Christmas fortune-telling is a special Old Slavonic ritual that girls perform between January 6 and 7 (Christmas night, Christmas Eve) and Epiphany (January 19 of each year) to find out their betrothed or their destiny.

In general, women have been fortune-telling since time immemorial for the entire period, starting from January 6 and up to the nineteenth, but the most reliable fortune telling Rituals performed precisely on the eve of Christmas and Epiphany were always considered.

Where do fortune telling take place at Christmas?

Because the devilry looking for hidden deserted places for his refuge, fortune-telling is very often carried out:

  • in the baths;
  • in attics;
  • in abandoned houses.

  • in modern homes, corners, thresholds or doors are suitable for performing the ritual, that is, what is considered the zone of transition of matter from one space to another;
  • the most fearless use the cemetery for these purposes;
  • A mirror is considered an excellent guide to visiting the world of spirits.

Fortune telling for Christmas: rules

In order not to interfere with otherworldly forces to read fate and ensure a pure energy flow of communication, before performing the ritual:

  1. Take down the cross
  2. Get rid of knots on belts and bracelets
  3. Let your hair down
  4. Remove everything church attributes
  5. Turn out the lights, light the candles

Once you begin the ritual, do not cross your limbs - this also distorts the energy flow.

Fortune telling methods for Christmas

Let's tell fortunes on Christmas Eve

There is a belief that on the night before Christmas, fortune telling is especially accurate and tells girls the true truth.

Groom on the straw

The more people present at this fortune-telling, the better. Girls, call all your friends, gather at someone’s house and get started. So, the first thing you need to do is light the candle. Beat the straw on the table into a lump, press the lump on top with a frying pan, place a heavy stone in the frying pan and fill it with water. And now, friends, attention, each of you in turn must draw one straw. Listen carefully to the sound that is made when straw rubs against stone; this is where the name of your future husband is hidden. Yes, of course, during this fortune telling, Justin Bieber or Stas Mikhailov should not play in the room. Only absolute silence!

My husband will come in the snow

To do this fortune telling, you will have to go outside, make a snowball and throw it in any direction. As soon as a dog barks in that direction, you need to prick up your ears and listen carefully to what kind of dog barking you hear. Rude and loud - your husband will be much older than you; tall and sonorous - for a peer; deaf and suppressed - for a widowed or divorced person.

The cat makes wishes come true

First you need to make a wish, and then call your pet cat. Look carefully at which paw she will begin to cross the threshold of your room: with the left - to be your desire, and with the right - alas. Guess what. Other cat habits will not depend on your wishes. For example, if she washes herself holding a magnifying glass towards herself, expect guests; if she falls asleep with her muzzle tucked under her stomach, summer will be rainy and winter will be cold.

It's all in the hat

Do you want to know what awaits you in the coming year? No problem. Put on a hat, baseball cap, earflap hat or any other headdress, and take a crust of bread and a wooden block in your hands. What a strange look you have. Now put all these items in the pan. Next, close your eyes (if you don’t trust yourself, then ask someone to blindfold them), go to the pan and take the first object you come across. So, let's open our eyes. If you have a hat in your hands, a wedding awaits you this year, a husk - while you are unmarried, and a piece of wood will be a harbinger of a serious illness. Alas.

My betrothed, dressed up in a towel

Girls, do you want to know when you will meet your future husband, boyfriend or roommate? Then hang a small towel outside the window on Christmas Eve, but don’t forget to say an important spell: “My betrothed, my mummer, here’s a towel for you, dry your face.” And in the morning, check the towel; if it’s wet, it means you’ll meet Him soon; if the towel looks like it came from a heated towel rail, then there’s no option yet.

I look at you like in a mirror

Have a better day than Christmas Eve, fortune telling has not yet been invented for this. Therefore, take a pair of medium-sized identical mirrors, place them opposite each other and light two candles. Please note that mirrors and candles should be positioned in such a way that one of the mirrors creates a long corridor illuminated by bright lights. It is there, in this corridor, that we will carefully look out for your soulmate. Fortune telling is not for the faint of heart, the girls said that they saw something like this in this corridor...

However, let’s not panic in advance; it’s better to start by removing dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, guinea pigs and other pets from the room. Well, it would be better if there were no people except the fortuneteller. Well, perhaps you can leave one or two friends for support, but only on condition that they do not look into the corridor and distract the fortuneteller with various conversations. So, we carefully peer into the corridor, waiting for our betrothed. Yes, be careful, in addition to princes, all kinds of evil spirits often appear in the mirror on white Bentleys.

