Hello, dear readers of the Malyshata website! Today is our question and answer day. Logical questions for children! Let's train logic!
Lungs logical questions, short logical questions force the baby’s brain to think, analyze, contrast, compare, find subtext and establish patterns.

Logical questions for children

  • In addition, they perfectly train non-standard thinking, memory, intelligence, and develop speech.
  • By using logic games and tasks, the child will be able to solve complex problems in physics and mathematics at school and beyond without much difficulty. The ability to think logically is useful in difficult life situations.
  • And if parents start working with the baby and training him in time, then to the beginning school year The child will be ahead in development of his peers.

Practice shows that children who are constantly looking for answers to short logical questions draw conclusions faster and more easily and reason more accurately.

Teachers and child psychologists have come up with and are still inventing various questions, games, activities that contribute to the development of logic. Some are very simple, they are designed for small children. Some are more difficult - for older people. The main thing is to study and practice every day.

  • If a child cannot immediately find the answer to a question, there is no need to rush him. It is better to give the baby time to think, collect his thoughts and only then express his opinion on this issue.

  • Let him justify his answer, so the baby will learn to reason out loud and understand the logic of decisions. Adults should praise the child because he tried so hard.
  • If the answers were incorrect, still find something for which you can and should praise him. Maybe for a good sense of humor, for ingenuity or for courage.

Don't say the answer right away. First, ask leading questions that will help your child find the answer on his own. The main thing is to make classes interesting and fun.
And those suggested on our page will help you with this.

Children's quiz script, games and competitions, questions and answers for children

1: Birds of our region

1.Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches arrive to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands.)
2. Why do rooks arrive first in spring? (The first thawed patch is enough for the rooks to reach food - larvae - with their beaks.)
3. Which bird's chicks incubate their eggs? (Northern snowy owl. Owls hatch at different times.)
4. Which bird does not have a nest, and the chicks lie right on the bare ground? (At the nightjar.)
5. Why does the crossbill build nests in winter? (In winter there are a lot of spruce seeds for chicks, but not in spring.)
6. Who plants trees with their nose? (Kedrovka - pine nuts, jay - acorns.)
7. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers? (Birch with its sap.)
8. Which bird has the largest family? (The gray partridge has 26 - 28 chicks.)
9. Which migratory flock promises snow? (A flock of migrating geese. Expect snowfall in 2-3 days.)
10. Who has never taken a step? (Sparrow.)
11. Which bird can tease? (Parrot.)
12. Which bird is proud of its multi-colored tail? (Peacock.)
13. What bird flies with “glasses” on its nose? (Owl.)

2: Smart guys and smart girls

The teacher asks the student a question, and within a certain time (1 minute for example) he must give the correct answer. The guys who answer the questions quickly and correctly receive honorary title"Clever" or "Clever",...

1. “Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely...”. - Which of the fairy-tale characters belongs to such wise saying? (Winnie the Pooh)
2. What was the name of the little wooden man who really didn’t want to study and even sold his “ABC” for a few gold pieces? (Pinocchio)
3. What was the name of the cheerful, fat man with a propeller on his back who loved Jam Days and adventures? (Carlson)
4. Name musical instrument, in which Papa Carlo. (Hurdy organ)
5. What was the name of the tiny boy from the fairy tale by Charles Perrault? (Boy-Thumb)
6. What is the middle of spring? (April)
7. The old woman received this title from the goldfish after purchasing the hut. (Noblewoman)

3:Forest Dwellers

Students are asked a series of questions that they must answer. The best experts receive a "prize".

1. Who hibernates in winter? (Bear)
2. The fairy tale "... Tsekatukha." (Fly)
3. Small, gray, cat treat. (Mouse)
4. Green, small, inhabitant of the pond. (Toad)
5. Red-haired, cunning and lives in the forest. (Fox)
6. Gray coward. (Hare)
7. Groom chicken. (Rooster) .

4: Country "Guess It"

This quiz is designed to be administered to junior (1-2) grades at the beginning of the academic code.

1. What is the name of the smallest girl in the fairy tale? (Thumbelina)
2. What time of year is it now? (Autumn)
3. What falls from the trees in the fall? (Leaves)
4. Where do the children go to study every morning? (To school)
5. What falls in winter? (Snow)
6. Complete the song: “May there always be sun, may there always be...” (Sky)
7. Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)
8. Which animal in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” broke the egg? (Mouse)
9. What color is the snow? (White)

5: ABC of roads

1. A police unit that keeps order traffic. (traffic police)
2. The place where the roads intersect. (Crossroads)
3. What is a road trip called? (Drive)
4. The person who drives the car. (Driver)
5. A person who rides in a place with a driver in a vehicle. (Passenger)

6: Journey through fairy tales

1. Who wrote the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"? (Hans Christian Andersen)
2. In which fairy tale is the fox not red, but blue? (Painted fox)
3. Which fairy tale heroine could fit in a walnut shell? (Thumbelina)
4. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
5. What was Pinocchio made from? (Log).

7: Travel and discovery

This quiz is designed for high school students.


1. Which of the following people is the inventor of scuba gear:
- captain Nemo
- Krusernshtern
- Jacques Cousteau
Answer: Jacques Cousteau

2. In boxing, judges are called:
- referee
- breakers
- ringers
Answer: referee

3. What was the name in Rus' for money in denominations of 15 rubles made of silver?
- pound
- imperial
- incom
Answer: imperial

4. Which of these words did Kai post in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”?
- snowflake
- eternity
- warmth
Answer: eternity

5. Why did Arab travelers, going to distant countries in a caravan, move through the desert at night?
- to navigate by the stars
- to avoid meeting with robbers
- because it’s cooler at night
Answer: to navigate by the stars

6. Which of these goods were usually transported along the Great silk road?
- wood, cotton, iron
- shoes, socks, slippers
- porcelain, jade, spices
Answer: porcelain, jade, spices

7. Which European was the first to reach Australia?
- Captain Cook
- Dirk Hartoch
- Abel Tasman.
Answer: captain cook

8. What disease can be prevented by eating lemons?
- scabies
- rabies
- scurvy
Answer: scurvy

9. What is the climate on Mars?
- very hot
- very cold
- about the same as on Earth
Answer: very cold

10. What are the names of huge pieces of moving ice?
- hummocks
- ice fields
- wormwood
Answer: ice fields

8:The world around us

The teacher asks the children questions that were previously written, and they must answer them within a minute.
1. What season comes after summer? (Autumn)
2. Which tree has the same color in winter and summer? (Christmas tree)
3. What is the name of the bird house? (Nest)
4. What animal hibernates in winter? (Bear)
5. Who collects pollen from flowers? (Bee)
6. Which animal doesn’t like the sun? (Mole)
7. Which tree is considered slender? (Birch)
8. Which flower has thorns? (Rose)

9: Red summer sang

1. When are the longest school holidays? (In summer)
2. Do they swim in the sea in winter or summer? (In summer)
3. Is it warm or cold in summer? (Warm)
4. At what time of year are the days longer than the nights? (In summer)
5. When do hares change the color of their fur? (In summer)
6. When is the sun warmest? (In summer)

10: Gate of Discovery

1. ... currants. (Bush)
2. Red flower. (Poppy)
3. They wash in it. (pelvis)
4. Disco for princes and princesses. (Ball)
5. What did the swan, crayfish and pike share? (WHO)
6. Scratch. (Cat)
7. Where do the actors work? (Theater)
8. They write on the board. (Chalk)
9. "Aw!" (Call)
10. Tall structure. (Tower)
11. Kings live in it. (Lock)

Logical tasks for children 6-7 years old help develop right thinking, to create interest in mathematical education among preschoolers.

Age characteristics

It is in early preschool age that the foundations are laid mental development. Logical tasks for children 6-7 years old help to fully prepare them for their future life. Mental activity, as well as the processing and comprehension of information offered in tasks, contribute to the formation of certain ideas, as well as the acquisition of generalized and specific knowledge. The acquired skills will help children find the right solution in various life situations.

Where to start?

We offer ready-made ones for children 6-7 years old with answers. The child is offered pictures that depict: a bus, a scooter, a bicycle, a car. It is necessary to determine the vehicle that is superfluous in the proposed list.

Problem 1: solution

The answer is a bicycle. The point of the task is that to travel by bus, car, scooter, you need fuel, so they can be classified as one group. When moving on a bicycle, a person’s muscular strength is sufficient, so this means does not fit into the general list.

