To the question: Were the lands and tribes of the Chechens (Vainakhs) and Circassians conquered by the Tatar-Mongols? given by the author Eurovision the best answer is After the conquest of China and Khorezm, the supreme ruler of the Mongol clan leaders, Genghis Khan, sent a strong cavalry corps under the command of Jebe and Subedei to explore the “western lands.” They walked along the southern shore of the Caspian Sea, then, after the devastation of Northern Iran, penetrated into Transcaucasia, defeated the Georgian army (1222) and, moving north along the western shore of the Caspian Sea, met in the North Caucasus a united army of Vainakhs (Chechens and Ingush), Polovtsians , Lezgins, Circassians and Alans. A battle took place, which did not have decisive consequences. Then the conquerors split the ranks of the enemy. They gave gifts to the Polovtsians and promised not to touch them. The latter began to disperse to their nomadic camps. Taking advantage of this, the Mongols easily defeated the Alans, Lezgins and Circassians, and then defeated the Cumans piecemeal, while the Vainakhs managed to avoid complete defeat by finding refuge in the mountains. At the beginning of 1223, the Mongols invaded Crimea, took the city of Surozh (Sudak) and again moved into the Polovtsian steppes.

Answer from Prostetsky[guru]
The Mongol-Tatars did not notice them.

Answer from Vyacheslav Moskvin[guru]
The progressive development of the medieval Chechen Republic was stopped by the invasion in the 13th century. Mongol-Tatars, who destroyed the first state entities on its territory. Under the pressure of nomads, the ancestors of the Chechens were forced to leave the lowland areas and go to the mountains, which undoubtedly delayed the socio-economic development of Chechen society. In the 14th century recovered from Mongol invasion Chechens formed the state of Simsir, which was later destroyed by Timur’s troops. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, the lowland regions of the Chechen Republic came under the control of Kabardian and Dagestan feudal lords.
The Chechens, forced out of the lowland lands by the Mongol-Tatars until the 16th century. They lived mainly in the mountains, dividing into territorial groups that received their names from the mountains, rivers, etc. (Michikovtsy, Kachkalykovtsy), near which they lived. Since the 16th century Chechens begin to return to the plain. Around the same time, Russian Cossack settlers appeared on the Terek and Sunzha, who would soon become an integral part of the North Caucasian community. The Terek-Grebensky Cossacks, which became an important factor in the economic and political history of the region, consisted not only of fugitive Russians, but also of representatives of the mountain peoples themselves, primarily the Chechens. In the historical literature, there is a consensus that in the initial period of the formation of the Terek-Greben Cossacks (in the 16th-17th centuries), peaceful, friendly relations developed between them and the Chechens. They continued until the end of the 18th century. until tsarism began to use the Cossacks for its colonial purposes. Centuries-old peaceful relations between the Cossacks and the highlanders contributed to the mutual influence of mountain and Russian culture.
From the end of the 16th century. The formation of the Russian-Chechen military-political alliance begins. Both parties were interested in its creation. Russia needed the help of the North Caucasian highlanders to successfully fight Turkey and Iran, who had long tried to take possession of the North Caucasus. There were convenient routes of communication with Transcaucasia through Chechnya. For political and economic reasons, the Chechens were also vitally interested in an alliance with Russia. In 1588, the first Chechen embassy arrived in Moscow, petitioning for the Chechens to be accepted under Russian protection. The Moscow Tsar issued a corresponding letter. The mutual interest of the Chechen owners and the tsarist authorities in peaceful political and economic relations led to the establishment of a military-political alliance between them. According to decrees from Moscow, Chechens constantly went on campaigns together with Kabardians and Terek Cossacks, including against the Crimea and Iranian-Turkish troops. It can be said with all certainty that in the XVI-XVII centuries. Russia in the North Caucasus did not have more loyal and consistent allies than the Chechens. About the emerging close rapprochement between the Chechens and Russia in the mid-16th - early 17th centuries. The fact that part of the Terek Cossacks served under the command of the “Okotsk Murzas” - Chechen owners - also speaks for itself. All of the above is confirmed by a large number of archival documents.
By the way, the Chechens really loved to plunder Gurjistan (Georgia) in the Middle Ages, so there is a real phobia and fear among Georgians:
Russia also took advantage of this on August 8, 2008. “When the Georgians heard about the approach of the Chechens, they threw down their weapons and ran away, changing into civilian clothes as they went,” this explains a large number of Videos remaining in abandoned Cell phones...Total left positions
about 7,500 Georgians hiding in the villages of Western Georgia

Conflicts like the one in Pugachev have been happening in southern Russia for a long time

The events in Pugachev caused in social networks and blogosphere discussions on the topic that the neighborhood with the Chechens headache not only for Russians, but also for other indigenous peoples of the North Caucasus. And conflicts like in Pugachev have been happening in the south of Russia for a long time.

