Mikhail Gutseriev - famous Russian entrepreneur, billionaire. Key shareholder of Russneft and Neftis (70% each), BIN group, PFG Safmar.


The future entrepreneur, philanthropist and poet was born in Tselinograd (now Akmolinsk) of the Kazakh SSR. The story of his family is practically the plot of a Soviet-era saga. The paternal grandfather owned factories before the revolution, after which he was repressed, and the whole family was exiled to Kazakhstan. It was in honor of Saad's grandfather that the family named one of their best hotels in Astana: Saad-Marriott.

His father was a prosecutor, after deportation he worked as an investigator, and in 1948 he came under repression: he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. After Stalin's death, Safarbek was released and completely rehabilitated. After that, he worked in senior government positions and received many awards.

The mother had no time for a career - there were nine children in the family, and everyone had to be taken care of. Mikail graduated from school in the city of Grozny. From the age of six he loved reading and was a regular at the local library.


The future billionaire received his first higher education at the evening department of the Dzhambul Technological Institute (during his studies, he worked part-time as a loader, since there was not enough money). Later he studied at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, the famous University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin, graduated from graduate school at the St. Petersburg Law Institute and doctoral studies at the Russian Economic Academy named after. Plekhanov.

Labor and business

This was followed by the organization of a furniture factory and the opening of one of the first cooperative banks in the Union. In 1991, the businessman was elected chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurs Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1992, after the change of power in the republic, he moved to the capital of Russia, created and headed the industrial and financial company BIN.

In November 1994, he was already the head of the administration of Russia’s first economically favored zone “Ingushetia”, and a year later - a deputy of the State Luma in the LDPR faction.

The next significant step in the billionaire’s career was the position of president of the state Russian-Belarusian company SlavNeft (he held this post from 2000 to 2002). Then, in 2002, the entrepreneur created and headed the oil and gas company RussNeft, which soon became one of the largest in this industry in the country.

In 2005, the businessman became the owner of 50% of the shares of Russian Coal CJSC.

In May 2007, fortune turned against the billionaire - he was charged with illegal business involving the extraction of income on a particularly large scale. The long and complicated case lasted almost three years: only in April 2010 were all charges dropped, and he was again elected president of RussNeft.

In January 2016, he headed the board of directors of Safmar Industrial and Financial Group JSC, focusing on key strategic issues of the group’s business.

February 28, 2017 at an extraordinary general meeting shareholders of B&N Bank were elected chairman of the board of directors of the credit organization. His brother Sait-Salam and son Said were also included in new line-up advice.

In September 2017, in connection with the reorganization of Binbank, its board of directors decided to re-elect Mikail Shishkhanov as its chairman. Since March 26, 2018, B&N Bank has different management.

On January 30, 2019, it became known that he left the shareholders of the Safmar Financial Investments (SFI) holding.

According to banki.ru, as of mid-October 2018, Mikhail Gutseriev owned 19.9% ​​of the shares of the Cyprus offshore Lanbury Trading. Now this share has passed to his son Said, who has concentrated 100% of the offshore shares, who through a chain of companies owns 30.4% of the financial holding.

Mikhail Gutseriev is a well-known domestic entrepreneur who is the main shareholder of a number of large companies. One of its main assets is the industrial and financial group SAFMAR. There are many large companies under its protectorate - PJSC RussNeft, OJSC Russian Coal, pension funds, leasing company JSC "Europlan", insurance "VSK" and a large number of other assets. At the same time, he owns a British oil production company in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan and controls assets in the capital’s real estate sector. He is regularly included among the richest businessmen in Russia. At the same time, Gutseriev is a very versatile person, writes poetry, and is even a member of the Russian Writers' Union. He holds the title of Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Biography of a businessman

Mikhail Gutseriev was born in 1958. He was born in the small town of Akmolinsk on the territory of the Kazakh SSR in big family Ingush, who was deported during the years of Stalinist repression. Therefore, Mikhail Gutseriev’s nationality is Ingush. Soon the family was able to return to the Caucasus, high school the hero of our article graduated from Grozny.