Sleep in hand

To order yourself a prophetic dream the night before Christmas, you need to buy a simple comb, the main thing is a new one, and comb your hair at night, while saying: “My betrothed, the mummer, I’m waiting for you dressed up!” Next, put the comb under your pillow and count sheep, or whatever your method of falling asleep is. And now attention, as soon as you said the last word in the spell, until the morning you must not utter a single word. Yes, we almost forgot to say. The night before, prepare several pieces of paper with the most popular male names and put them, say, in a hat. And in the morning, when you wake up, without getting out of bed, stretch your hands to the hat and pull out the name of your future spouse.

Fortune telling for Christmas

As a rule, all Christmas fortune-telling comes true with an accuracy of 93%. Numerous people talk about this statistical research, spent among carolers.

I asked the poplar, or fortune telling for my husband

Take an ordinary poplar twig and, using a thread pulled from a stocking, tie the twig and place it on the pillow. After this, say strange words: “Bal-bal-def, bal-bal-lbi, bal-bal-lef.” Girls, be especially careful and after casting this spell three times, go to bed, and in your dreams you will definitely see your future husband.

Apples in the snow

This is not only accurate, but also delicious fortune telling. By fortune telling with apples, you will not only find out the name of the groom, but also have a snack. Take so many apples so that their number is equal to the exact number of suitors. They say that one girl from Zhitomir told fortunes with 5 kilograms of apples at once, about their exact quantity rumor is silent. On each of the apples, write or scratch the initials of the contender for your heart. Close your eyes tightly and taste each apple one by one. The initials on the sweetest apple will be the name of your future husband. Just don’t write fictitious names or the names of unrealistic suitors on apples: Dima Bilan, Justin Bieber and Johnny Depp.

Meal with future husband

In a dark, dark room, there is a tablecloth on a small table. Each of the girls, in turn, puts a spoon on the table and says the words: “My betrothed, mummer, don’t be shy, come in for dinner.” At the same hour, everyone, except the girl who put down the spoon, quickly leaves the room. Girl gotta lock up front door, as well as windows and wait. As soon as the wind howls outside the window, the floorboards creak and the window frame hums, it means there’s something narrowed somewhere nearby. And here he is - look at him carefully and remember his facial features, dimples, birthmarks and eye color. He sits down at the table with you, starts a nice conversation, and then you suddenly ask him a direct question head-on: “Kasatik, what’s your name?!” The betrothed responds and reaches into his pocket to get something, at this moment you need to shout: “Forget me!” In theory, immediately after this the ghost of the betrothed disappears. The session is over, and all your friends come into the room so that the next candidate for the heart of your betrothed can undergo the Christmas ritual.

This is destiny!

This fortune telling should be done only after Christmas, from about 11 to 12 at night. On small notes, write forfeits or wishes that must certainly come true. The predictions are rolled up and a simple song is sung:

Either you or me, and passionate evenings,
Yes Christmas, yes Epiphany.
Who cares about the song?
This cannot be avoided.

Having sung the final phrase, pull the note out of the hat, only strictly with your left hand, otherwise it will not come true.

lucky coin

Take the lightest coin that is in circulation in your country. If you live in Russia, then 5 or 10 kopecks are perfect. Throw a coin into a bowl of water and watch carefully: if it bounces off the water, nothing will happen if it sinks.

From the world by thread

Pour some water into a bowl and drop a few threads into it. If they twist when they hit the water, then everything will be fine next year; if the threads freeze, minor troubles are most likely expected.

The easiest way to get an answer to the question “What awaits me in the future?”, people say, is to conduct Christmas fortune-telling. It is at this time that such rituals, as practice shows, are the most reliable.

How to correctly predict the future? Taking into account the rules for Christmas rituals described above, women (girls) can perform the following rituals.

Fortune telling for Christmas using cups

To tell fortunes with cups, you should, firstly, take as many cutlery as there are people gathered at the table (if one girl is telling fortunes, then there should be seven cups).

Secondly, you need to place one item in each cup:

  • bread;
  • salt;
  • coin;
  • ring;
  • sugar;
  • water.

Now the ritual itself begins. The fortuneteller must, closing his eyes and mixing the cups on the table, choose one for himself cutlery, the contents of which will indicate the future. You come across bread - it means you will live in complete prosperity, salt speaks of the misfortunes that will await you next year, onions - women's tears, a coin - a rich groom or a prestigious job, a ring - wait for marriage, sugar - sweet, cheerful, interesting life, water - the flow of life in the same direction.

