Single-national countries of the world include states in which the share of people of the titular nation is more than 90%. The list of monoethnic countries includes island countries - Japan, Iceland, peninsular countries - Portugal, Italy. There are countries located far from seas and oceans - Austria.

Single-national countries of the world, the list of which is growing, in state borders They also have a national border. The process of formation of mononational states is associated with the desire of indigenous peoples within multinational states to isolate themselves within the historical territory.

Mononational and multinational countries peace. Meaning and list of countries.

Regions of the world have an unequal number of nation states on their territory:

Region National countries
1 Europe
  • Italian Republic.
  • Portuguese Republic.
  • Republic of Austria.
  • Republic of Iceland.
  • Kingdom of Norway.
  • Ireland.
  • Kingdom of Sweden.
  • Kingdom of Denmark.
  • Republic of Poland.
  • Czech Republic.
2 Asia
  • Kingdom Saudi Arabia.
  • Japan.
  • People's Republic of Bangladesh.
  • Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
  • The Republic of Korea.
3 Latin America
  • federal Republic Brazil.
  • Republic of Chile.
  • Mexican United States.
  • Argentine Republic.
4 Africa
  • Arab Republic of Egypt.
  • Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
  • Somali Republic.
  • Republic of Madagascar.

Countries of Europe

The single-nationality of a state does not affect its place in the world list of economically prosperous countries. Europe is a part of the world, on whose territory there are small single-national countries. The formation of new national states in the region continues at present.

European single-national states are:

  • Italy. The Italian Republic is located in southern Europe. Italians make up 93% of the population. It is predominantly a mountainous country with a comfortable subtropical Mediterranean climate. It is an economically developed industrial-agrarian power. Italy is a major international tourism center with 53 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The republic is a member of NATO, the UN, and the European Union;

  • Portugal. The Portuguese Republic is located entirely on the Iberian Peninsula, on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The country lies in the subtropical zone. The population is 99% Portuguese. The coastal plains are densely populated. 50% of the population lives in Lisbon and the city of Porto. The capital is the city of Lisbon. Portugal is an industrial-agrarian country with a stable economy. It stands out on the world market for its large supplies of cork, olives, and wine.
  • Austria. The country is located in the center of Europe. The national composition of the population is 90% Austrians. The Republic of Austria is characterized by developed industry, qualified workers, established international tourism business. It has the status of a rich country.

  • Iceland. The republic is located on the island of the same name in Atlantic Ocean. The isolated position of the country led to the predominance of Icelanders in the national composition. They make up 99% of the country's population. Iceland is considered an industrial-agrarian country. 70% of Icelanders work in the service sector. Iceland has many gushing geysers and springs mineral water. 85% of Icelandic houses and greenhouses are heated with energy obtained from geothermal sources;
  • Norway. The Kingdom of Norway is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula. Mountainous terrain and an abundance of narrow bays - fjords - make up the appearance of the country. 70% of the territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle. 96% of the population are Norwegian. Norway has a merchant fleet that ranks 6th in the world in terms of tonnage. The country's hydroelectric power plants produce the cheapest electricity in the world.
  • Ireland. The Republic is located on the island of Ireland and occupies 80% of the island's territory. 98% of the population is Irish. Ireland's climate is humid and rains frequently. Woodlands occupy 1% of the territory, the rest is occupied by meadows. The leading industries in the economy are pharmaceuticals and agricultural engineering. IN agriculture livestock industry is leading. Ireland has a strong environmental position prosperous country. This is due to the small amount of pollutants environment industries;

  • Sweden located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, next to Norway. It is distinguished by a small population in the country - 10.5 million people. 91% of the ethnic composition are Swedes. Sweden is one of the 10 most prosperous countries in the world for human life. There are comfortable working conditions, a good environmental situation, and free high-level education. The country's income comes from the companies Scania, Ericsson, Volvo, Oriflame, Tetrapak and Tele2;
  • Denmark. The Kingdom of Denmark has a homogeneous national composition - 98% are Danes. The country belongs to the region Northern Europe. It occupies the Jutland Peninsula, small islands of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Denmark is an industrial country with a high standard of living. 75% of the population is employed in the service sector. The country exports machinery, agricultural products, and chemical products to the world market, and imports raw materials for the manufacturing industry, oil, and gas;
  • Poland. The Republic of Poland is located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. 96% of the country's population considers themselves Poles. Poland is a country that has preserved its identity and culture over many centuries. Currently, the industry specializes in the production of engineering products and chemical products. Poland is a member of NATO;

  • Czech Republic. In the structure of the national composition, the share of Czechs is 95%. The former socialist republic ranks 2nd in economic development among Eastern European countries. The country's position at the crossroads of transport routes in central Europe, a comfortable climate, and an abundance of attractions are actively used by Czechs to develop the country and increase income.

Asian countries

Single-national countries of the world, the list of which in Asia continues economically the developed countries Japan, Saudi Arabia, are distinguished by high originality, strict adherence to national traditions and customs.

Asian single-national states are:

Latin American countries

Single-national countries of the world, the list of which in Latin America is represented by continental countries South America and island states of the region, stand at different levels economic development.

Latin American countries are mononational in ethnicity, but have a diverse racial composition.

Peoples of countries Latin America formed as a result of the mixing of European peoples, Indians, and African peoples. Mestizos, mulattoes, and creoles belong to the single nation of the country. The unifying factors are language and culture.

Latin American mono-ethnic countries:

African countries

Single-national countries of the world, the list of which includes ethnically homogeneous states, on the African continent are represented by countries that are different in culture, religion, but similar in their historical path of development.

African mono-ethnic states:

Multinational countries of the world

Countries in which the share of the titular people is less than 90% of the population are called multinational. There are more multinational countries in the world than single-national ones.

The top 10 multi-ethnic countries in the world include:

  1. India. The country has low prices for fruits and clothing. The food contains no chemical additives. Higher educational establishments provide quality education at low cost. Distinctive feature Indians - a calm attitude to reality, lack of stress. The country has a diverse ethnic composition. Large nations countries are: Hindustani, Bihari, Telugu, Tamil.

  2. Pakistan. Country with beautiful nature and strong Islamic traditions. Respect for elders is cultivated with early childhood. Smoking is prohibited in the country. Despite the threat of terrorist attacks and the unstable political situation, children receive free education. There is a public health care system that allows you to receive some medical services for free. The national composition is dominated by Punjabis, Sidhis, and Pashtuns.
  3. China. The country has low prices for household appliances, the stores have cheap and varied clothes and shoes. It's not hard to find a job. There are 56 peoples living in the country. The Han people lead in numbers; besides them, the Zhuang and Hui peoples are also numerous.
  4. Russia. Russians receive free medical care and free education. Income tax is low compared to European countries. Low competition contributes to business development in any field. Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians are the main peoples of the country. The share of Russians is more than 80%.
  5. USA. The positive aspects of living in the country are: soft climatic conditions. Average winter temperatures do not fall below 0-1 degrees; availability of work with decent wages; good service and the availability of qualified specialists. The main people are US Americans, making up 60% of the population. Numerous peoples are: African Americans, Mexicans, Italians, Dutch, Chinese.

