Russia has always been famous for its diversity of nature, including trees. Trees are life. They use them to build houses, make paper and clothing, and heat their homes in winter. But besides all this, trees also help us live. They are able to change our destiny and give us health. In the Russian outback there are a lot of signs that are associated with different types trees. This is what we will talk about now.


Birch tree in the yard - lightning is not scary. Birch is generally considered the most Russian tree. How many songs have been written about this tree, how many poems. Graceful, beautiful birch always associated with a girl. It is even commonly believed that the soul of a dead innocent girl turned into a birch tree. Our ancestors noticed that lightning never hits a birch tree. How to explain this? Unknown. But it is so. Lightning is the wrath and punishment of God. Why punish an innocent girl? This is probably why birch trees do not attract lightning. If a birch tree grows next to a house, then those who live in this house are not afraid of thunderstorms. Well, if there is no birch tree nearby, then it was customary to stack birch branches in the attic. Old people say that even these branches can protect from thunderstorms.

The birch tree has opened its leaves - plant potatoes in a week. This sign is based on many years of observations of our ancestors. It has been noticed that if the birch tree begins to turn green, then in at least five or six days the air temperature will rise to ten degrees, and a cold snap is no longer expected. This means you can safely plant potatoes and not be afraid that frost will come and everything you planted will freeze.

Birch wreaths for Ivan Kupala on the horns of your cow - witches are not scary. - this is big pagan holiday. Everything that is done on this day works with incredible speed. Old people say that only on this day can you protect your cow without making any special efforts and without resorting to the help of witches. There will always be malicious neighbors who want to harm you just like that, out of envy. A wreath of birch branches on this day will help protect your nurse from any attacks from enemies.


You can’t plant a willow - you shorten your own life. Trees need to be planted. It is not in vain that the proverb says that a person must give birth to a son, build a house and plant a tree. It’s just been noticed that not every tree can be planted. The old people say that their great-grandfathers noticed that the one who planted a willow will die in the year when this willow grows so large that it can be used to make a holder for a shovel. Want to check it out? Please. But our grandfathers are not going to check this sign.

If you eat the buds of a consecrated willow, you will have many children. Very often those men and women who could not have children turned to the witches. And even today, everyone whom medicine could not help goes to knowledgeable people. These people say that willow can grow anywhere. Nobody specifically plants it, but it grows and every year there is more and more of it. If consecrated in Palm Sunday branches of willow in the church, and then eat its buds, then the long-awaited children will definitely appear in your family.


The snow has fallen, but there are leaves on the cherries - the snow won’t last long. Over many centuries, villagers have noticed that if early snow falls and the cherries have not yet had time to shed their leaves, then there will be a thaw very soon. Real winter comes only when the last leaf falls from the cherry tree, and not before.


The aspen is trembling - the cattle are full. For many years, people have been observing trees and have noticed that when aspen leaves tremble, there will definitely be a good harvest of oats, barley and wheat. And once there is a harvest, there will always be something to feed the cattle. Everything is very simple. But it is completely impossible to explain such a sign that if the dead man is not hung on an aspen tree, then he will definitely come to life and bite. How can this be? Unclear.

Aspen chips in sauerkraut - the cabbage will not turn sour. This is true. It is believed that aspen has some antiseptic properties that can slow down the process of food spoilage. It was this property of aspen that our ancestors used to sauerkraut did not turn sour for a long time.


The leaf on the oak tree is developing - good for catching pike. It has been noticed that pike are not always caught. You need to know the moment when to go for pike. And old fishermen noticed that at the moment when the leaves on the oak trees begin to bloom, the pike begins to eat. It is precisely at this moment that you need to catch her.


There are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms - it will be a snowy winter. This sign is associated with the peculiarity of the hazel tree. If expected Cold winter, then there will be a lot of nuts. The hazel tree always tries to produce the maximum harvest if it feels that a harsh winter awaits us.

To chop or not to chop

The tree for the house was cut down on the first of March - the house will never burn down. It would seem that, clean water superstition. But that was not the case. Try to cut down any tree and light a fire from it - it won’t work. Old gardeners say that all trees lose their ability to burn on this day, because it was on the first of March that Judas hanged himself on an aspen tree. It’s hard to say whether this is true or not, but it is true that the trees cut down on this day have such properties.

Don't cut down a tree on a new moon - it will rot. This sign is associated with the features of the lunar cycle and the influence of these features on the water that is available on our planet. Our great-grandfathers noticed that it was the trees that were filled with water. And even if these trees are then dried, they will not dry, but will begin to rot. So, the second sign follows from this - on a new moon you cannot stock up on firewood for the winter.

There are a lot of signs associated with trees. It is simply not realistic to list all of these. And some of these signs cannot even be explained. But we still need to listen to what our ancestors knew. This makes life easier, and many problems can be avoided. And for those who don’t like to think, you can simply live according to the signs, as our ancestors bequeathed to us.

There is an opinion that some trees should absolutely not be planted near the house. There are many popular beliefs according to which some plants, shrubs and trees bring bad luck, illness and even death. Is it really?

Trees do have an impact on the physical and emotional condition person. Like all living things, trees have their own, which can have different effects on a person’s mood, health and internal feelings.

How does energy affect a person?

People have developed many sayings that characterize the energy of a particular tree. Since ancient times, our ancestors have assigned magical properties to trees. It’s not for nothing that they used to say: “in a birch forest you have fun, in a pine forest you pray, in a spruce forest you hang yourself.” This folk saying suggests that the energy of trees really influences a person.

The effect on humans is explained by the fact that the tree not only absorbs carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in return, but also transforms the human energy that it feels next to it. People who study the energetic effects of trees divide them into donors and energy vampires.

Donor trees transform negative human energy into positive. When you are around these natural healers, sadness and melancholy quickly disappear, your mood improves, and physical pain goes away.

Energy vampire trees take away positive energy. Being close to these trees can quickly make you feel tired. A vampire tree can negatively affect a person’s physical condition. Headaches may occur next to it.

What to plant on the site and in front of the house?

It is recommended to plant plants and shrubs near the house that absorb negative energy, transforming it into positive energy. Such trees have long been endowed with magical and healing properties. Donor trees were not only planted near the house, but also furniture and dishes were made from their wood.

What trees, according to signs, can be planted near the house?

Folk signs: which trees should not be planted in the yard and why?

Not all energy trees are harmful to humans. It is not recommended to plant them next to the house on your site. But, nevertheless, periodic communication with such trees is sometimes beneficial.

If you need to get rid of negative energy, relieve tension, then you can sit down for a while at the roots of such a tree - it will take away all the negativity, but at the same time grab the energy that you need.