To carry out such a ritual, you need to melt the wax and then, saying the following words “Dovoy, brownie, I’m waiting for you to drink milk and taste the wax,” pour this wax into warm, but not hot milk, poured into a plate. After such a ritual, the plate is placed on the threshold of the house (apartment) and the fortuneteller watches what is happening.

If the wax has frozen in the form of a flower, the girl will soon get married. - A wax figure of some animal has formed in the milk - wait for the appearance of an enemy, an enemy. - If you see a cross on the milk, it will speak of serious troubles or even the death of loved ones. - Drawing in the form of a star - to a promotion on the career ladder or good academic achievements. - Simple stripes will indicate frequent crossings, permanent roads. - A figurine in the shape of a man - for new acquaintances and friends.

Before performing the ritual, a woman must take any book from her collection (it is possible to use classical, scientific and other literature, as well as church books). Next, the fortuneteller thinks of two numbers. The first number is the page number of the selected book, and the second is a line that will talk about the beauty’s future. Read the prediction and try to interpret it, connecting it with your life.

Fortune telling on a gold chain

At the stroke of midnight, take the gold chain that you wear on your neck or hand, hold it between your palms and rub until jewel won't get warm. The entire time you are rubbing gold, think (say) one thing to yourself: “What awaits me in the future?” Next, transfer the product to your right hand and sharply throw it on the table. Some kind of figure should form on the table, it will tell you what to expect from the coming year.

If you see a flat line, this means that good luck and luck will accompany you in all matters.

If a circle or oval has formed on the table, you should expect difficulties; a situation may arise from which it will be very difficult to get out.

The knots that appear on the chain indicate financial losses and poor health, the more such nodules, the worse the situation will be.

The resulting triangle will judge luck and love.

Cloud - all dreams will come true.

If you saw a snake from a chain on the table, then expect traitors and ill-wishers to appear in your life, and they may be the people closest to you.

Golden bow - wait for a proposal from your betrothed and an imminent wedding.

When a heart is made from a chain on the table, it will promise a pure woman great love and happiness.

Every girl dreams of finding a handsome, kind and faithful prince, the man of her dreams who can make her truly happy. But it is possible to see your betrothed in advance using the same divination.

How to find out the name of your future husband

On the night before Christmas or Epiphany, cut a sheet of paper into strips of equal width and length, write one on each male name. There should be at least 25 pieces of paper. Roll each strip into a roller or simply fold it several times, and then place it in a bag and mix. Place it all under your pillow, and when you wake up, take one piece of paper out of the bag. The name that will be indicated on it will be the name of your husband.

Who will get married first (fortune telling for unmarried friends)

During Christmas time, women take an onion for themselves, plant it in the ground, in the spring, they look at the result. Whose onion sprouted first and put out big feathers will be the first to get married.

Those who wish to see their betrothed in advance should turn off the lights in the room at midnight on Christmastide, light several candles, but only in pairs, and, positioned between two mirrors, create a corridor of arches. From the last arch of such a corridor, after looking for a long time without blinking, the figure of the betrothed should appear.

Fortune telling with a ring

To carry out such a ritual, the girl should take a gold ring, it is better if it is her own, and prepare a glass filled with cold water. On Christmas night you need to quit right hand put a ring in a glass and watch it carefully, looking at the swaying water. After 2-3 minutes, an image should appear in the water in which the woman can see the future groom.

Where to wait for the groom

Through such fortune-telling, you can determine which side a woman should wait for matchmakers. What should be done. First, take off your boot (any shoe that belongs to the girl), go outside at midnight on Christmastide and throw the shoes over the fence (through the gate). Next, the lady needs to look in which direction the tip of the fallen shoe will point, it is on that side that her groom will be.

In conclusion, a few more of the most interesting, in my opinion, Christmas rituals for unmarried ladies.

Fortune telling on your child's gender

An engagement ring or any other ring belonging to the fair sex will help a woman find out the gender of her baby. During Christmas time, it should be removed and hung on its own hair, then put water in any container, for example, a glass or cup, and hold the ring over this container. If the jewelry makes pendulum-like movements, then you should expect a boy, if you observe the movement of the ring in a circle, wait for a girl.

By folk beliefs If the ring stops above the water, this indicates childlessness.

Fortune telling with an egg

You should take a fresh chicken egg, use a knife to punch a small hole in it, and pour it into a glass or cup (bowl) of water. Next you need to watch the protein. If domes or churches are formed from protein in the water, there will be a wedding. If you see a ring - expect marriage, a ship or other transport - roads, long business trips, a square (cube) - for burial.