  6. Indonesia. The diverse, exotic nature of the islands attracts tourists. Cheap fruit without chemical impurities, inexpensive housing and proximity to the sea are attractive conditions for permanent and temporary residence. The 4th most populous country in the world has a diverse national composition. Numerous peoples in Indonesia are Javanese, Sundanese, Malays.
  7. Türkiye. A comfortable climate for living, inexpensive housing, and high-quality medical care characterize the country with positive side. Turkey is good ecological situation. Turks, Kurds, Armenians are the main nationalities of Turkey;

  8. Canada. The country has a high standard of living and high salaries. Canadians are tolerant and polite. There is a low crime rate. A Canadian passport allows you to visit 153 countries without a visa. Numerous peoples of Canada: Canadians, English, French, Scots, Irish.
  9. Iran. The Iranian healthcare system is characterized by a high level of development. Iranians receive education for free. Prices for food and clothing are low. The major ethnic groups are Persians, Azerbaijanis and Kurds.
  10. Latvia. Mild climate, high level life, favorable environmental conditions are attractive for living in Latvia. The Baltic Republic is characterized by a diverse ethnic composition. The numerous peoples of the country are Latvians, Russians, and Belarusians.

Single-national countries in the general world list of countries are distinguished by fewer interethnic problems. Among them there are economically developed countries, developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Citizens of these countries are patriots and love their Motherland, regardless of the political situation and standard of living.

Article format: Ilchenko Oksana

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    multinational state- A state that includes several ethnic groups with different religion, language or skin color, for example, in Spain there are Castilians, Catalans and Basques, in Russia there are dozens different nationalitiesDictionary of Geography

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    Multinational state- A country in which the presence of an ethnically heterogeneous population is a factor that has a decisive influence on the formation and functioning of national languages ​​and the linguistic situation. According to the ethnic composition of M.g. are divided into two groups: 1)… … General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book

    Austrian multinational state- Austria in and at the beginning of modern times was part of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.” However, already in the Middle Ages it developed into a special state. At the end of the 14th century. Austria took its place among the largest principalities of the empire. Since the 15th century... ... The World History. Encyclopedia

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    One-national state- (Mono nation state) Single-national countries are considered to be those countries in which a relatively small number of people of different nationalities live, who do not have a noticeable impact on the national linguistic situation in ... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

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National composition The population of foreign Europe is heterogeneous; there are single-national states and states with a complex structure in ethnic terms. What countries are these? What are the main groups based on national composition? What factors influenced the formation of the ethnic composition of European countries? This and much more will be discussed in the article.

Factors that influenced the national composition of foreign Europe

Currently, more than 62 peoples live in Europe. Such a motley national mosaic was formed in this territory over several millennia under the influence of historical and natural factors.

Plain territories were convenient for the settlement of people and the emergence of ethnic groups. So, for example, the French nation was formed on the territory of the Paris Basin, and the German people were formed on the North German Lowland.

Mountainous territories complicated connections between ethnic groups; in such territories, as a rule, a motley ethnic composition was formed, for example, the Balkans and the Alps.

Migration processes have had a significant impact on the national composition of Europe. From the 16th century. and until the beginning of the 20th century. Europe was mainly a region of emigration, and from the second half of the 20th century. became a region of immigration.

After the revolution of 1917, a stream of migrants poured from Russia to foreign European countries, numbering about 2 million people. They formed ethnic diasporas in France, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, and Yugoslavia.

Numerous internecine wars and conquests also had a huge impact on the national composition of foreign Europe, as a result of which many peoples developed a very complex gene pool. For example, the Spanish people were formed as a result of the mixing of Arab, Celtic, Roman, and Jewish blood over several centuries. The Bulgarian ethnic group was influenced by Turkish rule for 4 centuries.

Since the mid-20th century, migration to Europe from former European colonies has increased. Thus, millions of Asians, Africans, Arabs, and Latin Americans settled permanently in foreign Europe. In the 70-90s, there were several waves of political and labor migration from Yugoslavia and Turkey. Many of them assimilated into Great Britain, France and Germany, which led to a change in the modern appearance of the French, English and Germans.

The sharpest ethnic problems Europe are characterized by national separatism and ethnic conflicts. As an example, we can recall the confrontation between the Walloons and the Flemings in the 80s in Belgium, which almost split the country. For decades now, the radical organization ETA has been operating, demanding the creation of a Basque state in southwestern France and northern Spain. IN Lately Relations between Catalonia and Spain worsened; in October 2017, a referendum for independence was held in Catalonia, the turnout was 43 percent, 90% of those who showed up voted for independence, but it was declared illegal and without legal force.

Types of countries in foreign Europe by national composition

In this regard they are divided into:

  • Monoethnic, when the main nation makes up approximately 90% or more of the country’s population. These include Norway, Denmark, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, Iceland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Ireland, Slovenia.
  • With a predominance of one nation, but with a significant percentage of national minorities in the structure of the country's population. These are, for example, France, Finland, Great Britain, Romania, Spain.
  • Binational, that is, the national composition of the country is dominated by two nations. An example is Belgium.
  • Multinational - Latvia, Switzerland.

There are three predominant types of countries in foreign Europe in terms of national composition - single-national, with a predominance of one nation, and binational.

In many European countries, very complex interethnic relationships have developed: Spain (Basques and Catalans), France (Corsica), Cyprus, Great Britain (Scotland), Belgium.

Language groups of the population of foreign Europe

In terms of language, the vast majority of the European population belongs to the Indo-European language family. It includes:

  • The Slavic branch, which is divided into two groups: southern and western. South Slavic languages ​​are spoken by Croats, Slovenes, Montenegrins, Serbs, Macedonians, Bosnians, and West Slavic languages ​​by Czechs, Poles, and Slovaks.
  • The Germanic branch, which is divided into western and northern groups. The West Germanic group includes German, Flemish, Frisian, English languages. To the North Germanic group - Faroese, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic,
  • Romance branch, its basis was the Latin language. This branch includes the following French, Italian, Provençal, Portuguese, Spanish.
  • The Celtic branch is currently represented by only 4 languages: Irish, Gaelic, Welsh, Breton. Approximately 6.2 million people speak the language group.

The Indo-European language family includes Greek (more than 8 million speakers) and Albanian (2.5 million people). is also Indo-European. Before World War II, there were about 1 million Roma in Europe; today, about 600 thousand of them live in foreign European countries.

In foreign Europe the following languages ​​are spoken:

  • The Uralic language family - its Finno-Ugric branch - Finns, Hungarians, Sami.
  • Altai language family - Turkic branch - Tatars, Turks, Gagauz.

The Basque language occupies a special place; it does not belong to any language family; it is a so-called isolated language, the historical connections of which have not been established; about 800 thousand people are native speakers of the language.

National and religious composition of foreign Europe

The dominant religion in Europe is Christianity, only Jews profess Judaism, and Albanians and Croats profess Islam.

Catholicism is practiced by the Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, French, Irish, Austrians and Belgians, Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, and Slovaks.

It should be noted that among the Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians there are many Protestants.

In Switzerland and Germany, Catholics are approximately 50%.

Protestantism is practiced by Norwegians, Swedes, Finns, and Germans. Moreover, Lutheranism is widespread.

Orthodox Christianity is widespread in the countries of southeast and eastern Europe - in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria.

However, it is impossible to judge a person’s nationality based on religious principles. Many peoples adopted the religion of the state in which they lived. For example, many gypsies profess Christianity, but there are entire camps that consider Islam their religion.

History of statistical accounting of the national composition of the European population

About 500 million people live in Europe; the predominant part of the population, according to anthropological characteristics, is the Caucasian race. Europe can rightfully be considered the ancestral home of the national identity of peoples. It was here that national groups began to emerge, the relationships between which created the history of Europe and beyond. Here, population statistics began to develop, taking into account the national composition. But the principles for determining a particular nationality in different countries Europe was different.

Initially, the national identity of a people was associated with linguistic identity. One of the first countries in foreign Europe that carried out statistical accounting of the national composition of their citizens depending on their knowledge of the language were Belgium in 1846 and Switzerland in 1850 (during the population census the question was asked: “What is your main colloquial?). Prussia took up this initiative, and the population census in 1856 used a question on the “mother” (native) language.

In 1872, at the Statistical Congress in St. Petersburg, it was decided to introduce a direct question of nationality into the list of issues for statistical registration of the country's citizens. However, until the 20s of the 20th century, this solution was never implemented.

All this time, they kept statistical records of citizens based on religion or language. This position in the population census remained almost until the outbreak of World War II.

The complexities of ethnic statistics today

In the post-war period, many countries of foreign Europe either did not set the task of taking into account the national composition of the population at all, or they limited it too much.

More reliable information is based on nationality in five European countries: Albania (census 1945, 1950, 1960), Bulgaria (census 1946, 1956), Romania (census 1948, 1956), Czechoslovakia (census 1950) and Yugoslavia (census 1948, 1953, 1961). All censuses included a question on nationality and mother tongue.

In countries where only the linguistic affiliation of the population was recorded, the ability to determine the national composition becomes more difficult. These are Belgium, Greece, Finland, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. Nationality does not always coincide with linguistic identity; many peoples speak the same language, for example, the Swiss, Germans, and Austrians speak German. In addition, many peoples have completely assimilated into the territory to which they moved, and the concept of “native language” as a determinant of ethnicity does not work in this case.

Countries such as Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, France did not set themselves the task of determining the national composition of the population during the census. Firstly, in these countries the concept of “nationality” is synonymous with “citizenship”; secondly, some countries have a relatively homogeneous national composition (Iceland, Portugal, Denmark, Ireland); thirdly, in some countries relatively accurate information is available only for certain peoples, for example, for the Welsh in Great Britain.

Thus, the poor development of statistics on the national issue and repeated changes in the political boundaries of states have created significant problems in the formation of reliable data on the national composition of the population of foreign Europe.

Dynamics of the number of peoples in foreign Europe

The dynamics of the population of the peoples of foreign Europe was not entirely the same throughout its centuries-old history.

In the Middle Ages, the number of Romance peoples increased the fastest, since they were more developed culturally and economically. In modern times, the primacy was seized by the Germanic and Slavic peoples.

Normal natural development Some peoples of Europe were disrupted by world wars. Significant losses during the last world war were experienced by the Jewish people, whose numbers decreased by more than 3 times, and by the Gypsies by 2 times.

As for forecasts for the future, the percentage increase in the national composition of European countries is possible Slavic peoples and a decrease in the percentage of Germans.

Factors influencing the population dynamics of the peoples of foreign Europe

One of the main factors influencing the number of individual peoples in national structure countries of foreign Europe, is migration, as a result of which the number of people decreases. For example, after the resettlement of Jews to Israel, their number in Europe sharply decreased. But there were exceptions. For example, the Greeks, whose numbers increased sharply due to the resettlement of Greeks from Turkey to Europe.

The dynamics of the population of a particular people is influenced by the level of birth and death rates, but most of all it depends on the degree of its assimilation in the country of residence. Many second and third generation migrants lose their national identity, becoming almost completely assimilated. For example, in France, Spaniards and Italians are gradually becoming French.

Instead of output

The national composition of foreign Europe is characterized by comparative homogeneity. Europe is dominated by single-national countries and countries where the vast majority are representatives of a particular nation. There are very few countries that are nationally complex, but national issues they are very sharp.

a state in whose territory various ethnic groups live - nations, nationalities, national and ethnographic groups.