  • Birch considered a symbol of innocence and purity. But you can’t plant it near the house. According to popular beliefs, spirits live in the roots of birch trees that can harm a person. It is best to plant a birch tree behind a fence. In this case, she will protect the house from evil spirits.
  • Willow is a symbol of death and misfortune. Despite the fact that willow branches are associated with Easter and the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem, this shrub has a negative effect on a person’s aura. According to legend, anyone who plants a willow near their house will die within a year.
  • Pine and spruce are considered powerful energy vampires. They take energy and, according to legend, attract illnesses into the house. But planting these trees near your home is not recommended for another reason - their roots can destroy the foundation of the house.
  • Thuja – tree of grief and sadness. Many people associate it with cemeteries and the dead. Thuja should not be planted next to the house, especially if a young girl lives in it. It is believed that this tree scares away all suitors, attracting loneliness and melancholy.
  • From time immemorial the willow has been a tree of sorrow and sadness. Its branches, descending to the very roots, were associated with tears. People used to say about this tree: “A weeping willow under the window - a spade is being prepared for a funeral.”
  • Aspen is the most famous vampire tree. It sucks out both positive and negative energy, weakens a person, and attracts illness and infirmity. Such a tree should not be planted even behind a fence. His place is in the forest. However, according to, aspen is able to fight evil spirits and may even relieve joint pain.

Donor trees and some vampire trees have healing properties. By planting a tree near your house that matches your energy, you can protect your home from misfortunes and constantly draw the positive energy of natural forces.

Since ancient times, trees were attributed magical properties that were able to cure diseases, attract financial well-being, love and luck. There are many folk signs and superstitions that are associated with trees. We have already forgotten most of them, but it is never too late to remember folk wisdom and apply it in everyday life.


People have a common opinion about this white-trunked tree a large number of legends and beliefs. Birch is believed to have protective powers.

By touching it, you can get rid of negative energy and restore strength. In ancient times, they believed that if you pour water in which a sick person was bathing under the roots of a birch tree, the illness would go into the ground. Some attributed ominous properties to birches. Do not touch wood with growths.

It is believed that growths on a birch tree are the result of black magic. It is not recommended to plant a birch tree close to the house. According to popular belief, this tree can cause female diseases and even infertility. Our ancestors tried to avoid lonely growing birches.

It was believed that under such a birch tree rested the soul of an innocently murdered person. They tried not to drink birch sap from the trunk of such a birch tree, since, according to legend, the blood of the deceased flows instead of it.


Cherry is considered a symbol of fertility and abundance. If you light a fire near this tree during its flowering period, you can attract money. With the help of cherries you could get rid of diseases. The patient's pillow was stuffed with cherry leaves collected before sunset.

This helped overcome the disease.


Oak is a symbol of power and stability. According to ancient signs and superstitions, an oak planted near a house helps to achieve success in work and attract money to the house. Oak was also used as a way to attract family well-being.

On the wedding day, the newlyweds had to walk around the oak tree three times, holding hands. This, according to tradition, was supposed to make the marriage strong, happy and long.


Linden was considered the lightest tree. With its help they got rid of diseases. All human ailments remained on this tree in the form of growths.

It was impossible to beat cattle with linden rods, otherwise they would die.


Juniper was considered the most powerful amulet against damage and the evil eye. If you plant it near the house, it will protect you from unkind people and dark forces. This tree can also bring health and well-being into the home.

For this purpose, juniper was planted behind the house, and not in front of the house.


Thorn bushes were considered sacred. If you place a thorn branch at home, then all troubles and troubles will be avoided. If the blackthorn blooms early, then this is a bad omen - expect a lean summer.

Rose hip

There are a large number of signs and superstitions about this shrub. It is believed that rose hips attract love and family well-being. If you plant a rosehip bush near your house, peace and harmony will reign in the family.

You can also use rose hips to attract a successful marriage. To do this, a girl needs to cut a flower from a bush during its flowering period, dry it and store it under her pillow. By following these folk signs and superstitions, you can protect yourself from all troubles and attract good luck into your life.

be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and 20.04.2014 12:18

Memory of relatives

Now all that remains is to figure it out what tree to plant in the cemetery in memory of relatives. Most often, pine needles are grown near graves. It shades graves well and requires virtually no watering.

Birches, turfs, elms, and robinias are often found in cemeteries. If the area has high humidity, you can try planting willow plants - they will absorb moisture abundantly. Before deciding which tree to plant on the grave, consult with the cemetery administration.

They know well which plants are well received in a given area. If a person dear to you is associated with a certain plant, try to plant the associative tree. If the soil is not conducive to such planting, carry out preparatory work.

For example, bring fertile soil if there is sand in the cemetery. Remember, there is always a way out of the situation! Let us remind you that our professional gardeners can prepare for planting, as well as plant young trees and provide them with proper care. We will be happy to take care of your plantings! :)

What trees are best to plant near the house?

If the construction of economic facilities has already been completed, then now is the time to start landscaping the site. It will be pleasant, looking out the window, to see not only the neighboring buildings, but also the trees growing around the house and nearby.

Planting fruit trees

Fruit trees that are planted near the house come first. Planting fruit trees in the surrounding area hearth and home will not be labor-intensive if you organize it wisely.


This fruit tree grows well in warm and moist conditions. Walnut does not respond well to strong winds, as its leaves and crown deteriorate, so it is best to plant it near the house. Once you have planted a nut, it is better not to replant it, since it does not tolerate such interventions well due to its weak root system.


This tree will delight you with its beauty all year round. Therefore, it is worth planting rowan near the house for decoration. Its fruits can be stored until spring.

Rowan is unpretentious to grow; however, it is advisable to plant it in a slightly shaded place, having previously fertilized the soil. Make sure that the soil is moderately moist - not too wet and not too dry.

Planting coniferous trees

Landscaping using coniferous trees will be a great way to decorate your site. It is better to plant conifers at a distance of 10 meters from your country house in order to avoid damage to the foundation of the building by their powerful root system.

Spruce and pine trees like to grow in sandy soil. In addition, it is better to plant young shoots. Planting seedlings requires compliance certain rules. Conifers are sensitive to light.

Try to bury them in a more illuminated area at a distance of at least 3 meters from the house or other buildings. It is better to plant pine and spruce trees along the fence. This will save you the extra hassle of collecting fallen needles and cones.

Planting fruit trees

Should be done in spring or autumn. Gardeners recommend planting cherries, apricots or plums near the house, since they are less demanding of light. The depth of the holes during planting should not be more than 100 meters.

Before this, it is strongly recommended to moisten and fertilize the soil well. When planting trees around the house, remember not to get too carried away and clutter the area adjacent to the house with them. A moderate number of trees will not choke the plantings and will create a pleasant atmosphere around your family nest.

What trees to plant near the house: the energy of trees and its impact on humans

Hello, my dear readers! Today I want to invite you to discuss very interesting topic– the energy of trees and its influence on us. Surely, many of you have heard that some trees can be planted near the house, but others cannot.

For example, a common misconception is that a birch tree planted next to a house brings bad luck. This is nothing more than a bad omen. In fact, each person has his own tree that is beneficial.

From this article you will learn what trees to plant near the house so that they bring you good luck and give you energy.

Donor trees and biovampire trees

Each tree has its own special aura, that is, energy. You may have heard that there are donor trees and biovampire trees. Donors are those trees that give a person their positive energy.

The most common of them are birch, oak, acacia, rowan, cedar, maple and pine. Communicating with these trees will give you a boost of strength and vigor. But you shouldn’t be afraid of bio-vampire trees either.

The fact is that they take away bad, spent energy, making room for fresh energy. So, communication with them is also sometimes useful for a person. Of course, in moderation.

The strongest trees that absorb waste energy are willow, aspen and poplar. Bird cherry, chestnut and spruce also belong to this category, but they are slightly weaker.