If an egg white drowns in a glass of water, expect a fire.

Fortune telling with needles for marriage

To find out if she will get married or not in the near future, a woman needs to take 2 needles on Christmas Day, rub them with fresh lard and put them in a glass of water. If the needles come together in the water, this means marriage; if they go apart, there will be no marriage in the near future or at all.

On a note! When the needles rubbed with lard have sunk, expect serious troubles, whiteness or illness.

And finally, I would like to say, dear girls, women who want to know their destiny, their future, to see their betrothed, when fortune telling at Christmas time, believe in the good, in the positive and it will certainly be so. Having received a negative result, do not panic, do not get upset in advance, do not prepare yourself for the bad, remember, this is just fortune telling and a bad prediction, only a warning for you, a parting word to be more careful in certain situations.

I wish that in the New Year all your wishes come true, your dreams come true, and as for fortune telling, remember, all this is interesting and fun, but each of us, and not a fortune teller, is the smith of our own happiness.

Good luck and all the best!

Which fortune-telling for Christmas Eve and Christmas should you choose and carry out, because there are many ways to find out your fate this evening. In fact, there is no need to rush. Choose one of the fortune telling methods and carry out it calmly, according to all the rules. After all, the time for fortune telling does not end, but is just beginning.

In addition to what is possible, which falls on January 6-7, you can also guess during the Christmastide period. Christmas time is the time from Christmas until Epiphany. On Christmas Day, January 7, you shouldn’t guess, but on the night from January 8 to 9 and until the night from January 18 to 19, you can safely guess and try out all kinds of rituals that catch your fancy.

To fate by shadow

Fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7 for the future by shadow is one of the most effective and popular. The ritual itself is indeed extremely simple, which is what made it so wildly popular. To carry out fortune telling, take a sheet of paper, a plate, matches and a candle. Blank sheet you need to crumple it in your hands, while thinking about your future. Place the sheet on a plate and set it on fire. Wait until the paper burns, and then bring it to the wall so that the ashes cast a shadow on the wall in the candle flame. All that remains is to use your imagination and understand what exactly fate has in store for a person.

For example, a wreath is for a wedding, a snake promises trouble, but the figure of a swan is good. The coffin speaks of death, the horseshoe always, including in this fortune-telling, brings good luck. You should not be afraid to interpret your visions, especially since, as a rule, they are extremely objective and understandable.

For love using matches

This is a simple and clear January 6-7 for love. You need to take a box of matches and take two out of it. Place them on the sides of the box and set them on fire. Each match should symbolize someone in the pair. By the way, you can guess not only for yourself. If the matches lean towards each other when burning, then the guy and girl for whom the fortune telling is happening will remain or become a couple. If the matches are bent in different sides, then you can simply forget about a happy future together.

On the betrothed with the help of the king of diamonds

This is an interesting fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7, 2019 for your betrothed, which can bring many surprises. When going to bed on Christmas Eve, you need to take with you the king of diamonds from a deck of cards. Place it under the pillow and ask it to help the betrothed-mummer fall asleep. It is possible that the King of Diamonds will show the betrothed. Even if this does not happen, then any dream seen that night promises to come true. The King of Diamonds will not deceive you, especially on Christmas Eve.

Using needles on enemies

To carry out this fortune telling, you need to have 21 new needles. Not a single needle should have been previously used for this ritual. Place the needles on a plate and pour water. The water will force the needles to take a certain position and you will get a picture. This should be a picture of your future life. When the needles form crosses, this indicates that there are people who are hostile against you. The more such crosses, the more hostile the environment you are in.

"Yes and no"

With this fortune telling for Christmas at home from January 6 to 7, 2019, you can get an answer to any question that interests you. True, the answer to this question can be exclusively monosyllabic, exclusively affirmative or negative. To perform the ritual you will need a needle, which will be used as a pendulum. A red thread about 75 cm long is threaded into it. Tie the ends of the thread in a knot.

Next, you need a coin that belongs to the person who is telling fortunes. In the old days, they took a coin made of silver, but today any version of the product is suitable. Place the coin on the table, place the pendulum in the center, hold the thread by the knot. The fortuneteller sits at the table and can lean on his elbows. Ask yourself a question: if the pendulum does not start moving, this means that there is no clear answer to the question. If it starts to move laterally, then the answer is no. When moving in the longitudinal direction, the pendulum says “Yes”. Sometimes it happens that the pendulum begins to move in a circle. This means that the question was asked incorrectly and should be reformulated.

