
Here is a collection of the main cliché phrases that can help you write a social studies essay correctly.

1. Cliche phrases for formulating an understanding of the statement, problems and their relevance

  1. In his statement, the author meant that...
  2. The author wanted to convey to us the idea that...
  3. The meaning of this statement is that...
  4. The author draws our attention to the fact that... the author’s idea is that...
  5. The relevance of the problem raised is that...
  6. This problem (topics) is relevant in the conditions...
  • ...globalization of social relations;
  • ...formation of a unified information, educational, economic space;
  • ...exacerbation global problems modernity;
  • ...the special controversial nature of scientific discoveries and inventions;
  • ...development of international integration;
  • ...modern market economy;
  • ...development and overcoming the global economic crisis;
  • ...strict differentiation of society;
  • ...open social structure modern society;
  • ...formation of the rule of law;
  • ...overcoming the spiritual and moral crisis;
  • ...dialogue of cultures;
  • ...the need to preserve one's own identity and traditional spiritual values.

2. Cliche phrases for formulating your own position:

  1. “I agree with the author that...”
  2. “One cannot but agree with the author of this statement...”
  3. “The author was right in asserting that...”
  4. “In my opinion, the author quite clearly reflected the picture in his statement modern Russia(modern
  5. society... the situation that has developed in society... one of the problems of our time)"
  6. “I beg to differ with the author’s opinion that...”
  7. “Partly, I share the author’s point of view regarding..., but with... I can’t agree”

3. Multidimensional analysis of statements (cliché phrases):

  1. The statement can be analyzed from different angles...
  2. Let's look at the statement from different aspects...
  3. There are two aspects to the content of the statement...
  4. The statement can be analyzed both in a broad and in a narrow sense...
  5. It is worth noting that…

4. Argumentation should be carried out at two levels:

1. Theoretical level. Cliché phrases:

  • Let's consider the statement from the point of view of economic (political, sociological...) theory...
  • Let's turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement...
  • In economic (political, sociological...) theory, this statement has its basis...
  • This statement has a deep theoretical basis...
  • To substantiate this statement from a theoretical perspective...
  • In the course of social studies (economics, sociology...) ...

2. Empirical level - there are two options here:

  1. using examples from history, literature and social reality;
  2. appeal to personal experience.

Second-level arguments should illustrate and support the theoretical principles used to justify own position.

Cliché phrases:

  • Let us give examples from public life that confirm my idea...
  • Let's look at examples from history...
  • What do the facts of social life tell us...
  • Numerous examples from public life refute the author’s idea...
  • We see confirmation of the author’s thoughts at every step...
  • Many examples from our lives confirm the author’s idea...
  • I can confirm my thoughts with examples from my own life...
  • My personal experience(the experience of my parents, classmates...) suggests the opposite...

5. Cliche phrases for conclusion:

  1. Thus…
  2. In conclusion, we can conclude that...
  3. Summing up common feature, I would like to note that...
  4. Based on all of the above, it can be argued that...
12 Sep 26.09.2017

How to write an essay? Unified State Examination in Social Studies, task No. 29

The last task of the KIM Unified State Exam in social studies is considered to be the most difficult. FIPI examiners allot 45 minutes to write a mini-essay. Correct completion of the task gives the maximum possible number of primary points.

In this short guide, I'll show you how to write an essay as quickly and easily as possible.

Essay evaluation criteria

First, let's look at the wording of task No. 29 from the demo version of the Unified State Exam in social studies:

Select one from the statements proposed below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use knowledge received while studying a social studies course, corresponding concepts, and data public life and one's own life experience. (For factual argumentation, provide at least two examples from various sources).

“All our theories are nothing more than a generalization of experience, observed facts” (V.A. Ambartsumyan).
“Supply and demand are a process of mutual adaptation and coordination” (P.T. Heine).
Sociology, social Psychology
“The beginning of personality comes much later than the beginning of the individual” (B.G. Ananyev).
Political science
““Divide and conquer” is a wise rule, but “unite and direct” is even better” (I.V. Goethe).
“The law does not know class crimes, does not know differences in the circle of persons among whom its violation is committed. He is equally strict and equally merciful to everyone” (A.F. Koni).

To cope with the task, we definitely need to familiarize ourselves with. You can find the criteria on the FIPI website; they are posted in one document along with a demo version of the exam.

First criterion (K1) - defining. You need to reveal the meaning of the statement. If you do not do this or reveal the meaning of the statement inaccurately, you will be given zero points for K1 and all essays will not be checked. If K1 is met, you are given 1 point and the expert checks the work further.

Second criterion (K2). You must provide arguments from your social studies course. It is necessary to cite and explain concepts, social processes, laws that will help reveal the meaning of the statement.

The maximum number of primary points for this criterion is 2. If “the answer contains individual concepts or provisions related to the topic, but not related to each other and to other components of the argumentation,” the expert reduces the score and gives one point.

If the meaning of at least one term is conveyed incorrectly, then the K2 score is reduced by 1 point: from 2 points to 1 point, from 1 point to 0 points.

Third criterion (K3). According to this criterion, you need to provide 2 factual arguments in favor of your own point of view. If you make a factual error (for example, say that Putin is the chairman of the government), the argument will not be taken into account. If the argument does not work for your point of view and reveal the meaning of the statement, it will not be taken into account either.

Arguments must be from various sources: “media reports, materials educational subjects(history, literature, geography, etc.), personal facts social experience and my own observations." Two arguments from the literature or two arguments from the media can be counted as “arguments from the same type of source,” which will lead to a decrease in score by 1 point.

How to choose a quote?

Before you write your essay, you need to choose a quote. And you need to choose not according to the principle “liked - disliked”, “boring - interesting”. You need to carefully study the statements and evaluate the prospects for writing a good essay on each of them. This should take no more than 2-3 minutes.

  1. Read the statements carefully. Identify several quotes whose meaning is most clear to you.
  2. For each statement, the meaning of which is clear, determine the range of terms, processes, phenomena and laws from the social studies course. Discard quotes that you are not sure about.
  3. From the remaining quotes, choose those to which you can provide quality arguments.

If, after you run all the quotes through these three filters, you are left with all five quotes, you can choose the one that is closest to your heart. (In that case, you know your social studies course very well, congratulations!)

Essay writing algorithm

You have chosen a quote whose meaning is clear to you, and you can easily make theoretical and factual arguments. At worst, this quote will cause you the least amount of trouble, which is also a good thing.

We write an essay based on the fact that it will have only two readers - Unified State Exam experts. This means that we need to make it as easy as possible for them to check their essays. It will be convenient for the expert to check if the work is structured into blocks according to the criteria.

The essay structure might look like this:

1) Convey the meaning of the quote. It is important that this is not just a retelling of the statement. You must demonstrate understanding of the author's words.

It's okay if you write primitively. There are no requirements for text style in the essay criteria.

We chose a quote from economics. “Supply and demand are a process of mutual adaptation and coordination” (P.T. Heine).

Example: The author of the statement, American economist Paul Heine, argues that the mechanism of supply and demand regulates the relations of market participants.

2) Formulate our own point of view: I agree / I disagree with the author.

As a rule, it is difficult to argue with the statements that are offered to graduates at the Unified State Exam. But if you feel you disagree, don't be afraid to argue.

Example: I agree with P. Heine because...

3) Reinforce the point terms, concepts and laws from the social studies course. Moreover, it is important to use material from the sphere of social relations that is indicated in the task. Expand a quote in economics in economic terms, in political science in terms of political science, etc.

Example: The basis for interaction between a consumer and a manufacturer (seller) in market conditions is the mechanism of supply and demand. Demand is the desire and ability of the consumer to buy a specific product or service here and now. Supply is the desire and ability of the manufacturer to offer the consumer a product or service at a specific price within a certain time. Supply and demand are interconnected. An increase in demand can affect the quantity of supply, and vice versa.

The ideal situation is when there is an equilibrium price in the market. If demand exceeds supply, a scarce market for a certain product develops. If supply exceeds demand, this can lead to overproduction.

In conditions of high competition, when there is great demand and many producers in the market, the quality of goods increases, and the price falls, as sellers are forced to fight for buyers. This is one example of changes in the market situation under the influence of supply and demand.

4) Give two factual arguments from different sources. If you use a fact from personal experience as an argument, try not to make it up. The examiner will most likely not believe you if you state that you ran for president of Chile or are on the Nobel committee.

Example: One example that proves the regulating function of supply is the situation on the oil market in modern world. In 2014, the price of hydrocarbons fell due to declining demand. The oil market has been squeezed out by promising technologies: solar energy, wind energy and other renewable resources. Oil companies we had to adapt to new conditions - reduce oil production costs, reduce added value and lower product prices.

The law of supply and demand does not only work in global commodity markets. We can see how, under the influence of supply and demand, the situation is changing literally outside the window of our house. In the residential area where I have lived for more than 15 years, there was a grocery store in the basement of a high-rise building. Residents of nearby houses regularly bought essential products there. However, a supermarket of one of the large retail chains. The prices there were lower, the work hours were more convenient, and the assortment was much richer. People voted with their feet, and after a while the small store closed because it could not adapt to the new situation in the local market.

5) Conclusion. Here you can summarize your thoughts. Write your conclusion only if you have time left and you are sure that all other tasks do not require double-checking. Otherwise, forget about the output - in the criteria for the task the presence or absence of a conclusion is not evaluated.

Example: IN market and mixed economies, the regulating influence of supply and demand is the basis of economic relations. Indicators of supply and demand are taken into account when planning the activities of any enterprise and the entire country. It is important that supply and demand are balanced, otherwise crisis phenomena may arise in the economy.

It is worth remembering that the enemy of good results in the exam is a waste of time. Don't do extra work. Many teachers demand that the problem raised by the author be deduced. There is no need to do this, it will not affect the assessment, and the risk of making a mistake will increase.

This algorithm is not the ultimate truth. You can adhere to it, you can focus on it, but you should not use these recommendations thoughtlessly. Perhaps after training you will have your own idea of ​​how to write an essay. Wonderful! Most importantly, do not forget that this work is assessed according to strict criteria that you need to try to comply with.

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies promises to become one of the most popular elective exams in 2020, which means that graduates should learn more about what the test will be like in the new year, what the structure of the essay should be (task No.), and also what it costs Pay attention to the person during preparation.

In this article we will take a closer look at issues related to essay writing.

Task No. 29

Let us remind you that in total there are 29 tasks in KIM on society - 20 with a short answer, 8 with a detailed answer and an essay (a mini-essay with elements of reasoning on a given topic).

The 2020 demo version proposes the following wording of the task:

Please note that it is recommended to use the following as social science knowledge on which to rely when revealing the chosen topic:

  • real events from public life;
  • literary and historical examples;
  • situations from films and theater productions;
  • personal experience.

The task itself belongs to the category of alternative. This means that examinees are given the right to choose. In this particular case, the right to choose a topic for a mini-essay. The task contains 5 statements, one for each thematic block:

  • philosophy;
  • economy;
  • sociology;
  • political science;
  • jurisprudence.

The specifications recommend that you allocate 30-45 minutes out of 235 allocated for completing all 29 Unified State Exam tasks in social studies to write a mini-essay. But, teachers recommend increasing the time for writing an essay and aiming for about 60-90 minutes. This will leave just under 3 hours for the test part, which is more than enough.

Another tip from tutors is to start with a mini-essay. During the first 60 minutes, the brain works as efficiently as possible, and it will be easier to write an essay than after spending 3 hours in a stuffy classroom.

Essay Grading

For correctly completed task 29, you can get 6 points, which is 9% of the maximum initial score (in 2020 it is 65).

The second part of the Social Studies exam paper is assessed by experts, so it is very important to write legibly.

FIPI has established the following criteria for checking essays:

Please note that for task No. 29, in general, zeros will be given if the meaning of the statement is not revealed, and for criterion K-3 they will automatically put “0” if there is no explanation of key concepts and the second criterion K-2 is scored zero points.

We want to reassure those who are worried about the correctness of the essay - spelling errors do not affect the grade for the social studies essay. The exception is errors made in the spelling of terms and concepts.

The results of checking the tasks of the 2nd part can be appealed. Of course, if you are confident that you are right and are ready to defend your opinion before the expert commission for the consideration of appeals.

How to write an essay

In order to avoid problems with writing a mini-essay during the social studies exam in 2020, you need to prepare in advance - think about what the structure of the essay should be, select relevant examples for different topics, prepare a cliche.

Since the topics that will be offered to examinees for the Unified State Exam in 2020 are not disclosed in advance, at the preparation stage you can focus on the most relevant areas defined for each of the 5 blocks.

In 2020, the structure of the social studies essay will not change. The mini-essay should include the following blocks:

  • main quote;
  • the problem addressed;
  • the essence of the statement;
  • the examinee’s view of the problem;
  • argumentation of opinion;
  • examples;
  • conclusion.

Along with what the structure of an essay in social studies should be, experts also tell us what should not be written about in an essay for the Unified State Exam 2020. Thus, evidence of relevance, as well as biographies of authors of literary works and famous personalities appearing in the examples. Most often, graduates waste time on these blocks, which do not add points to the essay, instead of describing the meaning of the statement in as much detail as possible and finding the right examples.


So, now you know what you should and should not write in an essay on the Unified State Exam in society. Now let's take a closer look at how you can assemble the necessary essay from prepared blocks. Such blocks are called cliches and help when writing an essay on social studies to correctly construct the text taking into account the requirements dictated by the structure and criteria Unified State Examination assessment 2020.

We bring to your attention a selection of basic cliches that will be useful when writing an essay on almost any topic:

For more information on how to write a mini-essay for the Unified State Exam 2020 in social studies, see the lesson from the online tutor:

Among all the 2019 Unified State Exam subjects, the social studies exam will traditionally be popular, which means that today 11th graders should ask what the structure of the essay should be, as well as what clichés can be used when writing a mini-essay.

We propose to analyze in more detail the features of task No. 29 of KIMs in social studies, and also find out what advice experienced teachers and USE tutors give to graduates.

What will change in the Unified State Examination in social studies in 2019

Due to the changes that affect tasks 25, 28 and 29, the total primary score of the 2019 Unified State Exam in society will increase to 65 points (in 2018 this parameter was 64 points).

FIPI officially announced that the following changes are planned:

More details about the changes that will come into force in 2018-2019 academic year read in the document.

For an essay, the specifications allow 45 minutes, but tutors recommend leaving at least 60-90 minutes for a mini-essay out of the total exam time, which in 2019 is 235 minutes (almost 4 hours).

ESSAY Evaluation Criteria

The main criterion when evaluating an essay will be criterion 29.1 (the presence of disclosure of the meaning of the statement). At the same time, it is important to reveal the essence without duplicating the phrase itself.

Important! If according to the first criterion the experts give “0” points, then the essay is not checked further and the examinee receives “0” for all 29 tasks.

They will also pay attention to such important nuances works like:

  • correctness of theoretical positions;
  • competent explanation of key concepts
  • logic and coherence of reasoning;
  • relevance of examples (they must be from different sources);
  • disclosure of different views and different positions regarding the issue under consideration;
  • presence of conclusions.

Since you can get 6 primary points for a well-written essay on the 2019 Unified State Exam in social studies, you should make sure that the structure of the mini-essay is correct and the examples given are relevant.

It is also important to remember that the length of a mini-essay on social studies should be between 150-450 words. It is not recommended to go to extremes, because the assessment can be equally negatively affected by both borderline little and too much a large number of words Especially if, despite the verbosity, the author never reveals the essence of the issue in the work. The optimal volume is 350 words (approximately 2-3 sheets of capital text with average letter size).

Important! When grading essays on the social studies exam, spelling errors made by the graduate are not taken into account. An exception may be the case when a mistake is made in the spelling of an important term or concept.

Essay structure

Despite the fact that the Unified State Examination in Social Studies will undergo minor changes in 2019, the structure of the essay remains the same and includes the following 7 points:

Based on this plan, you can and should create your own mini-essays, using arguments and examples from different areas: history and politics, economics and law, philosophy and sociology. At the same time, when revealing the topic you have chosen, you can use examples from different blocks united by the discipline “social studies”.

Topics for 2019

No one knows exactly what statements will be offered to 11th graders in 2018-2019. There is a certain bank of problems that are relevant to the main topics of social science, which can be guided by in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Clichés for a mini-essay

Is it worth looking? ready-made essays for the Unified State Exam in social studies?

In fact, the idea of ​​finding and learning ready-made essay options comes to many graduates at the stage of preparing for exams. But you should be especially careful here, because there is a lot of irrelevant information on the Internet. Even the examples posted on the FIPI website are works from 2013, and since then there have been many changes in the evaluation criteria for this task. Moreover, you should not expect to get a high score for a standard version of an essay, because experts who have been working on the Unified State Exam for many years now also know these texts very well.

Conclusion - you need to look not for a ready-made text, but for clichés and clever thoughts that can be “strung” onto the above structure, getting your own unique essay for the Unified State Exam 2019. We offer you a selection of such blanks:

Secrets of a good mini-essay

In order for your essay to be holistic, concise, but at the same time deeply revealing the essence of the problem, you must:

  • Understand the essence of the problem. Do not take statements whose problem you do not initially understand.
  • Choose the right quote. This is an important stage that should be given enough time during the preparation stage.
  • Build a chain of reasoning. All blocks of a mini-essay must be interconnected. It is recommended to periodically return to the main idea of ​​the statement in the text.
  • Consider the issue from different points of view, if any..
  • Find the right examples.

Here are a few useful tips, which will help you select examples and arguments that the new structure of an essay in social studies requires, taking into account the innovations of 2019:

Also watch the video lesson on completing task No. 29 in the Unified State Exam in social studies for the 2018-2019 academic year:

A mini-essay on the Unified State Exam in social studies is an alternative task. This means that the exam participant can choose from several proposed options the one that is closer and more interesting to him.

Essay topics are short quotes– aphorisms related to five blocks of the training course, one for each. The thematic areas of statements are as follows:

  • Philosophy,
  • Economy,
  • Sociology, social psychology,
  • Political science,
  • Jurisprudence.

Of the five statements, you need to choose only one (the closest or most understandable) and write a mini-essay that reveals the meaning of the chosen aphorism and contains illustrative examples.

The “weight” of the social studies essay in the final points is quite small: about 8% of the total points. A perfectly written paper can earn only 5 primary points out of 62 possible, about 8%. Therefore, you should not approach the work as fundamentally as when writing essays on the Russian language or essays on literature.

The compilers of the Unified State Examination themselves suggest taking 36-45 minutes to write an essay on social studies (this is exactly the time period indicated in the specification). For comparison: an essay on the Russian language takes 110 minutes, and a full-length essay on literature takes 115.

All this suggests that the approach to social science should be different: there is no need to create a “masterpiece”, there are no mandatory requirements for presentation style (or even literacy), and even the volume of work is not regulated. Here it is not necessary to write 150-350 words of text: after all, the task is positioned as a “mini-essay” and if you manage to reveal the idea briefly and succinctly, this will be welcome.

It is enough to simply demonstrate knowledge of the subject and the ability to find suitable examples to support your point of view - and express your thoughts coherently and convincingly on the exam form.

Criteria for assessing essays in social studies on the Unified State Exam

The essay is scored based on three criteria in total. To earn the maximum five points, you must meet the following "required minimum":

Reveal the meaning of the original statement, or at least demonstrate that you correctly understood what its author meant (1 point). This key moment: If you did not understand the quote and received 0 points for the first criterion, the work will not be assessed further.

Demonstrate knowledge of theory(2 points). Here, to get a high grade, it is necessary to analyze the meaning of the statement, using the knowledge acquired during the study of the school social studies course, remember the main points of the theory, and use the terminology correctly. Incomplete compliance with the requirements, deviation from the original topic or semantic errors will result in the loss of one point.

Ability to find relevant examples(2 points). To receive the highest mark on this criterion, you must illustrate the problem with two (at least) examples - facts that confirm the main idea of ​​the essay. Moreover, they must be from sources different types. Sources can be

  • examples from fiction, feature films and documentaries;
  • examples from popular science literature, history different industries Sciences;
  • historical facts;
  • facts gleaned while studying other school subjects;
  • personal experience and observations;
  • media reports.

If only personal experience is used as examples or examples of the same type are given (for example, both from fiction), the score is reduced by a point. A zero for this criterion is given if the examples do not correspond to the topic or if there is no information at all.

Social studies essay writing plan

There are no strict requirements for the structure of the essay - the main thing is to reveal the meaning of the statement, demonstrate knowledge of the theory and support it with facts. However, given that you don’t have much time to think about it, you can stick to a standard essay plan that includes all the necessary elements.

1. The optional part is the introduction. General statement of the problem (one or two sentences). In an essay on social studies, this point of the plan can be omitted and go straight to the interpretation of the proposed aphorism, but schoolchildren often find it difficult to deviate from the usual compositional scheme, when the “gist of the matter” is preceded by general reasoning. Therefore, if you are used to starting with an introduction, write it, if this is not important for you, you can omit this point, the points will not be reduced for this.

2. Revealing the meaning of the original statement– 2-3 sentences. There is no need to quote in full; it is enough to refer to its author and state the meaning of the phrase in your own words. It must be remembered that, unlike an essay in Russian, where it is necessary to isolate a problem, an essay in social science can be devoted to a phenomenon, a process, or simply a statement of fact. To reveal the meaning of a statement, you can use templates like “In the proposed statement, N.N (a famous philosopher, economist, famous writer) considers (describes, talks about ...) such a phenomenon (process, problem) as ..., interpreting it as ... " or “The meaning of the statement ( expressions, aphorisms) N. N is that...”

3. Theoretical part(3-4 sentences). Here it is necessary to confirm or refute the author’s point of view, relying on the knowledge gained in class and using special terminology. If you agree with the author’s point of view, then, by and large, this part is a detailed translation of the original phrase into “textbook language.” For example, if the author called children’s games in the yard a “school of life”, you will write about what institutions of socialization are and the role they play in the process of an individual’s assimilation of social norms. Here you can also quote quotes from other philosophers, economists, etc., confirming the main idea of ​​the text - however, this is not a mandatory requirement.

4. Factual part(4-6 sentences). Here it is necessary to give at least two examples confirming the theses put forward in the previous paragraph. In this part it is better to avoid “general words” and talk about specifics. And do not forget to indicate sources of information. For example, “experiments devoted to” have been repeatedly described in popular science literature; “as we know from the school physics course...”, “ writer N,N. in his novel “Untitled” he describes the situation…”, “on the shelves of the supermarket opposite my school you can see...”.

5. Conclusion (1-2 sentences). Since an essay on social studies on the Unified State Exam is, by and large, a proof of a certain theoretical position, you can complete the essay by summing up what has been said. For example: “Thus, both real-life examples and reading experience suggest that...”, followed by a restatement of the main thesis.

remember, that the main thing is to correctly reveal the meaning of the statement. Therefore, when choosing from the proposed options, take a quote whose interpretation is beyond your doubts.

Before you start writing the text, remember the terminology on this topic. Write them down on a draft form so you can use them later in your work.

Choose the most suitable examples on this topic. Remember that examples from literature may not be limited to works school curriculum– on the social studies exam you can use any arguments as arguments. literary works. We should not forget that relying on reading experience in the case of social studies is not a priority: remember cases from life; news heard on the radio; topics discussed in society and so on. Also write down the selected examples on the draft form.

Since literacy, style and composition of the text are not assessed - if you are confident enough to express your thoughts in writing, it is better not to waste time writing full text draft. Limit yourself to drawing up a thesis plan and write straight away- this will help save time.

Start the essay after you have answered all other questions.– otherwise you may not fit in the time limit and lose more points than you gain. For example, the first four tasks with detailed answers (based on the text read) can give a total of 10 primary points (twice as much as an essay), and formulating answers to them usually takes much less time than writing a mini-essay.

If you are “floating” in the topic and you feel that you cannot write an essay with maximum points - do this task anyway. Every point is important - and even if you only manage to correctly formulate the topic and give at least one example “from life” - you will receive two points for your social studies essay on the Unified State Exam. primary scores, which is much better than zero.