How to salt cabbage in jars for the winter? The question is relevant for city dwellers, because not everyone has the opportunity to salt it in a barrel, and everyone needs vitamins in winter!

Sauerkraut contains a lot of vitamin C, and it is found not only in the cabbage itself, but also in the brine, as well as many microelements, including potassium, which is so necessary for our heart. Cabbage vitamin C, being a powerful antioxidant, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. And the good news is that it can be preserved in cabbage for a long time, up to 7-8 months.

I know how to pickle cabbage for the winter thanks to my mother, since childhood I helped her in the kitchen: in the fall, huge heads of cabbage were purchased, all of it was chopped into two knives and fermented in a large enamel bucket. The cabbage turned out wonderful - tasty, beautiful and crispy. During the holidays, all the women sought out my mother’s recipe for wonderful cabbage. And the recipe is simple and fail-safe. We've been around for a long time we salt the cabbage not in a bucket, but in three-liter jars - it’s convenient and stress-free, and the cabbage is always freshly prepared.

Well, let's get started

We will need

  • 1 large head of cabbage
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • salt to taste
  • 3 liter jar

Recipe for sauerkraut for the winter in a jar with step-by-step photos:

Wash cabbage and remove outer leaves. Cut in half and finely chop:

We put it all in an enamel cup or basin - it all depends on the volume of cabbage that you decide to salt for the winter

Then knead it with your hands (like dough) so that the cabbage juice is released, and the cabbage becomes translucent. At the same time, you need to salt the cabbage little by little - this will make mashing it easier and faster.

Taste the cabbage all the time, I add salt to taste - in the end the cabbage should be slightly saltier than necessary - the salt will then go away when it sours.

To start the fermentation process, add sugar, a little about a tablespoon for the whole head of cabbage.

The carrots must be peeled and grated on a coarse grater.


Place carrots only when you are ready to put them in a jar - there is no need to mash carrots together with cabbage - it will be tasteless:

Mix carefully

And put it in a jar, periodically tamping it there:

When all the cabbage is laid, it is necessary to apply pressure.

I use a regular nylon lid as oppression - it is quite enough for this volume:

Press the lid firmly, compacting the cabbage; you will have to do this more than once, because during fermentation gases are formed that tend to lift it to the top. Without pressure, the cabbage will turn out loose and soft, but we want it to be dense and crunchy.

So we finished salting cabbage for the winter, we got a full 3-liter jar:

But there was a lot of cabbage juice. Do not pour it out under any circumstances!

The laborious process of pickling cabbage for the winter is over, but that's not all!

It will be ready only in three days.

Our further actions are:

Jar with salted cabbage put it in a plate or cup - otherwise all the juice that will rise during fermentation will end up on the table. By the way, we put that small jar of juice side by side on the table (everything will ferment there too).

The cabbage will ferment at room temperature 3 days.

All this time, you will need to free it in the morning and evening from the formed gas - with the smell of hydrogen sulfide - the smell is certainly not pleasant.. but tolerable, the main thing is not to leave it in the cabbage. To do this, you will need to pierce it to the bottom with a thick knife - you will see and feel how the gas comes out.

On the first day there will be a little of it, on the second there will be more, and by the evening of the third day the active fermentation process usually ends, you need to pierce the cabbage 2-3 times a day - on the first day just press the lid and the gas will come out on its own.

When you pierce it, you need to take out the lid, then put it back in the jar, because it will act as a pressure.

If there is a lot of juice, pour it into a jar.

By the evening of the third day, a sour juice will form in this jar, and it will be somewhat thick and viscous - don’t be alarmed, this is how it should be.

We pierce last time thoroughly “squeeze” all the gas out of the cabbage, remove the “pressure”, pour the juice from a half-liter jar into 3 liter jar with sauerkraut, close with a nylon lid and store in the refrigerator.

That's it! Now you know how to salt cabbage in a jar for the winter !

By the way, after a day you will notice that the juice is well absorbed into the cabbage, so you shouldn’t pour the juice out of a half-liter jar if it all doesn’t fit, just let it stand in the refrigerator next to a 3-liter jar, and after a day or two you send it there, otherwise the cabbage will not be so juicy and crispy.

Well, enjoy the excellent taste of sauerkraut, prepared with your own hands, and be healthy!

