Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - outstanding Soviet designer and a scientist of the 20th century, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, founder of cosmonautics, creator of programs and a leading specialist in the field of rocketry and shipbuilding.

Sergei Korolev was born on January 12, 1907 (old style December 31, 1906) in Zhitomir. His father was a teacher, one of the commoners. After the breakup of the family, the boy was sent to Nizhyn to live with his mother’s parents, where he was raised in a merchant family. Since 1917, he has lived in Odessa with his mother Maria Nikolaevna and stepfather Grigory Mikhailovich Balanin. School curriculum studied houses, from 1922 to 1924 he studied at a construction school.

  • In 1921, he met the pilots of the hydraulic squadron and took part in aviation life: at the age of 16, he gave lectures on aviation. His first invention, created at the age of 17, was the K-5 motorless aircraft, recommended for construction.
  • 1924-1926 – studied at the Kiev Polytechnic.
  • In 1926 he was transferred to Moscow to a higher technical school. Participates in the organization of a glider school, becomes an instructor and tester of gliders, graduates from a pilot school, attends an aerodynamics club and develops light aircraft and gliders. Since his fourth year, he has been working at the design bureau.

  • Since 1927, he has participated in the All-Union Glider Competitions in Koktebel four times in a row.
  • In 1929, he meets with K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who advises him to take up space flight, gives him the book “Space Rocket Trains” and recommends contacting Friedrich Arturovich Zander, an engineer at TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute).
  • In February 1930, under the leadership of A.N. Tupolev defends the SK-4 aircraft project. At the same time, Korolev created the SK-3 “Red Star” glider, on which Nesterov’s loops were performed in free flight. The designer was unable to carry out the flight himself because he fell ill with typhus with complications such as deafness and memory loss. Before his illness, he had a phenomenal memory.

  • In March 1931, he began working at TsAGI as a senior flight test engineer. The main event of this period was a meeting with Zander, who was testing the OR-1 engine. Korolev also gets involved in the work. In September 1931, a group led by Zander began developing and testing the RP-1 rocket plane with a liquid engine.

The first steps of domestic rocket science

Sergei Korolev heads the scientific and technical council of the Moscow GIRD. Primary attention is paid to missile weapons, which are necessary to strengthen the country's defense capabilities. Korolev creates the first design bureau, from members of the Central State Research Institute, which went down in the history of rocket science.

Most areas of domestic rocket science began here. An achievement of this period was the launch of the GIRD-09 liquid-propellant rocket, which rose to a height of 400 m. Korolev describes the results of his work in the book “Rocket Flight in the Stratosphere” (1934). Here he also highlights the possibilities of non-space use of rockets for military and scientific purposes.

In September 1933, 26-year-old Korolev was appointed deputy director of the Jet Institute. The hopes of the Girdovites about the transition to serious projects were not justified, the scope of development was reduced, and in 1934 Korolev was relieved of his post. He remained to work at the institute as an ordinary engineer, focusing his efforts on the development of cruise missiles.

Guided missile weapons

In 1936, Korolev was appointed chief designer of the RNII department developing rocket aircraft. Sergei had amazing intuition, encyclopedic knowledge and experience. For the first time, he substantiated the concept of a missile interceptor fighter, reaching in a few minutes high altitude, attacking aircraft that threaten the protected object.

During the tests, which Korolev planned to conduct personally, an accident occurred, during which the designer received a head injury and ended up in a hospital bed. After the hospital, on June 27, 1938, he was arrested as a member of the Trotskyist counter-revolutionary organization. Korolev was sentenced to ten years and sent to Kolyma.

Arrest of Sergei Korolev | VitebskCity

Due to the arrest of Marshal Tukhachevsky and the authors of the new weapon, development stopped. The research of the rocket plane, which Korolev was engaged in, was continued, but without his participation it was not possible to build a combat rocket plane.

Victory and trophies

In September 1940, at the request of Tupolev (although he himself was arrested in 1938), Korolev was summoned from Kolyma. He immediately began developing a new bomber. After the first flight in December 1941, Tupolev’s team was evacuated to Omsk. Here the Tu-2 aircraft was put into production. It was the best front-line bomber.


Sergei Korolev continued to work in the prison design bureau of Kazan, developing aviation rocket launcher. Based on the results of his activities, he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and released from prison. At the end of the war, he created the D-1 and D-2 RDD projects with solid fuel engines. It turned out that similar projects have already been implemented in Germany, so it is sent to German enterprises. Korolev comes to the conclusion that at home he has the ability to create similar missiles, but with improved characteristics.


In May 1946, the Soviet leadership adopted a resolution that marked the beginning of the development of rocket science. In Kaliningrad near Moscow (today Korolev) the State Union Research Institute of Jet Weapons (NII-88) is being created. Korolev is appointed one of its main designers.

  • On Stalin's orders, a copy of the German rocket is being created;
  • Tests are being carried out on A-4 missiles assembled from captured units at the Nordhausen and NII-88 institutes;
  • The first R-1 missiles are being tested, reproducing the A-4 from their materials according to domestic documentation.


Sergei Korolev turned out to be not only a talented designer, but also an organizer who managed to coordinate the work of all departments.

Mastering the peaks military equipment began with the creation of a rocket with a range of 300 km. In 1948, the R-2 missile was created with a range of 600 km, capable of reaching some American bases. As a result of further developments, the R-5M RDD appears with a range of 1200 km and a nuclear warhead. Tests strategic missile were carried out at the Semipalatinsk test site on February 2, 1956.


Korolev's main focus was the development of multi-stage intercontinental missiles. The R-7 ballistic missile (ICBM) he created had a range of 8 thousand km, the modernized version of the R-7A ICBM had a range of 12 thousand km. Liquid ICBMs were inferior to American solid-fuel ones, so an experimental rocket, the RT-1, was created using solid fuel. Modern missile systems are equipped with solid fuel missiles, based on the RT-2 ICBM created by Korolev.


Military developments were for Korolev a condition for further space exploration. On October 4, 1957, for the first time in the history of earthlings, an artificial satellite was launched. A month later, on November 3, a second satellite was sent into orbit, with the dog Laika on board. On April 12, 1961, he flew into space.


Specialists from the Council of Chief Designers, created by Korolev, were involved in the implementation of these projects. During his lifetime, seven more flights of manned spacecraft were successfully carried out, satellites, space research stations and systems were launched.

Arguments and Facts

The life of the chief designer ended early, it happened on January 14, 1966. The cause of death was surgery, during which the heart stopped. After his departure the pace of development space programs decreased. Neither Russia nor the United States has produced a person equal to him in terms of personality and talent.

Personal life

Sergei Korolev was married twice. He first married in August 1931 to classmate Ksenia Vincentini, and in 1935 she gave birth to his daughter.

Sergei Korolev with his wife Ksenia and daughter | Day Online

In 1948, the family broke up.


He met his second wife, Nina Ivanovna Kotenkova, who was a translator at NII-88, at work.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev- brilliant scientist, physicist, engineer, designer. He achieved enormous results in the field of practical astronautics and the production of rocket and space technology.

short biography

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was born January 12, 1907 year in Zhitomir. His father is Pavel Yakovlevich Korolev, a teacher of Russian literature. Mother - Maria Nikolaevna Moskalenko, daughter of a Nezhin merchant.

When he was 3 years old, his mother left the family, and he was sent to the city of Nizhyn to live with his grandparents. Sergei Pavlovich studied in Kyiv, then in Odessa.

It was in Odessa that he met the pilots of the local air squad and spent a lot of time in their company, being interested in the intricacies of their craft. The smart young man was shown what an airplane is made of, how it flies, was allowed to sit at the controls of the plane and was told: to become a pilot, you need to study well.

Study and first job

Sergei Korolev immediately learned the last piece of advice and continued his studies after school. He entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. However, the training program there did not quite suit him, and so he transferred to Higher Technical School in Moscow.

After graduating from college, Korolev was sent to work in Central Aerodynamic Institute. During this period, he studied the works of Tsiolkovsky “Jet Airplane”.

Impressed by what he read, he changed jobs: in 1933 Korolev went to work at the new Jet Research Institute. He became deputy head of the institute for scientific work. Then he was 26 years old, and he made grandiose plans for the future.

The young designer and scientist believed that the future of all aviation lay in jet engines and jet technology.

Arrest and continuation of scientific activities

In 1938 A massive purge was taking place in the USSR: they were looking for spies, enemies of the people. Many scientists, designers, and engineers were injured. Korolev was also arrested and sentenced by 10 years in forced labor camps in Kolyma.

At the request of the remaining scientists, he was transferred to the design group Tupolev create the Tu-2 aircraft. While working at Sharashka, he continued to dream of jet-powered aircraft.

Trip to Germany

From his conclusion unexpectedly released in 1944, and in 1945 he was sent to Germany as a specialist in the field of jet rocketry. There he collected military documentation of German scientists who created the famous rockets V-1 and V-2.

From Germany, Korolev was sent to Podlipki near Moscow, where he formed research and production center for the production of liquid fuel rockets. He was appointed chief designer of ballistic missiles. Has begun new stage his life.

New stage

In 1947 Korolev was invited to the Kremlin to report to Stalin on the development ballistic missile. He reported, but there was no reaction. And no changes occurred. Changes came after Stalin's death, when the country's new leadership attracted talented scientists and engineers to create a new missile weapons, to space exploration.

First launch into space

In 1954, Korolev completed work on a rocket with a nuclear warhead and began creating intercontinental missile. In October 1957, a rocket carrying the first artificial satellite took off into the sky..

In 1959, three people took turns heading towards the Moon. spacecraft. The first and second brought a pennant depicting the coat of arms of the USSR to the surface of the Moon, and the third took photographs of the far side of the Moon. On April 12, 1961, the world's first manned space flight took place., and on March 18, 1965, man first went into open space.

Korolev was so passionate about his work that he literally spent days and nights in laboratories, test sites, and the cosmodrome. He did not take into account himself, with time, with the work team - he lived by his favorite work and devoted himself completely to it.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev planned to create a new ship, in the compartment of which cosmonauts could stay without spacesuits, and thought about docking two ships in space. But his heart could not withstand the excessive stress and on January 14, 1966 he died of heart failure.

Natasha Koroleva (real name Natalya Vladimirovna Poryvay) is a pop singer who received popular love after the release of the album “Yellow Tulips”, recorded jointly with Igor Nikolaev. Among her songs are such hits as “Little Country”, “A Little Bit Doesn’t Count”, “Blue Swans” and dozens of other lyrical ballads and fiery dance compositions.

Childhood of Natasha Koroleva

Natasha Poryvay, who was born in Kyiv, grew up in a creative family: the girl’s father was a choirmaster, and her mother, Honored Artist of Ukraine Lyudmila Poryvay, conducted the Svetoch choir. My 5-year-older sister, Irina, was a musically gifted child and subsequently performed solo under the pseudonym Rusya. It is not surprising that already at the age of 3 Natasha Poryvay made her debut on stage together with the Big Choir of Radio and Television of Ukraine, performing the song “Cruiser Aurora”.

At the age of 7, the girl was enrolled in a music school for piano class and, at the same time, in the choreographic studio named after Grigory Verevka. An important event What predetermined the baby’s fate was her acquaintance with the composer Vladimir Bystryakov, who took the gifted Natasha under his wing. At the age of 12, she began performing with his songs (“Where did the circus go”, “World of miracles”), thanks to which she quickly became the star of all city holidays: children's matinees, government congresses, New Year's lights, city days - every event was accompanied by the clear voice of Natasha Poryvay . In 1987, the girl became a winner of the Golden Tuning Fork folk music competition.

In the same year, Natasha made her first appearance on television, in the “Wider Circle” program (a kind of prototype of the “Minute of Fame” show), which gave a ticket to fame to many aspiring performers: Dmitry Malikov, Leonid Agutin, the group “Secret”... But for real significant event for the young singer it was a performance at a vocal competition in Evpatoria. She did not take any prizes, but attracted the attention of Elvira, the assistant of the famous Moscow television producer Marta Mogilevskaya. Natasha gave the woman a cassette with her own material, not knowing that this act would later play a huge role in her life.

Natasha Koroleva in the program “Wider Circle” (1986)

Some time passed, but no news came from Moscow, and Natasha continued to build a career in her native Ukraine, entering the Kiev Variety and Circus School to major in “Variety Vocals.” In the summer of 1989, she went on tour to the States.

The vocal girl produced strong impression to American vocal teachers who invited her to become a student at the Eastman School of Music at the prestigious University of Rochester. But Natasha, who by that time had been contacted by representatives of Martha Mogilevskaya, rejected this tempting offer and set off to conquer Moscow.

Casting Natasha Koroleva

The heyday of Natasha Koroleva’s career. "Dolphin and the Mermaid"

In the fall of 1989, Marta Mogilevskaya advised Igor Nikolaev, Alla Pugacheva’s former arranger and an aspiring singer who was in a creative stupor, to find a suitable girl to record together. The choice fell on Natasha for two reasons: firstly, her vocal abilities were an order of magnitude higher than those of the other contenders, and secondly, the short girl looked ideal next to the 172-centimeter singer.

At the first meeting, Igor was quite skeptical about this idea: the 16-year-old plump “Khokhlushka” did not look like a spectacular pop diva, and besides, she was embarrassed by the singer, who seemed to her like a king and a god of music. However, after listening, he was pleasantly surprised and soon wrote the song “Yellow Tulips” for the young protégé, which became the title track of the album of the same name, released in 1990. On the cover of the record there was an inscription: “Natasha Koroleva sings the songs of Igor Nikolaev.”

Natasha Poryvai turned into Koroleva in a completely natural way: the pseudonym was invented by Nikolaev, who was sure that the audience would not be able to remember the surname “Poryvai”, and it sounds somehow plebeian, another thing is the proud, impressive “Koroleva”.

After the release of the album, Natasha Koroleva’s popularity began to literally go off scale. “Yellow Tulips” brought the girl to the final of the main event music competition countries - “Songs of the Year”. The stadiums and concert venues were overcrowded, fans brought armfuls of yellow tulips to their favorite artist, and when Natasha, who had broken her leg, took a short time out, admirers of her work asked to carry the plastered girl onto the stage.

“Song of the Year 1990”: Natasha Koroleva – “Yellow Tulips”

In 1991, Natasha Koroleva graduated from the Variety and Circus School. In 1992, the album “Dolphin and the Mermaid” was released, and the creative tandem of Igor and Natasha went on a grandiose tour of the cities of Russia with the program of the same name, which over the next three years conquered not only the remote corners of our homeland, but also big cities USA, Israel and Germany.

In 1994, the singer released a solo album called “Fan” (the music and lyrics were still the credit of Igor Nikolaev). However, she had to win the trust of listeners who did not want to believe in the end of “The Dolphin and the Mermaid” and recognize Natasha as an independent creative unit. Thanks to long hard work, the singer was able to regain the public's favor. For example, in the spring of 1995, she held three charity concerts at Far East as a sign of support for those affected by the devastating earthquake on Sakhalin.

In 1995, Koroleva’s second exclusively solo album, “Confetti,” was released, consisting of eleven songs. Among them was the composition “Little Country,” which soon conquered federal television and radio airwaves, turning into an immortal hit for children and adults who continue to believe in the fairy tale.

Natasha Koroleva: “I’m a random person in show business”

At this time, Natasha Koroleva made her debut as an actress in the musical “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” where she played the daughter of the chairman and, together with Lada Dance and Alena Apina, sang the song “Someone Came Down the Hill.” Over time, she appeared in the next three parts of the musical film: in the second she parodied the image of the heroine Svetlana Svetlichnaya from “The Diamond Arm”, in the third she sang a duet with Chris Norman, and in the final one with Alexander Tsekalo.

In 1997, Natasha was cast in the role of Malvina in the musical “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio” (it is noteworthy that Pinocchio himself was played by Kristina Orbakaite). In between filming, Natalya worked on new material, and in December of the same year, Koroleva’s fans greeted her new album, “Diamonds of Tears,” with jubilation. Many listeners noted that Natasha had changed both externally and spiritually - from the cover it was no longer a girl who looked slyly at the buyers, but a fully formed lady. The lyrics have also become more mature: the “small country” has been replaced by “a girl dreaming of big love.”

WITH new program she went on a world tour, during which she was applauded by the audiences of London, New York, Berlin and Athens, and in 1999 she went on tour again with Igor Nikolaev and the concert program “The Dearest”.

In 2000, the Queen thought about specialized education and entered the acting department of GITIS, which she graduated from three years later.

New creativity of Natasha Koroleva

In 2000, the union of Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev broke up both creatively and personally. The singer lost the support of her loved one and the help of a talented composer. The album “Heart”, released shortly after the breakup, did without Nikolaev’s participation. Natalya was helped by composer Alexander Konovalov and songwriter Vladimir Vulykh - they wrote the iconic composition “It Was or Wasn’t.”

In 2002, the singer released a collection of her best hits entitled “Shards of the Past.” It included 14 of Koroleva’s hits, as well as a new song “A Little Bit Doesn’t Count.” “What has become of me now? But life goes on,” was heard from every radio in the country.

Natasha Koroleva – “A little bit doesn’t count”

Natasha Koroleva's next album was recorded together with her new chosen one Sergei Glushko, also known under the pseudonym Tarzan. The record was called "Believe it or not." Three years later, the couple presented another joint work called “Heaven Is Where You Are.” The album of the same name was released with the support of the Dream Crystal jewelry house, whose face Natasha has been since August 2006.

In 2008, Natasha was invited to the show “Dancing with the Stars,” pairing the singer with choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Behind short term The queen had to learn many complex dance steps, but her efforts were rewarded only with third place.

“Dancing with the Stars”: Natasha Koroleva and Evgeniy Papunaishvili

And the next year, Natasha presented her writing debut, a largely autobiographical novel, “Male Striptease.” The singer’s experiments did not stop there: she soon became the owner of a beauty salon, which was called “Natasha Koroleva’s Beauty Salon.”

In the summer of 2010, the singer, together with Oleg Gazmanov, went to a festival of Russian culture in Germany. All proceeds from the sale of tickets to the star's concert were transferred to charitable foundation Red Cross. In November 2013, the star announced the termination of touring activities.

From 2012 to 2014, Natasha, together with her mother, Lyudmila Poryvai, hosted the program “Time for Lunch” on Channel One. The show compared home and restaurant kitchens - ordinary housewives challenged professional chefs.

Personal life of Natasha Koroleva: between a dolphin and a stripper

It cannot be said that the so-called “natural chemistry” was discovered at first glance between Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev. However, while working on the “Dolphin and Mermaid” program, the man fell in love with the girl, which grew stronger every day, turning into something more intimate, inspiring him to create melodic, slightly sad ballads.

Natasha’s acquaintances noticed that she, although she desperately denied it, also fell in love with Nikolaev: with open mouth I caught his every word, copied his gestures and manner of speech. They began to live together, but Natasha, brought up in strictness, immediately confronted the singer with a fact: no civil marriage, only legalized relationships: “I had very strict rules and believed that everything should only happen after the wedding. True, now I have changed my mind - I think that you should first check your partner, and then marry him... When I realized that Igor’s courtship was going too far, I said: “Either officially, or not at all.” He had to think..."

Still, the musician did not want the relationship to be made public, so Natasha had to take everything into her own hands and make a cunning knight move. She and her parents came home to Nikolaev and invited the registry office employees there - no feasts, magnificent dresses and rings, only stamps in the passport.

In 2000, Natasha Koroleva left her husband. According to the singer, the reason for this was Nikolaev’s constant betrayal. Although the separation occurred without scandals and scenes of jealousy, both took this break very hard.

In an attempt to distract herself from the oppressive wound in her heart, Natasha plunged headlong into work. For one of the performances, she invited a group of dancers of the “original genre”, in other words, strippers. Among them was the blond, broad-shouldered handsome Tarzan, who was to discuss with Natasha the details of future payment.

Arkhip, the first-born of Natasha and Tarzan, was born in February 2002, and in August 2003 the lovers officially got married. This time everything was for real: the bride dressed in White dress, noisy company the guests were driven along the Neva by a motor ship, doves were released into the sky, and Natasha's unmarried friends caught the bride's lush bouquet.

The public received the news ambiguously. Not everyone was able to rejoice at Natasha’s happiness, reproaching her for “the broken heart of the maestro [Igor Nikolaev].” Tarzan himself commented on the situation like this: “I didn’t take Natasha away from him. When we started our relationship, she had already been living separately for a year, he had his own life. How to creative person, I have a very good attitude towards him, I like his songs.”

In 2008, Igor Nikolaev, who had ignored everything for several years creative success girls and called his former protégé exclusively by real name, took the first step towards reconciliation with his ex-lover. Natasha accepted the apology, and since then the former partners began to communicate as close friends.

Through a short time they again appeared on stage together to delight their loyal fans with an original performance of “The Dolphin and the Mermaid”; Nikolaev also wrote a new song for Natasha (“Dream Crystal”).

Natasha Koroleva and Alexander Marshal - “I am defamed by you”

Date of birth: January 12, 1907
Date of death: January 14, 1966
Place of birth: Ukraine, Zhitomir

Korolev Sergey Pavlovich– designer of the Soviet period, Korolev S.P.- stood at the origins of theoretical and practical shipbuilding. Space technology, missile weapons - in these areas he was undoubtedly the first figure of his time.

Sergei was born on January 12, 1907 in Zhitomir in a bourgeois family. His father, Pavel Yakovlevich, taught Russian literature to children. Mother Maria Moskalenko, according to the traditions of that time, ran the household.

At the age of 8, Sergei begins his studies at the Kyiv gymnasium. In 1917 he was transferred to the Odessa gymnasium. Due to the closure of the gymnasium, the boy has to transfer to a labor school. Then he leaves school completely and begins studying at home under the guidance of his stepfather and mother. His stepfather's engineering education greatly helped Korolev.

A fateful meeting with aviators takes place in 1921. Sergei begins to communicate with representatives of the Odessa hydraulic squad and understands that aircraft manufacturing will become his life’s work.

Very at a young age– 17 years old – he was able to justify his own project of a motorless aircraft before a special commission.

6 years later, Sergei is already a student at the Polytechnic Institute in Kyiv. The young man literally grasps the exact disciplines on the fly and two years later he continues his studies in the capital. Moscow higher military school added another gifted student.
In 1931, having collaborated with F. Zander, Sergei created a special group dedicated to studying jet propulsion. In practice, young scientists created and tested their models.

In 1933, the young specialist became deputy head of the Jet Research Institute. He is in charge of the missile department. The department's goal is to test all types of weapons-related missiles.

In June 1938, the scientist was charged seriously. He was arrested for sabotage. Korolev's interrogations were carried out with particular cruelty. The court sentence imposed 10 years of labor camps in Kolyma. The inventor spent a year in prison, since the USSR needed to build up military power and the government desperately needed designers and scientists.

In connection with this, many scientists were collected into specially organized design bureaus for forced work. Korolev was no exception.

He began his work under the patronage of Tupolev in Moscow. He was then transferred to Kazan, where he became the chief in the field of rocket launcher design.

In 1944, the scientist received his freedom and began work on rockets designed to fly along a ballistic trajectory. The first creation was the R-1, but it was not its own design, but was made according to the drawings of the German V-2.

Subsequently, work begins on rockets strategic purpose. In the post-war years, in 1957, missiles designed to fly along a ballistic trajectory for water and land were demonstrated for the first time.

At the same time, research is being carried out in astronautics. The launch of an artificial Earth satellite, which was launched into Earth orbit for the first time, could not have happened without Korolev. The development of astronautics is proceeding by leaps and bounds and two years later three aircraft are already visiting the Moon.

Despite the successes in peaceful space exploration, Korolev and his colleagues do not give up their work war machine THE USSR. The R-7 rocket is his brainchild. This missile could reach another continent and hit a target there.

But the peak of the career of a designer and scientist was probably the first manned flight into space. It was Korolev who was both the ideological inspirer and the executor of this gigantic project. Following the flight of Yu. Gagarin, Vostok-2 and Soyuz went into orbit. Began preparatory work for the design and assembly of a heavy interplanetary spacecraft.

Korolev did not have time to complete all these projects. During intestinal surgery, his heart stopped permanently. This happened on January 14, 1966.

Achievements of Sergei Korolev:

He was the first scientist in Soviet Russia who was engaged in theory and practice in almost all areas of rocket technology for peaceful and military purposes.
Before him, no one had done so much in the field of manned spacecraft designed to be launched into space.
During the beginning of the “arms race,” he stood at the origins of the USSR’s nuclear defense.
The most eminent and fruitful scientist in theoretical and practical astronautics.
The scientist’s merits were awarded the Lenin Prize, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor twice, and the title of Academician of Sciences.

Dates from the biography of Sergei Korolev:

January 12, 1907 born in Zhitomir.
1915 began his studies at the Kyiv gymnasium
1917 transferred to the Odessa gymnasium
1924 began his studies at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute.
1926 transferred to Moscow VTU.
1931 initiator of the creation of GIRD.
The 1933 rocket launch confirmed the correctness of all the theoretical calculations of the group of scientists. Experimental work has begun to create a combat weapon missile weapons
1938 suddenly arrested. The punishment was severe - the designer had to spend 10 years in a camp.
1939 sent to a labor camp in Siberia.
1940 forced to work in specially organized design bureaus.
1944 released without preconditions. Started working on missiles flying along a ballistic trajectory.
1957 created a rocket flying along a ballistic trajectory. The Earth satellite, controlled from the control center, was sent into flight.
1961 Vostok-1 was sent into orbit.
January 14, 1966 - Sergei Pavlovich’s heart stopped during intestinal surgery.

Interesting facts of Sergei Korolev:

To get the drawings and calculations for the V-2, he was sent to England. The spy project failed because the artillery captain allegedly had no military decorations.
While studying at school, he showed absolutely no talent. Didn't shine in any of the subjects.
A story well known among cosmonauts says that Gagarin and Komarov insisted on sending the scientist’s ashes to the Moon.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev is considered the founder of practical astronautics.

In the 20th century, he was the man who determined the strategy and tactics of practical space exploration.

Created by him missile systems and spaceships that made Soviet Union pioneer in space exploration.

Biography, education

Sergei Korolev was born on January 12, 1907 in Zhitomir, which is 130 kilometers from the city. His parents were teachers. For several years he lived in Nizhyn with his grandparents. In first grade I went to a gymnasium in Odessa, which was soon closed. This was in the stormy year of 1917.

His mother and stepfather, who received an engineering degree in Germany, took care of his home education. In 1924, Sergei became a student at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, intending to be an aeronautical engineer. There he became interested in gliding.

Two years later, he continued his studies at the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman (MVTU).

Through aviation to missiles

At the Moscow Higher Technical School he creates designs for original gliders and aircraft. He was actively involved in gliding and participated in gliding rallies in the Crimean Koktebel. He designed aircraft that received high marks from specialists. After meeting the great K.E. Tsiolkovsky devoted himself to rocket science.

In 1931, together with another enthusiast, F.A. Zander, he created a Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion on a voluntary basis. The following year it became a government agency for missile development. The results obtained interested the military, and in 1933 a special research institute for the development of missiles was created.

With the rank of divisional engineer, Sergei Pavlovich became deputy head of the institution, deputy head of the institute. Under his leadership, three years later, anti-aircraft and long-range cruise missiles were developed and tested. By 1938, projects appeared: cruise and ballistic missiles with liquid-propellant engines, missiles for aircraft, hitting targets in the air and on the ground, surface-to-air missiles using solid fuel.

A prisoner

However, a denunciation was written against him. An arrest followed in June 1938. Two months later, on charges of subversion, he was sentenced to ten years in prison and a five-year disqualification. Went through Butyrskaya and transit prisons, Kolyma. In the spring of 1940, he was unexpectedly transported to Moscow, where in the summer of that year he was sentenced to eight years in prison.

However, instead of the camp, they are sent to a special NKVD prison in Moscow called TsKB-29. Here he, under the leadership of also prisoner A.N. Tupolev participates in the creation of bombers and develops unique types of missile weapons. In 1942, he was transferred to the prison design bureau at the aircraft plant in Kazan, where he designed rocket boosters for aircraft and installations for launching missiles from a bomber.

In July 1944, he was released early and his criminal record was cleared. He was rehabilitated only in 1957 due to the lack of evidence of a crime.

Rocket shield constructor

Soon after the Great Patriotic War needed to create long-range missiles, capable of hitting targets thousands of kilometers away. In 1946 S.P. Queens are appointed by them general designer. Missiles of various modifications were developed, including those with a nuclear charge.

In 1956, an intercontinental ballistic missile was created, capable of delivering a charge, first 8, and a little later 11 thousand km. A year later, sea-based and mobile ground-based missiles appeared.

Path to space

Sergei Korolev led the development of satellites and space stations, more advanced rockets to launch them. The first result of this work was the launch in October 1957 of the first artificial satellite into low-Earth orbit. This fantastic success provided the USSR with enormous prestige in the world.

Work was carried out at an accelerated pace to create satellites for military, national economic and scientific purposes. Automatic stations to the Moon are launched, back side which is being photographed. The development of a device for landing on this satellite of the earth begins, which could photograph its surface and transmit images to Earth.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev amazes the world with the creation of the first manned spaceship, which for the first time circled the globe in space. Then there were other flights of Soviet cosmonauts, including joint ones, the flight of a female cosmonaut, and a man’s spacewalk. He developed the idea of ​​creating a long-term orbital station, in which you can work without spacesuits and change crews.

Unfortunately, he did not live to see the practical implementation of this project.

Confession. Memory

Sergei Korolev was awarded the country's highest awards, including twice receiving the star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. The USSR Academy of Sciences elected him as a full member. S.P. died Korolev on January 14, 1966 during an operation that his heart failed. Buried in the wall of the Moscow Kremlin.

His name is borne by:

  • several space-related businesses;
  • city ​​near Moscow - Korolev;
  • several universities;
  • streets in many localities;
  • one of the most high peaks Pamir;
  • lunar and Martian craters;
  • research ship;
  • departmental medals and other awards.

Films were made and written about him literary works. Thousands of people visit memorial house museums in Moscow and Zhitomir.

  • Name S.P. The Queen during his lifetime was a mystery. He was not mentioned either after the launch of the first satellite, or in connection with the first flight of an earthling into space;
  • People who knew him closely recalled that he never cursed anyone and never complained. He looked gloomily at the future, was a skeptic and a cynic. He liked to say: “They’ll slam you without an obituary”;
  • when he was transferred from Kolyma to Moscow, he was late for the ship, which sank during a storm on the way to Vladivostok;
  • among the world's first launches was the flight of a satellite with a dog named Laika and the launch of a ballistic missile from under water;
  • a year before his rehabilitation, Korolev in 1956 became a Hero of Socialist Labor for the creation of an intercontinental ballistic missile.