Lesson notes on artistic creativity using origami technique senior group"Snowdrop"
Educational: to cultivate an aesthetic and moral attitude towards plants through the depiction of their images in non-traditional techniques.
1. Educational: a) visual – create an expressive image of a “snowdrop”; b) technical - continue to teach children how to make blanks, connect parts, get a model of a blooming flower, create a general composition using the origami technique.
2.Developing: develop attention, memory, Creative skills, fine motor skills.
3. Educational: continue to cultivate interest in the art of origami, the desire to make paper crafts.
White paper squares, glue, paper of blue color A5 size for the background, green paper for the stem.
The teacher gathers the children around him and reads Samuel Marshak’s poem “April”:
April, April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs,
And blossomed...(snowdrop)
The teacher shows a photograph of a snowdrop. Educator: - Guys, we looked at pictures and photographs depicting snowdrops. Do you want to give your mothers a gift? (children's answers) Let's make a gift for them. But before we get to work, let's cheer up a little.
Physical education moment.
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, stretched,
He soared up and flew.
The sun will just wake up in the morning,
The butterfly circles and curls.
2. Main part (showing and explaining the method of action).
Educator: - Guys, sit down at the tables. Now we will begin to make the first spring flower - a snowdrop. We will make the snowdrop petals from white paper, and cut out the stem and leaf from green paper. (Showing the teacher’s method of action) First, fold the square diagonally, then fold it in half and raise the lower corners of the folded triangle to the top along the fold line. Turn the workpiece over to the other side. Raise the lower sides to the fold line, extending the triangles from the other side. Bend the corners and you get a snowdrop. Don't forget to smooth all the fold lines with your finger.
1. 2. 3.
- The flower is ready! Cut out the stem and leaves from green paper. Glue the flower, stem and leaves onto paper.
3. Independent work of children.
Children do the work independently, the teacher provides the necessary assistance
4.Analysis of activity results.
- Well done boys. We got such beautiful flowers for your mothers.

Attached files

Abstract directly educational activities for children of the senior group productive activity: “We are doing exercises” (collective modeling

Author: Marina Aleksandrovna Gorbacheva, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Bell”, Stary Oskol
Description of material. I offer you a summary of direct educational activities on productive activities for children in the older group. This material will be useful to teachers of older children when conducting classes aimed at developing skills in working with plasticine and developing the ability to work in a team.

Summary of direct educational activities for children of the senior group on productive activities: “We do exercises” (collective modeling)

Learn to create a collective plot composition, analyze the features of the image of a person in motion, correlate parts by size and proportions; develop skills in working with plasticine; develop the ability to work in a team; instill a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle
Strengthen the ability to work collectively creatively, the ability to coordinate one’s actions, and negotiate with each other; develop imagination, sense of color, aesthetic taste, neatness.
Preliminary work:
Conversation about a healthy lifestyle.
Material and equipment:
Subject pictures on the topic, plasticine, stacks, a board for rolling out plasticine, napkin, cardboard.
Progress of the lesson
1. Creating gaming motivation.
Story pictures are hung on the board. The song “If you want to be healthy” is played.
Educator. Once upon a time there was a boy named Alyosha. Once he visited a circus and saw an artist lifting cars and a dozen acrobats. He really liked it and decided...
“I want to become a strongman,
I come to the strongman:
- Tell me about this,
How did you become a strongman?
The strong man looked at me,
He threw a chair up to the ceiling.
And then, having caught him,
He picked up the cabinet like a feather.
Here he came to the table,
He grabbed the table by the leg,
He began to juggle them deftly.
- It's just training!
I won't hide my secret.
Early in the morning I get up
Both in the sun and in bad weather
I open the windows wide.
I'm starting to charge.
Heels together, toes apart,
Squats and jumps.
One Hundred Fun Exercises
With a jump rope and a ball!
You will do them without laziness -
You will become a strongman too!”
- This is the advice the artist gave to our Alyosha. But exercise doesn't just make us strong. Have you noticed that after it our mood improves? In general, in order for our day to go smoothly, we will start it with physical exercises.
Do you remember what exercises we do? (Children show exercises if they wish.) What exercises are your favorite? No - no, don't show them to me. Let's sculpt ourselves doing these exercises.
2. Demonstration of working methods.
The teacher shows techniques for sculpting a human figure, paying attention to proportions, changes the position of the arms and legs, showing the most expressive poses.
3. Finger gymnastics:
“Fingers are tired, curled into a fist
One, two, three, four, five wanted to play
We knocked on the neighbor's house,
There they woke up: six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Everyone is having fun! But it's time to go back everyone:
Ten, nine, eight, seven,
Six curled up,
Five yawned and turned away,
Four, three, two, one
We’re sleeping in houses again!”
4. Practical work.
Assignment: sculpt on the theme, compose the composition “We are doing exercises”
5. Summary of the lesson.
The children's composition is exhibited at the stand.
Educator. Look at our composition. Each of you does different exercises: Dima likes to jump on one leg, Katya likes to do bends, Misha likes to do body bends, and Alena enjoys playing with the ball. But no matter what exercises we do, the main thing is that they all bring us health and good mood.
We did exercises
They jumped and ran.
Became tanned
Strong and brave.