Bon appetit!

If you have the red-headed sister of our cabbage waiting in the refrigerator, then I have a wonderful recipe on my website: - a very healthy and satisfying salad!

That's all for today! Have fun cooking and share your impressions in the comments.

There are many recipes, and one of them is pickling cabbage in jars with brine. Let's start with choosing cabbage. It is best to use mid-late varieties of cabbage with rounded or slightly flattened heads for pickling. The leaves should be succulent, not dry and thin. Drop-shaped forks are not suitable for pickling.

For the pickling to be successful, the cabbage must contain a sufficient amount of sugar. There are varieties that are best suited for this purpose, for example, Slava. But in general case just taste the cabbage. If it is pleasant to eat it raw, then it will be pickled normally. Salting in brine speeds up the process and, if there is a lack of sugar in the cabbage, it allows you to correct this deficiency.

Let's take 2.5-3 kg of cabbage forks. Do not take small heads of cabbage. They will have more waste, and the quality of larger forks is better. Choose dense white cabbage. If the green color is strong, the finished product will turn out greyish.

For this amount you need to take a couple of carrots, about 300g, a few bay leaves 2-5 to taste, black and allspice peas. Quantity is for everyone. If you like it spicy, then 10-15 peas per three liter jar. From the given amount you will get approximately 4 liters of workpiece. You can chop the heads of cabbage with a regular sharp knife, but a shredder or vegetable knife will simplify this process; the cabbage ribbons will be thinner and more uniform. Cut the head of cabbage in half or into quarters, remove the stalk and cut off the thickest and coarsest veins. The width of the strips should not be more than 5 mm. Grate the carrots using a coarse grater or a Korean carrot grater.

Place the chopped vegetables in a bowl and stir. You can squeeze it a little with your hands, but it’s not necessary. Cabbage that is strongly crushed by hand will turn out soft when pickled. Fill cleanly washed dry jars with the vegetable mixture up to the shoulders or slightly higher. Distribute the spices evenly during installation.

Fill everything with chilled brine, which we prepare in advance. For it, dissolve 2 tbsp in 1 liter of boiling water. level spoons of salt and 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Instead of pressing, so that the cabbage does not float on the surface of the brine, we insert a plastic lid inside the jar. Place the jar in a bowl and leave at room temperature. Fermentation will take about three days. In order for gases to escape better, you need to periodically pierce the cabbage mass. This can be done with a bamboo sushi stick or a narrow stainless steel knife.

If the brine drips into the bowl, it should be collected in a clean jar. After this, remove the lid from the jar, close the jar and put it in the refrigerator. After cooling, the brine may settle. This is where the one we collected from the bowl comes in handy.

Another recipe for pickling cabbage in a jar, this time without brine. The ratio of cabbage and carrots is the same as in the previous recipe. That is, for 3 kg of cabbage there are about 300 g of carrots. Finely chop the cabbage, add grated carrots, about 1 tablespoon of salt and mix everything with your hands. Leave the bowl for an hour so that the cabbage releases its juice. To make the preparation successful, choose juicy, sweetish cabbage and carrots with crunchy, bright, non-wiry pulp. There is no need to rub the mixture with your hands, otherwise you will end up with rags instead of cabbage strips.

If the raw materials are of high quality, then the juice will be quite enough without this. If you think the cabbage is not sweet enough, add a little sugar to the mixture - about 0.5-1 tablespoon. This will speed up the fermentation process. After an hour, transfer the cabbage to jars, adding 2-4 times per three-liter jar between layers of vegetables 1 bay leaf and 2-3 black peppercorns. You can insert a glass of water of a suitable diameter into a jar to press the cabbage mass. Place the jar in a clean bowl to catch any juice if it overflows. Without sugar, such cabbage can ferment for 5-6 days at room temperature.

Salting cabbage pieces in jars is simple and does not require a long time. When pickling, you can add carrots, beets, aromatic herbs and spices. For such a preparation, we will need brine, just like when fermenting, because coarsely chopped vegetables will not give enough juice. We prepare the brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water.

Remove the top pair of leaves from the head of cabbage and cut it in half. Next, each half is cut into 3-4 slices, and the slices, in turn, are cut crosswise into 3-4 pieces. Throw a bay leaf and 3-4 peppercorns at the bottom of the jar, then lay out pieces of cabbage, sprinkling them with chopped large strips or carrot slices. If you wish, you can add beet slices, garlic, cumin seeds, parsley or whole sprigs of celery. Approximate ratio: for 1 kg of cabbage, 100 g of carrots, 100 g of beets, 3-4 cloves of garlic, a couple of sprigs of herbs.

You can salt large pieces and regular finely chopped cabbage and carrots in one jar, laying both in layers. This way you will have less free space. The jar, as usual, is filled with cold brine and pressure is applied. Leave the workpiece for 3-4 days at room temperature. The ideal temperature for fermentation is 18-20 degrees. If there is a deviation in one direction or another, the process may be disrupted.

Methods for pickling cabbage in jars

There are as many options for pickling as there are housewives, because each has its own preferences, and cabbage has its own taste. Some people add vinegar and vegetable oil when salting. But this is not for everyone. If you make a preparation with vinegar, use wine or fruit vinegar, it is much better than alcohol. You can make your own apple cider vinegar, but it is also commercially available. By the way, you can salt not only white cabbage. Both red and colored cabbage are suitable for this purpose, but it is better to salt it in brine. Pickling red cabbage is done according to the same recipe as white cabbage. But it’s better to make it with beets rather than carrots. If you take carrots, do not grate them, but cut them into large strips or circles.

Pickling cauliflower is done differently: for brine, take 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. a heaped spoonful of salt and 1 heaped spoonful of sugar. Take 2 heads of cauliflower with a total weight of about 1.5 kg, half a kilo of carrots, a head of garlic, 3-4 black peppers and allspice peas, 3-4 bay leaves. We separate the cabbage into inflorescences and blanch in boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes and immediately cool under running water. cold water. Let it drain in a colander. After this, place the inflorescences and carrots in the jar in layers, evenly adding pieces of garlic and spices. Leave some space at the top of the jar. Pour in the brine, apply pressure and leave for 2-3 days at room temperature. After this, you can put the workpiece in the refrigerator. In 4-5 days it will be ready. Allows you to speed up the process quick pickling of cabbage in jars hot brine.

Pickling cabbage in jars video will help you if you are a complete beginner and have little idea of ​​the entire technological process from the description.

Hot pickling of cabbage in jars allows you to make a workpiece quickly. But the preservative here will be vinegar, and not lactic acid, which is formed during natural fermentation. Unfortunately, natural fermentation without vinegar is almost impossible to accomplish in less than 3 days. So, the recipe: for 1 kg of cabbage, 100 g of carrots, a couple of cloves of garlic.

We take spices to taste, usually bay leaves and peppercorns, black and allspice. Brine: for 0.5 liters of water, 100-150 ml of 6-9% vinegar, half a glass of sugar, half a glass vegetable oil, 1st. l. coarse salt. Shred the cabbage into thin strips, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or grater Korean carrots, mix everything in a bowl.

We place the cabbage slices in the jars, not all the way to the top, but leave a little free space. Pour into jars hot pickle and leave the workpiece for 3 hours. After this you can eat it. You can make preparations in this way in the spring. Summer varieties are also suitable. Since it cooks quickly, there is no need to make a large batch. This cabbage is stored in the refrigerator under a screw-on or plastic lid.

Pickling cabbage pieces in jars By Georgian recipe the end result will give you an excellent spicy snack that not only tastes great, but also looks beautiful. She is quite capable of decorating even festive table. What we need:

White cabbage 3kg

Mixed canteen 1.5 kg

Leaf celery, a couple of bunches

Hot pepper 2-3 pieces (if you don’t like it very hot, take a larger size pepper and one)

Garlic 2 large heads

Coarse rock salt 3 heaped tablespoons

For this preparation, it is better to take medium-sized heads of cabbage weighing about a kilogram. It should be white, with succulent leaves without thick, coarse veins. It is better to choose forks of the correct round shape. Take beets that are not very large, dark, sweet with thin skin. First, prepare the brine: boil water and dissolve the salt in it. Let's cool the brine.

You may need quite a lot of it, so it's better to make it in excess. Remove the top 1-2 leaves of the cabbage, trim the stalk, and then cut the forks lengthwise into 6-8 slices. We do not cut out the stump so that the slices do not fall apart. Cut the beets into thin circles or semicircles. We peel the garlic, wash it, and separate it into cloves. Cut each clove into 2-3 parts. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into rings.

Fill the jar like this: put some beets on the bottom, then pieces of cabbage, layering them with slices of beets, pieces of garlic and pepper rings, add 1-2 rolled celery sprigs.

Fill the jar to the top. Most top layer- beet. To prevent vegetables from floating or peeking out of the brine, which can lead to mold, we push a plastic lid inside the jar or place a clean bottle of suitable diameter filled with water or a glass in the neck of the jar. Leave the jars to ferment at room temperature.

The fermentation rate depends on the air temperature and the sugar content in the beets and cabbage. The warmer it is in the kitchen, the sweeter the vegetables, the faster and more active the process will be. But too much hot weather There is no need to make preparations. The cabbage will be ready in 3-5 days. After this, the jars are covered with plastic lids and put in the refrigerator. You can serve it in slices, like salt, or cut it into smaller pieces. We also put the beetroot pieces and garlic on a plate, they also have a great taste. This cabbage, along with others, will perfectly decorate the holiday table.

Pickling cabbage in glass jars

Cabbage can be pickled with more than just carrots. The next few recipes will allow you to prepare it with various additives. The recipes have only one thing in common: they do not require sterilization and can be stored in the refrigerator under plastic lids.

1. Salad: for 5 kg of white cabbage, take 1 kg onions, carrots, bell pepper, 1 glass each of vegetable oil, 9% vinegar, salt and sugar. Finely chop the cabbage and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into half rings. bell pepper remove seeds and cut into thin strips. Place the vegetables in a large bowl and mix with the remaining ingredients. Let it stand for 5-6 hours, then put it in clean, dry jars and put it in the refrigerator for storage. If the portion is too big for you, make half.

2. Cabbage with apples. You can add apple slices to the cabbage mixture, the taste of the preparation will improve, it will acquire an apple aroma. But it’s better to put two or three whole apples in a jar, distributing them evenly. In this case, the apples will be very tasty. And you can cut them into slices when serving and serve them in a salad bowl along with cabbage. For 1 kg of cabbage, take 100 g of carrots, 100 g of apples, 20 g of salt. Spices: black pepper and allspice, bay leaf - to taste.

3. Cabbage with lingonberries. For 1 kg of cabbage, 100 g of carrots and 30-50 g of lingonberries. This preparation makes it possible to use less salt, since lingonberries contain a natural preservative. Mix the vegetables in a bowl and add salt as you would salt a regular salad. Add lingonberries and stir. Place in jars, placing pressure on top. After 3-5 days, the workpiece can be put in the refrigerator. During fermentation, it is necessary to pierce the cabbage mass to release gases.

Interesting fact: There are more vitamins in sauerkraut than in fresh cabbage, and their composition is richer.

Every housewife wants to know how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy and tasty.

After all, this preparation is a real lifesaver for your table in winter.

With sauerkraut you can cook various vegetable salads and vinaigrettes, pie fillings and, of course, the famous Russian cabbage soup.

Today we will tell you how to salt cabbage so that it crunches, and everyone who tries it compliments your culinary art.

Pickling crispy cabbage in brine

Most the right way The way to salt cabbage to make it crunchy is to cook it in brine. Because according to this recipe, you don’t need to crush it to release the juice.

  • 2-2.3 kg cabbage
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • a few peas of black or allspice, optional


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons coarse non-iodized salt
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

How to ferment cabbage for crunch:

1. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt and sugar in warm boiled water until the grains disappear.

2. Peel the cabbage from the top leaves and chop it with a knife or in a food processor.

3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Mix cabbage with carrots.

4. Transfer to a clean jar, tamping down slightly. Place a few bay leaves and peppercorns between the layers.

5. Pour brine into the jar until it completely covers the cabbage.

6. Cover the jar loosely with a lid or several layers of gauze. Place in a bowl because the brine will rise during fermentation and may overflow.

7. Leave it to ferment in the kitchen for 2-3 days. Make sure that the top layer of cabbage is covered with brine. Once a day, pierce the cabbage in the jar with a thin wooden stick.

Whether the cabbage is ready is determined by the taste; you should like it, but be a little under-fermented.

How to salt cabbage to make it crispy

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • cabbage - medium head
  • carrots - 1 medium
  • salt - 20 g per 1 kg of cabbage
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • caraway or dill seeds

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How to pickle crispy cabbage recipe:

1. The cabbage is shredded into equal, not too thin strips and poured into a large container.

2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Add it to the cabbage. Put salt and spices there.

3. Mix everything, but do not knead. And place it in the jar, pressing it down to about 7-8 cm to the top.

4. Add a little boiled water to cover the cabbage.

You don’t have to add water, but if after 24 hours the cabbage has not released the required amount of juice, then you need to add boiled water.

5. Place the jar of cabbage in a clean, deep bowl in case the brine spills out. It must be poured back into the jar.

Cabbage ferments for 3-4 days. At the same time, pierce the cabbage every day with a long stick to the bottom so that accumulated gases escape.

6. After this time, drain the brine from the cabbage into a deep plate, add sugar to it and stir until it dissolves. Pour back into the jar.

If you add sugar right away, the cabbage will become more acidic and will not be stored for as long. You can add sugar to taste when serving.

7. Cover the cabbage with a lid and place it in the refrigerator or cellar.

You can start eating the preparation in a week. At this point, nitrates turn into nitrites and become less harmful to the body.

1. Required quantity lactic acid, due to which cabbage is fermented, it gains due to natural sugars, greatest number which occur only in late autumn. Therefore, in the old way folk calendar It is recommended to engage in salting only after the Day of Intercession (October 14).

2. The cabbage must not be frozen, otherwise it will turn out soft; when cut, the stalk is light; the dark stalk has been in the warehouse for a long time.

3. On women's critical days, cabbage is not salted; it turns out sour, soft and covered with mucus.

4. The same will happen if you salt on a full moon or on a waning moon. Only on the waxing one, ideally on the 5th or 6th day after the new moon.

5. There is a sign that sauerkraut should be done on men's days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. It is also recommended to add salt only on days that have the letter “P” in their names, that is, Tuesday and Thursday.

6. Put a little carrots, 1 piece per 3-liter jar, otherwise the cabbage will be soft.

7. If you salt cabbage with cucumbers, they will be crispy and very tasty, but the cabbage itself will only be used in stewing, cabbage soup and borscht.

Sauerkraut This recipe is very tasty, crispy, and also quite quick to prepare! There is no need to crush it with your hands, since it is fermented in brine. The recipe is very simple and proven over the years!


For a 3 liter jar:
  • 2-2.3 kg white cabbage (late)
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • a few grinds of black or allspice (optional)


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons salt (not iodized)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

Making crispy sauerkraut in brine:

  1. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt and sugar in warm boiled water. (By the way, cabbage can be filled only with clean water.)
  2. Peel the cabbage from the top leaves, cut into several parts and chop with a knife, on a grater or in a food processor, depending on what you have.

    Shredded cabbage for fermentation

  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

    Grated carrots

  4. Mix cabbage with carrots.

    Cabbage and carrots for fermentation in brine

  5. Transfer this mixture to a clean jar, compacting it slightly (but not too much). Place a few bay leaves and peppercorns between the layers.

    Making crispy sauerkraut

  6. Pour brine into the jar so that it completely covers the cabbage. (Depending on how you cut it, finely or coarsely, you will need 1.2-1.5 liters of brine.)

    Filling with brine

    Cabbage in brine

  7. Loosely cover the jar with a lid or cover it with a bandage folded several times. Place in a deep plate, as during fermentation the brine will rise and overflow.

    Making delicious sauerkraut

  8. Leave in the kitchen for two to three days. Make sure that the top layer of cabbage is not left without brine (when this happens, just tamp it down a little with a spoon). It is also advisable to sometimes pierce it with a wooden stick to the bottom so that the gas comes out. The fermentation time for cabbage depends on the temperature. If the kitchen is warm, the cabbage will be ready in two days. However, high temperature, as well as low, has a bad effect on the fermentation process (for example, mucus may appear), it is best when it is around 20 ºС.
  9. When sauerkraut When ready, put it in the refrigerator.

That's it! You can make various salads, fillings for or from sauerkraut, or simply season it with oil and serve.

P.S. If you like the recipe, don't forget to receive new recipes by email.

Bon appetit!

Julia author of the recipe