Ankh: Ancient Egyptian cross of life.

Egyptologists found out that the ankh was called the key to energy, the key to new birth, the key to rebirth. The same Egyptologists believe that the ankh is an image of strings on sandals. How could sandal ties be the key to rebirth? Let this be a mystery of the thinking of Egyptologists. We will consider the ankh to be an image of the path to energy and new birth. This key is a must-have for gods and pharaohs. God, the guardian of the body, put the ankh into the pharaoh's mouth, which means that the key must be inside the person and connected with breathing. Ankh enhances a person's powers to superhuman, to divine. Ankh was the name given to the house at the temple for the high priests, these priests were also called ankhs, they were healers, magicians, they performed what we consider miracles - this was their profession.

Ankh is the key to beauty. This key was lost, or perhaps hidden, 7000 years before the birth of Christ.
The key was found, cleaned and collected by Konstantin Petrovich Glushenkov in 2002.
Former owner: TOT, aka Hermes, aka Hermes Trismegistus. Although the key belonged only to THOT, and Hermes had it, this key was modified into a rod with snakes. The purpose of the key has been preserved.

The key was designated:

T - in the traditions of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, a sign of obstacle;
- a loop sign, it is also made in the form of a drop;
The key was called:
- ANKH - the key of life, the key of rebirth;
- Pharaoh's mirror or just a mirror, i.e. what creates my image (reflection, modeling).
The key was indicated by hieroglyphs.
A - neck
H (N) - water or calcination of the lymphatic system and intercellular fluid;
KH - mountain - reaching the top, rapid ascent, spirituality. Ending. Durability and sustainability.

The key opened:

Metabolism increased;
- immunity was reconfigured;
- the rhythm of interaction between the internal systems of the body, especially the growth hormone - glucose, was rejuvenated.
Practical value:
- fat from fat cells is consumed very quickly. It's not so much the weight that changes, but the shape of the body. You can precisely regulate where and how much fat to remove;
- very quickly and without outside intervention, i.e. no diets, pills, herbs, etc. and so on.;
- the immune system is updated and it supports the new body shape automatically. No amount of gluttony can destroy it (the form);
- the consequences of past stress go away, the consequences of past stress go away along with fat, the body is cleansed of toxins;
- internal rhythms are rejuvenated.

Let's think together about how you can lose excess fat wisely, quickly and with pleasure, and only in those places where each of us needs it individually, i.e. personally. Not weight, but excess fat. It's not the same thing. And exactly where it’s needed. Let's agree right away. We will not use diets, pills and other nonsense. You and I are reasonable people and no one will ever foist diets and Herbalife on us.
We, discussing sensibly on the topic: How to remove excess fat, will find a simple and effective method, and at the same time we will solve the oldest mystery of human civilization. This mystery is over 9000 years old. The Egyptians had the key to life, rebirth and vitality. Many people know it - this is the ANKH, but 9000 years ago they lost its meaning, how it works, why it is needed.
You and I will find him again and solve his riddle. I promise you this. In order not to torment you, I’ll say right away: “This key speeds up metabolism, removes fats, restores and restarts the biological clock, i.e. restores the body’s biorhythms.
Let's reason together.

What is the key of life of the ANKH?
This is a breathing exercise.
A person performing this exercise correctly makes the sound ANKH.
The exercise simulates the state of a person at the moment of his birth. Four perinatal matrices. The exercise is performed for 8-10 seconds. At the same time, the pituitary gland is activated and fats are burned. The thymus (thymus gland) is restored and even enlarged, tuning immune system. All the mechanisms of the body that are started at birth are launched. How to be born again!!! So he was truly born again!!!

Cross with upper ray in the form of a loop - symbol eternal life, rebirth and vitality.
The Ankh is the most significant symbol of the ancient Egyptians, also known as the “crux ansata”.
This cross combines two symbols - the cross, as a symbol of life, and the circle, as a symbol of eternity, but together they mean immortality. Also, this cross symbolizes the unification of the female and male deities, Osiris and Isis, and, thus, the union of the earthly and heavenly.
In hieroglyphic writing, this sign was placed with the meaning “life”, and it was part of the words “welfare” and “happiness”.
The Egyptians depicted the ankh on amulets in order to prolong life on earth; They were buried with this amulet to make sure that the deceased would have life in another world.
Belief in the power of the ankh was based on the idea that this is exactly what the key looks like, which can open the gates of death. The symbol of this “key” was also placed on the walls of canals in the hope that the presence of the ankh would protect against floods and fluctuations in water levels.
The early Christians of Egypt, the Copts, used this symbol to represent the afterlife. In times closer to us, the ankh was used by witches in rituals, divination, fortune telling, healing and helping women in labor. During the hippie movement in the late 1960s, the ankh was a popular symbol of peace and truth.

Ankh is a symbol of immortality.
Its form can be interpreted as the rising sun, the unity of opposites, the source of inexhaustible vitality. The ankh is widely used in the manufacture of amulets, this is due to the fact that the ankh can prolong life, but if handled ineptly it can also shorten a person’s existence, therefore only enlightened priests used the ankh as a life amulet. The ankh is also a symbol of magical wisdom, and ancient magicians often used it in magical rituals of a global nature. The roots of the ankh go back to the ancient Egyptian civilization, where it was used as an amulet of vitality, and therefore was applied to the walls of temples and houses, and was also used as an amulet to protect against natural Disasters. The early Christians of Egypt, the Copts, used this symbol to represent the afterlife. In more recent times, the ankh was used by sorcerers in rituals, divination, fortune telling, healing and helping women in labor.

IN Ancient Egypt The ankh was considered a symbol of life, both human and divine, and the universe as a whole. The Ankh is the key to secret knowledge, to hidden wisdom, to strength and power. It is formed from the combination of the male and female symbols of Osiris (Osiris) and Isis (Isis), as the union of Heaven and Earth, Life and Death. Ankh also means immortality and "the life to come." It has been suggested that it represents one of the forms of the Tree of Life. An oval means eternity, and a cross-shaped expansion in the longitudinal and transverse planes means a transition from infinity to space. The goddess of truth Maat was depicted with an ankh in her hand.
According to one of the ancient Christian legends, the key to the doors of heaven, which was given to St. Peter, had the shape of an ankh. Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries, the ankh was used during initiation - the subject went through all the tests holding such a cross above his head, which drove away the forces of evil; The pharaoh was depicted with such a cross, clamped between his lips when forgiving enemies, and the ankh was also placed in the graves of deceased pharaohs. This cross was known as a mystical symbol to the Indians of Central America, was associated with water among the Guanche Indians and in Babylon, was a symbol of heaven and immortality among the Scandinavians, and a symbol of rejuvenation and liberation from physical suffering among the ancient Mayans. Ankh was found on the back of one of the Easter Island statues.

This cross was also called the Tau Cross - Crux Ansata, Cross of Life, Key to the Nile, Symbol of Symbols, adorning the chests of statues and bas-reliefs in Palenque, Copan and throughout Central America.
Despite its simplicity, there is no sign more powerful in its essence than this.
It combines two symbols - a cross, as a symbol of life, and a circle, as a symbol of eternity, but together they mean immortality. It became widespread among Egyptian Christians and Copts. Adopted by early Coptic Christian Church as a sign of eternal life in Christ.
Its form can be interpreted as the rising sun, as the unity of the masculine and feminine principles or other opposites, and also as the key to esoteric knowledge and the immortal life of the spirit.
In hieroglyphic writing, this sign was placed with the meaning “life”, and it was part of the words “welfare” and “happiness”. The Egyptians believed that the image of the etoro cross prolongs life on earth. They were buried with the same amulet in order to be sure that life in another world awaited the deceased. Belief in the power of the ankh was based on the fact that in the ancient world this was precisely the shape of the key that could be used to open the gates of death.
This symbol was also placed on the walls of water channels in the hope that the presence of the ankh would protect against floods. Later, the ankh was used by witches in rituals, divination, fortune telling, healing and helping women in labor. During the hippie movement in the late 1960s, the ankh was a popular symbol of peace and truth.
It is impossible to list all the meanings of a symbol. A sign of happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible vitality, eternal wisdom, covenant.

The cross of the ankh (ankh), the most significant symbol among the ancient Egyptians, is the Egyptian symbol of life. Later, he entered Coptic symbolism as a symbol of eternal life (onkh - this is how the word “life” is pronounced in the Coptic language). The ankh is a cross with a loop-shaped upper beam.
It is also known as the Egyptian cross, the key of life, the loop cross, the key of the Nile, the handle cross, the bow of life, the knot of life, and the crux ansata.

Where was the ankh cross depicted?

As a symbol of inexhaustible vitality, the ankh sign was applied to the walls of temples, monuments and surrounding objects; it can often be seen on the friezes of utensils and even around the foot, from where, perhaps, among other things, it transferred to the straps of sandals. It was an attribute of the gods who presented it to the king, which is why many Egyptian gods were depicted with an “Egyptian cross” in their hand. Exactly this form, according to ideas ancient world, had the key to opening the gates of Paradise in the other worlds and to unity with God. There are often images where the god holds the “key of life - the ankh” at the king’s nose (like the breath of life) or during cult cleansing a stream of water is poured onto the king in the form of a “bow of life”. Therefore, it was placed in the tomb of the pharaohs, so that after death their souls could continue life in another world.

The meaning of the ankh cross

The meanings of the ankh as a sign are vague and controversial. It is generally accepted that it symbolized life, immortality, eternity, wisdom, was a protective sign, gave energy balance, and eliminated the causes of illness and fatigue. But the shape of this sign and its meaning have long been controversial among Egyptologists and other researchers. This gives rise to many theories. Nowadays, there are many parascientific, free and unfounded interpretations.

The most common hypotheses include the following:
1. The Ankh is a symbol of Egypt, where the oval symbolizes the Nile Delta, and the rest is the river itself, which made life in the desert possible.
2. Ankh is a symbol of the rising sun, the birth of a new day. Thus, in the “Egyptian Book of the Dead” there is preserved an image of Djed - a tree trunk that supported Osiris, and on both sides of him kneeling Isis and Nephthys.
3. The Ankh can be interpreted as the unity of the male and female principles (the cross of Osiris and the oval of Isis, as the union of life-producing principles) - the union of Heaven and Earth, and as a result - a symbol of new birth. To put it another way, the sign combines a cross, as a symbol of life, and a circle, as a symbol of eternity. Together they mean immortality.
4. The ankh cross symbolizes the Tree of Life: an oval could mean eternity, and a cross-shaped expansion in the longitudinal and transverse planes - the transition from infinity to space.

5. The Ankh is the key to opening the gates of paradise in the other worlds and to unity with the Higher Powers. In many images, the gods hold the ankh in their hand or hand it over to people. In this case we're talking about about the breath of life that has become visible, so to speak about the divine spark, thanks to which life can arise in general. They were buried with this amulet to make sure that the deceased would have life in another world.
6. Ankh is a combination and mixture of signs of activity and passivity, which corresponds to the symbolism of the cross as a whole as a synthesis of the principles of activity and passivity.
7. Ankh is a knot that connects together a certain combination of elements to form one individual combination.
8. The Ankh can be considered as a sign of the microcosm, i.e., by analogy with a person: the circle represents a person’s head or intellect (i.e., the “sun” that gives him life), the horizontal bar represents his hands, and the vertical bar represents his body.
Thus, the ankh represents life, immortality, “the life that will come,” “the time that will come,” hidden wisdom, the key to the secrets of life and knowledge.

Key of Life

Let's consider the ankh cross from the point of view of the proposed theory...
Let’s imagine the process under consideration in the form of a three-dimensional figure – treble clef, obtained by connecting the extreme points of the axes with a smooth line. If we look at the resulting three-dimensional figure along the X axis, we will naturally see an ankh cross! That is, the ankh cross is a symbolic representation of a curve that connects equal-sized coordinates when the process is fully deployed.
Thus, the true meaning of this ancient symbol is revealed: the Ankh symbolizes the complete development of any system. It connects space-worlds, which is why it is a symbol of life!
It follows that one can take a different look at ordinary Christian crosses. The Egyptians had an amulet of the cross long before the birth and crucifixion of Christ, and their cross meant essentially the same thing as the cross of Christians today. Nowadays they are mostly presented in a flat form, although the true meaning of this Christian symbol revealed when the cross is presented in three dimensions. It was in this form that crosses were installed on ancient churches, for example, the three-dimensional cross on the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth (Israel).
Other researchers come to the same conclusion: the swastika of energies revolving around the pestle - the foundation of the world, is a spiral drawn vertically in the treble clef (i.e., with the plane of the spiral facing the observer) so that it can be easily visually distinguished. If it is drawn perpendicular to the stress axis, as it is in reality, then the entire treble clef will be mirrored in the symbol Orthodox cross, symbolizing the mystery of the crucifixion of Christ, reflecting not only the crucifixion of the spirit in matter, but also the exit to another existence, the acquisition of immortality, freedom from time, the boundless evolution of consciousness (the path of Christ), revealed by the kindling of the heart.

Thus, we found out that the symbol of both the Orthodox cross and the Egyptian ankh cross is the treble clef, with the help of which the transition between spaces is carried out. That is why he allows, on the one hand, the gods to appear and act in material world, on the other hand, people end up in afterworld. Images of this symbol are repeated many times on amulets associated with the funeral cult, which were discovered in tombs and sarcophagi. It serves as a “key” that opens the gate to another world and provides the deceased with unhindered passage. The same is the symbolism of the key - an attribute of the Roman Janus (from ianua, “door”, “gate”) - the god of entrances and exits and every beginning. Janus holds the Keys of Power that open and close, as well as the key to the door that gives access to the realm of gods and men, to the doors of the winter and summer solstice.

K.G. Jung on the key

A rather complex set of associations associated with a key is given by K.G. Jung in the so-called “Tavistock Lectures”, namely in the fourth lecture we read: “The idea of ​​the key was often associated with the mysteries in the cave. In the cult of Mithra there was even a separate god, the god of the key Aion, his existence was not explained, but I think it is not difficult to understand. The god was depicted as a winged creature with a male body and the head of a lion, entwined with a snake that towered above his head. Therefore, Aion, the lion-headed god entwined with a snake, also represents the sought-after unity of opposites, light and darkness, male and female, creation and destruction. The god is depicted with crossed arms holding keys. These are the keys to the past and the future."

The key is Christianity

The holder of the keys in Christianity is the Apostle Peter. According to the New Testament text, Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven:
“Then Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven; and I say to you: you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it; and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:17-19). Taking these statements as a basis, the image of the Apostle Peter with two keys in a bunch was fixed in the iconography of the European Middle Ages.
In the text of Scripture, the keys are mentioned several times, in particular, in the Revelation of John the Theologian, Jesus says to John: “And I have the keys of hell and death.”

The key is like a symbol

So, the figure that unites the three-stage, i.e. The complete process of development is a figure that is called the “treble clef,” which since time immemorial has been considered a symbol of wisdom, eternity, the movement of energy and harmony. The specific purpose of a key—to close and open access to something—could not fail to attract attention since ancient times.
In general, a key is a symbol of possession of something. In this case, it is a symbol of possession of higher knowledge.

Thus, all of the above symbols (symbols of the treble clef, Egyptian and Christian crosses) are keys that make it possible to penetrate into the very depths of higher knowledge - into the process of formation of any object, both on Earth and in the Universe.
Despite the different images, this is the same key, but it has undergone modifications under the influence of various external factors: different states and beliefs, as well as how the image of this key appeared before the eyes of the one to whom it was revealed.
As can be seen, the key has undergone simplification: the closest corresponding to the process under consideration is the key in the form of a treble clef, uniting the music of the spheres; a more simplified one is the key in the form of the Egyptian ankh key, and a very simple one is the key in the form of the Christian cross.


As a result, we can come to the following conclusion: the answer to the “keys of life” lies in the theory of connected spaces! It is the physics of this theory that reveals the “mysteries” of world and religious symbols and explains their origin. As a result, these symbols become closer and more understandable, because they are “structured” according to the same laws as ourselves!

Cross Ankh (Ankh) – ancient symbol Egyptians, denoting eternal life, or life after death. It is also called the Coptic cross or life knot. The symbol is often found in images of Egyptian gods, in the interlacing of patterns on the surface of tombs and in the interior of ancient temples, symbolizing the infinity of existence.

Today, the Ankh amulet can be found as a decoration, or less often as a tattoo on the body. Owners of the sign, as a rule, know exactly the meaning of this symbolism.

Egyptian priests believed that the Ankh symbol could open the entrance to the other world.

The Egyptians believed in life after death. Many Egyptian legends talk about the eternal life of the human soul and the afterlife, during the transition to which after death, souls retain some needs. Egyptian priests also believed that a symbol in the form of a cross with a loop in the upper part could open the entrance to the other world, impart the ability to understand the secrets of the universe and help establish a connection with the gods.
The classic symbol looks like a familiar cross, the upper end of which has the shape of a loop or circle. In this case, the loop means eternity, and the cross means life.
There are several versions of the meaning of the Egyptian Ankh:

  • connection between earth and sky;
  • the connection between man and God, or the divine principle in every person;
  • immortality of the soul;
  • the key to truth, that is, to truth, or a talisman against lies;
  • wisdom, the ability to know everything secret;
  • the union of feminine and masculine energy: the circle denotes Isis (Isis), the goddess of motherhood and the patroness of children, slaves, all the weak and oppressed, and the cross symbolizes Osiris, the husband and brother of Isis, the king of the underworld.

According to Egyptian legends, the god Ra handed over a cross with a noose to the pharaoh, showing his blessing on the reign and appointing the ruler as a divine mentor among people. Only the pharaoh could wear the Ankh cross as a sign of power and authority.

The Ankh sign is often found among ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and is sometimes interpreted as breathing exercises, allowing you to redesign the human body and consciousness.

What does the symbol look like and its varieties?

The Ankh Cross is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of Ancient Egypt. However, not everyone knows that there are three types of this hieroglyph, each of which has special powers:

  • The classic Ankh is a symbol of vital energy and wisdom. Has the ability to protect a person from negative impact from outside.
  • Ankh, on the crossbars of which symbols of the four elements are depicted - a sign of immortality.
  • An ankh without a vertical crossbar is a sign of death. This symbol was used to call death to ill-wishers.

The meaning of the Ankh amulet in our time

Ankh means “man” in ancient Egyptian. Therefore, in our time it is generally accepted that this hieroglyph symbolizes a person with outstretched arms - schematically, the sign really resembles a person.

The Egyptian symbol is believed to bring good luck and health.

Today, the Ankh amulet is worn as a decoration by those people who lack good luck, faith in their deeds, and who want to improve their health and ability to conceive. Experts in esotericism believe that the Ankh of Isis should be worn by pregnant women and spouses planning to increase their family - the goddess promotes the birth of healthy children.

It is also believed that the Egyptian symbol brings good luck in studying ancient secrets - those who want to study historical places, explore the secrets of their ancestry and other ancient secrets can count on the help of the Egyptian gods.

The Egyptian cross of the Ankh is of particular significance for those who are interested in magic and esotericism; they will be glad to receive a gift in the form of an amulet or an item on which the symbol is depicted. It is believed that a cross with a loop strengthens magical abilities a person, acting as a storehouse of the universe’s energy and feeding its owner with it when the energy supply weakens.

How to use the Egyptian cross correctly

Experts say that not every person can wear the Ankh amulet. It should be used only with pure thoughts and intentions, to cleanse your energy and thoughts from all negative things. There are several rules for wearing the symbol correctly:

  • women must wear an Ankh made of pure silver;
  • men are recommended to purchase a gold amulet;
  • wearing the amulet is not allowed on a chain - only on a leather strap;
  • The Ankh fulfills its purpose only after activation.

The Ankh Cross must be activated.

An unactivated amulet will not bring any benefit to its owner. In ancient times, the most favorable time for activation was considered a total eclipse of the sun. But such an event happens very rarely; a person may not experience it in his entire life. Therefore, you can divide the ritual into two stages in order to use the energy of the day and night luminaries. For the Ankh to take effect, you need to:

  • keep the amulet under running water to cleanse it of foreign energy;
  • on the full moon, go outside, raise a sign above your head and ask Isis to fill the cross with power;
  • on the same day, repeat the action, only this time turn to Osiris.

The ritual will work if the weather was clear outside during the ceremony.
Wearing the amulet also has some conditions: for the first couple of weeks it should be worn for no more than 2-3 hours, increasing the period of time over time. At first, a certain feeling of discomfort may bother you - the power of the amulet comes into contact with a person’s energy, they need time to unite.

If the Ankha sign is planned to be used for evil deeds and deeds, this may lead to the opposite result.. IN at best, the amulet will not work, at worstwill take away the powers of its owner, thus taking revenge for negative thoughts.

Ankh symbol tattoo

The Ankh tattoo has powerful energy.

In ancient times, the sign played the role of a talisman and an energy portal. People expected him to protect against troubles and attract energy flows. They hoped in this way to prolong their earthly existence or even become immortal.
Ankh tattoo has the meaning of power and durability, protection from troubles. By applying an Ankh tattoo to the body, a person strives to protect and cleanse his energy background. It is worth remembering the power of the symbol and the fact that it manifests itself differently for each person.

Main conditions: the tattoo must be in black and exclusively on right side bodies. There is no need to activate the tattoo.

Owners of the Ankh tattoo note an extraordinary surge of energy in the first day after applying the sign to the body. IN future fate person changes dramatically - the sign has a fairly strong influence on life path. For some, their intuitive ability may become sharper, and the person will predict upcoming events. The effect of prophetic dreams is also noted: newly minted owners of the sign can from time to time see dreams from a past life.

However, today it is rare to find a person with a tattoo of the classic Ankh cross. More often, the symbol is supplemented with images of Egyptian gods, additional ancient symbolism of Egypt, and Celtic ornaments.

Visually, the Ankh (or Ankh) is a cross with a loop-shaped top (☥) and, although in modern world Some attribute such an image to the Goth subculture; it is correct to associate this sign with Ancient Egypt - that is where its roots are. The following names are often found:

  • Egyptian or Tau cross
  • Key, knot or bow of life
  • Symbol symbols

Evidence from history

As archaeological research confirms, a cross with a loop was often used in images of ancient Egyptian Gods, on the walls of temples and houses, as amulets of pharaohs, nobles and ordinary citizens, on monuments, sarcophagi and even on household utensils.
According to the artifacts that have come down to us and deciphered papyri from the banks of the Nile, the Supreme Beings showed mortals a powerful symbol of infinity, which they themselves used.

The Egyptian Ankh initially carries a deep meaning: the cross symbolizes life, and the noose is a sign of eternity. Another interpretation is the combination of the masculine and feminine principles (the combination of Osiris and Isis), as well as the unification of the earthly and heavenly.

In hieroglyphic writing, the sign ☥ was used to denote the concept of “life,” and it was also part of the words “happiness” and “well-being.”

Vessels for ablutions were made in the shape of a cross with a loop - it was believed that the water from them saturates the body with vital energy and prolongs a person’s time in this world, and gives the dead a chance for the next rebirth.

Spread around the world

Times and eras have changed, but the “Key of Life” has not been lost over the centuries. In their symbolism, early Christians (Copts) began to use it to designate eternal life, for which the Savior of mankind suffered. The Scandinavians used it as a sign of immortality and identified it with water element and the birth of life, the same thing happened in Babylon. The Mayan Indians attributed to him mystical abilities in rejuvenating the body and getting rid of physical torment. An image of the “Egyptian Cross” can even be found on one of the mysterious statues on Easter Island.

In the Middle Ages, Ankh was used by alchemists and sorcerers, healers and witches in their rituals.

IN modern history this sign was noted among hippies in the late 1960s, in various modern esoteric societies, in youth subcultures; he had to play the role of a symbol of peace and love, to be the key to secret knowledge and omnipotence.

Amulet on the body

From the very beginning, Ankh was used not only in the form of amulets, but was also depicted on human skin. Nowadays, when body designs are gaining popularity, the “bow of life” is increasingly common among tattoos. This can be either a separate hieroglyph or a whole picture. Egyptian motifs, antique and Celtic patterns, Indian ornament.

Now not everyone knows thoroughly about sacred sense Ankha, but this is a very strong energetic sign and using it thoughtlessly can even be dangerous. On thematic forums there are often statements that not everyone will benefit from such a tattoo.

In this sense, the Egyptian “sign of life” is perfect for self-confident individuals with a stable psyche, who are open to everything new, are interested in the secrets of the universe and at the same time do not forget to monitor their health in order to delay the decrepitude of the body as much as possible. It will also be in demand among people who value harmony in relationships with the opposite sex.

Although initially the Ankh of the pharaohs and gods was always in right hand, tattoos are painted in a variety of places: on the back, on the neck, on the arms...

Modern technologies and professional artists in tattoo parlors will always help the client in realizing his dream of a beautiful and symbolic body design (both temporary and permanent).


The ankh tattoo, the photo of which is given below, is especially popular among tattoo art lovers. This is due to the complex symbolism of this sign, which came to us from ancient Egyptian culture. What does ankh mean and in what style can it be made? Answers to these questions await you in this article!

Meaning of ankh

In ancient Egypt, the ankh symbolized the key that could open the door to the otherworldly mysterious world. For this reason, the ankh is often found on the walls of temples and tombs. By the way, the Egyptians believed that only pure-hearted, brave people could wear an ankh on their bodies. It will bring nothing but failure to others.

In esotericism, it is believed that an ankh applied to the body increases the ability to clairvoyance and magic, and also helps to become a strong sorcerer who has control over all the forces of nature.

The ankh tattoo, the meaning of which is difficult to describe in one article, is very loved not only by esotericists, but also by people who work with information. After all, the ankh was the key not only to the afterlife, but also to all the information accumulated by humanity.

Sometimes the ankh was used to personify the unity of male and female energy. In this it is related to such a popular symbol as the Japanese yin-yang.

Advice! Take your time choosing a sketch. After all, the tattoo will remain with you for life, unless, of course, you decide to get rid of it with a laser.

Performance styles

If you decide to become the owner of an ankh tattoo, sketches of which are presented in the article, you should think about what style your tattoo will be made in. There can be many options:

  • old school and new school. An ankh in the old-school style will be a successful stylization, because this direction initially played only with “marine” symbols, for example, anchors, lighthouses, compasses, etc. New school, which allows for greater freedom, is best suited for the execution of an ankh. The symbol, made in bright colors, will become not only a decoration for the body, but also your personal talisman;
  • trash polka. The realistic ankh in this style can be supplemented with elements borrowed from modern culture, for example, quotes that look like they were cut out from newspapers. This will help you best express your ideas and worldview;
  • graphic arts. Ankh is made quite often in this style. Laconic tattoos can be made more voluminous and interesting if you add geometric patterns and color spots to them;
  • Egyptian style. The tattoo can be based on the ankhs depicted on the walls of the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. This solution will appeal to all lovers of ancient Egyptian mysterious culture and history;
  • dot-work. In this style, the ankh can look very attractive, especially if the artist manages to achieve a volume effect;
  • realism The ankh can be literally “carved” into the skin using the artistic tools used by tattoo artists. You can also ask to create a sketch of a stone ankh or an ankh woven from fresh flowers.

Place for tattoo

People who are interested in esotericism advise making ankh in places that are usually covered by clothing. It is believed that the talisman will not have power if it is often seen by other people. If you don’t believe in magic, then you can choose any part of the body. The ankh will look attractive on the back, chest and arms. Sometimes it is placed on the back of the neck: in this case, it is believed that the talisman will protect against “stabs in the back.”

Advice! If you have a low pain threshold, choose areas that do not have bony protrusions. The most painful places to get a tattoo are on the ribs, collarbones and joints. The most pain-free areas are the forearm,