REX Information Agency expert, political scientist and historian, candidate of historical sciences Lev Vershinin commented to the agency on the interethnic confrontation in Nalchik in 2005 and the role of the Circassians in the North Caucasus.

This information, which is extremely extraordinary, explains a lot. And therefore, in my opinion, it is extremely useful for understanding the real situation on Russian Caucasus. Moreover, the link to this material was sent to me and confirmed with his own word (they say, he observed it with his own eyes) by a long-time and very respected Kabardian reader, that is, a Circassian, whose guarantee means more than a lot to me. So, I recommend it without any doubt, but at the same time, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify something.

In fact, I should, of course, pay more attention to the peoples of the Caucasus in my comments. If only for the sake of so that my readers are aware of the simple truth that all these numerous peoples are not at all LKN (persons of Caucasian nationality) alike, but very, very different. In all respects. And the difference between some is not even the same as between a Bavarian and a Prussian or a Spaniard and a Catalan, but no less than, say, between a Basque and a Viet. Including in the sense of attitude towards Russia and with Russia. If the same Chechnya is complimentary to the Russians and Russia has never been (there are various reasons for this), then the peoples of Dagestan have already perceived the arrival of new neighbors on their land in very different ways, and there is nothing to say about the Ossetians.

With the Circassians (or, as they themselves generally say, “Adyghe”) it’s completely interesting. This numerous (and once very numerous) and socially developed (the degree of formalization of feudalism and its ethics is more complex than the Japanese, to which it is very similar) people have been cooperating with the Russians since time immemorial. At least since (although, most likely, even earlier), when Prince Mstislav, having defeated the Kasozh riks Reded, included his squad in his own and won the patrimony, including Chernigov, from the fratricide Yaroslav, allocating as a reward to the Caucasian knights, the ancestors of many noble Russian families , - land for settlement (by the way, in particular, where Cherkasy stands today). And then the cooperation did not stop. So much so that for Orthodox princes (and then kings), who considered Western monarchs to be no equal to themselves, marriages with Circassian women were considered equal (let us remember, for example, Tsarina Maria Temryukovna, whose maiden name was the Kabardian princess Kuchenya). And the noble Circassians, having moved to Moscow, organically joined the Moscow elite, receiving titles and honestly, for life and death, serving Russia in a variety of departments, from the very beginning they were perceived not as “in large numbers”, but as their own.

This scheme did not fail. Never. Even when the Circassians converted to Islam and ties weakened. Difficulties began only at the end of the 18th century, when Istanbul implemented a large-scale project of mass Islamization of the North-West Caucasus, and then in Big Game turned on, -one, two, - "quiet Englishmen." Yes, and there were objective reasons called fertile lands. So, when the war began, it turned out to be brutal and ended with the emigration of those clans and tribes whose leaders believed that in Turkey, where they were actively inviting, they would be better off. However, the better card lay in the hands of those who remained in Russia, and (unlike Chechnya) after the conclusion of peace, the Circassians served the Empire - fortunately, it complied with the treaties - faithfully and truly (by the way, look at the picture, where this fact is reflected and pay attention: although the horsemen are Muslims, on their banner - Orthodox cross). And even much later, when the “Indians” had to respond in a big way, Joseph Vissarionovich had no complaints against the Circassians.

So, my Kabardian reader, mentioned above, being, among other things, an ironic person, loves to occasionally tease “enough feeders” - not all, of course, but from among those who, within the framework of a fad, have brains in full swing, - explaining to them that they should understand the realities of the Caucasus at least to some extent. Because, without understanding at all, you can jump to the loss of Krasnodar (with the edge), Stavropol (also with the edge), something else and suck the paw, entrenched in Taganrog and Azov. In response to the immediately flaring up screams about “everyone at the root”, “we’ll crush and destroy” and about white phosphorus gently and unobtrusively explains some basic things.

For example, if idiots come to power and are able to make the Circassians uncomplimentary to Russia (and this is very difficult, but possible, because people don’t like it when animals consider them animals), the consequences will be the same as what opponents say about the war those who know only from funny pictures cannot even imagine. It would be worth it. For the simple reason that, unlike the same Vainakhs and some peoples of Dagestan, the showdown with whom, no matter how cruel it was and no matter how much they helped all sorts of “imarates”, the sheikhs of the Gulf cannot rise above the level of “Indian wars”, the Circassians there are a lot of people in the world: up to 9 million, including those who have lost their language, traditions and even religion, but not their identity. And what’s more, they are not far from being “children of the underground”: the number of officers of all ranks of different armies, ministers, multimillionaires, English-, French- and Turkish-speaking journalists, fashionable intellectuals and so on goes into many thousands.

