is a dispute that this name is of European origin from the name Nathan, which means bestowed.

The stone is a talisman. Natalia is naturally strong and cheerful. She, like everyone else, needs a talisman. So beryl, turquoise, sapphire, obsidian will help her. They bring good luck to their owners. Beryl helps maintain good spirits and prevent fatigue; it will also help maintain comfort in the family and improve relationships with family and friends. Obsidian will help warn against wrong actions. Turquoise allows you to protect yourself from various stresses, negative emotions, and sapphire will help protect you from deception and negativity from enemies and loved ones.

Color. Colors such as blue, matte beige, and red are suitable for Natalia.
Planet. The patrons are Mercury and Mars.
Element. The main element of the owners of this name is water.
Animal. Hedgehog.
Plant. Valerian and azalea.
Zodiac sign. Virgo.

The patron saint of the name is the holy martyr Natalia
Basic character traits. Will, determination, activity, cheerfulness, responsiveness, touchiness.

Natalya can be called in different ways; several diminutive forms are given. This is Natasha, Natalka, Natulya, Natalya, Nata, Tasha, Natasha, Natusya, Tusya, Natakha.

Child's character

Natasha is a sociable, cheerful and bubbly child; she is an avid dreamer. Natasha always loves to be the center of attention. It is very interesting to communicate and play with her; she always brings something of her own to games, from her fantasies. Natasha is also a very serious child; she has been a very responsible girl since childhood.

Natasha likes to study, she strives to be an excellent student, she always takes part in the life of the school, in various competitions and events. The most important incentive for conquering new heights is praise and recognition. The girl has a very good memory and analytical skills. She always enjoys working on assignments. She is given subjects such as drawing, languages, literature, history, and drawing. She is a very talented child, she draws, has good voice and hearing, dances superbly.

Natasha is an obedient girl and her parents feel comfortable with her and can rely on her. However, she often needs praise, this is how she blossoms, and criticism can harm her, and she withdraws into herself.

Girl character

Young girls named Natalya are characterized by straightforwardness and a sense of justice, as a result of which they get into some kind of trouble. They will always come to the rescue and will not offend the weak and defenseless.

She is a kind, modest, sympathetic, and at the same time determined girl who skillfully copes with all difficulties. Natalya strives to always be first in everything. The main driver in the struggle for leadership is her pride; she loves to win respect among others. At the institute it is also easy for her to study, she tries to show herself, and even becomes the head of the group.

However, Natalya is touchy, stubborn and hot-tempered. She is patient, however, if patience runs out, she simply quietly leaves. He does not forgive his offenders. In the company of friends she is active and cheerful.
For these girls, it is important to live in abundance, so they direct all their strength and actions in this direction.

Character of a woman

Natalias are very determined and confident women. They never listen to the opinions of others, and they themselves will not impose their point of view. She can only trust herself; she is afraid of getting a knife in the back from others.

Natalya is a charming, determined and attractive woman. As an adult, Natalya does not change her character trait of telling people the truth and achieves success only in an honest way. Does not accept betrayal and deception.

Name influence

Moral. As for moral principles, Natalya puts them above all else. It is important for her to live with clear conscience, so she will not take wrong actions for the sake of any gain.

Health. Representatives of this name have good physical and psychological health. The respiratory organs may be weak, so smoking is strictly forbidden.

Love. Natalya is a one-woman girl. The main thing for her is to have a constant and caring partner nearby. She is not attracted to fleeting romances; she loves to feel and be loved. Having fallen in love, her mind turns off and she gives free rein to her feelings, plunging headlong into them. She becomes vulnerable, as a result of which she may become disappointed in opposite field. She chooses a life partner who is responsible, reliable, romantic, and attentive, who can provide for her.

Family relationships. Natalya is a friendly, thrifty wife who will do everything to make her family happy. Natalya is an authority figure in the family. Natalia's house is often full of guests who consider her a good and hospitable hostess. Her husband and children are always loved and surrounded by attention from her. Natalya never takes out negativity on her family. The house is filled with comfort, harmony, love and happiness. She also expects love, care and attention from her family; the main thing for her is to feel needed. It is obvious that their families are some of the strongest.

Profession. Natalya is unique in any specialty, because her determination will allow her to break more than one wall. She completes any task with success, for which she is considered a valuable and good employee. The best incentive in a career is recognition of one's abilities by management. Both creative professions and professions of economist, engineer, and manager are suitable for her.

Business. Since the material side is a priority for Natalia, she, with the help of her determination and perseverance, can build own business. However, she needs to build a business on her own, without any partners.

When is Natalia’s name day according to the church calendar: