November, 4th week

Program content:

1. Consolidating knowledge about autumn, the seasons, the sequence of months in the year.

2. Formation of generalized ideas about the adaptability of plants and animals to changes in nature.

3. Expansion and enrichment of knowledge about the characteristics of autumn nature (observation of such natural phenomena as frosts, first snow, strong winds, rain, frost, hail, fog).

4. Expanding knowledge about the connection between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature and seasonal types of labor.

Reading and retelling of G. Snigirev’s story “How birds and animals prepare for winter”– consolidate knowledge about changes in nature late autumn, about how animals behave at this time.

Direct educational activities in educational areas:

Days of the week Morning evening GCD Cooperative activity Independent activity (organization of MS for independent activities of children / activity centers
Monday - finger gymnastics; - work assignments, duty, filling out the “Nature Calendar”; - self-massage to choose from: “Let’s play with the ears”, “Let’s play with the hands”, “Let’s play with the nose”, learn, “Let’s play with the legs” (A. Umanskaya, K. Dineika); - conversations “How people prepare for winter”, “How insects winter”, “ Migratory birds", "How people's clothes have changed", "How animals prepare for winter"; - systematization of ideas about the work of adults related to meeting people’s needs (“My grandmother makes preparations for the winter); - compiling the story “When we found ourselves in a magical forest...”, the game “Good Forest”; - d.i. “Choose the products that are most useful in winter”, “What I know” - rules for providing first aid in case of a fall or frostbite; - experiment “Stick to the iron” (in the cold, wet things stick to the iron); - game “Walk along the forest path according to plan”; - problematic situation “Fire in the forest”; - creation of layouts: “Bear’s Den”, “Badger’s Hole”, “Squirrel’s Hollow”. 9 00 – 9 30 – FCCM Conversation “Why do insects hide?” - teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the departure of birds and the disappearance of insects (the first to fly away are those who arrived last: these are swifts, swallows, flycatchers, young birds fly away first, and the hardier ones linger); generalize knowledge about preparing wild animals for winter (the bear eats in the fall, accumulating fat, which will warm and nourish it all winter during hibernation in the den, he eats oats, honey, acorns; the hedgehog prepares a warm bed for the winter from leaves, straw, and moss; wolves and foxes will not sleep in winter and therefore do not stock up). 9 40 – Application “Animals” 10 00 PE - storytelling based on subject pictures “Natural Phenomena”; - d.i. “First aid” to strengthen the skills to provide basic help in difficult and dangerous situations; - drawing according to plan; -dramatization game based on the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”; - story game “What to put in your briefcase”; - math games; - collective story “Our trip to the zoo”; - reading and conversation based on what has been read in order for children to understand the text; - viewing illustrations; - guessing riddles; - d.i. “The fourth odd one”, “Loto”, etc.; - techniques for reinforcing the habit of putting toys away in the designated place. - flannelograph, “Geometric designer”; - animal image algorithms; - illustrations, photographs, animal masks made using appliqué technique; - design of the book exhibition “Writers about Wild Animals”; - equipment and attributes for role-playing games“Home”, “Family”, etc.; - d.i. on this topic; - design of the project “How to behave in the forest”; - puzzles, crosswords about health, sports, healthy products; - reproductions of works by artists about animals; - model of first aid for bruises; - creation of an art gallery “Migratory and wintering birds”; - illustrations and books on the topic: “The Magic Ring”, “The Soldier and the Tsar in the Forest”, I. Bunin “The First Snow”, P. Voronko “There is a hut in the forest under the Christmas tree...”, A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come”, “ A boring picture!..”, A. Pushkin “Sad time! The charm of the eyes!..”, A. Tolstoy “Autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling...”, I. Krylov “Dragonfly and Ant”, V. Bianchi “Titmouse Calendar”, S. Kozlov “Hedgehog’s Violin”, K Korovin “Squirrel” ", D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Medvedko", R. Pogodin "Where the clouds come from", Y. Sladkov "Multi-colored earth", G-H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”, “Wild Swans”, V. Dahl “The Old Man of the Year”, K. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”, encyclopedias about animals, etc.
Tuesday 9 00 – FEMP Lesson 7 – learn to compose the number 10 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers, consolidate the ability to determine the previous, subsequent and missing number to the one named or indicated by a number within 10 (Pomoraeva, p. 61). 9 45 – Music 10 20 – Fine Arts Lesson 14. Sad autumn– generalize children’s knowledge about late autumn and its characteristic features, teach them to depict gloomy autumn, cloudy skies, strong wind, cold rain, bare trees (Koldina, p. 24). *10 50 – Physical activity on the street*
Wednesday 9 00 – Speech development Lesson 7. Undersea world– to improve children’s dialogical speech and the ability to compose stories (Gerbova, p. 41). 9 45 - Phys-ra according to p/gr 10 10 – 10 35 – FEMP according to p/g Lesson 8 – consolidate ideas about the quantitative and ordinal value of a number within 10, consolidate the ability to compose the number 10 from units (Pomoraeva, p. 64) .
Thursday 9 00 – Speech development Lesson 8. First snow. Memorizing A. Fet’s poem “Mom! Look out of the window” - to develop children’s ability to understand poetic speech, to help remember a poem (Gerbova, p. 42). 9 45 – Music 10 20 – Fine Arts Lesson 13. Joyful autumn – summarize children’s knowledge about the autumn months, the different periods of autumn, its characteristic features, using reproductions of paintings and poems (Koldina, p. 23).
Friday 9 00 - 9 30 – PIiP(K)D Construction of a “Frog” from paper using the origami technique *Entertainment*

Joint educational activities on the topic in special moments:

Hygiene procedures:

Game situations on the ability to notice and independently eliminate disorder in your appearance.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner:

Situational conversations about table manners;

A game situation to improve the skills of carefully using cutlery, making requests, thanking;

Situational conversations about dietary diversity and drinking regime;

Consistent training after meals to take dishes and carefully put them in the sink.


Observation of different types clouds, clouds; air transparency; the first snow; ice; ice on puddles; weather; length of day; snow; sky; temperature change;

Outdoor games;

Individual work on the development of basic movements;

Work on the site (cleaning the site, covering flower beds with leaves);

Independent activities of children's choice.

Individual work:

- table etiquette: Vlada, Vanya T., Christina;

- KGN: Arseny, Roma, Vanya T., Vanya R.;

We play together: Vanya R., Lera;

Development of graphic skills: Vlada, Vanya T., Anya;

Expanding our horizons: Lisa M., Anya, Denis.

To implement educational activities in the family on the topic it is advisable to recommend to parents:

- conversations“How people prepare for winter”, “How insects winter”, “Migratory birds”, “How people’s clothing has changed”, “How animals prepare for winter”;

- draw up forest plan (layout);

- help with the design of the exhibition “Wild Animal Writers”;

- prepare to the design of the project “How to behave in the forest”;

- explain and show the children the preparations for the winter, what they are made of, draw an algorithm for performing labor actions;

- together with your child, watch people work in parks, fields, and vegetable gardens;

Reading fiction: “The Magic Ring”, “The Soldier and the King in the Forest”, I. Bunin"First snow", P. Voronko“There is a hut in the forest under a Christmas tree...” A. Pleshcheev“Autumn has come”, “Boring picture!..”, A. Pushkin"It's a sad time! Ouch charm!..” A. Tolstoy“Autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling...” I. Krylov"Dragonfly and Ant" V. Bianchi"Sinichkin calendar" S. Kozlov"Hedgehog's violin" K. Korovin"Squirrel", D. Mamin-Sibiryak"Medvedko" R. Pogodin"Where the clouds come from" Ya. Sladkov"Colorful Earth" G-H. Andersen"The Ugly Duckling", "Wild Swans" V. Dahl"Old Year Old Man" K. Paustovsky“Warm Bread”, encyclopedias about animals, etc.;

- composition riddles about animals.

Subject: "How animals prepare for winter."

Age group: senior group, children 5-6 years old

Form of organization: group

Target: reveal an idea of ​​how animals in the forest prepare for winter, the reasons for changes in living and inanimate nature in the fall.

Tasks: educational: consolidate knowledge about wild animals and the signs of autumn, expand ideas about the lifestyle of forest animals in autumn, introduce how wild animals prepare for winter. Developmental: develop attention, memory, speech, imagination, fine motor skills. Educational: to cultivate curiosity, love for nature and wild animals, the ability to care for it and its inhabitants.

Modern educational technology:

- health saving technologies;

- technologies of personality-oriented learning;

- gaming technologies.

Materials: paintings of an autumn forest, a disc with music, pictures of wild animals, masks of a bear and a hare.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading fiction: V. Bianki “Hidden”, V. Suteev “The Magic Wand”, I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Leaf Faller”, “In the Den”, etc.

2. Riddles about animals.

3. Looking at paintings from the “Wild Animals” series

4. Conversation “Where does the bear live? »

5. Didactic games: “Who is with whom? "," Placed the animals correctly "," Whose silhouette? ", "Ecological Lotto", etc.

6. Introducing the layout “Seasons”, “Inhabitants of the Forest”

Progress of the lesson:

    Emotional mood:

Teacher's story: (music sounds)

Educator: -Guys, on my day off I walked along the bank of the Bityug River. And there are so many colorful boats on the water: yellow, red, orange! They all arrived here by air. A boat will arrive, land on the water and immediately sail away. Many more will arrive today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And then the ships will no longer arrive, and the river will freeze.

Educator: -Tell me what kind of boats these are, and what time of year they appear?

Children: - in autumn, boats - autumn leaves.

Educator: -What is the name in nature for the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees?

Children: leaf fall.

    Updating knowledge:

It's frosty in the morning,

In the groves there are yellow leaves,

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

Educator: -Tell me, what time of year is this poem about?

Children - about autumn.

Using mnemonics

Educator: -What changes occur in nature in the fall? I will show you the table, and you will talk about changes in nature.

1. The sun hid behind the clouds, it rains often.

2. The day is shorter and the night is longer.

3. The leaves on the trees turned yellow.

4. A strong wind is blowing.

Educator: -What changes occur in living nature?

5. The birds flew away to warmer regions.

6. Animals are preparing for winter.

Educator: - Guys, what would happen if winter immediately came after summer?

Children - everything in nature would immediately freeze and die, no one would have time to prepare for the cold and hunger.

Educator: -That’s why we need autumn. In autumn, all nature prepares for winter: trees, animals, and birds.

III. Motivation for the lesson:

Letter from the forest:

Oh guys! What is this?

Here is an envelope, big and yellow,

How did you find the envelope?

How did you get into our group?

Let's figure it out! Oh wait!

Our address is on the envelope, after all.

Whose reverse is it?


Who did the letter come from?

You want to know, right?

Then you have to try

Guess all the riddles.

1. The beast waddles

For raspberries and honey

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes,

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where he sleeps and dreams. (bear)

2. Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread? (hedgehog)

3. Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees

And flies up into the oak trees,

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

4. Red-haired cheat

Hid under the tree.

The cunning one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name? … (fox)

5. He prowls the forest all the time,

He is looking for someone in the bushes.

He snaps his teeth from the bushes,

Who says this... (wolf)

6. Who doesn’t have a den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark. (hare)

Educator: -Tell me, what can you call all these animals?

Children are forest animals, wild animals.

Educator: -Why are animals called wild?

Children get their own food, build a home, and live in freedom.

Educator: -Tell me about them. I suggest you play. I put animal masks on you, and you name the signs of “your” beast.

Didactic exercise"Pick up definitions"

Wolf, what are you? – I’m gray, toothy, scary,...

Bear, what are you? – I’m brown, club-footed, clumsy,...

Lisa, what are you? - cunning, fluffy, red-haired, ...

Hedgehog, what are you? – I’m prickly, small,...

Hare, what are you? - long-eared, timid, cowardly, small...

Squirrel, what are you? – I’m red, fluffy,...

And wild animals have children.

There are a lot of mothers on white light,

And every mother has children.

We must come to the rescue

And find the kids correctly!

Didactic game"Find a Pair"

(pair up mother and cubs)

Educator: -And this letter also says...

Come to the autumn forest,

We will be friends with you,

Have fun and play

We will be waiting for you very much!

Educator: -Wild animals invite us to visit the forest.

How many of you have been to the forest?

Let's go, guys, to the autumn forest and see how the animals prepare for winter.

IV. Journey to the autumn forest:

Educator: -Let's go, guys, to the autumn forest and see how the animals prepare for winter.

Going for a walk in the forest today

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventures

We guys can't find it.

Stand next to each other,

Hold hands tightly

Along the paths, along the paths,

Let's go for a walk in the forest.

And forest animals we are with you

We'll definitely find it.

Educator: - So we ended up in the forest. Guys, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children - do not leave garbage in the forest, do not break branches and trees, do not destroy bird nests and anthills, do not light fires.

Educator: - And in the forest you need to be quiet, not make noise, otherwise you might scare the animals.

I wonder if we will see the animals in the forest that invited us to visit?

V. Meeting with animals:

Educator: -Guys, look, someone is small, long-eared, timid...sitting under a bush. Have you guessed who it is?

Children - yes, of course, this is a hare.

Educator: -But he is very sad. What could have happened to him?

The children were scared by the fox, he was cold, there were no carrots...

Educator: -Let's cheer him up by calling him affectionately...

Game “Say Kindly”

Children - bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny.

Educator: -How does a bunny prepare for winter?

Children - he sheds and his fur becomes fluffy, warm and white so that the hare is not noticeable in the white snow, and so that the fox and wolf do not notice him. In autumn, the hare does not store supplies, because in winter it gnaws the bark of trees and feeds on young twigs.

Educator: -That’s how he sat under a bush and changed his fur coat. And when I came out, I didn’t find my friends. Let's help him find friends.

Game "Guess who it is?"

Brown, club-footed, clumsy... (bear)

Small, prickly... (hedgehog)

Educator: -Tell me, guys, where did the hedgehog and the bear go?

Children - the hedgehog eats mushrooms, mice, beetles, worms, finds a secluded shelter under the roots of trees, settles on dry leaves and moss, falls asleep for the whole winter until spring.

Educator: -Let's find his hole.

Where's the bear?

Children - the bear also eats well in the fall. It accumulates fat under its skin and hibernates in winter.

Educator: -Where does he sleep?

Children - he sleeps in a den, drags dry branches and leaves to keep it warm. In winter the den will be covered with a blanket of snow and the bear will be warm.

Educator: -Why do they say that a bear sucks its paw?

