Not a single store-bought drinking product can compare with a drink made with your own hands from natural products. Apple compote from fresh apples for the winter it will remind you of summer, quench your thirst, and also saturate your body with the beneficial substances preserved in it.

How to prepare apple compote for the winter? It's very simple if you have it on hand necessary products, the main ones being apples, as well as time, and, of course, desire. We present to your attention a recipe that will allow you to prepare a tasty and at the same time healthy drink without much effort and without spending a lot of time. Just like, it will surely appeal to both your family members and unexpectedly arriving guests.

Before you start preparing apple compote for the winter, read the recommendations and tips of experienced housewives, using which you will prepare the most delicious drink. It will certainly appeal to both adults and kids. So:

  • For compote, apples of sweet and sour varieties are ideal, which will give the drink a rich taste;
  • the fruits must be undamaged, not overripe, but not green either, because overripe apples will boil during the cooking process and give the drink a cloudy appearance, while unripe apples will not give the compote a rich taste;
  • before starting the process, prepare glass containers for the compote - jars, by thoroughly washing and sterilizing them (to do this, pour boiling water over them or place them in the oven for a while);
  • prepare the fruit by washing and removing the skin (if it is not rough, you can leave the skin);
  • small apples can be rolled whole, and if you have large fruits, then cut them, remove the core and cut into large slices;
  • place the chopped apple slices in cold water, acidifying or salting it (it’s not worth keeping apples in water longer, since all the valuable substances they contain will end up in the water, and a minimal amount will remain in the fruits themselves).

If you are cooking apple compote When adding fruits with seeds (plum, cherry or apricot) to apples, remember that the shelf life of such drinks is no more than a year. If you are making preparations for a longer shelf life, be sure to remove the seeds from the fruit.

Drink recipe

Preparing apple compote for the winter according to this recipe will give you the opportunity to make a drink that will retain its delicate aroma until the winter. In the same way, you can make preparations from other berries and fruits, as well as prepare assorted dishes, adding oranges, pears, plums and other favorite summer gifts of nature to apples.

If the taste and aroma of apple compote prepared according to this recipe do not seem rich enough to you, you can add vanilla sugar, cinnamon or mint sprigs to the drink, which will give it an unforgettable smell and amazing taste.

The amount of ingredients in the recipe is based on one liter of water. If you use larger jars, calculating the required amount of ingredients will not be difficult for you. So, we need:

  • medium-sized apples - 4-5 pieces (if you like a richer taste of compote, as well as fruits from it, you can use more apples);
  • sugar in the amount of 200 grams;
  • water - 1 liter.

Cooking instructions:

  1. We prepare the apples: to do this, wash them, remove the tail and center and cut them into slices.
  2. Boil the specified amount of water in a saucepan.
  3. Pour the sugar in there and keep the mixture on the fire for several minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Into the boiling sugar syrup place apple slices and boil them for a couple of minutes.
  5. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the apple pieces into the prepared jars.
  6. Boil the water and sugar again and pour the syrup into the jars, filling them to the top.
  7. We roll up the jars with prepared metal lids (it is not necessary to turn over and wrap the jars with compote prepared according to this recipe).

That's it, the amazingly delicious drink is ready! Since the compote is quite concentrated, before serving it can be diluted with chilled water and served with cookies or homemade pies.

Another recipe for you:

Now you know how to cook apple compote from fresh apples for the winter. Bon appetit and have a good time with your family and friends!

Today in any store apple juices, nectars and fruit drinks are presented in a large assortment. However, many of our drinks “traditionally” contain flavorings, dyes, preservatives and other “enhancers”. Therefore, most often there is no need to talk about the benefits of such products, and choosing the most “harmless copy” from the total mass of bright packaging is a time-consuming task. But in winter it is especially important to receive nutrients and vitamins in sufficient quantities. In this case, the best solution would be to prepare homemade apple compote, the quality and nutritional value of which you can be one hundred percent sure of. So, for this type of preservation it is better to use 3-liter jars - this way you can roll up more of this tasty drink. We offer the simplest step-by-step recipes with photos of fresh apple compote for the winter: without sterilization and with it, with oranges, pears and other fruits. Which apples are best to make compote for the winter? These are fruits of sweet and sour varieties, almost completely ripe and without damage. So, let's look at a few of the most popular recipes canned apple compote for the winter.

Delicious apple compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar - step-by-step recipe with photos

In winter, jars with autumn preparations do not remain “idle” in the pantry. Homemade apple compote in a 3-liter jar is enough to open and you can immediately enjoy the unique taste and aroma of fruit. And canned apples make an excellent filling for pies or pancakes. Try making fresh apple compote for the winter using our step-by-step recipe with photos - simple, healthy and tasty.

Ingredients for cooking apple compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar:

  • apples – 5 kg
  • sugar – 1 glass

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for apple compote for the winter for a 3-liter jar:

  1. Wash the apples and remove the stems.

  2. Place the apples in pre-sterilized jars and add sugar according to the recipe.

  3. Place a pan of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour boiling water into jars and roll up with clean lids.

  4. Turn over and wrap in a warm blanket. As soon as the apple compote has cooled, put it in the pantry for storage.

  5. This recipe is extremely simple and every housewife can handle it. Drink to your health!

Homemade apple compote for the winter without sterilization - recipe with photo

During the “hot” canning season, housewives are short on time, because they need to have time to pack up a lot of fruits and vegetables for the winter. Therefore, a recipe for homemade apple compote without sterilization will significantly save cooking time, and in the winter cold you will have an excellent natural drink. This apple compote must be diluted with boiled water before use, since concentrated sugar syrup is used for filling. So, as a result, you will get much more compote than you cover - both convenient and practical. According to our recipe, the yield of apple compote is one liter jar.

List of ingredients for the recipe for homemade apple compote without sterilization:

  • water – 700 ml
  • sugar – 150 gr.
  • citric acid – 0.1 tsp.
  • apples – 3 pcs.

The procedure for cooking apple compote without sterilization for the winter:

  1. We wash each apple and remove the core. Cut into eight pieces.
  2. We sterilize a clean jar in any convenient way, and then fill it with chopped fruits. Pour boiling water and add citric acid. Cover with a lid and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour in the apples again and wait five minutes.
  4. The second time we drain the water to boil again, this time with sugar. Boil for two minutes and “finally” pour into a jar of apples. Roll up the lid, cover with a blanket on top and wait for it to cool. That's it, the delicious and healthy apple compote is ready!

A simple recipe for compote of apples and oranges for the winter for a liter jar

Apple compote will sparkle with new flavor notes if you add a few pieces of orange to it. This will give the drink exquisite richness and a unique citrus aroma. And how impressive a jar with pieces of orange “floating” in a clear liquid will look. In addition, the recipe for apple and orange compote for the winter is extremely simple and does not require sterilization. Good luck with your experiments with blanks!

Compote of apples and oranges for the winter - ingredients according to a simple recipe (for a liter jar):

  • apples (peeled and cut into pieces) – 180 gr.
  • orange – 2 slices
  • sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • water – 850 ml

How to cook apple and orange compote for the winter - step-by-step guide:

  1. We wash citrus fruits under running water or even pour boiling water over them. We cut into circles approximately 0.5 cm thick, each of which is again cut into two “semicircles”.
  2. For compote, we choose fruits of sweet varieties, not overripe. Clean apples should be cut into quarters and the seeds removed. Then we cut each piece again into 3-5 parts. Measure out the required amount of chopped fruit according to the recipe.
  3. We sterilize glass jars by steaming or in the oven. We place pieces of apples and oranges into each container, and then fill it to the top with boiling water. Cover (do not roll up) with tin lids and place under a warm blanket. We wait 15 minutes.
  4. The water from the cans must be poured into a saucepan and put on fire. At this time, it is better to cover the jars with fruit with lids and wrap them in the same blanket.
  5. After boiling, pour the water into the jars again, cover with lids and place under a blanket for 15 minutes.
  6. When draining the liquid again, add sugar and bring to a boil. Then cook the syrup for another 2 - 3 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. While we are making syrup, the jars remain securely “hidden” under the blanket.
  7. Pour the hot liquid into jars and seal with clean, sterilized lids. All that remains is to turn the container over, wrap it up and wait about a day. After cooling to room temperature, place the canned compote of apples and oranges on the pantry shelves.

If you get creative and mix yellow and red apples together, you get a beautiful color combination. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body. useful microelements and vitamins.

Compote of apples and pears for the winter - recipe for a 3-liter jar

Fruit “mixes” significantly increase the nutritional value of canned compotes. We offer to cook a tasty and healthy compote of apples and pears for the winter according to our recipe (the amount of ingredients is based on a 3-liter jar). For this recipe, ripe summer apples and pears are suitable, without damage or signs of spoilage. Select fruits that are approximately the same size, and large ones can be cut into two or four pieces.

Ingredients for apple and pear compote for the winter (for a 3-liter jar):

  • apples – 0.5 kg
  • pears – 0.5 kg
  • sugar – 2 cups
  • citric acid – 1 gr.
  • cinnamon and cloves - to taste and desire

Step-by-step description of cooking compote from apples and pears for the winter:

  1. Wash apples and pears thoroughly and remove the core and seeds. Cut into large pieces.
  2. Place the chopped fruits in a clean and sterilized jar, add sugar and pour boiling water. Now leave the jar covered with a lid for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the syrup into a saucepan and add cinnamon and cloves. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Pour into the jar again and cover with a lid.
  4. Place the jar of compote in a large pan of boiling water for sterilization. After 10 - 15 minutes, take it out, turn it over and wrap it in a warm blanket for 12 hours. After cooling, put it in the pantry.

Recipe for homemade compote from fresh apples and apricots, video

Fresh apples and apricots are a great combination for homemade compote. Close a couple of cans of this healthy drink, and with the help of our video recipe you will learn all the intricacies of the process.

Gather your will and seamer into a fist! I suggest making a delicious apple compote for the winter. For a 3-liter jar you will need few ingredients - less than a kilogram of fruit and about 300 grams of sugar. But I do not recommend limiting yourself to such a small volume, because the cold months are the right time for total vitaminization. You can't think of a better replacement for store-bought juices! People who don’t like a fragrant homemade drink with a pleasant sourness are extremely rare. At least I don't know any of them. And anyone can handle preparing compote, and even more so you! Conservation is excellent. A jar lost behind cucumbers may well last until next season.

The taste of canned food can be easily varied. For this, there are favorite spices - cinnamon and vanilla. Another interesting option is obtained by adding slices of lemon, orange and even pieces of sweet pepper.

Apple slice compote for future use

Soft, fragrant with summer and sun, fruit slices are a pleasant addition to a tasty drink. Children and almost all adults eat them with pleasure; they make an excellent filling for baked goods. The recipe is ridiculously simple, but absolutely reliable, proven by many generations. Bright, concentrated summer mood!


Exit: 1 3-liter jar or 3 pcs. 1 liter.

How to prepare a delicious compote from sliced ​​apples for the winter:

Only dense, ripe, aromatic and juicy fruits are suitable for this type of preservation. Size does not play a special role, but try to put apples of the same size in one jar, preferably large or medium. The variety is not very important. A tasty and colorful assorted compote is made from different varieties of apples.

Select the most beautiful apples. Wash them thoroughly. Be sure to cut off damaged areas, as they may cause the workpiece to deteriorate during storage. Cut each fruit into 2-4 parts. Remove the core with seeds. It is not recommended to cut off the skin, especially if the flesh is not too hard. Otherwise, the apple slices will lose their shape and almost turn into puree, making the syrup cloudy. Cut the fruit into small, neat slices.

There are special knives to remove the core and at the same time separate it into neat pieces.

Prepare jars of the required size. Traditionally, fruit compotes are packaged in large two- to three-liter bottles. But if you are making preparations just for the sake of canned apples If you want to make a concentrated compote or simply cannot drink such a volume of drink in 2-3 days, use liter jars. To prevent fermentation, wash the inside of the glass container well. Has antibacterial properties baking soda, so I advise you to use it for washing, and not modern detergents. It is also recommended to sterilize jars. I don’t see the point in this, since the glass will be disinfected when pouring pieces of fruit twice. But this is a matter of habit.

Distribute the slices among the prepared containers. To get a tasty, rich compote, you need to fill at least 1/3 of the volume. You can fill it halfway if you like apples preserved this way.

On a note:

To prevent the apples from darkening, immediately after slicing, place them in salted water. But so that the preparation does not change the taste, you can keep them there for no more than half an hour.

It is better to take extra water. Be aware of what will evaporate during boiling. Bring it to a boil. Pour into bottles (do not throw out excess water!). Cover the necks with clean lids. Leave the preparation on the table for about 20-25 minutes so that the fruit slices steam. The liquid will color slightly and cool down.

Place nylon lids with holes on the jars. Drain the water into a large saucepan. And add sugar to the apples. I indicated the minimum amount of granulated sugar. If you put less, the compote will most likely ferment. You can put more.

Boil the drained liquid again. Pour into the jars until it overflows a little. This will better sterilize the neck. In this case, the jar needs to be placed in a deep bowl. Roll up the compote using a machine. Shake the canned food several times to dissolve the sugar grains faster. Turn it over. Wrap it in a blanket.

Wait until it cools down and hide it in the basement. Storage until winter is allowed at room temperature, in a dark, dry place. The compote turns out transparent, sweet and sour, refreshing. And the apple slices are juicy, soft, tasty.

Whole apples in compote (harvesting for the winter without sterilization)

The main thing in this preservation is beautiful liquid apples. They retain the aroma of fresh fruit as much as possible and look very appetizing. The compote is drunk with pleasure and almost instantly.


It turns out: 3 liter jar.

Method for preparing apple compote (simple recipe with photo):

Sometimes such compote is canned from whole apples, without even removing the stems. These fruits look very beautiful. In this case, the stalks must be processed - scraped off upper layer with a knife. But if you are not sure of the quality, it is better to cut out the core and tails. To make the hole neat, use a knife of a special cylindrical design.

Clean the jars with baking soda. Pour boiling water over it several times. Or sterilize over hot steam. Arrange the apples. Measure out the required amount of water and put on fire. When it boils, distribute into containers. Cover with pre-boiled lids. Leave to “rest” for 40 minutes until the water cools.

Usually this drink turns out pale. To give it more bright color, add a handful of currants or chokeberries.

Carefully pour the water into a heatproof container. Add sugar. Prepare the liquid syrup over medium heat. Boil it and cook for 1-2 minutes.

Pour into bottles up to the very neck. Immediately seal with sealing lids. Place bottoms up. Check that the lid is sealed against the glass. If air bubbles rise and there is a leak, boil the drink. Roll it up again. To ensure slow cooling, cover and line all sides with scrap blanket.

Store the cooled drink in the cellar (pantry) until winter. Long-term storage conditions are standard. It should be dark, dry and, if possible, cool. Before use, be sure to wipe the jar and lid from dust.

Published on July 11, 2017

Apple compote is just a godsend for the body on a hot summer day. It quenches thirst well and replenishes strength in the body. But not only is apple compote useful in the summer; in the winter it also brings benefits by saturating us with its vitamins and microelements.

Compotes are prepared for the winter, but they are also prepared for every day. To have time to enjoy the tastes and aromas of apples and other fruits before winter.

As you know, there is nothing easier to cook fruit compote. Just pour water over the fruit, add sugar and boil everything together for a few minutes. But before you start making compotes, let me give you several recipes for making apple compote so that your culinary creation will be the best and most delicious.

In order for the compote to turn out beautiful and the apples not to turn into applesauce, choose firm, ripe apples without spoiled marks.


  • Apples 1.5-2 kg.
  • Sugar 200 grams.
  • Water 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Sort and wash the apples. If the fruits are large, cut them into several parts, and if they are small, then cut them into two halves.

2. Place apples in a saucepan, fill them with water and place on the stove.

3. Bring the water to a boil and add sugar. Stir and cook for 10-15 minutes.

5. That’s the whole recipe for making apple compote for every day.

Compote of whole apples for the winter

Of course, almost every housewife prepares a huge amount of compotes for the winter. Since homemade compotes cannot be compared with store-bought juices and nectars that are prepared in an unclear way.


  • Apples 1 kg.
  • Water.
  • Sugar 200 grams of sugar per 3-liter jar.

Cooking process:

1. Before preparing compote, the jars must be sterilized.

2. Sort the apples, wash them a little and let the water drain.

3.Place apples in each jar to the very top.

4.Fill the jars with boiling water and cover with sterilized lids. Pour water up to the neck. Or with a slide :).

5.Leave the jars for 15-20 minutes. Hot water warms up the apples. The apples will absorb some water, as it should be.

6.Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan. You will need to add a little water, usually I add no more than 0.5 liters of water.

7. Add sugar to the drained water, 200-250 grams per 1 container of apples.

8.Put the syrup on the stove, boil and pour into jars. Now you can screw the lids tightly using a special lid wrench.

A little recommendation for the recipe. You can add citric acid to each jar if desired. This is an optional ingredient. But this way the syrup turns out to be a slightly different color and taste accordingly. For a 3-liter jar, acid on the tip of a knife will be enough.

Also, if desired, you can put a couple of mint leaves or a sprig of tarragon in each jar. Which will also give your apple compote additional flavor. But of course you can do it without any additions. You can simply prepare a natural product without additives, which is also very good.

9.After the syrup is in the jars and the lids are screwed on. The jars need to be turned over with their lids on the bottom, the balloons should be wrapped and kept in this position until they cool completely.

10.Then you can move it to the pantry. The compote is ready. Enjoy your meal.

Compote of apples and pears for the winter

I almost always go with apples and pears in a bunch, whether it’s jam or marmalade. And of course, why not prepare some compote from these tasty and aromatic fruits for the winter.


  • Apples 500 grams.
  • Pears 200-250 grams.
  • Sugar 200.
  • Water 2-2.5 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Sort apples and pears, wash them, cut into slices.

2. Cut out partitions with seeds from the slices.

3.Place the slices into jars. Carefully pour boiling water over it. Cover with clean lids.

4. Let the fruit sit for 20 minutes then drain the water back into the pan.

5.Add a glass of water. Add sugar and stir. Place the syrup on the stove to boil.

6.Pour the syrup back into the jar, cover with a lid and screw it on.

7. Turn the jar over and wrap it up. Leave until completely cool.

8.Then can be moved to a place for long-term storage.

Compote of apples and pears is ready. Enjoy your meal.

Compote of apples and quince

Quince is not a very popular product; it can rarely be found on sale. But for some reason, many summer residents still plant it on their plots just in case.

And here’s a chance for you to cook quince compote with apples. The taste is very original and aromatic.


  • Apples 1-1.5 kg.
  • Quince 500-700 grams.
  • Citric acid on the tip of a knife.
  • Water 2-2.5 liters.
  • Sugar 200-250 grams.

Cooking process:

1. Sort and cut the fruits. Quince needs more attention. Since worms very often settle in it. Therefore, we will make a compote from pieces of quince.

2. We also cut the apples into pieces. Cut out tails and partitions with seeds from the pieces.

3.Place the fruit in a jar and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

4. Drain the water into the pan and add sugar there. Stir and place on the stove.

5. Boil and pour into a jar and cover with a lid. Screw on the lid. Turn the jar over and wrap it up. Leave until completely cool. Then you can move it to a place for long-term storage.

Compote from ranetki

It is very rare to find a compote made from these small apples. But it turns out no worse than all the other compotes prepared from their apples.


  • Apples 500-700 grams.
  • Sugar 350-500 grams.
  • Water.

Cooking process:

1. Sort through the apples, select the strongest, ripest and only whole ones.

2. Before putting the apples into the jar, each apple must be pierced with a fork or toothpick. This is done so that the thin skin does not burst and the apples absorb more syrup.

3.And so the ranetkas are in the bank. Pour boiling water over them and wait 15-20 minutes.

4.Then drain the water and add sugar to it. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil.

5. Pour the boiling syrup into jars and screw on the lids.

Compote of apples and apricots

Great combination. This mixture of products will perfectly quench your thirst and fill your body with vitamins.


  • Apples.
  • Apricots.
  • Water.
  • Sugar.

Cooking process:

1. The proportions are not written because when preparing summer compote, I rarely measure what needs to be added to the compote. Everything comes from the heart and, of course, from experience.

2. There are apples and apricots, throw them into the pan and cook.

3. Sort the apples and cut them into slices.

4.Remove the pits from the apricots and wash everything well.

5.Put everything in a saucepan and fill it with water.

6. Bring to a boil, add sugar, and add 5-6 tablespoons to about a 3-liter pan.

7. Let the compote boil and cook for a few minutes.

8. The compote is ready, you need to cool it and help yourself.

If you want to prepare this delicacy for the winter, just pour it into sterilized jars and screw on the lids.

No matter how wide the variety of apple juices and nectars is presented in stores, it is better than homemade apple compote for the winter- can not found! at home guarantees the absence of flavors, dyes and preservatives in drinks, and promises only the complete benefits and natural taste of the products.

In the recipes offered to your attention below, for winter harvesting For apple compotes, fairly concentrated syrups (20-40%) are used, so it is advisable to dilute the drinks with boiled water immediately before drinking cold water according to your own taste. And apples from compotes are an excellent filling for baking, and generally incredibly delicious!

Before you start canning apple compote according to specific recipes, you need to remember some rules that must be followed when clogging compotes. Then all your drinks – and not only those made from apples – will turn out excellent.

1) On “Apple compote for the winter” recipes Apples of sweet and sour varieties with dense pulp, slightly unripe, but plump, are more suitable. Hard, unripe and unflavoured fruits result in corresponding drinks. And overripe fruits can simply boil during heat treatment and lose their shape.

2) For compote, large apples are selected, without spoilage or visible damage; sorted by variety so that each variety is in a separate jar.

3) Before processing, apples are thoroughly washed, peeled and cored at individual discretion, and the pulp is cut into small slices. When peeling and cutting apples, it is very convenient to use a special cutter, which can divide the fruit into 8 parts at a time and simultaneously remove the rough core.

4) The delicate peel of apples does not need to be peeled. Apples that are too small for compote are used whole.

5) Sliced ​​apples are placed in cold, acidified or salted water. The fruits are kept in water for about half an hour. With longer aging, beneficial substances and vitamins pass from the fruits into the water.

6) Before putting apples in jars, the fruits must be blanched (but not necessarily) for 5-7 minutes and then dipped in cold water. After blanching, the apples in the jars will no longer darken or “shrink” in volume. There is no need to pour out the water after blanching; it will be used to prepare the syrup.

7) Jars for preserving apple compote are washed well, calcined in a steam bath or scalded with boiling water and dried. They can be sterilized in the oven or in boiling water.

8) Jars filled with apples (up to the shoulders) are filled with hot syrup. Then the containers are covered with lids and placed for pasteurization for 15 minutes (for half-liter jars) or 20-25 minutes (for 2-3 liter jars). By the way, you can do without sterilization; but in this case, the apples are poured with hot syrup, kept in it for 3-5 minutes, after which the syrup is drained, brought to a boil and the jars are filled with it again. This procedure must be repeated 1-2 more times and roll up the jars with sterilized lids.