He began working as an ordinary loader at the local enterprise Grozny Gorplodovoshtorg in 1975. The next year he returned to the Kazakh SSR and got a job as a roller in the silk-screen printing workshop at the artistic folk crafts factory in Dzhambul, and soon became a workshop foreman. At the same time, Mikhail Gutseriev entered the Faculty of Chemical Technology at the Institute of Light and Food Industry of Dzhambul. I studied in the evening department. Received a diploma in the specialization “leather and fur technology”.

Return to Grozny

Returning to Grozny, in 1982, Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev began working at the Ministry of Local Industry. In four years, he climbs the career ladder from an ordinary engineer to the head of an association, surprising many with his zeal and businesslike approach. At that time, he becomes the youngest head of a manufacturing enterprise in the Soviet Union. Mikhail Gutseriev was only 24 years old.

At the same time, he continues to develop, in 1988 he created the first joint Soviet-Italian factory in the North Caucasus. This is a furniture factory called Chiital.

During perestroika, Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev was able to immediately grasp in which areas of the economy one could make money in the new economic conditions. He creates one of the first cooperative banks in the state, which he calls “Caucasus”. But in 1992, after Dudayev came to power, he left his business and went to Moscow. In the capital, he creates the financial and industrial group "BIN", whose name stands for "Bank of Investments and Innovations". It unites trading companies, industrial enterprises, and financial institutions.


Mikhail Gutseriev, whose biography is given in this article, does not forget to constantly improve his education. In 1995, he received a graduate diploma from the Financial Academy under the Russian Government with a degree in finance and credit. He also graduates from the University of Oil and Gas with a diploma in oil and gas technology, the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg with a degree in civil law. He studied graduate school at the Plekhanov Academy of Economics. His research interests include free economic zones.

On this moment Gutseriev has two more dissertations to his credit, which he defended. He is a candidate of legal sciences; at the St. Petersburg Law Institute, the hero of our article presented work on the topic of crime in largest cities using the examples of two Russian capitals. In 1998, he became a Doctor of Economics, having defended his dissertation on the development of economically favored zones in Russia at the Russian Economic Academy.

Political activity

In 1995, Gutseriev was elected to the State Duma. In 1999, it became part of the Federal Parliament of the third convocation.

But already in 2000 he refused his deputy mandate. He has to make such a decision after he is elected president at a meeting of shareholders of the Slavneft company.

From now on, he concentrates more on entrepreneurial and social activities. In particular, he becomes vice-president of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Currently, Gutseriev owns most of the commercial real estate on Tverskaya Street. Continues to publish Scientific research on the development of offshore business and free economic zones in Russia.

Personal life

Gutseriev is married and has two children. In 1986, his eldest son Mikhail was born, who graduated from a private school in England and received his higher education at the University of Oil and Gas in Moscow. In 2007, he died in a car accident.

The youngest son of the hero of our article, Said, was born in 1988. He was also educated in English private school, and then studied at Oxford University in the Faculty of Geology and Archaeology. He received his second higher education at the University of Plymouth, specializing in oil and gas engineering.

At the moment, Said Gutseriev is an entrepreneur, runs an oil refining company in Russia, and has British citizenship. He is a member of the board of directors of all enterprises managed by his father. Rumor has it that Gutseriev Sr. intends to be his successor when he himself has to retire. By the way, he is now 60 years old.

In 2016, Said married 20-year-old Khadzhi Uzhakhova, a medical student. The wedding of Gutseriev’s son was discussed for a long time in the “yellow” publications. 600 guests gathered for the celebration at the Safisa restaurant, who were entertained by Sting, Jennifer Lopez, Alla Pugacheva, and Enrique Iglesias. According to rumors, the bride's outfit for the wedding ceremony cost several tens of millions of rubles and weighed approximately 25 kilograms.

The total cost of the wedding was estimated at one billion rubles. This has become one of the most discussed topics on social networks. Some users noted that the celebration was like a fairy tale, others compared it to a “feast during the plague.”

Gutseriev brothers

The hero of our article has several famous and influential brothers.

His older brother Khamzat was the head of the criminal investigation department in the 80s and rose to the post of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs in the Ingush Republic. In 1995 he moved to St. Petersburg. He taught at the Law Institute, and then became deputy head of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the early 2000s, he headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia and received the rank of lieutenant general of police. In 2002, he was nominated for the post of president of the Republic of Ingushetia, but the election commission removed it due to various violations. After that, he moved to Moscow, where he began working in the financial structures of his brother Mikhail.

From 2004 to 2010 he represented Buryatsky autonomous region in the Federation Council.

Mikhail's younger brother Sait-Salam was a deputy of the State Duma of two convocations from 1999 to 2007. Currently, he is one of the co-owners of SAFMAR, overseeing assets in the areas of construction, industry and real estate.


The work of Mikhail Gutseriev is well known. The entrepreneur manages to write poetry for popular songs by domestic performers. He became interested in poetry in his youth. Now many fans of the national stage know Mikhail Gutseriv’s poems.

Songs based on his works are performed by Stas Mikhailov, Nikolai Baskov, Joseph Kobzon, Kristina Orbakaite, Grigory Leps, Laima Vaikule, Sofia Rotaru, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Maxim Pokrovsky, Philip Kirkorov, Valeria, Irina Krug, Alexander Malinin, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Marshal, Stas Piekha, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Natasha Koroleva, Anastasia Stotskaya, Alsou, Nikolai Rastorguev, Turetsky Choir, Ani Lorak, Vitas, Vlad Topalov, Alla Pugacheva, Dmitry Malikov, Dima Bilan, Anna Semenovich, Tatyana Bulanova, Alexey Glyzin and many others.

In total, he wrote about a hundred song works together with composers Igor Krutoy, Viktor Drobysh, Igor Azarov, Sergei Revtov, Kim Breitburg, Igor Zubkov, Sergei Bakumenko.

"Song of the year"

The poems of Mikhail Gutseriev have repeatedly received the highest awards. Three songs based on his works became laureates of the “Song of the Year” competition only in 2012.

These are the compositions “Joker” performed by Stas Mikhailov, “Two Lives” by Alexander Buinov, as well as “Territory of Love” by Rada Rai.

And already in 2014, 12 songs based on his poems became laureates of the “Song of the Year” competition, a truly phenomenal result. After this, Mikhail Gutseriev became an honored songwriter.


Gutseriev popularizes his poems in every possible way possible methods. For example, in 2013, he posted a series of video clips on the Internet in which aspiring actors in St. Petersburg and Moscow read his poems.

Since 2014, director Mikhail Levitin Jr. has been producing film cycles dedicated to the works of the poet together with the Mosfilm film studio. They are very popular in artistic and literary circles and the Internet community. Many note that this is a fundamentally new form of merging poetry and cinema. Moreover, the poems of the hero of our article are read not only by beginners, but also by seasoned actors, for example Valentin Gaft.

Since 2015, the poet’s works have been published by many literary magazines. For example, “Moscow” and “Our Contemporary”.

Production Center

For several years now there has been a production center of Mikhail Gutseriev, which shoots videos, organizes concerts and creative events.

Among them is the Russian National Music Award, the founder of which was the philanthropist Gutseriev. The Academy includes famous stars of the Russian scene, producers, and leaders of the Russian music media industry.

The awards ceremony took place at the end of 2017. The composition “The Ice Is Melting” by the group “Mushrooms” was recognized as the song of the year, and Svetlana Loboda was recognized as the best pop performer.

Mikhail Gutseriev was born on March 9, 1958 into a large Ingush family, which was repressed and deported to Kazakhstan in 1944. After rehabilitation, the family moved to Grozny. In the city of Grozny, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, he graduated from secondary school No. 23, which was completely destroyed during Chechen war, and in 2005 it was rebuilt at the expense of Gutseriev.

In 1975 he started labor activity a loader (warehouse worker) at the Grozny Gorplodovoshtorg enterprise. Since 1976, he worked as a roller in the silk-screen printing workshop at the folk arts and crafts factory in Dzhambul, Kazakh SSR, then until 1982, as a foreman in the sewing workshop at the same factory. At the same time, he studied at the evening department of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, specializing in “Leather and Fur Technology”.

