Unusual congratulations, skits, fairy tales - impromptu, which are arranged on a woman's anniversary have their own characteristics.

It is desirable that in the stories played out the emotional emphasis is placed on the hero of the occasion. Of course, any will bring pleasure to the hero of the day, but if they also give her the opportunity to feel like the center of attention, especially male attention, it will be more impressive.

This author's collection contains just such fairy tales and impromptu theater for a woman’s anniversary, thanks to which the birthday girl will feel like the queen of the ball, and the guests will be happy to pamper her with attention and have fun themselves.

1. Impromptu fairy tale for a woman’s anniversary “The best gift”.

An impromptu fairy tale made according to the plot by everyone known history about Winnie the Pooh and his friends. Four “actors” are invited to participate; each receives a role and words that must be spoken whenever the name of their character is heard in the text - preferably with a boastful intonation, as if presenting themselves from their advantageous side. Much depends on the expressiveness of the text itself and the artistry of the participants, especially on how inanimate objects play out their roles: the Pot and the Ball. At the end of the fairy tale there is a general dance (you need to agree on music with the DJ in advance).

Characters and lines:

Ball:"Best gift"

Winnie the Pooh:“I write well”

Piglet:"Free until Friday"

Pot of honey:"Sweet Handsome"

Preface(read by presenter)

They say that you should give friends what is dear and what you like. That’s why Winnie the Pooh and Piglet didn’t doubt for a minute what to give the birthday girl when they were called to the anniversary (Name).

Winnie the Pooh decided to give a Pot of Honey, the most beautiful Pot in the world, inside of which there was so much sweet, sweet honey. And Piglet is his favorite balloon - tender, light and beautiful. So, actors out!

Fairy tale text:

Winnie the Pooh carefully took the precious Pot in his hands and carried it as a gift to the hero of the day.

And Piglet looked at his Ball, touched it, it seemed to him that it was not big and elastic enough for a gift, and decided to inflate it a little more. At this time, Vinnie also remembered that you need to give only the best and, .... solely in order to make sure that he is doing exactly that: giving the best honey in the best Pot, Vinnie stopped, put the Pot, looked at it, stroked its smooth sides on all sides and did not find a single flaw. Then Vinny... just to make sure, first smelled the honey inside the Pot, the smell was simply divine, then he licked it a little and began to listen to his feelings. Let's leave Vinny to enjoy and return to Piglet.

What about Piglet? Piglet once again appreciated his gift, examined it, touched it - now Ball was beautiful and elastic, just what he needed! Piglet tied a ribbon around Ball and began running around the hall with him, joyful and cheerful.

At this time, Vinny....finally became convinced that the honey was really good and had already taken the Pot in his hands, but.....somehow he doubted it, what if it just seemed like it?! Vinnie quickly looked at the Pot, stroked it and licked the contents again, then again, but how could it be otherwise, what if it’s only tasty from the top?!

Piglet,... having run around and admired his Ball a lot, decided that it was time to say goodbye to him and take him to the hero of the day. He sadly hugged his Balloon, so tightly that he could not stand it and began to deflate right in his hands, and now the deflated Balloon literally hung on Piglet. In despair, Piglet began to look around and then... he saw his friend Winnie the Pooh, who also looked very puzzled: he looked confusedly into his Pot, realizing that he had gotten carried away and had eaten all the honey and had nothing to give him.

Then Piglet came up with his deflated Balloon to Winnie the Pooh with an empty Pot and offered to give the birthday girl a simple joy which no amount of money can buy. They approached the DJ and ordered incendiary music, then, together with Ball and the cheerful Potty, who came to life from the sounds of music, they formed a “lambada train” and they began to gather all the guests to dance for the sake of the hero of the day in a common cheerful dance.

“Lambada” or another dance tune sounds - everyone dances.

2. Fairy tale - impromptu "Festive Cake" from

The fairy tale is played out according to the principle of the game “Six Chairs”. 6 participants are called, each one draws a card with the character’s name and a line, and everyone sits on chairs. Then the presenter reads the text of the fairy tale, everyone, as soon as he hears the mention of his character, jumps up and, shouting his words loudly, runs around the chairs. When the word “holiday” appears in the text, all the players join the participant with such a card - everyone runs and shouts: “Hurray!”

Characters and lines

Girl: “Oh, how fun!”

Guests: “Congratulations!”

Gifts: “Everyone loves me!”

Cake: “You'll lick your fingers”

Candles: “We’re burning, we’re burning!”

Holiday: "Hurray!"


“Once upon a time there lived a very beautiful and very kind Girl. More than anything else, the Girl loved Guests, Holidays, Gifts and Cake with Candles. That's why every birthday turned into real holiday, Guests came to the Girl, brought Gifts and began to have fun. And at the very height of the Holiday, a Cake was always solemnly brought out, on which every year there was one more Candle. The girl made a wish and blew on the lit Candles with all her might. The girl blew on the Candles so hard that everything around: the Girl, the Guests, the Gifts - became white from powdered sugar from Cake. Having blown out the Candles on the Cake, the Girl and all the Guests began to laugh, looking at each other, in general, it turned out to be a cheerful Holiday.

It must be said that the Girl’s wish always came true, because she wished for one thing: that the Holiday in her life would never end, that every year Guests would come to her birthday, bring Gifts, and she would blow out the Candles on the Cake again and all the Guests would laugh again. So that everyone has a good time, as only happens at a real Holiday!!!”

3. Impromptu theater for the hero of the day “Stop a moment.”

For this unusual impromptu congratulation from men, we invite 5-7 men who truly love, appreciate and admire the hero of the occasion and the hero of the day herself. We explain the conditions of the game: the presenter reads out the text, the men play out everything they hear, the hero of the day sits beautifully on a chair.

