Nowadays, electronic document management is increasingly being introduced in business. You can submit reports to the state via the Internet. authorities, participate in the procurement of products and services, and simply request information from specialized sites. However, many do not know exactly how to obtain an electronic signature. In fact, this process is very simple and does not require the preparation of any special documents.

You can get an electronic signature here

Electronic digital signature is special property document, which allows you to establish its exact affiliation. If a document contains a signature, then it can no longer be changed by third parties - otherwise the structure of the digital signature will be broken.

According to the law, there are three types of signatures:

  • Simple - simply certifies the fact that the document belongs to a person or organization;
  • Reinforced unskilled- generated using a private key, makes it possible to identify who owns the signature and establish the fact of a document change;
  • Reinforced qualified- meets the conditions of an unqualified one, but in addition, when creating and using it, only tools that have passed the FSB check are used.

Attention! A document certified with a simple or enhanced unqualified signature is equivalent to a paper form with a live signature. An enhanced qualified electronic digital signature is similar to a signature and seal on a simple document. Government agencies accept only documents signed with the latest type of digital signature.

For legal entities

Legal entities can obtain an electronic digital signature for the following cases:

  • Participation in state tenders is a modern system of procurement of goods and services. Legal entities and entrepreneurs can be both suppliers and organizers (commercial procurement). Most often, procurement takes place in the form of an electronic auction with a price reduction.
  • Submission of reports to in electronic format- allows you to prepare and send reports to regulatory authorities using special software products.
  • Electronic document management - enables partner enterprises to exchange primary accounting documentation with each other in electronic form.
  • Interaction with government agencies - provides the opportunity to report or request information from various supervisory authorities: tax, Pension Fund of Russia, Social Insurance Fund, Rosreestr, Rospatent and many others.

For individuals

Individuals are not required to use an electronic signature. However, its presence makes it possible to receive government and other services via the Internet at any time of the day.

In addition, it can be used:

  • To register a company or individual entrepreneur with the tax office, a package of documents is created electronically and sent to the inspectorate;
  • Electronic trading - similar to enterprises, individuals can be both participants and organizers;
  • For remote work - all documents between the remote worker and the company (employment contract, acts, etc.) can be signed with an electronic signature;
  • Receive government services - an individual can request data from the tax office, pension fund and other authorities using digital signature;
  • You can apply for a patent for an invention - this can be done electronically on the department’s website, and you will also receive a 15% discount on the state fee for this.

How to apply a signature

Application process digital signature depends on the purpose for which it is to be used:

  • To sign a simple document prepared in text editor, uses an add-on for Microsoft Word called Crypto Pro Office Signature;
  • To create reports to various government bodies, specialized programs and services are used, for example, “Sbis” or “Kontour Extern”, etc. Signing of the report there is carried out automatically after pressing a certain button;
  • When using an electronic digital signature to participate in government tenders, it must certify applications and other supporting documents provided to the supplier. Signing occurs after uploading the file to the trading platform website and clicking the appropriate button.

How to obtain an electronic signature and its validity period

Attention! You can obtain an electronic digital signature for both individuals and legal entities on this resource. The minimum cost will be 900 rubles per year.

For legal entities

Let's look at how to obtain an electronic signature for an organization and an entrepreneur:

  1. Selecting the type of electronic signature. If you only plan to participate in government tenders, then you can get by with an unqualified signature, otherwise - only a qualified one.
  2. Selecting a certification center - EDS can only be issued by authorized organizations. One of the largest in Russia is Kontur.
  3. Filling out an electronic application - you must enter information about the company and send the application to the certification center.
  4. Payment of the invoice - you need to pay the invoice issued by the certification center. The cost of services depends on the type of signature. Thus, buying an electronic digital signature for trading costs on average 5,000 rubles. In this case, the signature is issued for a period of one year. Sometimes certification centers conduct promotions in which a signature is formed for a longer period, for example, 15 months. For a qualified signature you will have to pay from 6,500 rubles per year.
  5. Providing documents - copies of the TIN, OGRN, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for a period of no more than 6 months (for a company), copies of the passport and SNILS of the owner of the signature (director or authorized specialist) must be sent to the CA.
  6. Receiving a signature - after a while you need to go to a representative of the certification center and get your signature. It is issued on a special protected medium (Rutoken), which can be accessed from a computer only by entering a password.