Such logical tasks for children 6-7 years old not only develop thinking, but also form the horizons of preschoolers. Children master skills colloquial speech, reason freely, speak, plan their activities, ask questions, and draw logical conclusions.

Problem 2

There are also logic puzzles with a trick for children, which are aimed at developing the imagination of the younger generation. Petya is weaker than Kolya, but stronger than Misha. Which of the guys is the weakest?

Answer: Misha.

To resolve this, a comparison needs to be made between Misha, Kolya, and Petya. Kolya is the strongest, therefore Misha will be the weakest.

Psychologists call a variety of logical tasks for 6-year-old children the right direction for children’s development, which does not bring problems with their physical and mental state. Experts advise starting with simple tasks, gradually increasing their level of complexity.

Problem 3

We offer logical problems with answers for children, which adults will also have to think about.

There are as many blue parrots in the zoo as there are yellow birds. The number of red and blue parrots is the same; how many birds are there in the zoo if there are three red parrots?

Answer: 9 parrots.

In order to cope with this mathematical problem, you need to carefully listen to its condition. Since the number of all birds is the same, therefore, red, blue, yellow birds together will be nine birds.

By solving such a task, the child gains the skills of analysis and synthesis, comparison, learns to organize his actions, and navigate in space.

Types and examples of logic problems

Subject tasks can be offered during board or didactic games. For example, children must choose objects of the same geometric shape, color, and size from the proposed list. Such tasks perform a specific function - teaching the child to complete a given task, strive for results, the ability to find his mistakes, and correct them:

  • 1st task. A chicken weighs two kilograms on one leg, how much will it weigh on two legs? (2 kg).
  • 2nd task. Two dads, two sons, as well as a grandfather and grandson came into the cafe. How many men were in the cafe? (three).
  • 3rd task. The family has five sons. Each has one sister. How many children are in this family? (Six).
  • 4th task. Four girls played with dolls for an hour. How many hours did each girl play? (one hour).

Verbal tasks

Such development tasks logical thinking for children can be on different topics:

Task 1. Kids must guess the description of pets or identify the animal based on the listed external signs.

Task 2. Five cones and four bananas grew on a pine tree. How many bananas are left if all the pine cones have fallen?

The guys who have developed creative thinking understand that bananas cannot grow on a pine tree, so they answer that there will not be a single fruit left on a pine tree.

Children solve logical problems much faster than adults; they are more likely to use logic and imagination.

Task 3. Masha lit six candles, and a little later extinguished 3. How many candles does the girl have left? (3 pieces, since the rest were completely burnt).

Task 4. Seryozha broke a wooden rod into 3 parts. How many breaks did he make? (Two).

Psychologists are convinced that it is a variety of logical tasks that contribute to the formation of a child’s harmonious personality, therefore such exercises are included in the programs according to the new federal educational standards preschool education. Only when using educational tasks and games can we talk about the formation of the younger generation with full-fledged logical thinking.

A variety of finger games help activate brain activity, stimulate the formation of speech skills, develop fine motor skills, and have a positive effect on creative activity. For example, you can offer children dramatizations of fairy tales and stories using their fingers.

The success of schooling directly depends on the ability to solve logical mathematical problems for children in preschool age.

Task 5. Where can you jump from, but where can’t you jump? (On the plane).

Task 6. Seryozha found himself in a room in which there was a gas stove, a candle, and a kerosene lamp. What should a boy light first? (A match).

Task 7. What can Masha see from eyes closed? (Dreams).

Task 8. Maxim saw the “little green man”. What should the boy do? (Cross the road when the traffic light is green).


In preschool age, play is used as the main activity. It promotes the rapid assimilation of skills, knowledge, concentration, and memory development. It is towards the end of the preschool period that the formation of verbal and logical thinking begins. It is associated with the development in children of the ability to use words, analyze and perceive the logic of reasoning. In order for a child not to have problems with social adaptation, it is necessary to pay attention to Special attention the formation of his logical thinking.

Psychologists identify three types of conversations that contribute to the formation of logic in preschoolers. Introductory classes are designed to familiarize children with objects, phenomena, and processes. The main objective of this form of work is to obtain new knowledge and generate interest in the upcoming activity.

They are short-term, emotional, and without them the development of mathematical logic is impossible. The second version of the conversation involves the teacher asking questions, in order to find answers to which the child will have to be actively involved. mental activity.

