All the advice seems worthwhile to me, and if you apply at least some of them in life, you can turn yourself into just a different person, free from procrastination.

1. Focus on the reasons

Instead of quitting things you don't like, stop for a minute and think. Why do you need to complete this task, and why do you not want to do it?

You must do it because it is useful: for health, for finances, for your home or for other people. In any case, there is some benefit in what you do, and by doing it, you make the world a little better.

Doing small things is boring and sad, because there is no higher meaning in them. But if you know that you are bringing good into the world, it is much more sublime and interesting.

And yes, no matter how small your task may seem - washing dishes, doing laundry, working out in the gym, you make yourself better. And since you are part of the world, the world also becomes better.

2. Focus on your fear

You may shy away from something because of fear. Some fears may not cause trembling in the knees, but, nevertheless, interfere with the completion of the task. You may be afraid of failure, awkward situations, or discomfort while performing a task.

Think about the tasks that you keep putting off and don't want to do. Is there fear there, what are you afraid of? If you find fear, just accept it as part of you, don't run away or hide it.

Conscious fear can disappear if you carefully analyze it and understand the reason for its appearance.

3. Destroy illusions

Very often we are afraid to destroy our comfort. We are all haunted by a false sense of security, the feeling that we are protected from trouble.

We are constantly in danger, every moment. Life is a series of successes and defeats, ups and downs, and no one is immune from this.

The fear of destroying your comfort is nothing more than a harmful illusion. Your comfort will be destroyed today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So why not destroy it yourself by doing something useful?

4. Intention, not result

Think about how you plan new things. First, you go through all the development options in your head, and completely forget why you are doing this.

Anticipating a negative result, the possibility of future problems, you put off the task and don’t want to do it.

Unless you're a third-generation prophet, you can't predict the outcome, so focus on intention.

5. Welcome challenges

Difficulties are present in the life of every person; it is simply impossible to live without them. On the other hand, completing a difficult task, conquering oneself is always a release of endorphins, which means a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and a sense of self-worth.

Welcome challenges, embrace challenges, and even strive for such situations. A slight restructuring of your view of the problem, and you already want to do what you previously avoided with all your might.

6. Set limits

Somewhere at the end of adolescence, we begin to understand that absolute freedom from business and obligations is possible only for vagabonds, although even they need to somehow earn their own food and temporary shelter.

We understand that we need organization, otherwise desires move an incredible distance away from opportunities. Therefore, every person needs restrictions that he sets for himself.

Start right now - choose something you've been wanting to do for a long time and set a time of 10 minutes for it. Do it for just 10 minutes without being distracted by anything else.

You can even ask a friend or agree with him to do some unloved tasks for 10 or more minutes a day.

7. A little work and then a break

If you are not drawn into the matter right away, you can do differently. For example, you decide to write something. Sit down and write one sentence, then get up and walk around the room for a few minutes.

Your thoughts will already be drawn into the process of thinking about the next sentences. Then sit down and write a paragraph and pause again.

Just don’t mix the same activities, that is, during a break, don’t occupy your head with anything else, such as browsing sites not related to your topic. Instead, you can do a few push-ups, stand on the balcony, or make yourself some tea.

Thanks to breaks, you will very quickly find yourself in the flow, and will be able to write without interrupting your work.

8. Don't let yourself get distracted

Humans are naturally afraid of challenging tasks, and even though you have bravely challenged your least favorite activity, the mind will try to escape to safe areas.

He will pull you to an entertainment site, try to take you to the store for things that you should have bought a long time ago, or something like that. This is normal, he is just trying to do easier tasks.

Don’t do anything that he suggests to you, just watch what thoughts appear in your head and what urgently important things you come up with for yourself. After some time, you will calm down and be able to start your really important business.

9. Feel grateful

Instead of regretting difficult tasks, think about how much they will give you. This point is a natural continuation of point number 5, and it will also help change your attitude towards the task.

Every challenge you throw at life, every difficult task, makes us stronger, smarter, more experienced. Feel grateful that you have been given the chance to become stronger.

You will see that tasks look completely different in this light, and you begin to enjoy them instead of being afraid.

10. Learning and growing

We continue to learn throughout our lives, gaining new skills and improving our abilities. When you master one task, it stops being difficult, you grow a little and begin to look for other tasks to grow.

Agree, completing the next task, after which you will become at least a little better, is great way spend your time.

Why is idleness no longer considered rest and why do you start to get even more tired of it? How to start doing something without paying attention to all the little things? Why can’t you complete the tasks on which you depend in a day? your future? If your time is taken up by unnecessary things, then this article will be useful for you. It's time to fight for happiness, and not stand at a dead end. How not to be left with nothing but temporary pleasures? There will always be a temptation to put everything off until later, but not now!

How to understand that it's time to change

When the day begins not with exercise, a vigorous shower, planning things to do for the whole day, but with viewing social media. networks - it’s worth thinking about. Watch unnecessary videos on the Internet for hours, and then complain about lack of time, being late. Many people will catch this connection. Also, spending your time watching TV, putting things off until later, for the sake of another walk with friends - such behavior does not promise clear prospects. How can you start doing something about your studies if you check every 5 minutes to see if anyone has written a message on the forum?

If funny videos about cats interest you more than reading an important book or learning business, then it’s time to press the “Urgent Reboot” button. It is important to protect your mind as much as possible from such irritants that insidiously lie in wait for you at every step.

Can't resist watching a TV series when your exam is coming up? You can go to the library, where you definitely won’t have such a thought. To devote time to sports, you should not sit on the couch, but rather go for a run. From the outside, a person’s attention is taken away by his surroundings and, especially, interests. The concept of “inner voice” in psychology refers to a person’s ability to think on a subconscious level.

Against the backdrop of idleness, a person may think, “I’m clearly doing unnecessary things,” or, conversely, “you deserve it, things can wait until tomorrow.” Especially often a person uses the rule “finish a more pleasant task, and then begin the responsible one.” First, watch the video on YouTube, and then sit down to write texts. Or stretch out the tea party for 40 minutes, and then decide to take English courses.

How can you start doing something if a person feels tired and unfocused? Irrational use of time leads to a reduction in time for potentially important tasks. In a relaxed state, it is difficult to get back into work mode. To do this, it is worth taking temporary breaks to reduce nervous tension, but do not go into a long “sleep”. The following practice helps to stay in a state of tone.

How to start doing something

It is important to analyze your attitude towards work. This is necessary for lack of motivation. Self-analysis will help you achieve clear, planned goals. It is necessary to identify obvious problems that have been denying the right to a happy future for years.

The time to change comes when you realize that:

  • There is no mood to do a specific task on an ongoing basis. Constancy takes away all the desire to work, so it is important to learn concentration.
  • You don’t know what exactly you should devote time to, but you are ready to give up “bad” habits. Uncertainty drives you into a corner, making a person a hostage to circumstances.
  • Interest in the “work of a lifetime” disappears with great speed. Dreams do not have the same value, so there is no motivation to move forward.
  • Pointless things take up too much time and are a constant distraction. Once you limit the influence of irritants, the “horizon” ahead will become clear.
  • A person stops believing in success at the first failure. It is worth cultivating willpower in yourself and not worrying about anything. Mistakes allow you to improve and become a professional in your field.
  • Fear of practicing interesting thing higher than a low-paid job, nervous work. Your comfort zone has made you a slave to circumstances. Why not take the plunge and new horizons will open up ahead.
  • The matter is not completed until the end, so there are simply no results. You should finish what you started and approach it responsibly.

When a person understands the meaning of these statements, he will understand how to start doing something today. Thinking dictates attractive images that are difficult to refuse. It is important to build a system of priorities, where there is room for responsibilities, additional tasks and thus “irritants”. Humans are genetically programmed to save energy. The habit of not moving from one place develops into a way of life.

Against the backdrop of constant rest and frivolous actions, the idea of ​​a career as an actor will seem crazy. Here you need to master yourself and go to castings, once again get nervous, learn dozens of pages of text. What about the thought of an attractive body? Stop! This requires reducing the consumption of your favorite cakes, then why lose weight? If you don’t want to be content with previous circumstances, it’s time to change in a direction that is unusual for us.

Unpleasant work or how to overcome difficulties

How to start doing something without the desire to take responsibility? Not every desire will correspond to interests, so it is automatically sent to the “far box”. Main secret like this: “Laziness can turn a pleasant activity into a semblance of self-torture.” When we are constantly in a state of readiness, the matter is considered normal and does not bring discomfort. After a long pause, the same activity is already under compulsion, and the person becomes depressed.

