The widow of the famous actor finally sued his house in the Moscow region!

On October 24, Alexander ABDULOV’s mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, was buried at the Ivanovo cemetery. The second wife of the People's Artist, Yulia, spoke about her last days.

Sasha’s mother died at the age of 96, says Yulia Abdulova. - Zhenya and I (the only own daughter Alexandra Abdulova. - N.M.) a week and a half before her death, we visited Lyudmila Alexandrovna in Ivanovo. Zhenya loved her and always missed her. I decided that I would go to the funeral without my daughter. There is no need to traumatize a child for him to see the coffin. It’s good that Zhenya doesn’t remember how the nanny for some reason brought her to church for her father’s funeral service... Sasha’s mother lived happy life: I was never sick with anything, only a month and a half before her death Lyudmila Alexandrovna had a stroke. True, in Lately she began to have memory lapses. Looking at us sitting by her bed, she suddenly asked: “Where are the boys?” She kept looking at the portraits of her three sons hanging in the room - Robert, Vladimir and Alexander, whom she buried, and stretched out her hands to them... Lyudmila Alexandrovna rested in the family grave - next to her parents, sisters, and eldest son Robert. Before we had time to bury Sasha’s mother, they started calling me from all the talk shows. I refused because I don’t trade my face for money. There is no topic for scandal: my mother died not in a hospice, but at home, surrounded by the love of her family. She was buried with dignity. The money she had would be enough for two lives.

Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

After Abdulov’s death, his older paternal brother brought confusion into the relationship between Yulia and the artist’s mother. Robert Krainov.

Robert was always jealous of Sasha, they even fought,” explains Yulia’s friend Irina. - In the past, he was a physicist, retired, lived in Sasha’s house with the money he gave to Lyudmila Alexandrovna. When Abdulov died, Robert laid claim to all the property, and began pitting Yulia against Sasha’s mother. Allegedly, she does not allow her granddaughter to see her grandmother... Yulia behaved with dignity: she borrowed money from Abdulov’s friends and gave it to Robert and Lyudmila Alexandrovna in exchange for their shares in the house. After Robert’s sudden death, for some reason all the money ended up in his account. His wife Alya could not use them, because Robert’s children from previous marriages began to claim the inheritance.

Zhenechka not only plays the piano, but has already starred in the film “Love and Sax”

Abdulov had two houses, one of which is located in Valdai, says Yulia. - It was he who was put up for sale in order to pay off debts.

She does not want to sell the house in Vnukovo near Moscow, which Abdulov built. Yulia managed to win all the cases, and now there are no legal encumbrances on the house. However, Yulia prefers to live with her daughter in a Moscow apartment, and her father lives in Vnukovo.

The house is poorly insulated, so it needs to be heated in winter,” says Yulia’s friend. - Zhenya rarely goes there, because she needs the Internet, and the connection there doesn’t work well. The girl is in fourth grade, she grows up fighting, and is friends only with boys. In general, I took after my father.

The legal battle for this house of Alexander ABDULOV in Vnukovo spoiled a lot of blood for the actor’s family and friends. Photo by Boris KUDRYAVOV

Goodbye grandma...

Ksenia Alferova wrote on Instagram about the departure of a loved one.

Returning to the difficult post-war years, namely to the youth and biography of Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova, it is worth saying that she also worked in Fergana as a costume designer and make-up artist at the Russian Drama Theater. There she and Gabriel Abdulov met. And soon it formed new family, in which two joint sons appeared: Vladimir (February 24, 1947) and Alexander (May 29, 1953). The middle son of Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Abdulova was born in Uzbekistan in Fergana, and the youngest, Alexander Abdulov, was already in Tobolsk in the Urals. But despite frequent moves, the family lived most of the time in Uzbekistan. Their apartment was located on Karl Marx Street, at number 56. Here, not far from the house, there was a local high school, where the brothers studied. They also graduated from it.

Strict but fair mother

Many friends of both childhood and adulthood of Alexander Gavriilovich remember Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova as a strict, but fair mother. Considering that the family had three boys completely different in age and character, she really had to become more demanding, because otherwise it became impossible to manage the sometimes uncontrollable children. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna was a big football fan in her youth. Her favorite team, whose games were never missed under any pretext, was Moscow Torpedo. One day, when the capital football club arrived in Fergana, she invited a team player to visit, which greatly pleased her sons and the neighbor’s children.

The boundless love of a son

When the son of Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova became famous, he moved her closer to him. The actor loved his mother very much and treated her with great trepidation. Shortly before his death, Abdulov bought a huge plot of land near Moscow, where he built two big houses. In one he planned to live with his last wife Yulia Miloslavskaya, and the other, two-story, was intended specifically for the mother. Wife Yulia, daughter Zhenya and Abdulova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna - family famous actor, they all should be together, Abdulov himself believed. By the way, at all of Alexander Gavriilovich’s home friendly gatherings and celebrations, Abdulov’s mother was a welcome guest. And in general, she was not only a mother for him, but also a friend. The actor took great care of her and sent her to the cardiology center for treatment twice a year.

Over the course of her rather long life, Abdulova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna met many women who were always in the life of her famous son. For some reason, she failed to find a common language with her last wife, Yulia Miloslavskaya. Their relationship was tense, but Alexander knew how to smooth out all the conflicts and disagreements that arose between his mother and wife. When Alexander Abdulov died, and the tragic event happened on January 3, 2008, a split occurred in the actor’s family. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna left the two-story cottage that had once been given to her by her son and went to live in Ivanovo, in an old house your parents. There were many rumors regarding the division of the actor’s huge inheritance between his relatives, but one must assume that Abdulov’s mother left the mansion because she never got along with her daughter-in-law. But my relationship with my granddaughter Zhenya is good; they still talk on the phone and ask about each other’s affairs.

Hard luck

Abdulova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, whose biography is permeated through and through with the bitterness of losses and the losses of those closest to her, considers herself unhappy. First, her first husband died in the war. In 1980, fate took two loved ones from her at once: first, her second husband Gavriil Danilovich passed away, and then her son Vladimir was killed in Fergana. The next blow for her, as for her mother, was death youngest son actor Alexander Abdulov. He was killed by a fatal disease - lung cancer. Well, on December 4, 2011, her last eldest son Robert, with whom the woman lived all her life, died of a heart attack in the Moscow metro. last years. A close friend of Alexander Abdulov, Leonid Yarmolnik, said in one of his interviews that Abdulova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, whose photo is posted above, considers herself deeply unhappy because she buried everyone who was especially dear to her.

Life in the distance

Now Lyudmila Aleksandrovna lives in Konokhovo (Ivanovo), in her parents’ house with the widow of Robert’s eldest son, Albina. A group 2 disabled woman diagnosed with systemic osteoporosis. She rarely gets out of bed. Problems with joints make themselves felt at such an old age, she is 96 years old. Many media outlets write that the mother of the famous actor lives on a meager pension and lives on the brink of poverty.

On May 29, Alexander Abdulov’s mother celebrated his birthday for the fifth time without him. Having buried her son at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna left a comfortable cottage near Moscow and went to a remote village in the Ivanovo region.

Communicates with granddaughter only by phone

To a modest house, on the porch of which simple belongings - linen and an old mattress - are drying, there are no roads, but directions. Pothole on pothole. There is not a hint of civilization in the surrounding area. Some are abandoned, as if from a movie about the end of the world, factories, forests and fields. The final stop of the minibus running from the city is about five kilometers from the village. Konokhovo doesn’t even have signs.

The story of the appearance of the famous actor’s mother here 4 years ago is a big mystery. Why, after Abdulov’s death, was it she, and not the widow, who was forced to leave the house with which so many memories of her son are associated? Why couldn’t the artist’s relatives get along under one roof and rejoice together, seeing his long-awaited daughter Zhenya grow up? And what finally made an elderly woman to get so far, 300 miles from Moscow?

“It happens…” – Abdulov’s friend and colleague Leonid Yarmolnik makes a philosophical remark.

Abdulov’s relatives are well aware of the strained relations that, during the actor’s lifetime, had established between his relatives, especially in the person of his half-brother Robert (son from his mother’s first marriage), and his young wife Yulia. They were also a bit of actors and acted out warm feelings for each other while it was profitable.

“Sasha treated all his relatives with reverence,” says Yarmolnik. “He took care of everyone, fed everyone, supported everyone. And arranged, settled, and repaired. Almost everyone lived with him and at his expense - Robert and his family, mother, especially for which Sasha built a separate house next to his own..."

When the question of inheritance arose, the conflict escalated. Having lost their only breadwinner, Abdulov’s numerous relatives longed for their share. Meanwhile, it was impossible to single it out: documents on Vacation home are still being processed, but the actor has not acquired accounts in Swiss banks. According to the law, two-thirds of the existing inheritance was assigned to the widow and daughter of the deceased and one-third to his mother.

“If we had to protect only Yulia, Zhenechka and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, we would have easily decided everything,” says Yarmolnik. “Sasha’s mother is sacred to all his close friends.” But Robert intervened, having received a power of attorney from Lyudmila Alexandrovna to represent her interests, and the history of the division took on ugly features. The relationship between Sasha and Robik was not easy. Robik was a quitter, he believed that Sasha could support them even better. At the same time, he himself did not earn anything. That is why, after Sasha died, unpleasant problems arose for everyone "We have a showdown over the inheritance. Robert incited his mother against Yulia, for some reason he always saw everyone as deceivers and criminals. It is clear that Lyudmila Alexandrovna initially believed her son, and it is already difficult to convince a person at that age."

Uninformed people accuse Yulia Abdulova of being hard-hearted. Like, the poor old woman survived and was sent to hell without a penny. Is it possible to do this to my husband’s mother, whom he idolized all his life?

“Lyudmila Alexandrovna was the beloved person in Sasha’s life,” Leonid Yarmolnik testifies. “Mom was a participant in all our parties. All his friends adored her, and she loved them. Sasha was attentive to her, but, naturally, like any child, no matter how much no matter how old he was, he didn’t listen to his parents. Therefore, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, worried about him, asked us, close friends, to influence him: “Well, tell Sasha to eat more, sleep more, work less...”

However, we cannot agree with the fact that Yulia offended her mother-in-law. After assessing the inheritance, a conclusion was made: in monetary terms, Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s share is $800 thousand. This amount was paid to her (that is, Robert) in installments in 2009, for which there are receipts. At the same time, several apartments were purchased for Robert’s family in Ivanovo. They didn’t forget about the grandmother - in the village house where she was assigned to live out her life, they placed her plastic windows and a satellite dish, gas heating was installed. The house itself was given free of charge; Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s parents once lived here. Abdulov visited these places on vacation while studying at the institute.

“I came to Konokhovo about 30 years ago, then Sasha’s father was still alive,” recalls Yarmolnik. Their friendship, carried throughout their lives, began back in student years. – I was the only car I had – a Zhiguli. We were driving off-road to the Ivanovo region and were carrying a trunk full of potatoes - the car was warped. It was very funny. Then we went fishing. And, tired, they fell asleep right on the shore."

Nothing has changed since then: there are still no roads to Konokhovo, but the Uvod River is still there. The Abdulovs' plot (12 acres, no less) goes directly onto the pond. The closest neighbors built a completely acceptable pebble beach on their own. For the actor’s 5-year-old daughter, if Zhenya came here for the summer, it would be a real treat. However, the grandmother communicates with her granddaughter only by phone. You can love relatives from a distance, but you cannot forgive mutual offenses.

Marriage with Alferova was ruined by money

Money was also the reason for Abdulov’s breakup with his first wife, the beautiful Irina Alferova.

In the late 80s and early 90s, practically no films were made in the country, theatrical performances were performed in empty halls - the impoverished people in a matter of days had no time for art. The artists were without work, without money, without prospects. Meanwhile, a new class of rich people was emerging - large business oligarchs who managed to grab a tasty morsel from the once great power. A certain chic, fashion trend for such people was to make friends with artists whom they had previously seen on TV. Many of the newly made rich were, to be honest, connected with crime, gangster groups. But they had money and power. Some artists bought it. And a “beneficial” friendship arose.

So bosom friends Alexander Abdulov and Leonid Yarmolnik began to communicate with the class of new Russians on a short leg. The latter began to allocate money for filming, theatrical productions, as well as numerous festivals, where the impoverished creative fraternity suddenly had the opportunity not only to drink for free, but also to snack on black caviar.

They say that it was thanks to “great friends” that Alexander Gavrilovich managed to purchase a mansion in the elite village of Vnukovo near Moscow, and a huge country house in the city of Valdai.

Alferova adhered to other principles all her life. “I never thought it was right to be friends with the “right” people!” she says in a firm tone even now. One can only imagine how Irina reacted to her husband’s demands to accept another brother in the house! And soon the family broke up - Irina could not bear such " .

He hardly talks about his sons

Now Abdulov’s mother lives with her daughter-in-law Albina, Robert’s widow. The mother lost her last, third son (the middle Volodya was killed when the Abdulov family still lived in Fergana. He was buried there) six months ago. On December 4, the day of the State Duma elections, he went to Moscow to vote at his place of registration. On the subway, Robert became ill and died.

“It’s a strange death,” marvels Robert’s neighbor in Konokhovo, Viktor Petrovich. “He was a strong man, he didn’t complain about his health. The doctors said it was a heart attack. Robert and I often fished, but now there’s no one with us... And Lyudmila Alexandrovna and Albina are alone remained. Of the men, they only have Albina's grandson. He lives in Ivanovo and helps if you need to mow the grass or dig up the beds. I also help when asked. Only the journalists overpowered them. In general, they are calm women. I see Albina more and more in the garden. Sometimes and Lyudmila Aleksandrovna will come down from the porch, bend over to the cucumbers a couple of times. She is sick (when Abdulov was alive, he sent his mother to a large cardio center for treatment twice a year. - Author). And I don’t even know how she suffers more - mentally or physically . She is of sound mind, she has an excellent memory, she thinks soberly. But I noticed that she hardly talks about her sons. She probably worries, only inside. Only once did she say: “I was killed four times. She buried her husband, and then all three children. It’s high time for me to go to the next world, but I still live.”

...Konokhovo is located in a water protection zone. On the other side of the dam, in the village of Yegoriy, there is an old cemetery. Abdulov’s mother’s parents, son Robert and his half-sister Olga are buried inside one fence. The freshest grave is buried in wreaths of flowers. The small bouquet was only slightly wilted - apparently it had been replaced recently. The wooden bench and table have not yet turned black with age. Women probably come here often. This is all that remains for them - to mourn the departed, wherever they rest.

The mother of the famous actor Alexander Abdulov will turn 95 years old the other day. "And I don’t even feel age. That’s just my legs hurt a lot, so I only walk around the house and yard, and then with a stick,” admitted Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. Doctors diagnosed her with “systemic osteoporosis.”


Now Abdulov's mother lives on 15 thousand rubles a month– she receives such a pension as a disabled person of the second group. There is money in the savings book, but this, according to her, is an emergency reserve for a funeral.

Journalists are sounding the alarm: Lyudmila Aleksandrovna lives literally on the brink of poverty and barely makes ends meet. “Seven thousand rubles a month are spent on medicines. You have to go to the hospital often, a taxi from our village to Ivanovo costs 700 rubles, plus some examinations are paid. Not to mention the fact that you have to wash in the bathhouse. To make a bathroom, you need 100 thousand rubles. There’s nowhere to get them,” Sobesednik.Ru quotes her.

Let us remind you that Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008 in the hospital. Doctors spent several months trying to save him from lung cancer. The actor is survived by a widow and daughter.

Abdulov was given a terrible diagnosis in the summer of 2007, but the famous artist hoped to the last to get out and return to work in cinema and theater. Alexander Gavrilovich’s last film, Vykrest, in which he acted as director and producer, remained unfinished. While working on this picture, Abdulov began serious problems with health.

At the end of 2017, the first rumors about the death of Alexander Abdulov’s mother appeared and many reporters immediately rushed to the Moscow region to check whether she was alive or not. The elderly woman turned 96 years old and her life cannot be called easy. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Abdulova was able to outlive her husband and all her children, which was a heavy blow for her.

But the will of a person who has passed the Second world war remained strong. And the wives and daughter of the late artist did not allow the woman to feel lonely until the end. Lyudmila Abdulova was buried on October 24 next to her son Robert and her parents.

Lyudmila Abdulova - mother of Alexander Abdulov, born in 1921. Not lagging behind her peers, she got married at the age of 18. In her first marriage, the woman had a son, Robert. After some time, the Krainov couple separated, and Lyudmila married a second time. After 7 years of marriage to Abdulov Gabriel Danilovich, she gave birth to a son, Vladimir. The adults worked at the theater, my father as a director in Fergana, and my mother as a make-up artist.

Lyudmila Abdulova in her youth

When Lyudmila Abdulova became pregnant for the third time, she faced a difficult choice - to have an abortion or keep the child. The woman believed that if she decided to carry a baby, it would only be a girl. She didn’t want any more boys, just as she didn’t want to give birth to a child for the fourth and subsequent times until a girl was born. Thanks to a doctor’s mistake, Lyudmila was confident throughout her pregnancy that she was carrying a daughter, but a boy was born, who was named Alexander, in honor of her maternal grandfather.

Alexander grew up in the male company of three brothers. His father had a son from his first marriage, Yuri, who was raised in the Abdulov family. Among all his brothers, he was the most active and cheerful, looked at the world from a positive point of view and found more advantages than disadvantages in everything. When Alexander Abdulov matured and managed to get on his feet, it was he who became his mother’s main assistant and support. He took Lyudmila to him, surrounding her with the same warmth and care that she gave him in childhood.

Father of Alexander Abdulov

Gabriel Danilovich was not only a good father, but also a celebrity who received the status of “Honored Artist of the RSFSR” and “Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR.” The man also became an Honored Artist of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He worked not only in theaters in the countries of the former Soviet Union, but also at the Mosfilm film factory. And a few years later he was no longer playing on stage, but he also held an honorable position - artistic director of the theaters of Alma-Ata, the cities of Uralsk and Sukhumi.

At the age of thirty, Gavriil Abdulov achieved enormous success in his career. He became the chief director of the Russian Theater in Fergana and worked in this position until he was 43 years old.

In addition to working in the creative field, Alexander Abdulov’s father became a participant in the Great Patriotic War, where, despite receiving serious injuries, he managed to distinguish himself and receive awards. But the main thing is that he returned home, where four sons and a loving wife were waiting for him.

A series of tragedies

Today in 2017, when we remember the life of Alexander Abdulov’s mother, we are increasingly talking about deaths in the family of artists. In 1980, the father of the family died. Gabriel Danilovich died on the birthday of his first son from his marriage with Lyudmila, Vladimir. The family took this as a bad sign, and the birthday boy himself said that he would no longer have a holiday. He turned out to be right. A few months later, 33-year-old Vladimir was killed during a robbery by street thugs.

One of the rumors indicates that Alexander Abdulov, at his father’s funeral, put a photograph of his family with his brothers and mother in his pocket, which is a bad omen, but today in 2017 there is no one to ask about those events. In 2008 famous actor died, leaving behind his wife Julia and daughter Evgenia. The daughter-in-law and granddaughter loved Lyudmila Alexandrovna very much and visited her often. Abdulov’s adopted daughter from his first marriage, Ksenia Alferova, also did the same.

But not everything was smooth in the family. The eldest son Robert envied his famous brother all his life and in every possible way incited his mother against his wife. He wanted to divide the inheritance of the famous actor, but Julia intervened.

The woman borrowed $800,000 from Abdulov’s friends and bought out relatives’ shares in the house in Vnukovo near Moscow, so that the property would remain for the daughter of the late artist.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna moved to live in the Ivanovo region, believing that Yulia had deceived her and kicked her out without paying. Soon her eldest son died. Robert Krainov died in 2011, and for some reason all the money sent to his mother was found in his bank account. So Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Abdulova was able to outlive all her children.

last years of life

Lyudmila Alexandrovna was a real rural woman. She was in excellent health, and no one could remember if she had ever been sick with anything serious. Ksenia Alferova published her childhood memories of her grandmother on Instagram. The artist says that Lyudmila has always been a strong and strong-willed woman who surrounded everyone around her with her love.

Alexander Abdulov's mother spent her last years in the Ivanovo region. She remained in the care of Albina, the wife of her eldest son Robert, and Yulia and her granddaughter Evgenia often visited the elderly woman. She also received constant calls from her other sons' children. Although the woman never fulfilled her dream of having a daughter, it was her granddaughters who surrounded her in her old age.

Zhenya took after her father in character and his mother in appearance, which endlessly pleased Lyudmila Alexandrovna. But after her death, Yulia decided that her daughter should not attend the funeral in order to remember her grandmother as the healthy and strong-willed woman she had been all her life.

A series of tragedies ultimately undermined the health of Lyudmila Abdulova. Literally 1.5 months before her death, the woman suffered from a stroke. But by that time, the body, worn out over 96 years, could no longer cope with the stress. Lyudmila was completely immersed in memories. She could sit for hours looking at the photos of her sons and husband on the wall. A few months before her death, Abdulova began to experience memory loss. She periodically asked those around her when the boys would return, as if she could not believe that she had outlived them all. And at the end of October 2017 she died and was buried in the family cemetery.