Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was accompanied everywhere by a squad of female bodyguards. Applicants for this position were subject to unusual, at first glance, requirements - they had to maintain their virginity. Because of this, Gaddafi’s companions were nicknamed the “Amazon Guard” and “nuns of the revolution.”

Creating a squad

The head of the Jamahiriya acquired bodyguards from among the representatives of beauty in the early 1980s. Their number is not known exactly - figures range from 30-40 to 200-400 women.

According to the widespread version, it was his personal security adviser Karl Hans, an employee of the Stasi, the famous intelligence service of the GDR, who suggested that girls be involved in Muammar Gaddafi’s security. It is worth noting that the emperors of China and other eastern despots have long had female guards. The choice of virgins for these purposes was influenced by several factors - these women could not get pregnant and did not have any special attachment to anyone other than their boss.

It is possible that the “leader of the Libyan revolution” was also guided by the provisions of the Koran, in which virgins are called “modest-eyed.” Perhaps Gaddafi wanted to demonstrate that he lives “in paradise” - after all, 72 virgin houris await every devout Muslim in the next world.

Gaddafi's decision also had a political background - the colonel wanted to show that women in his country had equal rights with men (compared to other Arab countries, their situation was indeed much better).

“Women give birth, but men do not. This is the only difference,” Gaddafi wrote in his Green Book.

In the surviving photos, the bodyguards appear in blue and green camouflage suits. They wore berets similar to those that Gaddafi himself wore in his youth, as well as caps and caps, and often wore dark glasses.

The “Libyan Valkyries” created a kind of “militaristic” background for their boss, who over time began to prefer fancy Libyan national costumes to his uniform.

It can be assumed that when hiring bodyguards, external attractiveness was taken into account - there are no frankly “scary” ones among them, although “Amazons” did not fit into the 90-60-90 model standards. Sometimes their presence provoked quite a lively reaction from world leaders who met with Gaddafi.


After the overthrow of the dictator, evidence emerged that Gaddafi forced his bodyguards to provide him with intimate services. However, this information seems very doubtful - it is unlikely that the colonel would trust his life to the women with weapons whom he had recently violated.

The bodyguards acted quite effectively - numerous attempts on Gaddafi in the 80-90s ended unsuccessfully. During one of these attacks in 1998, women with Kalashnikov assault rifles threw themselves under bullets to protect their boss. One of them died (it is known that her name was Aisha). Perhaps the terrorists subconsciously did not regard the “Amazons” as worthy opponents, although they could stand up for themselves in hand-to-hand combat. Bodyguards received lessons in karate, judo and other martial arts.

In recent years, Gaddafi did not always take virgin security guards with him, and their role in the security system, according to experts, has decreased. As follows from one of the reports published on WikiLeaks, during Gaddafi’s trip to New York, the Libyan delegation of 350 people included only one bodyguard.

Fate of the Virgins

The “Arab Spring,” which swept Libya in 2011, put an end to Gaddafi’s “eccentricities.” Journalists noticed that after the start of the unrest, the famous “Amazons” disappeared somewhere, and Gaddafi began to appear in photographs exclusively surrounded by men. According to one version, the dictator fired the female guards, according to another, he locked her in his bunker in Tripoli.

Later, photographs of some of the murdered bodyguards appeared on the Internet. There is information that before their death they were raped, and the Islamists’ abuse of the “nuns of the revolution” continued for weeks.

how touchy we are! Although if I had known that you were a girl, I would not have used many words.
If you read more carefully, you will understand that I was expecting an answer from you to a simple question that I specifically highlighted, but I never received a clear answer to it.