The work is built on the basis of mobilizing children's attention, thinking, and memory. The child constantly monitors the progress of the conversation, looking for answers to the questions asked by the teacher. Suitable for older preschool age. For example, a conversation can be concluded with a riddle or a proverb that stimulates the subsequent activities of preschoolers. When building a conversation, it is important to update the experience that children have and direct them to the upcoming mental activity. For example, during a heuristic conversation, the teacher identifies contradictions that children are forced to resolve.

Exactly preschool age is the most important point in the formation of a logical and ecological culture. At this time, the foundations of personality are being laid, including both positive and careful attitude to living nature and surrounding people.

Logical tasks that help a preschooler learn and understand the phenomena and processes occurring in living nature contribute to the development of an emotional and value-based attitude towards plants and animals, and an awareness of the connection with the living world.

At this age, children are happy to join in the process of solving logical problems The main thing is to make the lesson interesting and exciting.

Quizzes for children in kindergarten

(questions with answers for preschool educational institutions)

Children's questions about fairy tales (with answers)

1.I fulfilled three wishes,

But the old man's punishment
Three mistakes for the old woman
I took everything back (Gold fish)

It was made from dough,
I wasn't afraid of anyone.
But the Fox fell into the clutches
Thick round (Kolobok)

He brought it to the forest and left it under the tree.
Tears freeze in the cold,
But the fairy tale has an unprecedented ending -
Nastya was saved by the real one (Morozko)

The animals lived together in the house
I just didn’t realize
They let the bear go in vain -
Collapsed (Teremok)

Grandma is old, grandma is ancient,
Black cat, bone leg,
In Russian fairy tales, the villain is the first.
Children, this is (Baba Yaga)

2. Give the children five cards with images fairy-tale heroes. For example, if there are 25 guys, then there will be 25 cards, five of the same for several guys. On the cards:

Koschei the Deathless
Swan geese
The Little Humpbacked Horse

It's better to sign the cards.

The teacher asks questions, and the children must raise a card corresponding to a particular character instead of answering. Questions:

1. Which fairy-tale character has three heads?
2. Who can breathe fire if he gets very angry?
3. Who ate little porridge as a child and remained thin and angry throughout his long, long life?
4. Who can’t be killed unless you find a needle and break it?
5. Birds stealing children for Baba Yaga?
6. Which fairy-tale character helps the evil old woman, flies through the air and is covered with feathers?
7. Which character loved his brother very much and warned him not to drink water from a puddle?
8. A brave girl who was not afraid to follow her brother to Baba Yaga?
9. Which character eats oats and can jump over a high mountain?
10. Who saved Ivanushka from death in a cauldron of boiling water?

It’s better to ask questions randomly to “confuse” the guys a little.

Math quiz for kindergarten preparatory group

"The Adventures of the Cat Masha and Her Kittens"

1.Our cat Masha is a great mother
She has four daughters and one more son
Girls and boys, bend your fingers
How many kittens does she have? (five)

And now another puzzle about the cat Masha and her kittens. Masha has five kittens. Three of them are red, like fox cubs, the rest - gray. How many gray kittens does Masha have? (two)

Two kittens drink milk, one plays. How many kittens sleep? (two)

3. A huge dog came running,
He more cat Masha,
And let him outgrow Masha,
She'll show him!
The kittens were very scared:
Two people hide their noses under the porch,
And three remained on the grass.
I’ll ask the kids a question:
How many animals are there in the yard? (seven - a dog, a cat Masha and five kittens)

4. Mistress of the cat Masha
Gave the task -
So that she catches mice,
Twice as fast.

Masha caught five mice. Three kittens also caught a mouse, but two were unlucky - they didn’t catch anything. How many mice were caught in total?

5. The cat Masha has five kittens. The children came up with the idea of ​​hanging bows around their necks, but they argued which ribbons were more beautiful - blue or red. In order not to quarrel, the children decided that they should prepare ribbons of two colors at once. How many ribbons, red and blue, will the children need to prepare?