For the future using nutshells

This is a version of fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7 using a candle and shell walnut. Take as many shells and cinders as a person guesses. You also need to take a bowl of water.

Each girl puts the cinder in her own shell and puts it in a basin of water. Whose candle burns out the fastest will be the first to get married. If the candle burns the longest, the girl will be the last to get married. The worst option is a drowned nut with a candle, which symbolizes that the girl will remain an old maid.

These are like this interesting fortune telling you can spend on Christmas Eve from January 6 to 7, as well as during the Christmastide from January 8 to 18. It's up to you to decide whether to believe what fortune telling predicts. Remember that every person can influence his own destiny. Please note that

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On Christmas Eve, every person has a unique opportunity not only to lift the veil of secrecy over their future, but also to learn about upcoming changes in the lives of their loved ones. Everyone knows that fate can be changed. To do this, our ancestors used fortune telling, which gained strength on the day before Christmas.

According to legend, on January 6, a special light energy penetrates our world, which charges everything around, and everyone can improve their life at this time.

Rules for Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling has always been popular with our ancestors. For many centuries, people have tried to predict life events in order to be able to influence them. Over time, we began to forget about the possibilities that are inherent in us. Absolutely every person, without knowing it, can change his destiny both for the better and for the worse. Fortune telling helps you look into the future and choose the end result that suits you.

Since Christmas is primarily a Christian holiday, it is necessary to take into account how church ministers relate to fortune telling. The clergy assure that this is an undesirable matter that can be dangerous. However, since ancient times, even sincerely believing people often resort to fortune telling without worrying about their souls.
For everything to work out, the ritual must be approached with maximum responsibility. Experts in the field of esotericism recommend adhering to certain rules, which will help you protect your life and make fortune telling truly truthful:

  • Pitch silence. During fortune telling, there should be no extraneous sounds or people in the room. Complete immersion. You must be completely and completely immersed in the session, eliminating all kinds of sounds and events that can distract you.
  • Thought management. It is necessary to prepare in advance a specific question to which you want to receive a detailed answer. All other thoughts should remain outside the threshold. Focus on the essence, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

Fortune telling by barking dogs

At night on Christmas Eve, go outside, taking a fork or knife with you. You will need them to loosen the snow. Find a secluded place where no one can disturb you, dig a shallow hole and read a few lines of the plot in a low voice:
“I can’t bear to sit at home on this magical night. Someone is calling my soul outside to tell me what kind of fate awaits me. Higher Power, give me the answer: is happiness waiting for me or not? Will I cry or laugh, not know grief or be afraid of misfortune? Don’t hesitate and give an answer.”
Don't rush to go home, wait for the dog to bark first. If the first dog to bark is the one whose bark is angry and deafening, your life will be quite harsh this year, but you will have the strength to withstand all troubles and overcome all difficulties. If the dog barks softly and loudly, rest assured that a happy and carefree future awaits you, which will give you a lot of happiness, smiles and joy. If the dog howls, expect trouble.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve by water

On Christmas Eve, January 6, you can find out your destiny using this simple method. Take 4 glasses and fill them with water to the very top. Put a spoonful of honey in one glass, half a spoonful of lemon juice in another, a handful of salt in the third, and a little wine in the last. The contents of each glass must be thoroughly mixed and then covered with different towels. Arrange the glasses on a tray.

Close your eyes and gently rotate the tray several times. Now reach out and select a glass. Taking a sip from it, you will know what fate awaits you.
If you taste honey, then your life in the near future will be just as sweet and easy. You have nothing to worry about.

The salty taste means that a lot of tears await you soon. Sour - this year you will be bored: if changes happen, they will be insignificant, and perhaps even disappoint you. A glass of wine suggests that life will bring you surprises that will uplift your spirit.
It’s up to you to believe fortune telling or not, but many people trust this way to look into their future and find answers to many exciting questions.

Fortune telling on mirrors

Two large mirrors are taken, placed opposite each other, illuminated by two candles; It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror so that the directional mirror in the wall creates a long corridor illuminated with lights. At the end of the corridor, the one destined for you should appear. However, sometimes you have to peer for a very long time, and you can see not only the betrothed, but all sorts of evil spirits.

Dream fortune telling

They put a comb under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed, comb my head.” The betrothed appears in a dream and scratches his head. They take a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, mix and eat. When going to bed, you should say: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.” The betrothed appears in a dream and serves you a drink.

Fortune telling with a shoe

This is how our great-great-grandmothers in the villages used to tell fortunes. The girls take off their shoes from their left feet and throw them over the gate. If the sock turns out to be turned back towards the gate from where it was thrown, then this year the girl will not get married, if in some other direction, then she will be married in the new year.

