Some Marine life much larger than land animals. In this material we will look at the ten largest animals in size and weight that live in the world's oceans.

The length of an adult walrus is 4 m, and its body weight exceeds 2 tons. A distinctive feature of walruses is their huge, elongated upper fangs, which are called tusks. The tusks reach 1 m in length and are used by walruses during battles for females, as well as to facilitate climbing onto ice floes. Because of these tusks, walruses were given a scientific name, translated from Greek which means “walking on teeth.”

Despite their menacing appearance, walruses are very shy animals. While resting on land, they post sentries who closely monitor the situation and warn the entire herd of the danger. They are very sociable and constantly supporting each other animals. After the mating fever, when males can fight for the right to mate with a female, they all raise the young together and help with feeding.

Walruses live in the north, making rookeries on pack ice.

A huge seal, growing up to 6.5 m in length and reaching a weight of more than 4 tons. The elephant seal got its name from its trunk-shaped nose. The male elephant seal is characterized by extremely aggressive behavior during mating season, when for the sake of mating he is ready to trample and tear apart other rivals, not paying attention to anything. By gathering in groups and sorting out relationships among themselves, elephant seals can easily crush young calves or females, which are significantly smaller than males. Every year, during the mating period, a significant number of young animals die from strangulation and strangulation, and males die from wounds received earlier than from natural death.

Elephant seals live on the west coast North America and in Antarctica. The Antarctic (southern) elephant seal is significantly larger than its northern counterpart.

8. Saltwater crocodile

- not exactly a sea animal. It lives in the swamps and mangroves of the tropical region, but can sometimes travel by sea, covering distances of 600 km or more. Therefore, it can be seen, for example, off the coast of Japan, although it has never lived there and does not live there. The reasons for such long migrations are not fully known. According to some assumptions, saltwater crocodiles, which are solitary by nature, seek more secluded habitats; according to others, they seek regions richer in food. But whatever the reason, such guests in sea bays and bays terrify not only local residents, but also local predators. The crocodile easily displaces even sharks from their favorite coastal areas, which simply retreat, unable to do anything to oppose the impenetrable armor of the reptile.

This crocodile is the only reptile that grows more than 5 m in length. Adult saltwater crocodiles grow up to 7 m in length and reach a mass of 2 tons.

Adult killer whales are large marine predators. In captivity in aquariums we do not see record-breaking specimens, but in nature their length reaches 10 m and their weight exceeds 8 tons. Every day, adult killer whales require up to 150 kg. meat, and in search of it they spend most of their lives, attacking all living things that can satisfy their hunger. The killer whale has the nickname “killer whale” for a reason - it is the largest carnivore on the planet. They are at the top of the food chain, preying on others and large fish.

Killer whales are extremely intelligent animals. They make perfect use of their group skills when hunting. Cases of attacks on walruses and fur seals that tried to hide on a lonely ice floe are well known and documented. Accelerating towards the ice floe, they raise a high wave, which washes the poor victim into the water, where she is not destined to escape. Killer whales are also the only marine predators that can jump ashore and grab fur seals, their favorite prey.

Killer whales live everywhere, but prefer the cool waters of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Most often they stay in the coastal strip.

Humpback whales grow up to 15 m, and the maximum recorded length was 18 m. Weight - 30 tons. It would seem that he should have a characteristic hump, but the main thing distinguishing feature humpback whale - long pectoral fins and huge “warts” on the snout. The length of the fins can reach 34% of the body length. They play an important role in the life of the animal - they participate in thermoregulation, increase maneuverability and help in hunting. Humpback whales often hunt in groups, diving under a school of fish and surrounding it with small air bubbles. Surrounded by such a wall of bubbles, the fish gets lost and huddles into a dense lump, which is swallowed by humpback whales that suddenly appear from the depths.

The buckles of humpback whales and their striking of the surface with their tail and fins are known. They are even capable of jumping completely out of the water.

Humpback whales live throughout the world's oceans. They often approach the banks to feed.

It grows up to 20 m in length and reaches a weight of 30 tons. It is a slender whale and can reach speeds of 50 km/h. (according to other sources his maximum speed is 25 km/h) in contrast to its “thicker” relatives. The sei whale dives well, diving to a depth of up to 300 m and remaining under water for up to 20 minutes.

Sei whale was the most important object of commercial fishing after man practically destroyed blue whale and fin whale. Currently, fishing for this whale is completely prohibited.

The sei whale lives in all oceans, preferring warm tropical waters.

The weight of an adult sperm whale reaches 50 tons, and its body length is 20 m. This is the largest representative of toothed whales - unlike baleen whales, they have teeth and hunt fish, cephalopods and, in rare cases, other marine mammals. The sperm whale is known for its huge head, which takes up 35% of its body length. The word “sperm whale” itself comes from “ cachola", which means "big head". On a huge head, the whale's mouth looks small, but this appearance is deceiving. One of his teeth weighs 1 kg.

The whale lives in all oceans, but avoids cold areas. Stays far from the shore, where great depth and their favorite prey lives - squid. The sperm whale also hunts huge giant squid. Fights with them “reward” the whale with characteristic scars from the suckers of these mollusks.

The record length of the bowhead whale was 22 m and its weight was 150 tons. This weight is comparable to the weight of the animal that took first place in our top list, but it is seriously inferior to it in length. But the bowhead whale holds the record for life expectancy. With an average life expectancy of 40 years, according to some scientists, this whale can live up to 211 years. Among vertebrates, this is an absolute record, although it was recently discovered that the polar shark lives even longer - up to an unimaginable 512 years.

The bowhead whale spends its entire life in the cold polar waters of the Northern Hemisphere, retreating south from the growing ice in the winter and returning back in the spring. If a whale becomes trapped in ice, it breaks it with its huge body.

Adult individuals reach a length of 27 m and a weight of more than 70 tons. These giants have chosen the open ocean, rarely approaching the shores. They prefer solitude, although sometimes small groups of 4-6 whales are found. Despite their enormous length, fin whales are quite flexible and “slender”. They swim faster and dive deeper than many other cetaceans. The maximum recorded speed of the fin whale is 50 km/h, and its diving depth exceeds 250 m. Its speed allows it to feed not only on stationary krill, but also on small schooling fish.

After uncontrolled fishing for fin whales in the middle of the 20th century. The hunting of this whale was completely prohibited. In 2006, Iceland again allowed hunting for it. The current estimate of the number of fin whales is 50-55 thousand individuals.

Not only the largest modern animal, but also the largest that has ever lived on our planet. Maximum length This giant is 33 meters long and can weigh more than 150 tons. They live 80-90 years, and the oldest known blue whale was 110 years old. Like other cetaceans, it feeds exclusively on plankton, consuming 1 ton of it every day.

Uncontrolled fishing for the blue whale has almost completely destroyed it. In the 1960s, its population was estimated at only 5,000 individuals. In a timely manner Taken measures on the protection of the whale have yielded results and scientists currently estimate the population at 10,000 animals, which is already enough not to worry about the safety of the species.

The blue whale lives throughout the world's oceans.


Do you know which ones are the most big animals on the ground? Then you can view this top 10 and find out which one is the best big animal, although this list contains different kinds and terrestrial and underwater inhabitants and birds, etc. But they are all huge in relation to the animals we see every day.

10. Giant green anaconda

The largest and heaviest snake in the world. Belongs to the subfamily of boas. The largest recorded individual reached 11.43 m in length. Weighs about 60 kg. It has a grayish-green color with brown spots. It lives mainly in tropical zone South America. Loves water and very rarely leaves bodies of water. It differs in that it can swim and dive superbly. It feeds on rodents, young crocodiles, birds and turtles. It very rarely attacks large animals, and attacks humans only in case of self-defense. It strangles the victim and swallows it.

9. Southern Elephant Seal

One of the largest animals on earth and the largest seal species in the world. The largest recorded specimens reached 6.5 m and 3.5 tons. But its trunk is shorter than that of its relatives - only 10 cm. The total number is about 750 thousand individuals. Colonies of the southern elephant seal are located on the subantarctic archipelagos and islands: South Georgia, Kerguelen, Heard, Macquarie.

8. African ostrich

The most big bird in the world. Its height reaches 250 cm, weight up to 150 kg. It cannot fly, but it runs at speeds of up to 70 km/h, taking steps of 3.5-4 m. If necessary, it can abruptly change the direction of movement without changing speed. Contrary to popular belief, it does not hide its head in the sand, but can “drop” it on the ground from fatigue after a long run.

7. Saltwater crocodile

The saltwater crocodile is the largest of the crocodiles. Body length is up to 7 m in males, up to 3 m in females. Adult males can gain weight up to 1000 kg. Most often found on the shores of Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. But it also makes its way to other popular resorts. Capable of making long voyages on the open sea. It is extremely dangerous on the shore or in shallow water, where it is easy for it to sneak up on prey. Every year many people become its victims.

6. Polar bear

Other names: polar, northern, sea bear, oshkuy. Can reach 3 m in length and 1000 kg of body weight. The largest representatives are found in the Bering Sea. It differs from other bears by its flat head and long neck. Hunts for seals sea ​​hare, walruses, fish. Very thick layer subcutaneous fat and thick fur help it survive in cold and icy water.

5. Giraffe

The tallest animal. Lives in the savannas of Africa. Height up to 6 m, body weight up to 1,200 kg. Despite its unusually long neck, like other mammals, it has only seven cervical vertebrae. But he has a very strong heart, capable of passing 60 liters of blood per minute and creating a pressure three times greater than that of a person. Consumes about 30 kg of plant food daily. The color of a giraffe is unique, like human fingerprints.

4. White rhinoceros

Second in size big animal land after the elephant. Body length up to 4.2 m, weight up to 5 tons, height at the shoulders up to 2 m. Actually, it is not white at all, but dark gray. The name most likely came from a corruption of the Boer word wijde (wide, wide-faced), consonant with the English white (white). He has two horns, which he successfully uses in fights with rivals. Lives in South and North-West Africa. Feeds on herbaceous vegetation.

3. Hippopotamus

Belongs to the order Artiodactyla, suborder Porciniformes. Distributed on the African continent. Weight can reach 4 tons, length up to 5.4 m. Leads a predominantly semi-aquatic lifestyle. The mouth of a hippopotamus can open unusually wide – 150 degrees. Interestingly, the hippopotamus is capable of running very fast on land. Quite an aggressive animal. When provoked by a person, it is capable of unexpectedly attacking.

2. African elephant

Mammal of the proboscis order. Height at the shoulders is up to 4 m, weight - 7.5 tons. Habitat - Africa south of the Sahara. Includes two modern lookingsavannah elephant and forest elephant. More than their Indian relatives and the most big animal among the land ones. There are only 500-600 thousand of these giants left in nature. An unusually intelligent animal, capable of mutual assistance and mutual assistance. For example, if one elephant cannot get rid of an attached leech, another can take a stick and free his friend from the bloodsucker. The same applies to.

1. Blue whale

Children are very inquisitive and often ask questions that are not easy to answer. A child, unlike an adult, is of little interest everyday problems. It is more important for him to know why the grass is green, where the clouds come from, why the giraffe Long neck, and the elephant has a trunk where you can see a kangaroo and so on. And many adults cannot answer all these difficult questions. Of course, for a serious businessman it is not so important to know all this, but to expand your own horizons, sometimes you can still get acquainted with some interesting facts. For example, what is the largest animal in the world, what is the smallest, where they live and what they look like.

What animals are there most on earth?

Everyone knows such a thing as the Red Book. This is a document in which very rare representatives of flora and fauna are recorded. You can often read about the rarest and endangered species of animals included in the Red Book list in natural history textbooks and in scientific literature. But nowhere is there a list of those animals that are most numerous on earth.

As a rule, animal occupiers that outnumber other classes are completely small sizes. For example, a small crustacean animal similar to a shrimp, no more than 5 centimeters in length, which is the record holder for the largest number on earth - this Antarctic krill, an animal from the family (Engraulidae) euphausiids. Krill are quite common and can be found over a wide area from the Southern Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean.

What animals are there most in Australia?

If krill is the most common animal species everywhere, then the question arises, which animals lead the population in certain places, such as Australia?

This continent is home to many unique animals that cannot be found in other parts of planet Earth:

  • Koalas,
  • wombats,
  • opossums,
  • Platypuses and many other rare species.

But Australia is known throughout the world as kangaroo country. These are the largest individuals belonging to the order of marsupials; other representatives of this order are called wallabies. Kangaroos live only in Australia and some places in South America.

The fact is that marsupial mammals less adapted than other animals to the climate that has changed since the time of dinosaurs. The reason for this is precisely that the pouch creates the least favorable conditions for bearing cubs.

Where does the largest animal in the whole world live?

The largest animal in the world lives not on land at all, but in water.

We are talking about a blue or blue whale:

  • The length of the individual reaches 32 meters, and the weight varies from 2 to 3.5 tons;
  • This animal is from the order of cetaceans and lives in almost all waters of the world's oceans. The blue whale feeds on Antarctic krill;
  • The blue whale leads a solitary lifestyle;
  • In terms of numbers, blue whales tend to decline, but nevertheless, this species of animal does not yet pose the risk of complete extinction;
  • Blue whale, despite gigantic size, does not pose a danger to humans, is quite intelligent and friendly;
  • Despite big size, the blue whale is not able to swallow a large object, as it has a very narrow throat. Interestingly, the largest object that this animal can swallow cannot exceed the diameter of a grapefruit.

Largest land animal

The blue whale, as it turned out, is second to none in size, but this animal lives in water, while on land, the title of largest animal goes to the African elephant.

This mammal from the order Proboscis reaches a height of up to 3.5 meters and weighs almost 7 tons. Moreover, males are larger than females. African elephants are not as widespread around the globe as blue whales; their habitat is limited only to Africa, just south of the Sahara.

The record holder feeds exclusively on vegetation, eating several tens of kilograms of greenery per day. African elephants are friendly. Their numbers tend to decrease, and therefore this species of animal is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The largest animal in Asia

The Indian or Asian elephant is not much smaller in size than its African brother and is the largest animal in Asia.

The Indian elephant, like the African elephant, is a vegetarian and quite friendly.

The elephant has several subspecies, which received their names based on their habitat:

  1. Sri Lankan elephant, who lives on the Sri Lanka peninsula,
  2. Sumatran elephant- found in Sumatra,
  3. Bornean elephant- living on the island of Borneo.

The number of Asian elephants decreases every year, and therefore this species, like the African elephant, is listed in the Red Book of Russia. African and Asian elephants are slightly different in appearance.

A few main differences:

  • Ear size - African elephants have larger ears, female Indian elephants lack tusks while female African elephants have them;
  • African elephants are gray-brown, while Asian elephants are darker;
  • The skin of Asian elephants has a small hairline, African elephants have more folds.
  • The African elephant has longer and thinner legs than the Asian elephant.

The smallest animal on earth

If the largest animal in the world was difficult to miss, then the small animals were not so easy to find:

  1. The tiniest animal in the world lives in the warm regions of Thailand and is named pig-nosed bat. Belongs to the squad bats to mind pig-nosed, no more than 3 centimeters long and weighing about 2 grams. This little one's nose is like a pig's nickel;
  2. Kitty the bat is a rare animal, total individuals do not exceed 500, so this species is listed in the Red Book. She eats insects and like everyone else the bats leads a nocturnal lifestyle.

Living in a certain place, people get used to the flora and fauna that surrounds them. To a resident of the European continent, bananas growing on a bush, galloping kangaroos and camels seem outlandish. While a resident of Africa will never be able to meet a bear at home. But the human mind is inquisitive, and always strives for knowledge. Even if a person has never seen anyone larger than a cow, he is still interested in what is the largest animal in the world, what it looks like and in what parts of the earth it is found.

Video about the “most-most” huge animals

In this video, zoologist Timur Prokazin will talk about the most giant creatures on the planet:

That's probably the biggest land mammal Everyone knows the animal. This is, of course, an elephant. There are only two genera of these animals in the world:

Indian elephants have a rich pedigree as they come from different ancestors. This is the reason why they differ from each other. In addition, Indian elephants are much lighter than African ones. For comparison: the former weigh on average about 6 tons, and the latter - about eight. These giants live up to 70 years.

What is the difference between the Indian elephant and the African one?

  • As mentioned above, they are a little lighter than their African “colleagues,” which makes the latter the undisputed leaders on land.
  • African elephants have a slightly arched back, while Indian elephants have a slightly hunchbacked back.
  • The brightest hallmark Asian elephants have a high and convex forehead. Their African counterparts, on the contrary, have a flat forehead, even slightly cut back.
  • The ears of an Indian elephant are noticeably smaller than those of an African elephant and are triangular in shape.
  • In African elephants, the trunk has two flexible appendages at its end, while in Asian elephants it has one.

Remember: these animals are smart, but dangerous!

Elephants are capable of compassion and mutual assistance. But even despite this, both Indian and African elephants are recognized as one of the most dangerous animals in the whole world. It should be noted that both of their genera are listed in the International Red Book as animals on the verge of extinction. So let's take a closer look at the world's largest land mammal.

African elephant

The genus of African elephants includes two modern species:

  • forest;
  • Savannah

African elephants can reach 4 meters in height and weigh up to 12 tons. The length of their massive body exceeds 7 meters. Female African elephants are, of course, smaller in size: they grow to only 2.6 meters in height and up to 6.5 meters in length.

Despite its gigantic size, the largest land mammal moves at a speed of 40 km/h. Just think! This clumsy giant can very easily overtake a person. Every day he needs at least 300 kilograms of plant food. This is understandable: the more massive your body, the more energy you will expend in the process of life, which means it needs to be replenished through food.

Indian elephant

After the African elephant, which land animal is the largest in the world? Of course, his Indian brother! As already mentioned, Asian elephants are smaller in size than African ones. The maximum body weight of adult males reaches 8 tons with a height of 3.5 meters. Females, of course, are smaller. Their Weight Limit fluctuates within 4 tons. Externally, the Indian elephant is more knocked down than the African one. It has thick but relatively short legs.

The tusks of these giants are much smaller than those of African giants. However, they are well developed only in males. It is curious that even among males in India you can find elephants without tusks. There they are called makhna. The speed of movement of these animals is no different from that of their African counterparts: they are also mobile and reach speeds of up to 40 km/h.

Not so long ago, these animals inhabited the vast territory of India and South-East Asia. However, in the 19th century, people began to actively exterminate Indian elephants. This was necessary in order to grow the famous Ceylon tea: people destroyed elephants and cut down entire jungles.

An elephant's pride is its trunk!

Do you know which land mammal has the longest tongue? This is a big anteater! Language is a matter of his pride and survival. He wields it so deftly and quickly that his favorite food - ants - does not have the slightest chance to escape. If anteaters have a long tongue as a source of pride and food, then elephants have a trunk.

Elephants have very short necks, so they cannot reach the ground. This is where the trunk helps them out! With the help of their long nose, these animals quite deftly tear off tall trees young shoots, and also nibble grass on the ground. In addition, the trunk helps animals cool down in the heat: they use it to draw water and pour it on themselves.

The elephant also drinks using its trunk. But he needs it not only for food and water. This is his olfactory organ. With the help of its trunk, the largest land mammal is able to sense various odors at a distance of three kilometers. The giant uses it to explore some unfamiliar places.

In addition, the trunk is a very scary self-defense weapon. However, in battle, elephants rarely resort to his help, since their impressive size and powerful strength do their job! If the animal is in any danger, it immediately folds its trunk. If an elephant in battle for one reason or another has lost part of the object of its pride, then it will most likely die of starvation.

Is it true that elephants sleep standing up?

Partly. For example, adult African elephants actually sleep standing up, while young animals sometimes allow themselves to lie down on their sides. For a long time it was believed that the habit of sleeping standing is associated with the animal’s enormous body weight, but now scientists are inclined to believe that the reason for this lies elsewhere.