So, if the idiots achieve their goal, they will have to deal not with “tractor drivers” who barely made it down from the mountains, but with (the diaspora will react instantly) hundreds of “instructors” with diplomas from West Point, Saint-Cyr and the Ataturk Academy, an almost inexhaustible a stream of volunteers with experience of service in regular armies and well-established, established lobbies at the very top different countries on all five continents. Not to mention the fact that there will be no need for either financial support or supplies of the most delicious weapons, and an outbreak in the Circassian regions will explode the Caucasus (and after that, according to the domino principle, and not only the Caucasus, much cooler than any events in Chechnya or Dagestan, because the Chechens are disliked and feared, the voice of the small peoples of Dagestan is not very heard, but the opinion of the Circassians is respected.

In general, everything couldn’t be simpler. As long as the Circassians are traditionally loyal to Russia and the Russians, the Caucasus will not turn into an ulcer that cannot be healed. This, by the way, is well understood in London, in Washington, in Ankara, where the “Great Circassia” project has been promoted for a long time, skillfully and very, very purposefully, but, fortunately, so far without any real success. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of Circassians are not idiots, they are aware of what they want to get them into and actively (no matter how hard anyone tries) do not get pushed into it. I think that those who do not know about this should know, those who know but do not think - if they are still able - should think, and those who are not able to think at all should at least cut off their truly Aryan noses. I probably should still, having overpowered myself, go to the people again with educational programs. For learning is light, knowledge is power, and we are responsible for those we have tamed...

People from the North Caucasus often identify themselves in Turkey as “Circassians” without being ethnic Circassians. Circassians are indeed the largest group among the muhajirs (Caucasians who resettled or were expelled Russian authorities V Ottoman Empire during the Caucasian War - note "Caucasus. Realities"). The quantitative factor has greatly influenced the identification of North Caucasians in Turkey, but the extent and depth of this influence varies depending on the region of the country.

While reporting on Syrian refugees in the Turkish province of Hatay on the border with Syria, the author of this article had a chance to visit local Caucasian families, including Kabardians, Ossetians, Abkhazians and Kumyks. Having learned that I had arrived from the North Caucasus, they began to speak to me in Circassian. My explanations that I did not understand this language caused bewilderment. Khatai Caucasians were convinced that in the North Caucasus everyone spoke the Circassian language, and ethnic divisions were nothing more than intra-Circassian tribal divisions. “What, do the Kumyks have their own separate language?” they asked me. At the same time, the interlocutors noted the Chechens, they knew a little more about them and singled out this ethnic group as different from the Circassians.

Communication with people from central Anatolia showed that the emphasis in self-identification here is slightly different. A conversation with Unal Ozer from Sivas shed light on the difficulties of self-identification for people from the North Caucasus.

“The Muhajirs from the North Caucasus all arrived here together, founded villages next to each other and began to stick together. Thus, the name “Circassian” became common for people from this region. This was also facilitated by the fact that the Caucasian peoples have very similar cultures, cuisine , celebrate weddings in the same way, while speaking different languages"- says Ozer. The interlocutor of "Kavkaz.Realii" when listing the peoples equates the Caucasian ethnic groups with the sub-ethnic divisions of the Circassians. "There are Abazas, Lezgins, Abadzekhs, Shapsugs, etc. They are all different. About 10-11 nationalities,” notes a resident of Sivas. Unlike Hatay, where “Circassian” is the name of an ethnic group, in central Anatolia this concept is given more of a territorial meaning. “We do not have such an ethnic group as Circassian, it is our common a symbolic designation,” says the Turkish Caucasian.

The Chechen Kahir Akdeniz from the same region of Sivas interprets the concept of “Circassian” in the same way. “Turkish Chechens, like all Caucasians, consider themselves Circassians. But in Turkey, ‘Circassian’ should be understood as a Caucasian,” says Akdeniz. The Chechen also notes that “Circassian” is not an ethnic concept, but an identity based on the region of origin.

In turn, an Ossetian woman from Ankara states that the Turks call all people from the North Caucasus Circassians. “We ourselves also introduce ourselves to the Turks as Circassians. But among ourselves we call ourselves by ethnic origin. For example, in the Caucasian circle I say that I am an Ossetian, and to the Turks I often introduce myself as a Circassian, since they know little about the Ossetians,” admits Dzheren . At the same time, according to the girl, all “Circassians” hold cultural events together. "We gather in the same places," she says.

A student from Gaziantep, Nurkhan, turned out to be a Caucasian from Syria who moved to Turkey because of the war in her homeland. Despite the fact that she does not know her native language, her interlocutor’s identification is quite accurate. She does not consider herself a Circassian and states that for Syrian Caucasians this problem is not as pressing as for Turkish ones. “When someone asks me about my origin, I answer that I am a Kumyk from Dagestan. True, such an answer always raises the question of whether I come from Russia. Some ask if I am a representative of the Adyghe people. But every time I give "negative answer. I never considered myself a representative of the Adyghe people. And I never saw this in Syria," Nurkhan said in an interview with Kavkaz.Realii. Apparently, the self-identification of Caucasians differs not only between residents different regions Turkey, but also between citizens of different countries of the Middle East.


