It is customary to divide unmanned (uninhabited) vehicles used in fleets (naval forces) into remote-controlled and autonomous. In 2016, both types of devices are widely represented.

Based on the form factor, one can distinguish devices similar to submarines, bathyscaphes, torpedoes, gliders, as well as robotic pop-up capsules. There are also robotic underwater mines, “tuned” to one or another military equipment, for example, for a ship of a certain class or even for a specific model.

According to their purpose, underwater military vehicles are divided into devices for surveying the seabed and other objects - autonomously or in remote control mode. One of the main tasks is counteraction to mining, detection, classification and localization of mines. Development of impact underwater robots is also underway. There are hybrid developments - the robot itself is not armed, but at the right time it can activate a payload of one type or another (like, for example, the robotic capsules that are being developed for DARPA).


, Russia

A promising development initiated by the Fund. An underwater platform that should be able to solve problems at all depths of the world's oceans. It is planned to develop technology for remote sensing of the world ocean floor on this platform. The laying of the device is scheduled for the summer of 2017. It will not be an isolated device; its operation will require a complex that will ensure the transmission of information in real time from the main sensors, for which the device will include a base station-repeater, which will be placed in the “landing” area of ​​the device, ensuring its connection with the surface.

(Gavia), Teledyne (created by Harfmynd, Iceland), USA / (adapted from Tethys-Pro)

, Special Purpose Space Systems Corporation "Kometa", Russia

An underwater hydroacoustic tracking system deployed by Russia on the basis of underwater robotic systems. Designed to detect ships, submarines and low-flying aircraft and helicopters in various areas of the World Ocean.

(Sea Shadow), Okeanos, Russia

photo: JSC "Research and Production Enterprise of Underwater Technologies Okeanos"

Autonomous uninhabited underwater glider. Can conduct search operations and deep-sea exploration. Dual-use device. Tested as part of promising underwater systems of the Russian Navy in 2016. Type of device - underwater glider.

Dolphin, JSC Tethys Pro, Russia

AUV. Created before 2013. Adopted. The degree of “Russianness” is questionable.

, Russia

As of 2016, the complex based on this NPA has been in service with the Navy for several years and is used for research and reconnaissance purposes. Can film and map the bottom, search for sunken objects.

, Russia

Uninhabited underwater vehicle with autonomy support (AUV). Robotic complex designed for underwater work - maintenance of drilling rigs, study sea ​​day, surveillance of underwater communication lines. For work at depths up to 6000 meters.

, JSC Tethys Pro, Russia

ROV. Used for civilian and military purposes.

2017.03.14 By the end of 2017, the “search and rescue forces” of the Russian Navy will receive 12 Marlin-350 robot submarines.

2016.10.14 Robot Marlin-350 was used to survey the deepest karst in Russia Blue Lake. When examining one of the deep-sea caves, the robot reached a depth of 279 meters - now this is considered the deepest point of the lake. It is not possible to go deeper yet due to zero visibility. /

(Glider), Russia

Underwater glider-type complex "Sea Shadow". The complex includes: a research glider, a glider-carrier of mini-devices, a glider-relay, a ship control center and relay facilities. First introduced in 2017.

Nerpa, TsNIITochmash and MAKO (Rostec enterprises), Russia

In August 2018, Rostec demonstrated a prototype of an underwater unmanned vehicle equipped with small arms(APS). The robot has already passed its first tests (without weapons on board). The cost of development at the corporation was set at 10 million rubles. Rostec is looking for a customer for its product in order to modify it to meet real needs. It is declared that the device is intended to protect bridges and warships from terrorists. It is assumed that the maximum immersion depth of the device will reach 50 m, the range of stable communication with it will be up to 80 meters. The weight of the device is less than 30 kg, the speed is 1 knot, the power reserve is 4 hours. | 2018.08.21 (photo available)

Obzor, JSC Tethys Pro, Russia

ROV. Created before 2013. Adopted. The degree of “Russianness” is questionable.

Panther Plus, JSC Tethys Pro, Russia

ROV. Created before 2013. Cm. Seaeye Panther Plus, SAAB, Sweden. It is not a Russian development. Purchased from Sweden by Russia in the early 2000s.
Adopted by the Russian Navy, for example, such a robot operates the Kommuna ship, a rescue ship of the Black Sea Fleet in 2017.06.

