When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a load of luggage
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge;
Yes, but things are still there.

Analysis/moral of the fable “The Crow and the Fox” by Krylov

Ivan Andreevich Krylov’s textbook satire “Swan, Pike and Crayfish” was first published in the collection “New Fables”.

The fable was written in 1814. The writer at that moment was already 45 years old, he had already gained popularity as a fabulist, and, under the patronage of A. Olenin, was hired as an assistant librarian at the Public Library. The meter of the work is iambic in different feet, a relative of the raesh verse of the folk theater. And again the characters are from Russian fairy tales: Swan, Pike. It is interesting that in fairy tales about animals both can be negative characters, but in fairy tales they can be positive. Although cancer seems out of place in this company, it is also one of the most common in the niche of ichthyological images in folklore. True, in oral folk art he is often endowed with worldly wisdom, which cannot be said about the character in the fable. It turns out that in this case the writer’s goal was to create an allegory, a satire on human characters. It must be emphasized that the heroes do not have stable connotations with any type of activity or status (say, like a bear, who is often a “voivode”). The choice of characters is based only on contrast, the dissimilarity of their habitats and habits. The reason for creating the fable is considered to be political. It was believed that in it the writer ridiculed foreign policy empires. There is also an opinion that the plot is based on the slowness of the work State Council. However, since then the meaning of the fable has often been applied to the work of any institutions and organizations. The language, as always with I. Krylov, is rich, the lines are aphoristic. The final line went down among the people and became a proverb. The moral is taught right away, at the very beginning: when there is no agreement, things will not work. Next comes the fairytale beginning: one day. The author does not explain how such different “comrades” were able to agree with each other, and what was in the “luggage”. The text repeatedly emphasizes that the characters seem to be doing everything together, “together,” the three of them. “They go out of their way”: a common idiom by I. Krylov, meaning diligence. This same line contains the only rhetorical exclamation. The dialogue is replaced by the eloquence of the incident itself: the bird “rushes into the clouds,” the crayfish, as usual, “backs away,” and the fish energetically pulls the cart into the river. The writer does not undertake to judge the heroes and suspect them of malicious intent: it is not for us to judge. Here the author's position is hidden behind the pronoun “we”. However, the fact remains: things are still there. There is only one conclusion: each person has his own vision of the problem, but it can only be solved through compromise or the development of a common point of view. Otherwise, it will turn out to be “no business, just torment.”

The fable “Swan, Pike and Crayfish” by I. Krylov is classified as a work with political overtones.

Swan, Cancer and Pike decided to carry the cart. They harnessed themselves and began to pull: the Swan rushes into the clouds, the Pike pulls into the water, and the Cancer backs away. They made a lot of effort, but the cart did not move.

Read the fable Swan, Cancer and Pike online

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a load of luggage
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge;
Yes, but things are still there.

(Illustration by Irina Petelina)

Moral of the fable Swan, Cancer and Pike

The swan skillfully soars in the skies. Cancer, on the contrary, moves on land, confidently, but only backwards. He is unable to take even a step forward. Pike can only swim. To move forward successfully, they not only need to agree to work together, but also accept that not each of them has to do what they can do. You need to accept yourself as you are. If a swan can fly perfectly, then you should not harness it to a cart like a horse. Not everyone can be changed. No business can be successful if all participants are moving in different directions, acting inconsistently, etc. Often people, having taken up a common cause, each pull the “cart” in their own direction, for example, out of vanity, pride or greed. In the end, such a “cart” is really doomed to stand still.

Published by: Mishka 17.01.2019 14:44 17.07.2019

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Other fables by Krylov

  • Convoy - Krylov's fable

    There was a convoy with pots and it was necessary to slide down the mountain. The owner left everyone to wait on the mountain, and he himself took one cart and began to slowly descend. The horse was experienced and held back the cart pressing on him. Looking...

Swan, Pike and Crayfish is a fable by Ivan Krylov, published in 1814. Krylov's short fable is a masterpiece of the fable genre.

Fable Swan, pike and crayfish read

Things won't go well for them,

Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a load of luggage
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
It is not for us to judge who is to blame and who is right;
Yes, but things are still there.

Moral of the fable: Swan, pike and crayfish

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.

Fable Swan, pike and crayfish - analysis

With the heroes this time everything is very smooth and simple, three different in nature: the swan can only fly both physically and in his thoughts, the cancer, what can’t be done, backs away, and the pike is only destined to swim. The moral of the fable is that there are things inherent in animals and people by nature that nothing can be done about, they cannot be changed, no matter how hard you try.

In friendship, what is important is the combination of characters who are united in spirit and aspirations, and if there is no agreement among the comrades, then no matter how hard they try, none of them will be right or wrong - the matter will not be argued. Everyone follows their instinct, works for the good, but nothing is the same today. What idea inspired Krylov to write this fable? Probably people hiding or not understanding their true intentions in creating a common cause.

The fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer” must be read as a work that fully complies with the canons of its genre. His main idea, voiced in a literature lesson, is quite simple: the success of a business is out of the question if its participants are unable to agree and move in the same direction. And no matter what motivates them - pride, stupidity or greed, the conditional “cart” will remain in place if they do not agree. It is interesting that this idea is expressed in the first three lines of the text, which is now easy to download for free, and then is illustrated using an allegory with animals typical of the author.

Krylov's fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer,” written in 1814, has interesting story creation - the poet, whose poems are known today even by small children, dedicated it to the members of the State Assembly. The fact is that these respectable men could not form a common opinion - it came to the point that the emperor himself had to intervene. So you can read the entire fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer” in a book or online not only as an instructive work, but also as a unique historical information from a man who sincerely cared about the well-being of his state.

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.

Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a cart full of luggage,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge;
Yes, but things are still there.


The fable section numbers correspond to the numbers
positions on the diagram explaining them at the beginning of the text.

I. A. Krylov. Non-partisan option.

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a cart full of luggage,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge;
Yes, but things are still there.


1. Before 1917.

There is always no agreement among “comrades”,
This was the “hello” from the Romanovs:
And they were forbidden to think in Russian
The German Tsars are the sufferers of Russia.

And in response to their ban, we greet them with our “hello”,
And now there is not a day of rest in the country,
But there are three parties, and there is antagonism between them.
Now, for example, Swan is communism,

And two hundred years ago it was Protestantism,
By the end of the century it will be liberalism.
To find out where the Swan will lead us -
Just smell it - what’s coming from the West?

With Pike it’s also simple for now:
Until now, I haven’t been eager for the clouds,
She is a monarcho-conservative capitalist,
And her muddy pond is never clean.

And here is our mustachioed uncle Cancer,
I haven’t been able to deal with him for three days.
At first it was “social” and even “demo” kratom,
But soon, having separated from his half-brother,

Became a communist, and even a Bolshevik,
Anti-"social", -"demo" in actions, moreover:
SD – sibling- he sank to the bottom,
SR - cousin - at the same time.

And, having completed the acceleration of native revelements,
Began to drive out intrauterine competitors,
Which (and the rest are already in the dark)
He filled the vacancies: “Pike”, “Swan”.

And again, they have no agreement among their “comrades.”
And again from the West (from the Shifts - Parvuses) greetings;
And again they began to drag people from “there”,
And again the three of them all harnessed themselves to the cart.

The people are flexible and their fate is bitter:
The Swan is rushing to the West - into the clouds,
Cancer (soil) - home, back, to the people,
And Pike - everything is in the water for his profits.

Now, people. Will he always be there?
Can he feed all the “triplets” while sitting in a hole?
Agreement. It was only seen in the middle of the century.
To see it again, we would give a lot!

2. 1917-1930.

And what came out of him was nothing but torment.
One hundred years have passed since Swan, Cancer and Pike
They set out to drag people out of “there” in a new way -
One by one. Here's how: harness up and -

Then they will drive the competitor away from the cart,
Then, having waited for the right moment,
They will strangle him, then they will squeeze him in the elections,
And they will take power around them into their hands.

They went out of their way and went everywhere:
Then the Pike drags a hundred meters - to the water,
That Swan is a hundred meters away, but uphill,
Then Cancer goes a hundred meters into the hole!

Having passed an equilateral triangle,
Our cart full of people (right, schoolboy?)
To the starting point - here you go! - "How?!
All your worries for nothing? - thinks Cancer.

You're being naughty! Let these two
They go... even to the dull blue,
But not to us - to the clean! Tash Cancer
Let's go forward! Don't be a fool -

He will harness them all to the cart,
And, where necessary, it will lead:
Back to start over.
And - so that there is enough strength -

Back to autocracy again...
But let's call it communism,
Or even socialism -
In accordance with our goal - enemas,

What should they do?
To consolidate the country.
The owner, VIL, told us how? –
Like, only such a Cancer will win,

Who will make the Swan Cancer?
The one who catches Pike with a marriage.
We are faithful to His covenants:
Well, bro, take off your pants!"

3. 1930-1941.

- “Our time has come - “X”,
“Comrade” and “comrade” left:
He's going to Mexico, and he'll get better,
She's heading north - she'll definitely go left.

Let's correct them... The essence of the proofs is simple:
Well, if the Swan does not vomit into our clouds,
Cancer is moving back home - back to the people,
And Pike - everything is in the water for his profits,

(Otherwise, we won’t see any benefit in 100 years):
Elite Pluck the Swan's tail,
We, Cancers, have the will to take a little,
And throw the Pike into the water (boiling water).

Having finished this - even though I’m not a lyricist -
Sing to us, crayfish, an ode - a panegyric;
I need to rest at least a little,
Otherwise, you can stretch the pincers!

But what is it? The river is agitated
And alien clouds from the west
They're crawling on us. Well, is it really all over again?
What have we missed? Or maybe it’s not enough for them?

Until the time came for the “Greek”,
I’ll bury myself in the sand and rest for an hour.
And there - it’s not like a panegyric -
There's a march! And a requiem... "Uniforms" made of boards..."

4. 1941-1945.

Get up, huge country,
Get back into the cart
A dark force is coming towards us
Of thunder, clouds and thunderstorms!

I'll deposit the people's
Our Swan-pike-crayfish
For the first time one way...
It would always be like this!

5. 1945-1953.

- “Well, it’s time for “Z”,
And what do we see from the newspapers? –
Bah, a real panegyric, -
The one we were waiting for before the "y"!

All that remains is to put things in order here too -
The one that only happens between the beds.
How? - “Weed” and “sweep” the capital,
To see only pleasant faces.

And this means: teach crustaceans
Like falcons fly - up to the clouds.
So that the Swans would pull them there,
And the Pike didn’t shirk their efforts!

And it’s time for me, crayfish, to rest:
Stretch the mustache and pincers of the water -
In Pitsunda somewhere, or on Ritsa.
Leaving Cerberus to watch in the capital.

After all, seventy-odd is already small,
It's time to breathe in the sweetest smoke of the fatherland...
But what is it? Suffocation! Something is pressing...
Are you Swan? You pike! You can’t force me!” ...

6. 1953-1984.
- “Ugh, it’s gone!” - We are not deprived of our Geshefts...
His hours have passed (“he”, “u”, and “ze”) in the fate of the country
And we should no longer move on the same course...
Are we not Trotskyists? - Yes, but the world revolution is true!

Does the West still not want to know us?
So let my shoe and Kuzka’s mother know!
To avoid these tragicomic “enemas”
Don't disturb us: we are building a city!

So that you can “understand” us better,
We are even ready to hand over some of our own:
Twentieth Congress - turn back
And the “thaw” - to bring back the swans.

I, Chief Cancer, am telling you for sure...
Bah, they turned it off... Pike! Hey, oink-oink!” ...
- “... Comrades, we discussed here:
We went a little too far with communism.

Let's do it better, and without any enemas
Let's give extremely developed socialism.
We also want to say, comrade people,
The main thing we have to endure is the warmth,

Because – excuse the name –
We do not have life, but coexistence.
We'll still have to endure freaks
Which the corn grower spread among the people.

Well, for example, the Swan has returned to us.
Good, all white, beautiful! - So! But I stumbled on it
All our progress! What, don’t you want to get into it? –
Yes, in front of the Master it was impossible to make a word,

But we drove, and we went faster than everyone else.
Because with him we dispersed the long-necks.
But then the executioner Judas the destroyer climbed in,
With the swineherd's grasping hand, the driver.

He was a Cancer, for sure. But, together with Pike,
They led us straight to the all-swamp fire,
And we were all carried away not into a hole or into the water,
And in between - into the swamp. It's bad for the crustacean people there.

This is how our cart walked - over stumps and gullies.
Almost Judas' time was dragged by Pike and Cancer.
They dragged it dashingly, they dragged it in our native style:
We were the first to launch a satellite into space!

I, nevertheless, in October it, crustaceans, that...
What to find out? - The truth about him is known!
Yes, he awarded Nasser, three... - exactly - he cheated.
Who among us (well, except Koba) hasn’t lived like this?

However, it would be better if he put the Pike with Cancer,
And our cart did not drive over stumps and gullies,
And he would have forced her to drag the cart into the hole.
According to an agreement, or something, or a verdict.

Now delve into it: the Swan has returned,
He hits himself in the chest with his heel - he repeats what to do.
Well, let (point 6) harness him too -
It will help you get out of the gullies!

And here again our eternal collective farm -
We see a picture that is familiar to tears:
Swan, Cancer and Pike are in harness again...
Science is beyond our understanding, after all!

And I, your eyebrow-raising favorite,
From hell I send my fiery gift:
I'm sorry - I missed the opportunity
Bring you happiness. Sorry for the oversight...

Also - for what we brought up for you
New Judas. If only he could come here, to us!
How is he there, soon? Well, my conclusion is simple:
No matter how many “parties” there are, there’s immediate stagnation!”

7. 1985+.

- “What’s wrong: okay, or is it completely stuck?” –
All three are "arguing". But in their minds it’s a secret;
Everyone has their own. But this (Scheme 7) is not a surprise:
How to destroy the cart in order to take the main “prize”?

Cancer, hoping for a living (a mound of carrion),
“He beats a dead dog” - for TV daring.
To enjoy the crayfish party with money
It's heading towards collapse by leaps and bounds.

To shut people's mouths so that they call it acceleration
Collapse is progress, nonsense is publicity. Have you heard?
Russia's main sharper, henpecked and Judas,
(Marked Cancer) does not drag the cart “from there”.

What about Swan? – He is also at war with the dead Cancer
And he is friends with Cancer-Boris (that is, with Swan-Cancer),
And they drag the cart into chaos, into hell.
Where? Yes, simply: away from the hole.

He, Lebed, started from dissidents,
Has always been a destructive element -
A crook with the tricks of the capital's life science professors
And “candidates” (from the State Department) for president.

But in an environment of complete collapse
He lacked a “healthy wing”.
Leo appeared, and now we see
Burbulization of “your” country.

Now let's - also not out of boredom -
Let's also listen to what the Pike are fighting.
- “Radimai! We took power from the raid -
Note - not for the first time in the life of our swamp;

And the Cancer-lies: they lie that these waters
Until the raid of the pike people
They were pure, but we “messed them up”:
People and Cancers were not paid bribes"...

You and I should note here,
What are crayfish in troubled waters don't live.
But pikes adhere to completely different traditions:
To be successful, stir up the water!

... "We, for the sake of purity dear to crayfish,
It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the same page with the newbies,
And we drag the cart no matter where and anyhow,
And only there and as Cancer whistles!”

And here is the “agreement” (community of interest):
They rushed after “progress”.
They dragged us with such aplomb,
That all our brains have been completely muddled:

What we thought was bad -
We now consider it good.
What was happiness for us -
Now it’s not worth the trouble.

8. 1986-1999.

So, the time has come for the new Judas -
Thirteen years. All pike-swans are from there.
They're asking to call it Seven Bankers,
We call it Semikhazarshchina, suddenly in a row!

And who is the main culprit? - Cancer.
And Cancer “inherited” the wealth of Cancers. - So?
Not this way! After all, Cancer Boris is not Cancer: for free
He climbed into the heirs, onto a hill with carrion!

Freebie?! Urgently new Cancer arose among us
But in vain: a misalliance was declared among the trinity:
Point 8 - Pike and Swan rolled up -
And the new Cancer was separated from the cart.

He slid down the hill and, gaining momentum, -
Chest like a wheel (as if the old one was right) -
They whistle at us, they say - the movement of the poor!
Under the control of the cunning Rako-Pike?!

What's going on with two of these three?
Where is the Pike-fish and where is the Swan-bird?
Here - as always, as it has been throughout the centuries:
The fish goes into the water, the bird goes into the clouds.

But “it turned out” “not here and not here”:
To the right of the clouds, but to the left of the water.
That is, to collapse and hell,
But as you want: away from the hole.

Yes, we gained “a lot” in that race:
Elites - everything that was seen only from a distance,
And the simpletons have raked something worse -
Drink, eat, and the whole Earth laughs.

9. 2000-2017.

And Boris the Cancer Swan, spending his inheritance,
I bought myself “my” place in the harness,
But he didn’t pull it himself - there was a big fight,
Harnessed a young Cancer to it.

Tell me, do you have a guess in your mind:
What happens if there is fish movement in the bird?
Suddenly throw in an amphibian athlete,
Moreover, a fighter, one of the former policemen?

I think there will be a slowdown
And stop – the speed “decrease”.
Here you go - the cart is worth it.
This means that people are not full!

To continue everyone's movement,
Without bringing the cart to the point of braking in future
The three decided to sacrifice one of them.
Like across the sea - two parties. God bless him.

In short, only Pike was unlucky here.
Everything is simple and no science:
There's the Lion, behind the tubercle, watching the Swan's body,
And Cancer here is the owner, a sacred thing!

So why did Cancer and Swan(?) eat Pike? –
People are guessing, science is silent.
And they guessed that it was a very simple thing:
We wanted to eat and ate Pike.

And I have my own guess -
That Pike was eaten for speed.
See diagram 9: if you remove Shchuk from it,
It will work like a string, an arrow and a bow.

Here the crustaceans boldly tell us:
Yes, a shot, and the arrow flew;
And this is called progress! ...
Bah, we got lost like a devil!

We need to get out of this fornication -
You should apply for the elections (point 10) ...
What about point 9? - Brake: The pikes, after all, stuck their noses in!
Progress now does not rhyme, the question begs.

I'll ask the crustaceans, which I never knew,
Who cries even at the grave of an ogre,
Who doesn’t need this science of mine -
I see - are you sorry that you ate Pike?

So you'd better feel sorry for yourself,
Yes, peacekeepers, yes, they didn’t eat Pike;
But these Pikes reached their goal:
They ate you, you overlooked it!

Come on, don't cry, I pranked you a little,
How I remembered the Bulldog who died of hunger...
Those Pike are safe and muddying in strange waters -
In Spain..., in America... - almost everywhere.

Now I want to say two words about the elections:
Now our mature Cancer is in harness again;
And drags, with the Swan, the cart - for the time being -
To the left of the west clouds, to the right of your hole.

And if, later, the direction remains the same,
(The movement will continue without the pike party)
Then, at least, we won’t be downhill:
We will arrive at the “progress with question” point.

But getting to this point is no glory,
Are we, after all, a power, or not a power?!
Therefore, our only hope is in Cancer.
The last fight between the West and the East has begun,

So we need to break with “colleagues”, with the recent past,
Otherwise our coming century will be just as vulgar,
Like an age that is now creeping along quietly. Everything is obvious:
The “heroes” of the two 1970s all look the same.

And they keep saying the same crap. All that remains is for Trotsky-Leibed to appear -
Civil War - oil painting - will turn into a Photo!
Comrade Cancer! In our economy, everything is not so... I’ll say, I can’t bear it:
If you personally don’t drag both the cart and these two into a hole, we’ll all end up in a puddle again!

10. After 2017.

The real fate of the country has many options,
In the elections, reveal your talents, crustacean -
This rarely happens, but vote wisely:
It’s not who we liked, but who drags us into our house!

And so that we don’t find out where the Crayfish spend the winter,
And the Swan Bab Yage did not get Vanya in a fight -
You do not vote according to Pike’s command -
According to your reasonable desire!

There are many conclusions from the fable to ponder!
Let's enlarge them, summing up:
Yes, people always want Cancer as a leader -
The one who drives everything home, and not a reveler.

Yes, moreover, it even turns out like this:
What if this Cancer is a bit of a fool,
So this is better than Pike climbing in,
Or there's Swan. This is my science.

And here is my main conclusion in the fable:
How many parties - immediately stagnation!
So as not to fall into such traps again,
The people need Stalin - a king without parties and other toys!