On Black Sea coast This wild Caucasian forest cat lives in the Krasnodar region - an amazing animal that I want to tell you about.

In Russia, this animal is found in the mountain forest ecosystem of the northern Caucasus from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea. It is found on the islands of the Kuban, Terek, Kuma rivers, as well as in floodplain forests, but most often it can be found in the Caucasus mountains at an altitude of 2500-3000 meters, usually in the belt of deciduous forests. The Caucasian forest cat prefers remote areas of the forest and leads a secretive and solitary lifestyle. It happens that they settle in abandoned buildings or not far from human habitation. Its refuge is crevices in rocks, hollows and holes of other animals. Also inhabits some countries Western Europe and Asia Minor.

Breeding period forest cats in the Caucasus falls from February to March. The female's pregnancy lasts about 2 months. There are from 2 to 6 kittens in a litter. Kittens grow very quickly and by autumn they can no longer be distinguished from adults.

The animal feeds on small rodents, sometimes hunts birds, and if there is a lack of usual food, it attacks hares and pheasants. Forest cats that settle near human habitation sometimes attack poultry.

Over the past 10 years, the number of this animal has decreased as a result of the destruction of biotopes. This species completely disappeared in the lower reaches of the Dagestan Sulak River, and its numbers in mountainous areas also became significantly smaller due to the destruction of deciduous forests. Experts associate the decrease in the density of the forest cat population in the Caucasus Mountains with a decrease in the number of small rodents and with poor weather conditions in the area (particularly cold winters with lots of snow).

Threat of numbers.
To date, there are no accurate data on the total number of Caucasian forest cats. According to old data, in Dagestan at the end of the 80s there were about a hundred individuals of this species. One of the factors in the decline in the population of the Caucasian forest cat is proximity to the domestic cat and the formation of hybrid forms. This fact threatens the existence of the forest cat and significantly affects its population.

Security and additional measures.
The Caucasian forest cat is listed in the Red Book with the status of a rare species, as having a limited distribution area and small numbers. On the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, we have taken additional measures to increase the number; as a biotechnical measure, we carry out hanging nest boxes with feeding.

Which lives in the Caucasus mountains and Turkey.

Caucasian forest cats live mainly in the Caucasus (at altitudes from 2500 to 3000 m). They live in remote areas of the forest (mainly in deciduous forests) and lead a solitary lifestyle. They mainly feed on rodents and small birds, but can also attack large animals - pheasants, hares and even young ungulates. Sometimes they settle near human habitation and can attack poultry.

Caucasian forest cats are similar in many ways to European forest cats. They weigh about 4-11 kg (males are slightly heavier than females), body length is 63-75 cm in males and about 52-63 cm in females. This subspecies is one of the largest among forest cats.


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  • steppe cat
  • Asian wild cat

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The Caucasian forest cat (Felis silvestris caucasica) is a subspecies of the wild cat (Felis silvestris) common in the Caucasus and Turkey. This subspecies of wild cat is very similar to the European forest cat - Felis silvestris silvestris. It should be noted that in the Caucasus, in addition to the Caucasian subspecies, Felis silvestris caudata, called the steppe cat, is also found. In Turkey, in turn, in addition to the Caucasian forest cat, there is a European subspecies - Felis silvestris silvestris. Thus, the subspecies boundaries of the Felis silvestris species are quite blurred, especially since in some regions, for example in Israel, wild cats intensively interbreed with feral domestic cats (which is one of the threats to this species).
The ancestor of the wild cat is considered to be Felis lunensis from the Early Pleistocene of Italy (Aristov, Baryshnikov, 2001). Thus, it turns out that Felis silvestris is a rather young species (given the great antiquity of the genus Felis), which formed only in the Pleistocene. In the Caucasus, in particular in Georgia (Kudaro), fossil remains of Felis silvestris have been known since the late Pleistocene (Aristov, Baryshnikov, 2001).
The body weight of male wild cats ranges from approximately 5 to 11.5 kg, females - from 3.7 to approximately 10 kg. The body length of males is 63-75 cm, females - 52-63 cm (Aristov, Baryshnikov, 2001). The size of the Caucasian subspecies (as well as the European one) is one of the largest within this species. The skull of a wild cat is larger than that of its domestic form (Felis silvestris catus) - over 35 cubic centimeters versus less than 32 (Aristov, Baryshnikov, 2001).
The Caucasian forest cat climbs the mountains to an altitude of 2500-3000 meters above sea level. Avoids deep snow, as it interferes with its movement and therefore hunting. The Caucasian forest cat, like the European one, prefers dense broad-leaved and (to a lesser extent) coniferous forests. As an exception, it is also found in the subalpine zone. As a rule, it avoids human settlements, although sometimes it can also be found close to human habitation.
The forest cat leads a solitary and usually sedentary lifestyle, but in hungry years it can wander. The diet of this cat is based on various small rodents, such as voles, mice and rats, and, to a lesser extent, birds and fish. Sometimes a wild forest cat attacks hares, nutria and muskrat. It eats small quantities of insects, green parts of cereals, as well as fruits and fresh carrion (Aristov, Baryshnikov, 2001). As an exception, it can attack young animals of small ungulates.
The forest cat climbs trees well, but usually hunts on the ground. It goes hunting mainly at night, but sometimes hunts during daylight hours, especially in summer. A wild cat usually stalks or steals its prey, but there are cases when it hunts and steals hares.

There are still little-studied animals in the world, including the Caucasian forest cat. Despite the fact that they are common in a number of countries in Eastern and Western Europe, Central Asia, not as much information is known about them as about other wild animals. There are reasons for this: a secretive lifestyle, hard-to-reach habitats and a small number of individuals.


The Caucasian forest cat is listed in Kak rare species, she was assigned number 3. Protected in the Caucasian, Teberdinsky and other reserves. No special measures have been developed to protect animals. This is a subspecies that lives in the Caucasus and Turkey.

Large, of the usual “yard” color - this is approximately what the Caucasian forest cat looks like. Its description is presented below.

  • Weight: males - 3.1-6.08 kg, females - 3.0-6.0 kg.
  • Muscular body length: males - 50.1-67 cm, females - 52.3-61 cm.
  • The length of the tail as a percentage of the length of the body is: in males - up to 60%, in females - up to 56%.
  • The claws are large and sharp.
  • The head is wide and rounded.
  • The ears are round, up to 7 cm high.
  • The mustache is long.
  • The eyes are large, without eyelashes.
  • The hairline is dense and luxuriant in winter.

Wild life has left its mark on the animal’s coat color:

  • the general color is gray with a reddish streak, a black stripe runs along the ridge, there are dark stripes on the sides;
  • black stripes are clearly visible on the head from the forehead to the back of the head;
  • the bottom of the throat, belly, and groin areas are light, almost white, with an ocher tint, especially noticeable on the undertail;
  • there may be vaguely outlined dark spots on the stomach;
  • the tail is “decorated” with dark rings, the number is from 3 to 8.

This pattern allows animals to camouflage themselves for ambush hunting. It is brighter in summer and dims in winter. The cat prefers to hunt at night.

The mating season for cats begins in February-March. Pregnancy lasts 68-70 days. There are usually 3-5 kittens in a litter. They suckle their mother for up to 4 months. From the age of two months, the mother teaches them to get their own food. After six months, males leave their mother; girls can stay with her longer. Sexual maturity occurs at one year of age. The first offspring of young individuals appears by the age of three.


The Caucasian forest cat is a predator. She freely climbs trees, but prefers to hunt on the ground. Its diet includes rodents of all kinds, lizards, fish, small birds, eggs and chicks. During a hunt, the animal can eat up to 20 mice. Hunting grounds per individual are up to 3 km 2 . In their habitats, they compete with raccoon dogs, badgers, striped raccoons, martens, and foxes.

The lack of the main object of hunting can force cats to hunt larger game. The diet includes pheasants, muskrat, nutria, hares and young ungulates. If possible, catch poultry. In addition, they eat small quantities of green cereals, fruits, insects and fresh carrion. Deep snow forces cats to migrate, it interferes with rapid movement and, accordingly, the extraction of food.

Habitat halo

Animals prefer beech-fir forests and crooked forests. They are found in European and Asian countries. In Russia they are common in Chechnya, the southern part of Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea, North Ossetia, in Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory. There are populations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

Cats prefer remote areas of the forest, choosing rock crevices, old burrows of other animals, and even hollows. Near rivers they live in dense thickets of bushes and reeds. Animals have been spotted near human buildings; they may take a liking to abandoned buildings.

Despite the scant information about the animals, there is some information about how the Caucasian forest cat lives. Interesting facts about them can be found in the list below:

  • they have no natural enemies in their habitats;
  • in the North Caucasus they are not in danger of degeneration due to mating with domestic cats; harsh living conditions will not allow hybrids to survive;
  • live at an altitude of 2500-3000 meters above sea level;
  • They prefer to attack from ambush; they very rarely pursue fleeing game, but they can easily catch a hare.


Human activity is the main factor in the disappearance of many animal species from the face of the Earth. Previously, relative records of animals were kept by the number of skins obtained. The minimum population was 1800 animals, the maximum was 3500.

The Caucasian forest cat lives in and there are about 120 individuals of both sexes. The population is relatively stable and decreases only in severe winters.

The main reasons for the decline in numbers are considered to be:

  • reduction of habitat due to chaotic deforestation;
  • illegal hunting;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions (especially in winter).

Enthusiasts are trying to increase the population of animals such as the Caucasian forest cat. The Red Book helps save these mysterious animals. The preservation of unique broad-leaved forests in the North Caucasus guarantees the life of forest predators.

From 34 centimeters to almost 3 meters. These are the sizes of forest cats. They are considered wild, living in nature independently of humans. The smallest cat in the forests is the black-footed cat. 34 centimeters is the total length of her body including a 15 centimeter tail. The weight of the animal does not exceed 1.5 kilograms. Nothing against the 410 kilo mass of the liger, the son of the tigress Ayla and the lion Arthur, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The body length of the mixed-breed son is 290 centimeters.

Dozens of species of forest cats stand among the record holders. They are distributed everywhere except Antarctica. Having bred more than 250 domestic breeds, people began to become interested in wild ones. Fans of mustaches wanted to keep them in their original form. Animal lovers share success stories of keeping jungle cats, caracals, servals and leopard cats. Tops of wild species suitable for domestic keeping have been created. There are about 15 names of cats on the lists. Let's get acquainted with them, the features of caring for and keeping guests from the forest.

Features and habitat of the forest cat

As has already become clear, forest cat– a generalized name for all wild mustachios. In order to narrow the choice, let’s “discard” the steppe and desert inhabitants. Let's study the forest ones. Hidden under the canopy of trees and on them:

  • Caucasian forest cat. Listed in the Red Book. According to the latest data, there are no more than 500 individuals in the form. They are dispersed along the western coast of the Caspian Sea and the forests of the Krasnodar Territory. There, Caucasian cats deftly climb trees, clinging with sharp and long claws. Another element of the species is water. The second name of the Caucasian mustachioed cat is the reed cat. Representatives of the species swim well and are found in coastal thickets.

The maximum weight of a Caucasian cat is 10 kilos, compared to the usual 6-8 kilos. The body length reaches 70 centimeters. The body itself is compact and strong, with thick and fluffy gray-beige hair. On top of them is a pattern of black stripes. The muzzle of a Caucasian cat is wide, slightly elongated with large and protruding eyes.

The Caucasian forest cat is also called the jungle cat

  • Amur forest cat. The smallest among Asian ones, and therefore the most acceptable at home. The length of the animal does not exceed 90 centimeters. 40 of them are in the tail. The weight of the mustachioed one is 3-4 kilograms. They have a muscular, elongated body with a small and elongated head. She has a long, drooping mustache. They are whitish, as are the pair of stripes running from the eyes to the forehead. The rest of the cat's color is brownish-gray.

Meet Far Eastern forest cats in Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. Outside the country, the species is represented in Nepal, China, Japan, Burma, Sumatra, Pakistan and Bloneo.

  • African golden cat. In Russia it is found only in houses. Animals are brought from equatorial forests. There, kittens stretch up to 120 centimeters in length, gaining up to 14 kilograms of mass. At home, golden whiskers tend to be smaller.

The name of the species is associated with the orange-sunny color of the fur. It is smooth and short. The beauty of the cat is attractive, but due to their secretive lifestyle, there is little information about Africans. Therefore, having an animal at home is considered a risk. In nature, a golden cat is capable of killing a small antelope. As they say, don’t put your finger in your pet’s mouth.

  • Norwegian forest cat. Brought to Scandinavia by the Vikings. They put cats on ships to catch rats carrying the bubonic plague. It is believed that Norwegians are descendants of Turkish Angoras and are related to the Siberian cat. All 3 species have fluffy, thick, soft fur and wide faces with pointed ears. All three felines are native breeds. They are officially domesticated, although part of the population continues to live in the wild.

Cats that were once brought to Norway have settled throughout the continent. The concept " European forest cat" This is the second name of the species. Its representatives weigh about 7 kilograms, and in length, including the tail, reach 50 centimeters.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is also called the European Cat.

  • Asian leopard cat. Wild forest mini leopard version. The same spotting, grace, activity, but in the size of 5-7 kilograms. From the name of the species it is clear that it lives in Asia. At home, representatives of the species are peaceful. However, increased activity and low learning ability mean keeping them in an enclosure.

Spotting – distinguishing feature many forest cats. The color is considered wild; it is found in domestic animals only in the case of aboriginal breeds. One example is the Kurilian Bobtail. He has a short tail. This is the result of natural genetic mutation. The size of the cat is indistinguishable from that of a domestic cat. Brown spots are scattered on the animal's golden-brown coat. The spectacular animal has been tamed, but its wild habits still make themselves felt. The Kurilian Bobtail is difficult to train, willful, and prone to escape.

The spots on wild cats can merge into stripes. Domestic baleens do not have them. Wild colors are due to camouflage in nature. Those who are domesticated, but have retained the zoomorphic print, are still close to it.

Character and lifestyle of the forest cat

Few buy a forest cat. It is necessary to take into account the wild habits of the animal, instill trust in it, and learn to live in the same space. Not all guests from the forests are good for home keeping. The fishing cat from Asia, although slightly larger than a domestic whiskered cat, is a fighter. Representatives of the species are aggressive. But jaguarundi from America are affectionate and calm. The Redskins were the first to notice this. The Indians tamed the jaguarundi several centuries ago. Cats with a small head, a long tail and massive body lead a daily lifestyle. Most baleen are more active at night.

As you can see, the character of a cat largely depends on its species. However, there are common habits and features:

  • Love of loneliness. In nature, small cats rarely live in packs. The individual determines the boundaries of its possessions and protects them. The presence of competitors at home annoys forest guests. Wild mustachioed animals also rarely fawn on their owners, putting up with their presence rather than loving them. The exception is native breeds. They managed to get used to people. Norwegian forest cats, for example, become favorites of large families with children.
  • Denial of learning. Forest cats are difficult to train. Animals ignore commands. However, this does not deprive the mustachioed of their natural cleanliness. Savages get used to the litter box easily.
  • Shortened esophagus. On photo of a forest cat may be indistinguishable from homemade ones. Scottish domesticated and forest whiskered animals, for example, are identified only by X-ray results. Forest cats have a short esophagus. This has to do with diet. It is almost 100% protein, that is, it consists of meat. This must be taken into account when feeding your pet.

We'll talk about the feeding habits of wild mustaches in the next chapter. We will conclude this with a description of another wild habit. In nature, an animal obtains food in portions. We have to return to holes and nests in order for at least one visit to be crowned with success. During the day, the savage hunts for several different animals, catching either a rodent, a bird, an insect, or a lizard. At home, the pet expects the same. Monotonous dry food will not satisfy your cat, and a low-protein diet will harm his health.

Forest cat with kittens

Forest cat nutrition

The nuances of the forest mustachioed diet depend on its species. Information about some populations contains Red Book. Forest cats, mentioned in it should not be caught. However, exotic lovers sometimes circumvent the law. It is better not to ignore the usual diet of forest animals. So:

  • The Caucasian cat loves fish, eggs and chicks, and lizards. Representatives of the species hunt on the ground. At home, it is advisable to place the bowl on the floor.
  • Representatives Amur species prefer rodents and birds. In second place in terms of taste preferences: squirrels, frogs, mink, freshwater fish. Living in Siberian conditions, the Amur cat often goes hungry in winter. You have to go to people, carrying their chickens and rabbits. If you have them on the farm, getting a forest mustachioed one is not a good idea. best idea.
  • The African golden cat feeds on small monkeys and antelopes, tree hyraxes, and red duikers. In general, the diet is exotic, just like a cat. In Russian conditions, the mustachioed are served lean meats and fish.
  • The forest cat from Norway is not averse to eating carrion. The diet of representatives of the species is extensive. If caught, they eat rodents, birds, eggs, lizards, fish, insects and worms. The Norwegians also need grass. Greens cleanse the intestines, removing hair. In the northern species, it is long and soft, actively sheds and enters the digestive tract.
  • The Asian leopard cat needs live food. The pet must kill the mouse and chicken himself. Prepared foods should make up no more than 80% of food consumed. You need to be careful with too much fish. Its abundance in the diet leads to the leaching of leopard mustache calcium from the body.

In many ways, the pet’s nutrition depends on the list of small inhabitants of the area where the mustache comes from. Partly, it depends on this forest cat price. For representatives of Russian fauna they ask for a minimum of 20,000, and for foreign guests - 35,000.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the forest cat

Wild individuals are accustomed to seasonal reproduction. Most species have kittens twice a year. At home, the schedule gets lost. Most owners sterilize their pets. Forest dwellers are able to interbreed and produce offspring with ordinary cats. When they cannot find a mate of their own kind, savages do just that. Animal owners try to avoid uncontrolled reproduction, or get a couple of animals for the purpose of breeding and selling kittens.

The life expectancy of savages does not differ from that of domesticated moustaches. On average, forest cats live 10-15 years. The record is 21 years.