Mark Bliev. Circassia and the Circassians, Chechnya and the Chechens, Oetia and the Ossetians... What's next?

In 2004, a monograph was published by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of North Ossetian state university MM. Bliev "Russia and the mountaineers of the Greater Caucasus. On the way to civilization" (M.: Mysl, 2004. - 877 pp.). In 2011, part of this monograph was published as a separate book “Circassia and the Circassians...”. Neither one nor the other received an objective assessment. According to the author's plan, the first work is aimed at a complete revision of existing views on such a major historical phenomenon as the Caucasian War. Mark Bliev’s message boils down to a relatively simple logical conclusion: the Dagestanis, Chechens and Circassians of the North-Western Caucasus were at such a stage of social and economic development, when external raids and wars constituted their natural “nature”. Therefore, the “stronghold of civilization” - Russian Empire, had to resist the onslaught of the mountain barbarians. As a result, the Caucasian War occurred in the 19th century, the reincarnation of which at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries. two “Chechen” wars appeared.
According to Mark Bliev, agriculture and cattle breeding, crafts and trade were not decisive in the life of the above-mentioned mountain peoples of the Caucasus, but only raids and robberies. And nothing could change this stage-genetic predisposition of natural bandits to violent seizure of property. And, although the lion's share of Georgian captives in the markets of the North Caucasus was provided by the efforts of his fellow Ossetians, the latter (like, for example, the Ingush, Balkars and Kabardians) are completely erased from the honorable ranks of bandits. I'm glad!
Many in the 90s. XX century I wanted to "have fun" with the "Chechens"; an integral part of Chechenophobia was such a phenomenon as the "cleansing" of Chechen history. Among the most famous names here is our friend Mark Bliev. The first bombarded him with his "information" about the Dagestanis, Chechens and Circassians, doomed by their "stadialism" "For raids and wars with Russia, power ministries Russian Federation: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, FSB of Russia, Main Intelligence Directorate and Institutes of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The old truth states that if a person sets wrong goals for himself, he will mandatory will be forced to resort to incorrect means and techniques. This is especially noticeable in scientific research. The first oddity that the reader encounters when starting to study M. Bliev’s voluminous work is the complete absence of a historiographical analysis of the problem.
Absolutely necessary scientific analysis the works of their predecessors turned out to be replaced by M. Bliev in the section “Instead of an introduction” with several phrases that are rare in terms of the degree of cynicism and ignorance: “In the war they themselves (the Circassians. - Author) unleashed with Russia, they failed to overcome their own disunity and, having lost historical reference points , were involved in mass emigration."
And this is about the indisputable fact when more than half a million, or even more, Circassians by 1864 were driven by the Russian army from their lands to the Black Sea coastline, from where they were taken by the Turks, dying of hunger and disease, to Asia Minor and to the Balkans. According to his own words, when assessing this tragedy, Bliev did not forget “the importance of protecting facts from “moral interpretations” in the name of preserving their own historical essence and research significance.” Bravo! Not everyone has the courage to confess their own unscrupulousness...
Well, now let’s follow the author’s advice, discard “moral interpretations” in his regard and get down to “accounting” - let’s see how the evidentiary side of the study is built in the chapter “Chechnya” (pp. 43-63), which can safely be called differently: "Chechen history from Mark Bliev presented in the language of hatred."
Judge for yourself: “It is worth mentioning separately about the determinism of the laws of social development and their relationship to the history of Chechnya. A superficial look at the past creates the impression that there is a “peculiar” traditional culture in Chechnya, where violence and cruelty occupy their own special layer; already at the beginning of the 17th century Russian sources record Chechen raids on the Russian border and conflicts on this basis with the Greben Cossacks. In those ancient times, participants in the raids from Chechnya, along with firearms used bows and arrows. Before the eyes of our contemporaries, Chechens, armed with the latest small arms and anti-aircraft weapons, met the 21st century by carrying out raids and kidnappings.”
Friend Mark, where is the science and where is the ordinary piggishness? Nothing personal about you. You will simply enlighten us in what form we should consider you in this case. Agree that in your escapades one can easily suspect not only disgusting, but also elementary ignorance of the subject, shameful for a doctor of science. Firstly, the 21st century was greeted in such an original way on the territory of the Chechen Republic, Dagestan, Ingushetia, the Republic North Ossetia Alania, Kabardino-Balkaria representatives of the international terrorist international. Secondly, the Chechens were the first on the territory of the Russian Federation in 1993, with arms in hand, to organize an organized fight against the dictates of the criminal regime, in this case in the person of General Dudayev, and, before the entry of Russian troops in December 1994, they managed to repel 11 punitive expeditions separatists in the cities and villages of Chechnya. And in this war, the Chechens were most helped by fraternal North Ossetia, which, dear Mark, the leaders of Ossetia at that time were apparently not inclined to tell you about.
As for the kidnappings in Chechnya, Moscow and the North Caucasus in general, and North Ossetia in particular in 1996-1999: Mark, Mark..., whose cow is mooing!
Now let's go back to the beginning of the 17th century. in the history of Chechnya, when, according to M. Bliev, “Russian sources record Chechen raids on the Russian border and conflicts on this basis with the Greben Cossacks.”
The Cossacks of the Zaporozhye Sich, the Don Army, the Grebensky Army, at least at the beginning of the 17th century, were not engaged in productive farming, but lived, dear Mark, precisely at the expense of what you so generously “rewarded” others. This is where your imagination could run wild, because here there are “male fraternities” and a “military community” and the classic “raid system” and a ban on such innocent economic activities as arable farming.
And the reincarnation of the “robber” Cossack element in the 21st century. could see the inquisitive gaze of our researcher, picking up a modern directory of the Cossack troops of the Russian Federation. And if, in addition, we provide figures on the number of serious criminal offenses committed in the Russian Federation, on the number of professional bandits in organized criminal gangs Russian cities, about the theft and transfer of capital to offshore companies, etc. etc. Mark, there’s a sea of ​​water over your problem. But, as we have already understood, dear Mark is not allowed to rave about anything other than his fellow mountaineers.
Mark, you reported on attacks by Chechens on Russians already at the beginning of the 17th century. And I want to invite you to earlier times - the middle of the 16th century. At the dawn of Russian-Caucasian relations in 1562, a campaign took place in the Ossetian mountains of the governor Pleshcheev and the ally of Moscow, Prince Temryuk, who brutally “fought the Tatsky lands near the Skinsky towns ... and took the Mshansky and Sonsky taverns one hundred and sixty-four and beat many people and completely killed ". Here you explain why the Russian archers, Cossacks and their allies destroyed the Ossetian villages for what good deeds. It was not the Chechens or anyone else that the Russians were the first to take on in the Caucasus, but for some reason immediately the “non-conflict” Ossetians.
To paraphrase you, I’ll say that this is probably why Ossetia met the 21st century. threatening Russia with burning vodka. The weapons are much more terrible than Chechen machine guns, grenade launchers and anti-aircraft guns. Mark, Mark, such methods of discussion are completely unusual and unacceptable for the author of these lines, may the Ossetian brothers forgive me. But you, Mark, are simply annoying with your nonsense!
You definitely need to read more. Start with Karamzin.
We read further and can’t believe our eyes. Let me remind you that Mark is talking about the Chechens, the largest autochthonous people of the North Caucasus, who today rank fourth in number in the Caucasus after Georgians, Azerbaijanis and Armenians and 4-5 in number among the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. Without a shadow of a doubt, poor Mark admits to basic ignorance of the ancient and medieval history of Chechnya. According to “legends,” he says, until the 16th century the “Chechen tribe” lived somewhere there, in the mountains in the upper reaches of the Argun and, in general, its appearance in the North Caucasus is a “late phenomenon.” The proof is that it turns out to be “the first Chechen historian” (this Laudaev) did not deny that “the Chechens are a new people in the Caucasus” (?!).” Well, to be honest, it takes me by surprise.
All this is very bad, but then it’s even worse, since a direct, obvious and vile lie was used: “The archaeological expeditions that worked in Chechnya in the 70s, studying the pre-medieval periods of material culture, did not find monuments closely associated with the Chechen ethnic group. .."
Meanwhile, one of your Chechen brothers in spirit - Salama Dauev, who, just like you, slandered and slandered entire nations, including Ossetians, in his opus, was branded by another Chechen historian in print as “the scum of the nation!” The point, apparently, is that there is a “hero of the nation”, and there is also his antipode - “the scum of the nation”. I advise you to read another of your spiritual brothers - Denis Baksan. I am sure you will really like what and how he writes about the origins of the Ossetians. And no less original than you about the Chechens.
It seemed to you, dear Mark, that it was not enough to declare the Chechens outside of civilization and history; the very thought that this people, since the end of ice age occupies a physical place on its own land, not a single inch of which has been taken away, much less stolen from another people!
In modern Chechen society, meanwhile, they treat with deep respect the representatives of Ossetia, who express mountain-wide ideals, moods and aspirations in their creativity. These are the great poet Kosta Khetagurov, the outstanding Ossetian writer of Chechnya Dzakho Gatuev, the outstanding Ossetian Chechen historian Felix Totoev, the remarkable historian of modern times, the only representative of historiosophy in Russian historiography, the brilliant scientific talent - Ossetian Vladimir Degoev. You can disagree with him in many ways, but you cannot help but respect him for the genuine and pure pulse of thought, the highest philosophy of historical knowledge.
What M. Bliev wanted to achieve using scientifically verified means, using the laws of scientific knowledge, was impossible to achieve. Therefore, our author, firstly, practically abandoned the entire huge historiographical base of the history of Chechnya, and secondly, scientificity as such. A crude attempt was made to install on a given topic within the parameters of black (rather even dirty) propaganda. But since our poor Mark is an expert in information war nothing (special knowledge and professional skill are also needed here), then it turned out to be neither this nor that! Not a candle for God, not a damn poker!
As for the delights of the real colonial policy of tsarism, which determined the mountain raids so insulting to Bliev’s gentle nature, let’s give the floor... to M.M. himself. Bliev, sample 1957. In one of his early articles, he cites an interesting document - a complaint from Ossetians expelled for forced labor in 1804: “we were forced to cut down brushwood and throw it into this mud... the legs of a Cossack horse got stuck in the brushwood laid in this way and they began to beat us with a whip and killed 2 people.
80 soldiers and 12 mounted Cossacks arrived, for which the administration demanded food from the peasants: 10 pieces of cattle per day for soldiers, 2 for Cossacks...
There wasn’t even any skin left on the horses and bulls from transporting the heavy loads, and they didn’t give us any pay...
Two women were yoked and tied to a sleigh, and the soldiers from behind urged the women on with whips.”
The Ossetian peasants villainously (oh, this genotype!) concluded this letter as follows: “We prefer to die... than to suffer, wait for death from the lashes and see the shame of our wives (sub., us. - Author).” Well, they put it just like the ideologist of Caucasian muridism, Magomed Yaraglinsky: “Better heaven in the next world than Yermolov’s hell in this world.”
And how did the purveyors of “civilization” policies in epaulettes, who, according to the declaration of the Arbat thinker Yu. Baluevsky, respond to the protest of the mountain peasants with “exclusively... armed defense” of the peoples of the region? We read: “whoever has bayonets should not be paid money. I swear to God... that I will not leave any stone unturned...”.
I quote M.M. Bliev sample of 1957 further: “Alexander I himself was forced to admit: “If it is typical for mountain peoples to attempt all kinds of predation, then on the other hand, according to fairly reliable information, it seems impossible to justify the actions of various officials or our residents towards them, often allowing ourselves to drive away their cattle and inflict other oppression on them, distracting them from us and destroying any power of attorney (subject to us. - Author)."
We are not citing these texts to contrast M.M. Bliev, sample 1957. Mark Bliev, sample 2004. Concepts, ideas and approaches may change depending on time and level of knowledge. The only thing you can’t do is lie and involve people in dirty politicized lies. Whatever the times. Mark, we are sure that no one burned you with an iron!
By presenting modern Chechens, mountain Dagestanis and Circassians as directly and potentially dangerous to the civilized world (due to their “nature” and “stage”), Mark Bliev came into conflict not only with the truth, but also with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The ending is more than logical!