6. A game for children’s knowledge of basic geometric shapes.


The cat Masha climbed onto the roof to watch her playing kittens from above. The roof was shaped like this (shows “house” with his hands). What shape does the roof look like? (triangle)

The kittens were playing with a ball. What shape does the ball resemble? (circle)

Suddenly the ball bounced, jumped and hit the window! What shape does the window resemble? (Rectangle or square)

The grandmother looked out of the window and began to swear at the kittens: “Oh, you are so and so!” But she quickly forgave them and took a saucer of milk out into the yard. What shape does the saucer of milk resemble? (circle)

Grandfather came from the store and brought a box with a cake (shows a rectangle with his hands, because cakes can be round). What shape does the box resemble? (rectangle)

Evening was approaching, it became cool, and the grandmother threw a scarf over her shoulders (throws a triangular-shaped scarf over her shoulders). What figure does the scarf resemble? (triangle).

The cat Masha puts the kittens to bed. A large yellow moon hangs in the sky. What shape does the moon resemble? (circle).

Quiz No. 1 “Smart thoughts”

Remember what fairy tales, poems, stories these quotes are from.

1. “The morning is wiser than the evening.”

a) “The Frog Princess” +

b) “Snake Princess”

c) “Tsar Bear”

2. “Songs won’t keep you full, and tweeting won’t keep you warm in winter.”

a) "Flint"

b) “Thumbelina” +

c) "The Snow Queen"

3. “We must, we must wash ourselves.”

In the mornings and evenings!

a) “Moidodyr” +

b) “Fedorino’s grief”

c) "Crocodile"

4. “The wind is carrying us straight to the north... This means that we will have to return back to the south.”

a) “Knowledgeable-arrogant”

b) "Alice in Wonderland"

c) “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” +

5. “A person who wastes time in vain does not himself

looks like he’s getting old.”

a) “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

b) “The Tale of Lost Time” +

c) “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

6. “I will be smart and prudent.”

a) "Cipollino"

b) “Boy with Thumb”

c) “The Adventures of Pinocchio” +

7. “Although I’m already in my ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my lessons.”

a) “Main rivers” +

b) “Professor of sour cabbage soup”

c) “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...”

8. “Choose for yourself, my friend,

Just one circle."

a) “Chatterbox” +

b) “I have grown up”

c) “First-grader”

9. “There is no need to kill anyone. Animals must be loved."

a) "Policeman"

b) "Dreamers"

c) “Three Hunters” +

10. “Moms! Dads! We without you -

It’s all the same to you without us!”

a) “Feast of Disobedience” +

b) “A dream with a continuation”

c) “I want to go home”

Quiz on the topic “Birthday and gifts”

1. What do you jokingly call a birthday?

a) jam day +

b) cookie day

c) a day of fun

2. “Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year...” sang...

a) Winnie the Pooh

b) crocodile Gena +

c) cat Leopold

3. Who was not invited by the birthday girl Mukha-Tsokotukha to her holiday?

b) Spider +

c) Butterfly

4. How much tin soldiers gave it to the boy in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale for his birthday?

a) twenty

b) twenty five +

c) thirty

5. According to Winnie the Pooh, best gift- This...

a) a bouquet of flowers

b) balloon +

6. Who gave Tsar Dadon the golden cockerel from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale?

a) stargazer +

b) general

7. What did Pippi Longstocking treat Annika and Tommy for her birthday?

a) gingerbread, buns and hot chocolate +

b) gingerbread, buns and marmalade

c) gingerbread, buns and tea

8. If this year at Baby’s birthday there was a cake with eight candles, then next year there will be candles...

b) eight

c) nine +

9. Which of the Smeshariki was late for Nyusha’s birthday?

a) Losyash and Sovunya

b) Barash and Pin

c) Krosh and Hedgehog +

10. “If you sing songs, it’s more fun with them, but when it’s the other way around,

boring!". Who hummed like that in the cartoon “Leopold the Cat's Birthday”?

b) cat Leopold +

c) grandmother of the cat Leopold

Quiz No. 3 “Magic words and spells”

1. What was the name of the hero who uttered the words: “By the command of the pike, according to my desire”?

a) Emelya +

c) Vasily

2. Who in the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “hit the copper basin and cried out: “Kara-baras!”?

a) Hippopotamus

b) Crocodile +

c) Moidodyr

3. “One, two, three, pot, cook!” What did the pot boil after these words in the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm?

a) thick jelly

b) sweet porridge +

c) rich soup

4. In which fairy tale by V. Gauf, in order to turn into any animal and understand the language of animals, you need to pronounce the word “mutabor”?

a) “Dwarf Nose”

b) “Calif-stork” +

c) “Little Mook”