Fortune telling with wax for Christmas

A burning candle is tilted over a bowl of water and the wax is allowed to drain. The intricate figures resulting from melting wax will tell you the future. If many small round figures have formed near large figures, this means money.

Large figures represent:

  • Fan - difficulties in the service, friction in the team, reorganization or even liquidation of the enterprise.
  • Grapes - love, friendship, luck, prosperity.
  • Mushroom - life force, perseverance, longevity.
  • Dragon - “high flight”, fulfillment of hopes, completion of work or the birth of a child.
  • Bell - to lead; a symmetrical bell means good news, a crooked or chipped bell means bad news; several bells - alarm.
  • Tree leaf - envy, intrigue from others.
  • Monkey - false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation.
  • Pants are a fork in the road, a crossroads.
  • Apple is a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar a figure is to a real apple, the better its meaning. A crooked, shapeless apple can mean a temptation that it is better not to succumb to.
  • Egg - ancient symbol hidden, unmanifest. It can mean fears, concerns, but it can also symbolize simply the beginning of something new.

Layout on the cards

Cards can do a lot, for example, tell whether a wish will come true or predict the future. There are many different ways, we will offer one of the simplest, but most effective, for getting to know your future.

In order for the information to be accurate, you need to be fully prepared: wait until midnight on Christmas Eve, take off all your jewelry, put on nightgowns without ropes or laces.

Light the candles and place them in a semicircle, shuffling the deck and placing it in the center of the burning arch. Then, with your left hand, lay out the cards, organizing them in a continuous circle, face down. You can remove them from any place, but place them at certain points for which you need to free up space.

First, remove three cards, mentally asking the question: “What and who will leave my life?” And put them down, as if at your feet, mentally imagining yourself, with pictures of yourself, so that you can immediately see the result. Then ask the question: “What and who will come into my life?” Place these three cards on top, as if in the head.

On the left you should place three cards that will tell you about your work, and on the right about your relationships with people. 5 cards are placed in the center that will personify your thoughts and your heart. On top of the cards is one that is responsible for how things will end.


  • 6 – romantic road;
  • 7 – joyful event;
  • 8 – good news;
  • 9 – love, confessions;
  • 10 – meeting with your loved one;
  • B – love affairs;
  • D – mother’s care;
  • K – narrowed on the threshold;
  • T – the plan is destined to come true.
  • 6 – fun adventures;
  • 7 – intrusive memories;
  • 8 – intervention of higher-ranking persons;
  • 9 – possible proposal;
  • 10 – meaningless, empty conversations;
  • B – unnecessary worries about your loved one;
  • D – excessive guardianship;
  • K – fulfillment of desires;
  • T – interesting meeting.
  • 6 – serious, business meetings
  • 7 – doubts, remorse
  • 8 – minor experiences;
  • 9 – unrequited feelings;
  • 10 – decision making
  • B – separation, sadness;
  • D – troubles at work coming from a woman;
  • K – respectable person, guardian;
  • T – serious event.
  • 6 – obstacles on the way:
  • 7 – human envy;
  • 8 – longing for the past;
  • 9 – loneliness;
  • 10 – violent emotions, deceit;
  • B – suffering, betrayal;
  • D – gossip, insidious woman;
  • K – monetary interest;
  • T - fatal step.

On request

You can make a wish on the deck and draw any card from it, the answer will be the picture, suit and color of the card:

  • worms - will come true soon;
  • tambourines - it will come true, but not right away.
  • cross - in the distant future;
  • peaks - will not come true.

If you get pictures, your wish will come true without interference from people (provided the suit is red), and if the numbers are red, then perhaps circumstances will be a little against you, you will have to try to fix everything. If there is a black suit, the pictures indicate that people are an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires; the number will say that circumstances are interfering with you.

Fortune telling in company

They rarely told fortunes on Christmas Eve alone; most often they gathered in large and friendly companies. The girls prepared in advance for this evening, or rather night. They gathered for a holiday in a spare room and told fortunes about their fate in different ways.

Ritual on the ring

You will need several rings - gold with a stone, simple, wooden, silver, wedding, as well as millet, a red candle, a basin.

Pour millet into a basin and lay out each ring if the fortune telling process is taking place in a company of large quantity person, then you can put a pair of each ring in the basin so that there is enough for everyone. The girls take turns taking out the ring with their eyes closed.

