Uzbek Metallurgical Plant

them. V.I. Lenin, the first-born of metallurgy of the Uzbek SSR. Located in the city of Bekabad, Tashkent region, on the river. Syrdarya. Processes scrap collected in Central Asia. Construction of the plant began in 1943, the first open-hearth furnace was launched in 1944, the second in 1945, and the third in 1949. In October 1946, the “300” small-section mill was put into operation, and in May 1949, the “700” thin-sheet mill. In 1950, the open-hearth shop reached its design capacity, and in 1951, the rolling shop. In 1962, a continuous steel casting unit was launched, which casts all the steel produced at the plant. By the mid-70s. The capacity of the metallurgical shops exceeded the design capacity by more than 3 times. Finished products are consumed by machine-building enterprises and construction organizations. In 1974, the production of enamel cookware was mastered. In the 10th Five-Year Plan (1976-80), the plant was expanded through the construction of new electric steelmaking and rolling shops, as well as auxiliary shops. Personnel training for servicing the metallurgical and other units of the plant was carried out at enterprises in the Urals and Siberia. Specialists from the RSFSR and Ukrainian SSR provided great assistance in the commissioning, commissioning and operation of the equipment.

N. I. Tereshenkov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

  • Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic
  • Uzbek Museum of Art

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For Uzbek Metallurgical Plant JSC, 2014 was an anniversary year. He turned 70 years old. The city of Bekabad on the banks of the Syr Darya owes its existence to this city-forming enterprise. This is the only production in Uzbekistan that uses metal scrap as raw material. The basic enterprise of the industry, it is a center that closely interacts with other Uzbek ferrous metallurgy industries.

Structure of JSC "Uzmetkombinat"

The plant was corporatized according to the relevant decree of the government of the country in 1994 by merging three enterprises into a single whole:

  • Uzbek Metallurgical Plant
  • Shirinsky Machine-Building Plant
  • Self-supporting management of enterprises "Vtorchermet"

Until 2010, the created company was called APO Uzmetkombinat. It received its current name in June 2014, having been an open joint stock company for four years. These changes were associated with changes in the legislation of Uzbekistan. At the moment, the production structure of the plant is represented by the following productions:

  • steelmaking
  • rental
  • non-ferrous metals (workshop)
  • glass
  • slag processing, etc.

In addition, the management structure of Vtorchermet includes 13 subsidiaries.

Uzmetkombinat Bekabad: high-quality products

Over the past years, Uzmetkombinat in Bekabad has “survived” technical renovations and modernization of production, which contributed to an increase in the output of high-quality and competitive products, incl. going for export:

  • various assortments of rolled ferrous metals
  • rolled copper and its alloys
  • various metal products, in particular: wire, electrodes, nails, steel mesh, household utensils, etc.
  • nitrogen, argon, oxygen
  • lifting electromagnets M42, M62, with a lifting capacity of 16 tons and 25 tons, etc.

All products of the plant are certified. The quality management system is also confirmed by national and international certification systems.

Past results and future prospects

In 2014, the plant implemented several investment projects, investing in the development of production of thermal insulation materials, electrical copper strip, and the production of solid dosage forms. To modernize steelmaking production, metallurgical equipment worth $6.85 million was purchased. In general, during the year the plant produced goods worth 1082.6 billion soums, which is 101.6% higher than the previous year.

The priorities for 2015 are the production of new types of products worth 7.3 billion soums, an increase in rolled ferrous metals, a reduction in production costs, and the continuation of the implementation of investment projects.

The online publication Uzmetronom reported with reference to its source that the removal of officials from the first echelon of management has begun at the metallurgical plant of Uzbekistan.

As the publication cites, the reason for this was the possible involvement of the iron and steel plant's managers in theft during the implementation of investment projects.

“At the time of preparing this text, the Director for Prospective Development and Investments, Abdurashid Pirmatov, and the Director for Procurement, Bakhodir Yusupov, had already lost their positions. The first one still has the status of a senator of the Oliy Majlis, but, most likely, in the coming days he will be quietly removed from the upper house,” writes Uzmetronom.

Previously, this online publication also reported on the dubious suicide of the deputy head of the electric furnace melting shop of the Uzbek Metallurgical Plant, Ruslan Kim, who left behind two daughters and a son.

Let us recall that on June 8 of this year, Ozodlik (Uzbek edition of Radio Liberty) reported that large-scale inspections had begun at the metallurgical plant in the city of Bekabad.

Then one of the engineers at the Uzbek Metallurgical Plant told our radio reporter that 18 employees of the department for combating corruption and organized crime of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan (SNB) came to the plant for an inspection.

– The National Security Service checks the construction and installation department very carefully. They closed everything. The head of the department, Aziz Kholmatov, was taken under arrest, and his house was searched. After the arrival of the NSS landing party, the general director of the plant removed Aziz Kholmatov from his position, an engineer at the metal plant told Ozodlik.

According to him, security officers also arrested the chief engineer of the construction and installation department, Davlat Dustmatov, who subsequently had to answer questions from investigators in the SNB pre-trial detention center in Tashkent.

In early June, one of the employees of Uzmetkombinat, who asked not to disclose his name, confirmed to Ozodlik information about the beginning of strict inspections at the metallurgical enterprise.

“It turned out that the arrested managers were involved in the illegal sale of metal. Now the National Security Service has closed and sealed all warehouses,” an Uzmetkombinat employee told our radio.

Also, according to him, NSS investigators seized all investment projects of the plant for verification.

In addition, a source at Uzmetkombinat told Ozodlik that a criminal group operating at the metallurgical plant is suspected of embezzling several tens of billions of soums from the state.

The fate of the general director of Uzmetkombinat, Alik Nuritdinov, and the chief engineer, Airat Khasanov, also hangs in the balance, so the general director put all his connections into play, a source from our radio said.