It is believed that the largest land mammal on Earth sleeps standing up due to fear of overheating. The fact is that the ground in African savannas warms up very much during the day and simply does not have time to cool down at night. In turn, the elephant’s massive body, raised high above the ground, is not only blown by a fresh breeze, but also does not receive additional heat unnecessary for the animal.

By the way, it is most difficult for old males to settle down at night, because every year it becomes more and more difficult for them to keep their impressive head, additionally weighted down by large tusks, while sleeping. Young elephants sleep next to termite mounds, resting their tusks on them. Some of them simply lean on the thick branches of African trees. It is worth noting that the Indian counterpart of the African elephant can sleep lying on its stomach.

Why are they dying?

Since in wildlife Since the largest land mammal has no equal, it seems that it should have no enemies. In principle, this is almost true. The exception is humans. People hunt adult elephants mainly for their valuable tusks. The fact is that the huge demand for it coincided with the invention of powerful guns by man. This is where the whole massacre began.

On the brink of extinction

In a short period of time, humans destroyed several hundred thousand of these powerful animals. Currently, hunting of elephants is strictly limited, and in some countries it is completely prohibited. However, this, of course, does not bother poachers, who still shoot 15,000 land giants a year. As mentioned above, both Indian and African elephants are listed in the Red Book.

Do they have enemies other than humans?

Certainly. Even the largest land mammal has its enemies among other animals. Do you think these are hyenas or Indian tigers? No! These are land-dwelling bloodsucking leeches. Yes, yes, you heard right! Exactly. To feast on fresh blood, these creatures stick to the rough skin of the elephant, causing great discomfort to the animal.

Among unique beauties Our planet has always fascinated people:

  • huge rocks and oceans
  • desert
  • jungle inhabitants

and the largest animal in the world capable of arousing interest even among the inhabitants of the planet.

Among the oceans and seas, deserts and forests, there will always be those who will differ in their dimensions.

In the same area with residents of ordinary and undistinguished sizes live:

  1. powerful elephants
  2. ferocious bears
  3. graceful giraffes
  4. flexible reptiles

all these are representatives of the abnormally large inhabitants of our planet Earth.

Huge bear

Top 10 list of abnormally large inhabitants on Earth will make you Once again marvel at the diversity and uniqueness of our wildlife.

Blue whale

In first place on our list is the giant among all the ever existing inhabitants on Earth - the blue whale.

The size is 33 meters in length, and this handsome man weighs an awful lot, very often his body weight exceeds 150 tons. Incredibly beautiful, mesmerizing with just its appearance and once again proves how ideal our nature is.

Marine mammal

The blue whale, like other representatives of this species, feeds on plankton. It separates food using a powerful filtering apparatus(whalebone).

The blue whale is divided into three subspecies:

  1. dwarf
  2. northern
  3. southern.

They have minor differences in appearance and size. The lifespan of a blue whale on Earth is not known for certain, but the minimum lifespan of this majestic animal is about 40 years, and the average is 80–90 years.

African elephant

Second place on the list is occupied by such a large animal as the African elephant.

It is by far the largest animal in the world among those living on land. African elephants are divided into two subspecies: savannah and forest.

One of the individuals of this species is listed in the Book of Records with a weight of 12.24 tons. He was shot back in 1974, and the weight record for this male has not yet been broken.

The sizes of individuals reach 3.4 meters in height and up to 6 meters in length.

Savannah elephant

In nature, such a majestic animal lives up to 60–80 years and, despite the fact that it is incredibly huge and large specimen in the world, elephants are capable develop greater speed movement and are excellent swimmers.


In third place in the top 10 is the giraffe, the tallest fauna inhabitant of our planet.

Fourth largest land animal

The height of an adult giraffe is 5.5–6 meters, with 1/3 of the animal’s height occupied by its neck.

Fast for their height and weight, giraffes differ from previous representatives of the list in their beautiful color and cute horns.

His the color is unique, just like human fingerprints. Each spot has its own parameters and location.

These animals have:

  • excellent hearing
  • vision
  • smell.

The powerful tongue, which is about 45 centimeters long, is capable of grasping and cut off strong branches trees. Life expectancy is about 25 years in the wild and about 30 in captivity.

Southern elephant seal

This is the largest aquatic inhabitant among pinnipeds on the planet.

Large representative of pinnipeds

The parameters of this sea male can be close to 6 meters in length, and the weight reaches 4 tons, and sometimes much more.

And, although it has a large, corpulent body, the depth of diving of this mammal can be impressive - about 400–700 meters.

While hunting, he can be underwater a large number of time - up to 120 minutes.

The marine predator feeds mainly on squid and krill. The lifespan of males is up to 20 years, which is 6 years more than that of females.

Polar bear

The top five of the list among large animals is completed by the majestic land predator - the polar bear.

polar bear

The weight of the animal reaches one ton. The body length of the animal reaches 3 meters, and the height at the withers is up to 150 centimeters.

This predator lives in areas of the northern hemisphere. Its dimensions and beauty captivate and amaze.

Females polar bear somewhat less in size and differ in weight. They hunt mainly:

  1. walruses
  2. seal
  3. sea ​​hares.

They live a maximum of 25–30 years in nature, and life record has been recorded in captivity 45 years old.

Saltwater crocodile

Its snout is much wider than that of other crocodiles.

Largest coastal predator

A powerful and deadly grip is ready to terrify anyone.

The size of the average crocodile of this species is from 4.2 to 5.5 meters in length. Their body weight reaches a huge size of 400–600 kilograms.

The crocodile has the most strong bite in the world, its grip is stronger than the jaws of a white shark. Perhaps this is why the crocodile appears so often in, representing a real danger.

The crocodile is one of the most aggressive And dangerous reptiles for human life in the world.

Giant flying fox

Seventh place in the top 10 is occupied by a unique mammal. It's very large representative of bats, the size of which reaches amazing sizes for bats.

Flying Fox - Kalong

Their length can reach up to 40 centimeters, and their wingspan can be up to 1.5 meters wide. The mass of a large individual reaches one kilogram.

They live in large flocks and often cause great damage to farmers by feeding on fruits. Some tribes can eat fruit bats themselves. The lifespan of fruit bats in captivity can reach 17–20 years.


Semi-aquatic herbivore mammal

Massive body, thick and dense fur, small claws. This semi-aquatic mammal very similar to abnormally large guinea pigs.

The height at the withers of a rodent varies around 50–60 centimeters, and the body length can reach up to 1.35 meters with a weight of 34–63 kilograms.

They excellent swimmers and rarely go further than 100 meters from the water. They feed:

  • grass
  • roots
  • fruits

but they themselves very often become victims of other predators.

Giant anaconda

The penultimate, ninth place on the list is occupied by a reptile. Anaconda is the most terrifying snake in its size, which lives on land And in water.

Subfamily of boas

The largest representative can grow up to 5.2 m in length and gain 97.5 kilograms of weight.

Among all representatives of reptiles, the anaconda leads mainly underwater lifestyle, sometimes getting out to bask in the sun.

They hunt mainly small mammals and reptiles that live or are close to them. After strangling the victim, they swallow her whole And for a long time do not hunt by digesting food. Their lifespan in nature is unknown, but in captivity they do not live very long - up to 5–6 years.

African ostrich

In tenth place on the list is big representative class of birds - African ostrich.

The only representative of the ostrich family

This bird is very strong built, with a powerful beak and strong wings. In addition, the ostrich does not fly, but it is capable of reaching great speed when running, accelerating to 60–70 kilometers per hour.

The height of this huge and strong bird can exceed 2.5 m, and the weight can reach up to 155 kilograms in an adult.

Ostriches feed:

  • seeds
  • fruits
  • shoots

Sometimes small ones are also eaten. People started breeding ostriches for the meat and skin of these birds, the cost of which is quite considerable. The lifespan of an ostrich in captivity is comparable to average duration human life is 75 years.

No matter how much man creates and tries to outwit nature, he is unlikely to be able to overcome it. The greatness and uniqueness of our planet will never cease to amaze and delight humanity, whose main task is not only create, but And keep the pristine beauty of the Earth and its inhabitants.

A short video about abnormally large animals: