Functional and semantic types of speech (description, narration, reasoning)

It is customary to distinguish three main types of speech: narration, description and reasoning.

Narration- a story, a message about an event, action, phenomenon occurring in time.

In a narrative, it is usually possible to determine the place and time of action, the character, and the chronological sequence of what is happening. This is the story of what happened. The use of perfective verbs in the past tense is typical (though not mandatory) for narration.

Nikolka locked the safety and put the revolver in his pocket. He climbed over a pile of broken bricks, and then, like a fly along a sheer wall, inserting socks into such holes that in peacetime not even a penny would fit.(M.A. Bulgakov. “The White Guard”)

This passage lists the hero's sequential actions. This is storytelling.

Description- this is a type of speech with the help of which any object or phenomenon of reality is depicted by listing its constant or simultaneously present signs or actions.

Werner was short, thin, and weak, like a child; one of his legs was shorter than the other, like Byron; in comparison with his body, his head seemed huge: he cut his hair into a comb, and the irregularities of his skull, discovered in this way, would strike a phrenologist as a strange tangle of opposing inclinations. His small black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. Taste and neatness were noticeable in his clothes; his thin, wiry and small hands showed off in light yellow gloves. His coat, tie and vest were always black.

(M.Yu. Lermontov. “Hero of Our Time”)

This passage depicts the appearance of the hero. This is a description.

Description can be contrasted with narration in the sense that description represents a static picture of reality, and narration tells about the dynamics of events.

Most often, the appearance or personal qualities of the character, landscape, interior, place and time of action (for example, city and era) are described.

If the text talks about regularly repeated actions (for example, describing a character's typical day), then it is a description, not a narrative.

In the morning he drinks two glasses of cold milk: he takes a jug from the cupboard, pours it and drinks without sitting down.

(Y.K. Olesha. “Envy”)

Although this passage lists the character's actions, it is a description, not a narrative, because these actions are regular and repeated every morning.

Reasoning- a series of thoughts on any topic. Such a text sets out the speaker’s point of view and provides arguments for or against this point of view.

The reasoning expresses the point of view of the author or characters, sets out the cause-and-effect relationships of events or phenomena, justification, proof or refutation of any idea. Often the reasoning ends with a conclusion.

The latest statistical census determined the population of the Union republics at one hundred and forty-three million people. If we discard the ninety million peasants who prefer benches, beds, heaps to chairs, and in the East - worn carpets and rugs, then there still remain fifty million people in whose household chairs are essential items.

(I. Ilf and E. Petrov. “Twelve Chairs”)

This passage provides initial information - the population size, from which a conclusion is drawn through logical conclusions - an estimate of the minimum possible number of chairs in the country. This is reasoning.

All happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

(L.N. Tolstoy. “Anna Karenina”)

One passage of text and even one sentence may contain several types of speech at once. Quite often there is a narrative with elements of description.

U front door Footsteps were heard, and Princess Betsy, knowing that it was Karenina, looked at Vronsky. He looked at the door, and his face had a strange new expression. He joyfully, intently and at the same time timidly looked at the woman entering and slowly rose up. Anna entered the living room. As always, keeping herself extremely straight, with her quick, firm and easy step, which distinguished her from the gait of other society women, and without changing the direction of her gaze, she took those few steps that separated her from her hostess, shook her hand, smiled, and with that smile looked back at Vronsky. Vronsky bowed low and pulled out a chair for her.

There are three main types of speech in function and meaning: description, narration and reasoning.

Description is a depiction in speech of objects, natural phenomena, people, animals, etc. The description lists the signs, properties, and features of objects. For example, a description of a person’s appearance is his verbal portrait; a description of character traits and its manifestations in human behavior is a characteristic; landscape is a description of nature, and interior is an image of the interior furnishings of a room.

Description is always static; the depicted object is out of time, as if photographed. There are few verbs in the description, and, as a rule, they have an imperfect form and denote a process or passive (but not active) action: appears, happens, is seen, has, blows, shines, relates, serves etc.

The description of the same subject can be made for different purposes.

A scientific description is a depiction of an object or phenomenon in order to show its originality. As a rule, scientific descriptions are comprehensive; they present the subject from various angles, in its connections and relationships with similar subjects. A linguist describing a single word will compose a text of several pages: it is necessary to indicate all the meanings of this word, its sound composition and pronunciation features, the correspondence of the pronunciation to the spelling; it is necessary to explain the history of the word, its structure, typical and atypical roles for it in a sentence, the possible participation of this word in stable turns of speech, then its synonymous and antonymic connections, the presence or absence of homonyms, paronyms; and finally, you need to give several examples demonstrating each of the described features of the word.