Let us now move on to your points and respond to Chamberlain.
1. I made a conclusion about the corruption of the administration based on how sharply and in what direction this very administration changed, namely, not for the better, almost pro-rat. There is no moderation, rats and trolls feel at ease here. It can be assumed that the admin was bought by pro-rat PRs in the second half of October 2011 for “30 pieces of silver.” This is an assumption that is confirmed by the inappropriate behavior of the admin and the continued publication of pro-rat articles, photographs by trolls and pro-rat PR campaigns. Demanding more evidence, such as a video of a CIA agent handing over money to an administrator, would be stupid on your part.
2. Everyone who was interested in finding out the truth learned it, I judge this by the example of my city website, the opinions of many Internet users on Libyan issues have changed for the better and now differ from the opinions of the central official media. Those who stubbornly believed these media from the very beginning, even after receiving alternative information, including from this site, also remained to believe these media. Based on this sample, I think certain conclusions can be drawn for the entire country. Demanding a list by name is as stupid as demanding, for example, a list of names of the Tauregs who entered Libya to liberate it or demanding a list of names of Gaddafi’s bodyguards.
You, a lover of name lists, will probably respond to me now with a name list of those victims of NATO bombing who died in Sirte when a bomb accurately hit the hospital? After all, this is a fact, which means you must have accurate evidence and cannot be silent about it!!!
Now on the site there are many links to rat media and their pro-rat articles and videos, can this be understood as recently introduced democracy and freedom of speech on the site, or still as a change in the admin for the “worse”?
And who gave you the right to traumatize the psyche of people, including children and teenagers who “accidentally” dropped in here, with numerous and incessant displays (I would say with manic persistence) of “fresh” and decaying corpses? Can I give you a magazine from the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia to read about the impact of showing such photos in the media on people?

3. “Writing about NATO victims without supporting it with documents is, to say the least, frivolous.”
We know your “documentary” and “seriousness” from the “raped” Gaddafi and his “killed” bodyguards. DO YOU give a 100% guarantee that it was Gaddafi who was “raped” with a rod and his bodyguards were killed? If you don’t give a 100% guarantee, then your evidence is worthless!!! “As you know, it’s not good to carry bags from place to place.”
4. “There is no need to distort, accusing of necrophilia and other horrors. Based on your logic, the Nuremberg trials should not have been organized.”
I didn’t distort and didn’t accuse anyone of necrophilia, it’s probably something personal there.
And if the “show of the dead” continues with manic persistence, then one can suspect the “posters” and those watching it not only of mental deviations.
The Nuremberg trials were a necessary thing, but what does the “dead show” on this site have to do with it? I doubt that your “evidence” will be significant in court. Testimony is the main evidence in court, not your “dead show”!!!
5. Children are not interested in the site, Are the photos and videos on this site interesting to them? And adults probably enjoy watching your dubious “dead show”? I repeat, maybe I could give you the magazine of the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia to read about the impact of showing such photos and videos in the media on people?

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was accompanied everywhere by a squad of female bodyguards. Applicants for this position were subject to unusual, at first glance, requirements - they had to maintain their virginity. Because of this, Gaddafi’s companions were nicknamed the “Amazon Guard” and “nuns of the revolution.”

Creating a squad

The head of the Jamahiriya acquired bodyguards from among the representatives of beauty in the early 1980s. Their number is not known exactly - figures range from 30-40 to 200-400 women.

According to the widespread version, it was his personal security adviser Karl Hans, an employee of the Stasi, the famous intelligence service of the GDR, who suggested that girls be involved in Muammar Gaddafi’s security. It is worth noting that the emperors of China and other eastern despots have long had female guards. The choice of virgins for these purposes was influenced by several factors - these women could not get pregnant and did not have any special attachment to anyone other than their boss.

It is possible that the “leader of the Libyan revolution” was also guided by the provisions of the Koran, in which virgins are called “modest-eyed.” Perhaps Gaddafi wanted to demonstrate that he lives “in paradise” - after all, 72 virgin houris await every devout Muslim in the next world.

Gaddafi's decision also had a political background - the colonel wanted to show that women in his country had equal rights with men (compared to other Arab countries, their situation was indeed much better).

“Women give birth, but men do not. This is the only difference,” Gaddafi wrote in his Green Book.

In the surviving photos, the bodyguards appear in blue and green camouflage suits. They wore berets similar to those that Gaddafi himself wore in his youth, as well as caps and caps, and often wore dark glasses.

The “Libyan Valkyries” created a kind of “militaristic” background for their boss, who over time began to prefer fancy Libyan national costumes to his uniform.

It can be assumed that when hiring bodyguards, external attractiveness was taken into account - there are no frankly “scary” ones among them, although “Amazons” did not fit into the 90-60-90 model standards. Sometimes their presence provoked quite a lively reaction from world leaders who met with Gaddafi.


After the overthrow of the dictator, evidence emerged that Gaddafi forced his bodyguards to provide him with intimate services. However, this information seems very doubtful - it is unlikely that the colonel would trust his life to the women with weapons whom he had recently violated.

The bodyguards acted quite effectively - numerous attempts on Gaddafi in the 80-90s ended unsuccessfully. During one of these attacks in 1998, women with Kalashnikov assault rifles threw themselves under bullets to protect their boss. One of them died (it is known that her name was Aisha). Perhaps the terrorists subconsciously did not regard the “Amazons” as worthy opponents, although they could stand up for themselves in hand-to-hand combat. Bodyguards received lessons in karate, judo and other martial arts.

In recent years, Gaddafi did not always take virgin security guards with him, and their role in the security system, according to experts, has decreased. As follows from one of the reports published on WikiLeaks, during Gaddafi’s trip to New York, the Libyan delegation of 350 people included only one bodyguard.

Fate of the Virgins

The “Arab Spring,” which swept Libya in 2011, put an end to Gaddafi’s “eccentricities.” Journalists noticed that after the start of the unrest, the famous “Amazons” disappeared somewhere, and Gaddafi began to appear in photographs exclusively surrounded by men. According to one version, the dictator fired the female guards, according to another, he locked her in his bunker in Tripoli.

Later, photographs of some of the murdered bodyguards appeared on the Internet. There is information that before their death they were raped, and the Islamists’ abuse of the “nuns of the revolution” continued for weeks.

Muammar Gaddafi, as well as the leaders of Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, were invited by Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (to Gaddafi's left) to pray at a mosque in the city of Lahore. In the background of the photo we see bodyguards who were on heavy duty during this event. In addition, to ensure the personal safety of these persons, significant police forces, as well as other intelligence services, were involved. Pakistan, February 23, 1974.


During the years of his reign, more than one assassination attempt was made on Muammar Gaddafi. The most famous assassination attempts and conspiracies against the Libyan leader include:

  • in June 1975, during a military parade, an unsuccessful attempt was made to fire at the podium where Muammar Gaddafi was sitting;
  • in 1981, conspirators from the Libyan Air Force made an unsuccessful attempt to shoot down the plane on which Gaddafi was returning to Tripoli from the USSR;
  • in December 1981 Colonel Khalifa Qadir shot at Gaddafi and slightly wounded him in the shoulder;
  • in November 1985, Gaddafi's relative Colonel Hassan Ishkal, who intended to kill the Libyan leader in Sirte, was executed;
  • In 1989, during the visit of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to Libya, Gaddafi was attacked by a fanatic armed with a sword. The attacker was shot dead by security.
  • in 1996, while Gaddafi's motorcade was passing along a street in the city of Sirte, a car was blown up. The Libyan leader was not injured, but six people died as a result of the assassination attempt. Later, an agent of the British intelligence service MI5, David Shayler, would say that the British service MI6 was behind the assassination attempt;
  • in 1998, near the Libyan-Egyptian border, unknown persons fired at the Libyan leader, but the main bodyguard Aisha covered Muammar Gaddafi and died, seven more bodyguards were injured. Gaddafi himself was slightly wounded in the elbow.

Late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi rides off in an electric golf cart surrounded by his bodyguards after speaking at a mass rally in Tripoli. In his hands he holds flowers given to him by his supporters. Then Gaddafi promised: “We will fight to the last man and woman! We will bring down our power on Europe and the United States of America for their pressure and interference in the internal affairs of Libya.” Gaddafi also warned that thousands of Libyans would die if the US and NATO intervened in the conflict. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis) Tripoli, Libya, March 2, 2011.

On June 27, 2011, during the civil war in Libya, the International Criminal Court ordered the arrest of Muammar Gaddafi on charges of murder, illegal arrest and detention. Gaddafi was killed on October 20, 2011 during the capture of Sirte by the forces of the National Transitional Council.

Muammar Gaddafi was also remembered by the world community for the fact that he was accompanied everywhere by female bodyguards.

Trained female bodyguards took the oath and were ready to sacrifice their lives for Gaddafi. According to the Daily Mail, the well-trained female bodyguards were proficient in various types of martial arts, as well as firearms. The girls underwent strict medical selection and passed physical fitness exams. However, Gaddafi always made the final choice himself. The Daily Mail quotes him as saying: "Women must be prepared for combat, so that they do not become easy prey for their enemies."

Egyptian guards prevent Gaddafi's bodyguards from entering the hall where a meeting of Arab leaders is taking place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt on March 1, 2003. (Photo by Salah Malkawi/Getty Images).

Best photos:

A female bodyguard is near Gaddafi's car with a weapon in a holster. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 6, 1983.

This photo was taken by a correspondent for the REUTERS news agency during a meeting between Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the city of Mersa Matrouh (circa 1989). “Gaddafi’s bodyguards caught my attention. Three women with AK-47s and one of them was pregnant. I found it interesting and, of course, out of the ordinary,” the journalist described this episode.

Personal security of the Libyan leader, Benghazi, April 29, 1992.

A former adviser to Muammar Gaddafi told the site about his women's army and what he was like in everyday life.

Last week, Barack Obama admitted that the intervention in Libya was the worst mistake of his presidency. One of the results of the operation was the painful death of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

the site spoke with retired KGB Major General Valery Velichko, who was well acquainted with the leader of the Arab Jamahiriya.

Secret Palace

– How did you meet Gaddafi?

– In 1989, I worked as a security adviser to Gaddafi. The KGB leadership sent me, then the chief of staff of the “nine” (the 9th KGB directorate was responsible for protecting the top officials of the state. - R.A.), to improve the work of Gaddafi’s personal security.

- The same female guard of beautiful virgins?

– At that moment, Gaddafi just decided to change the female guards to male ones. But he had a condition - all the guards had to be his direct relatives, from his family. Moreover, these people had never had anything to do with security or safety before. We had to turn young people with diplomas from the Sorbonne into militants in six months. And we ultimately succeeded.

Gaddafi at the dawn of his reign / Global Look Press

– How did you find Libya?

– We were accommodated in a luxurious five-star hotel. I saw an amazing country. Under Gaddafi, Libya was a country of plenty with a very high standard of living. Young families were given housing. The prices for everything were cheap. Women, surprisingly for a Muslim country, had equal rights and could realize themselves as they wanted. People simply left old cars open on the streets because they could easily buy new ones. Jamahiriya is Arab socialism.

– Do you remember your first meeting with Gaddafi?

“Once an old broken down Fiat came to pick me up at the hotel and told me to get ready urgently. There was a translator in the car - a blond man, which was also surprising - people of European appearance in Libya, to put it mildly, were disliked after the country’s colonial past. Children could easily throw stones at us. We drive this Fiat, at some distant gas station we change into an even older car and move into the desert. We drive up to an old, seemingly abandoned mosque, with difficulty open the shabby door and find ourselves in a luxurious residence... There is white lama fur on the floor, golden tea glasses on the table, the most modern technology at that time. A few minutes later, the inner door opened and Gaddafi himself came out in his embroidered robe.

Field telephone communication

– How often did you communicate with Gaddafi?

– We met once every 2-3 days. A grand celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Jamahiriya was approaching in Libya, and many foreign leaders were invited. I was responsible for Gaddafi's personal security. He was a friend of the USSR, and his protection was given great importance. For example, on the day of the holiday, four anti-aircraft guns were deployed. If they had decided to bomb Tripoli, these planes would have been shot down.

– Gaddafi himself called you?

– Yes, and there is a funny story connected with this. I spent most of my time at the hotel. There was a great pool there. One day they couldn’t quickly find me during one of the regular swims. There were no mobile phones then, and Gaddafi ordered to give me a field phone - such a huge device with a round disk, like in old films. The hotel guests were very surprised by my appearance - in swimming trunks by the pool next to a huge field telephone.

Plane explosion over Lockerbie / Global Look Press

“He sincerely considered himself great, a historical figure sent by God. There was, of course, a cult of his personality in the country, and it began with him. Gaddafi was absolutely convinced of his own exceptionalism. But he also knew how to listen. I remember that at the celebration of the anniversary of the Jamahiriya, Gaddafi handed out many awards. The most honorable was the Order of the Green Eagle - the insignia of the republic. Gaddafi even awarded it to Friedrich Engels and Che Guevara - posthumously, of course. But he did not give the award to the head of the Soviet delegation - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Vlasov. A scandal broke out within our delegation. How is it that they gave Engels, who was long dead, but ignored the representative of the Union?! I went to Gaddafi and explained the situation. He calmly opens the safe, there are a bunch of different rewards there, and says: “Choose.” I’m going to clarify again: we need a decree in the official press. The next day, Gaddafi’s decree on awarding Vlasov was published on the front page of the Jamahiriya newspaper.

– In the Western press they called him a madman.

- No, he definitely wasn’t crazy. A fanatic, revolutionary, patriot, but not crazy. He was a smart, strong, competent, interesting person. He had his own quirks. But he never backed down from them. No matter how much they laughed, he still carried his tent and his camels everywhere. He lived only in his tent, drank only the milk of his camels. And for safety reasons too. There were attempts on his life many times, the West dreamed of his death.

"I am a revolutionary"

– Did Gaddafi pay much attention to his security?

- More like his surroundings. He himself said that he was a messenger of Allah and his fate was only in the hands of the Almighty. He was not afraid to die, he was an absolute fatalist in this matter. His most frequent phrase was “Inshallah” - “as Allah decides.” Even in the last months of his life, when he realized that he was doomed and could leave his country, he did not do this - quite deliberately. And knowing him, I understand why. He always said that he would never leave.

Libyans celebrating Gaddafi's death in Cairo / Global Look Press

– Was his death a breach of his guard?

- No, his capture is a military operation. Security, whatever it may be, cannot do anything against this.

– Later, Gaddafi again changed the male guards to female ones - why?

– Women bodyguards have their advantages. There have always been many women in the US Secret Service. Ceausescu and Castro had female guards. Even in the KGB in the 50s there was a female bodyguard unit. Women are more observant, subtle, they have developed intuition, they better sense a person’s nervous state. They may notice the threat earlier. Women are more loyal. After all, for the same Gaddafi, most of his bodyguards ended up dying during attempts on his life. They covered it with themselves.

– Western media wrote that they had more than just official relationships with the beauties from Gaddafi’s guard.

- This is complete nonsense. There was no such thing. And it couldn't be. All these stories about sex and alleged rape have nothing to do with either reality or the personality of Gaddafi.

– There is a rumor that Gaddafi’s double was killed, but the leader himself is alive.

- Alas. This is wrong. Moreover, I have never heard or seen Gaddafi doubles. There weren't any when I was his security advisor. He suffered a painful death, and perhaps for such a person this was a logical ending. He said to himself: “I am a revolutionary.” And revolutionaries rarely die in bed. Gaddafi was always ready to die for what he believed in.

– But not at the hands of your own people?

- The people loved him. Against him was the aristocracy overthrown during the revolution, which fled abroad and formed an opposition there, and Western countries. And hired thugs and drug addicts dealt with him with the help of a foreign army. I still have some connections. My security company provided security for Gaddafi's children while they were studying in Russia. There are also contacts. They confirm that Gaddafi is dead. And by the way, since then I have not been able to see Clinton, who reacted to this news with a joyful “Wow!”

Valery Velichko / editorial archive

/By the way

Gaddafi's killers are dying one after another

Participants in the massacre of the Libyan leader are overtaken by the “Curse of Gaddafi”

The day after the murder of Gaddafi, a whole movement was launched on social networks to identify everyone who was involved in the bullying and murder. Their identities and addresses quickly became known. Later, their corpses began to be found one after another.

One of the first to disappear without a trace was 22-year-old Mohammed Bibi, who took possession of Gaddafi's golden pistol. Sanad, 22, who had boasted of being the first to wrestle the elderly politician to the ground, was shot dead in the street. The emir of the February 17 Battalion, Ahmed al-Mjiri, who led the operation, was found hanged from a power line. The commander of the Cheetah company, al-Weib, as well as the famous Shaban, who gave many interviews about his participation in the massacre, were both wounded and later died in hospitals.