How to obtain an electronic signature for an individual

The procedure for obtaining an electronic signature for an individual generally does not differ from companies. The differences are as follows:

  • The cost of a signature for a citizen is from 900 rubles. It is also issued for a period of 1 year.
  • The documents that need to be submitted to the certification center include: copies of the passport, TIN and SNILS.
  • If the recipient is not the owner himself, but an authorized person, then a notarized power of attorney must be issued for him.

A document that has legal force must be protected by the handwritten signature of the person who is the main person involved in the issues discussed in it. How to confirm the relevance of electronic documentation that citizens work with using Internet services? To give documents the effect of legality, an electronic signature is used. It allows you to identify the person who put it on the papers in order to confirm their authenticity. Regulatory sources determine the possibility of attaching a virtual element to electronic data, as a result of which the signer is identified in the resulting document.

Purpose of the digital signature

An electronic signature guarantees security and significance. It is used to identify the person responsible for performing any operations and indicates the legal significance of the document under which it is drawn up. EDS is considered a requisite that provides security and allows one to distinguish a true electronic document from a fake one. It is a unique mark of a person on various digital legal papers. Using the element, you can always identify the owner of the documentation.

Types of products

Depending on the degree of protection, the type of documents, as well as the range of tasks that are planned to be solved with the help of an electronic digital signature, for which an electronic product is relevant, several types are distinguished:

  • simple;
  • reinforced unskilled;
  • reinforced qualified.

The lowest level of security applies to a simple signature. It only confirms the fact of the will of a certain person. Checking changes in the status of a document or the person who signed it is impossible from the moment a simple element is applied. Its advantages are that you can make a digital signature yourself.

Applying an enhanced unqualified product to an electronic document interprets it with a paper document signed by a person. After applying an element to electronic paper, it is impossible to make changes to its text part. Its production is carried out in specialized centers from which accreditation is not required.

It is possible to make enhanced-type EPC only in accredited centers. The product is created using special encryption. Its use is relevant to ensure the functioning of business entities.

Read also: Service memo to encourage an employee: sample

How to make an electronic signature yourself for free: step-by-step instructions

You should not think about the question of where to make an electronic signature if it falls into the category of simple or enhanced unqualified. The product is easily created using the MS Office office suite. The easiest way to use Word software for this purpose. To implement the event, you should act in accordance with the algorithm:

  • place the cursor at the place in the document where you want to mark it;
  • go to the “insert” tab;

Office software options

  • click the “signature line” button;
  • fill in the rows in the table with information about the signatory, including his last name, first name, patronymic, position and postal address;

  • draw up instructions for the signatory, which should remind him of the need to check the document before signing;
  • select options regarding the notification of the date of execution of the paper in the line where the signature was applied, if necessary;
  • check the box indicating permission for the signer to add notes to the signature.

What a simple self-made signature looks like

As an alternative, it is possible to make an electronic seal and signature using the office document “file” menu. To do this, you need to open it and go to the “document protection” subsection of the “information” section. The documentation is considered completed after selecting the “add digital signature” function. You can register your product for free using Microsoft programs Outlook, Outlook Express or Lotus Notes. Their options allow you to send messages with a signature.

It is difficult to verify the authenticity of a seal generated using an office document, so this type of product is used for papers of low importance.

Features of specialized sites

You can get a free product on sites specializing in such services. It is created using programs that are based on imitation of the customer’s signature by scanning it, processing it by designers and creating an element on the screen using a widget.

All software has an intuitive interface that does not require special knowledge from the average user. A special feature of the resulting products is the ability to add a signature image and facsimile print in graphic form to a digital document. Their use allows you to give electronic documentation a look identical to the original one. The sender can attach a sticker to the documents being signed with a message for the recipient of the documentation.

Electronic digital signature– it is also an electronic signature, or digital signature is used to sign (approval) documents in electronic document management, it provides expanded opportunities and rights for its owner. Obtaining a signature may take time and effort, but many features will be available to you.

Once you have confirmed your identity, the legitimacy and originality of your signature, you will be able to certify documents remotely. Including serious documents and services will become available to you on the State Services portal. Adding your digital signature to documents is similar to how you personally sign on paper with a pen.

Electronic signature, what is its purpose and what types does it come in?

Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63 “On electronic signature“says that an electronic document can only have legal force if there is an electronic signature that identifies the person, and in our case, the recipient of the service.

Terminology and abbreviations:

  • EDS or EP- electronic digital signature
  • CA- verification Center
  • NEP– unqualified electronic signature
  • CEP– qualified electronic signature

Types of electronic signature:

  1. Simple electronic signature
  2. Enhanced electronic signature

A strengthened signature, in turn, is:

  • reinforced unskilled electronic signature
  • reinforced qualified electronic signature

Simple electronic signature– this means that an individual has a login and password to access the services. We often encounter such signatures on the Internet, and in some cases it is also necessary to enter a one-time password, which is sent to your phone number.

Unqualified electronic signature– allows you not only to identify its owner, but also to record changes in documents using it. You can obtain such an electronic signature only at a certification center. It is worth noting that the scope of application of such an electronic signature has limitations. For example, you cannot use it to sign documents that contain secrets.

Qualified electronic signature is recognized by all social institutions without exception and gives absolute legal force to an electronic document, which is similar to a paper document that contains the owner’s signature and seal.

To make it easier to distinguish them from each other, let’s draw an analogy with clear paper attributes of personal identification:

  • a simple electronic signature is equivalent to a badge, if others used the PC (phone), you yourself are responsible for the consequences;
  • an unqualified electronic signature is like a pass to an organization where there is an element of trust between the parties;
  • a qualified electronic signature - passport, gives the right to use all services, is the most significant element of personal identification in legal transactions.

Decide for yourself what type of signature you need, but a qualified electronic signature covers all services provided on the Unified Portal, of which there are slightly less than a thousand. Therefore, further we will talk about its creation and receipt.

  • Obtain information about Accredited Certification Centers.
  • Select the one available to you.
  • Inquire about the level of service provided and prices for services.
  • Submit your application.

Some CAs have the opportunity to undergo training on using digital signatures, conducting trades, and working with various extensions documents and so on.

On the government services portal, you can submit an application to receive an electronic signature in the center you choose. It is possible to first contact the CA and then register using your existing electronic signature (for legal entities this is a prerequisite).

Regardless of the chosen option, you must obtain a qualified electronic signature from the Certification Center. Depending on the degree of secrecy of legally significant transactions, the type of digital signature is selected.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

Both individuals and legal entities can create an electronic signature to work with the government services portal. The choice of electronic signature type depends on the tasks that you plan to solve using the site. But we would like to immediately warn you that working with bodies such as the Social Insurance Fund, Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund or Rosstat is only possible if you have a qualified electronic signature. You can receive an electronic signature both before and after registering on the portal.

Making a simple electronic signature for the State Services portal

To do this, open the website and pay attention to the right column of the page that opens. This is where the links to enter the site and register are located. We are interested in the latter, so click on it.

You will need to enter your last name, first name, patronymic, your phone number and email address. You will receive a message with a confirmation code to your phone or email address. We recommend that you come up with a more complex password, since this is what you will enter every time you enter the site.

Next, you need to enter the maximum possible amount of information about yourself so that it is then automatically entered into necessary forms at the stage of receiving a particular service. At a minimum, you need to enter your passport details, SNILS number and Taxpayer Identification Number. You can confirm your account at the nearest Russian Post office or MFC. Only after going through all these stages can you consider that you have successfully created a simple electronic signature for working with government services.