A type of scientific description is a definition, or definition; this is a relatively brief explanation of the specifics of an object, i.e. those properties that distinguish an object from all others, for example:

A story, as a work of small epic form, usually tells about one event, constituting a separate episode in a person’s life. Therefore, the volume of the story and the number of characters are small.

The laconicism of the narration in the story is combined with the special expressiveness of the image. The author reveals the essence of the image through a single, but characteristic incident from the hero’s life. (T. Zharov.)

A business description is less extensive than a scientific one. As a rule, not all properties of an object are described, but only those that are of interest in business related. For example, in a business description of a book, attention will be paid not so much to its content as to consumer demand for it, price, circulation, delivery options, etc.

Artistic description depends on the creative approach of the author. He can focus on one detail that characterizes the subject more deeply and completely than many others. Or vice versa: the writer depicts a multitude various items to create an overall picture, such as a picture of the morning:

It was a quiet summer morning. The sun was already quite high in clear sky. But the fields still glistened with dew; A fragrant freshness wafted from the recently awakened valleys, and in the forest, still damp and quiet, the early birds sang merrily. At the top of a gentle hill, covered from top to bottom with newly blooming rye, a small village could be seen. (T.)

A narrative is a story about how an event happened or is happening. Unlike a static description, a narrative necessarily has a plot and conveys the dynamics of the action, which is usually presented in a sequential development: beginning, continuation, end. These phases are conveyed using special words, among them many adverbs with the meaning of time: once, one day, at first, all of a sudden, as soon as, then, Then, Then, here, finally etc. The narrative contains many perfect and imperfect verbs with the meaning of active action: saw, spoke, began, thought, answered, went, took, stayed etc. Distinctive feature narration is also the presence of dialogues and direct speech.

If the description can be compared to a photograph, then the narrative is similar to a plot film:

At half past eleven, from the north-west, from the direction of the village of Chmarovka, a young man of about twenty-eight entered Stargorod. A homeless man was running after him.

Uncle,” he shouted cheerfully, “give me ten kopecks!”

The young man took a heated apple from his pocket and gave it to the homeless man, but he did not lag behind. Then the pedestrian stopped, looked ironically at the boy and said quietly:

Maybe I should give you another key to the apartment where the money is?

The presumptuous homeless man realized the groundlessness of his claims and fell behind. (I. and P.)

A type of narrative is a message; This is an oral presentation or text whose purpose is to inform listeners about something. With the help of a message, they bring to the attention of listeners something unknown to the entire audience or its majority. It could be political news, historical reference, scientific information, as well as events that happened among friends, relatives, neighbors or employees.

The message can be constructed as a regular narrative or as an information note, that is, an announcement about an event and its circumstances (time, place, purpose) in a brief form. Most often, an information certificate consists of two parts: the first contains the news itself, and the second contains a commentary necessary for understanding.

The National Library of China has begun reprinting 556 rare medieval scrolls. All the scrolls belong to two eras of Chinese imperial dynasties - the Ming Dynasty and the Chin Dynasty, which ruled China from 1368 to 1911. The work will last for the next three years. To resemble the original, the books will be printed on rice paper and bound with blue threads, as was customary in China in the Middle Ages. (From a television news program.)

A message achieves its goal only if the information contained in it is relevant or interesting to the recipients of the speech.

Reasoning is a conclusion about a phenomenon or event, its analysis. Reasoning necessarily reveals the position of the author of the speech. His opinion is presented here most fully if we compare reasoning with description and narration.

Typically, a reasoning consists of two parts - a thesis and its proof. The reasoning may also contain a third part - conclusions, generalizations.

A thesis is a briefly formulated main idea or belief of the author. As proof, he can cite various arguments, observations, comparisons, comments, and explanations.

Reasoning is logical in nature, therefore sentences and their parts consist of each other in various logical relationships: cause - effect, condition - effect, goal - cause, opposition, comparison, etc. Often used introductory words, indicating the order of thoughts ( Firstly Secondly), adverbs and complex conjunctions ( therefore, whereas, that's why, due to the fact that, since, because). Verbs, as in the description, do not indicate dynamic action. Lexical repetitions and uniformity are often used as means of connecting sentences syntactic constructions, antonyms:

Poetry is the highest kind of art. Every other art is more or less constrained and limited in its creative activity by the material through which it is manifested. Poetry is expressed in the free creative word, which is sound, a picture, and a definite, clearly spoken idea. Therefore, poetry contains all the elements of other arts. (V. Belinsky.)

It must be taken into account that description, narration and reasoning do not always appear in their pure form. Different types of speech can be combined in one text: description with reasoning, narration with description, narration with reasoning. Here is an example of a text in which the narration is interrupted by a description (narration with descriptive elements):

Lieutenant Tenginsky infantry regiment Lermontov was traveling to the Caucasus, to exile, to the Grozny fortress. Spring turned out to be unlike ordinary Russian springs. Bird cherry blossomed late in the dead gardens. And the rivers were belated and for a long time could not enter the banks. The spills delayed Lermontov. (Paust.)

T16. You cannot beg ready-made beliefs from good friends., nor buy it in a bookstore. They must be developed through the process of one’s own thinking., which must certainly be accomplished independently in our own head.(Clerk.) What type of speech does this text belong to?

  • 1) narration
  • 2) description
  • 3) reasoning
  • 4) narration with elements of reasoning

T17. What is a type of description?

  • 1) thesis
  • 2) message
  • 3) scientific definition
  • 4) conclusions

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"Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank"

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in the discipline "Culture of Speech"

on the topic of: « Types of speech: description, narration and reasoning"

Completed by student gr.401

Lebed T.N.


Chapter 1. Description

Chapter 2. Narration

Chapter 3. Reasoning




Speech culture is a separate discipline in educational institutions. The essence of speech culture is to make a person’s speech correct, that is, literate, corresponding to the norms of the language. As a science, speech culture belongs to linguistics and studies the normalization of literary language.

The problem of a person’s knowledge of functional types of speech is very relevant. We communicate a lot with different people: at home, at work, in various in public places, and the ability to competently structure your speech is of great importance. The ability to understand other people is also important. We need all this so that we are correctly understood, so that a person, reading any work, listening to someone, has the most complete and clear idea of ​​what is being said, and can better understand the problem. Knowledge of functional types of speech is necessary for creating literate texts in accordance with the tasks of communication in various areas of human activity, for competent speaking to the public.

The process of communicative development of a personality is impossible without the formation of a theoretically clear idea of ​​the functional-semantic typology of speech, without developing the ability to analyze a text from the point of view of its belonging to a certain type, the ability to create texts in accordance with the communicative-functional, compositional, structural, lexical and grammatical characteristics of a particular type. other functional type of speech.

In this good for work We are talking about functional types of speech: description, narration, reasoning. Will be considered characteristics each type of speech, definitions of these types are given, examples of use are given.

The tasks facing this work:

Provide a basic definition based on multiple sources;

Describe the types of speech, explain the relevance of this topic, and show examples of the use of types of speech.

Speech is specific speaking that occurs in audio (including internal pronunciation) or in written form.

Type of speech - a method of presentation chosen by the author and oriented (depending on the content of the statement and the nature of the textual information) towards one of the tasks: to statically depict reality, to describe it; dynamically reflect reality, talk about it; reflect the cause-and-effect relationships of reality phenomena. In accordance with these communication goals, three main types of speech are distinguished: description, narration, reasoning.

Chapter 1. Description

Description- type of speech: verbal image of any object, phenomenon or action through its representation characteristic features; one of the functional-semantic types of speech along with narration and reasoning.

Purpose of the description- visually draw a verbal picture so that the reader can visually imagine the subject of the image.

Description differs from other types of text in that it gives an idea of ​​a phenomenon, object, person, state, action by listing their signs and properties. The role of description is different in fiction, poetry, journalism, and official business speech. In a work of art, description (along with narration) is one of the most common components of the author’s monologue.

Usually isolated the following types Descriptions:

· portrait- image of the character’s appearance (face, figure, clothing, demeanor, etc.).

For example:

Long and thin, with a wide forehead, a flat upward, pointed downward nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-colored sideburns, it [Bazarov’s face] was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence (I. Turgenev);

A dynamic portrait that depicts the facial expression, eyes, facial expressions, gestures, posture, actions and states of the character: A strange smile distorted his face, a pitiful, sad, weak smile... (F. Dostoevsky);

· psychological picture- a description of the character’s internal state, allowing the author to reveal the hero’s inner world or emotional experiences.

For example:

His eyes did not laugh when he laughed (M. Lermontov);

· scenery- a description of nature as part of the real environment in which the action takes place.

For example:

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare. Above the water there is fog and dampness... (S. Yesenin);

· interior- image of the interior of the room.

For example:

In the middle of the room is a table, heavy as a tomb, covered with a white tablecloth, and on it are two cutlery, napkins folded in the form of papal tiaras, and three dark bottles (M. Bulgakov).

Image of the place and time of the action.

For example:

The village is scattered randomly between the peat lowlands - monotonous, poorly plastered barracks from the thirties and, with carvings on the facade, with glazed verandas, houses from the fifties (A. Solzhenitsyn).

In a literary text, description performs various functions. Thus, a description of nature often depicts the atmosphere of the action and helps to comprehend the character’s state. It can harmonize with inner world hero.

For example:

And he looked around, as if wanting to understand how one could not sympathize with nature. It was already evening; the sun disappeared behind a small aspen grove that lay half a mile from the garden (I. Turgenev).

Or discord with him.

For example:

The sky was without the slightest cloud, and the water was almost blue, which is so rare on the Neva. The dome of the cathedral was shining, and through the clear air one could clearly see even each of its decorations. An inexplicable coldness always blew over him [Raskolnikov] from this magnificent panorama (F. Dostoevsky).

In documentary journalism, exact reproduction details makes the reader seem like an eyewitness of what is happening.

For example:

A monument to a small brave creature with pointy ears - Moommi-Troll... A bronze figurine approximately half human height... (World Pathfinder magazine).

However, often the description is given through the perception of the author.

For example:

The airy, elven poet was a businesslike, extremely everyday person, grounded in all his habits. Fet's appearance, especially in his old years, was defiantly anti-poetic: overweight, heavy, with a rude, frowning, often grumpy face (Yu. Nagibin).

Description as an independent component of the composition of an artistic or journalistic text, as a rule, interrupts the development of the action, however, if the description is small in volume, it may not suspend the development of the action, but be organically included in the narrative (the so-called narrative with descriptive elements).

For example:

I followed the crowd into the church and saw the groom. He was a small, round, well-fed man with a paunch, very decorated. Finally there was talk that the bride had been brought. I pushed my way through the crowd and saw a wonderful beauty, for whom the first spring had barely arrived. They said that she was barely sixteen years old (F. Dostoevsky).

Artistic and journalistic description is characterized by the widespread use of linguistic expressive means (metaphors, personifications, comparisons, epithets, etc.).

For example:

Through the wide span of the window, the tiled roofs of Berlin were visible - their outlines changed, thanks to the irregular internal tints of glass - and among the roofs, a distant dome rose like a bronze watermelon. The clouds flew and broke through, revealing for a moment the light, amazed autumn blue (V. Nabokov).

In texts of official business style of speech there are such types of description as characteristics of the subject, its technical and informational description. In this case, the task is to accurately name the features of the described object or device, therefore, artistic and aesthetic means are always excluded from the business description.

For example:

The instant payment system machine is a vandal-resistant (that is, capable of withstanding aggressive influences while maintaining full functionality) device for accepting cash and transferring it to the accounts of service companies.

The leading role in the description is played by adjectives and participles, as well as nominative sentences, providing expressiveness and clarity of the image.

For example:

Shrub and small forest. An eerie late afternoon silence. Silent thickets (V. Peskov).

Verbs, participles and gerunds in descriptive texts are usually in the present tense, and the predicate, as a rule, is located after the subject.

For example:

The door to the porch is open (T. Tolstaya).

Description as a type of text (method of presentation), focused on a static reflection of the phenomena of reality, is the opposite of narration.

Chapter 2. Narration

Bynarration- type of speech: story, message about an event, action, phenomenon occurring in time; one of the functional-semantic types of speech along with reasoning and description.

Purpose of the story- give an idea of ​​an event (a series of events) in chronological order or show the transition of an object from one state to another.

The peculiarity of narrative as a type of text is that it depicts events or phenomena in which actions do not occur simultaneously, but follow each other or condition each other.

For example:

On the way, Lidia Borisovna told how almost forty years ago she first came here, to the ashes of the Blokov estate. I got there with adventures, first by train, then by hitchhiking... I walked for a long time through the forest and almost got lost. I found a burnt foundation along three birch trees growing in a field on a hillock. She sat among the bushes, under a tall silver poplar, picked up a piece of brick from the foundation of a burnt house and brought it to Chukovsky. The old man pressed this piece to his cheek and said: “I never got out there to see Blok, but he called me to come.” Lidia Borisovna asked: “Korney Ivanovich, will this house never be restored?” He replied: “Lida, you have to live in Russia for a long time” (D. Rubina).

In a narrative, it is usually possible to determine the place and time of action, the character, the chronological sequence of what is happening, etc. The composition of the narrative, as a rule, is subordinated to the sequence of development of the author's thoughts and the task that the author sets for himself.

Examples The shortest narratives can be considered the famous letter of Caesar, telling about the rapid victory in the Battle of Zela (I came, I saw, I conquered), or the classic quote from the movie “The Diamond Arm”: I tripped, fell, woke up - plaster. They very accurately convey the essence of the narrative - the story of what happened.

· neutral(in scientific and official business styles of speech).

For example:

Birch - deciduous tree. Grows in middle lane Russia. Birch bark is used in folk crafts);

For example:

As if in a dream, I approach our birch tree. Hello! Didn't recognize me? My brother and I found you in the pasture... I remember the cuckoo was cuckooing. We cut off two big roots from you. They planted it, poured out two buckets of water... You barely survived, for two summers the leaves were small, pale... (V. Belov).

Narration is typical primarily for literary texts, the plot of which is based on a story about events. In a work of art, narration is also called the speech of a personified narrator or the author's monologue speech (with the exception of the direct speech of characters - monologues and dialogues).

TO literary genres, the basis of which is a narrative, are traditionally classified as a story, a story, a novel, an epic novel.

Journalistic genres based on narration are: speech description narration reasoning

· reportage(story from the scene);

· feature article(a work based on facts, documents, personal impressions of the author);

· article;

· feuilleton(an accusatory work on a topical topic), etc.

Narration in literary and journalistic texts may include:

· descriptions(for visual and figurative representation of heroes, scene of action);

· reasoning(to express the author's attitude towards the depicted).

A scientific narrative includes a message (a genre characterized by laconic presentation, reliance on facts and used in scientific publications, as well as in newspaper articles and historical literature).

For example:

After a brief acquaintance with Egypt during a trip along the Nile, Caesar moved to Asia Minor against Pharnaces II, son of Mithridates, who took possession of the province of Pontus. In August 47 BC. Caesar immediately put Pharnaces' army to flight at the Battle of Zela (Encyclopedia "Around the World").

Business storytelling genres- these are instructions, reports, protocols.

For example:

On March 14, 2001, at the intersection of the Svetlograd - Divnoe highway, traffic police officers tried to stop a VAZ 21099 to check documents. The car did not stop, and traffic inspectors began to pursue it. The offenders were caught up and stopped.

The composition of a business narrative is usually organized by marker words indicating the sequence of presentation of the material or recommended actions.

For example:

First, then, as a result, etc., as well as verbs and words necessary, necessary, follows, etc.

The leading role in any type of narration is played by verb forms that ensure the unfolding of the narrative and clearly represent successive actions and the course of an event (phenomenon) in time and space. Main semantic load usually carry perfective verbs, prefixed and unprefixed.

For example:

Pugachev left; the people rushed after him (A. Pushkin).

However, if we are talking not about one-time, but about repeated actions, imperfective past tense verbs are used.

For example:

Every year in the spring, the parents went to the dacha. They planted flowers and vegetables and raised chickens.

Chapter 3. Reasoning

Reasoning- type of speech: verbal presentation, explanation, development, confirmation or refutation of any thought; one of the functional-semantic types of speech along with narration and description.

Purpose of reasoning- explore an object or phenomenon, reveal it internal signs, consider (present to the reader) the cause-and-effect relationships of events or phenomena, convey the author’s thoughts about them, evaluate them, justify, prove or refute this or that idea or position.

The peculiarity of reasoning as a type of text is that it uses not a plot (as in a narrative), but a logical principle of construction. As a rule, the composition of the argument is built according to the model: thesis, proof (a series of arguments, which use facts, inferences, references to authorities, obviously true provisions (axioms, laws), descriptions, examples, analogies, etc.) and conclusion .

For example:

Having spent a lot of time and effort studying “abstruse” spelling rules and exceptions, I thought: why not agree to write “as heard”? (thesis) This will make life easier not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults. You won’t have to look into dictionaries to check the spelling of an unfamiliar word or into a reference book to remember a forgotten rule. And the publication of such scientific publications will not be necessary; a small brochure is enough, after studying which everyone can proudly say that he is a literate person. We will simplify our life without any special expenses. But is it really that simple? Firstly, from errors in writing we still can’t get rid of it completely, since the pronunciation different people not the same. For example, not everyone knows how to say correctly: you call or you ring. The person who speaks correctly will write zvunsh, and the second one will write zvunsh. And there are many such words. Secondly, the vocabulary of the Russian language will change: many homonyms will appear, many words will lose their lexical meaning. The words “drink” and “chant” will be written as “drink.” And how will it be possible to understand what is said in such a sentence, for example: It is forbidden to write in public places... (proof). Having weighed all the pros and cons, I decided that this reform not only will not lead to the desired result, but will cause enormous damage, first of all, to us, who speak, write in Russian and own the riches of this great language (conclusion) (From a student essay).

In the compositional structure of reasoning, a condition is usually met under which the thesis (position, hypothesis, version that is considered, proven, evaluated) is the beginning, while evidence and conclusions can be arranged in a sequence determined by the author’s intention.

Nfor example:

Since fita, izhitsa and the vocative case are almost no longer used in the Russian language (thesis), then, to be fair, the salaries of teachers of the Russian language should be reduced (conclusion), because with the decrease in letters and cases, their work also decreased (proof of the validity of the thesis ) (A. Chekhov). The thesis in this text comes at the beginning of the argument, followed by the conclusion, and then the proof (why this is so).

Reasoning is characteristic primarily of scientific and journalistic texts, whose task is to compare, summarize, generalize, justify, prove, refute this or that information, give a definition or explanation of a fact, phenomenon, event.

In scientific speech The following subtypes of reasoning are distinguished:

· reasoning-explanation

For example:

There is a distinction between the so-called biographical author, that is, a historical figure, a private person (A.S. Pushkin, 1799 - 1837), and a creative author, whose ideas about the world and man are reflected in the work he creates (A.S. Pushkin, author of the novel “Eugene Onegin”) (Dictionary of literary terms);

· reasoning

For example:

If the author-creator portrays himself in a work, then we can talk about the image of the author as a character work of art and consider him among other characters (the image of the author in A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”) (Dictionary of Literary Terms).

In literary texts reasoning is used in the author's digressions, explaining the psychology and behavior of the characters, when expressing the moral position of the author, his assessment of the depicted, etc.

For example:

There was a premonition that Moscow would be taken in Russian Moscow society in 1212. Those who left with what they could seize, leaving their houses and half their property, acted this way due to that latent patriotism, which is expressed not by phrases, not by killing children to save the fatherland, etc. by unnatural actions, but which is expressed imperceptibly, simply, organically and therefore always produces the strongest results (L. Tolstoy).

Genres of reasoning include:

· scientific;

· popular science;

· journalistic articles;

· essay ([French essai - attempt, test, essay] - a work usually devoted to literary-critical, journalistic and philosophical topics and conveying the author’s individual impressions and thoughts about a particular subject or phenomenon. The essay is characterized by a free composition: the sequence of presentation in It is subject only to the internal logic of the author’s thoughts, and the motivations and connections between parts of the text are often associative in nature.

For example:

Picture in the reader: a barefoot old man. // I turned the page; // my imagination remained // cold. Either way - Pushkin: // cloak, rock, sea foam... (V. Nabokov)).

A traditional school argumentative essay usually proposes to highlight one of the aspects of the work, named in the topic of the essay, and is built according to the compositional plan of the argument: thesis to be proven (topic) - proof (arguments, examples, comments to the text that reveal the topic) - conclusion ( conclusion, generalization).

For example:

Subject: Raskolnikov's idea of ​​the right of a strong personality to commit a crime in the system of author's refutations. Proof (arguments): The humanistic origins of the theory - indignation at social inequality - do not correspond to the result of testing the theory in practice - murder. The moral consequences of a crime are pangs of conscience. The conflict between theory and “living life” is alienation from loved ones. The system of characters in the novel is a component of the author’s system of refutations: images of the protagonist’s “doubles”, personifying the inhumane aspects of the Napoleonic idea (Luzhin and Svidrigailov), and opposing images of Raskolnikov’s antipodes and opponents (Sonya, Lizaveta, Marmeladoav, Razumikhin, etc.). The role of the hero’s dreams in debunking the Napoleonic idea. The author's attitude to theory: recognition of the inequality of people - main mistake Raskolnikov. Conclusion: The idea of ​​the hero of the novel is godless and inhumane; it requires debunking, because many are “infected” with it. The writer’s task is not to expose the murderous hero, but to expose the idea embodied in the theory of “trembling creatures” and “having the right” and which is a consequence of unbelief.

As part of the argument, all types of speech can be used to prove the thesis:

· reasoning(logical proof).

For example:

All birds are birds - feathered ostrich => ostrich - bird;

· Preporting;

· description(emotional proof).

For example:

How can I not love this land?<…>And this blue, and this green, And the secret path in the rye! (V. Lazarev).

In reasoning, there are often lexical signals of cause-and-effect relationships, unique markers of reasoning: firstly, introductory words and sentences; secondly, therefore, so, in addition, finally, further, in conclusion, etc.; conditional and concessional complex sentences, showing the presence of cause-and-effect relationships.

For example:

It should be noted about the high school student: if he has become completely green, it means that he has matured in science and can receive a matriculation certificate. It happens differently with other fruits (A. Chekhov); interrogative constructions: What did it serve me that almost in the womb I was already a guard sergeant? Where has this got me? (A. Pushkin), etc.

Reasoning as a type of text (way of presentation) is widely used in such speech situations as the explanation of new scientific and educational material, polemics with opponents, etc.


The relevance of the problem that was raised in this work is great importance. After all, the process of personality development, the development of the ability to communicate with other people is impossible without knowledge of the functional-semantic typology of speech, without developing the ability to analyze a text from the point of view of its belonging to a certain type, the ability to create texts in accordance with a certain type of speech.

As a basic definition of types of speech, we accepted the following: functional types of speech are communicatively determined, typified varieties of monologue speech that are expressed by certain linguistic means.

Listliterature used

1. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook / Under. ed. prof. R89 V.I. Maksimova. - M.: Gardariki, 2001. - 413 p.

2. Speech culture. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids" Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2001.- 448 p.




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IN school curriculum There is always a topic: “Types of speech: description, narration, reasoning.” But after a while, knowledge tends to be erased from memory, so it would be useful to consolidate this important issue.

What are types of speech? What functions do they perform?

Types of speech: description, narration, reasoning - this is how we talk about the subject. For example, let's imagine an ordinary table in the office or at home in the kitchen. If you need to describe this item, you should describe in detail what it looks like and what is on it. Such text will be descriptive in nature, therefore, we're talking about about the description. If the narrator begins to reason about what this table is for, whether it is too old, whether it is time to change it to a new one, then the chosen type of speech will be called reasoning. A text can be called a narration if a person tells the story of how this table was ordered or made, brought home and other details of the appearance of the table in the apartment.

Now a little theory. Types of speech are used by a storyteller (author, journalist, teacher, announcer) to convey information. Depending on how it is presented, the typology is determined.

Description is a type of speech whose purpose is a detailed story about a static object, image, phenomenon or person.

Narration informs the developing action by conveying certain information in a temporal sequence.

With the help of reasoning, the flow of thought regarding the subject that caused it is conveyed.

Functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning

Types of speech are often called functional-semantic. What does it mean? One of the meanings of the word “function” (there are many others, including mathematical terms) is role. That is, speech types play a certain role.

The function of description as a type of speech is to recreate a verbal picture and help the reader see it with inner vision. This is achieved through the use of adjectives in various degrees of comparison, participial phrases, and other speech means. This type of speech can most often be found in artistic style. A description in a scientific style will differ significantly from an artistic one in the unemotional, clear flow of the story, the obligatory presence of terms and

A narrative is characterized by a depiction of an action, situation, or specific incident. Using verbs and short, succinct sentences, this type of speech is often used in news reporting. Its function is notification.

Reasoning as a type of speech is characterized by a variety of styles: artistic, scientific, business and even colloquial. The pursued goal is to clarify, reveal certain features, prove or refute something.

Features of the structure of speech types

Each type of speech is characterized by a clear structure. The following classical form is typical for the narrative:

  • string;
  • developments;
  • climax;
  • denouement.

The description does not have a clear structure, but it differs in such forms as:

  • a descriptive story about a person or animal, or an object;
  • detailed description of the place;
  • description of the condition.

Similar examples are often found in literary texts.

Reasoning is fundamentally different from previous types of speech. Since its purpose is to transmit the sequence thought process person, then the reasoning is constructed as follows:

  • thesis (statement);
  • arguments, along with examples given (proof of this statement);
  • final conclusion or conclusion.

Speech types are often confused with styles. This is a grave mistake. Below we will explain how styles differ from types.

Types and styles of speech: what are the differences?

In Russian language textbooks the concept appears: What is it and are there any differences between styles and types?

So, style is a complex of certain speech means used in a specific area of ​​communication. There are five main styles:

  1. Colloquial.
  2. Journalistic.
  3. Official business (or business).
  4. Scientific.
  5. Art.

To see, you can take any text. The type of speech which will be presented) is present in both scientific and journalistic style. we choose for daily communication. It is characterized by the presence of colloquial expressions, abbreviations and even slang words. It is appropriate at home or with friends, but upon arrival at an official institution, for example, a school, university or ministry, the style of speech changes to businesslike with scientific elements.

Newspapers and magazines are written in a journalistic style. News channels broadcast using it. The scientific style can be found in educational literature; it is characterized by many terms and concepts.

Finally, art style. He wrote books that we read for our own pleasure. He is characterized by comparisons (“the morning is beautiful, like the smile of a loved one”), metaphors (“the night sky showers gold on us”) and other artistic expressions. By the way, description is a type of speech that is quite common in fiction and, accordingly, in the style of the same name.

The difference is this: you can describe, think or narrate using different styles. For example, when talking about a flower in an artistic style, the author uses a lot of expressive epithets to convey to the listener or reader the beauty of the plant. A biologist will describe the flower from a scientific point of view, using generally accepted terminology. You can reason and narrate in the same way. For example, a journalist will write a feuilleton about a carelessly plucked flower, using reasoning as a type of speech. At the same time, the girl, using a conversational style, will tell her friend how a classmate gave her a bouquet.

Using Styles

The specificity of speech styles makes their successful juxtaposition possible. For example, if the type of speech is description, then it can be supplemented by reasoning. The same flower can be described in a school wall newspaper, using both a scientific or journalistic and artistic style. This could be an article about the valuable properties of a plant and a poem praising its beauty. In a biology lesson, the teacher, using a scientific style, will offer students information about the flower, and after that he can tell a fascinating legend about it.