The presenter, in addition to the text, gives his (presumably witty) comments during the story, as if guiding the process (an approximate version of the comments is attached).

Required details: a chair and a roll of wallpaper or other paper (at least 50 cm wide), painted to look like a stream.

Characters: Sun, Sand, Travelers (3-5 people), Anniversary Girl (distribute roles among participants).


Let's fantasize a little and imagine that our Travelers accidentally found themselves completely alone in a hot desert, without food, without water and without an accompanying person, imagine? Then, let's continue our story.

So, the desert, the lost Travelers hopelessly look around, but wherever they look: to the south, to the north, to the west or to the east - everywhere they see only one Sand and the burning Sun (Show us how you look around, Sand and Sun you are everywhere, wherever they look, be everywhere..).

Travelers understand that they need to find a way and move forward, the sun is mercilessly scorching (Sun, shine! Even more mercilessly, please!),

The sand burns the feet of travelers (Sand, burn the feet of travelers).

But the men, wiping off their sweat, go (Wipe away the sweat, not all of it has been wiped away, I can see drops on my nose..).

They walked and walked, the sun burned their heads, and they tried in every possible way to hide and protect themselves from it (The sun burns your heads, and you protect the Travelers, your heads will be useful to you).

The sand burned their feet and they skipped (Sand is your way out, take care of the Travelers’ feet, and you jump up, it’s hot).

From thirst and fatigue, the men fell, but rose again and moved on. (….) . And so, when the Travelers began to lose all hope of salvation, they were tired of brushing aside the Sun and jumping from the touch of the hot Sand (…).

They saw something beautiful in the distance (the presenter points to the hero of the day, the assistant at this time should spread a drawn stream at the feet of the hero of the day)… it was a life-giving stream.

The travelers, with their last strength, rushed to the stream, knelt down and began to greedily drink water from it. (Drink, bend lower, because you want to plunge your whole body into the stream..).

Freeze! (Freeze everyone) Or, as the poet would say: “Stop a moment, you are beautiful”

Our charming birthday girl, look how many men are kneeling in front of you and treating you like a life-giving source. We are sure that such moments in your life will be repeated more than once, because it is the life-giving power and support of a woman that inspires men to great deeds and deeds. And behind every great man there is a great woman like ours... (Name)

To the participants - our applause and the honorable right to kiss the hand of the charming... (name of the hero of the day) and let's raise a glass to the greatness of the hero of the day.

This one, its plot is also based on the fact that the hero of the day sits in the center, and fans “bust” around her. The task of the six male participants is to dramatize the story they heard and “atone” the hero of the day with their attention.


Red Yagodka - birthday girl,

Two Mosquitoes,



So, I lived in a strawberry meadow,

But maybe on strawberry,

In general, in a beautiful clearing,

Right on the tubercle, not in the dimple,

Krasna Yagodka grew for many years,

And the beauty... the likes of which the world has never seen!

We don't know what year she was born,

But our Berry was in its very juice!!!

And traditionally on your birthday,

She accepted congratulations from everyone:

All her fans always gather

Berries are trying to capture the heart.

Her neighbor, Oak, tickles her playfully with its branches,

Bumblebee - pollinates, marries, or what?

The breeze blows over her and gently caresses her,

And the Mosquitoes, out of envy, bite them all.

Krasnaya Yagodka doesn’t stand out to anyone,

Only royally accepts courtship!

But suddenly, Gooseberry appeared in the clearing,

A well-known treacherous lover in the area.

He pushed everyone away with his thorns:

He appeared before Yagodka in all his glory:

So elastic, it shines like amber from the inside,

And he plays flirtatiously with green eyes.

Yagodka's cheeks turned red from embarrassment...

But then former fans became bolder:

The oak waved its branches at the opponent,

The bumblebee flew in circles and buzzed,

The wind blows your cheeks with all its might,

And mosquitoes bite him on both sides!

Gooseberry weakly fought off everyone,

And under passionate pressure he gave in.

He was only ready to let me win,

And not these real cool guys!

Berry watched the battle playfully

And I felt like a prom queen!

And her retinue drove out the handsome stranger,

And the ritual in the clearing began all over again:

The oak tickles playfully with its branches,

Bumblebee - pollinates, definitely wants something!?

The breeze blows and gently caresses,

And Mosquitoes bite everyone out of envy.

Berry was amused and waved her hand:

This is a sign of approval for a kiss!

Fans are allowed to kiss her,

And hold Berry’s hand in yours! (men kiss the hand of the hero of the day)

And now it's time to crown her! (bring in the crown)

And everyone can congratulate!!!

The fairy tale ends with the coronation of the birthday girl, which can be continued with a themed anniversary ceremony, for example, “The Queen's Retinue,” which can be watched.

5. Impromptu theater "English scene"

Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter distributes roles (animate and inanimate) and reads the text, the actors portray.


Lame, fat king Sigismund III,

British Queen,

Duke Goldsmith (queen's lover)

The stick (which always creaks)

Poodle Williams,

A curtain,

Spectators are divided into:
- the stalls, where the audience sits importantly, looking at the actors through lorgnettes;
- an amphitheater where the audience sheds tears, wiping their eyes with handkerchiefs;
- mezzanine, where the audience fans themselves;
- the upper tiers of the balcony, where the audience giggles, where the young secretly pinch the young ladies, etc.


Leading: So the show begins. Actors on stage!

Picture 1.

The curtain opens. The Queen of England is on stage. She rushes around the palace in search of the ring. The ring given to her by her lover Duke Goldsmith has disappeared. The fat and ugly King Sigismund III enters, leaning on a Stick. The stick creaks under the weight of his body. The King tries to hug the Queen. The queen runs away in horror. The king's favorite dog, Poodle Williams, runs in. He barks loudly three times. The King threatens him with the Stick, Williams grabs the Stick and runs away. The king, shouting: “Sorry, Williams” and “Give me the stick,” runs away after him. The curtain closes.

Picture 2.

The curtain went up. The Queen tears out her hair. The Duke enters. He falls to his knees and begins to collect the queen's hair. The queen is crying. The fat King comes running to the noise, leaning on a Stick. He looks in bewilderment. The stick creaks. Williams barks backstage. The curtain went up.

Picture 3.

The curtain went up. Poodle Williams finds the ring and takes it to the king. The king reads the inscription: "Love me as I love you. Duke." And he begins to sob, the stick creaks. Williams barks. The moon is rising. The King and Williams howl at the moon. The curtain went up.

Picture 4.

The curtain went up. The bald Queen comes running to the howl of the King and Williams; she has pulled out all her hair. The poodle licks her bald head. The Duke runs in. Sees the bald Queen, falls and dies. The King gives the ring to the Queen. The stick creaks, Williams barks. The Queen takes the ring, puts it on the Duke's finger, mourns him, but returns to the King. The King forgives the Queen. Williams walks up to Duke's body and starts nipping at his heels. The Duke's body rises. The Queen's hair is growing back. The King throws away the Stick and stops limping. The poodle jumps for joy and jumps into the Queen's arms. Happy end. The curtain has fallen!

6. Impromptu fairy tale for the young hero of the day “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”

To participate in this fun, the host invites the hero of the day and seven male guests. Preferably gnome and Snow White costumes (or caps for gnomes and a large bow on the headband for the birthday girl). Participants act out the text of the fairy tale and dance (prepare musical accompaniment in advance)

Behind seven forests behind seven mountains lived 7 dwarfs
(they come out dancing to Letka-Enka)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (the dwarves bow)
The gnomes were real heroes, handsome men and hard workers.
Of course, everyone had their weaknesses.....
Monday - loved to sleep;
Tuesday - I loved to eat even more;
Wednesday - he was constantly lifting up his shirt, pants, front and back;
Thursday - constantly picked his nose and tried to pick someone else's;
Friday - he sneezed endlessly, he sneezed left and right, on everything and everyone;
Saturday - always sticking his nose where it doesn't belong;
And Sunday - hovered in the clouds and caught flies;
But most of the time they worked, mining gold and precious stones.

They did all this for the sake of one... only woman - the beautiful Snow White!
(comes out to the music of “royal fanfare”)
They all loved her very much, looked after her and vying with each other to compliment her.
She responded to them with care and affection... and the dwarves did not miss the opportunity to pamper Snow White.
Monday - he sat her lovingly on his lap;
Tuesday - massaged her shoulders;
Wednesday - gently stroked her head and admired her wonderful hair;
Thursday - kissed her white hands;
Friday - massaged her tired legs;
Saturday - sang romances to her;
And Sunday - swatting away flies
(The presenter speaks mysteriously)
But they had one more thing favorite hobby which they all did together...
and then Snow White was the most happy woman all over the world.....
BECAUSE....... (pause) LOVED IT VERY MUCH ................(pause) DANCE!!! (loud) ROCK'N'ROLL!!!
Snow White and the dwarves dance and invite the public.

Nothing “accelerates” a celebration like a cheerful, funny scene. It is advisable that the invitees themselves participate in it, this will lift the spirits of both the participants and the audience, and will also keep the guests in good shape and prevent them from becoming soggy. In addition, guests will feel more involved and involved in the holiday. But the opportunity to participate in a skit should not bother guests; it is better that it be a small, easy, unobtrusive adventure.

In this section of the site you can find holiday scenes, aimed at women, men and children. The scenes we collect are often updated and are dedicated to various holidays and dates, so you can choose anniversary scene an elderly person, or you can choose birthday scene to kid. Diversify your holiday with your favorite scene with us!

08 Jun 2012

(A man comes out - a participant in the scene, dressed in a scarf and an old colorful skirt with a jacket, in his hands he has a basket with drugs and he addresses the birthday boy with the words):

Dear birthday boy!
Even though you look healthy
And I was in good health from childhood,
But still, darling, no offense
Accept these funds as a gift!
I am an expert in healing
And the healer’s secret
I will open it to everyone on their birthday,
There is no more mystery in this!

08 Jun 2012

A scene for an anniversary or a man’s birthday “Childhood”

(runs out skipping Childhood is a man dressed up as a little boy and sings to the tune famous song about childhood):

My childhood, wait,
Don't rush, wait!
Give me a simple answer
What's ahead?!

Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Frighten off any attack -
This, of course, goes back to childhood
We must go in immediately!
I'll tell you emphatically:
Everything is forgiven for you today!

Read the continuation of the anniversary scene below

02 Jun 2012


Dear birthday girl, dear guests! You've all probably heard the expression: “Why are you walking around with shaggy hair like a shishiga?! Comb your hair!” So, I hasten to please you: just such a client arrived at our birthday girl’s birthday! Meet Shishiga, my friends!

(A participant in the scene comes out dressed as Shishiga; it will be funnier if he is a large man, dressed in a woman’s dress and with very shaggy hair or a shaggy wig.
Shishiga sings to the tune of the song “Longing for the Motherland” from the film. "Seventeen Moments of Spring")

Read on for the continuation of this scene.