Children - there is a change in the hard skin on the pads of the paws, while the old skin bursts, peels, and itches very much, and in order to somehow reduce these unpleasant sensations the animal licks its paws.

Educator: -Let's find his den.

Look, the branches are moving, but there is no wind. Who could it be? Children are squirrels.

How did you find out?

Children - there were mushrooms on the branch, footprints under the tree, a hollow in the tree.

Educator: -Let's find the squirrel.

Another small furry forest dweller who changes the color of his coat for winter.

The squirrel was red all summer, but by winter it turns gray.

Where does the squirrel live?

Children are in a hollow.

Educator: -How did she prepare for winter?

Children - all summer and autumn she collected mushrooms and berries and hid them in various places. In winter, she looks for her reserves, but, unfortunately, does not always find them. But in the place where the cones or nuts were hidden, a small sprout may appear in the spring and in a few years a new tree or bush will grow here.

VI. Physical education minute:

The little white bunny is sitting (squatting)

And he wiggles his ears. (showed long ears with hands)

It's cold for the bunny to sit, (stand up)

We need to warm our paws. (stroke hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. (jumping in place)

Someone scared the bunny -

The bunny jumped and ran away! (jump to the teacher)

Educator: -Guys, who could scare the bunny?

Children - fox and wolf.

Educator: -These are predatory animals. If they catch a hare, it won't be good for him. The fox has a home - a hole, where she can hide from the winter cold, and the wolf has a wolf's lair.

Educator: -Do foxes and wolves need to change their fur coats to new winter ones?

Children - of course, they are necessary. In the summer, you and I wear light clothes so that it is not hot, and in the winter we put on warmer ones, so the animals also have to change clothes. This does not mean that they take off their skins and put on new ones, they just grow different, warmer fur.

Educator: -What is the name of the period when animals change their fur?

Children - this period in the life of animals is called molting.

Educator: -But the color of their fur remains the same, because they have no one to hide and camouflage from, they are predators themselves. They walk through the forest in search of prey.

Let's tell you how animals prepare for winter...

Game "One - Many"

Not just one wolf is preparing for winter, but many... (wolves)

Not one hare, but many... (hares)

Not one hedgehog, but many... (hedgehogs)

Not one bear, but many... (bears)

Not one squirrel, but many... (squirrels)

Not one fox, but many... (foxes)

Educator: - And now the bunny invites you to relax and play.

Whoever I throw the ball to answers the question.

Game "Name the Family"

Father is a hare, mother is a hare, baby is a hare

Dad is a hedgehog, mom is a hedgehog, baby is a hedgehog

Papa bear, mama bear, baby bear

VII. Return to the group.

Educator: -Our journey is over, but look at the mess in the clearing: empty bottles, packages. What nature does not need.

Let's clean up the trash and take it home. Some of them may be useful for our studies. For the winter cold, we will make a feeder out of a bottle for wintering birds, and we will store seeds in bags to feed our feathered guests.

One, two, three, turn around yourself,

And find yourself in the group again.

VIII. Creating a collage.

Educator: -What time of year will come after autumn.

Children - winter.

Educator: -Now we know that our animals are already ready for winter. And we will send them to the winter forest.(We divide into 2 subgroups)

1. Look at the picture of the winter forest and place wild animals in your houses. Let's take figures of wild animals and stick them where they live.

2. And here are subject pictures - houses for wild animals. distribute them among your homes.

We carefully pick up the glue and coat the entire animal figurine. When pasted, press down with a napkin. If you have already pasted it, carefully place the brush on the socket.

(The work is accompanied by a musical sketch)

IX. Reflection:

Educator: -You and I traveled through the forest, let's check what you remember:

What animals can we meet in the forest?

Which animals hibernate?

Who's stocking up for the winter?

How do animals prepare for winter so that they don’t feel cold?

Why do the hare and squirrel change their fur color?

How does a bear insulate its den?

How does a hedgehog prepare for winter in the fall?

What wild forest animals can we find in our region?

Children - fox, hedgehog, wolf, hare.

Educator: -Which ones don’t live in our region?

Children - squirrel, bear.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution


Direct educational activities in senior group

Subject: "How the animals prepared for winter."

Educator: Karyaganova N.V.


Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Physical Education” using health-saving technologies: speech with movement - “Bullfinches”

Goal and tasks: Clarify and expand children's ideas about the lifestyle of forest animals (squirrel, hare, wolf, bear, elk). Summarize children's knowledge about the typical habits of animals in winter, methods of protection from enemies. getting food. Provide knowledge that animals can survive only if they adapt to difficult winter conditions. Foster a desire to help birds and animals in winter. Activate children's vocabulary. Nurture love and careful attitude to nature.

Equipment and materials:

An envelope with a letter from Lesovich, pictures of animals, symbol cards for the game "Migratory or Wintering", pictures of birds, cards with riddles, pictures of a winter forest.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading books: V. Bianchi “Forest in Winter”, Y. Koval “Hare Paths”, G. Ladonshchikov “What did we see in the forest?”
  • Drawing: “Forest Animals”, “Forest Trees”.
  • Carrying out environmental games: "Who lives where", "Guess my house", cube game "Whose tail?"