How not to be afraid of monotonous work without losing interest in it? Be able to distract yourself wisely! How can a child start doing something if he is forced to constantly sit through his lessons without being allowed to watch a cartoon? He, like any adult, feels a strike inside himself.

If he is now prohibited, then this matter must be postponed by all means. Negative emotions leave a strong imprint on desire. You can find an approach to any activity if you don’t be a “squirrel in a wheel.” Routine truly drains energy, and sooner or later the individual will find a reason to avoid it. To maintain a balance between emotions and life strategy, it is important to “slow down” on time and “start” on time.

It's time to change your attitude or what a quality daily routine looks like:

  1. Morning 7:00. Not as early as Bill Gates or the founder of IKEA, but not 1:25 p.m. as before.
  2. Invigorating exercises and contrast shower. They help you collect your thoughts and prevent yourself from going back to sleep.
  3. Balanced breakfast. Checking letters in the mail.
  4. Distribute tasks by importance. Proceed to the first part of the work.
  5. Take a break for some light exercise and a snack.
  6. Continue work. Let's assume that the primary tasks here have been completed.
  7. Now you can read the literature that you have been planning to master for several months. Or is it a course? foreign language, other vocational training.
  8. Planning things for tomorrow and free time. Every hour must be spent usefully.

Daily routine is the basis successful person who succeeds in a specific area, or maybe several at the same time. If a person works the night shift, for example, his day is simply shifted part of the time, but the essence remains the same. Once you realize the importance of saving time, the decision to act will already work for you.

How to start doing something? Take responsibility for your future on your shoulders and deny yourself weaknesses. Control allows you to close the path of everything unnecessary on the way to the most valuable thing - your time. If the information was useful, share it with those who are currently unable to take action.

It’s appropriate to tell a rather harsh anecdote here:

Full man sentenced to death in the electric chair, but he doesn’t fit into it. They put me on a diet and gained 10 kg. They started giving me only bread and water - I gained another 10 kg. We left one water - another plus 10 kg. Couldn't stand it:

- Why aren’t you losing weight???

- There is no motivation, you know.

So, to find motivation, you can use the following simple but working rules.


First, let's figure it out: do we need to do what we don't want? Or should this be done not by us, but by someone else? Or just do it for show, this action will not benefit anyone?

So, first, let’s figure out what the goal is and who is pursuing it. But goals are different.

For example, your goal is to get up at 7 am.

Who needs: to me


Why-2: I like the work, the compensation is decent, there is room for development

Result: You don’t have to get up, but then you will need to resolve issues with explanations and image in the eyes of your superiors.

Same example, but with a completely different scenario.

Target: get up at 7 am.

Who needs: to me

Why-1: To get to work on time, since there is a clear start time for the working day

Why-2: The work is uninteresting, no career growth is expected, you can find something better

Result: You don’t have to get up, but start looking new job today or get up with the thought that we set a goal to find a new job in as soon as possible and perhaps you won’t need to get up so early there anymore.

Conclusion. We start from the goal. How much and why do I need this personally? What would be the cost or alternative scenario of not taking action?

In addition to personal goals, there are goals of the team, collective, friends, parents. Then we need to set priorities and understand how important these people or organizations are for us.


Who needs: to me

Why-1: so that sales managers have something to work with at the exhibition

Why-2: in order not to let colleagues down and maintain the company’s image

Why-3: to take another step forward and do something new and attractive

Result: If my goals align with my company's goals and help me grow, I would benefit from working on this project.

Conclusion. In any task that needs to be done, you can almost always find something useful for yourself - the development of personal skills and abilities, the opportunity to practice in a new business, work with new people and establish new companies. Try to find something useful in your business too.

And one more example regarding relationships.

Need to: take mom's documents to the bank

Who needs: mom

Why-1: She doesn't have time, let's save her time

Why-2: Because this is mom, and her well-being is most important to us

Result: There are actions where there are no personal goals and no direct or indirect benefits for a person, but there are relationships that we value and for the sake of which we are ready to perform the action.

A similar result occurs when there is a sense of duty.

However, you can approach the problem from a scientific point of view. There are many strategies for managing motivation in a company. You can try to apply some of them to yourself.