Elongated rings are interpreted as follows:

  • with a cane - promises a rich life in the near future;
  • simple - nothing will change in your life;
  • wooden - you will come across a very poor husband;
  • silver - someone loves you;
  • engagement – ​​a proposal awaits this year;
  • golden – sweet life.

For the betrothed

The most true fortune telling took place in a bathhouse, and not at home. For this fortune telling you will need: a candle, three basins filled with water. Exactly at midnight you should light a candle, wash yourself in three waters, mentally thinking to yourself that you are doing this for your betrothed, whose name you will soon learn. Dry yourself, get dressed and go outside for a walk and celebrate.

On the way, you need to find out the name of the first man who calls you or turns to look at you - this will be the name of your future husband. If a girl calls out, it means she is not destined to get married this year. Fortune telling on Christmas Eve for married women For married ladies, any fortune-telling manipulations were prohibited on the night before Christmas. In the old days, vigilant mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law kept an eye on this, but then it became easier and people also took part in fortune telling. family representatives the weaker sex. Usually on Christmas Eve they were interested in issues related to children, money and happiness.

In the bathhouse with a broom, for children

You need to sit on the shelf and say: “Bath strength, I will show you the parental place, in return I expect the number of children from you.” Having steamed well with a broom, you need to count the leaves on yourself:

  • a lot of leaves - to be married and rich in children;
  • one leaf prophesies one baby;
  • two - two children (if they different color, children will be of different sexes);
  • three is good sign, telling a woman not only about the number of children, but also that she is destined to be loved in marriage;

On a bath broom about money

After taking a steam bath, you need to go outside and throw a broom over your right shoulder. Turning around, you need to look at how the broom lies - if the leaves are towards you, you will be rich in marriage, if the leaves are to the right, a lot of money will go into business, work, or, as they say now, into business. Leaves on the left side mean that a rival will receive money; upwards they predict a cash-strapped life or the spouse of a spendthrift. Be that as it may, fortune telling on Christmas Eve is the most truthful and accurate fortune telling, especially if the people doing the fortune telling believe in them.

For the Orthodox, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ is approaching, which, due to the adherence of the Russian and some other Orthodox churches to the Julian calendar, is celebrated after the New Year - on January 7.

And on Christmas Eve - the evening of January 6th - Christmas Eve is celebrated. People sometimes call this holiday “carols” (in honor of children and adults going home and singing Christmas carols – carols). In Rus', the Christmas holiday has always been one of the most popular and beloved. On Christmas Eve - the final day of the strict Nativity fast - before the first star appeared in the sky, they tried not to eat anything, but after that they could “break their fast” with sochiv - a special holiday dish - wheat grains boiled in honey. This tradition gave the holiday its name.

It was possible to taste the juice after the performance of the evening chants “The Magi travel with the star.” The celebration began with the appearance of the first star in the sky, according to legend, the same as the one that announced the birth of the Savior to the Magi more than two thousand years ago. Dinner on Christmas Eve was a solemn one, and to pay tribute to the manger in which Jesus was born, it was customary to place a bunch of hay on the table. Twelve dishes were placed on the festive table - according to the number of apostles. Before the holiday, they ate Lenten dishes, and on January 7, when the fast ended, meat dishes also appeared on the tables.

Fortune telling for Christmas and Yuletide

Christmastide and the period of fortune telling, according to folk tradition, last from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. The most successful nights for predicting the future are considered to be the nights from 6 to 7, from 13 to 14 and from 18 to 19 January. The Church does not really approve of such flirtations with evil spirits, but among the people this tradition is still strong. In addition, they say that on holy days the evil spirits are completely innocent - they lose their power and do not try to harm people.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas

The night before Christmas is considered especially successful for fortune telling - the ancients believed that at this time the heavens seemed to open slightly, allowing one to look into the future. In Rus', girls who wanted to know their fate in terms of future marriage were fond of fortune telling. To tell fortunes about your betrothed, experienced soothsayers advise seclusion in a quiet room, loosen your hair, remove chains, rings and bracelets, that is, everything that closes on the person in the form of a circle.

Fortune telling on paper

You need to take a piece of paper, write the name of your loved one, burn it and take the ashes in your hand. Then put your hand with the ashes out the window. If the wind immediately carried away the ashes, it means that your loved one will not stay with you. If the ashes stick, it means your darling is also attached to you.

Fortune telling by candle

You need to make a wish, light a candle and wait to see how it burns. If the flame is even and clear, it means the wish will come true. If the candle burns unevenly or crackles, it means that obstacles await you on the path to happiness. If the candle goes out immediately, alas, the wish most likely will not come true.