Historically G.m. formed where state consolidation of more or less extensive territories occurred before the formation of nations began and national movements developed ( Eastern Europe, including Russia, a number of regions of Asia). Often G.m. also took shape during colonial expansion (for example, in Africa), within the framework of which many ethnic groups found themselves divided by the borders of different states. G.m. were also confirmed as a result of intensive migrations (for example, to the USA). There are many hydrocarbons in the world, including India, Indonesia, Russia, China, Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc. In the past, large hydrocarbons. there were Austria-Hungary, the USSR, the former Yugoslavia, the former colonial empires. In the CIS, the most multinational countries are the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Part of G.m. are unitary (China, Iran, Vietnam, etc.), while others are federal (Russia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, etc.). Multinationality in itself is not a sign of weakness and unviability of the state, as eloquently evidenced by the historical example of democratic Switzerland, although it gives rise to many additional problems.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


a state in which none of the peoples living on the territory of this state has a dominant position. In other words, interethnic parity is maintained when no single nationality can be considered an ethnic majority. By international standards, a state is considered multiethnic when it has no ethnic groups that make up more than two-thirds of the population.

According to the puppeteers, the Russian Federation is a multinational state. Moreover, data from any population census will show that the Russian people make up the overwhelming majority - more than 80% of the country's population. Moreover, if we count together with Belarusians and Ukrainians, then there will be all 85%. This is well over two-thirds of the population, with no other ethnic community exceeding 10%. However, the myth of Russia's multinationality continues to be imposed day after day. Every politician considers it his duty to mention the multinationality and multireligiousness of Russia, and it even reaches the point of absurdity when Judaism is declared traditional religion Russia.

This situation should suggest that those in power are projecting their desires onto reality. For now, Russia is a national state of the Russian people with minor ethnic inclusions. But someone really wants to turn it into a multinational state, where any ethnic community will be balanced by other peoples. In this way, ethnic parity will be achieved and a system of checks and balances will be built, which will allow the anti-national forces that seized it to retain power for as long as desired, since any protests on ethnic grounds will be suppressed by the forces of other peoples. That is why this myth is being purposefully driven into the consciousness of the average person with the goal that it will soon become a reality. Thus, this is one of the instruments of genocide of the Russian people.

Nowadays, more than 60 peoples live in Foreign Europe. The colorful ethnic mosaic was formed over several millennia under the influence of both natural and historical factors. Vast plains were convenient for the formation of large ethnic groups. Thus, the Paris Basin became the center of education of the French people, and the German nation was formed on the North German Lowland. Rough, mountainous landscapes, on the contrary, complicated interethnic ties; the most variegated ethnic mosaic is observed in the Balkans and in.

One of the most pressing problems today is interethnic conflicts and national separatism. Confrontation between the Flemings and Walloons in the 1980s. almost led to the split of the country, which in 1989 became a kingdom with a federal structure. For several decades now, the terrorist organization ETA has been operating, demanding the creation of an independent Basque state in the Basque territories in the north and southwest. But 90% of the Basques oppose terror as a method of achieving independence, and therefore the extremists do not have popular support. Acute interethnic clashes have rocked the Balkans for more than ten years. One of the main factors here is religious.

They have a significant influence on the ethnic composition of Europe. From the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century. Europe was a region of predominantly, and in the second half of the past century, mass immigration. One of the first waves of mass emigration to Europe is associated with the 1917 revolution in Russia, from where more than 2 million people left. Russian emigrants formed ethnic diasporas in many European countries: France, Germany, Yugoslavia.

Numerous wars and conquests have also left their mark, resulting in most European nations having a very complex gene pool. For example, the Spanish people were formed on the mixture of Celtic, Roman, Arab blood that lasted for centuries. The Bulgarians bear in their anthropological appearance the indelible signs of 400 years of Turkish rule.

In the post-war period, the ethnic composition of Foreign Europe became more complex due to increased migration from third world countries - former European colonies. Millions of Arabs, Asians, Latin Americans and Africans flocked to Europe in search of better life. During the 1970-1990s. there were several waves of labor and political emigration from the republics of the former Yugoslavia. Many immigrants not only took root in Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries, but also assimilated and are included in official statistics these countries along with the indigenous population. Higher and more active assimilation of alien ethnic groups lead to a change in the appearance of modern Germans, French, and English.

National composition of the states of Foreign Europe


With large national minorities














Great Britain