For example, agree with yourself that after performing this or that action you give yourself a gift. For example, when I need to go on a business trip to some distant region of Russia, where the time is different from Moscow, and I have to get up 4-5-6 hours earlier than usual, I always promise myself some new outfit or new shoes upon my return home. Is there some more good strategy inspiration, which E.V. Sidorenko, psychologist, business coach, guest teacher at SSE Russia, often talks about at trainings. The inspiration strategy is to create an environment that supports engagement and work energy. For example, if you really don’t want to clean your apartment or sort out boxes of things after renovation, invite your friends to help you. Cook for them good table with wine and snacks and several CDs with your favorite films. Surely there are three new factors in the model - good people, interesting films and delicious snacks— will cheer you up and add joy to the cleaning process. And don't be surprised. I have a friend who still asks if I dismantled the boxes after the renovation with the hint that she is ready to join the process at any time. There are simply people who love order and are ready to devote time to making the world a little better - just remember Monica from the series “Friends”.

And there is also motivation “from the opposite”. Sometimes this is the most effective way to force yourself to do something. This is where drawing up a “what if not...” scenario helps.

For example, you need to go and speak at a conference. I really don’t want to - I don’t have enough time, the presentation is not ready, I’m very scared to speak. Let's imagine that we are not going to the conference. We will never learn to perform, since this is a skill that is formed only during training. So, we will continue to be afraid. Strangely enough, there won’t be any more time, since we’ll spend 80 percent of the freed-up time on minor matters of low importance, and in addition we’ll always be thinking, how can it be that I was invited, but I didn’t speak, but I could have, and what if it would have worked out? ! But it turns out that the opportunities have already been missed, and more may not be invited.

And finally, the most important thing. All these strategies have been tested on ourselves, they all work, but only under one condition. Unless we are stressed and running a marathon long distance— from start to finish of a difficult project without days off or vacation. A person, and especially a beautiful woman, has the right to rest, to her own time and for a comfortable and lazy existence. And before looking for motivation to do something you don’t want to do, you should think about why you don’t want to and why do it right now. Perhaps we should make the world wait and please ourselves first? For example, drink a cup of coffee in a beauty salon while a skilled master makes you a new jacket and a bath with aromatic lavender oil. And then there’s the presentation, and the business trip, and mushroom picking with your beloved husband, dad or grandfather!

Text: Anna Izmailova, head of marketing communications at the Stockholm School of Economics in Russia.

Unlike most people, I love going to doctors. Since childhood, I loved being treated: I liked the cheerfulness and confidence inherent in doctors, the white coats and shiny instruments, the attentive questions - after all, they asked not only my mother, but also me. They spoke to me seriously, as if I were “big,” and at the same time kindly and encouragingly. In general, all my life I perceived going to the clinic as an easy adventure: exciting, but with a happy ending. However, a few years ago I suddenly felt that something had changed. Despite active self-medication, I had a severe sore throat for two weeks, and it became clear that I should see a specialist. But I couldn't. For some reason, this time the thought of doctors gave me a vague but very unpleasant feeling. The mind said that this was necessary, but emotions were actively against it. And this despite my love for doctors!

A month passed, and I couldn’t bring myself to go to the doctor. My throat still hurt, especially unbearable at night. When I complained to my mother about my strange behavior, she suddenly said: “I think I know why you can’t convince yourself to go to an ENT specialist.” And told a story from my early childhood, when the ENT specialist tried to lubricate my sore throat, and I struggled and cried until my mother and I simply ran out of the office. I listened to her story, and a completely forgotten (more precisely, “repressed” from memory) incident began to be restored with all the details, experiences, and memories. After this conversation I immediately felt at ease. It turns out that from then on I continued to willingly go to other doctors, but at that time a “curse” was imposed on the otolaryngologist by my unconscious. I gathered my courage, reminded myself once again that that episode was in the distant past, and then calmly went to the clinic.

1. Analyze the past

So, if we find it difficult to force ourselves to do something, it’s worth thinking: are there unconscious, but persistent barriers erected by our emotional memory in the distant past? Perhaps they are the ones who influence behavior and block today's motivation? Of course, it is better to carry out such “excavations” with a specialist, but sometimes self-analysis can be quite fruitful.

By remembering and replaying an unpleasant episode, you can reduce the level of hidden pain and resentment

An example from my practice. A client, a young musician, descendant of a musical dynasty, once shared with me a seemingly minor problem. The musical archive of his late grandfather, stored in one of the rooms of his Moscow apartment, has not yet been sorted out. For several months he made attempts to begin this difficult task, but each time he put it off with frustration. “Something inside is preventing me from studying my grandfather’s inheritance, which is generally quite interesting and important for me,” is how he formulated this problem.