To clarify this information, at the beginning of June, an Ozodlik reporter contacted representatives of Uzmetkombinat by telephone. The employee who did not introduce himself neither confirmed nor denied this information.

It is worth noting that recently unknown persons have been sending information about the illegal activities of the management and employees of Uzmetkombinat to the editorial offices of Ozodlik, Fergana and Uzmetronom.

However, it is not yet known to our editors whether the plant’s employees themselves or the company’s competitors are involved in the information leak.

In particular, on May 31, a letter was sent to the editorial office of Ozodlik information that the official car of the general director of Uzmetkombinat made a fatal collision with a pedestrian.

Our radio source in the Tashkent law enforcement agencies reported that the Toyota Camry was driven not by the head of the metallurgical plant, but by its driver.

– A preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against him. A criminal case has been opened into the accident,” our source said then.

However, commentators on this article wrote that the CEO of Uzmetkombinat, Alik Nuritdinov, was driving the Toyota Camry.

When using our materials, a link to the Ozodlik radio website is required

Ferrous metallurgy

90% of ferrous metallurgy production in the republic falls on the share of Uzbek Metallurgical Plant OJSC (Uzmetkombinat OJSC, Bekabad, Tashkent region, commissioned in 1956).

At the end of 2012, Uzmetkombinat OJSC increased steel production by 0.4% compared to 2011 - to 736.3 thousand tons. Previously, it processed scrap metal coming from all Central Asian republics. Currently, due to a decrease in scrap supplies, the enterprise's capacity is not fully utilized.

Non-ferrous metals

Copper and silver

Almalyk MMC is the only copper producer in Uzbekistan, and one of the largest producers of non-ferrous metals in the Central Asian region.

AGMK accounts for about 90% of silver production and 20% of gold production in the republic.

The plant includes two mining enterprises, two processing plants and two metallurgical plants with their own infrastructure. The total volume of production is estimated at more than $300 million per year.

The plant has the right to develop deposits of copper-molybdenum and lead-zinc ores in the area of ​​the city of Almalyk (Tashkent region). AGMK's raw material base is the Kalmakyr and Sary-Cheku porphyry copper ore deposits (Tashkent region) and the Uch-Kulach lead-zinc-barite ore deposit (Jizzakh region).


The processing of tungsten ores and molybdenum discovered in the republic is carried out by the Uzbek plant of refractory and heat-resistant metals (commissioned in 1956) in Chirchik.

Gold mining

In terms of total gold reserves, Uzbekistan ranks fourth in the world, and in terms of production - in ninth place. In 2012, 90 tons of gold were mined.

According to the State Committee for Geology of Uzbekistan, 41 gold deposits have currently been discovered in the republic, of which nine deposits are being developed. Gold is mined in the river basin. Zeravshan and Kyzylkum.

The size of explored and confirmed gold reserves in Uzbekistan is about 2.1 thousand tons. Total reserves are approximately 3.35 thousand tons.

Gold mining in the country is concentrated at 4 largest enterprises - Navoi and Almalyk mining and metallurgical plants (NMMC and AGMK), Zarafshan-Newmont JV (together with Newmont Mining Corporation - NEM.N) and Amantaytau Goldfields JV (together with Oxus Gold plc -- OXS.L).

Gold production at the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine (NMMC) in recent years has amounted to more than 60 tons, with the total production of this metal in the republic being about 90 tons. The NMMC production complex unites four metallurgical plants in Navoi (GMZ-1), Zarafshan (GMZ-2), Uchkuduk (GMZ-3) and Zarmitan (GMZ-4).

The largest metallurgical plant in Uzbekistan is replacing its general director.

As noted in the company’s message, the issue of changing management will be considered at an extraordinary meeting of the plant’s shareholders on August 11.

The plant's shareholders will have to approve the decision of the supervisory board to terminate the powers of the chairman of the board (general director) of Uzmetkombinat JSC Nurutdinov Alik Saidovich and the appointment (election) of Khursanov Abdullo Halmuradovich.

According to the information service of the enterprise, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Mixtures, Alik Saidovich Nurutdinov, has headed Uzmetkombinat JSC since June 2009.

In 2014, the firstborn and flagship of the heavy industry of Uzbekistan, the oldest ferrous metallurgy enterprise in the Central Asian region, turned 70 years old. The plant was created to remelt scrap metal collected in Central Asia. Construction of the plant began in 1943, on March 5, 1944, the first open-hearth furnace was put into operation. In September 1946, the small-section mill “300” was put into operation, in May 1948, the thin-sheet mill “700”. Research institutes and institutions from Kyiv and Kharkov took part in the design of the plant. The plant melted scrap metal, as well as cast iron supplied by metallurgical plants in the Urals and Kazakhstan. The finished products were used by machine-building enterprises and construction organizations.

As reported in official information, the period of its special development and formation was the years of independence of Uzbekistan during the implementation of modernization programs, technological and technical re-equipment of production.

A wide range of metal products are produced here: rolled ferrous metals and grinding balls, copper foil, sheets, strips and tapes of brass, steel enameled household utensils, steel wire, welding electrodes, argon gas, liquid and gaseous oxygen, etc.

Rolling production (two section rolling shops and one steel wire shop), producing long rolled metal products, general purpose steel wire and grinding balls in the amount of 790 thousand tons per year;

Production of non-ferrous metals (brass and copper strip) with a design capacity of 3,000 tons per year;

Production of consumer goods - 2000 tons of steel enamelware, 1200 tons of welding electrodes and metal products;

Production of basalt-based thermal insulation materials (mineral wool, mats, slabs) in the amount of 10,000 tons per year;

Glass container shop for the production of glass containers with a capacity of up to 3 liters.