Of course, you shouldn’t plant them directly next to the house, but somewhere at the end of the plot such a tree must grow. You can tell which tree you are dealing with by how it feels. Just bring your palm to the tree trunk and hold it there for a while.

If the tree is a donor, then you will feel pleasant warmth and a surge of strength, as if something is filling you. If the tree is a vampire, then you will feel a slight pleasant coolness, your palm will seem to be attracted to the trunk by an unknown force.

Try to communicate with trees, and you will see that this is so. And now I will tell you about the properties and energy of the most common trees. Knowing them, you can choose a tree that will really bring you good luck.


Birch is the favorite tree of any Russian person, which personifies Rus'. This is a very strong and kind tree, otherwise it is called the tree of life. She is gentle, affectionate and compassionate. Birch is always ready to give a boost of energy to people who are sick and infirm.

If such a person communicates with a birch tree, he will recover faster. Birch also helps those who are often depressed. It comforts, calms nerves and gives inner harmony.

If you plant a birch tree near your house, it will protect your sleep, drive away nightmares and constantly have a healing effect. That is why I completely do not understand the sign, according to which a birch tree growing next to the house prophesies misfortune.


This is a tree with very strong energy. Despite the fact that oak is a donor, you need to be careful with it. By direct contact with a tree, you can receive a powerful charge of vital energy from it.

However, the oak is located only towards healthy, strong people and is inclined to help only them. If you have serious illnesses, then it is better for you not to contact oak. This tree loves warriors strong people. So oak can be of great benefit to war veterans.


This is an excellent and compassionate donor. Larch has a powerful calming power. This tree is recommended to be planted near the house for people who are constantly overcome by fears, doubts, and anxiety.

It helps a person overcome the most severe nervous illnesses, overcome depression and have a more optimistic outlook on life. If you plant this tree, the lost harmony, comfort and tranquility will return to your life.


A strong tree with powerful healing energy. The aura of pine can help a person in the most difficult situations. For example, when some important changes occur in your life and you don’t know what to do.

By turning to this tree with an open soul and heart, you will receive a charge of creative energy, insight and will be able to do right choice. Pine also perfectly relieves stress and fatigue, cleanses from extraneous bad energy and even helps remove damage. A pine tree planted next to your house will give you peace, stability and confidence in the future.


This is a tree for real strong-willed men. This tree will not help men with weak spirits who consider themselves losers. But strong men will support them in all their endeavors, giving them a powerful charge of energy that can last for more than one year.


But the mountain ash is a female tree. This tree supports beauty and youth already mature women, gives them strength to maintain love and peace in the family, patronizes all their endeavors. Rowan can be planted not near the house itself, but at the gate, for example.


Chestnut is a strong but selfish tree. Its energy can cleanse you, relieve fatigue, wash away your worries and ailments. But it will not give a charge of energy.

Chestnut is only capable of cleansing.

Bird cherry

Bird cherry is a very sensitive tree that helps heal emotional wounds. She loves young people and their first tender feelings. She gladly helps them find happiness in love, feeds them with the highest feelings, avoiding base passions.

In short, it is a tree of the soul, not of the body. Healing properties it is not famous, so if you plant it near the house, then nothing will happen - neither good nor bad.


Poplar is indifferent to man and his problems. But he, like a sponge, is able to absorb all the negative from environment. That's why poplars are so often planted in cities.

Around the house, he will not bring much benefit, not having the ability to heal diseases, calm and release vital energy.


Maple is a pretty good friendly tree. It helps people gain peace of mind, self-confidence and inner peace of mind. If you feel that you are simply overwhelmed with emotions, then it will be useful for you to communicate with this tree.

It will gladly take on all your passions, worries and doubts, cleanse you and help you avoid a nervous breakdown. Like this interesting characters And the trees you see every day have abilities. Knowing them, you yourself can determine which tree you need to plant next to your house so that you feel good, calm and cozy in it.

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Planting trees near the house

People who are happy owners of country houses have an excellent opportunity to grow a luxurious garden next to their house, which will become wonderful place For family vacation warm summer evening. At the same time, many homeowners are often faced with the question of which trees can be planted on the site and which cannot, because each plant needs its own specific growing conditions, and planting some other species is even accompanied by various superstitions.

Planting trees near the house should be carried out depending on climatic conditions and the areas in which they will grow. The issue of climate is very important, since in unsuitable conditions the tree will not be able to develop normally.

For example, in the northern regions it is useless to plant fruit trees, and in the south - those that love low temperatures. It is also worth immediately highlighting the category of trees that are highly not recommended to be planted near a residential building, outbuildings and garden paths. One of these is Walnut, having a root system that grows with such force that there is a possibility of damage to the foundation of the house. Regarding folk beliefs, then it is undesirable to plant coniferous plants (pine and spruce) near your home, as they are considered harbingers of trouble.

There is an opinion that if such a tree grows higher than a house, its owners will soon be in trouble. Residents of the taiga regions, in turn, are not inclined to believe such statements. Coniferous trees are found there in almost every home, bringing their owners nothing but pleasant emotions.

What trees should I plant near my house?


Birch will become an indispensable decoration for your garden if you consider yourself a nature lover. I love this plant very much Sun rays and pleases with a noticeable growth rate. Birch easily tolerates frosts and not very favorable soil conditions, but at the same time it categorically does not like transplanting.

In order for the tree to take root in a new place as successfully as possible, you should choose those seedlings whose age does not exceed 5-7 years. Early spring when the buds have not yet blossomed - perfect time for planting birch trees.

When planting a birch tree, it is worth taking into account the amount of water that it manages to absorb in one day (about 250 liters). Therefore, you will either need to set up a watering system for the tree or plant it away from other plants. For small gardens, it is best to choose low species, for example, Karelian birch. This tree goes well with willow, rowan, linden, beech, oak, bird cherry, maple and conifers.


Spruce, which remains green throughout the year, can reach a height of up to 50 meters and live up to 300 years. Thanks to its planting, you can get a magnificent, almost impenetrable hedge, which will be reliable protection from gusts of wind. Spruce trees can be used to make an excellent hedge near the house. Single trees are planted, as a rule, next to the recreation area, gate or front parts of the garden plot.

Spruce is notable for the fact that its aroma contains phytoncide, which is a stimulator of cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. If you are using a tree grown in the forest to transplant into the garden, keep in mind that the plant will only take root in well-drained loamy, sandy loam or acidic soil. Long-term droughts and stagnation of water have an extremely negative impact on the development of spruce.

Spruce seedlings cannot tolerate drying out roots, which can die in the open air in just 15 minutes. To avoid this, during transportation, wrap the roots with a piece of damp cloth, then place them in a box or bucket of water.


Linden is considered one of the most shade-tolerant plants, rivaled only by spruce, fir, hornbeam and oak. Does well in soils with good drainage.

One of the most common planting options is the alley method, but linden can look beautiful even as a single plant. This tree has one remarkable quality - it can be shaped, cut or bent at any age, which makes it easy to obtain not only hedges, but also arches, balls, green arbors, pyramids, etc. Linden is one of those tree species that which can significantly improve the condition of the soil.

Linden gets along well next to rowan, oak, ash and maple.


Rowan is a tree that was once considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and prosperity, considered among Slavic peoples sacred. Thanks to its bright fruits and crimson leaves, it does not lose its decorative effect even in winter time of the year.