The Caucasus has always been an arena of confrontations between great powers. They tried to conquer it and exterminate the peoples inhabiting it. The “Circassian question”, which has gone down in history, unexpectedly found its embodiment in the topic of sports. Fortunately, the topic of the Olympics and its holding in Sochi fueled anti-Russian sentiments. Sports no longer looked so harmless in the eyes of those who harbor malice. The very holding of the Olympic Games is perceived by Circassian radicals as a challenge to their national feeling.
War is always blood. Everyone should remember this. It is obvious that on the topic of “genocide” and the “Circassian question” politicians of national movements are trying to find solid ground under their feet. So far, apart from statements, processions, and petitions, some Circassian leaders have not taken any active action. This initial phase reminds me of the national movement in Chechnya in 1991. Everyone remembers how furiously local nationalists propagated the theme of the genocide of the Chechen people during the Caucasian War and the deportation of 1944. These two successful trends then allowed us to cloud the consciousness of the people. They played on the most bleeding page of the people. Their bet was a win-win! It was still alive older generation, who saw death and the horrors of deprivation. The pain demanded recognition. And the “healers” took advantage of this: healers, unfortunately, were looking for benefits for themselves, and not a cure for the patient. The situation is akin to the Chechen one: a motley clique of so-called leaders is playing with something that can lead not to the prosperity of Circassia, but to its death, which has never taken shape.
One of the signs of the lack of unity of the Circassian national movement is that there is no single concept, no single plan of action. Incited either by Western or Georgian strategists, this movement shows only one thing - an attempt to legitimize itself in the eyes of ordinary Circassians and present its goals as secular, democratic. At the same time, extremist cries are also heard from this movement. For example, “Great Circassia”. I would like to ask, has the historical memory of the tragedy so eclipsed the consciousness that the authors of this project are ready, like the Chechen separatists, to go to the end? Regarding the Chechen separatists. Last December, a video was distributed in which the well-known “Mujahid of the entire Caucasus” D. Umarov called for the disruption of “satanic” games” organized “on the bones of ancestors buried on our land.” It is obvious that the dying underground armed movement needs a new stash in the form of the Circassian theme. This is what the bandit underground is trying to take advantage of. At the same time, the Circassian leaders themselves (“Adyghe Khekuzh - Circassia”, “Right to the Motherland”, “Adyghe Khase-Circassian Parliament”, “Khase”, Circassian Research Institute “TIM”, “Nasyp”, “Patriots of Circassia” and “Circassian Union”), hastened to dismiss the newly-minted “Circassian”, Mujahideen of all times and peoples D. Umarov. So in the appeal dated January 12, 2014: “In this regard, we, representatives of Circassian national organizations, declare that we reject any criminal actions, including terrorism and extremism. We are fighting for the right to unity, preservation and development of the Circassian people exclusively within the legal framework - taking into account the legislation of the countries of residence of the Circassians, within the framework international law guaranteeing human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples.” Indeed, how did the Chechen D. Umarov get the Circassian lands...? And who authorized him, the bandit, to make statements on behalf of the Chechen people to the Circassian people? It is clear that representatives of the underground are trying to use the Circassian issue for their own purposes. Their chance is not great, but to declare themselves as defenders of religion and peoples - clean water propaganda: if the Zulus lived nearby, then a tireless fighter for “pure religion” would come out in their defense. With their statements, the bandits once again they prove that they are close to what the Circassian leaders are doing, in words and on paper. The path is inevitably a dead end, leading to the creation of another zone of instability in the western part of the Caucasus. An attempt to transfer armed resistance to the Circassian lands may be justified, knowing that there are “hot heads” in the environment such as the secular movement. But, this is at first glance. With all the dissociation from religiosity, there is also national factor. Extremely religious views are replaced here by national ones. At the same time, the intensity of passions is in no way inferior to religious radicalism, which has grown stronger, for example, in the eastern part of the Caucasus. In a successful “orange revolution” scenario, these two elements can, when combined, show a powerful destructive force.
Given the situation in Ukraine and the unequivocal statements of Ukrainian nationalists regarding the southern regions of Russia, the chances of destabilization in the western part of the Caucasus and fueling tensions throughout the region are growing. This is not an exaggeration, given that various Western organizations, and in the recent past, sunny Georgia, a ward of the West, are making efforts to develop the Circassian issue along an extreme path. The fact that the Circassians are just a bargaining chip in political games can be seen from the Georgian “body movements”. Everyone remembers that back in 2011, the Georgian parliament supported a resolution that spoke of the genocide of the Circassians in the second half of the 19th century. Georgia became the only country in the world to characterize those events as genocide. After this, the Georgian Ministry of Culture even created the Circassian Cultural Center, Circassian Television, and a propaganda machine began operating on the Internet, denouncing Russia, demanding that the Olympics be prevented from taking place in Sochi, and so on. The surge of interest on the part of Georgia was due to well-known events in Russian-Georgian relations. Until recently, M. Saakashvili cherished the hope of becoming a Caucasian gendarme. His anti-Russian attacks further strengthened the faith of Circassian leaders that Georgia would not abandon them. But M. Saakashvili’s plans were not lucky enough to come true: parliamentary elections in October 2012, his plans for the Caucasian hegemon were destroyed. He not only did not become a spokesman for the aspirations of the Circassian national movement, but also own people, tired of his “tie chewing”, made a choice in favor of improving relations with Russia, the country that once saved them from liquidation. The new government of Georgia in “14 points of Ivanishvili” declared that “Georgia’s relations with the peoples of the North Caucasus will be based on the principles of good neighborliness, which will not be used for confrontation with Moscow.” According to many experts, this thesis suggests that the new Georgia may refuse to recognize the Circassian genocide. Against the backdrop of more critical political failures (Abkhazia, South Ossetia) the topic of genocide is not relevant for Georgia. The only thing that is clear is that Georgia will be ready to annul this recognition if its northern neighbor approaches this issue closely and begins a dialogue on it. Moreover, in light of internal Georgian events, it is obvious that a major loss has occurred for the Circassian movement - Georgia is no longer a reliable partner. This can be seen at least by the fading of the work of the propaganda machine in Georgia. As if by order, the importunity of slogans has subsided, and there are no more incendiary speeches.
Who doesn’t need all this, given the fact that it can lead to major complications, is Russia itself. Having lost the Georgian rear, some Circassian leaders never tire of spreading the idea that after the Olympics Russia will take over the Caucasus. A favorite tactic of provocateurs. This is, by and large, how villages in Chechnya were destroyed: fire at the federals, successfully escape, and with the people with whom they “courageously” covered themselves, come what may... This tactic is successful especially in terms of propaganda. A killed civilian will be actively circulated and sold as news through various information channels. Hiding behind, figuratively speaking, a corpse as a form of information attack is a common phenomenon in the separatist camp.
Speaking about separatism, unfortunately, it should be noted that there is potential in the Western Caucasus. There is nothing wrong with Circassians returning home from all over the world, in particular from hot spots like Syria and Libya. Russia itself is providing assistance in this to the best of its ability! But the statements of radicals from among the leaders of the Circassian movement leave no doubt that they consider this repatriation as the basis for creating, not a Circassian republic within Russia, but a separate state. Again, the theme of the Caucasian War of the 19th century should be considered a kind of ideological “springboard”. That all sorts of things political movement, based on pain, the tragedy of historical memory, is doomed to failure can be seen in its neighbors in the region - Chechen separatism. Finally dead in people's minds and self-exposing himself. Is it worth going down this path? If Circassian leaders are ready to sacrifice the lives of people, then let them put their relatives and friends at the beginning of this “human conveyor belt”! And so, to operate like a boy with soldiers, let me tell you, that’s what the authorities are for, to stop it. Only the radicals of national movements can escalate the situation, and only they will benefit from even an open conflict. The authorities' task is to prevent this from happening.
Regarding the West. The Circassian topic has not yet attracted much interest in comparison with the topic of homophobia in Russia. It is known that a number of countries have expressed their reluctance to participate in the Olympics due to so-called discrimination against gays. But this does not mean that the issue of freedom of perverted relations has completely closed the possibility that the West in the future could use the Circassian theme in dialogue with Russia. Focusing the West's attention on this topic is possible if provocative cries materialize into actions and armed resistance. Which, again, plays into the hands of both a morally free Europe and some Circassian leaders devoid of reason and honor. In fact, the heterogeneity of such a movement plays into the hands of those who see Russia divided and in conflicts, permanent and controlled. It is always convenient to accuse certain leaders of pro-Russian sentiments and expel them from the camp in disgrace. The situation of political bickering between the Ukrainian opposition is an example of this. There is nothing new behind the pompous words of the Circassian leaders. The question is the price of confrontation, how far are the newly-minted “saviors of Great Circassia” ready to go? Sweet words about independence and breathtaking uniqueness are often fraught and turn into a national catastrophe. Another reason for the West to prick Russia for national policy. The task of Russia, as I see it, is to involve the Circassian movements in the all-Russian political process. Do not push away those who are ready for dialogue, even search common points contact in the camp of radicals in order to soften the camp of the irreconcilable, and the final marginalization of the ideas of separatism.
Chairman of the Circassian national public movement “Adyghe Khekuzh - Circassia” Abubekir Murzakanov: “Circassian national activists have repeatedly stated the unacceptability of holding Olympic Games on the bones of the ancestors of the Circassians, however, both Russia and the world community ignored the aspirations of the indigenous people of Sochi - the Circassians. In fact, there is an infringement of the rights and freedoms of an entire ethnic group. This situation is further aggravated by the fact that 90% of Circassians still live in exile, unable to return to their historical homeland.”. Reading such statements carefully, you understand that the realization that Circassians can and should live in a single country is a long way off. Further: “In this context, it is especially strange to see the refusal of world leaders to attend the Olympics due to the infringement of the rights of sexual minorities. It is incomprehensible to us why the rights of homosexuals prevail over the rights of an entire people who were subjected to the most brutal genocide, and who to this day are subject to infringement of the natural rights of any ethnic group declared by international law.” Indeed, for now the West is closer to the topic of perverted joys than the fate of any people in general. Filled with puppyish naivety, A. Murzakanov’s views do not touch the West in any way. Wait, Mr. Murzakanov, the West will pay attention to you too! In the meantime, gays and terrorists - “ sweet couple"for the West.
P. S .: According to media reports, a number of representatives of the Circassian people have been invited to the Olympics. According to the head of the external relations department of Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Anatoly Kodzokov: "It's all about discovery Winter Games 26 Circassians from abroad will take part. More than half have already arrived in Sochi today.” According to him, these are residents of Syria, the UAE, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, and Germany. All of them are members of the Association of Foreign Alumni and Friends of KBSU. " During the Winter Games, the “Adyghe House” will be opened in the Sochi Olympic Park, Kodzokov also reported. “This is a vast pavilion in the heart of the city, where all participants and guests of the games will be able to get acquainted with the culture, traditions, historical heritage and modern life Circassians in Russia and abroad, - explained a KBSU employee. - The idea of ​​​​creating the “House of the Adyghe” and its implementation belongs to the administration of the Krasnodar region, as well as the Organizing Committee of “Sochi 2014”: