Subject:“The sound [Ш] and the letter Ш”

Group: preparatory school

Educational area:"Speech development"

Speech therapist: Children, have you tried the taste of sorrel? What is he like?

Children: sour

Speech therapist: Use your facial expressions to depict the feeling of sour sorrel. Mom is calling you home. Tell her: “Don’t look for us, Mom, we pinch sorrel for cabbage soup.”

Lesson topic message

Isolation of the sound Ш from pure speech.

Speech therapist: Which sound is repeated more often than others in pure speech? (The speech therapist pronounces the phrase again and emphasizes the sound Ш in his voice)

Children: Sound Shch

Phonetic exercise

Speech therapist: Let's imagine that our clothes are dirty. Let's pick up a brush and clean it. Sh-sh-sh.

Articulatory and acoustic characteristics of the sound of shch.

Speech therapist: turn the mirrors towards you. Say sound sch-sch-sch and watch what the teeth, lips, tongue do when we pronounce this sound?

Children: The lips are rounded, the teeth leave a small gap, the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth.

Speech therapist: Does the air stream encounter an obstacle when we make this sound?

Children: Yes. The tongue gets in the way.

Speech therapist: This means the sound Ш is a consonant. Let's check whether the sound Shch is dull or voiced. Place your hand on your throat and pronounce this sound. Is your throat ringing? Has the voice turned on?

Children: No

Speech therapist: This means the sound Ш is dull and this sound is always soft. We will denote it with a green circle. (The speech therapist demonstrates the speech profile of the sound shch)

Describe the sound Ш

Children: The sound Ш is consonant, dull and always soft.

Identification of the sound Ш by ear among other sounds.

Speech therapist: Prepare your hands and clap if you hear the sound Shch

sq s s r

Reproduction of syllable series.

The speech therapist throws a ball to each child and asks them to repeat a chain of syllables


sque-schi-schu sque-seek



Development of phonemic hearing. Lotto game

The speech therapist shows a lotto card through a projector on the screen and asks the children to name the objects.

While the music is playing, you need to find pictures with the sound u and cover them with a green circle.

After the children have completed the task, objects in the name that have the sound shch remain on the screen.

Pronunciation of words with the sound Ш. Determination of the place of the sound Ш in a word.

Speech therapist: why did you cover this picture with a circle?

Children: this is a pike. There is a sound in this word.

Speech therapist: where is the sound u in the word pike?

Children: At the beginning of the word.

Each child shows the selected picture and determines the place of the sound Ш in the word.

Screen check.

Formation of nouns using the suffix “isch”.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you hear someone knocking? This is my friend. Guess who it is. He doesn’t have eyes, but huge...(eyes)

Not a mustache, but a huge one...

Not the nose, but...

Not paws, but...

Not claws, but...

Not a tail, but...

There are not small boots on the paws, but huge ones...

Who is this?

Children: cat. Kotishche

Speech therapist: our cat is very curious and wants to exercise with us. Shall we allow him?

Children:: Yes

Speech therapist: Cat, choose the best one a short word of four: cabbage soup, shield, pike, goldfinch.

Cat: goldfinch

Speech therapist: Do you guys agree with him?

Children: No

Speech therapist: how many sounds are in the word cabbage soup (2)

What sound appeared in the word shield (t)

How many sounds are there in the word shield (3)

In the word pike (4)

So which word is the shortest?

Children:: cabbage soup

Speech therapist: Let us build a pyramid of words. At the top there will be an object whose name has 2 sounds, (the shortest word) a step lower - an object whose name has 3 sounds, then an object with 4 sounds, and on the bottom step with 5 sounds. The cat puts the pike first, and the children correct the mistakes.

Checking on the board via computer.

Sound analysis of the word pike.

Speech therapist: Children, open your pencil cases and put out the word pike. Let's remember the characteristics of the sound of Shch. (The speech therapist asks two guys).

Synthesis of the word grove.

Speech therapist: And now the cat invites you to complete his task. You will need to take the first sounds from the words and create a new word. Listen carefully (the speech therapist pronounces the words and pictures appear on the screen) pen, vegetables, pike, bus.

What is the first sound in the word pen?


The letter P appears below the picture. As the children identify the sounds, letters appear under the pictures.

Speech therapist: What word did you get?

Children: grove.

Speech therapist: Place the word grove in circles.

The cat liked the way you indicated the word grove with circles. He wants to mark the word pike with circles. Did he complete the task correctly? (The speech therapist demonstrates on the screen a diagram of their 5 circles)

Children: No. Children correct mistakes.

Physical exercise.

Speech therapist: Our cat learned a lot of new things, played with us, and got tired. Let's say goodbye to him. Introducing the letter Shch.

Shch is a brush with a curved handle.
Clean everything with a prickly brush. (V. Kovshikov)

Speech therapist: Look at the blackboard. This is what the letter Ш looks like. What other letter does it look like? (with the letter Sh). Lay out the letter Ш from sticks. How do letters differ in echoes?

Children: We hear and pronounce sounds, but we see, read, and write letters.

Speech therapist: Find the letter Ш in the box of letters. Reading syllables, words with the letter Sh. Composing words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet: Dima has a pike. (according to the children's capabilities).

Lesson summary. Koroleva S. teacher-speech therapist, preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 7 Tver.

Bazueva A.D., teacher-speech therapist MBDOU “Kindergarten 227”, Ufa.

  1. Fix the sound [ш], introduce it to its graphic designation.
  2. Development of phonemic processes.
  3. Practice sound-letter analysis.
  4. Improve reading skills of syllables with the letter Ш.
  5. Introduce spelling shcha, shchu.
  6. Formation of active present participles
  7. Improving the skills of drawing up sentence diagrams.
  8. Cultivate kindness and collectivism.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizing time
  2. Replace the first sound in the word with the sound [у].

    Cap-... river-...

    Flour-... wreath-...

    Mel-... kid-...

  3. Main part
    1. Repetition of sound characteristics
    2. What sound did we replace the first sounds in words with? (sound [sch])

      Say the sound [u] while observing the articulation in the mirror.

      The lips are rounded and extended forward. Between the teeth short distance. The wide tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth and forms a gap. The air stream meets an obstacle, the voice does not work.

      What sound is [u]? (consonant, always soft, unvoiced).

    3. Introduction to the topic
    4. Today we will go fishing, where we will get acquainted with a new letter. Guys, remember the fairy tales where the heroes also fished (“ gold fish”, “At the behest of the pike”).

      For fishing to be successful, you must help each other, be attentive and remember the rule of fishing - don’t make noise!

      Now let’s practice our ability to listen for the right sound in a word. If the word I pronounce contains the sound [у], raise your hands up and name where the sound is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word (box, key, ball, cloak, pike, cloud, bream). Well done! We caught our first fish.

    5. Introduction to letters
    6. Oh, look at something in her teeth.

      I hold the letter Ш in my teeth,

      Please write it!

      Consider the letter Sh.

      How many elements does the letter Ш have? What are these elements? What does the letter Ш look like?

      You have the letter Ш on your tables. Take it and trace the letter with your finger. Place the letter Ш in the middle of the notebook and circle and shade it.

    7. Visual memorization of letters
    8. Look what we caught (In the card bottle is the letter Ш with missing elements)

      These cards for a long time were lying in water and some elements of the letter Ш were washed away, they need to be restored. Well done! We caught another fish.

    9. Fizminutka
    10. I drag the pike, I drag it.
      I won't miss the pike.
      That's what she is like
      Nice, big!
      Pike swims in circles.
      The pike clicks its teeth.
      Well, the teeth are like a saw!
      Where did you get these?

    11. Reading syllables, words
    12. An octopus lives at the bottom of the sea. Look what she looks like? (Starting with the letter Ш)

      Extend the octopus tentacles towards the vowels. What syllables are formed by the letter Ш with vowels?

      Look at the cards on your tables with words written on them. Azat will read words with the syllable Shcha, Rita will read words with the syllable Schu, Polina will read words with the syllable Shche, Akram will read words with the syllable Shchi.

      Well done! We caught another fish.

    13. Sound-syllable analysis of a word
    14. And along with the fish comes a new task.

      Look at the cards based on the first syllables of these words, you need to make a new word

      Puppy, cauldron – CHEEK

      Tentacles, pencil – PIKE

      Rose, sorrel – GROVE

      Stump, puppy, rainbow - CAVE

      Make a diagram of the word Pike. (One child on the board, the rest independently). What is the first syllable in this word? What vowel do you think should be placed in the syllable SHU? Why? Remember, the vowel U is always written in the syllable SHU.

      Divide the words grove into syllables and name the second syllable. What vowel should be placed in the syllable SHA? Why? Remember, SHCHA is always written with an A.

      Well done! Fish in our bucket.

    15. Formation of active present participles and selection of nouns for them.

The sea inhabitants argued and mixed up the words in their sentences. Let's help them.

Got caught in a meeting hiss goose.

stood on the stove boil kettle.

Mila is afraid growl puppy.

How many words are there in each sentence? Make a proposal outline. What is the number of words with the sound [у] in a sentence? Well done! Another fish was caught.

Guys, our fishing trip has come to an end. Let's see what kind of fish we caught and how many (3 bream and 3 pike).

What letter did we meet today? What sound does it represent?

Well done! The lesson is over.

Topic: Sound and letter Sh. Journey through the Land of Knowledge.

Goal: to introduce children to the sound and letter Sh.


1. Correctional and educational:

Training in clear pronunciation of the sound Ш, sound analysis;

Introducing the letter Shch.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of fine motor skills;

Development of voluntary attention.

3. Correctional and educational:

Develop the ability to listen to the speech therapist and other children.

Equipment: TSO (tape recorder), Fairy doll, mirrors, toy Cat, Puppy, image of the Beast, poster with pictures of the sound Shch, image of the letter Shch, pictures with images of what Shch looks like, envelopes with individual tasks for children, pens, pencils, felt-tip pens , magnetic board.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment:

A minute before the start of the lesson, the music is turned on so that the children standing outside the door can hear the first fairy-tale sounds.

L: Guys, now we will enter a magical fairyland. You hear these sounds - a fairy tale awaits you. But only those who know how to listen to what is happening around them can enter the magical land. And only the one who knows how to walk easily and softly, without disturbing the peace in a magical land. Therefore, now we will quietly, without talking to each other, stepping softly and carefully, enter the magical land. And now... (whispers) - let's go!

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Children enter the group and see the Fairy.

L: Guys, look, we are greeted by the Beautiful Fairy of Knowledge herself!

The speech therapist speaks on behalf of the Fairy: I am glad to welcome you to my fabulous land of Knowledge. I've been watching you for a long time, and I really like you! You coped with all my tasks. You are just great! You are not afraid of any difficulties or obstacles. Today I invited you to my country of Knowledge in order to make an interesting and exciting journey through it, and at the same time learn something new. Today you should get acquainted with a new sound. Listen to this funny poem:

Two puppies cheek to cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.

Yes, the floor brush

There is a stick above your head.

Stick click puppies from the shoulder,

The two puppies left grumbling.

Who is this poem about? What sound occurs most often in it?

Right. This is the sound of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now let's find the sound Ш in mine magic mirrors and let's see what the tongue should do when we pronounce the sound Shch.

3. Sound characteristics.

They look in the mirrors.

The tongue rises to the sky. The lips are rounded and pulled forward.

The children move away from the mirrors.

Fairy: Thank you, magic mirrors.

L: Guys, I think I hear the sound of the wheels of a steam locomotive.

The children, together with the speech therapist and the Fairy, approach the sound train.

L: Look, a steam locomotive with trailers has arrived. There is an empty trailer. There is not enough sound Shch there, and for it to appear there, you must give the sound Shch a characteristic.

There is an obstacle - the sound is consonant, dull, always soft.

4. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Fairy: Guys, I’m leaving you for a while, go on a trip around my country. I think that you will cope with all my most difficult tasks. And arrows will show you the way.

A) D/i “Collect the word.”

L: Riddle: Eyes, whiskers, tail, claws, but he washes himself cleaner than anyone else. Who is this?

Children: Cat.

Cat: Hello, guys. I’ve been sitting here for a long time, waiting for you. I even got bored. Let's play!

The speech therapist opens the envelope with the assignments. You need to swap the syllables to make a word.

Ka, cabbage soup, tong cabbage, groves of cabbage soup, cabbage soup, cabbage soup, bream cabbage soup, ya ka, cabbage soup

ka, wood chips

B) “Working with pictures”

L: Guys, look, the Beast doesn’t have eyes, but what? (eyes), not a mustache, but (mustache), not a nose, but (nosche), not arms, but (hands), not legs, but (knives). But we are not afraid of him. This is a good big Monster.

The poster contains pictures with the sound Ш. Draw a line from the picture to the diagram (beginning, middle, end of the word), depending on the location of the sound in the word.

Physical exercise. The children follow the arrows, and at this time the speech therapist says:

We'll straighten our shoulders

And let's bring the shoulder blades together.

Here we go on our toes,

And then on your heels.

5. Introducing the letter.

L: Guys, look, the letter Ш has been waiting for us here for a long time!

Shch: Hello, children. I am the letter Sh. I have poems for you about me.

The speech therapist reads poems about the letter and shows pictures.

It looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total? Well then!

Pike can grab and swallow -

They don't need any other science!

The letter Ш will help us

Brush your teeth in the morning.

SC: I have prepared tasks for you. Take these envelopes. Your names are written on them. Everyone will take their own envelope.

1.Task: arrange the letters in order according to the numbers.

2.Task: Sound analysis of the resulting word from the first task. (words food, sorrel, dragging, searching, grove, pike, brush). Each child has his own word.

SC: Well done, guys. I have a friend, a cheerful Puppy, and he wants to play with you.

Puppy: I have a crossword puzzle for you!

Children do a crossword puzzle.

Having completed the tasks, the children follow the arrows to the Fairy.

6. Summary of the lesson.

She asks what happened to them in her land of knowledge. The fairy praises them. Thanks.

The children tell the Fairy what they liked. Who they met and what tasks they performed.

Fairy: I was not mistaken about you. After such adventures, you have become smarter and more savvy. I think that you are already ready to go to school and study there, with only fours and fives.

I want to give you a small sweet gift from myself. This is one of my favorite treats. Its name also has the sound Ш. What do you think it is?

Sherbet. Eat and remember my fairyland.

But now it's time for you to go home. Hear magical music...

The fairy says goodbye to the children. Music plays, and the children carefully exit, just as they entered.

Lyubov Pronkina
Lesson on introducing the sound and letter Ш

Subject classes: Sound and letter"SCH".

Program content:

1 Educational objectives.

Introducing sounds and letters"SCH".

Characteristic sound"SCH" on articulatory and acoustic signs.

Pronunciation sound"SCH" in syllables, words.

Sound analysis of a word"cloak".

2 Corrective tasks.

Development of phonemic representations

Development of fine motor skills

Improving the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus.

3 Educational tasks.

Cultivating long exhalation

Fostering organization and developing interest in the learning process.


Subject pictures. Individual mirrors. Articulation profile sound"SCH". Workbooks, pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

1 Organizational moment.

Let's turn into little old men. And now to the children who go to the group "Titmouse". Show us how we clean our teeth, shoes, and trousers with a brush?

2. Subject message

Today we Let's get acquainted with a new sound and letter. And with which one you have to guess.

Selection sound"SCH" from Tongue Twisters: “Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.”. Which sound is repeated more often than others? (SCH)

3. Characteristics sound according to articulatory characteristics.

Let's consider the articulatory profile

What do lips do when we speak? sound"SCH".

Where is the tongue? (behind the upper teeth).

What is it, narrow or wide? (wide, cupped). Teacher's demonstration

do as I do.

The tongue, teeth, lips prevent air from freely leaving the mouth. Means sound"SCH" consonant or vowel sound? (consonant) And what else sound"SH"? (Voiced or unvoiced). Deaf. Let's check. Let's put our hand on the neck and say sound"SCH". How did we feel? (neck trembles).

Sound"SCH"- consonant, voiceless, always soft sound.

4. Development of tempo and rhythm of speech. Pronunciation sound"SCH" in syllables.

Shcha-scha-scha - say quietly

Shcha-scha-scha - say louder

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

A game “Clap if you hear Sh in the words”.(puppy, table, vegetables, box, car, goldfinch, book, tongs)

6. Determine position sound in words.

Name where we hear sound"SCH", at the beginning, middle or end of a word. (BRUSH, GROVE. LIZARD, BREAM, CLOAK, COMRADE)

7. Dynamic pause.

The pike lived in the river

Chalk water with a brush,

I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

She treated the minnows.

8. Collect the word first sounds of words.

Pillow, Boat, Orange, Pike. (cloak).

9. Sound analysis of a word"cloak".

Which one is the first? sound in a word -"P"

Which is the last one sound -"sch"

Which sound after sound"P" - "l"

Name all the vowels sounds. "A"

Name all the consonants sounds"p, l, sch".

How much in total sounds? (4 sound) .

Name it all sounds. (cloak).

10. Introducing the letter"SCH".

Today we will find out which the letter represents the sound"SCH" (exposed letter) . What does this remind you of? letter? (children's answers).

It looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total? Well, what then?

11. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

I brush my teeth with this brush

With this brush the shoes

I clean my trousers with this brush,

I need all three brushes.

Hatching letters Ш in notebooks.

12. Summary classes.

With which we met through sound? thanks for class!

Stage: Automation of the sound Ш in a syllable, word, simple phrase.

Educational purpose: consolidate the ability to correctly pronounce the sound Ш in a syllable, word, simple phrase; the ability to determine the position of the sound Ш in a word; activate the vocabulary on the topic “Shoes”; develop skills in sound synthesis of a simple syllable. Continue to learn how to compose a sentence with the specified word, carry out analysis simple sentence without a preposition, draw up a sentence outline, highlight words with the sound Ш in a sentence.

Corrective and developmental goal: develop auditory memory, phonemic awareness, eye coordination, fine motor skills.

Educational tasks: to develop skills of self-control and mutual control, to form a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to interact in a team.

Material: subject pictures for the sound Ш, subject pictures with images of shoes, a word diagram and green chips (according to the number of children), a screen, a projector, a disk with an electronic physical education lesson “Dancing” and an ophthalmic simulator L.G. Masco, sound suit Shch, sentence diagram (according to the number of children), phonogram of instrumental music.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Each child has an object picture on the table (pike, shield, brush, bream). Children name the pictures.

What sound is there in all these words? (Sound Sh)

That's right, today the sound Shch came to visit us. (The sound Shch comes in).

2. Isolated pronunciation of the sound Shch. Clarification of the articulation of the sound Shch. Characteristics of the sound Shch. D.U. “We clean our shoes.”

The sound Shch asks for help cleaning your shoes.

Each child chooses an object picture with a picture of a shoe and names the item of shoe. Imitating the movements of a brush, “Cleans” the selected shoes.

Description of the articulation of the sound Ш: We raise the tip of the tongue to the front of the palate (to the alveoli). At the moment of exhalation, we press the entire mass of the spread out tongue and the tip onto the palate. We tense the muscles of the tongue.
We slightly push our lips forward and round them.
The exhaled air passes through the middle of the tongue into the resulting narrow gap; a warm, long-lasting stream of air is felt in the palm of your hand brought to your mouth.

Characteristics of sound: consonant, soft, dull.

3. Sound synthesis. Ball game.

The sound Shch suggests playing ball.

The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and names 2 sounds from which you need to assemble a syllable:

Y, Shch – Ysch; U, Ш – УШ; I, Ш – ИШ; ShchA, A – ShchA; Shch, O – ShchO.

4. Automation of the sound Ш in words. Development of auditory attention and memory.

Playing a series of 3-4 words with the sound Shch.

  • Sorrel, cheek, crevice
  • Sliver, puppy, shield,
  • pinch, shield, pike, feel
  • Food, coachman, raincoat, vegetable.

5. Determining the position of the sound Ш in a word. Working with the word scheme.

DI. “Pick mushrooms in a basket.”

The speech therapist invites children to collect mushrooms in a basket, reverse side Each mushroom contains a hidden task - an object picture, the name of which contains the sound Ш. It is necessary to analyze where the sound Ш is located in the proposed word and mark the position of the sound Ш on the diagram with a green chip.

6. Gymnastics for the eyes. Electronic ophthalmic simulator L.G. Masco.

The sound Shch will show us gymnastics for the eyes.

7. Automation of the sound Ш in sentences. Proposal analysis. Drawing up a proposal outline.


  • The goldfinch sang loudly.
  • Katya loves vegetables.
  • Ducks are nibbling greens.
  • Predatory pike.
  • Little puppy.

8. Electronic physical education “Dancing”.

9. Development of fine motor skills.

Laying out the letter Ш from cereals (millet, buckwheat, semolina) of the child’s choice, accompanied by music.

10. Summing up. Reflection.