, MAKO (NPG MAKO), Russia

photo: MAKO Research and Production Group

Autonomous surface-underwater robotic complex.

, Okeanpribor, Russia, St. Petersburg

Navigation and communication system. It is built on the basis of AUVs and sonar buoys, connected via Gonets-D1M satellites to the command center. The buoys will be floating, underwater and frozen. The buoys work with GLONASS, which allows them to determine their exact location, as well as clarify the location of AUVs, which are supposedly capable of patrolling depths of up to 8 km. This information needs clarification. The buoys are equipped with support for communication with AUVs. The buoy can operate in one of three modes:
1. Receive information from the satellite and transmit it at the request of the AUV.
2. The buoy can link various control centers (ground, air, sea, etc.) with the AUV in real time. In this mode, you can directly control the AUV (telecontrol mode)
3. The AUV operates autonomously, but is capable of checking with buoys to correct its course. If necessary, the AUV can send an alarm signal through the buoy.
The system is ready for deployment. In December 2016, the readiness of the system and plans for its deployment on the Arctic shelf were announced.

Skif, Russia ()

Canyon in NATO classification. Russian unmanned attack submarine strategic purpose. It can carry nuclear weapons on board and travel long distances. The information is not reliable, because the project is classified as of October 2016.

An underwater multi-purpose system, including armed with self-propelled underwater vehicles with nuclear weapons on board. A manned submarine equipped with several (up to 6) SPA (self-propelled underwater objects), each of which can carry megaton-class nuclear weapons as payload. As of December 2016, information about the tests carried out is being disseminated.

, Rubin (CDB "Rubin"), Russia

Underwater AUV, a robotic target capable of simulating various submarines. As of December 2016 - in the status of "in development". Designed to make it possible to abandon the use of existing submarines for training purposes, which is excessively expensive. It will be able to simulate nuclear and diesel-electric submarines, reproducing, in particular, their maneuvering.

, JSC Tethys Pro, Russia (Seaside Tiger, SAAB, Sweden)

ROV. Created before 2013. Adopted. It is not a Russian development.

(Falcon), JSC Tethys Pro, Russia (Seaeye Falcon, SAAB, Sweden)

Seaeye Falcon, SAAB

ROV (ROV). Seaeye Falcon has been in use around the world since 2002. Adopted into service in the Russian Navy. It is not a Russian development.

Fugu, MAKO, Russia

An unmanned robotic complex with autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles (gliders), designed to transmit combat control signals to strategic and missile nuclear submarines, collecting information about navigation conditions in combat patrol areas. The device consists of underwater and surface parts. Freely rotating fins, using the energy of the oncoming wave, move the underwater and tow the surface parts of the devices. On the surface there is a satellite communication system, a station for collecting oceanographic and meteorological data. The device's batteries receive power from " solar battery"The underwater part is equipped with miniature sonars, as well as a hydroacoustic modem capable of providing a communication channel with the nuclear submarine.

2016.10.14 The Navy began to receive the latest complexes for communication with submarines in the ocean. The main batch of complexes will be delivered in 2018 as part of the transition to 6th generation communication technologies. /

2016.09 Russian nuclear submarines will be equipped with robotic drones. Status - being tested by the Main Research Testing Center for Robotics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GNIITs RT) /

Cephalopod, Russia

, Bluefin Robotics (General Dynamics), USA

Underwater military drone "Bluefin Tuna". 4.9 m. Can launch small underwater robots Sand Sharks.

Echo Ranger, Boeing, USA

Echo Seeker, Boeing, USA

AUV, created in Iceland by Hafmynd ehf. Created before 2010. Used by the Russian Navy under the name "Gavia". Purchased in the Russian Federation through Tethys Pro OJSC.

, OceanServer, USA

Developed in 2005. It was produced in various modifications: EP32, EP35, EP42, differing in battery power and body length. Purchased by various countries, including Russia, Croatia, etc. for civil and military purposes. The base price was $50 thousand, with a full set (SBS + Doppler log navigation system) - about $150 thousand. By 2009, more than 100 complexes based on Iver 2 had been sold.


Disposable underwater robot - kamikaze, serving for destruction sea ​​mines by exploding them in water. Robot head - combat unit with a cumulative charge.

, Kongsberg Defense Systems, Norway

An uninhabited underwater unmanned vehicle - "kamikaze" for detecting mines and destroying them by self-detonation. OSMDWS (One-Shot Mine Disposal Weapon System) - disposable systems for destroying mines. Equipped with a video camera, sonar and navigation system. The operator issues the command to detonate. Based on the test results, they were adopted by the Norwegian and NATO navies in 2016.

Mod 1 Swordfish, AUVAC, USA

The devices were deployed in the 5th Fleet of the US Navy in 2016.

Mod 2 Kingsfish, AUVAC, USA

The devices were deployed in the 5th Fleet of the US Navy in 2016. According to unconfirmed information, the robot can stay underwater for 24 hours. The robot collects information using underwater photography.

Poseidon, USA

Poseidon, an underwater analogue of the GPS global navigation system, which will allow submarines and AUVs to exchange information among themselves and with control centers. Its testing is expected to begin in 2018. Developed by order of DARPA.

, Kongsberg Maritime, Norway

Marine underwater autonomous robot.

2015.07 Remus-600 successfully launched and returned aboard Virginia-class submarine (SSN-784)

RHMS, Lockheed Martin, USA

The RHMS system includes a Lockheed Martin RMMV multi-role autonomous underwater vehicle equipped with a Raytheon side-scan sonar. The device is capable of diving great depths and search for min. It is possible to solve other problems needed by the US Navy. This is by design. However, the development, which has been going on for more than 10 years, seems to have not been very successful. During the tests, which were extended, the system failed too often. At the same time, she found mines even faster than the technical specifications required.

Sand Shark, Bluefing Robotics (General Dynamics), USA

Underwater reconnaissance robot. Launched from the Bluefin-21 underwater military drone. Weight - 6.8 kg.

, SAAB, Sweden

Seaeye Falcon, SAAB

Seaeye Panther Plus, SAAB, Sweden

In Russia it is also known as Panther Plus, "localized" Tethys Pro OJSC, Russia

ROV. Created before 2013. Adopted by the Russian Navy, for example, such a robot operates the Kommuna ship, a rescue ship of the Black Sea Fleet.

, SAAB, Sweden

Remote-controlled underwater vehicle of the ROV class of the Sea Eye family for observation and inspection of objects.

, Atlas Elektronik, Germany

An underwater device remotely controlled via a fiber optic cable for the semi-automatic destruction of sea mines through self-detonation. OSMDWS (One-Shot Mine Disposal Weapon System) - disposable systems for destroying mines.

Sea Glider

underwater glider


Underwater "precise identification" robot. Using sonars and high-definition cameras, it can determine the size and type of objects in the water. Range of action - up to 2 km, immersion depth - up to 3000 m.

Sea WASP, SAAB, Sweden

underwater drone for detection and initial inspection of underwater explosive devices. WASP stands for Waterborne Aini-IED Security Platform. The drone is controlled by 2 operators via a cable up to 500 feet long. Reachable depths are up to 200 feet. The robot is 5.5 feet long and weighs about 200 pounds. Equipped with forward sonar, several sensors necessary for depth measurement and navigation. And two cameras - a large one on the front of the device and a small one on the “hand”. Can be launched from a pier or beach, as well as from various types of surface ships and rubber boats. Announced May 2016 /


underwater glider


underwater glider

UFP (Upward Falling Payloads), DARPA, USA

2016.05.18, which may contain a drone, missile or other military equipment as a payload. The capsules, about 4.5 m long, are designed to be placed throughout the World Ocean. The sleeping capsule can be activated by a radio signal, upon receiving which the capsule will float to the surface of the ocean and release the payload. The onboard UAV of the capsule can be airborne or with the ability to take off and land from water. DARPA has already tested a system for lifting the capsule from the bottom and a communication system. The agency is expected to continue developing and testing the capsule's payload.

UNDERWATER VEHICLE (a. submarine unit; n. Unterwassergerat; f. appareil sous-marin; i. equipo submarino) - a ship or technical device, moving in the water column and (or) along the bottom and used for scientific research, search and rescue operations, as well as underwater production work. In particular, underwater vehicles are used to carry out geological and geophysical measurements near the ocean floor in order to study the geological structure of the ocean floor, the composition of its constituent rocks, search and exploration of mineral deposits in the World Ocean, as well as during the exploitation of deposits, for inspection and repair of drilling platforms and so on.

Underwater vehicles are divided into 3 main classes: manned normobaric, manned hyperbaric and uninhabited (remote-controlled). Underwater vehicles are also classified according to the type of work performed - hydrophysical, geological, search, specialized workers, inspection, etc.; according to the nature of movements in the aquatic environment - towed, floating, moving (including walking) on ​​the ground; according to the method of power supply - tethered, autonomous and combined; by depth of work - for shallow depths (up to 600 m), medium depths (up to 2000 m) and deep-sea (over 2000 m).

Normobaric manned underwater vehicles include tethered and autonomous research and transport vehicles, the hermetic housing of which maintains breathing mixture parameters close to standard atmospheric ones. An example of a device of this type is the Pysis underwater vehicle, designed for oceanological (including geological) research (Fig. 1).

The first geological studies using underwater vehicles were carried out in 1962 from the French bathyscaphe "Archimedes" in the Puerto Rico trench (about 9000 m). In subsequent years, surveys of coastal canyons, coral reefs, fields of ferromanganese nodules and phosphorites were carried out. Since the 70s Several American and French geological expeditions were organized to study oceanic rift zones (in 1973 - the Mid-Atlantic Rift, in 1978-79 - the zone of the East Pacific Rise and the Galapagos Rift).

The first Soviet geological expeditions using underwater vehicles such as "Pysis", "Sound", "Manta" were carried out on Lake Baikal (1977), in the Red Sea Rift (1979-80) and the Reykjanes Rift in

Systems and elements of deep-sea equipment for underwater research

Underwater vehicles for ocean exploration, their purpose and types

So, underwater vehicles are divided into two main groups: inhabited and uninhabited. Uninhabited ones, in turn, are divided into 2 types: remote-controlled and autonomous.

Underwater uninhabited vehicles.

An autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle (AUV) is an underwater robot somewhat reminiscent of a torpedo or submarine, moving underwater in order to collect information about the bottom topography, the structure of the upper layer of sediment, and the presence of objects and obstacles at the bottom. The device is powered by batteries or other types of batteries. Some types of AUVs are capable of diving to a depth of 6000 m. AUVs are used for area surveys, for monitoring underwater objects, such as pipelines, and for searching and clearing underwater mines.

Figure 1 - The "Underwater Inspector" robot, created with the participation of the FEFU Engineering School, can work both underwater and on land

Figure 2 - marine autonomous robotic complex in operation: includes small-sized autonomous uninhabited underwater and water vehicles /AUV and ANVA/ (photo by IPMT)

A remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROU) is an underwater vehicle, often called a robot, that is controlled by an operator or group of operators (pilot, navigator, etc.) from the ship. The device is connected to the vessel by a complex cable, through which control signals and power supply are supplied to the device, and sensor readings and video signals are transmitted back. ROVs are used for inspection work, for rescue operations, for removing large objects from the bottom, for work to support oil and gas complex facilities (drilling support, inspection of gas pipeline routes, inspection of structures for breakdowns, performing operations with valves and valves), for mine clearance operations , for scientific applications, to support diving work, for work on maintaining fish farms, for archaeological research, for inspecting city communications, for inspecting ships for the presence of contraband goods attached to the outside of the board, etc. The range of tasks to be solved is constantly expanding and the fleet of devices is rapidly growing. Working with a device is much cheaper than expensive diving work, despite the fact that the initial investment is quite large, although working with a device cannot replace the entire range of diving work. Both small “Gnome” class devices (weighing about 40 kg) and large ones work in this niche machines weighing up to several tons that can weld pipes and also perform other serious work under water.

Figure 3 - Remotely controlled underwater vehicle GNOM Standard - Divex

Figure 4 - COMANCHE remote-controlled underwater vehicle

Underwater manned vehicles

Based on design features, devices of the following categories can be divided into separate groups:

Bathyscaphe autonomous(self-propelled) underwater vehicle for oceanographic and other research at great depths. The main difference between the bathyscaphe and “classical” submarines is that the bathyscaphe has a light hull, which is a float filled with gasoline or other slightly compressible substance lighter than water to create positive buoyancy, bearing underneath a strong hull, usually made in the form of a hollow sphere - gondolas (analogue of the bathysphere), in which, under normal conditions atmospheric pressure there are equipment, control panels and crew. The bathyscaphe moves with the help of propellers driven by electric motors.

Figure 5 - Bathyscaphe "Mir" is preparing to dive.

Batiplane or underwater plane (from ancient Greek βαθύς - “deep” and lat.planum - “flat”) is a non-autonomous underwater vehicle that uses the hydrodynamic force of “hydrofoils” instead of ballast tanks to dive. Bathyplanes are used for underwater observation of the operation of trawls, underwater filming and photography, for observing the behavior of fish in a school in natural conditions and in the area of ​​​​action of fishing gear, and for other underwater research.

Based on the method of diving, the bathyplane is classified as an underwater vehicle with a dynamic diving principle. Bathyplanes are transported on specially equipped vessels, and in the working position they are towed by them. Bathyplanes are capable of diving to depths of 100-200 meters. The crew is 1-2 people.

According to the principle of operation, the bathyplane is an “underwater glider” with constant excess buoyancy; when launched from the ship, it floats on the surface of the water, and when towed, under the influence of hydrodynamic forces, it sinks and can be held by rudders at a given depth. The observer pilot, located in a durable sealed housing, can control the bathyplane using a steering device.


Figure 6 - Tethys Batiplane. Museum of Oceanography in Kaliningrad.

Devices with a compartment for divers to enter the water - equipped with a hyperbaric compartment for transporting divers

Figure 7

Rescue apparatus - equipped with a passenger compartment, docking device and airlock camera for rescuing submarine crews.

Rescue deep-sea vehicles type "Prize" (project 1855) - type underwater vehicles , used Russian Navy .

In the press, SGAs of the “Prize” type are often called bathyscaphes, which is not correct.

The immersion depth of the Priz vehicles is much less than any of the existing bathyscaphes. Their layout is similar to that of submarines (the batteries are in a pressure hull, the propulsion system is also located there, and the shaft exits through the pressure hull).

Unlike bathyscaphes, the Priz vehicles are not intended to carry out scientific and oceanographic research, but, first of all, to rescue the crews of emergency submarines from great depths: they can dock directly to the emergency exits of submarines. Case material, titanium , made it possible to ensure the operation of the devices at depths of up to 1,000 m. The radio-electronic equipment included in the Priza navigation complex allows you to independently determine your underwater location and detect the submarine.

Figure 8 - Deep-sea rescue apparatus of the “Prize” type

Multi-person tourist submarines - serve for underwater excursions, have a passenger compartment and additional portholes .

It is no secret that the lion's share of all innovative developments of our time seeped into everyday life from the military industry. The area of ​​deep exploration in this regard was no exception: for obvious economically beneficial reasons, civilian and research underwater vehicles were created in the image and likeness of military vessels, whose configuration, in literally words, passed the battle test. However, the new peaceful hypostasis made its own adjustments to the submarine models, and the development of private production completely brought the layout of underwater vehicles to a fundamentally new level.


The domestic pioneer among scientific underwater vessels was the submarine “Severyanka” - the first combat submarine to carry on board not guns, but research equipment. In 1958, the Severyanka left the Murmansk port for the first time under a peaceful blue flag with seven white stars - the international identification mark of a research vessel. At that time, the Soviet research fleet consisted of dozens of ships, but it was the modest Severyanka - for the time being only one of 215 Project 613 submarines - that became the first serious research tool underwater world, which made it possible to shed light of understanding on many mysteries of the depths.

An ordinary diesel-electric submarine, produced in 1953 as part of the most massive Soviet series of submarines, known in its military past under the designation S-148, was re-equipped in 1957 and a year later transferred for use to the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and oceanography. There were no objective reasons or necessary data for designing a special research vessel at that time - a powerful armored hull, impressive vertical movement capabilities in the water column and the ability for long-term autonomous operation made the military submarine an almost ideal floating research station. Despite the spartan conditions laid down by military designers, the S-148 made it possible to place on its board all the necessary equipment for monitoring schools commercial fish, studying the depths, the ocean shelf and collecting water and soil samples. Even the cramped cabins and portholes the size of saucers did not hinder the scientists. The former torpedo compartment was used to house all the high-tech stuffing, and the launch hatches were converted for data collection - equipped with a sonar installation, sampling devices, photographic and video equipment.

Over the years of service for peaceful purposes, "Severyanka" made 10 expeditions to Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea, covering a total of 25 thousand miles. But its main merit is that the inconspicuous serial submarine in those years became the first and only submarine of its kind, which made it possible to begin studying the thickness of ocean waters. Her experience sparked the design of more advanced deep-sea research vessels.


According to some estimates, no more than 5% of the area of ​​the World Ocean has been studied today. Figuratively speaking, we just held our noses with our fingers and dived into shallow water as far as we could breathe. This is not surprising, because as depth increases, environmental conditions tend to become extreme. At depth, water pressure increases by 1 atmosphere every 10 m. This means that when diving to 200 m (the maximum diving depth of Project 613 submarines), the water column presses on every square centimeter of the hull with a force comparable to the pressure of a 20-kilogram weight. And this is approximately 200 tons per square meter. Data obtained in practice and technical calculations showed that submarines of the “traditional” shape have a very limited diving depth, therefore, in order to fully study the depths, the development of devices of a new design was required. So in 1948, thanks to the efforts of the Swiss physicist-inventor Auguste Piccard, the era of bathyscaphes began.

It is the bathyscaphes with their resistance to high blood pressure The structure of the hull, the ballast system and air compression technology made it possible to dive to real depths. The bathyscaphe Trieste, on which the son of the apparatus's inventor, Jacques Piccard, and the American Don Walsh reached the bottom in 1960, is rightfully considered the unsurpassed record holder among manned underwater vehicles. Mariana Trench, diving to a mind-boggling depth of 11,022 m.

The leaders among the operating vehicles are rightfully considered: the Russian “Mir” and “Consul” with a maximum diving depth of up to 6500 m, the Chinese “Jiaolong”, whose maximum diving depth is 6796 m, the Japanese “Shinkai”, which also reached the 6.5 km mark, the American Alvin, which operates stably at depths of up to 4,500 m, as well as the Russian deep-sea nuclear-powered icebreaker AS-31 with the touching name Losharik, capable of diving to depths of up to 6,000 m.


Now, when the use of all kinds of submarines has significantly moved away from military purposes, engineering artists can allow themselves to let their imaginations off the leash of official militaristic ergonomics and begin to create for their own pleasure.

Thus, designer Graham Hawkes from Hawkes Ocean Technologies decided to move away from the standard streamlined cylindrical shape for submarines and gave his models “airplane-like” features. For example, Super Falcon and Nymph, designed for private needs, distinguished themselves by their innovative design. Equipped with a propeller driven by an electric battery, the Falcon has a pair of side wings and flaps, as well as two passenger compartments reminiscent of a fighter jet's cockpit with a panoramic view. True, with a fabulous cost of 1.5 million dollars, Super Falcon does not strive to justify its “falcon” name and develops a speed of only 3.5 km/h under water.

The Nymph model has similar characteristics. However, instead of the two passengers that the Falcon can take on board, it is capable of making three aquanauts happy with an unforgettable underwater dive. “Nymph” was designed specifically for the owner of the Virgin Group corporation and the airlines of the same name - billionaire Richard Branson, famous for his reverent love of extreme tourism. At the same time, Branson has no plans to cherish his acquisition in solitude. On the contrary, the eccentric entrepreneur offers anyone who wants to rent the “Nymph”, although on conditions that are not available to everyone from “anyone who wants to”. For the opportunity to sail on a personal submarine, you will need to come to Necker Island in the Caribbean Sea and pay a nominal fee of 25 thousand dollars.

Another revolutionary in the field of designing civil submarines of fundamentally new forms was the company Innespace, which launched a personal jet ski-submarine called the Seabreacher X. For the inexperienced user, the Seabreacher X is distinguished, first of all, by its aggressive design, inspired by the silhouettes of a shark’s body. A diving jet ski resembles a real, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, shark in a steel spacesuit. In addition to its purely visual appeal, which certainly captivates the consumer, a mini-submarine can accelerate in the water column up to 40 km/h, and move along the surface at a speed almost twice that of the underwater speed. At the same time, Seabreacher X is capable of jumping out of the water to a height of up to 4 meters. A video camera broadcasting real-time landscapes of the underwater world, a built-in on-board audio and video system, a GPS navigator and a host of other high-tech gadgets have made Innespace’s brainchild an object of desire for numerous thrill-seekers. At the same time, only 10 shark-like jet ski submarines have been produced to date.

To solve some problems, various remotely controlled systems with a complex necessary equipment. Thus, autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles can be used to explore the seabed and study bottom objects. Systems of this class are actively being developed by domestic enterprises. IN last years Several similar complexes were created by several organizations. Two of them belong to the family called "Harpsichord".

AUV "Harpsichord-1R"

The first representative of the new family was the Harpsichord-1R apparatus. According to available data, the autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle "Harpsichord-1R" was developed by the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS, Vladivostok). The goal of the project was to create a special tool suitable for performing various tasks at different depths. The development was carried out both in the interests of scientific organizations and for the relevant structures of the military department. The project provided for the possibility of studying the environment and individual objects using a set of on-board equipment. The device received an automated control system with the ability to receive new commands from the control panel.

AUV "Harpsichord-1R" before launching into the water. Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

Based on the requirements and expected features of the application, the authors of the project used some proven ideas and solutions. In particular, the appearance of the Harpsichord-1R product resembles a torpedo of slightly larger dimensions. All main units are placed inside a cylindrical housing. The head part of the device is covered with a hemispherical fairing; in the stern there is a tapering unit on which the so-called. propulsion complex. The length of the Harpsichord-1R is 5.8 m, the body diameter is 900 mm. The mass of the device in the air is 2.5 tons.

The AUV "Harpsichord-1R" has a durable body that ensures the operation of all units at great depths. The design characteristics ensure diving to depths of up to 6 km. The device is equipped with four electric motors located on the columns of the rear part of the hull. Each of them rotates its own propeller. Available power units allow you to reach speeds of up to 1.5 m/s (2.9 knots). Rechargeable batteries provide a range of up to 300 km.

Underwater vehicle received an automated software control system. In preparation for immersion in the automation of the product, a program is loaded, according to which further work is carried out. In this case, it is possible to correct the loaded program. For this purpose, the control complex located on board the carrier vessel can use a hydroacoustic communication channel. After updating the program, the AUV “Harpsichord-1R” can immediately begin the required actions.

The device is being tested. Photo

On board the underwater vehicle there is a set of various equipment designed to examine surrounding objects and collect the necessary information. Side-scan sonars, an electromagnetic finder, a digital video camera with signal processing facilities, an acoustic profiler, as well as seawater temperature and electrical conductivity sensors are mounted in different parts of the durable hull.

The main means of monitoring the surrounding space, capable of operating in various conditions and used to detect various objects, is a side-scan hydroacoustic locator. It is possible to use high-frequency and low-frequency operating modes of the station. The low-frequency mode allows you to survey a band width of 800 m. When using high-frequency oscillations, the band width is reduced to 200 m.

Other on-board equipment makes it possible to produce different measurements and determine environmental parameters. Bathymetric studies of reservoirs and their bottoms, acoustic sounding of bottom soil, or video recording of detected objects can also be performed. With the help of on-board equipment, “Harpsichord-1R” can both find and examine various objects located on the bottom. It is possible to study point and extended objects.

Control panel of the complex "Harpsichord-1R". Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

The operation of the underwater vehicle is controlled using a remote control located on board the carrier vessel. The console equipment allows for preliminary preparation before diving, including introducing work program, monitor the operation of all systems, receive some data, as well as adjust the specified program and transmit updated instructions to the device.

The AUV project "Harpsichord-1R" was developed in the middle of the last decade, and was soon brought to the assembly of experimental equipment with its subsequent testing. Later, the prototype was used in various operations, the purpose of which was to conduct research or search for certain objects. It is known that during testing the prototype dived in the Sea of ​​Japan and also descended into the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-sea trench. Trial operation was carried out in the Arctic regions. Thus, in 2007, the Harpsichord-1R apparatus became part of the scientific equipment used by the Arctic 2007 polar expedition. The carrier of the complex was nuclear icebreaker"Russia". Later, a new type of AUV was used in a search operation in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The purpose of this work was to search for a sunken radioisotope source.

At the end of 2008, domestic media published some details research work in the Arctic seas. The device's video camera allowed the operators to see various inhabitants of the seabed, some of which even specialists could not subsequently identify. However, the study of marine fauna was not the task of the complex operators.

An image of an object obtained using the Harpsichord-1R equipment. Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

During the tests, the Harpsichord-1R complex confirmed the calculated characteristics, and in addition, improved some indicators. Thus, during one of the dives, a depth of 6083 m was reached. In 2008, the device passed state tests, based on the results of which it was recommended for full operation. According to various sources, to date, an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle has been used several times for various studies in different seas.

AUV "Harpsichord-2R-PM"

Probably, based on the results of testing and operation of the underwater vehicle "Harpsichord-1R", a decision was made to create new system of this class, intended for operation by special structures of the navy. In 2009, the Ministry of Defense formed the requirements for the new AUV and selected a developer. On May 19, 2009, an agreement was signed between the military department and the Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Equipment. By now new project was brought to the stage of testing at sea.

The second project of an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle was named “Harpsichord-2R-PM”. According to reports, the new development has the same goals and objectives as its predecessor. At the same time, the AUV of the second model should differ in slightly increased dimensions and a different composition of on-board equipment. Due to this, it becomes possible to increase the efficiency of search operations and studies of the seabed.

General view of the AUV "Harpsichord-2R-PM". Photo by

There is some information about the design of the Harpsichord-2R-PM apparatus. According to these data, the main unit of the product is a rectangular frame designed for the installation of all major systems. Electronic equipment, a power plant, buoyancy units, etc. are mounted on it. At the stern there is also a propulsion system consisting of four engines with propellers. Protection from water is carried out using a durable housing. The hull has a cylindrical shape with streamlined bow and stern parts. A protrusion-superstructure of long length and low height is provided on the upper surface of the body.

The length of the Klavesin-2R-PM AUV reaches 6.5 m, the body diameter is 1 m. The weight is approximately 3.7 tons. The speed parameters of the device, according to various sources, are approximately equal to the characteristics of its predecessor. At the same time, the range was reduced to 50 km. The strength of the hull allows diving to depths of up to 6 km. A few months ago it was reported that the device was already able to dive to a depth of 500 m.

The exact composition of the onboard equipment of the new underwater vehicle is unknown. It was probably decided to maintain the general architecture of the previous project, but at the same time increase operational efficiency by using equipment of new models with improved characteristics. An increase in autonomy is also announced in comparison with the Klavesin-1R AUV. Such data may indicate the preservation of existing management principles, due to which work should be carried out according to a pre-drawn program with the possibility of adjusting it at any time.

To date, experimental equipment of the “Harpsichord-2R-PM” type has entered testing. The start of the inspections was preceded by the appearance of some documents revealing the details of the project. In particular, in February of this year, the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Transport announced a request for proposals for insuring experimental equipment of a new type. A month after this, it was planned to select a company that would insure two experimental underwater vehicles. The document also indicated that the construction of the equipment was carried out in St. Petersburg, and testing was planned in St. Petersburg and Crimea, on the Black Sea. The insured value of one AUV “Harpsichord-2R-PM” was determined at 300 million rubles.

At the beginning of June 2016, the management of the Rubin Central Design Bureau for MT spoke about the imminent completion of work on the new project. From the published data it follows that by now the prototypes have been tested and are being tested in the Black Sea. It was also noted that during this stage of testing, the Harpsichord-2R-PM will be able to reach a depth of about 500 m. Diving to great depths at the Black Sea test site used is simply impossible.

In the foreseeable future, industry and naval specialists will have to complete all the necessary work on the Harpsichord-2R-PM project. After this, the experimental equipment, having passed state tests, can be adopted by the navy. Previously, some information about the possible use of new technology appeared in the public domain. Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles will be included in the onboard equipment of nuclear submarines modernized under Project 949AM. In addition, they will become a standard means of studying the situation of the special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 “Podmoskovye” of project 09787.

The development of promising autonomous underwater vehicles makes it possible to give the fleet and scientific organizations new complexes capable of carrying out surveillance and reconnaissance in various areas of the World Ocean at different depths. It is possible to monitor the situation using hydroacoustic locators, as well as some other equipment. When approaching a minimum distance, new devices can use video cameras. An important advantage of new domestic developments is the ability to operate autonomously without constant control from the carrier.

Proposed architecture of the apparatus "Harpsichord-2R-PM". Figure

To date, one of the devices of the Harpsichord family has passed all the necessary tests and has been recommended for full operation. Two prototypes of the Klavesin-2R-PM AUV are currently undergoing tests, which in the future will make it possible to determine their real future. With absence serious problems and at the right pace, testing could be completed within the next few months. Thanks to this, in the near future the navy will be able to receive new special equipment that will simplify the solution of some special tasks. However, due to the specific purpose of the new technology, the details of its operation will remain secret for a long time.

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