Type of speech description. Examples in the literature

This type can be called an image. That is, when describing, the author depicts an object (for example, a table), a natural phenomenon (thunderstorm, rainbow), a person (a girl from a neighboring class or a favorite actor), an animal, and so on ad infinitum.

Within the description, the following forms are distinguished:


Description of the condition;

Examples of landscapes can be found in the works of classics. For example, in the story “The Fate of Man” the author gives short description early post-war spring. The pictures he recreated are so vivid and believable that it seems as if the reader sees them.

In Turgenev's story "Bezhin Meadow" landscapes also play an important role. Using a verbal image of the summer sky and sunset, the writer conveys the powerful beauty and power of nature.

To remember what a description is as a type of speech, it is worth considering another example.

“We went on a picnic outside the city. But today the sky was gloomy and became increasingly unfriendly towards evening. At first the clouds were heavy gray shade. The sky was covered with them, like a theater stage after a performance. Although the sun had not yet set, it was already invisible. And then lightning appeared between the dark curtains of the clouds...”

The description is characterized by the use of adjectives. It is thanks to them that this text gives the impression of a painting, conveys to us color and weather gradations. For a descriptive type story, the following questions are asked: “What does the described object (person, place) look like? What signs does it have?

Narration: Example

Discussing the previous type of speech (description), it can be noted that it is used by the author to recreate the visual effect. But the narration conveys the plot in dynamics. This speech type describes events. The following example tells what happened to the characters little story more about the thunderstorm and picnic.

“... The first lightning did not scare us, but we knew that this was just the beginning. We had to pack our things and run away. As soon as the simple dinner was packed into the backpacks, the first drops of rain fell on the blanket. We rushed to the bus stop."

In the text, you need to pay attention to the number of verbs: they create the effect of action. It is the depiction of the situation in the time period that are signs of the narrative type of speech. In addition, to a text of this kind you can ask the questions “What came first? What happened next?

Reasoning. Example

What is reasoning as a type of speech? The description and narration are already familiar to us and are easier to understand than a text-reasoning. Let's go back to our friends who got caught in the rain. One can easily imagine how they discuss their adventure: “...Yes, we were lucky that a summer resident-motorist noticed us at a bus stop. It's good that he didn't pass by. It's good to talk about a thunderstorm in a warm bed. It wouldn’t be so scary if we were at the same stop again. A thunderstorm is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. You can't predict where lightning will strike. No, we will never go to the country again without knowing accurate forecast weather. Picnic is good for sunny day, and in a thunderstorm it’s better to drink tea at home.” The text contains all the structural parts of reasoning as a type of speech. In addition, you can ask him questions characteristic of reasoning: “What is the reason? What follows from this?


Our article was devoted to types of speech - description, narration and reasoning. The choice of a specific speech type depends on what we are talking about in this case and what goal we are pursuing. We also mentioned characteristic speech styles, their features and close relationship with types of speech.

Reasoning is a type of speech in which the causes or consequences of a particular phenomenon or situation are indicated.

The purpose of the reasoning is prove the truth of any position (thesis).

Basis of reasoning are cause-and-effect relationships, evidence.

  1. Beginning - preliminary information about the subject is provided;
  2. Main part: a) formulation of the main thesis, b) division (if necessary, highlighting parts of the argument or subthesis, c) presentation - consistent proof of the thesis (theses),
  3. Ending (conclusion) - conclusion.

Types of evidence in reasoning

1) deductive- from thesis to evidence,

2) inductive— from examples to thesis.

« There is no person who does not love his homeland,”

“Yu. Tynyanov once commented on the possibility of an unambiguous interpretation of the composition. “I take the liberty of asserting,” he wrote in his work “Problems of Poetic Language,” “that the word “composition” in 9/10 cases covers the attitude towards form as static” - L. Kaida,

V) indication of the reasons for the correctness of the thesis put forward:

“Autumn comes in September. Because that’s when the leaves turn yellow and start falling.”

G) giving an analogy or comparison:

“It is impossible to immediately rebuild our economy to market relations. It’s like switching from driving on the right to driving on the left.”

4) indirect- this is proof by contradiction: through refuting the truth of the opposite thesis

“A tolerant attitude towards a person makes our relationship with him better. Let's assume that this is not the case. Then, the more we make comments to the person, the more we teach him, etc., the better our relationship will be. But this is impossible. This means that our first thesis is correct.”

Our presentation on reasoning:

It must be said that pure types of speech (, reasoning) are not so common; usually texts are a combination of all types of speech; the connection is not mechanical; transitions from one type of text to another are sometimes very difficult to determine.

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