We create a qualified electronic signature for public services

As we mentioned above, a qualified electronic signature can only be created at a certification center. A list of such centers in your region is available on the website

To display only the centers of your city in the list, select its name in the “city” field and click on the “apply” button. In the list that appears, click on each of the existing centers one by one and look at their addresses. It is advisable for you to choose the one closest to you (to view, click on the magnifying glass icon in front of the center name)

It is best to call the specified contact phone number and ask all questions before visiting the center. There you can find out what documents you need to take with you. A trip to the center is inevitable, since only there you can receive a secret key with an electronic signature on a USB flash drive.

The cost of the service includes:

  • issuance of a certificate
  • issuing a license to use the software
  • USB signature media
  • disk to automatically configure your computer
  • consultations on emerging issues by company specialists

To obtain a qualified electronic signature, a legal entity will need the following:

  1. issue a power of attorney for the employee who will receive the signature
  2. TIN of the organization
  3. extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Checking if the electronic signature works

When you have received the entire set that comes along with the signature, you will need to check the functionality of the received digital signature. To do this, open the website, download the file and enter the code from the image.

If after this you see the message “The authenticity of the document is confirmed,” then everything is in order and you can start working with the portal. We would like to immediately note the fact that this electronic signature will only work with the government services portal and will not be valid on other resources. For example, you will not be able to use it on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Programs required for electronic operation

For ES attributes to work, you need to install several programs. You can do this yourself. You will need a crypto provider Vipnet CSP and one of two programs for verifying the signature: CryptoARM or Vipnet CryptoFile.

Is the electronic signature suitable for other resources?

Unfortunately, the electronic signature key for government services will not be valid, for example, for the Federal Tax Service portal. For tax authorities, a different type of (non-)qualified signature is required. It must contain the TIN data, and sometimes the registered powers of the legal entity. Therefore, for different needs you need to purchase separate keys. This is inconvenient, but they haven’t made a universal type of signature yet.

Some craftsmen who are well versed in PCs can expand the functionality of the electronic device. To do this, you do not need to seek help from a CA and pay for additional services.

What you need to do to get an EP

To create an electronic signature for State Services, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out an application for a personal electronic signature on the website of the certification center of your choice and indicate the telephone number and email for contact.
  2. The center specialist takes the application into consideration, contacts the future owner of the signature and sends a list of documents to the address specified in the application email address. Phys. persons must bring an application for a signature, their passport, INN and SNILS. When receiving an electronic signature, legal entities must provide an application, a certificate of state registration. individual entrepreneur registration, TIN, passport, SNILS and extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Sometimes additional documents may be required. In any case, the final list of required documentation for each citizen will be sent in a letter to the email address specified in the application.
  3. After submitting the requested documents, the electronic signature is produced within 1 day.

Scope of application of digital signature

Citizens who own an electronic signature can use it for the following purposes:

  1. Apply for government services via the Internet;
  2. Take an active part in public initiatives;
  3. Make full use of the services online payment taxes;
  4. Send documents to higher educational institutions upon admission;
  5. Individuals can quickly apply for loans online;
  6. Obtain accreditation for an expert;
  7. Send documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  8. Persons with individual entrepreneurs can take part in supplies for government agencies;
  9. Submit documents in order to obtain a patent.

How to use a digital signature

In order to use the EP, you need:

  1. Install a cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) on your computer or laptop;
  2. Install the program for a closed flash drive (eToken, ruToken);
  3. Install a user digital signature certificate;
  4. Install the certificate of the selected CA.

Typically, using ES does not cause difficulties and does not require special knowledge.

Validity period of the digital signature

Do not forget to check the validity period of the digital signature through State Services in a timely manner. If a notification appears that you are using an invalid electronic signature tool, you must renew the certificate.

Also remember that not all organizations are yet ready to work on new program document flow and the use of digital signatures, this is not yet possible everywhere. However, this is the future.

The concept and applicability of digital signature for individuals what types exist. How to obtain an electronic signature and how to verify it.

Some people think that an electronic signature can only be useful for businesses, others are sure that an online visa is only available with a key, which costs money, and at the same time they think that they will certainly never need it. But all these statements and opinions can be refuted by bringing several weighty arguments in favor of digital signature. Note that there are also pitfalls here that you should know about in advance. So, let’s figure out how an individual can obtain an electronic signature.

The concept of an electronic visa for an individual - types of digital signature and their differences

The regulatory legal act regulating the use of electronic digital visas by all organizational and legal forms and entities is Federal Law No. 63, it contains fundamental provisions, classification, requirements and norms for the use of electronic signatures in the Russian Federation.

Thus, only 2 types of online signatures have been ratified by law - simple and enhanced. But the enhanced visa format is divided into 2 more subtypes, which differ in status and scope of their use:

  • enhanced unskilled (UNEP);
  • qualified (also called UKEP).

Let's look at the differences between all three remote signatures.

Simple online signature

The first type is a simplified online visa - a kind of badge indicating that such a signature was generated by the very citizen who applied for its use. In fact, a simple digital signature is a login assigned to a person (usually an email address, phone number or SNILS number) and a password, which is assigned to the applicant during registration using a free set of numbers and symbols and can subsequently be changed to another convenient one for use.

Such a signature has minimal security; it is simply identification of a person. For example, if your phone and computer were used by third parties, only you yourself will be responsible for the consequences of this. The same is true with a simplified electronic signature; if the access code is not protected, everyone who enters the service where the user is registered can access his page from his IP address. As you can see in the screenshot below, as a rule, everyone saves a password to log in (well, don’t remember this line of numbers and letters in different layouts), so just by clicking on the login button, you get to your Personal Account.

This is what the entrance to your Personal Account looks like on the State Services portal; on a PC, both the login and password usually come out immediately, just click on the “login” button

The scope of application of this visa is quite narrow:

  • writing and sending letters, requests, complaints to various authorities:
    • regulatory authorities, for example, the Antimonopoly Committee, Tax Service, FSSP, Rossreestr, etc.;
    • municipalities;
    • on housing and communal services issues, etc.
  • solution to pressing life problems, for example, you can use it to make an appointment with a doctor and the like.

But getting such a visa is quite simple: you just need to register online on the portal, which is necessary to carry out certain actions. To do this, any of the systems will ask for a phone number or email(this will become your login) and in a few minutes will send an access code to the specified number.

Strengthened unqualified signature

The second type of electronic signature is a non-qualified online visa (UNEP) - it can be equated in status to a pass to an enterprise. Here, online interaction systems can fully identify the user, as well as certify the fact that no changes have been made to the document sent from UNEP since the moment it was endorsed; all adjustments made to the document will be immediately displayed in the system.

A non-qualified digital signature can be used to sign online documents that do not require a seal (but this does not apply to individuals), these include:

  • all civil contracts concluded by citizens;
  • acceptance certificates (for example, for the performance of work or services);
  • applications for the provision of municipal services, etc.

Such an online signature in mandatory is registered in a specialized center, it is issued upon application and identification of the user (that is, it can only be obtained in person by presenting documents). One of the big advantages of this visa is that it is free and also has a wide range of validity, at least for individuals. her functions are more than sufficient.

You can only obtain this type of signature in person, after taking a few specific steps. We'll talk about this in a separate chapter.

Qualified digital signature for individuals

The most secure type of digital signature is a strengthened qualified digital signature - it can be compared to a person’s main document, it’s like a passport. This is already a 99.9% secure online visa, which makes it possible to use the full range of opportunities to work on legally significant transactions, interaction with government agencies and departments. The difference between UKEP and non-skilled online visa is as follows:

  • a qualified visa has a so-called verification key, which is registered through the FSB of the Russian Federation, and therefore such a visa is 100% legally legitimate in all situations (including courts and remote employment);
  • only for this visa you will have to pay at the certification center, other types of digital signature are issued without payment;
  • The validity period of the enhanced signature is only 1 year, you need to pay again for the next period;
  • the minimum cost of a certificate and key for “physicists” is 700 rubles, the price depends on the set of services that accompany the online visa (in fact, this is slightly higher than the cost of a flash drive, which is the carrier of the personal digital code into which the digital signature itself is sewn).

Summarizing all of the above, we still need to conclude that the optimal choice for every individual in our time is a non-qualified electronic visa. As a rule, it is enough to carry out the basic necessary operations for communications with departments and institutions. But everything will depend on what actions the person is going to perform with the digital signature.

Table: comparative characteristics of types of digital signature

Characteristics / type of signature Simple digital signature UNEP UKEP
Generated based on codes and passwords +
Created on the basis of cryptographic entry of information on a document using an electronic digital signature key + +
There is software for identifying the person who created the document + + +
There is a function to determine whether adjustments have been made to an online document after it has been approved + +
Maximum level of protection: in addition to the digital signature verification key, the code is embedded in a qualified certificate registered through the FSB of the Russian Federation +
Registration takes place remotely +
To register an electronic signature, personal presence is required; you need to go to a special center + +
Free registration service + +

Receiving government services, interacting with the tax office and Rosreestr and other situations in which individuals. a person needs an electronic digital signature

Note that having an electronic signature greatly simplifies life today and frees up a lot of time, and in some cases saves money.

Let's figure out how and in what situations this works. We are sure that not everyone knows about all the possibilities of digital signature, let’s divide the information into 2 blocks:

  1. What activities are available to a user with a free non-skilled visa online.
  2. Additional features of paid qualified digital signature (UKEP).

It’s not even worth talking about a simple signature; its use is too insignificant.

So, those who received a non-skilled online visa have the opportunity to remotely:

Expanded online capabilities of enhanced digital signature are as follows:

Obviously, the choice between UNEP and UKEP depends on the package of remote services that a person needs. Nevertheless, the presence of an unqualified electronic signature today is an urgent requirement of life. If you consider how much time and nerves an online signature saves, several preparatory steps to obtain it become simply insignificant.

Video: why is digital signature useful for an ordinary citizen?

As a physical person to receive an electronic signature: step-by-step algorithm for different types of digital signature

A person can receive both a simple and an enhanced digital signature, but it is clear that to obtain different digital signatures one must attach different quantities effort.

How to obtain a simple electronic signature for an individual through State Services

Obtaining and using a simple online visa can be done remotely; the easiest way to do this is by creating a simplified account on the EPGU (public services) portal. This digital signature is given to everyone who registers a user’s personal account on the resource. The algorithm of actions here looks like this:

If a person needs an unskilled online visa, a so-called confirmed visa is created based on a simple electronic signature. Account, which, in fact, is the UNEP for an individual. Please note that it is possible to register UNEP without obtaining a simple visa, but this option is preferable and simpler.

To obtain a free non-qualified visa you must:

  • TIN and birth certificate number;
  • medical policy for compulsory medical insurance;
  • information about the car (if any, of course) and driver’s license information;
  • military ID and passport number.

This will help in the future when submitting any request to the authority (this information will automatically appear in the required forms). It will also set up the process of receiving various types of notifications. For example, I received a notification in advance from the government services portal that my driver’s license was expiring (honestly, I never remembered in what month and in what year I needed to replace it). Thanks to this, it was possible to renew the document quickly, without queues and for 1,400 rubles, with a thirty percent discount. In addition to this, which is not impressive, of course, but I receive information about my fines from the traffic police online and can pay them off on time for half the cost.

How quickly can you obtain UKEP?

If a person still needs an enhanced skilled visa, he will have to spend a little more time and pay for it.

The UKEP registration algorithm consists of the following steps:

To obtain a visa, you need to take with you a package of documents, this usually includes:

  • application for the issuance of UKEP in the form of the center;
  • 2 sheets of a copy of the passport (page spread with photo and registration), and when receiving the UKEP you need to present the original for identification;
  • photocopy of SNILS, take the original with you for comparison;
  • a copy of the TIN certificate (may be needed, but not everywhere).

It is worth considering that if a citizen wants to work on electronic exchanges or get a job remotely, he will need scans of all the above documents in electronic format (to choose from: jpg, pdf, gif, tiff, png). Naturally, the quality electronic forms should be high (at least easy to read). These and possibly additional requirements will be advised by the operator before receiving the UKEP.

As soon as registration is completed (as a rule, data verification and visa generation takes from 30 minutes to 1 day), the person will receive:

  • flash drive (USB) in which all information and the digital signature key are protected;
  • Software that will need to be installed on the IP address (computer) from which you will basically need to perform all actions with the UKEP;
  • license (CIPF CryptoPro), which confirms the validity of the digital signature and the certificate for it.

To download the digital signature to your computer, you just need to insert a USB flash drive and install the issued document on your PC software. If questions arise during installation, the center operators are obliged to help the user.

To enable an online visa, you need to log in to the USPU website, for which you just need to go to the portal in the “Login by electronic means” section and follow the prompts. Visa registration is also carried out on the tax authorities’ website, in Rosreestr and other departments (everything is done through tabs pointing to electronic services).

All that remains is to work with the carrier, and if necessary, renew the validity of your device after 12 months.

How to check the authenticity of UKEP

Whether a valid certificate was generated by a certification center can be done remotely on the government services portal, where a service has been developed designed to verify the authenticity of the digital signature and its certificate. You just need:

Procedure and rules for using digital signatures by individuals

When using digital signature, you need to follow one simple rule- do not allow unauthorized use. In this case, any type of online visa works only for its user.

The most common questions regarding the storage and use of electronic signatures:

  1. Is it possible to fake an e-visa? Almost impossible. Cryptography tools today do not allow attackers to calculate its code within any acceptable time frame. This is guaranteed by online signature manufacturers. The main thing here is to correctly store the access key to the online visa. As for the UKEP, when registering it along with the digital signature set, the developers provide detailed recommendations for its storage. Follow them and you will protect yourself from using your personal visa.
  2. Once I sign a document, can someone change it without leaving my signature? No. All adjustments in the electronic document will be automatically underlined with a red line and, accordingly, will be obvious even at a superficial glance. Moreover, this document will indicate that the digital signature is incorrect.
  3. Can I refuse my electronic signature if it is already on the document? No. UKEP has a number of attributes that immediately make it possible to examine it. And the symbiosis of the cipher and the certificate number assigned by the digital signature certification center will form the evidence base that the electronic document was signed by a certain person and on a certain day and hour. And this fact will be accepted by any authority.

Electronic digital signatures are already quite widely used by individuals, and it is very convenient. And those who have not yet completed it spend much more time resolving issues with departments and government agencies, and also deprive themselves of benefits and information preferences. It is not at all necessary to buy an enhanced online visa; in most cases, a person only needs a confirmed entry on the government services portal and a non-qualified signature. This significantly shortens the path through bureaucratic corridors and provides additional opportunities when processing documents, and in some cases, during financial transactions of an individual.

The question of what an electronic signature is for individuals and how to obtain it, after Dmitry Medvedev’s statement, worries the majority of users of the Unified State Portal. The Prime Minister announced that it will be available to all Russians, and not just legal entities.

Of course, to receive the simplest government services through this portal, it is not necessary. But if you want to use the site to its fullest, then you cannot do without an electronic signature.

Let's figure out what it is and how to make it.

What is an electronic signature

From January 2002 to July 2012, Federal Law No. 1 “On Electronic Digital Signature” was in force, so during this time the term EDS or electronic digital signature firmly took root. Federal Law No. 63 “On Electronic Signatures” is currently in force. This term is more correct from a legislative point of view. But in this article we will use both terms as equivalent, since most people use them that way.

EDS is an alternative to a handwritten signature that has full legal force. It represents a specific generated sequence of characters. The main task of such a signature is to confirm the specified information in an electronic document and guarantee its authorship.

Note! Any individual can have multiple electronic signatures. This right is guaranteed to him by law.

The owner of the digital signature has a closed and public keys. The first directly creates a signature and is used when signing documentation. It should be known only to the owner. The second (verification key) is used to prove the authenticity of the signature. Its ownership is confirmed by a special certificate.

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There are simple and enhanced electronic signatures. The second, in turn, is divided into two types: qualified and unqualified.

EDS classification

For individuals and legal entities

EDS on the State Services website can be used as ordinary people, and individual entrepreneur, LLC, JSC, PJSC.

To receive a full range of government services, an individual must register in a Personal Account on the website and undergo authorization using a qualified signature. You can obtain a certificate for it at any of the accredited certification centers. This document must indicate the SNILS and full name of the owner.

A legal entity is also required to register using the CEP in order to fully use all services. The qualified digital signature certificate of the organization contains the following data: OGRN, legal address, as well as SNILS and full name of the manager. Instead of a director, another employee who has such powers without a power of attorney can act on behalf of the company.

Important! If a qualified certificate is issued for another employee, then upon verification, registration will be denied, since the specified data is verified with the information entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

After completing registration and confirming the authenticity of the signature, the company can grant certain rights in the Personal Account to other employees, for example, a specialist to access the site public procurement according to Federal Law-223.

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To obtain an electronic digital signature, you must provide a certain list of documentation to the certification center. For individuals it will be one, for entrepreneurs and organizations – another.

Important! Obtaining an enhanced electronic signature is a paid service. Its cost depends on a number of factors.

To an ordinary person To obtain an electronic signature you will need to provide the following documents:

  1. application according to the established form;
  2. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  3. certificate of registration in tax authority(TIN);
  4. SNILS;
  5. a receipt confirming payment of the state duty (if an enhanced digital signature will be made).

The company will need to provide the following package:

  • charter legal entity;
  • order on the appointment of a manager;
  • power of attorney for the person submitting documents for production;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

How to enter the State Services portal via SNILS

How to get

The algorithm of actions when issuing an electronic signature depends on what type of signature you are going to receive.

Note! An electronic digital signature is not a direct signature or a set of symbols, but a specific tool for creating it. What exactly it will be depends on its type.


A simple electronic signature usually consists of registering a phone number, login and password, etc. It can be issued at Rostelecom or any MFC in your city. It is free of charge only for individuals.

A simple digital signature does not require a certificate and does not require special software or hardware. But it is used only to confirm part of the documents on the State Services website. To access all portal services, it is better to make an enhanced version.

Qualified Signature

A tool for an enhanced qualified electronic signature is a certificate. You can order it from a certification center (CA), which must be accredited by the Ministry of Communications. You can find a list of such institutions on its official website. For example, Alfa Bank. Residents of St. Petersburg and other cities where it has an office can contact it.

To receive a CEP, you will need to fill out an application at the selected CA and leave your contact information.

Validity check through State Services

To check the validity of the digital signature on the State Services website, registration is not required. This can be done in several ways.

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If you need to check an electronic signature that is already attached to a document, proceed as follows. In the upload field, attach the file you are checking (usually it has a .sig extension). After this, to confirm that you are not a robot, enter digital code in the antispam field and click the “OK” button.

When checking an electronic signature separately from a document, upload 2 files - first required document, and then directly the EDS itself. After that, enter the code into the antispam window and click the confirm button.

If you need to authenticate certificates that are in Base or X.509 format, download it, confirm that you a real man and click the "Check" button.

When checking against a hash value (a sequence of specific characters), you need to download software. It can be found on the verification page and downloaded in the archive. You will need to unzip it first. Then open the file with the extension .exe. In it, the hash value of the document is entered and the file itself is downloaded directly.

Please note that the authentication service is located at old version State Services website ( You can get to it not only through the direct link provided, but also by clicking at the bottom latest version website ( at the bottom there is a button “Old portal”. At the bottom right there will be a link to background information By clicking on it, select the “Electronic signature” item.

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What can it be used for?

Having an electronic signature, a person can, without leaving home:

  • receive services from various government bodies and municipal institutions (registration/renewal of a driver’s license, obtaining a foreign passport, etc.);
  • submit your 3NDFL declaration directly on the website;
  • send electronic documents for admission to educational institution;
  • apply for patents;
  • to sign employment contract and other documents regarding relations with the employer;
  • receive information about fines from the traffic police and pay them;
  • submit an application to the Pension Fund for transfer of pension to a bank account;
  • apply for an online loan;
  • buy real estate (conduct a transaction electronically) and much more.

An electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur, LLC or other legal entity allows.