Its development does not require any special soil conditions, but the soil should not be swampy or too wet. Ideally, rowan is best planted in slight shade or in a sunny area.

This tree harmonizes well with spruce, pine, fir and deciduous trees, especially linden, black poplar, ash and white willow. Among the shrubs, rosehip, barberry and honeysuckle make an excellent pair with rowan. This tree is usually planted in September-October or in early spring.


Willow is known for the fact that its planting is not accompanied by any special difficulties; it is enough to just stick chopped shoots into previously prepared loose soil. Its cuttings take root surprisingly easily and quickly. It is recommended to plant it in early spring, before the buds open.

This tree will be an excellent decoration for your garden - a weeping willow planted in two rows will create a magnificent shady alley, and a single silver or spherical willow will complement a pond or garden path. An excellent solution would be an openwork arch formed by intertwined willow branches from two trees. If you dream of a hedge, choose a shrubby willow that can not only decorate, but also slightly shade the desired area of ​​your garden.

How to remove a tree near the house?

Old and large trees are a real decoration of any garden, but, unfortunately, they are fraught with a certain danger - in a strong gust of wind, such a tree can easily fall directly onto the roof of the house. In such cases, trees are usually removed, and it is advisable to entrust this work to those people who have all the necessary equipment and experience. A tree is never completely cut down, since this method of removing it can cause a lot of trouble for nearby residential buildings.

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Birch tree in the yard - lightning is not scary. Our Ancestors noticed that lightning never hits a birch tree. How to explain this? Unknown. But it is so. If a birch tree grows next to a house, then those who live in this house are not afraid of thunderstorms. Well, if there is no birch tree nearby, then it was customary to stack birch branches in the attic. Old people say that even these branches can protect from thunderstorms.

The birch tree has opened its leaves - start planting in a week. This sign is based on many years of observations of our ancestors. It has been noticed that if the birch tree begins to turn green, then in at least five or six days the air temperature will rise to ten degrees, and a cold snap is no longer expected.

You can’t plant a willow - you shorten your own life. Trees need to be planted. It is not in vain that the proverb says that a man must give birth to a son, build a house and plant a tree. It’s just been noticed that not every tree can be planted. The old people say that their Great-Grandfathers noticed that the one who planted a willow will die in the year when this willow grows so much that it can be used to make a holder for a shovel. Want to check it out? Please. But our Grandfathers are not going to check this sign.

The snow has fallen, but there are leaves on the cherry trees - the snow will not last long. Over many centuries, villagers have noticed that if early snow falls and the cherries have not yet had time to shed their leaves, then there will be a thaw very soon. Real winter comes only when the last leaf falls from the cherry tree, and not before.

Don't cut down a tree on a new moon - it will rot. This sign is associated with the features of the lunar cycle and the influence of these features on the water that is available on our planet. Our Great-Grandfathers noticed that it was during the new moon that the trees filled with water. And even if these trees are then dried, they will not dry, but will begin to rot. So, the second sign follows from this - on a new moon you cannot stock up on firewood for the winter.

The leaves on the oak tree are developing - good for catching pike. It has been noticed that pike are not always caught. You need to know the moment when to go for pike. And old fishermen noticed that at the moment when the leaves on the oak trees begin to bloom, the pike begins to eat. It is precisely at this moment that you need to catch her.

There are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms - it will be a snowy winter. This sign is associated with the peculiarity of the hazel tree. If a cold winter is expected, then there will be a lot of nuts. The hazel tree always tries to produce the maximum harvest if it feels that a harsh winter awaits us.

The aspen is trembling - the cattle is full. For many years, people have been observing trees and have noticed that when aspen leaves tremble, there will definitely be a good harvest of oats, barley and wheat. And once there is a harvest, there will always be something to feed the cattle. Everything is very simple.

Aspen chips in sauerkraut - the cabbage will not turn sour. This is true. It is believed that aspen has some antiseptic properties that can slow down the process of food spoilage. It was this property of aspen that our ancestors used to prevent sauerkraut from turning sour for a long time.

Usually in the old days the walls of a wooden house were made of oak, and the floors and flooring were oak. This arrangement of wood contributed best protection person from the influence of negative energy from the outside and allowed the shortest possible time restore spent strength, since oak easily transfers its energy to a person through direct contact, and its strength allows us to balance the work of our entire body. No wonder people said: “Strong as an oak!

Oak takes a long time to get used to people. Sometimes six months or a year pass before he really begins to consider you his. But if he accepts you into his heart, he will not let you go and will never forget you! A piece of his power will be with you wherever you are. Oak has the ability to transmit its energy over vast distances. If he has accepted you, his leaves will imperceptibly reach out to you when you come, and his young branches will cling to your clothes, not wanting to let you go. If a double acorn falls into your hand from your favorite tree, save it! In itself, it is a talisman of good luck in business, but in this case its power will be greater, since it is supported by the wishes of the oak itself. A simple fallen acorn speaks of changes awaiting you, perhaps somewhat unexpected and confusing, but which will always lead to the better. Fallen green branch with green foliage - crossings.
There are a lot of signs associated with trees. It is simply not realistic to list all these signs. And some of these signs cannot even be explained. But we still need to listen to what our Ancestors knew. This makes life easier, and many problems can be avoided.

Oak is one of the most energetically powerful trees middle zone Russia. Oak in Rus' has always been considered a holy tree associated with masculine energy and power. Oak conducts the energy of the planet Jupiter into our world and is directly related to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. These energies determine world processes, the destinies of people and nations, and allow people to control their own destinies.
The energy of this tree has the power to “raise the dead.” If a person manages to establish contact with an oak tree, this tree will be able to give him such powers that will not only prolong his life, but also provide beneficial influence on the fate of his children and grandchildren, up to the fifth generation.

You should never break or chop oak for fun!!!

Oak is one of the few trees capable of transmitting information over vast distances. And if you cripple an oak tree in Moscow, you will not receive support from other oak trees anywhere. Oaks are single growers; they have energetic connections only with trees of their own species, regardless of the distance between them. This allows them to grow quietly in solitude without losing their strength. Oak loves energetic people. His masculine energy is not very useful for women, as it can give him fullness and excessive self-sufficiency, which will interfere with meeting the opposite sex. For women born in the sign of Sagittarius, it is useful to stand under an oak tree on their birthday and mentally discuss their life plans with it. Such a meeting can help quickly implement the plan.

Period of oak activity: in the morning it is little active, mainly serves its own needs, sleeps from 15 to 17 hours, willingly begins to communicate from 18 hours, but a real surge of strength comes after 21 hours. He falls asleep at 3 am and sleeps until noon. Oak stabilizes the energies of the human body, cleanses the biofield (especially the upper chakras), and fills it with powerful, even, fiery power. The power of oak is akin to the energy of the liver. It helps increase activity and eliminates congestion. The energy of oak has a particularly beneficial effect on the liver itself, on cardiovascular system and urinary tract, increases the activity of germ cells (sperm and eggs). Promotes the birth of healthy and strong children. Oak energy treatment on a living tree is carried out in nature and involves staying under the tree for 20-30 minutes, the first 5 minutes. Face the tree to establish contact, the remaining time - back to the oak.

Usually in the old days the walls of a wooden house were made of oak, and the floors and flooring were oak. This contributed to the best protection of a person from the influences of negative energy from the outside and made it possible to restore wasted energy in the shortest possible time, since oak easily transfers energy to a person upon contact with it. Oak wood is less susceptible to rotting, because... stores huge reserves of light energy, which it releases for centuries.

Let Irinushka add...
There are two trees in Rus' - bushes, which were endowed with magic by ancient beliefs. They were even “tied” by family ties, despite the fact that they were not related. For many centuries, viburnum and rowan have been preserved and revered, saddled with a considerable range of concerns. They protect the house, look after health and ward off the evil one. There are many rituals, folk signs and festive celebrations associated with them.

Viburnum is a fairly common plant in Ukraine and Central Russia, found in the Middle Urals and the southern part of Western Siberia, a frequent visitor to the Caucasus. She has been revered and known since ancient times; epics and legends speak about this. One of the old Slavic legends explains why viburnum berries with bitterness... “Sisters” were always “invited” to the wedding. Viburnum in wedding ceremonies served as a symbol of the purity of the bride. If on the first wedding night the girl turned out to be “honest,” viburnum branches were hung under the roof of the house, and the wedding table on the “second day” was decorated with viburnum bouquets. The bridesmaids, leading the young woman out of the bedroom, sang a wedding song about viburnum, which is “pure as White snow».


Signs are an important part of the people's worldview, accumulating over centuries. Since ancient times, people have endowed trees with magical properties, since for them trees are material for buildings and the primary source of fire. Assessing situations from their own and the lives of the surrounding world and drawing a parallel with the natural world, people created signs.

In ancient times, the Slavs had a custom of planting a fruit-bearing tree on the day a child was born; in the event of his illness, the tree’s fate was determined: the tree begins to dry out - the child may die, the tree turns green - a positive prognosis for recovery, the tree falls - the child will die.

It was believed that every person had a double among the trees;

It was not allowed to break linden branches - otherwise you will lose your horse (fall), if the branch is returned to its place, the horse will recover;

If you cut down an old linden tree or it falls on its own from the wind, expect trouble (the person who cut it down or a member of his family may die);

It was believed that if a linden tree withered in the garden, it was a bad omen for its owners;

On the nascent moon, trees were not cut down, since they would eventually rot;

A tree planted on the grave of a murdered person will certainly indicate who committed the crime;

A fruit-bearing tree died and fell in the garden - death is possible in the family;

All broken branches and even small chips are a harbinger of losses;

They never cut down a creaking tree, believing that it was the human soul that was suffering.

Common name: witch tree, white willow, rustling tree

Planet: Moon
Element: water
Deities: Artemis, Ceres, Hecate, Persephone, Circe, Hera, Mercury
Plant parts used: branches

Willow is one of those trees that is known among almost all nations. Signs, proverbs, and sayings about it have survived to our times, and potions, amulets, and willow fortune telling are an indispensable attribute of magic today.

They say that the willow is so strong because it is the first of all the trees to bloom and manages to receive the purest and brightest spring power from the sun.

Willow is a feminine, lunar tree, and is dedicated to lunar goddesses and lunar magic. Willow is often called the tree of creation. It obeys the world law and has the ability to restore the harmony of the world.

In ancient times, altars were decorated with willow branches for rituals. An echo of this ritual, dating back to impenetrable antiquity, has been preserved in the bright day of Palm Sunday, which celebrates the message of the Christian world. In modern Christianity, these ancient beliefs have degenerated into the custom of keeping inflorescences blessed on Palm Sunday in homes as protection against damage, and its flowers were eaten along with porridge. Bunches of branches blessed in the church, according to legend, acquire cleansing powers. With their help, they tidied up their homes, sweeping away the garbage that had accumulated over the winter. They burned the garbage and then steamed in the bathhouse, lashing themselves with these branches and saying: “Health goes to the house, illness goes to the forest!”

Since ancient times, willow flowers, collected in the spring on the waxing moon (best if in Cancer), were considered a home amulet, and amulets bracelets were made from the young branches. There is a belief that a willow amulet can make its owner eloquent, wise and calm. Willow amulets can be recommended to keep with them for lecturers, teachers and other people whose profession involves speaking or speaking. This is especially important for creative, poetic people. Willow gives a person mystical abilities to master the word. Willow gives eloquence and courage, but at the same time you can get a tendency to despondency and self-examination.

Due to the fact that willow is associated with the Moon, some healers advise using it for those who are overly hot-tempered and aggressive. The energy of willow will be able, with its “cold” aura, to balance the excessive “fire” of such people.

Contact with willow or willow calms, relaxes, and relieves headaches. The most suitable hours for recharging are from 18:00 to 21:00, in cool weather. Knocking on willow wood will bring good luck. Place willow leaves under your pillow on the night of the full moon and you will have a prophetic dream.

Residents of Ukraine call the willow the “sorrow tree” because it alleviates not only physical, but also spiritual suffering. The best effect is achieved when treatment with willow is accompanied by a special spell. Willow willingly takes away all ailments and mental discomfort from people.

To make your wish come true, tie a knot on a willow branch. When the wish comes true, the knot should be untied and the tree should be thanked, and the twig should be saved so that the tree does not suffer.

Willow branches are a remedy against the evil eye. Willow has special vitality and reliably protects against the forces of evil. To protect the house from evil spirits, willow branches were often hung on the gate. There was a belief that with such a talisman you could protect your home from evil spirits, sorcerers and witches - not a single black magician could overcome the magical barrier of the willow aura.

Among the Slavs, wreaths woven from thin willow branches are known as a love spell. The girls left wreaths on the road along which their chosen one was supposed to pass. In this way they tried to bewitch their loved one.

In European countries there was such a method New Year's fortune telling for the betrothed: on New Year's Eve, the fortuneteller had to throw his boot into the crown of the willow tree. If the shoes got stuck in the branches, it means that he will soon meet his “other half”.
A decoction of the leaves for love spells was mixed into the drink. Maybe it works, but willow bark is so bitter that there are few people who like to drink it. And it’s difficult to give something to drink after deceiving the victim; the offered cup turned out to be too bitter.
Willow is an assistant in love witchcraft. A willow twig was sewn into the seam of clothing to hold the man. It is believed that if you wrap young willow branches around the legs of the marital bed, the spouses will always be faithful to each other.

Willow branches make excellent base rims for a special amulet - a dream catcher (Dream catcher in English). This is due to the ability of willow to protect against nightmares, fear of death and hellish visions. During the day, it is also useful to carry a couple of twigs with you to get rid of anxiety and restlessness.

There is such a coveted item - Magic wand. Who among us as a child did not dream of having her in his hands! In many fairy tales, a magic wand or wand was made from a willow branch. Remember what Harry Potter's mother's wand was made of? "Willow, 10 1/4", graceful, flexible (great for a sorceress)."

For the peoples who inhabited the British Isles in ancient times, the connection between the willow and witches was so obvious that English words"witch" - "witch, sorceress, healer" and "wicked" - "evil, wicked, sinful, unclean, dangerous" come from the same ancient name willows (hence “wicker” - “willow twigs, wicker basket”). If a modern Englishman suddenly decides that he needs to make “witch’s besom” - a witch’s broom (say, he finally understands what thing his beloved girl must have), he has detailed instructions for the manufacture of this witchcraft item. You just need to take an ash stake, birch branches and bundles of willow twigs and use willow branches to fasten this vehicle.

Willow has always been considered a reliable remedy against the evil eye and damage, but sorcerers and witches used it for their spells. It all depended on the purpose for which it was used. In itself, this plant is neither “good” nor “bad”; it obeys the laws of balance and justice, it is indifferent to the problems of good and evil, it serves only nature. But at the same time, willow has the properties of increasing any magical effect, be it protection from evil or inducing damage.

Burning willow wood, according to legend, brought bad luck. Many plant magic specialists do not recommend planting willow in the yard, but somewhere nearby, or along your usual route. Willow, like poplar, is one of those trees that do not give energy, but take it away. Willow can be called " energy vampire", but as a humane vampire - it takes negative energy from you. And then, returning home from work, you will pass by the willow and give it the negative energy accumulated during the day. But remember when negative energy ends - the willow will turn positive. Therefore, you need to be very careful with her.

Willow is used in dowsing. With the help of vines, experienced dowsers can find water, iron, and many other things hidden in the earth.

**Signs of Willow
Do not plant a weeping willow under windows - it will bring misfortune, you will cry forever
Decoction of willow branches - for cough
If the willow is covered with frost early in the fall, then there will be a long spring
If a willow blooms at the top during summer bloom, there will be a good harvest, if it blooms in the middle - an average harvest, if it blooms at the very bottom - there will be a crop failure

**Signs Cabbage
When planting cabbage seedlings, you should never laugh, because the cabbage leaves will wrinkle and will not be smooth.
While cabbage seedlings are being planted, you can’t look not only at the rye field, but even stand facing it
If cabbage seedlings are watered with water taken from the first autumn snow, then worms will not eat such cabbage
That cabbage will be white, which was planted during the hours when the moon was in the sky
If you place the cabbage with the broom you used to sweep the stove before the cookies Easter cake, then the worms will immediately leave not only the cabbage, but also the garden

**Signs Potato
Digging and eating potatoes, as well as other vegetables, must begin on the exact day of the week on which the Annunciation fell, then the vegetables will not be wormy and will not rot; in extreme cases, you need to start digging potatoes on Saturday

**Signs Cedar
When double cones appear on a cedar tree, women will give birth to twins that year

**Signs Hemp
To prevent birds from eating hemp, while sowing it, you need to blindfold your eyes and say: “How can I not see?” white light, so the birds would not have seen my seed"
In order for good hemp to grow, boiled chicken eggs are placed in bags with seeds and scattered across the field along with the seeds.

**Signs of the Forest
Travelers who are not familiar enough with the forest, watchmen, berry pickers and mushroom pickers should wear a shirt turned inside out so that the goblin does not pester them and so as not to get lost
The oak tree rustled - to bad weather
In winter the forest is noisy - to the thaw
If the forest turns black in winter, then there will be bad weather, and if it turns red, then good weather

**Signs of Lipa
It is dangerous to cut down a linden tree, because whoever cuts it down will certainly get lost in the forest

**Signs Burdock
For headaches you should put May burdock on your head
Burdock roots - for colds

**Signs Poppy
Self-sown poppy is always tastier than the seeded one, although the latter is more violent than the first.
When poppies are sown, you cannot talk to anyone, despite the need, in extreme cases, you can answer with a nod of the head, but not more than three times, otherwise the poppy will be born with empty heads

**Signs Raspberry
If the first raspberry harvest of the summer is good, then the early rye will be good, the second - the second rye harvest will be good, the third - the late rye will be productive
Raspberry harvest failure portends crop failure rye bread

**Signs of Fly Agaric
There are a lot of fly agarics in the forest - to mushrooms

**Signs Vegetable
Vegetables should begin to be dug up on the day of the week on which the Annunciation fell this year, or on Saturday, so that they are not worm-eaten and do not rot.
If any vegetable produces a lot of leaves and little fruit, then next year it will all go into fruit.
When a housewife treats someone with her vegetables in the garden, she should not choose, but serve the first one available, otherwise the growth of all vegetables will stop
Any loan of vegetables while they are still growing in the garden has a very beneficial effect on the growth of others, so you should not regret borrowing vegetables
But under no circumstances should you borrow vegetables on the days they were sown.
What will the taste of the first vegetable eaten in the garden be like, the same will be the taste of the last one eaten there
Whatever the housewife intends to sow in the garden, she first of all goes to the fence and through it throws a few seeds onto the prepared place, and then enters the garden and sows: the sown vegetables will be good growing and tasty

**Signs Cucumber
Cucumbers sown on Wednesday or Friday usually taste bitter
Cucumbers should be salted for the new month, just like all preparations in general.
Pickles must be shaken in a tub or barrel on the day of the Exaltation (September 27), then they are better preserved

**Signs of Oleander
If there is a girl-bride in the house, then you cannot keep an oleander flower, otherwise the girl will not get married

**Signs Alder
If there are a lot of catkins on the alder tree during flowering, then there will be a good pea harvest in the coming summer

**Signs Walnut
Anyone who wants to find a lot of nuts should, when leaving the yard, throw a full handful of sand in front of him, but not look in that direction until the sand settles down and the dust clears, after which you will collect as many nuts as there were grains of sand in the handful
Whoever picks and preserves the first color of a nut will be able to use it to find treasure on the night of Ivan Kupala
An abundant harvest of nuts can be determined by the corresponding harvest of rye or spring bread
A thunderstorm on the Feast of the Annunciation portends a rich harvest of nuts
The double nut and especially the triple nut should be saved and not eaten; the one who finds such a nut is considered lucky, and the one who constantly carries it with him, every enterprise, every work will be happy and successful
It is a sin to eat nuts before the Exaltation
If you boil a nut shell in a tightly closed pot and wash the hairy part of the body three times with that broth, then all the hair from that place will fall out and will never grow again.

**Signs of Aspen
If you hit a cow or horse with an aspen stick, they will dry out

**Signs Pepper
You should not trample pepper that spills on the floor: a quarrel may soon occur between family members

**Signs of Moss
It is not advisable to keep this plant at home, as it portends a quarrel.

**Signs Ivy
Whoever has ivy in his house must inevitably be subject to misfortune

**Signs Sunflower
If, when sowing a sunflower, the sower eats the seeds, then the sown sunflowers will be pecked by sparrows

**Signs of Seedlings
When preparing a seedling, you need to be careful that the feces of goats, sheep or birds do not get there - the seedlings will burn
You need to sow seedlings and plant them on the very day when the first snow fell in the fall
When planting seedlings, it is good to smear your hands with lard, then the worms will not eat the plantings
When planting the first seedlings, you need to grab the head with both hands so that the fruits are large, round and strong, like the head
It is useful to water the planted seedlings with water in which the sheep were washed before shearing.
To prevent worms from infesting cabbage seedlings, it is good to water them with water from the first autumn snow collected for this purpose in the garden

**Signs Radish
The radish will definitely go into the trunk if the housewife looks at men during sowing
The radish will be especially bitter and will go up the trunk if it was sown on the day when smoke came out of the chimney in a straight column
If one of the radish lovers uses a knife to cut it from the bottom, and not from the top, starting from the sprout, then although he will eat a lot of it, he will not have radish burps

