In contact with


The story of John Titor and other cases of time travel.

1.· In 1912, while a train was moving from London to Glasgow, a man appeared out of nowhere in his hands with a long whip and a bitten piece of bread.

In the first minutes he was in shock; the train passengers could not calm him down. Having come to his senses, the man said: “I am Pimp Drake, a coachman from Chetnam. Where I am? Where am I?".

Drake claimed to be from the 18th century. A few minutes later he disappeared back. Specialists from National Museum confidently asserted that the objects that remained after the arrival of an alien from the past date back to the end of the 18th century.

As a result, it turned out that such a village really existed, and moreover, that the coachman Pimp Drake, born in the middle of the 18th century, worked there.

2.· From the NYPD archives: In November 1956, an unknown man was hit and killed on Broadway. The driver and witnesses claimed that he appeared out of nowhere.

In his pocket they found an identification card and business cards on which it was written where he lived, that he worked as a traveling salesman, and so on.

The police found such a person in the archives and interviewed relatives and people who lived nearby. An old woman was found who claimed that her father disappeared about 60 years ago in unknown circumstances: he went for a walk along Broadway and did not return.

A photograph taken in 1884 of her father completely confirmed that this was the man who was hit by the car.

3. Several years ago, a certain Andrew Karl-sin was arrested in New York on charges of fraud.

Having invested less than a thousand dollars in shares, after 2 weeks he earned 350 million bucks on the stock exchange.

It is noteworthy that the trading operations he carried out initially did not promise winning at all. State authorities accused Karlsin of obtaining information that was profitable for himself through illegal means, since they found no other reasons for such an astonishing result.

Although all experts agree that even with complete information about the companies where he invested money it is impossible to earn so much and in such a period
However, during interrogation, Karlsin unexpectedly stated that he allegedly appeared from 2256 and, having information about all banking transactions over the past years, decided to enrich himself.

He categorically refused to show his time machine, but made a tempting offer for the authorities - to report several upcoming important events, which will happen soon in the world, including the location of Bin Laden and the invention of a cure for AIDS...

According to unverified reports, someone posted a million dollar bail for him to get out of prison, after which Karlsin disappeared, apparently forever...

4. A strange incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. A frightened old woman, unknown to anyone, appeared on his street, dressed in an old-fashioned way.

She literally shied away from passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted curious people: after all, everyone in this town knew each other, and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed.

When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around in despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.

5. Time plays nasty tricks not only on individuals; it can also play tricks on very impressive objects.

American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon has classified a striking incident that occurred with one of the submarines.

The submarine was in the waters of the notorious Bermuda Triangle when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later a signal from it was received from... the Indian Ocean.

However, this incident with the submarine was not limited to just moving it in space over a huge distance; quite a significant time travel also occurred: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds.

6. Even more terrible incidents sometimes happen to airplanes.

In 1997, W magazine W. News spoke about a mysterious DC-4 plane that landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992.

This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon we managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was scheduled to land at 9:55 a.m. on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: “Where are we?”

Stunned by the pilot's message, the air traffic controllers told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave him permission to land.

The pilot did not answer, but during landing everyone heard his surprised exclamation: "Jimmy! What the hell is this! The American pilot was clearly surprised by the jet plane taking off at that time...

The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot was breathing heavily, and finally he said: "Something is wrong here". When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

They tried to calm him down and said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, seeing airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: “Don't come any closer! We're flying out of here!"

The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers through the windows, and the DC-4 pilot cracked open his cockpit window and waved a magazine at them, demanding that they stay away from the plane.

He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in due time? Unfortunately, further fate The crew and passengers of the plane are unknown, since the magazine did not report any historical investigation into this incident.

As evidence of this unusual incident, a recording of conversations with the DC-4 and a calendar for 1955, which fell out of the magazine that the pilot was waving, remained at the Caracas airport...

7. A resident of Sevastopol, retired naval sailor Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin has been studying the problem of time travel for the last fifteen years.