Types of children's activities: communicative activities.

Venue: group room.

Progress of the lesson

Q: Hello guys! Today I received a letter from our friend Lesovichka. He calls you and me to the forest. But before you and I go to visit Lesovich, let’s remember who lives in winter forest. But first, guess my riddle.

I feel sorry for the cold poor thing -
To all the winds and breezes
He's the last shirt
I gave them away in pieces.

Q: Well done guys ! This is a forest.

Q: Guys, do you think there is life in the forest in winter? Or does the forest die in winter?

Q: That's right, guys, in winter the forest lives its own life. And the trees sleep in winter.

Q: Why do trees sleep in winter?

Q: That’s right, it’s cold in winter and the trees have nothing to eat, because... No nutrients flow through the roots, the leaves fall off in the winter and the tree falls asleep. And the tree trunk is covered with bark, which protects the tree from the cold.

Q: What birds live in the winter forest? You know? (Listen to the children's answers)

Q: Okay, then we’ll play the game “Migratory or Wintering”; we need to guess the riddles and divide all the birds into wintering and migratory.

(The teacher asks riddles, and the children guess and put pictures of birds to the corresponding symbol)

Q: Are there animals in the forest in winter? Which?

Q: That’s right, you can see animals in the forest in winter. These are squirrel, elk, hare, wolf, fox.

Q: Let us remember how animals spend the winter.

Not a mouse, not a bird

Playing in the forest.

Lives in the trees

And he gnaws nuts.

Q: Who is this?

Q: That's right guys, this is a squirrel (puts up a picture of a squirrel).

Q: Where does the squirrel live?

(Jumps from tree to tree, finds a hollow, insulates it and lives in it)

Q: What does it eat?

(Since autumn he has been stocking up: nuts, mushrooms)

Q: How do they escape from enemies?

(Knows how to quickly move from tree to tree)

Q: How do you prepare for winter?

(Sheds, Changes fur, color)

Q: Who is this?

White in winter

Gray in summer.

Q: (Puts out a picture) That’s right, it’s a hare. How does he prepare for winter?

(Sheds, changes coat color).

Q: What does it eat?

(Tree bark, branches, young shoots)

Q: Does the hare have enemies and how does he escape from them?

(Fox, wolf, fast legs, coat color save)

Q: Guys, what other inhabitants of the winter forest do you think eat twigs and tree bark?

Q: (a picture of a moose is displayed)

That's right, guys, it's a moose. And people in winter help moose endure the hardships of winter life. They put out feeders with hay and salt.

Q: Does the moose have an enemy and how does he escape from it?

(Wolf. Runs away or defends itself with horns or hooves)

Q: What kind of animal is this?

Who is cold in winter
An angry man walks through the forest

Q: That’s right, a wolf. (a picture of a wolf is displayed)

Q: How does a wolf get its food?

(He has strong legs, he is hardy. He usually comes across weak or sick animals. That is why he is also called the “forest orderly.”

Q: Where does the wolf live?

(The wolf lives in a pack and leads a nomadic lifestyle. To breed offspring, it digs a hole)

Q: Who is this?

The tail is fluffy,
Golden fur,
Lives in the forest
The chicken is stealing.

Q: (puts up a picture) That’s right, it’s a fox.

Q: Why is the fox called the red cheat and is it not afraid of frost?

(The fox has warm, thick, red fur, and the fur on its legs is thick, like felt boots)

Q: Guys, you are great. Everything was told correctly. Now let's play.

Physical education lesson "Bullfinches"

Coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills

(clarity of diction, correct sound pronunciation, intonation expressiveness) Relieving muscle tension.

Q: Let's imagine that we found ourselves in a forest clearing and saw a flock of red-breasted bullfinches.

Here on the branch, look, (Hands flap on the sides like wings)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts (Hands show chest)

The feathers have spread and are basking in the sun. (Make small shaking movements of the arms along the body)

Turn your head (Turn your head left, right, twice)

They want to fly away (They run in a circle, wave their arms)

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! Behind the blizzard! Behind the blizzard! (They scatter around the group, continuing to wave their arms)

Q: You and I played, had a rest, and now guess another riddle.

The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring.
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut.

Q: (a picture is displayed)

Right. Bear. How does a bear prepare for winter?

(accumulates subcutaneous fat, goes into hibernation).

Q: What does he eat in winter?

(He sleeps in winter, life is maintained due to the body’s use of subcutaneous fat)

Q: This is what life is like in the forest in winter.

Everyone cares about finding food. On cold days and nights, avoid freezing and dying from hunger. Winter is a difficult time for animals. Winds, snowstorms, and snowfalls will cover the ground, trees, and bushes with snow, where you can find food. Then hard days come for our friends. At this time they need our help. How can we help our friends?