27 May 2012

(two participants, dressed in new Russian grandmothers, come out dancing and sing a verse to the tune of ditties):

We neither sow nor plow,
But we don’t sit idle!
On the anniversary we sing and dance,
Let's make birthday people laugh!

Matryona (speaks):

Flower, oh Flower! Why are you so wrinkled today, like a roll of toilet paper?


Oh, don’t tell me, Matryona! I didn’t sleep all night, I kept thinking, how better can we congratulate our birthday boy than to please him on such a day?!

Read on for the continuation of the funny scene.

26 May 2012

(two men come out dressed up as new Russian grandmothers and sing verses to the tune of ditties, playing along on a children's balalaika or guitar):


The hero of the day needs a pair
Give compliments!
So let's go blazing hot
Remember them with Matryona!

Give me your word soon
My tongue is very itchy!
I'm already ready
Congratulations are simply chic!

... continuation of the funny scene read on

13 Apr 2012

There are different funny scenes with different plots - dramatic, humorous, artistic, etc. Absolutely any plot can be chosen for the sketch - from your own idea to an already existing idea. You can write your own script based on your own unique idea or plot. You can write a script for a finished work, a film, a fairy tale, or act out some story.

06 Apr 2012

05 Apr 2012


Dear birthday boy!
A great surprise has been prepared for you,
Double, unusual, most useful prize:
So that there are no more problems in work,
They sent you stuntmen as a gift!

(two men in helmets or colanders on their heads run out - these are “stuntmen”. They sing a song to the birthday boy to the tune of “If only I had mountains of gold”)

Men are our support, protection and love! When preparing for a loved one’s birthday, it is important to secretly come up with such entertainment program so that it becomes a real surprise for both the birthday boy and the guests.

For those who want to celebrate their birthday brightly and cheerfully, to give their man emotions, feelings and a bit of soul, we present funny scenes! They will help not only diversify the planned holiday program, but also present memorable gifts to the birthday boy in an original way, with humor and invention.

At the table

Scene No. 1 “Harmful cleaning lady”

At the height of the holiday, the “cleaning lady” appears with a bucket and mop in her hands. The bucket should be high so that it is not noticeable what lies at the bottom. She starts grumbling something under her breath and mopping the floor.

One of the guests: Citizen, what are you doing?! It's actually our birthday here!

Cleaning woman: What do I care about that? I do my job and don't bother anyone.

(A quarrel begins between the guest and the cleaning lady. It is advisable for this guest to sit next to the birthday boy).

Guest: Don’t you see that we are celebrating an anniversary? The guests have gathered, and you are here with your bucket and mop.

Cleaning woman: Oh, are you having a holiday here? And where is the birthday boy?

(They show the birthday boy to the cleaning lady).

Cleaning woman: So it’s because of you that they don’t let me work? So it was because of you that they found and trampled here? So here are my congratulations to you!

(Takes a bucket and pours confetti on the birthday boy, which lies at the bottom of the bucket. Stormy reaction of the guests, laughter, applause).

Scene No. 2 “Congratulations from friends”

Each person has two balls in their hands: orange, red, blue and green. They sing an adaptation of a song to the tune of “The blue ball is spinning and spinning.”


The years, like birds, fly by in succession.
But as before, you are young.
We came to visit for the anniversary,
They brought you a cool gift.

1 friend

We will give a red ball to the bolder ones,
As a sign of respect, accept it quickly,
Lots of warmth, lots of sunny days,
Your life will become even more fun!

2 friend

So that you can be happy all year round,
Take the green ball from adversity.
Let your family, friends be nearby,
You are the best, I say without concealment.

1 friend

We want to give you peace of mind,
Reward with a blue ball on this day.
He will save you from sadness,
And only goodness will find its way into your home!

2 friend

The orange ball is like a dream,
May it never leave you.
More money, love and warmth,
They will be with you forever.


There were also other balls,
But we didn't bring them to you.
No, not from greed, not from miserliness,
Now let's explain what's going on.

There was a yellow ball - it decorated the bouquet,
But it is changeable, a treacherous color.
Yellow ball - tests in fate,
So we won't give it to you.

We found a black ball
But they didn’t bring it either.
He carries sadness and separation within himself,
And we only wish you happiness!

(The text of the song will need to be beautifully written on parchment and presented to the birthday boy to the applause of the guests).

Scene No. 3 “Compliments”

For this congratulation you will need a presenter, whatman paper and markers.

1. On whatman paper, the presenter writes the name of the birthday person horizontally or vertically (whichever is more convenient).

2. The guests’ task is to come up with an adjective for each letter that characterizes the birthday person in a positive way.

3. At the end, the presenter gives the birthday boy a gift for being so perfect. The gift can be some kind of award (diploma, medal, cup) as a keepsake.

Scene No. 4 “Hidden Gifts”

The guests are sitting at the table, the host is holding a bag of gifts in his hands.
Selectively approaches guests with a request to take a gift out of the bag.
Each gift must be hidden in a box or any wrapper.
The host leaves a note for the guest who received the gift, and he himself approaches the birthday person with the gift.
The guest first reads the text of the note, and then the presenter gives the gift to the birthday person.

1. Homemade, exclusive,
Oh, I give you a wonderful gift.
With him you will be like candy,
Because there…
(The birthday boy unwraps the gift and says that there is a “napkin”).

2. Wear it for the joy of your dear wife,
And remember your guests more often,
I have exactly the same ones on me,
So now you and I are brothers.
(Gift - panties with a gag).

3. You never know what life will bring to us.
Take it with you in addition, it will save you from awkwardness.
Perhaps our best reward
As a gift for you...
(Gift - toilet paper).

4. Have you thought about giving something like this?
We decided that you are independent,
And he himself is able to make his dreams come true!
Therefore, my friend, accept without regret,
Our gift is a bottle...
(Gift - a bottle of port).

Scene No. 5 “Wishes from a psychic”

Psychic (enters the room, moves his hands mysteriously): Hello! Who's the birthday boy here? Why am I asking, I know it myself! You! (Points with finger). Let me probe your aura! (Runs his hands over his head, whispers mysteriously). I see... I see that your aura is good! Positive moments attract! So, I’m telling you what awaits you: 364 days of prosperity and carelessness! Don’t, don’t ask what’s there in day 365, I don’t see well, it’s vague, your wife, and your mink coat flashes all the time... These are the steps to success and dreams (Steps back and forth with long strides)! So, then again it’s vague - everything is pure banality: happiness, health, love, luck... But what will be, will be - I just can’t lie!
(Theatrically presses his hand to his heart, rolls his eyes and falls to the floor, lies there for a second, gets up, hugs the birthday boy tightly and kisses him on the cheek). Fate itself just contacted me! She said that she was kissing you and told you to give you gifts! (Gives a gift).

Scene No. 6 “Doctor’s visit”

For the scene, you can prepare a doctor’s costume, a phonendoscope, a hammer, and a flashlight.

Doctor (enters the hall, quickly approaches the birthday boy): Well, well, well, who's sick here? I see, I see, what do we have here?
“Dangone never lacks”? (Looks questioningly at the birthday boy, but does not give an answer; he takes out a phonendoscope). Well, let's listen with our hearts?! I hear, I hear: “lovelessness”!
Let's continue the inspection! (Looks at the hands of the birthday boy). Ahh, here everything is serious... you have a rare disease on your hands: “work in the throat is never a horror”!
(Knocks on knees with a hammer): And you have “all-over-all-kinosis” in your legs! Well, let's examine the eyes. (Shines a flashlight in his eyes). And here everything is clear: “gadget dependent”! So! Here is my verdict - you will live another 150 years if you take what I prescribe. Take one bill a day, avoid overdose (hands over an envelope with money)! This remedy will help maintain love euphoria (gives a certificate for a romantic dinner in a restaurant, or just a bottle of good wine)! You will have to radically get rid of gadget addiction! I prescribe you the best medicines (gives a good book or a collection of motivational quotes)! Well, everyone, be healthy! (Bows and leaves).


Scene No. 7 “Congratulations to the King!”

Characters: Courtiers (2), Guests (5).
Props: The king's throne, costumes for the courtiers (or at least attributes).

Courtier 1: Your Majesty, King (Name)! Please sit on this throne! You are the great ruler of your country, and on behalf of all your subjects, let me read you congratulations!

(He unrolls the scroll with importance. He looks around in fear and calls another courtier).

Courtier 1(whispers): Hey, but there's nothing there! Empty. Where is the congratulations?

(Courtier 2 shrugs, then raises his finger. Throws away the scroll.)

Courtier 2: Our king, we will now show how well we know you! Gentlemen, I say - show me! How angry is King (Name)? (Guests show). How does the king dance at a cheerful discus, sorry, ball? How did the king drink too much wine and make his way into his payment room without his wife noticing? (Guests try to portray a drunken birthday boy).

Courtier 1: OU! Class! Are you satisfied, our king? And here are the overseas gifts! Accept, King (Name), congratulations!

Courtier 1: Count De (guest's last name) from the mysterious county (Street or area where the guest lives) presents you with a secret paper! Show it and any product is yours! (Give a certificate).

Courtier 2: Princess (name) from a beautiful country presents you with an enchanting aroma! With him you can do anything! Neutralize your enemies and gain allies! (They give perfume).

Courtier 1: We know that you, our beautiful king, dream of catching a golden fish so that all your wishes come true! Prince (name) from (...) gives you the opportunity to do this! (They give fishing equipment).

Courtier 2: Our dear king, the next gift is a worthwhile thing! A magic potion that intoxicates the mind, leading to a state of euphoria and bliss! Allow me to present you with this wonderful drink! (Gives cognac).

Courtier 1: And I make a generous contribution to the treasury, Your Majesty! Grab this treasure chest! ( Gives an envelope made in the form of a chest with money).

Scene No. 8 “Three brooms”

Three women will be needed for congratulations. Each of them has a broom in their hands. In total you need three brooms: oak, birch, eucalyptus.

First woman

To have a healthy man
We give you an oak broom.
From adversity and all sorrows
We'll soar you with a broom.
(A woman with an oak broom lightly pats the birthday boy).

Second woman

Don't fuss and don't suffer,
Better yet, use a birch broom.
Let's walk over the shoulders, over the head,
So that you are as healthy as a bull on a cow.

Third woman

Here it is a eucalyptus broom.
So that all sorrows disappear, let’s soar him boldly.
So that the bones do not creak, the lower back does not ache,
Let's walk with a broom just below the lower back.

Scene No. 9 “Congratulations from oriental beauties”

Characters: Girls dressed in oriental beauties(roles can be distributed according to the number of gifts). The girls enter the ceremony and leave after presenting gifts to oriental music, performing oriental dance movements.

Girl 1: Today you are Sheikh al-Sheikh, you are the best today! Gulzia, Ramza, Thames, they all came to congratulate you!

Girl 2: You are a lover of bright life, accept gifts quickly!

Girl 3: So that everything in life is smooth, not unsteady, hold on, we are giving you a fish! (You can arrange a “bouquet” of several types of salted fish, or just sets of snacks).

Girl 1: So that your wife dotes on you, you are wearing a set of tea!

Girl 2: Well, of course, we prepared sweets for tea! With cognac!

Girl 3: There are no sweets (shrugs). Here, hold this bottle! (Gives a bottle of cognac).

Girl 1: For you, who likes to swim in a warm river in the morning, we will give you, no, not panties, but we will give you a boat! (Or a spinner, or other fishing accessories, then simply replace it with the words “that’s what!”)

Scene No. 10 “A Little Life Story”

Characters: Presenter, guests (3), guests (2), wife
Props: chair, sheet, cap, diaper, bottle with a pacifier with a cocktail, animal masks, inscriptions “Car”, “ball”, “Prestigious work”, school bag, audio recordings: “My only”, “Oh, this wedding”.
The birthday boy is wrapped in a sheet, he can put on a diaper, put on a cap, and sit on a chair.

Leading: Sit down, dear guests. Now we will tell you briefly the life story of our birthday boy.
When our hero was very little, he was given a bottle of milk... (He comes up, gives a bottle, an alcoholic cocktail is poured into it. It is better to find out about the preferences of the birthday boy in advance, and, of course, it is desirable that the liquid be white). He drank and fell asleep, and had wonderful dreams.
(Several guests wearing animal masks run out and show funny dance moves). Waking up in the morning, he ran to play with a car or a ball!
(Guests come out, one has the inscription on the back “Car”, the other “Ball”). Our birthday boy has grown up (the host helps the birthday person remove all attributes, gives him a briefcase), and began going to school, where he met his first love. (A girl runs in with a briefcase, chews gum, the birthday boy looks at her, the song plays: “My only one!”)

Young woman: What hatched? The fool himself! (Runs away).

Leading: Our hero grew up, did not forget about his first love, and promised himself to marry her! And, in the end, he still married, but to someone else!
(The song “Ah, this wedding sang and danced”) plays.

Leading: Then I looked for a prestigious job, worked well and provided for my family with dignity!
(The guest runs out, the inscription on the back is “Prestigious work”, the birthday boy approaches him, and he runs away, hides, and in the end, of course, catches him).

All characters speak in chorus or in turn: Life flies by, but don’t rush! Feel free to write your story! Walk steadfastly on the path to happiness, there is so much more to come! Well, we congratulate you, don’t judge, how prepared you were, your people!
(Next is the presentation of gifts).

IN modern world people spend little time preparing for celebrations. As a result, the holiday is no different from the rest. To come up with interesting scenario You don’t need a lot of time, but just pick some cool scenes at the table for a woman’s birthday.

Organization of funny skits

In order for the holiday to leave only positive memories in your soul, its organization must be approached with special care.

Despite the wide variety of scenarios, you need to choose only harmless ones. The event must be positive.

The choice of skits depends on the age of the birthday girl and her sense of humor. After all, what a young man appreciates may not impress a woman over 50 years old.

It doesn’t matter who the holiday is dedicated to - a colleague, a friend or a mother, in any case, it should be exclusively positive.

Good wishes from the magic chicken

One invitee wears a chicken costume. There should be two Kinder surprises in his pockets. The organizer reads a congratulation to the birthday boy, after which he says that he has two magic eggs that predict the future.

After that, he gives the birthday boy the first kinder surprise, which symbolizes what awaits the birthday girl in the near future. The second kinder is a prediction for a longer period.

When preparing for such a congratulation, you need to pay attention to the plot of the holiday and, based on it, choose a kinder surprise for the birthday girl.

Now there is a large selection of kinders (with cars, houses or various people). After presenting the kinder, guests ask the birthday girl to look at what is inside.

In order to organize this scene you will need mouse, bunny, bear, fox, frog, cuckoo and frog costumes. If you can’t find animal costumes, you can get by with cool masks or makeup.

In addition to costumes, you will need a large chair or table on which the bear will sleep after the holidays with a bottle of alcohol.

Scene script:

  1. The bear woke up and had a wild hangover. Stretching, he takes a couple of sips of alcohol and goes to bed. The cuckoo is cuckooing.
  2. There's a knock on the door. A drunken wolf comes to visit. The bear continues to sleep, and the wolf tries to wake him up and asks him for a drink. But the bear continues to sleep. The cuckoo does not refuse to drink, and the wolf pours a drink for himself and the cuckoo. The cuckoo crows a couple of times.
  3. They knock again. This time the bear came to visit a frog, which had always been the best friend of the owner of the den. The frog is very angry - the wolf and the bear are drinking, and there is chaos all around.

    The frog starts cleaning. The wolf watches all this and offers the frog a drink, but she is against it. But the cuckoo doesn't mind. Having drunk a hundred grams, the cuckoo crows again, the wolf cheers up and sings, and the frog cleans up.

  4. There's a knock on the door. A bunny came to visit. As soon as he saw that the frog was cleaning, he immediately began to disturb it and jump over the broom. The wolf sings songs and again offers to pull a hundred grams. The bunny is against it, but the cuckoo is again ready to support the company. We drank and the cuckoo crowed.
  5. A fox comes to visit. She had her eye on the wolf for a long time and tried to seduce him, but the wolf didn’t care - he wanted a drink. The wolf drinks again, the fox refuses, and the cuckoo draws another glass and crows.
  6. The fox diligently tries to draw the wolf's attention to herself, the frog continues to clean. The bear is sleeping. There was a soft knock on the door, but no one paid attention. The little mouse quickly takes the remaining alcohol and runs away. Nobody understood where the bottle of alcohol went.
  7. The bear wakes up and thinks about how to get over his hangover. The wolf realizes what situation he is in and takes the fox with him and runs away. The bunny falls from fear, and the frog continues to swear. The bear offers a hundred grams to the cuckoo, she doesn’t mind, but there’s nothing left to drink. The cuckoo crows and switches off.
  8. The bear, not yet very sober, walks with a staggering gait through his home to the guests. He's looking for alcohol. Let's not let the bear die from a hangover!
    After this, the host asks to raise their glasses and drink to the birthday girl.

Funny name day scenes on video

Look at the video of funny scenes at the table for a woman’s 60th birthday:

Funny scenes for the birthday boy

This scene is ideal if the hero of the occasion is a woman. The skit will lift the spirits of everyone present and serve as an excellent congratulation.

A guest is needed to play the role of a doctor. You also need to involve other medical personnel, for example, a nurse. The patient must be the birthday girl.

After a short examination of the patient, the medical personnel should leave. After some time, a doctor appears, holding a piece of paper with a diagnosis that he has to read out.

  1. First and last name.
  2. Age: in the prime of life.
  3. Pulse: cannot be measured.
  4. Blood type: many red cells.
  5. Heart rate: happy.
  6. Vision: Sees the positive in everything.
  7. Diseases: May unexpectedly go into hibernation after a delicious dinner.
  8. Recommendations: get plenty of rest and never lose heart.
  9. Conclusion: the patient has not long begun to live and he needs to learn to enjoy every day.

Congratulations sketch for a man

Men have a lot individual characteristics that need to be emphasized on your birthday.

Birthday is not at all a sad holiday, as it is sung in the well-known song by Igor Nikolaev. And it’s a very fun event, especially when you spent very little time preparing it. Funny performances and mini birthday skits will help you entertain your guests, especially since we will be happy to share our knowledge and experience with you. After reading our recommendations, you, as a professional presenter, will be able to please your loved ones and friends with an entertainment program prepared just by you.

Types of performances and mini skits for a man or woman’s birthday

There are a great many humorous games and competitions. You don’t have to rack your brains to come up with them yourself. All you have to do is go online to holiday websites where you can choose what you like. Our comic scenes Suitable for an anniversary or any feast. But I want to draw your attention to how to properly organize the order of showing skits as the event progresses.

Let's remember that any holiday has:

  • introductory part (arrival of guests)
  • official table part (congratulations, gifts)
  • intermission part (dancing, entertainment)

From this it follows that to select funny scenes and productions, it is necessary based on this order.

Birthday performances and skits for the introductory part of the holiday

Even a meeting of guests can be organized in a very fun way. Let us recall such an example as the “Bread and Salt” meeting. The owner greets his guests with jokes, says funny jokes, giving them a bite of bread or pie.

Birthday script "Meeting with guests"

The host or hostess, or better yet the whole family, wearing caps, funny hats or masks, greet the guest at the door, reading greetings:

Welcoming guests with “Bread and Salt”

We're not bored today
We dance and sing
We are celebrating the holiday today,
And we invite guests to our place!

Hello, invited guests!
Hello, welcome guests!
We wish you good health,
We invite you to drink tea!

Then they treat the visitor, put a festive cap on him, inviting him to meet the next invited person with them. Imagine the surprise of the guests at such a meeting! Let's be honest, the boring wait for everyone to arrive will turn into fun entertainment for everyone. You can also ask the newcomer to recite an interesting poem or dance a dance and only after that accept him into fun company greeters

Of course I would like to remind you funny scenario, a wonderful gypsy production "Meeting our dear guest"

To do this, you need to prepare colored scarves, a guitar or a tambourine in advance ( musical instruments can be cut from cardboard or improvised means). Buy a bear mask and hats, thereby turning the meeting of guests into a whole show with dancing, dressing up and involving the newcomers in the performance you have planned.

See all friends
The gypsy soul sings.
A dear friend came to visit us,
Pour him a lot!
We'll sing and dance,
It's fun to celebrate the holiday!
He came to us, he came to us,
Our dear friend, dear
Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up!

I want to say that using the templates for welcoming guests that we gave you above, you can arrange a production for your holiday, on almost any topic. They are suitable for both adults and children.

And so, we met the guests. Let's move on to the official table part of our holiday. Guests sit decorously at the tables, periodically standing up, announcing toasts, and giving gifts. I think this is the most “boring” pastime. This is where it's time to shake things up. A small musical scene with the participation of guests will be just what you need.

Short skits and performances for the official table part

I believe that for this part of the evening, musical performances with minimum quantity participants (from 1 to 3 people), since most of the guests are not yet ready for active actions, basically everyone behaves passively.

A musical, interactive number is very suitable - congratulations on dressing up, for example:

  • to Serduchka
  • to Alla Pugacheva
  • to the gypsies

Guests at the party

Don’t forget, for such scenes you need to prepare props, as well as musical accompaniment

But believe me, your efforts will not go unnoticed, but on the contrary, they will bring freshness and revitalization to the holiday atmosphere.

Another option is to rent special gag costumes for such productions. Although personally, I advise you to order a professional animator. It will definitely surprise your guests and save you from unnecessary hassle.

The number of scenes in this part of the holiday can be determined in advance by the number of guests invited by you. For every three toasts - one skit (just a recommendation from own experience). Then your guests will definitely not get bored.

Scenario for a birthday, for the intermission part

Well, now let's move on to the main, active part of the event. After the guests have eaten, drunk, and breathed fresh air, it’s time for funny mini-birthday scenes for women and men. In addition to dancing, we invite you to play a contact fairy tale with your guests. This will greatly amuse your guests. Don't forget to remove this " fun fun" at the camera. Subsequently, after making a video, you can enjoy with your friends the memories of your holiday.

As we have already said, there are a lot of scripts, fairy tales and skits on the Internet, take your pick, I don’t want to. Of course, the more costumes, props, and most importantly characters, the more interesting it is. Let us give an example of a fairy tale that is familiar to everyone from childhood. This mini scene can be played on the birthday of either a woman or a man.

Contact scene “Turnip” for a birthday

The fairy tale "Turnip" in action

— Dear guests, stop chewing pies and bones.
Let's entertain ourselves and amuse our friends.
I want to tell you a fairy tale,
About how grandfather planted turnips,
Yes, I almost broke my stomach.

This fairy tale is for children and adults. Well, first of all we need a “Turnip”, it must be big - very big (he chooses himself big guest. You can put a headband with green leaves on your head, but it will look funnier if the pot is a small flower)

- That's what it is, fodder turnip! And now we need a grandfather, let him be a hundred years old. (choose from the male half. For props, you can use an old hat or beard).

- Yes, and we need a grandmother, just let her be young (we choose a grandmother using the women's table. Props - an apron, glasses, a rolling pin).

- Well, people, listen, what a turn it was. Here comes the grandfather, although he is old, he is a fine fellow, a rogue with a beard. But there is one problem: he is lazy. He'll come out in the morning; he likes only the balalaika. He sits on the rubble all day and spits on the fence. (The guest at this time performs movements: stroking his beard, playing the balalaika, spitting).

“And here comes the grandmother, she’s young at heart, but she looks like a hag.” He walks, swears, clings to everything with his feet (Acting role, performs movements: stumbles, threatens someone with his fist).

Now all the words will always be pronounced by the presenter in front of the actor, and he, in turn, will skillfully repeat them with expression and gestures)

Grandma: “Why are you sitting there doing nothing, grandpa?”

Grandfather: “I’m too lazy, you’re in trouble.”

Grandma: “Well, old stump, go plant turnips and increase my wealth.”

Presenter: - Eh, grandfather got up and went to plant turnips. He came, planted it in the ground, watered it from above, and went back (the actor repeats all the actions according to the text).

Presenter: - Can you imagine, friends, the whole summer went by like this! The sun is shining, the rain is falling, our beautiful turnip is growing, and the grandfather sits on the balalaika and plays and does not blow his whistle. The grandmother came again, angry, angry, gritting her teeth, cracking her bones, swearing!

Grandma: “What, you’re sitting there again, you old stump, looking at me, you’d better go and look at the turnip.”

Presenter: - Grandfather stood up, shook himself off, turned around with his beard and went to the garden to look at turnips. Look, she’s big, round-sided and large, she’s sitting in the ground and doesn’t want to come out. He jumped around, let’s shout and call for help.

Grandfather: - Grandma come out, take out your bones!

Presenter: - Here comes the grandmother, carrying her bones. She came, looked, said loudly:

Grandma: - This turnip!!! (grandmother spreads her hands in surprise)

The host addresses the guests: “Don’t pull out the turnips.” Who should I call?

Guests: - Granddaughter

Presenter: — That’s right, granddaughter. And here comes the granddaughter, shaking her mane, that’s what she is, a city girl (you can choose a granddaughter during the course of the play, a younger girl would be good for her. Props - a wig with bows or braids).

Granddaughter: - Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Help me pull out the turnip.

Granddaughter: - Will you give me some sweets?

Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

Presenter: - the granddaughter came closer and screamed:

Granddaughter: - This is a turnip!!!

Presenter: - Three of us can’t pull it out. Who else should I call?

Guests: - Bug!

Presenter: - That's right, Zhuchku! Here she is waving her tail, there is no one more beautiful than her.
(props: headband with dog ears)

Bug: - Woof-woof. Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Help me pull out the turnip.

Bug: - Will you give me a bone?

Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

Presenter: - Bug came closer and spread her arms.

Bug: - This is Turnip!

Host: - There’s no way to get us out, who else should we call?

Guests: - A cat.

Host: - Yes, friends, of course a cat. The most beautiful, very sweet. Here she comes, purrs and sings. (Props: headband with cat ears)

Cat: - Meow-meow, purr-purr. And here I am, looking all good. Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Pull out the turnip.

Cat: - Will you give me milk with sour cream?

Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

Presenter: - The cat came closer and purred under its breath:

Cat: - This is a turnip!

Presenter: - Yes, here’s the thing, even the cat didn’t help. They decided to go home with the whole family, have lunch, sleep, and lie down. They say, if we gain strength, then we will defeat the turnip. (Everyone steps aside).

- Well, while the whole family was sleeping, a small mouse came to the field. (Use the mouse to select the largest man or the birthday boy)

- The mouse saw the turnip and squeaked:

Mouse: - This is a turnip! You need such a turnip yourself.

Presenter: The mouse took the turnip in her hands and dragged it into her hole. (Takes the mouse aside).

“And the whole family returned to the garden and saw that there were no turnips.”

All the actors together: - Where is the turnip?

Presenter: - Yes, we overslept, you are a turnip. You can’t even pull a turnip out of the garden without difficulty. Yes, yes... But there is no morality, as long as there is a delicious lunch. But you are very lucky, our mouse is very kind, she will definitely share the turnip. (The mouse comes out and takes out the turnip). That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

With these words, you can ask everyone to clap and announce a photo session.

I think, dear friends, you liked our script, table games and skits. We will post a lot more interesting things on this topic in the future. I would like to say only one thing: mass games and scenes for congratulating you on your birthday will only add positivity to your holiday.