**Signs of Turnip
In order for good turnips to be born, a woman must wash herself and dress in a clean dress before sowing, and let her hair down during sowing.
For a good harvest of turnips or radishes, when sowing, you should say: “Mouse in the hole!” - and at the same time spit three times

**Signs Rye
If in someone's rye there are knotweed, that is, double ears of corn, then this foreshadows the appearance of twins in the house, but if such knotweed is given to a sheep, then twins will be born to her, and not to the owners, and then, with all the desire, neither the owners nor their relatives will not have twins for the rest of their lives
Rye sown on Tuesday and Saturday will yield much better than rye sown on Wednesday and Friday
With a good rye harvest, there is abundant fishing

**Signs Rose
From the day the roses bloom until last day August lunch time is dangerous

**Signs of Rowan
If beads made from rowan fruits are hanging on the wall near the bed unmarried girl suddenly they tear and crumble, this sure sign that a wedding will take place in the near future. In addition, in which direction there are more berries, the future groom should be expected to come from there.
If suddenly the mountain ash growing in the yard begins to hurt and dry out, it means that not everything is going well in the family. The reason may be an evil spell cast by someone, frequent discord and quarrels. This may also mean that love has left the married couple of this house.
The abundance of berries on the mountain ash foreshadows a large harvest of rye bread
A large harvest of rowan - to smallpox
The more flowers there are on the rowan tree, the rainier the coming summer will be, and the more barren the bread harvest, and the greater the buckwheat harvest.
Whoever loves to eat rowan berries will suffer from toothache
If the leaves of the mountain ash wither and remain for the winter, then there will be severe frosts

**Signs of the Garden
You should not allow the first fruits of a young tree in the garden to be eaten by someone else, and not your own, from the family. This will lead to the fact that fruits will begin to fall off from old trees. As for the young tree, there will be no fruit on it for as many years as there are pieces that are plucked and eaten by a stranger. The best thing is to pick flowers or the first fruits in the ovary, and not allow them to ripen
The garden blooms late - to the death of the owner
If any tree blooms a second time in the garden, this portends misfortune for the owner and even a dead person in the house, who will most likely be the owner or mistress, especially if the apple tree blooms in the fall
When it is cold during the flowering of the gardens, then the same cold will remain during the harvest of rye bread.

**Signs Seeds
To prevent planted vegetables from being eaten by worms, before planting, their seeds are placed in a drilled beetroot, the hole in which is plugged with a beetroot plug (as is known, beetroot is the only vegetable that worms do not eat) and left for two days, after which the seeds are supposedly transmitted protective properties beetroot

**Signs Lilac
Finding a five-petalled lilac flower is lucky; if you eat it after making a wish, it will certainly come true

**Signs Currant
A rich currant harvest portends a weak harvest of spring bread

**Signs Tobacco
Those who smoke tobacco have a pale matte color to their body.
If the tobacco in the snuff box sticks to the lid, the weather will be damp

**Signs Grass
Where it grows green grass, there’s water nearby

**Signs Pumpkin
If pumpkins rot, this portends pestilence.
A bountiful pumpkin harvest, no matter how joyful in the economic sense, portends domestic misfortune

**Signs Hops
The demonic potion, according to the schismatics, grew on the grave of a famous harlot, just like tobacco, but if tobacco grew from her womb, then hops grew from her head, therefore hops are somewhat nobler than tobacco
Hops in a boot saves you from damage

**Signs Bird cherry
The bird cherry blossoms - the nightingales arrive

a lot of things according to signs....
Associated with viburnum wedding ceremony, which in the old days was called “to break the Kalinka.” On the table for the young people they placed a ham of meat and a bottle of wine, tucked in with a bunch of viburnum with a scarlet ribbon in the leaves. They were not touched until the bride and groom went around all the houses in the village, treating all relatives, neighbors and visiting guests. Upon returning to the wedding table, the groom “destroys” the ham and, having “split” the viburnum, distributes the wine, treating those sitting at the table. Everyone tried the viburnum wine, asking the newlyweds to drown out its bitterness with a sweet kiss. Isn’t this where the famous Russian “Gorko” came from?

Along with viburnum, its friend, the curly rowan, was revered at weddings, the red berries of which reminded people of the “lightning color of Perun,” and the branches were taken as a symbol of his club. Such a high comparison was not accidental. Rowan served as a talisman, a tree against evil and unclean things. With rowan branches, the matchmaker certainly walked around the house where the newlyweds were to spend the night. Particular attention was paid to the bed. Rowan leaves lay under the pillows, and next to the marriage bed a branch of rowan with carvings on it was always placed. magical symbols. To prevent spoiling the newlyweds, the matchmaker put rowan leaves in their shoes, the bride wore rowan beads, and the groom attached a bunch of berries to his belt.

Rowan protects and prevents illness.
Rowan has always been a talisman that protected the living from the kingdom of the dead. It is not for nothing that immediately after the funeral, a small cross made of rowan branches, tied with red threads, was placed on the grave of a deceased person. Returning from the cemetery, the peasants secured rowan branches on the doors so that the deceased could not return home. Giving the mountain ash sanctity, it was kept, forbidding cutting and breaking. This ban was not based on paper, but on beliefs, and therefore was stronger than state laws. It was believed that a person who “offended” a rowan tree would soon get sick and die. Before breaking a rowan branch, one was supposed to bow to the tree and explain to it why they were taking part of it from him. Then the rowan will not harm the offender, but, on the contrary, will do what is asked of it. A fool who dares to break off a rowan tree just like that will have to struggle with his teeth and ask for forgiveness from the tree, on his knees. There was even a special spell for toothache, which was pronounced in front of a tree at dawn. “Rowan, rowan, take my illness, from now on I won’t eat you forever.”.

According to popular belief, rowan helped to get rid of not only tooth decay, but also more serious ailments. The Magi treated people by asking them to crawl through a rowan bush three times, and then stand every hour, pressing their backs tightly against the rowan trunk. It was believed that in this way the body was completely cleansed of the cause of the disease. The patient was given rowan juice for several days and fed with rowan berry paste.

There are many folk signs associated with rowan and viburnum. “Wait for the warmth, since the potassium has bloomed,” the peasants said when they went to sow flax. If you finish sowing it before the viburnum flowers fly around, the harvest will be excellent. The flowering of rowan trees was considered a favorable time for planting cucumbers, beans and pumpkins. If the tree bloomed late, they waited for a long autumn. Noticed folk calendar and viburnum harvest. Few berries have been produced - the autumn will be dry, and if the rowan branches burst under the clusters, it means that the autumn rains will energize, and coming winter It will be frosty.

In August, Kalinov Day was celebrated on the 11th. It was often subject to frosts, which were popularly called Kalinnikami. Fearing them, the peasants said: “Lord, sweep away Kalinnik with darkness, that is, with fog, and not with frost.” If the morning of Viburnum Day was foggy, an excellent harvest of oats and barley was expected. In September, which was popularly called the mountain ash, two whole rowan holidays were celebrated. On the eighth day of the month they greeted Natalya the mountain ash. If it was cold on Natalia in the morning, it means that winter will be early and cold. On this day, they began to collect bunches of rowan berries, hanging them to dry in barns and attics. Half of the harvest was left on the branches for the birds. On September 23 a special holiday began. On this day, the name day was celebrated at the rowan tree. Immediately two saints Peter and Paul were called “field ash” in her honor. After them, in the last week of September, the berries, caught by the first frosts, were collected for jams and medicines. They were considered the most valuable and useful.

Many people are interested in whether the blue spruce on the site is bad or good omen, since it is believed that it is impossible to plant a Christmas tree near the house. It is important to understand whether misfortune really attracts, perhaps it is just prejudice.

Tree energy

Before you figure out why planting a spruce is a bad omen, you need to know what kind of energy comes from trees. Ancestors believed that absolutely any plant has its own energy that affects humans. Trees with negative energy include oak and willow, as they worsen health and bring failure. These trees are called vampires because they absorb positive energy from the environment.

In addition, there are healing trees that attract good luck and normalize well-being. They should be planted near the house. It can be absolutely anyone fruit trees: larch, acacia.

What trees should not be planted near the house?

Is a blue spruce on your property a bad omen? A question that many people are interested in, because no one knows exactly what effect this tree has on a person. According to signs, you can determine the plants that can be grown on your site and which cannot. It is very difficult to check the energy of plants, but it is better to avoid trees that have a branched root system. Often it is so powerful that it can even destroy the foundation of a house.

It is believed that oak has bad energy, since it is too powerful and heavy. Tree pulls out vitality in people suffering from various diseases. There is another belief according to which you should not plant an oak tree near your house. It is believed that this tree can bring death to the head of the family.

In addition, it is not recommended to plant birch trees near the house. According to signs, spirits live in the crown of this tree, which can be good or evil. There is a belief that if a birch tree grows near a house, a woman may suffer from female diseases or infertility.

A bad omen is a spruce in the garden. The tree brings bad luck, destroys the harvest and can even attract death. There is a completely logical explanation for this. Since ancient times in Rus', the dead were covered with spruce branches, so the tree evoked fear. Spruce is very flammable, which poses a great threat to wooden houses.

The Legend of Spruce

A blue spruce on a property is a bad omen, and this tree is also found in a variety of legends. The Slavs were sure that if they planted this tree on their plot, then failures would definitely begin in the family. There was an opinion that the wife would not be able to get pregnant or would only give birth to daughters. It was believed that if such a tree was planted near the house of a lonely woman, she would be alone all her life and would soon die.

They used to think that if you were near your house and it suddenly dried up, got sick, or was struck by lightning, then all the inhabitants of the house would soon die. It was believed that during bad weather or a thunderstorm one should not hide under a spruce tree, since it would be the one that would be struck by lightning.

According to legend, this tree was planted by the first colonists in Finland. People revered him very much and were afraid of anger. Initially, the entire harvest was eaten, only after that people collected food.

However, as soon as one branch withered on the blue spruce, one of the colonists who arrived in these parts was sure to die. This continued until only one old woman remained alive. After the withered tree completely collapsed, she also died. Only the descendants of those people who first came to conquer this land remained alive.

Spruce and Feng Shui

According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the most useful plants Flowering and fruit-bearing shrubs and trees are considered. They attract vital energy to themselves, becoming quite powerful emitters of joy.

A bad omen is a blue spruce on the site, according to Feng Shui. According to this teaching, a tree has the ability to attract. The worst option is considered to be a lonely spruce growing right in front of the house. In this case, the tree will literally nourish bad energy the entire surrounding space. If you want to plant an evergreen plant in front of your house, then it is better to choose a pine tree rather than a spruce tree.

Designers' opinions on spruce

Skeptical designers believe that a spruce tree on a summer cottage poses only one danger, because it can fall from strong winds, it also has a superficial root system. However, this problem can be easily solved by planting low-growing varieties of coniferous trees.

Designers do not believe that a blue spruce on a site is a bad omen, since this tree thins out beneficial substances throughout the site, so against its background the flowers will bloom even more brightly. But everyone decides for themselves whether to plant this tree on their site or not.

Why don't they grow spruce near the house?

Many people believe that spruce in a summer cottage is a bad omen. Superstitions associated with coniferous trees are based on knowledge gained by ancestors who noticed events happening around them. It is worth noting that many of these beliefs remain relevant to this day.

Often, it is not the very presence of this tree on the site that is considered negative, but rather its height. Ancestors believed that if a spruce tree grew higher than the roof of a house, then someone in the house would soon die. In some countries there was an opinion that the person who planted the tree would die, but this would happen when it grew taller than him.

One of the existing superstitions is based on the qualities that are attributed to this plant. It was believed that spruce has the property of drawing out all the vital forces from the owners of the house. Therefore, people did not even doubt that the plant would drink all the vitality and joy from them.

Disputes regarding whether planting a spruce near the house is a bad omen or not continue to this day. Some psychics claim that this plant absorbs other people’s energy only in the summer, and in winter the tree actively shares its accumulated forces. That is why in winter, when there is impotence and vitamin deficiency, you just need to walk along spruce forest and your strength will immediately increase.

Signs and superstitions

The ancestors believed that a blue spruce on the site was a bad omen, especially one that grew to human height. It can mysteriously affect the occupants of the house and cause death. It is likely that the opinion about this coniferous tree This was due to the fact that it ignites very quickly: where there is a fire, there is grief.

However, despite all the existing superstitions and prejudices that have existed since ancient times in Rus', today the cultivation of pine and spruce personal plot considered to be quite common. It is worth noting that many bioenergeticists believe that coniferous trees are capable of producing negative energy that have negative impact per person.

This tree has long been considered female, so it was not customary to plant it near the house. Like any other plant associated with the weaker sex, it easily survives from the house of all men. Not too much good attitude This is also due to the participation of this tree in the funeral rite, since the road to the cemetery was covered with thorny branches so that the soul of the deceased could not find the way back and would not disturb the relatives. The Christmas tree has a special influence on the atmosphere of the house. Esotericists are sure that it cleanses the energy of the house, eliminating any entities.

Scientific opinion on growing spruce

It is believed that a live Christmas tree or pine tree near the house is a bad omen, but all this can be explained from a scientific point of view. It is worth noting that this tree has a very powerful root system, which is located in upper layers soil. In strong winds, the plant may bend, which is dangerous for housing. Consequently, experts recommend planting spruce away from residential buildings.

Almost every superstition can be explained from a scientific point of view. Signs about Christmas trees are no exception. In Rus', people will not allow themselves to plant such trees near their houses, because they catch fire even from the slightest spark. And since the houses were completely wooden, a fire was guaranteed. Indeed, a spruce can be struck by lightning, but not because it is a cursed tree. Often it grows separately from others, in solitude. Should not be taken bad omens on faith. In Russia, it is a very common practice to plant blue spruce near buildings.

What trees can be grown near the house?

It is not advisable to grow poplar, spruce and oak near the house. Many superstitions associated with plants can be explained scientifically. However, there are also various trees with good energy. If you want to grow a tree with positive energy, then you should pay attention to the following plants:

  • juniper;
  • acacia;
  • maple;
  • Rowan;
  • pear;
  • rose hip.

To ensure that the energy in the house is only positive, it is worth growing trees and flowers in your garden plot that can only bring benefits.

In addition, many people do not like to plant spruce next to residential buildings due to the fact that it grows tall with a dense crown. During strong wind The spruce could cover the chimney with its branches, causing the residents of the house to burn out.