GCD theme: “There was a birch tree in the field.”

Compiled a summary of the educational activity: teacher of the “Firefly” group O.V. Elagina.

Technology was used in the lesson:



Target: introduce children to unconventional technology drawing (pointillism - a dotted method of drawing with cotton swabs);

Strengthen the ability to “punch paper”, “crumple paper”, “twist paper”;

Continue to expand knowledge about our native country, about the symbol of Russia - the birch.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.



Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Our Motherland – Russia”;

Improving word formation skills; improvement grammatical structure speeches;

Correctional and developmental:

Develop cognitive interest, creative imagination, thinking, communication skills. Expand children's horizons by introducing them to the birch tree.

Develop coherent speech, enrich lexicon(application, compression, birch bark, bast shoes, trimming, quilling, lentils - formations in the form of small tubercles, streaks or other shapes that serve for gas exchange in birch stems).


Fostering pride in one’s country, skills of cooperation, activity, initiative, and independence; - contribute to the creation of a holistic perception of the artistic image, expressed in music, poetry and dance; cultivate aesthetic taste, love for nature through music.

Methodical techniques:


Demonstration of techniques for working with paper.

Dynamic pause (round dance “There was a birch tree in the field”).

Productive activity.


Material for GCD: paper, glue, paints, brushes, oilcloth, scissors, cotton swabs, woolen threads, pencil, cardboard, napkins, cutting paper, exhibition of birch bark products, birch sap.

Preliminary work: learning a musical dance - round dance "Beryozka", conversation about nature native land, excursion to the park (birch alley), reading stories about nature, memorizing poems about birch, quilling, trimming.

Progress of educational activities.

Organizing time . The teacher and the children dance the round dance “Spring is Red.”

Educator: “Guys, do you know what country we live in? Let's look at a map of Russia.

Questions: Who is the president of our country?

What symbols of Russia do you see on the stand?

Which eagle? (proud, vigilant)

What bear? (strong, big)

What kind of birch? (beautiful, Russian, white-trunked). Our most beautiful Russian beauty is the birch!

Guys, let's go to our mini-museum, where we will learn everything about birch. Show presentation slides about birch.

1. Birch warms us (wood)

2. Birch illuminates (spray)

3. Birch puts shoes on us (bast shoes)

4. Birch feeds us (dishes)

5. Birch makes us healthier (birch broom, bathhouse, buds)

6. Toys are made from birch (rocking horse)

7. Birch - teach literacy (birch bark, sheet of paper)

Game "Beads for Birch".

Children decorate a birch tree with beads. Well done! We tried.

Birch wants to treat you. What do you think?

Birch sap! Tasting birch sap. Birch sap, what kind? (transparent, tasty)

Examine a sheet of paper. What is paper made from?

What can we do with paper? Let's fantasize!

Working at a table with paper (squeezing, crumpling, straightening, rolling into a rope).

Let's make a birch trunk! Using a pencil, roll up a sheet of paper. Glue onto cardboard. Next, children glue the crown, branches, leaves using the trimming method, quilling, and dot drawing with cotton swabs.

Physical education lesson “Our hands”

The children continue to design their work.

Reading poems about a birch tree.

Exhibition of children's works "Birch Alley". Well done!

We learned a lot about the birch tree, it fed, illuminated, and gave health. We wish everyone good health!

Dance “We wish you.”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 12 of compensatory type"

Summary of GCD for productive activities

"Cockerel with his family"


Lesson objectives:

To consolidate children's knowledge about poultry, their appearance, habits, and to practice techniques for depicting birds using plasticineography.

Learn to sculpt objects from individual parts, consolidate skills in working with plasticine on a horizontal plane, conveying a semi-volume image of objects.

Develop hand coordination and fine motor skills.

Develop composition skills and color perception.

Materials for the lesson:

Thick cardboard, light green, size ½ A4;

Plasticine set;

Hand wipe;

Modeling board; stack;

Painting “Poultry” from the series “Pets”;

A set of characters for a flannelgraph for the story by K. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family.”

Preliminary work: examination of illustrations depicting poultry, didactic game"Who lives where".

Progress of the lesson

Organizational part

Children are asked to guess the riddle:

These go everywhere together

Together they doze on the roost,

Together they get up earlier than everyone else.

They drink water for a very long time:

After every sip

They look at the clouds for a long time.

Teacher. What kind of friendly family is this?

Children. Cockerel and hen.

Teacher. Right. Once upon a time, this happened in a rooster’s family: a hen laid eggs, and after a while one of them suddenly broke. Listen to how it happened:

Was White House, wonderful house,

And something knocked inside him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out -

So warm, so

Fluffy and golden. K. Chukovsky

Children. Chick.

Teacher. Well done, you guessed it right. From the egg a chicken emerged - a cockerel and a hen's baby. And then other chickens appeared. Let's count together. how many are there:

Like on our street

How a chicken ran along our street,

Lost all the chickens -

Nimble little yellow chickens:

The first chicken is watching the frog,

The second and third are near the tub.

The fourth and fifth catch the butterfly.

Eh, you'll get it from your mom, guys! ( bend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger)

The teacher tells the children a fairy tale by U. Ushinsky with a demonstration of the characters on a flannelgraph.

Cockerel with family

A cockerel walks around the yard: there is a red comb on his head, and a red beard under his nose. Petya's nose is a chisel, Petya's tail is a wheel; there are patterns on the tail, spurs on the legs. Petya rakes the pile with his paws and calls the hens and chicks together:

“Crested hens! Busy hostesses! Motley-pockmarked! Little black and white! Gather together with the chickens, with the little kids: I’ve saved you some grain!”

The hens and chicks gathered and cackled; They didn’t share the grain - they got into a fight.

Petya the cockerel doesn’t like disturbances - now he tried on his family: this one by the crest, that one by the cowlick, he ate the grain himself, flew up onto the fence, flapped his wings, screamed at the top of his lungs: ku-ka-re-ku!

Teacher. The hens, cockerel and chicks walk around the yard, pecking at grains, crumbs, grass, drinking water, and sharpening their beaks on pebbles. Want to watch them? What about feeding?

Physical education minute

I.P. - standing between the tables.

The chickens flapped their wings -

Co-co-co-co, co-co-co! ( walking in place, raising your knees high, clapping your hands on your hips and turning your head).

The chickens were knocking their beaks -

Co-co-co-co, co-co-co! ( walking, hands back behind back; tilting the head forward).

Give us, auntie, crumbs,

Don't be sorry, crumbs, ( bending back and forth, rocking the torso).

Give me a little more

It will be more fun. ( bends forward with turns right and left).

Co-co-co, co-co-co!

The chickens screamed loudly:

Co-co-co, co-co-co! ( stand, hands behind your back, head turns left and right; “wings” - pat your thighs with your hands, turn your head).

And they ran after the aunt -

Co-co-co, co-co-co!

Far! ( running in place, arms out to the sides).

Practical part

Teacher. Today we will get to know the cockerel and his family, I invite you to portray them.

Stages of work completion

At the beginning of the work, the teacher conducts a comparative analysis of the external appearance of the rooster and hen. ( the choice of plasticine color for making a rooster family is determined by the teacher or by the children’s choice).

Torso. Roll out a ball of blue plasticine and roll it lightly with straight movements to give it an oval shape. Place it anywhere on the base and flatten it. Take a piece of green plasticine, roll out a short thick sausage, roll out one edge with your fingers, narrow it, make a cone and attach it with a wide base to the side of the body, narrowed side up.

Head. Roll a small ball-head and place it on top part neck and flatten it. Insert a black pea eye.

Scallop. Take a small piece of red plasticine, roll it into a ball, flatten it from below, apply the flat side to the top of the rooster’s head, then make two cuts in a stack, slightly move them apart to the edges, flatten the resulting corners of the comb with your fingers, and sharpen them.

Beak. A short red sausage should be pointed on one side and placed on the side of the head.

Beard. Roll a small red ball and attach it under the beak at the bottom of the head.

Tail. Roll from plasticine different colors thin and long sausages of equal thickness, sharpen the tip of each feather on one side. Place the first feather at the base of the body and, bending it in a semicircle, lightly press it to the base. Next, place feathers of other colors close to each other.

Wing. Roll a ball of yellow plasticine, sharpen one end with your fingers, place the wing on the body, make cuts in a stack - feathers on the wing.

Legs. Roll out a red sausage, divide it in half, place the legs under the body, bending their lower part to the side.

Finger gymnastics


Petya, Petya, Cockerel,

Show me your comb.

Like this and like this:

Either a palm or a fist. ( interlace the fingers of both hands into a lock, with the thumbs connected together bent to the sides - “beak”, alternately raise the fingers of one and the other hand - “comb” and crow: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”).

Hen. Roll up a ball of brown plasticine, roll it into a small oval, stretch out the neck on one side with your fingers, and bend it upward. On the other side of the body, pinch a short ponytail with your fingers. Place on the base, flatten, while maintaining the original shape.

Head. Roll a small ball, place it on top of the neck, flatten it.

Scallop. Attach a short sausage made of red plasticine to the top of the head.

The beak, beard, legs, wing are performed in the same way as those of a rooster

Finger gymnastics


Pecks the grains

The chicken is calling:

“Ko-ko-ko, don’t go far.”

The hen is similar to a cockerel, only the fingers (“comb”) should be half-bent; when depicting the hen, cluck: “Ko-ko-ko.”

Head and torso. Made from plasticine yellow color roll two balls: a small one for the head and a slightly larger one for the body. Place the body in any position free space base, flatten into a flat cake. Small ball - place the chicken's head on the side of the body in its upper part. On the other side of the body (also in the upper side part), use your fingers to pull out the tail and sharpen it.

Beak and paws. Roll out a long thin sausage from red plasticine. Use a stack to separate a small piece from it for the beak, and divide the rest in half. Place the legs in columns under the body of the chicken, bending the bottom of each leg to one side. Place the beak on the side of the chicken's head, sharpening one tip. Make a pea eye.

The second chicken is made according to the same pattern; you can invite the children to place the chicken’s head on the lower side of the body - the chicken pecks at crumbs or holds a worm in its beak.

Finger gymnastics


The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her the boys -

Yellow chickens. ( connect each finger (these are “chickens”) with the thumb, and each chicken must squeal: “Pee-pee-pee”).

Final part

Teacher. Today you all did your best, each of you got a real rooster family, your roosters vigilantly keep order in their family, so that no one fights, so that no one offends the little chickens.


I walk with pride,

I bring my friends with me.

And I’ll sit on the fence -

I see the whole yard at once.

I'll sharpen a spur with a spur,

I'll grumble about the chickens.

I'll loosen my comb -

That's what I am, cockerel!

Everyone knows the kids:

I am the master of the yard!

Ku-ka-re-ku! V. Stoyanov

Integration of educational areas “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Safety”, “Labor”


1) Promote children's cognitive development.

2) Teach to compare the qualities and properties of paper.


1) Introduce children to the qualities and properties different types paper

2) Teach to identify the general qualities and properties of paper through research activities (tears, wrinkles, etc.).

3) Enter in active dictionary children new words: writing, thick, multi-colored, corrugated, rough characterizing the properties and qualities of paper.

4) Develop visually - effective and visual-figurative thinking, attention, communication skills.

5) Continue to develop gross and fine motor skills.

6) Promote high-quality productive activities in collective interaction.

7) Build skills healthy image life.

8) To develop in children the ability to interact with each other without conflict.

Educational area"Cognition"

1.Give an idea of ​​the variety and properties of paper.

  1. Develop children's cognitive activity.

Educational field "Socialization"

  1. Promote the active participation of each child in solving problem situations.
  2. Develop children's ability to work in a team.

Educational field "Communication"

  1. Expand children's vocabulary.
  2. Teach children word formation, form the lexical-grammatical and pronunciation aspects of speech.
  3. To develop in children the skill of answering in complete sentences.

Educational field "Security"

  1. To develop children's observation and attention to dangerous properties paper

Educational field "Labor"

  1. Continue to develop your ability to work with paper.
  2. To instill hard work and accuracy in children.

Material: decorations: crafts made by children (appliques, products using the paper-plastic technique, origami, etc.); paper trees; objects made of paper: animals, mushrooms, flowers, paper dolls; sheets of white, colored writing paper, corrugated paper and cardboard, napkins according to the number of children; snowflakes cut out of paper napkins according to the number of children; ready-made forms for planar design and paper for creating crafts using the paper-plastic technique.

Equipment: a mirror ball and a light projector for it, a stereo system and audio recording of music, “ Magic wand", individual trays for handouts.

Preliminary work:

  1. Watching an educational animated film for preschoolers “Where did the paper come from?”

Lesson time: 25 minutes

Introductory part

Organizing time

Hello guys! It's a wonderful day today! Shouldn't we go on a trip? What should we visit today?... I suggest you go to a magical country today, and which one you yourself will tell me later. And a magic wand will help us get there!

The teacher asks the children to touch the stick with their hand. At this time, music sounds and the spotlight on the mirror ball turns on. The lights in the hall go out (at this time the teacher puts a crown on his head).

Quiet music is playing. After a while the light turns on. Children find themselves in a paper country (in a room where everything around them is made of paper).

Main part

We find ourselves in a magical land! What are objects made of in this country? (children's answers) So what is the country?.. That's right, it's a paper country, and I am the queen of this magical country.

Tell us what surrounds you in this country? (the teacher listens to the children’s answers)

Guys, did you notice that all our crafts ended up in paper land! Why? (children's answers)

Guys, what grows in paper land? (children's answers) Who lives in this country? (children's answers).

And, by visiting a magical land, you can learn a lot about the properties of paper. Let's sit down at the tables and experiment (children sit down at tables on which trays with various types paper: napkin, writing paper, colored paper, corrugated paper and corrugated cardboard, shiny).

Experimental activities

At the tables, the teacher emphasizes the children’s posture

Guys, look at what unusual paper I have. Find the same one on your plates. Who knows what it is called (children's answers). That's right, it's a napkin. What does it feel like? (children's answers). Touch it, is it smooth or rough? (children's answers) Take the napkins by the edges and pull them different sides. What happened? (children’s answers) So, what kind of napkin do we have (the teacher focuses the children’s attention on the properties of the napkin)

Guys, put a sample napkin on a plate and take a sheet of white paper, do you have one? What do we do with this paper in class? (children's answers) This paper is called “ pissing", maybe you know why?. Touch it, what does it feel like? Children tactilely determine its texture, try to tear it in the same way as a napkin, and draw conclusions about the properties of this paper. The teacher emphasizes safety precautions when working with paper to avoid cuts.

Guys, put a sample of “writing” paper on a plate and take a sheet of colored paper. The teacher asks the children about the colors of the paper. And if the paper has so many colors, what is the name of such paper? (" multi-colored"work on word formation). Next, children tactilely determine its texture, try to fold it, and draw conclusions about the properties of colored paper.

We are also experimenting with corrugated paper (stretched) and corrugated cardboard (rolled).

The teacher shows the children shiny paper. Tells her.

Guys, this paper shines, which means it is - brilliant, and the paper that we looked at before was shiny? No, because she - matte.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles? (children's answers)

Then listen to the first riddle:

The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.

Guys, do you have snowflakes on your tables? What paper are they made of? Let's play with them. Get up from your seats and come to me.

Children doing breathing exercises

Guys, what happened to the snowflake, what is it like (children’s answers: light, can fly if you blow on it)

Guys, now another riddle:

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him,

The nose was attached and in an instant

It turned out...


That's right, guys. And look, there is a snowman in our magical land?

(children’s response) He’s just sad, let’s cheer him up and dance.

Physical education minute

A cheerful dance to the song “Rake up fluffy snow, sculpt, sculpt into a big ball!”

And our snowman is still sad!

What to do? (children's answers - he needs friends)

Guys, let's divide into groups, and each group will make its own snowman so that our snowman has a lot of friends!

Productive activities with children

Children are divided into three subgroups. The first one makes a snowman by plane modeling on a carpet, but from paper of different textures. The third subgroup makes a snowman using the paper-plastic technique (working with more gifted children).

Well, now our snowman is happy! He made friends!

Final part

Did you like our magical paper land? What did you like best? I want to give you small souvenirs as a keepsake of our trip. But it's time for us to return to the group. Connect your handles with an asterisk, as we did at the beginning of our journey. Let's go to kindergarten!

Well, here we are in paper land. Let's summarize our journey. What was it dedicated to? What interesting things did we learn about paper in fairyland? What properties does paper have? (children's answers).

Video lessons

Self-analysis of the teacher

Dear members of the jury, as the goal of my direct educational activities, I chose the cognitive development of children through experimentation at a level appropriate to their age. We studied the properties of paper: lightness, strength, softness, appearance; and types of paper - writing paper, napkins, corrugated cardboard, holographic paper.

As you could see, the children explored the paper using tactile perception, tearing it, crumpling it, blowing on it. All these actions are familiar to the children from their life experience, so they easily used them when acquiring new knowledge.

I would also like to note that our direct educational activities are integrated in nature: we aim to study not only physical properties paper and expand children’s understanding of its diversity, but we also strive to replenish children’s vocabulary with such new adjectives as “corrugated”, “writing”, “multi-color”, “shiny”, “matte”, “dense”, “durable”, “ ribbed”, “compressed”, as well as the verbs “tear”, “crumple”, “compress”, “cut”, “fold”.

We gave the children the opportunity to study the paper through their own experience, encouraged initiative in statements, and therefore independence in thinking. At the same time, gifted children also found themselves in our direct educational activities: they were specially given a more complex task based on paper plastic - modeling a snowman from crumpled paper.

And our dynamic minute not only allowed us to relieve psychophysiological tension, but also put the children in a friendly mood. And then we used this attitude to work together as a team when constructing snowmen. This idea is not accidental, because I believe that good climate in a children's team - this is one of the foundations of child development. As a teacher, I tried to constantly support the children and encourage them in mastering new knowledge. And that is why, it seems to me, the children really liked everything.

teacher GBOU school 827

preschool department "Beryozki",

Moscow, Russia