Fortune telling with a comb

Before going to bed, you need to put a comb under your pillow and say: “Betrothed, mummer! Comb my head!” Whoever dreams is the one who gets married.

Fortune telling with a boot

You need to throw your boot out of the window or from the porch and quickly run after it. If the toe of the boot is directed away from the house, it means that the betrothed will come from the side where it is turned. Well, if the toe is pointed towards the house, you will sit as a girl this year.

Card reading

Before going to bed, you need to hide four kings from a deck of new cards under your pillow and say: “Betrothed-mummer, appear to me in a dream!” If you dream about the king of hearts, it means the groom will be young and rich, if the king of spades is middle-aged and jealous, the king of diamonds is the one you dream of, and if the king of the cross is a businessman or military man.

Fortune telling on mirrors

It is considered one of the most dangerous and terrible fortune telling. At midnight you need to place two mirrors one opposite the other, sit between them, light a candle and continuously look at the reflections of the mirrors in each other. When the vision becomes cloudy and it seems that the mirror has dimmed and the candle has lost its brightness, then the image of the betrothed will appear. And here it would be nice to say “Cheers, me!” so that this same betrothed does not drag the frivolous fortune-teller into the mirror.

Christmas signs

If the sky on January 6 and 7 is cloudless, then the year will be easy. If the sky is cloudy, then the year will not be easy.

If there is a strong snowstorm and a lot of snow on Christmas Day, it means that spring will be early and warm.

If there is frost on the branches at Christmas, it means that the year will be fruitful for wheat, rye and oats.

What not to do

There are unspoken prohibitions on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

You cannot slaughter animals, go hunting, or cut, sew, sweep, clean, or do any housework at all.

A baked Christmas cake cannot be cut until after the holiday.

It is advisable that the first guest to come to the house for Christmas is a man, this will protect the hostess and her daughters from illness.

And of course, on the holiday, scandals, swearing, quarrels and deceptions are absolutely prohibited.

Christmas Eve- This is the day before the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The name Christmas Eve itself comes from the word “sochivo” - this is the name of rice or wheat porridge with honey, raisins and nuts. Since Christmas Eve islast day of fasting , Sochivo is a traditional dish on this day.

People believed that on Christmas Eve all evil spirits came out into the world and walked until the Baptism of Christ. It was during this period of time that fortune telling, ceremonies and rituals became popular.

Signs and customs on Christmas Eve

The night before Christmas has always been considered special, magical. Young people got together and went caroling. Guys and girls dressed up in scary outfits, animal costumes, pulled on masks and walked through the village singing and dancing. On this night, “carols” were sung at every house - songs with which young people congratulated the residents. The owners of the houses, in turn, were obliged to give sweets to the carolers in order to attract good luck in the new year.

On Christmas Eve you should definitely look at the sky. A good omen is to see a shooting star on this night. It is believed that a wish made on the night before Christmas comes true.

According to tradition, on Christmas Eve festive table There should be 12 different dishes - according to the number of apostles. On Christmas Eve it is customary not to eat all day. You can sit down for a meal only after the first star.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve

On the night before Christmas, many girls wondered. This Russian tradition has survived to this day. It is believed that almost always come true. It was this fact that often stopped people from guessing on this holiday, since many were simply afraid to find out their future. What kind of fortune-telling on Christmas night were and remain popular?

  • The most truthful, but at the same time, the most terrible fortune telling at Christmas is fortune telling on mirrors. Two mirrors are placed opposite each other, creating a corridor. Candles are placed along the edges. In order to predict her fate or see her betrothed, a girl needs to peer into this mirrored corridor.

  • Street fortune telling was popular. The girls threw their shoes over the fence and looked where the sock was pointing. Wherever he turns, the groom will come from there.
  • To find out your future in marriage, you had to clasp the fence with your outstretched arms. If a girl grabbed an even number of stakes/pillars/boards, this meant a happy married life. If the number was odd, it foreshadowed an unhappy marriage.
  • On this night you can find out the name of your future husband. The girls went out into the street and asked the first man they met his name. As he introduces himself, that’s what his future husband will be called. On Christmas Eve they also used dreams to tell fortunes. At night you had to eat herring or something salty without drinking water. At night you should dream of a person who will give you water. He will be the groom.
  • In order to find out the future in the New Year, young people walked under the windows of their neighbors and listened to what they were saying. If it’s fun outside and the owners are talking about good things, then the year promises to be happy.

Christmas Eve is rich in its folk traditions and customs. And even though Orthodox Church does not support festivities,