We began to explore this “internal obstacle” until we came across a traumatic and therefore repressed memory from my client’s preschool childhood. As it turned out, one day, through a misunderstanding, he took a stack of sheets of music from his grandfather’s work desk (and his grandfather was then alive and well) and painted them with paints. The grandfather was furious: it was his new composition - and punished his grandson quite severely. Since then, all of his grandfather’s papers have become forbidden for the child, marked “do not touch!” Over the years, this episode has “disappeared” from the hero’s memory, moving into an unconscious, but powerfully emotionally charged layer of “unprocessed” memories. As a result of our joint efforts, this unpleasant episode was restored, “played out,” which made it possible to reduce the level of hidden pain and resentment. Soon the young man began to analyze the archive - the “internal obstacle” had lost energy and strength.

2. Do some preliminary preparation

Let's not forget: anticipation creates desire. Sometimes we don’t start tasks that seem necessary simply because we are not ready. My head is occupied with other things. For any serious undertaking, you need to “mature” internally. Gain strength, evaluate and find resources, determine deadlines, work out an action plan, and then everything will go smoothly.

Here is a short life story told by a friend of mine. “The thirteen-year-old daughter begged us to renovate the kitchen and bathroom - you see, she was ashamed to invite friends to our “unkempt hole.” Indeed, repairs were needed for a long time, but how I didn’t want to start it! Discomfort, money, constant cleaning... I delayed the start of this event as much as I could, despite my daughter’s demands. And then a psychologist friend told me about the “preparation” technique. This was what we needed! I immediately planned the start of the renovation - in a month, not earlier. She announced the decision to her daughter and friends so that there would be no opportunity to “sneak away” from her obligations. I agreed with a qualified and reliable team. Together with them I drew up an action plan. I dragged all the things from the future “battlefield”. During this time, I managed to prepare myself mentally: I cleared away my work affairs so that I could run home without delay, and tuned in to the temporary “mobilization mode” of life. And when the deadline approached, I dreamed of starting the renovation as soon as possible. Now I wanted wonderful transformations no less than my daughter, and I was ready for the upcoming trials. This is what it means - preliminary announcement, detailed planning, systematic organization and enhanced moral preparation!

3. Use motivation techniques that suit you

But what if you need to get down to business quickly? You’ll have to urgently look for ways and tools of motivation that are effective specifically for you. In fact, we all know these methods very well; the main thing is to consciously turn to them.

People who are forward-oriented are very motivated by the “image of a future result.” All they have to do is mentally focus on the benefits that they will receive as a result of a successful task, and they immediately begin work. Vivid visualization and imaginary stay in the desired future help some people “move mountains.” Here's a way one wise manager found.

“My job required me to learn German,” he says. - I had neither the desire, nor the time, nor the ability for languages. What to do? Knowing my characteristics, I went to the language group and mentally chose an active, motivated student approximately my age and circle. This student, without even knowing it, became my competitor and the “engine of progress.” There was an excitement - to defeat him, to prove to everyone that I was smarter and more capable than the one who seemed to be the best. The criterion is the final exam and intermediate assessments of the teacher. My competitive, competitive nature did not let me down: within a year of study, the battle was won. I passed the exam perfectly and received more points than my talented classmate. What about the language? Well, of course, I had to learn it. Without this, my victory would not have been possible.”

There is another option in my observation notebook. “As a strong-willed person, I can force myself to do what I need to do, but I don’t want to. Usually willpower is enough for the first step, then it weakens,” said another client of mine, an employee of a large company. - But I found a great way: if I take not one, but two steps towards the result, then I’ll already get involved in the business, and it will be easier to continue. I remember I had to prepare a big presentation at the end of the year. It was necessary to read a lot of reports, collect numbers and facts. At first I tried to divide the work into small steps. But each stage took a lot of energy, since doing all this was boring, painful, dreary. But then I decided to devote the whole day to the presentation - and the work began. I got a taste of dry analytics, delved into the data, and imagined how they could be presented clearly and beautifully. By midnight, the main substantive work was completed - much earlier than planned. And all just because I didn’t stop at the first stage, but moved on. And the further you move, the easier it is - the work you started already takes on meaning, form, meaning, and you already want to bring it to completion.”

Of course, there are many ways to force yourself to work. Your task is to choose what is right for you. Open your diary and look - what tasks are regularly transferred from one week to another? If they are important, why did you condemn them to endless procrastination? It's time to understand this and start implementing them. Without delay. With inspiration. With good results.

Doing what you don’t want is harmful - it spoils your mood, causes incredible fatigue, and the result of forced efforts is usually not pleasing. First you need to understand why you don’t want to, and then find the motivation to make you want to. Laziness cannot resist the pressure of a methodical struggle.

Each of us has encountered laziness at least once. The student waits until the last minute course work, the secretary puts off the report until later, the housewife just can’t bring herself to clean the stove, and the child flatly refuses to put away the toys.

What is the mechanism of laziness? Why do people, having a specific goal, not want to go towards it? Or maybe you don’t need to force yourself at all?

Should you force yourself to do something you don’t want to do?

In fact, laziness is not always a negative thing. This may be the body's response to fatigue and stressful situation. Very often, people whom everyone considers to be workaholics suddenly “switch off”, lie down on the sofa and turn on the TV. Only for them it is not a psychological desire to do nothing, but a physical inability to get off the couch and do cleaning or other things.

The picture is similar for people who have experienced a stressful situation - dismissal, a breakup with a loved one, the loss of a close relative. Their “laziness” is more like apathy, and such people do not need censure from others, but support and sympathy.

And there are also people who seem from the outside to be slow and lazy. These are those who “harness for a long time, but go quickly.” They analyze any business from all sides in order to understand how to most effectively complete the task with minimal labor costs.

But by the end of the set period, they begin to act, and so quickly that those around them are amazed. As a rule, if such a “slow-witted” person succumbs to prodding from the outside, the quality of his work deteriorates sharply, and he remains dissatisfied with the result.

So before you jump into the fight against laziness, ask yourself if you are healthy and productive. Remember that nature does not give anything in vain, because laziness not only takes time, it also gives strength. So maybe you should set aside a “lazy hour” for yourself and devote it only to what you love?

How to force yourself to do something you don’t want to: 10 effective ways

The first thing psychologists recommend is don’t try to do everything. This is especially true for housewives who are simply obsessed with cleanliness. Don't be shy to ask for help if you see that you can't keep up. And for the least favorite things you can reward yourself - for example, candy or a smoke break. This way you will have more strength and your mood will lift.

Be sure to take breaks at work, but don’t immediately grab the cookies. It's better to walk around the office or just stretch.

Don't stop when you are concentrating on solving a problem; it will be more difficult to concentrate the second time.

Divide global projects into small parts, each of which will be your step. Take the very first and simple step, and then run by inertia.

Turn an unloved task into a habit, and then it will no longer be doing it that will cause discomfort, but not doing it. This is advice for those who are starting to lead healthy image life every Monday - eat right, do exercises and practice dousing with cold water.

Set yourself a goal (see “”), just do it for both the conscious and the subconscious at once. Maslow's pyramid of human needs is still in effect, so your subconscious mind is not interested in your ideology.

It just wants to eat, reproduce and be safe, so if these three goals are not achieved by your activity, the subconscious mind will not want to leave the comfort zone and strain the body. Let's say you don't want to wash the hallway floor.

The goal for consciousness: to make it pleasant and beautiful to be in this room. The goal for the subconscious is to make it safe to be here (pathogenic microbes multiply in dust, and it also contributes to allergies, especially in children).

If you don't want to work, clean up your workplace. Perhaps you will find some useful papers and be able to find a solution to the problem that is currently tormenting you.

Remove temptations from your workplace. The most difficult thing in this regard is for freelancers (see “”) and those who work from home. Social media, online games, even a simple cup of tea can steal an hour or even more from life. It is easier for office workers, who are under the constant gaze of their superiors all day long, to concentrate on work - there is nothing to do anyway.

Play your favorite sport. Sport helps keep the body in good shape and the spirit in good spirits. In addition, it reduces sleep time, so you will get pleasure and increase your active life.

Finally, if all else fails, give up and take a nap. Idleness is also work, no matter how strange it sounds, so you will quickly want to work.

The human body does not think of itself as unemployed, but instead of real work, we constantly give it a fake - to read email, surf on social networks, collect crops on the farm...

So it turns out that you seem to have worked all day and are even tired, but the result is meager. Learn to recognize the constructive one, when you just need to relax, and the destructive one, which you can and should fight. Review your values ​​and work on yourself.