5. “Bambara, chufara, loriki, yoriki, pikapu, trikapu, skoriki, moriki!” Where were these words from the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz” written?

a) lined with a gold cap +

b) on the heels of silver shoes

c) on the cover of the Magic Book

Magic words and spells

6. “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka!..”. What fairy tale is this spell from?

a) "Tsar Maiden"

b) “Well done Bulat”

c) “The Little Humpbacked Horse” +

7. Finish the storyteller’s phrase: “Krible-krable-..!”

8. What happened in the Brothers Grimm fairy tale if the donkey was told: “Bricklebrit”?

a) gold rained down +

b) silver rained down

c) precious stones fell

9. In which Arabic fairy tale did the heroes say the words “Sim-Sim, open up!”?

a) "Aladdin's Magic Lamp"

b) “The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor”

c) “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” +

10. What did the old man say in Pavlik’s ear in V. Oseeva’s story “The Magic Word”?

a) “Please” +

b) “Thank you”

c) "Goodbye"

Quiz No. 4 “Quotes from fairy tales”

Remember what fairy tales these words are from.

1. “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie!”

a) “Masha and the Bear” +

b) “Two from the bag”

c) “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”

2. “Sleep, little peephole, sleep, other one.”

a) “Prophetic dream”

b) “White duck”

c) “Little Khavroshechka” +

3. “Don’t eat me, I’ll sing you a song.”

a) “Kolobok” +

b) “Three rolls and one bagel”

c) “Magic berries”

4. “- I am a little mouse.

- And I am a frog. And who are you?"

a) “Teremok” +

b) “Winter quarters of animals”

c) “Beasts in the Pit”

5. “A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather...”

a) “Turnip” +

b) “Morozko”

c) “Tereshechka”

6. “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will fly through the back streets!”

a) “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

b) “Hare, fox and rooster” +

c) “The Fox and the Jug”

Quotes from fairy tales

7. “Catch, fish, big and small.”

a) “Fox-sister and wolf” +

b) “The Fox and the Crane”

c) "The Fox and the Hare"

8. “Who was sitting on my chair and moved it?”

a) “Seven Simeons”

b) “Hunter Brothers”

c) “Three Bears” +

9. “Eat my forest apple - I’ll tell you!”

a) “Geese-swans” +

b) “Golden Cockerel”

c) “Shepherd’s pipe”

10. “At least you’ll go around half the world,

You'll go around, you'll go around,

You won't find a better home

You won’t find it, you won’t find it!”

a) "Three Bears"

b) “The Three Little Pigs” +

c) “Three fat men”

Quiz No. 5 “Quotes from poems”

Remember what verses these lines are from.

1. “We need different mothers,

All kinds of mothers are important.”

a) “What do you have?” +

b) “Sasha’s porridge”

c) “About a girl who didn’t eat well”

2. “Instead of a hat on the go

He put on the frying pan.

Instead of felt boots, gloves

I pulled it on my heels.”

a) “Fairy tale”

b) “What was Petya afraid of?”

c) “He’s so absent-minded” +

3. “Beauty! Beauty!

We’re bringing a cat with us!”

a) “Song of Friends” +

b) “My friend and I”

c) “One rhyme”

4. “Long live scented soap

And a fluffy towel..."

a) “Moidodyr” +

b) "Confusion"

c) “Miracle Tree”

5. “The tail is on the pillow,

There are ears on the sheet.”

a) “The Cat and the Quirks”

b) “Children in a Cage”

c) “Mustache-striped” +

Quotes from poems

6. “Oh, this is not an easy job -

To drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!”

a) "Crocodile"

b) “Phone” +

c) "Barmaley"

7. “The bears were driving

By bike.

And behind them is a cat


a) “Cockroach” +

b) “Stolen Sun”

c) “Tsokotukha Fly”

8. “And sisters and brothers

They play mouse and mouse with him.”

a) “A Quiet Fairy Tale”

b) “The Tale of a Smart Mouse” +

c) “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”

9. “To you, with your height,

We need to ride an elephant!”

a) "Dreamer"

b) “Uncle Styopa” +

c) “Cheerful Tourist”

10. “Having turned the book over,

Wrap it around your mouth -

All works are good

Choose to taste!”

a) “Who should I be?” +

b) "Little brother"

c) “What is good and what is bad?”