Since 1982, he worked at the Grozny Production Association of the Ministry of Local Industry of the RSFSR, where in 4 years he worked his way up from a process engineer to the general director of the association, becoming the youngest general director among the heads of production enterprises of the USSR. In 1988 he created the first Russian-Italian partnership in the North Caucasus joint venture- furniture factory "Chital". Mikhail Gutseriev was a pioneer of private banking in the USSR: in the same 1988, he founded one of the first cooperative banks in the country, Kavkaz. In 1991, he was elected chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1992, when Dudayev came to power, he was forced to leave his entire business and move to Moscow, where he created the industrial and financial company BIN (Bank for Investment and Innovation), which united industrial enterprises, trading companies and financial institutions. In 1993, he founded and headed JSCB BIN, which today is one of the 30 leading commercial banks in Russia. In 1994, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the administration of the economically favored zone "Ingushetia".

In 1995 he graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit. Later he graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin with a degree in “Engineering and Technology of Oil and Gas Business”, St. Petersburg Law Institute with a degree in “Civil Law”, postgraduate studies there with a specialization in “Criminal Procedure Law”, doctoral studies at the Russian Economic Academy named after. Plekhanov with a specialization in “Free Economic Zones”. He has the degrees of Doctor of Economic Sciences and Candidate of Legal Sciences.

From 1995 to 2000 he was a deputy of the State Duma Russian Federation, served as Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. From 2000 to 2001 - President of the State Russian-Belarusian Company Slavneft. In September 2002, he created and headed OJSC NK RussNeft.

In the 2010s, Mikhail Gutseriev became a key player in the Russian broadcasting market. His media holding includes the radio stations “Radio Chanson”, “Love Radio”, “Radio Dacha”, “Radio Russian Hit”, “Vostok FM”, “Vesna FM”, “Taxi FM” and the company Bridge Media - one of the leading television holdings of the country, including a number of popular music TV channels.

Mikhail Gutseriev is one of the largest philanthropists in the world. At the expense of Gutseriev and the companies he led, dozens of social facilities were built, including universities, hospitals, orphanages, religious and other facilities both in Russia and abroad.

Mikhail Gutseriev is the author of monographs and a series of scientific publications on the problems of developing free economic zones and offshore business in Russia. Candidate for master of sports in decathlon. Since childhood he has been studying music (violin, piano). He was awarded many state, public, confessional, industry awards and titles, including two Orders of Honor, the Order of Friendship, the title “Honored Economist of Russia” and others. Streets in Grozny and the village of Goyty in the Chechen Republic are named after him.

The Russian capital was shocked by the luxurious wedding of the son of billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev Said and young Khadija Uzhakhova, which took place on March 26. The celebration, which amazed the imagination with its scope and budget, became the most discussed event in social network. Even musician Yuri Loza spoke about the wedding, the budget of which amounts to millions of euros.


The singer criticized Gutseriev for spending that did not give him any dividends. “I have been convinced more than once that people who pay expect that those to whom they pay will treat them with respect. But nothing like that. Gutseriev did not win respect or any sympathy, he simply proved to the rest of the rich that he can throw away money for anything,” LifeNews quotes Yuri Loza.

The popular performer emphasized that he does not condemn the billionaire. “It’s his right, he lives this way. Maybe in the world he’s in, it’s considered cool. But think about 600 guests - how many of them do the bride and groom know? How many of them actually wish them happiness and good? An insincere desire for happiness is even worse if you didn’t want anything at all. I also got married once and I gathered only a few people, but I was sure that they were all happy for me. I don’t blame anyone, that’s how a person spends money ", our money, common money, which was not earned by him. He did not create these companies, did not drill wells, he came and became the owner. Alas, in our country it is considered legal for people to own other people's wealth," the Russian singer noted with regret.

Let us remind you that the Gutserievs’ celebration took place on March 26. The chosen one of the billionaire's heir was 20-year-old Khadija Uzhakhova. According to some reports, she is studying at Moscow State Medical University and plans to become a dentist after graduating from university. According to rumors, they were looking for a bride for Said Gutseriev for more than one year and finally found her in the person of the pretty and modest Khadija, who looked like a real queen at the wedding.

Celebrities sang for the bride and groom, as well as for their 600 guests, such as Jennifer Lopez, whose performance cost a million euros, British performer Sting (1.5 million euros), Latin American Enrique Iglesias (500 thousand euros) and Alla Pugacheva, whose the fee was “only” 300 thousand euros.


Mikhail Gutseriev is married and has a son and daughter. Another son of Mikhail Gutseriev, Chingiz Gutseriev, died after a car accident in 2007.

Mikhail's brother, Sait-Salam, also a major entrepreneur, was a deputy State Duma.

Mikhail Gutseriev's nephew, Mikail Shishkhanov, is also a major entrepreneur, main owner and president B&N Bank.


Mikhail Gutseriev began his career as a loader. At the same time he studied at the evening department Dzhambul Technological Institute by specialty - chemical technologist. Later he graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Gubkin University of Oil and Gas, postgraduate study at the St. Petersburg Law Institute, doctoral studies Russian Economic Academy named after. Plekhanov. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences.

1976-1992 Mikhail Gutseriev worked at the Grozny Production Association, where he worked his way up from a worker to a general director.

A pioneer of private banking in the USSR, in the late 1980s he founded one of the country's first cooperative banks.

Since 1982, he worked at the Grozny Production Association of the Ministry of Local Industry of the RSFSR, where in 4 years he worked his way up from a process engineer to the general director of the association. The youngest CEO among managers of manufacturing enterprises of the USSR (26 years).

In 1988, he created the first Russian-Italian joint venture in the North Caucasus - a furniture factory "Chiital".

In 1991 he was elected chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurs Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1992, with the coming to power Dudaeva was forced to leave the entire business and move to Moscow, where he created an industrial and financial company "BIN"(Bank for Investments and Innovations), which united industrial enterprises, trading companies, and financial institutions.

In 1993, he founded and headed JSCB BIN, which today is one of the 30 leading commercial banks in Russia.

In 1994, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the administration of the economically favored zone "Ingushetia".

Government and public awards of M. Gutseriev: Order of Friendship, Order of the Badge of Honor, Order of Merit and two medals. Laureate of the national Peter the Great Award, winner of the "Company" magazine competition - "Best Manager of the Year".


In 1995, he was elected to the State Duma on the list, where he served as Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. Joined the LDPR faction in State Duma second convocation.

Was a confidant on presidential elections 1996. On parliamentary elections The 3rd convocation refused to run for the Zhirinovsky Bloc, left the LDPR and was elected to the State Duma in 1999 as an independent deputy (single-member district No. 12).

On January 14, 2000, at a meeting of shareholders of JSC NGK Slavneft, M. Gutseriev was elected president of the company. Refused his deputy mandate.

February 27, 2001 elected vice president Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In September 2002, he created and headed OJSC NK "RussNeft".

In September 2005, streets in the city of Grozny and the village of Goyty, Chechen Republic, were named after Mikhail Gutseriev.

In 2006, RussNeft and Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov was discovered "High school innovative business", one of the five corporate universities of Moscow State University. The programs were developed by RussNeft and three faculties of Moscow State University (geological, chemical and management) taking into account the tasks facing oil corporations, according to three master's programs: "Geological and physical studies of oil and gas fields", "Chemical processing of hydrocarbon raw materials", " Natural resource management".

On May 7, 2010, Mikhail Gutseriev returned from Great Britain to Russia, landing on a charter flight at the Ingush Magas airport to visit the graves of his parents and son. Later he began to manage the RussNeft company.

In the 2010 ranking of top executives by the Kommersant newspaper, he took second place in the Fuel Complex category, and in 2014, according to the publication, he was included in the list of the 25 most influential businessmen in the country - heads of strategically important enterprises in Russia.

On September 1, 2011, by order of the President of the Udmurt Republic for his contribution to the construction of the building of the Udmurt Institute of Oil and Gas state university The institute was named after Mikhail Gutseriev.

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Gutseriev is the largest owner of commercial real estate on Tverskaya Street in Moscow.

In June 2012, Gutseriev acquired from Alexandra Lebedeva radio stations "Prosto Radio" (94 FM in Moscow) and "Good Songs" (94.4 FM in Moscow). Subsequently, the radio station Vesna FM appeared on the frequency 94.4 FM, and the radio station Vostok FM appeared on the frequency 94 FM.

On January 30, 2013, it became known that 75% of the shares of the Krutoy Media holding (Love Radio, Radio Dacha and Taxi FM) were acquired by the structures of Mikhail Gutseriev, and 25% remain in the possession Igor Krutoy. By the time of the transaction, the entrepreneur already owned two radio stations: Vesna FM and Vostok FM. The new owners announced the preservation of the holding's previous program policy.

In the summer of 2013, Mikhail Gutseriev again became the sole owner of the company OJSC NK "RussNeft".

In November 2013, he acquired the radio station Finam FM (99.6 FM Moscow).

In December 2013, the acquisition of another radio station was completed - "Ru.FM"(frequency 94.8 MHz), in its place Radio was created "Moscow speaking". In two years, Mikhail Gutseriev managed to assemble a large media holding, occupying a leading position in the Moscow region (2nd place after "Gazprom-Media").

December 7, 2013 at the festival "Song of the Year - 2013" Mikhail Gutseriev was awarded a special prize named after Robert Rozhdestvensky in the category “Best Poet of the Year”. As a result, over the 42-year history of the festival, M. Gutseriev set an absolute record, receiving nine awards as a poet in one competition.

In November 2014, Mikhail Gutseriev became the winner of the prestigious music competition Russia "Golden Gramophone Award". Two songs by the poet “We are afraid to love” performed by Valeria (composer D. Dubinsky) and “ A strange dream"(performer Denis Klyaver, composer S. Revtov) were recognized as laureates of the competition.

In December 2014, twelve songs based on poems by Mikhail Gutseriev became laureates of the Song of the Year 2014 festival, and the author himself was recognized as the Best Poet of the Year for the second year in a row. Thus, Mikhail Gutseriev broke his own “Song of the Year” record, set by him a year earlier, and became the most successful poet in the entire history of the legendary festival.

In February 2015, due to the large-scale expansion of the business of two large oil and gas companies owned by him (OJSC NK RussNeft and OJSC NK Neftisa), he became Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Companies, focusing on strategic asset management.

In August 2015, it became known that Gutseriev expects to launch a mining and processing complex in 2020 Belarus. China, the world's largest consumer of potash fertilizers, is participating in the financing of the enterprise, which, once fully operational, will supply it with potassium in the amount of up to 1.8 million tons per year.

China Development Bank will provide the company with $1.4 billion at a rate of 4.3 percent for a period of 14 years and payments will begin in 5 years, Gutseriev said. The guarantor for the loan, according to the memorandum of understanding, is the government of Belarus. The state trader Belarus Potash Corp. will export Slavkali's products, he said.


In 2012, with a personal fortune of $6.7 billion, he ranked 17th in the list of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia (according to Forbes magazine). As of 2014, he has a net worth of $3.3 billion and ranks 33rd in the Forbes magazine ranking.

Rumors (scandals)

At the end of July 2007, Mikhail Gutseriev officially announced the unprecedented pressure being put on him from Russian state, and announced the sale of the RussNeft company to the holding of an entrepreneur loyal to the Kremlin "Basic element". Gutseriev resigned as president of RussNeft and announced the termination of his employment entrepreneurial activity(in addition to RussNeft, he owns the Russian Coal company, etc.) and going into science.

On August 28, 2007, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow issued a sanction for the arrest of Gutseriev in absentia, satisfying the petition Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Gutseriev has been put on the international wanted list. At that time, Gutseriev was already in London.

At the end of October 2009 Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the preventive measure for Gutseriev was changed from arrest in absentia to a written undertaking not to leave.

In January 2010, Gutseriev regained control of 100% oil company. By mid-April 2010, all charges against the businessman were dropped and criminal cases were dropped. In April 2010, it was announced that the Gutserievs would sell 49% of the company to structures AFK "Sistema", and another 2% of shares - Sberbank.

On March 26, 2016, Mikhail Gutseriev married his son in the Moscow restaurant Safisa. The celebration took place on an unprecedented scale and luxury.

As the media found out, the bride's dress was ordered in France - from Ellie Saab. It weighs 25 kilograms. Its value is not disclosed, but it is the amount with six zeros.

Guests of the Gumeriev family were entertained by world superstars: Jennifer Lopez, Elton John, Sting, Patricia Kass, Enrique Iglesias, Beyonce and others. As LifeNews found out, inviting J.Lo to a private party costs 5 million euros, and Elton John costs seven.

The presenter was People's Artist Ingushetia Tamara Yandieva. In total, about 600 people gathered at the gala event.