The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after a very curious and mysterious incident that happened to him in the late 80s of the last century on Pacific Ocean, while serving as deputy commander of a diesel submarine.

During one of the training trips in the La Perouse Strait area, the boat was caught in a severe thunderstorm. The submarine commander decided to take a surface position.

As soon as the ship surfaced, the sailor on watch reported that he saw an unidentified craft right ahead.

You will soon find out that a Soviet submarine stumbled upon a rescue boat located in international waters, in which the submariners found a half-dead frostbitten man in... the uniform of a Japanese naval sailor from the Second World War.

When examining the personal belongings of the rescued man, an award parabellum was found, as well as documents issued on September 14, 1940.

After the report to the base command, the boat was ordered to go to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was already waiting for the Japanese naval sailor.

GRU officers signed a non-disclosure agreement to not disclose this fact for the next ten years.

8. In 1966, three brothers walked early New Year's morning along one of the streets of Glasgow. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.

9. Photo in the virtual Bralorne Pioneer Museum called the rather boring title “Reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood in Nov. 1940. 1941 (?)” became a minor sensation.

The public claims that it shows a time traveler. The reason for this was some features of his clothes and a portable camera in his hands: he is wearing sunglasses, which were not worn in the 40s, a T-shirt with an advertising logo, a sweater in the fashion of the 21st century, a hairstyle that was not done in those days and portable camera.

10. John Titor - the time traveler who predicted war

John Titor is a man from the future who has appeared on the Internet on forums, blogs and various websites since 2000. John claimed that he was a time traveler and arrived here from 2036.

He was originally sent in 1975 to collect information about the IBM-5100 computer, as his grandfather worked on the creation of this computer and programmed on it, but he stopped in 2000 for personal reasons. On forums he talked about future events. Some of them have already happened: the war in Iraq, the conflict in the US presidential elections 2004 and 2008. He also talked about the third world war.

This is the bleak future of our planet: the second Civil War will split America into 5 factions with a new capital in Omaha. Third World War will break out in 2017 World War, the result of which will be losses of three billion people.

Then, to top it all off, there will be a computer crash that will destroy the world as we know it. That is, it will be so unless a brave time traveler crosses the space-time continuum to change the course of history.

This was at the end of 2000. The poster on various forums took on the online aliases “TimeTravel_0” and “John Titor,” and claimed to be a soldier sent from the year 2036, the year a computer virus destroyed the world. His mission was to return to 1975 to find and capture the IBM 5100 computer, which had everything he needed to fight the virus (and he went to 2000 to meet his 3-year-old self, ignoring the paradox of the very fabric of time from the stories about time travel).

Over the next four months, Titor answered all the questions that the other participants had, describing future events in the spirit of poetic phrases, and always pointing out that there are other realities and our reality may not be his own.

In between grim calls to learn first aid and not eat beef - in his reality, mad cow disease was a serious threat - Titor, using extremely difficult algorithms, revealed some technical aspects about how time travel works and provided grainy photographs of his time machine.

On March 24, 2001, Titor gave his last piece of advice (“Take a gas can with you when you abandon your car on the side of the road”), logged out forever, and headed back. Since then he has not appeared again.

Titor's story is from a time when we were all so innocent, a time less than 15 years ago, just before everything started to change. And the legend of Titor persists partly because no one has ever claimed to be its creator.

Since the mystery has not been solved, the legend continues. "The John Titor story is popular because some stories just get popular," says writer and producer Brian Denning, who specializes in the Titor story.

Among all the stories about ghosts, demonic voices, hoaxes or rumors floating around the Internet, something is becoming popular. Why shouldn't the story about Titor become so popular? Although there is (tiny, almost scientifically impossible) another possibility.

“One of the keys to unlocking Titor,” writes in his email man under the nickname Temporal Recon, "is an assumption of the possibility that time travel may be true."

The great thing about time travel is that history cannot be disproved. If events do not happen as the time traveler said, it is because he changed the course of history.

And yet...if this man John Titor wanted to promote himself, then why did he disappear forever?! Whether the special services took him away or whether he went back is a mystery.

From the era of Queen Victoria to today The concept of time travel has excited the minds of science fiction lovers. What is it like to travel through the fourth dimension? The most interesting thing is that time travel does not require a time machine or something like a wormhole.

You've probably noticed that we are constantly moving through time. We move through it. On basic level concept time is the rate of change of the Universe, and regardless of whether we like it or not, we are subject to constant change. We get old, planets move around the sun, things break down.

We measure the passage of time in seconds, minutes, hours and years, but this does not mean that time flows at a constant speed. Like water in a river, time passes differently in different places. In short, time is relative.

But what causes temporary fluctuations on the path from cradle to grave? It all comes down to the relationship between time and space. A person is able to perceive in three dimensions - length, width and depth. Time also complements this party as the most important fourth dimension. Time does not exist without space, space does not exist without time. And this couple connects into the space-time continuum. Any event that occurs in the Universe must involve space and time.

In this article we will look at the most real and everyday possibilities travel through time in our universe, and also less accessible, but no less possible ways through the fourth dimension.

The train is a real time machine.

If you want to live a couple of years a little faster than someone else, you need to manage space-time. Global positioning satellites do this every day, beating the natural course of time by three billionths of a second. Time passes faster in orbit because the satellites are far away from the Earth's mass. And on the surface, the mass of the planet carries time along with it and slows it down on a relatively small scale.

This effect is called gravitational time dilation. According to general theory Einstein's relativity, gravity bends space-time, and astronomers use this consequence when studying light passing near massive objects (we wrote about gravitational lensing).

But what does this have to do with time? Remember - any event that occurs in the universe involves both space and time. Gravity not only tightens space, but also time.

Being in the flow of time, you will hardly notice a change in its course. But quite massive objects - like supermassive black hole Alpha Sagittarius, located in the center of our galaxy, will seriously bend the fabric of time. The mass of its singularity point is 4 million suns. This mass slows down time by half. Five years in orbit of a black hole (without falling into it) is ten years on Earth.

The speed of movement also plays an important role in the speed of our time. The closer you get to maximum speed movement - the speed of light - the slower time flows. The clock on a fast-moving train will begin to be “late” by one billionth of a second towards the end of the journey. If the train reaches the speed of 99.999% of light, one year in a train car can transport you two hundred and twenty-three years into the future.

In fact, hypothetical travel to the future in the future is built on this idea, forgive the tautology. But what about the past? Is it possible to turn back time?

Time travel to the past

Stars are relics of the past.

We found out that traveling to the future happens all the time. Scientists have proven this experimentally, and this idea forms the basis of Einstein's theory of relativity. It is quite possible to move into the future, the only question remains “how fast”? When it comes to traveling back in time, the answer to this question is to look at the night sky.

The Milky Way galaxy is about 100,000 years wide, which means light from distant stars needs to travel thousands upon thousands of years before reaching Earth. Catch this light, and in essence, you are simply looking into the past. When astronomers measure cosmic microwave radiation, they peer into space as it was 10 billion years ago. But is that all?

There is nothing in Einstein's theory of relativity that rules out the possibility of traveling back in time, but the very possibility of a button that could take you back to yesterday violates the law of causality or cause and effect. When something happens in the universe, the event gives rise to a new endless chain of events. The cause always comes before the effect. Just imagine a world where the victim died before the bullet hit his head. This is a violation of reality, but despite this, many scientists do not exclude the possibility of traveling into the past.

For example, it is believed that moving faster than the speed of light can send people back to the past. If time slows down as an object approaches the speed of light, could breaking this barrier turn back time? Of course, as we approach the speed of light, the relativistic mass of the object also increases, that is, it approaches infinity. It seems impossible to accelerate an infinite mass. Theoretically, warp speed, that is, the deformation of speed as such, can deceive the universal law, but even this will require a colossal expenditure of energy.

What if time travel to the future and past depends less on our basic knowledge of space, and more on existing cosmic phenomena? Let's take a look at a black hole.

Black holes and Kerr rings

What's on the other side of a black hole?

Spin around a black hole long enough and gravitational time dilation will throw you into the future. But what if you fall right into the mouth of this space monster? We have already discussed what will happen when diving into a black hole. wrote, but did not mention such an exotic variety of black holes as Kerr ring. Or the Kerr black hole.

In 1963, New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr proposed the first realistic theory of a spinning black hole. The concept involves neutron stars - massive collapsing stars the size of St. Petersburg, for example, but with the mass of Earth's sun. We included neutron holes in the list, calling them magnetars. Kerr theorized that if a dying star collapsed into a spinning ring of neutron stars, their centrifugal force would prevent them from collapsing into a singularity. And since the black hole will not have a singularity point, Kerr believed that it would be quite possible to get inside without the fear of being torn apart by gravity at the center.

If Kerr black holes exist, we could pass through them and exit into a white hole. It's like the exhaust pipe of a black hole. Instead of sucking in everything you can, white hole will, on the contrary, throw away everything that is possible. Perhaps even in another time or another Universe.

Kerr black holes remain a theory, but if they do exist, they are portals of sorts, offering one-way travel to the future or past. And although an extremely advanced civilization could evolve in this way and move through time, no one knows when the "wild" Kerr black hole will disappear.

Wormholes (wormholes)

Curvature of space-time.

Theoretical Kerr rings are not the only way possible “shortcuts” to the past or future. Science fiction films - from Star Trek to Donnie Darko - often deal with theoretical Einstein-Rosen bridge. These bridges are better known to you as wormholes.

Einstein allows the existence of wormholes, since the basis of the theory of the great physicist is the curvature of space-time under the influence of mass. To understand this curvature, imagine the fabric of spacetime as white sheet and bend it in half. The area of ​​the sheet will remain the same, it itself will not deform, but the distance between the two points of contact will clearly be less than when the sheet was lying on a flat surface.

In this simplified example, space is depicted as a two-dimensional plane, and not the four-dimensional one that it actually is (remember the fourth dimension - time). Hypothetical wormholes work similarly.

Let's move into space. The concentration of mass in two different parts of the Universe could create a kind of tunnel in space-time. In theory, this tunnel would connect two different segments of the space-time continuum with each other. Of course, it is quite possible that some physical or quantum properties prevent such wormholes from arising on their own. Well, or they are born and immediately die, being unstable.

According to Stephen Hawking, the ten most interesting facts from the life of which we tell you, wormholes can exist in quantum foam - the shallowest medium in the Universe. Tiny tunnels are constantly being born and torn, connecting separate places and times for short moments.

Wormholes may be too small and short-lived for human travel, but what if one day we can find them, hold them, stabilize them, and enlarge them? Provided, as Hawking notes, that you are prepared for feedback. If we want to artificially stabilize the space-time tunnel, the radiation from our actions can destroy it, just like reverse stroke sound may damage the speaker.

We're trying to squeeze through black holes and wormholes, but maybe there's another way to travel through time using a theoretical cosmic phenomenon? With these thoughts, we turn to physicist J. Richard Gott, who outlined the idea of ​​the cosmic string in 1991. As the name suggests, these are hypothetical objects that could have formed in the early stages of the universe.

These strings permeate the entire Universe, being thinner than an atom and under strong pressure. Naturally, it follows that they provide gravitational pull to everything that passes near them, which means objects attached to the cosmic string can travel through time at incredible speeds. If you pull two cosmic strings closer together, or place one of them next to a black hole, you can create what is called a closed timelike curve.

Using the gravity produced by two cosmic strings (or a string and a black hole), a spacecraft could theoretically send itself back in time. To do this, one would have to make a loop around the cosmic strings.

By the way, quantum strings are currently a very hot topic. Gott stated that to travel back in time, you need to make a loop around a string containing half the mass-energy of an entire galaxy. In other words, half the atoms in the galaxy would have to be used as fuel for your time machine. Well, as everyone well knows, you cannot go back in time before the machine itself was created.

In addition, there are time paradoxes.

Time Travel Paradoxes

If you killed your grandfather, you killed yourself.

As we have already said, the idea of ​​traveling into the past is slightly clouded by the second part of the law of causation. Cause comes before effect, at least in our universe, which means it can ruin even the best-laid time travel plans.

First, imagine: if you go back in time 200 years, you will appear long before you were born. Think about it for a second. For some time, the effect (you) will exist before the cause (your birth).

To better understand what we are dealing with, consider the famous grandfather paradox. You are an assassin who travels through time, and your target is your own grandfather. You sneak through a nearby wormhole and approach the living 18-year-old version of your father's father. You raise the gun, but what happens when you pull the trigger?

Think about it. You haven't been born yet. Even your father hasn't been born yet. If you kill your grandfather, he will not have a son. This son will never give birth to you, and you will not be able to travel back in time to complete the bloody task. And your absence will not pull the trigger, thereby negating the entire chain of events. We call this the loop of incompatible causes.

On the other hand, one can consider the idea of ​​a sequential causal loop. Although it makes you think, it theoretically eliminates time paradoxes. According to physicist Paul Davis, such a loop looks like this: a mathematics professor goes into the future and steals a complex mathematical theorem. After that, he gives it to the most brilliant student. After this, the promising student grows and learns in order to one day become the person whose professor once stole a theorem.

Additionally, there is another model of time travel that involves distorting probability when approaching the possibility of a paradoxical event. What does this mean? Let's get back into the shoes of your girlfriend's killer. This time travel model could kill your grandfather virtually. You can pull the trigger, but the gun won't fire. The bird will chirp at the right moment or something else will happen: quantum fluctuation will prevent the paradoxical situation from taking place.

And finally, the most interesting thing. The future or past that you go to may simply exist in parallel universe. Let's think of this as the paradox of separation. You can destroy anything, but this will not affect your home world in any way. You will kill your grandfather, but you will not disappear - perhaps the other “you” in parallel world, or the scenario will follow the paradox schemes we have already discussed. However, it is quite possible that this time travel will be disposable and you will never be able to return home.

Completely confused? Welcome to the world of time travel.

The concept of a time machine conjures up images of an implausible device that is too often used in science fiction plots. However, according to Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, which explains how gravity works in the universe, time travel is not just a figment of the imagination. And if time travel is a plot twist in movies, what about in reality?

Traveling forward in time, according to Einstein's theory, is absolutely possible. Essentially, physicists have managed to send tiny particles called muons, much like electrons, forward in time by manipulating the gravity around them. This doesn't mean that the technology to send people forward into the future will be possible in the next 100 years, but still.

1. Wormholes

Astrophysicist Eric Davis of the EarthTech International Institute for Advanced Study in Austin thinks it's possible. All you need is mole Hole or wormhole, a theoretical passage through the fabric of space-time predicted by the theory of relativity.

Wormholes have not yet been proven, and if they are ever found, they will be so small that not even a person can fit in them, let alone spaceship. With all this, Davis believes that wormholes can be used to travel back in time.

Both general relativity and quantum theory offer several possibilities for travel - for example, a "closed timelike curve" or a path that shortens spacetime, i.e. a time machine.

Davis argues that modern scientific understanding of the laws of physics "is teeming with time machines, that is, numerous solutions to the geometry of space-time that allow time travel or have the properties of a time machine."

As you can imagine, a wormhole would allow a ship, for example, to travel from one point to another faster than the speed of light - almost like in a warp bubble. This is because the ship will arrive at its destination before the light beam, taking a short path through space-time. The vehicle will thus not violate the universal speed limit rule that light imposes, since the ship itself does not travel at that speed.

Such a wormhole could theoretically lead not through space, but also through time.

“Time machines are inevitable in our physical space-time,” Davis writes in the paper. - "Passable wormholes turn on time machines."

However, Davis adds, turning a wormhole into a time machine won't be easy. It will take titanic efforts. This is because once a wormhole is created, one or both of its ends will need to be accelerated in time to its destination, which follows from general relativity.

2. Time machine: Tipler's cylinder

To use the Tipler Cylinder time machine, you need to leave Earth in a spaceship and travel into space to the cylinder that is spinning there. When you get close enough to the surface of the cylinder (the space around it will be mostly warped), you will need to circle it several times and return to Earth. You will arrive in the past.

How far into the past depends on how many times you orbit the cylinder. Even though your own time may seem to be moving forward as usual while you are going around the cylinder, outside the distorted space you will inevitably move into the past. It's like walking up a spiral staircase and finding yourself one step lower with each complete circle.

3. Donut vacuum

According to Amos Ori of the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, space can be twisted enough to create a local gravitational field that resembles a donut of certain dimensions. The gravitational field forms circles around this donut, so space and time are tightly twisted.

It is important to note that this state of affairs negates the need for any hypothetical exotic matter. Although it is quite difficult to describe how it will look in the real world. Ory says that mathematics has shown that at regular intervals a time machine will form inside the donut in a vacuum.

All you need is to get there. In theory, it would be possible to travel to any point in time since the time machine was built.

4. Exotic matter

In physics, exotic matter is matter that is somehow different from normal matter and has some “exotic” properties. Because time travel is considered non-physical, physicists believe that so-called tachyons (hypothetical particles for which the speed of light is a state of rest) either do not exist or are incapable of interacting with normal matter.

But when negative energy or mass - that same exotic matter, or substance - twists space-time, all incredible phenomena become possible: wormholes, which can act as tunnels connecting remote parts of the universe; warp drive, which will allow faster-than-light travel; time machines that will allow you to travel back in time.

5. Cosmic strings

Cosmic strings are hypothetical 1-dimensional (spatially) topological defects in the fabric of space-time, left over from the formation of the universe. With their help, in theory, fields of closed time-like curves can be formed, allowing one to travel into the past. Some scientists propose using “cosmic strings” to build a time machine.

If you bring two cosmic strings close enough to each other, or one string to a black hole, in theory it can create an entire array of “closed timelike curves.” If you make a carefully calculated "figure eight" on a spacecraft around two infinitely long cosmic strings, in theory you can end up anywhere, anytime.

6. Through the Black Hole

A black hole has an incredible effect on time, slowing it down like nothing else in the galaxy. Essentially, it is nature's time machine. If the flyby mission around the black hole were managed by a ground-based agency, the orbit would take them 16 minutes. But for the brave people on board a ship that is close to massive object, time would pass very slowly. Much slower than on Earth. Time would slow down by half for the team. For every 16 minutes they would only experience 8.

There are a lot of different stories that should convince readers and listeners that time travel is indeed possible. Here are a few of the most famous ones.

Is the emperor's head in Lenin's office?

1. Mobile phone in the Charlie Chaplin film

While closely viewing some behind-the-scenes footage of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus, director George Clarke noticed a woman walking into the frame holding a small, thin device to her ear. If the film were made today, anyone would be able to call this device a mobile phone. However, the action takes place in 1928! So what did George Clarke see? Is it really a time traveler? Then how can she speak mobile phone, if in 1928 there was no mobile communications? Or does she have some kind of device in her hands with which she communicated with other time travelers? This is also a rather absurd assumption - how was the connection made? Most likely, the woman was holding some other device, such as a hearing aid, if the woman was hard of hearing. True, the woman is talking at the same time... So maybe she’s even crazy? And is this a woman?

2. Were there CDs in 1800?

The picture shows a man holding in his hands something that closely resembles a CD case. What is it? As you know, the form of gramophone records known today was invented only in the middle of the 18th century, and here is its very beginning. The CD actually appeared only in the 80s of the 20th century. Who is this man with the CD box? Time Traveler? Oh really? How lucky he was to be included in the group depicted in the picture.

3. The car victim comes from the past.

In mid-June 1950, a tragic incident occurred: a car hit and killed young man about thirty years old named Rudolf Fetz. The deceased was wearing clothes that were in fashion in the 19th century.

The police began to investigate, and unexpectedly it turned out that this man, aged 29, had disappeared in 1876. During his time they found: a copper beer marker, a bill for the care of a horse and buggy, a letter dated 1876, 70 dollars and Business Cards. All these things were without any signs of aging, which allowed the police to assume that in front of them was the body of a time traveler who had traveled from 1876 straight to 1950. Is it really just another traveler? Somehow there are too many of them.

4. Secrets of the Montauk Project

As the BBC once reported, a secret laboratory in Montauk managed to create a passage through space-time. The so-called Montauk Project allegedly took place from 1943 to 1983 at a military base near Montauk, New York. As they say, during the experiments, subjects’ brains were irradiated with high-frequency radio pulses, which led to various hallucinations. Many subjects reported that they visited the future. After several subjects went crazy, the project was closed. The project itself was associated with the names of Preston B. Nichols and Al Bielek, who, according to them, suddenly began to remember ancient events suppressed in the laboratory.

5. Time Traveling Hipster

A photograph dating back to 1941 shows the opening of the Golden Bridge in Canada. And here, too, they spotted a time traveler. What distinguished him from the rest of the inhabitants who can be seen in the photograph was a T-shirt, sunglasses - everything did not correspond to the style of clothing that was worn at that time. In addition, the stranger was seen to have a modern portable camera, which certainly could not have existed in the 40s of the last century.

This traveler is known as the "time traveling hipster." Did he come back? Who knows - history is silent about this.

6. Philadelphia experiment

This is perhaps the most famous of the experiments involving time travel using a time tunnel. Also known as "Rainbow". The experiment was conceived as a top secret project that would decide the outcome of the Second World War. As part of Project Rainbow, the forerunner of the current Stealth technology, technical experiments were carried out to ensure the invisibility of ships to enemy radars. During the experiment, an unexpected by-effect. The ship not only became invisible, but also suddenly appeared in Norfolk, Virginia, hundreds of miles away.

While the ship was "moving" from the Philadelphia naval base to Norfolk and back, the ship's crew members completely lost their orientation. In the end, the team members were declared insane, and the project itself was quietly “buried.” Whether there really was time travel or not is difficult to say. But the story itself is overgrown with various blood-chilling details and is still being told. For example, in Hollywood films.

7. Flight into the future by Sir Victor Goddard

In 1935, a British Royal Air Force officer was flying a plane to a disused airfield in Edinburgh. Imagine his surprise when, taking off over the old airport to go back, he glanced down at the just abandoned airfield: the old airfield was completely renovated, mechanics in blue overalls were walking around four parked yellow planes.

It was only four years later, in 1939, that the Royal Air Force began painting aircraft yellow and mechanics' uniforms were changed to blue. Well, isn't that proof of Sir Goddard's time travel?

8. Evidence of time travel from a Chinese tomb.

In December 2008, Chinese archaeologists uncovered the huge tomb of Emperor Xi Qing, which had remained completely untouched for 400 years.

When scientists cleared away the layer of earth around the emperor's coffin, they came across a small piece of iron, which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a Swiss modern clock with an engraving on the lid and the hands stopping at 10:06. The grave, according to archaeologists, was indeed untouched for 400 years. How to explain a modern artifact? Not otherwise than again the absent-minded time traveler lost...

Just imagine how many useful things could be done if we could travel in time! Kill Hitler, change dollars, convince yourself not to drink last night, convince Hitler to drink last night! But our heroes were busy with completely different things.

Father Pelligrino Ernetti

Father Pellegrino Ernetti, a Benedictine monk, lived almost his entire life in a monastery on the island of San Giorgio. He was a practicing exorcist and chairman of the prepolyphony department at the local conservatory. But, apparently, when he was not busy exorcizing demons and ancient music, he still had free time, because Father Ernetti invented the chronovisor - a device that allows you to travel back in time to see historical events with your own eyes.

According to the priest, he wanted to attend the opera “Trieste”, created a sensation in Rome in 169 BC. There are testimonies of people who were present at the launch of the chronovisor. Pellegrino Ernetti’s friend, the priest Francois Brun, even wrote the book “Chronoprojection Machine - new secret Vatican", which tells how he listened to Napoleon's speeches and saw the crucifixion of Christ. To date, there is no information about the chronovisor, and everything that is offered on Avito is a pathetic fake.

Billy Meyer

Swiss Billy Meier's first contact with aliens, according to his testimony, occurred when he was five years old. An alien from the Pleiades constellation named Sfat contacted the boy and replaced Billy’s father. (And who among us has not suspected from time to time that his dad is also from another Galaxy!)

Then, when Sfat died, Billy was contacted by the Pleiadian Ascetic, with whom he kept in touch for 11 years. In 1975, when Billy reached puberty, Sfat’s granddaughter, Semjase, came to him. Don’t ask what she taught Billy, we don’t know ourselves; he didn’t talk about it, but he presented the public with many photographs of his alien friends and their spaceships.

Aliens came to him both from the past and from the future, as well as from parallel dimensions, warning of impending world cataclysms. Concerned about the well-being of earthlings, Billy reported on the upcoming Third World War, which was supposed to begin in November 2006, then in 2008 and finally in 2010. But, apparently, Billy’s friends are not very skilled in earthly history, because we are writing these lines to you from 2016.

Charlotte Ann Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain

Two school teachers exemplary reputation in 1901, we went on an excursion to Versailles and, getting lost in the gardens, ended up in 1792, right in the midst of the French Revolution. They claimed to have seen Marie Antoinette in her last days before arrest. The Queen was sitting in front of the Petit Trianon and drawing when an armed mob of mobs marched on Paris.

Returning to the present, Charlotte and Eleanor wrote a book about what happened to them and called it "The Adventure". The book, of course, was immediately criticized, and the teachers were accused of fraud. Critics used a modern map of Versailles as evidence of deception. Charlotte and Eleanor described how, before going back in time, they crossed a bridge that did not exist in their time.

However, a map of Versailles from the 18th century was later discovered, on which the bridge described in the Adventure actually existed. However, as it turned out later, neither Charlotte nor Eleanor were specialists in the history of France and, before writing the book, they studied the issue with teacher meticulousness.

John Titor

A hero of internet forums in the early 2000s who claimed to be from the year 2036. John's final destination was 1975, and the goal was an IBM 5100 computer, needed in the future to destroy a computer virus aimed at destroying the world. It’s even strange that the name John Connor was never mentioned.

When asked how he ended up in 2000, John replied that he had dropped in to see his family because the Third World War was coming, as a result of which America would be subjected to nuclear bombing by Russia. And the bombing was probably just what was needed, since the Americans in 2036 needed computers from the 70s.

Bob White

In 2003, a lot of people received an email asking for help in creating a large strain module with a generator and an induction motor (or something like that). To those who responded to the letter, the author willingly and in detail told his theory about time travel and methods for creating a device for their implementation. The author of the letter scheduled a meeting for his followers in a small town in Massachusetts on July 9, 2003, to which he conveniently failed to show up. We hope he was able to return to his planet. Or to a psychiatric hospital.

Victor Goddard

Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Victor Goddard simply attracted paranormal activity. In 1935, while flying in his biplane with an open cockpit, he encountered turbulence, during which he observed a strange picture as he flew over an abandoned airfield: the landscape below him seemed to have changed, there were planes standing on the airfield where no one should have been , and mechanics in clothes scurried between them of blue color. This surprised Goddard, since at that time all mechanics wore brown uniforms. Of course, none of his colleagues believed him, and the story was forgotten until four years later, when the Air Force actually changed the color of the uniform from brown to the same shade of blue that Goddard had seen.