(Listens carefully to the children’s answers)

IN: You guys are great. You guessed the riddles correctly, you know a lot about the life of the winter forest and its inhabitants. Therefore, next time you and I will go to visit our friend Lesovich.

Mitryashkina Natalya Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 4 "Ugolek"
Locality: Myski city, Kemerovo region
Name of material: abstract
Subject: Abstract open class V preparatory group By environmental education"How animals prepare for winter"
Publication date: 10.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of development of pupils No. 4 "Ugolek"
Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group

on environmental education

"How animals prepare for winter"
Myski 2016

Purpose of the lesson:
Forming children's understanding of how wild animals in the forest prepare for winter and adapt to winter conditions.
 To teach to understand the role of man in the conservation of nature, to master the rules of behavior in it.  Develop emotional sphere children, logic, thinking.  Expand understanding of the relationships between animals and their environment.  Foster a caring, conscious attitude towards the natural world, cooperation skills, and independence.
Progress of the lesson

Hello children! I'm glad to see you, my name is Natalya Mikhailovna. Today we have guests. Let's say hello to them. Hold hands and stand in a circle with me. “All the children have gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let’s hold hands tightly and smile at each other.” (Sit on chairs)
Children, today, when I was going to kindergarten, I saw a feeder on a tree on which birds were sitting: sparrows, tits and magpies. And I heard a conversation between them. The magpie told the sparrows and tits that they had a good life - it was well-fed, people fed them, but the forest dwellers had a hard time, they made supplies themselves, and the snow fell early. I walked and thought about how I could help the forest inhabitants and came to you for help. Maybe we can help them, and at the same time find out how they prepare for winter. But before we set off, we need to remember the rules of behavior in the forest. (According to cards-schemes)
"Rules of behavior in the forest"
(show cards on multimedia, children answer with complete answers) Tell me, what does this sign mean? - You can't make noise in the forest. - You can't leave trash. - You can't break branches. And if you and I follow these rules
, then let's save nature.

And so as not to frighten off the forest inhabitants, you and I will temporarily turn into snowflakes, spin quietly, and fly over the homes of forest animals. Stand in my circle. (Music sounds, snowflakes fly).
: Children, look how beautiful it is around, where are we? (Show slides with a forest) Children's answers: In the forest.
That's right, you and I found ourselves in the forest. Listen, do you hear these strange sounds? (A recording with the voices of wild animals is turned on.) Whose voices are these, try to guess: -White in winter, gray in summer (hare) -red-haired, with a fluffy tail, lives in the forest, under a bush (fox) -who threw a pine cone at the children from the tall pines? (squirrel) - like a Christmas tree, covered in needles (hedgehog) You correctly named the forest inhabitants. There's just no one in sight. There are only trees around, do you know what they are called? Children's answers: they list.
That's right, there are many different trees and shrubs in the forest, a forest is big house, there are many residents, but they are not immediately visible. But there, in the clearing, look at some kind of snowdrift, who could be there? (Show slides with a forest with an image of a bear’s den, where steam comes from).
Riddle about the bear:
A furry, club-footed beast,
He sucks his paw in the den. Children's answers: bear.
What is he doing at this time of year? Children's answers: he is sleeping.
That's right, why is he sleeping? Children's answers: he prepared for winter and went into hibernation.
How does a bear prepare for winter, what does it eat? Children's answers: A bear wanders through the forest, eats ripe berries, nuts, acorns, fish, fattens up for the winter.
Where will the bear spend the winter? Children's answers: The bear winters in a den.
Right. What does he make his bed out of? Children's answers: The bear lines the den with bark, moss and branches.
That's right, the bear prepares his bed in a deep hole, which he lines with leaves and dry moss, and as soon as the first snowflakes fly, the bear goes to his warm bed and sleeps all winter.
The bear needs a large number of food, but in winter he cannot feed himself, so he hibernates. A bear's sleep is very sensitive; if you make a lot of noise, it can wake up. Let's not disturb the bear, let's fly on. What clean and fluffy snow all around. I see someone’s footprints, and there are so many of them. Look closely, the tracks seem to be winding, who left them? Or maybe... -A ball of fluff, a long ear -Jumps deftly, loves carrots. Who is this? Children's answers: hare (Show a slide with a picture of a white hare)
What are the tracks of a hare called? Hare. Where will the hare spend the winter?
Children's answer:
The hare will spend the winter under a bush.
That's right, but in severe cold weather he hides under the snow.
Tell me, what does a hare eat? Children's answers: The hare eats bark.
But how did the hare prepare for winter? Who knows? Children's answers: he changes the color of his fur coat, it becomes white.
But he changes the color of his fur coat gradually. Why does he need to change the color of his fur coat? Children's answers: the hare has many enemies: wolves, foxes.
What helps the hare escape from them? Children's answers: They help the hare escape from enemies long legs, sensitive ears, and nose.
And he runs away from his enemies, confusing his tracks, they also say -
I wonder where his tracks will lead us next? Look, there they are, right next to the tree. And someone is sitting on a tree.
Riddle about the squirrel:

It’s not a bird that’s jumping along the branches, It’s a red one, not a fox.
Is she familiar to you? Children's answers: yes, this is a squirrel (Show a slide picture of a squirrel).
Certainly. Can't you hear anything? In my opinion, the hare and the squirrel are talking about something. Maybe we can come up slowly and listen? Children's answers: come on.
Listen, the hare complains to the squirrel that it’s hard for him, he needs to escape from enemies, find food, and a place to sleep. And the squirrel replies that she changed her fur coat, but is afraid that she won’t have enough supplies.
Look at the picture, the squirrel used to be red, but what is it like now? (Gray). Children's answers: The squirrel's coat became gray, the fur became thicker.
She changed the color of her fur coat, why? Children's answers: This is how a squirrel hides from its enemies.
Where will she spend the winter? Children's answers: in a hollow, on a tree (show a slide of a tree with mushrooms).
: The squirrel’s hollow is dry, what does it line it with? Children's answers: dry leaves, grass, moss.
There, in winter, the squirrels are dry and warm. She curls up into a ball and sleeps. In severe frosts, several squirrels can sleep in one hollow to keep it warmer; they cover the entrance with moss.
I wonder what reserves the squirrel prepares for the winter, do you know? Children's answers: the squirrel dries mushrooms, collects nuts, cones, and acorns.
The squirrel makes a lot of reserves, finds a nut, buries it in a hole under a tree, and if suddenly in winter it doesn’t find it, then the nut sprouts in that place and dries the mushrooms on the branches.
: Look, only mushrooms - the squirrel doesn’t have enough mushrooms, what if it doesn’t have enough supplies for a long winter, maybe we can help the squirrel and make mushrooms for it? Children's answers: we will help.
Please come to the table. Tell me, what does a squirrel eat? Children's answers: (list).
You and I will make mushrooms for the squirrel. For this we use acorns and walnut shells.
(Forest music sounds). That's right, we will connect the shell and the acorn to each other using plasticine. So we got mushrooms for the squirrel. Maybe we can treat her? (We lay out the made mushrooms near the tree on the model) Now she has enough supplies. Let's not distract the squirrel, let's fly on.
Physical education minute
We went out to the forest meadow, raising our legs higher,
Through bushes and hummocks, Through branches and stumps (We sit on chairs).
Look where we've landed! (Slide show) A clearing, and on it a stump! And under him someone rustles. Do you hear? Who could it be?
Riddle about a hedgehog.
In a dense forest, under the fir trees, showered with leaves, lies a ball of needles, prickly and alive. Children's answers: hedgehog.
What do you think he's doing there? Children's answers: he prepares the bed.
How does he prepare it? Children's answers: he rolls around in a ball and collects dry grass on the thorns.
Where will the hedgehog spend the winter? He makes a hole in the ground and fits into it. Why does the hedgehog sleep in winter? Children's answers: he has nothing to eat.
What does he eat? Children's answers: The hedgehog is an insectivore, and it also eats small rodents.
So this is who the magpie was telling the birds about - about the hedgehog. How to keep him from freezing in the extreme cold.
Can we help the hedgehog and make a warm bed for him? For this we will use paper. What color is the paper in front of you? Why did we choose paper of this particular color? Children's answers: the color of autumn leaves. Children's answers: Because the hedgehog prepares its bed in the fall, and the leaves begin to turn yellow at this time of year.
That's right, but first we'll stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics about a hedgehog.
Along a dry forest path (tapping fist on fist) stomping - stomping - stomping feet (fists on the table) A gray hedgehog covered in needles walks, wanders along the paths (fist on fist) (alternately connect the fingertips of both hands with the thumb) We are looking for berries, mushrooms for our son and for our daughter (alternately bend the fingers of both hands, starting with the thumb).
To the music "Sounds of the Forest"

Well, now let's get started. We take a sheet of paper, pinch it with the fingers of one hand, and with the fingers of the other hand, using smooth movements along the drawn contour, we begin to tear off the edge of the paper. You all did it well, well done.
How many leaves we got, now the hedgehog will be warm. Shall we take some leaves and cover the hedgehog with them? (we approach the model, cover the hedgehog with the leaves we made).
Look, the forest inhabitants are now ready for winter, you also helped them with this, and it’s time for you and me to return. (
Music is playing, snowflakes are flying, people are sitting on chairs).

Children, do you think we helped the hedgehog and the squirrel? Children's answers: they helped.
What did you and I do?
Children's answers:
For the squirrel - mushrooms, for the hedgehog - leaves. It turns out that all forest dwellers differently getting ready for winter. Each of them has their own name for their home, tell me who will spend the winter where? Children's answers: The bear will spend the winter in a den, the hare will bury itself under the snow or hide under a bush in extreme cold, the squirrel will spend the winter in a hollow, the hedgehog will be in a hole under a stump.

Game “It happens or not”
Help me, children, I’m walking through the forest, the snow creaks under my feet, and a hedgehog is rolling towards me. Does this happen or not?
Why? Children's answers: because the hedgehog goes into hibernation.
Once in winter I was in the forest and saw a bear eating raspberries, does this happen or not? Children's answers: No, because the bear goes into hibernation.
There are many animals living in the forest, but this time we didn’t meet them, you can find them in these pictures and find out who else lives in the forest (Give all the children pictures with mixed up animals). Thanks to all.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “How animals prepare for winter.”

Target : to form in children an idea of ​​the life of animals in the forest, their adaptability to the winter period; introduce interesting facts from the life of wild animals.

Tasks :

Clarify ideas about seasonal changes in nature, signs of autumn;

Systematize knowledge about forest animals and how theygetting ready for winter , ability to determine features animals;

Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic, learn to enter into a general dialogue, develop it and end it;

Foster a caring attitude towards the natural world, towards wild animals, and show care and attention to all living things.

GCD move

Children, smile at each other, smile

- Now listen : far, far away, high, high, lives in an amazing airy palace All year round and he has four beautiful daughters. They are not at all alike, but their father loves them equally. So that his daughters do not feel sad, their father lets them go for a walk on the ground all year round.

I think you guessed what we're talking about?(children's answers)

Children, where can we see all the seasons without leaving ourgroups ? (children's answers)

On the desk"magic circle" (slide 1)

Children, what are these signs?(signs)

And now I suggest you play a game“Each has its own time or place.” .

Well done, you did a great job.

Children, look out the window and tell me, what daughter do you think the father sent to earth all year round?

What tasks did he give his daughter?(children's answers)

Children, did you notice any changes when you went to the nursery this morning?

- I noticed : we often go to visit"Old Lesovich" , and today his house is empty(slide2)

Where do you think he could have gone?(children's answers)

What troubles and who has them in the winter forest?(children's answers)

Children, would you like to see what's going on there?

Let's say magic words and let's go toforest :

Turn around yourself, find yourself in a winter forest(slide 3)

Look how beautiful it is in the winter forest.

Who is the forest home for?(children's answers)

Children, you know howanimals are preparing for winter ?

Let's see who the first meeting will be with.(Squirrel)

Howsquirrel preparing for winter ?

Squirrel towinter changes the color of his fur coat from red to gray. To make it easier for her to hide from her enemies, such as a hawk or marten. In addition, the fur coat becomes warmer and fluffier. In the most severe frosts, the squirrel sleeps in its hollow. It tooprepared for winter : in the fall, the squirrel drags fallen leaves and dry moss there, so that the hollow is dry, warm and soft. Squirrel is very thriftyanimal . In the hollow she makes a lot of storage rooms. Nuts, cones, acorns, mushrooms are stored there...

Children, do you know what a squirrel's tail serves?(driving) .

When a squirrel jumps from tree to tree, it straightens its fluffy tail and he, like a parachute, supports her in the air. And in the winter cold, the squirrel covers itself with its tail like a blanket.

Who will the next meeting be with?(Hare)

- Are hares getting ready for winter? ?

Hares change their fur coat from gray to white so that in winter it is not visible in the snow. And a white fur coat is warm. The hare feeds on tree bark and young twigs.

How does a hare make a home for itself?

It turns out that he does not have a separate mink. During the day, he usually sleeps in a snow hole or buried in a snowdrift, and at night he comes out to get food.

Children, do you know how the color of a bunny’s coat changes?(show picture)

All of them have adapted to life in the forest. Nobody cares about them; they get their own food and defend themselves from enemies.

Now let's take a little restm : physical minute"Bunny" .

The bunny was jumping through the forest,

The bunny was looking for food.

Suddenly the bunny is on top of his head

The ears rose like arrows.

A quiet rustle is heard :

Someone is sneaking through the forest.

The hare confuses his tracks

Runs away from the fox.

Jumped to the side and turned around

And he curled up under a bush.

Like a little white ball -

So that no one could find it.

Who is your next meeting?(Bear)

Children, you know howthe bear is preparing for winter ? (eats a lot, stores fat, makes a den)

Over the summer and autumn, the bear gets very fat and gains fat. And by late autumn, among the windbreaks, under the roots of fallen trees, it makes a den. The bottom is lined with spruce branches, dry leaves and covered with soft bedding for the whole winter.

What does a bear eat?(berries, honey, roots, mushrooms, fish, frogs)

The bear is a predatory animal.

Children, do you know why they say that?"sucks paw" . It’s just that in the middle of winter, the skin on the bear’s paws begins to itch, itch, and change. Here is a bear in a dream and licks old skin.

While you were talking about animals, I collected autumn leaves. But these leaves are notsimple : There is a task here. If you connect the dots, you will find out who we will meet next time in the autumn forest.

Turn around yourself, find yourself in a d/s.

Children, what did you like most?(children's answers)

What new things have you learned about animals?

Nature itself has adapted animals towinter , but humans must also take care of animals.