Are you interested in how to develop logic? This means you understand that you cannot live without her. Tips, games and exercises are collected for you in the article.

The ability to think logically is irreplaceable, because thanks to it you can find a way out difficult situations, calculate your actions several steps ahead, anticipate enemy traps, find a quick path to success.

If you are less fortunate, then you should deal with the fact that how to develop logic, because it is impossible to live in this world without her.

What is logic and how to develop it?

The word logic itself came to us from the ancient Greek language, in which λόγος is translated as reasoning or thought.

There are plenty of definitions of the term “logic,” but I believe that the most correct of them is the ability to think intelligently.

If we consider logic as a science, then we should understand that this is a branch of philosophy that studies the cognitive intellectual activity of man.

A person who is able to think logically can, based on the information he has (even scattered and inaccurate), draw the correct conclusion and thus get to the bottom of the truth.

Logic allows you to become familiar with the nuances of the subject being studied, and not just gain general knowledge.

Logical judgments were characteristic of different cultures, but the pioneers of logic, the cultures that created a real cult of logic, were Chinese, ancient Greek and Indian, where works on this science appeared in the 4th century BC.

Why are so many people today interested in how to develop logic?

Naturally, like most humanities scholars, I studied logic at university.

This subject, which seemed incredibly boring and useless to many, was taught to us by a true fan of her craft.

The teacher managed to reach us and explain why her subject should be given attention and how the ability to think logically will be useful to us in the future.

For the rest of my life I remember the words of my logic teacher:

It was the ability to think logically that helped our distant ancestors survive among the dangers that awaited them at every turn. Primitive people, being in the wildest environment, they analyzed the situation, made conclusions and learned from their own mistakes, which helped them not only survive, but also develop.
Today's scientific and technological progress is certainly pleasant and useful, and I would be lying if I said that I was dissatisfied with it and would like to return to the primitive system, but it is the abundance of computers and other technology in our lives that leads to the destruction of logical thinking.
A person is so accustomed to trusting a machine that can think for him that he does not want to once again strain your thinking.
Looking at all this, I think that American films about the subjugation of humanity by robots are not so fantastic.

Fortunately, not everyone is ready to give up logical thinking.

Many people prefer to develop logic, realizing what a serious trump card they will have over those who have completely forgotten how to think logically.

Why should you try to develop logic?

Logical thinking will be useful to you in any type of activity.

Even the cleaning lady must understand that she needs to wash the floors, moving from the far wall to the exit, because if she starts washing the floors in reverse, she will destroy her work with her own dirty feet.

And managers, who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their subordinates, cannot do without logic, so they need to constantly work on its development.

If you are still not sure whether you need to think about how to develop logic, I am ready to give you a few more arguments.

Being able to think logically, we can:

  • find the simplest and safest way out of a problematic situation;
  • avoid both professional and life mistakes;
  • to be one step ahead of our ill-wishers and competitors, whom God has deprived of logic;
  • express your thoughts correctly so that everyone around you understands them;
  • quickly formulate a thought so as not to delay answering the question posed and not blurt out the first stupidity that comes to mind;
  • do not become a victim of self-deception and deception from other people;
  • easily find arguments to convey your own point of view to your interlocutors and win them over to your side;
  • see the mistakes that you or the people around you make and quickly eliminate them.

Games that will help develop logic

There are a number of games that both adults and children should play if they want to develop their logic and improve logical thinking:

    It's simple: either you learn to think logically, or you will play disgusting chess for the rest of your days.

    This game is a little simpler than chess, but it also helps a lot.

    Another game familiar to many from childhood that develops logic.

    Rebuses, scanwords, puzzles.

    Yes, and banal crosswords are suitable for developing intelligence and logic.


    You choose a word and try to come up with as many associations as possible for it.

    Reversi or Othello.

    A board game with black and white chips and a board that resembles chess.

    It teaches you not only to think logically, but also to think strategically.

    Scrabble or Scrabble.

    You need to make words from letters.

Exercises that will help develop logic

If you decide to seriously improve your logical thinking, then games alone will not do.

You will have to perform at least one, or better yet, several exercises from this list every day:

    Solving anagrams.

    From letters mixed in random order, you need to make a normal word.

    Solving special logic problems.

    There are quite a few collections of such problems sold both on the Internet and in bookstores.

    You can start with this simple one: a man shaves his beard every day, but continues to walk around with a beard on his face. How is this possible?

    Selecting words that connect two phrases.

    For example, “opens the doors”, “the birds are lined up” - the key.

    Making crosswords or puzzles.

    Come up with 5 ways to use any item

    Or find 5 ways out of some situation.

To develop logical thinking, we suggest you immediately move on to practice.

and solve the match puzzle in the following video:

If you are lazy to do exercises every day and are not a hopeless person in terms of logical thinking, then you can develop logic in simple ways, unnoticeable even to oneself:

    Reading detective stories.

    The more detective literature you read, the more you will understand the logic of the actions of specialists who are investigating a crime.

    Performing some action.

    At least sometimes explain to yourself: why you are doing this, what will happen if you don’t do it, what the result will be if you make a mistake, etc.

  1. Learn to write and perform other actions with your left hand if you are right-handed and with your right hand if you are left-handed.

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Compliance tasks

Train your brain with matching problems. This will help you in life in many situations


In psychology, thinking is defined as mental activity aimed at generalized and indirect knowledge of objective reality by revealing the connections and relationships that exist between cognizable objects and phenomena.

Development of logical thinking- one of the main tasks comprehensive development children, which should be given serious attention. Thinking is the highest form cognitive activity human, the process of searching and discovering something essentially new. Developed thinking allows a child to understand patterns material world, cause-and-effect relationships in nature, social life and interpersonal relationships. Logical thinking is fundamental to achieving success in life. With its help, a person is able to analyze any situation and choose best option actions in the current conditions.

Logical thinking it is necessary to constantly train, best of all - with early childhood to avoid stereotypical thinking, which is typical of the majority of people. By using logical thinking you will be able to separate the essential from the secondary, find relationships between objects and phenomena, create conclusions, search and find confirmations and refutations.

Development of thinking possible with the help logical thinking problems that we offer you. They contribute to:

  • increasing the speed of thinking
  • meaningful thinking
  • increasing flexibility of thinking
  • increasing the depth of thinking
  • development of freedom and efficiency of thinking

Adults can also train their thinking with games for developing thinking And logical thinking problems. After all, age-related problems with memory and logic are the result of inaction and lack of mental exercise: a person either uses his brain or degrades.

To determine the level of development and qualitative characteristics of your thinking, we suggest taking logical thinking test. The quality of thinking is determined by the following characteristics:

  • quick thinking is the ability to find right decisions in conditions of lack of time
  • Flexibility of thinking characterizes the ability to change the intended course of action when circumstances change
  • depth of thinking is the degree of penetration into the essence of a situation or phenomenon and the ability to grasp and identify logical connections between the objects of the task.

These qualities are present to varying degrees in all people. Some of them are more significant for solving theoretical problems, others - for solving practical issues.

In the process of human growth, when he enters social life development of thinking occurs sequentially in several stages:

  • objective-active thinking, characteristic of the age from 1 to 3 years, is thinking in the form practical actions. Children at this age learn the world, tasting and smelling objects, touching them with your hands, taking them apart and breaking them.
  • visually creative thinking it is more developed at the ages of 4 to 7 years, but is also present in adults in the form of visual images and ideas: visual, auditory, tactile. This type of thinking is most developed among people in creative professions (artists, musicians, etc.).
  • abstract-logical or abstract thinking is presented in the form of abstract concepts, symbols and numbers. For example, the mathematical terms “integral” and “derivative” are abstract concepts that cannot be perceived by the human senses.

The thinking process is activated, as a rule, when any problem or task arises, the solution of which can be carried out different ways depending on level development of logical thinking. The most primitive technique is the trial and error method, during which there is not even an awareness of the problem, not to mention the construction of tactics for solving it and testing hypotheses. In adults logical thinking develops into the ability to explore assigned tasks and determine goals, create a plan and ways to achieve the goal. Developed thinking- this is the ability to think creatively, not to use stereotyped knowledge, but to invent and invent something new. Solving logical problems And games for developing thinking They develop not only logic, but also intelligence, fantasy, and imagination.

Process logical thinking when solving problems, it includes several operations:

  • Comparison - establishing the similarities and differences between objects.
  • Analysis - dividing the elements of an object into components.
  • Synthesis - unification individual elements into the whole.
  • Generalization - highlighting common features based on similarity.
  • Abstraction is the selection of any feature of an object or phenomenon that does not exist separately from it.
  • Concretization is emphasizing a particular feature of an object.
  • Systematization is the mental classification of objects and phenomena into groups.

When deciding logical thinking problems or in games for the development of thinking follow the steps:

  • Motivation, that is, the desire to win.
  • Analysis of the conditions of a task or game situation.
  • Finding a solution to a problem based on logical reasoning, analogies, heuristic and empirical techniques. IN games for developing thinking Sometimes a simple insight contributes to victory.
  • Proof and justification of the correctness of the decision.
  • Checking the solution; if necessary, its correction.

Thinking is a person's ability to reason,

which is a process of reflection

objective reality

in ideas, judgments, concepts.

Ozhegov S.I. .

Thinking is a new creation of the world.

Albert Camus (1913—1960),

French writer and philosopher.

Thinking is an internal reconstruction of the world.

Victor Krotov

Every day a person has to look for solutions different problems or simply compare the facts. In the everyday bustle, we rarely think that such skills can be developed. Many people think that this is unrealistic for adults, others cite lack of time. Today we will consider such an issue as the development of logical thinking.

What it is?

To fully find out what this phenomenon is, let’s pay attention to its components - thinking and logic itself.

Thinking is understood mental process, during which information is processed and connections are established between events, objects or phenomena. The factor of subjectivity, that is, a personal attitude towards something, is very strong here.
Logic leads our thinking to objectivity. Simply put, this is the science of correct, true thinking. It has its own methods, laws and forms. The “cornerstone” for her is experience and knowledge, not emotions.

In order to come to simple conclusions, it is enough common sense. But in difficult situations You cannot do without appropriate thinking, which helps you “work out” the most correct course of action even with a minimum of facts.

Important! It is better to do the first exercises once. For example, solve one crossword puzzle or play a few simple games of chess. For starters, this will be enough.

Logical thinking is a process during which a person resorts to logical concepts based on evidence and prudence. Its goal is to obtain a reasonable conclusion based on the “given,” that is, specific premises.

There are three types of logical reasoning:

  • Figurative-logical. With it, the situation seems to be “played out” by the imagination, while we remember the images of the objects involved or the features of the phenomena. Yes, you can call it imagination.
  • Abstract. Here it is more complicated; categories, objects or connections are used that do not exist in reality (that is, abstractions).
  • Verbal, in which people share their logical judgments with others. What is important here is not only a penchant for analysis, but also competent speech.
Having learned what logic is, let's see how it can be useful in life.

What is it for?

The ability to think logically is valuable for everyone, regardless of occupation. True, for some it is a means of obtaining a general, everyday conclusion, while others use formalized and strict logic (engineers, philosophers, mathematicians).

Did you know? Aristotle was the first to systematize knowledge about logic. The philosopher wrote a series of six works devoted to basic concepts and categories. This collection is known as the Organon.

Thinking training helps:

  • Do it faster and more accurately correct conclusions even in ;
  • Calculate soberly, avoiding self-deception and not allowing yourself to be misled;
  • Correct own mistakes And ;
  • State your arguments clearly and concisely;
  • Convince your interlocutor by giving the necessary arguments.

Any of these points is worth thinking about working on your logical apparatus. Having mastered such techniques, you can quickly separate the necessary data from verbal or documentary “husk.” There is also a psychological point: with such an “arsenal” a person is not afraid of difficulties and confidently achieves academic success or career heights.

Logical thinking: innate or acquired?

The ability to think logically is a trait that people acquire. This is confirmed by both psychologists and other specialists. No one is born with the gift of logical thinking already formed.

Even the simplest level, figurative and logical, appears by the age of one and a half years, when they begin to analyze everything that surrounds them and gradually separate the important from the unimportant.

Such skills are often called empirical, that is, those that are associated with personal experience. Unfortunately, they are often supplemented with templates that are “driven in” by the environment. This is how critical thinking abilities are lost.

Meanwhile, anyone can reach the level of abstractions. We often talk about non-existent phenomena, without even thinking about the fact that our logical apparatus is working hard at this time.
Teachers and “technicians” will confirm that own experience and regular training perfectly develops logic, even if a person was far from regular multi-level thinking. There would be a desire.

Is it possible to develop logical thinking in adults?

It is possible and even necessary. The world is changing very quickly, and with the old “baggage” of knowledge it can be difficult to think about something carefully. Many people believe that the basics they receive at school or university will be enough, but this is not entirely true.

It happens that the first levels are completed easily, but then it’s a bit of a grind. Don't despair, give it a little rest, and the solution will definitely come.

Don’t be afraid to peek at answers (especially at the very beginning of class). Once you know the inputs and solutions, you can calculate a logical solution path and apply it to other situations.

Important! Reading serious books - historical, philosophical or popular science - also helps. There is no point in “swallowing” hundreds of pages of them; read little by little, pondering the information.

In many serious companies, HR specialists give candidates such problems during the course, assessing the speed of solution and the reasoning of the answer. They can be either purely professional or without reference to the type of activity. So you'll have to work on your logic.

Board games

The first thing that comes to mind is chess. A leisurely game requires analysis and thoughtfulness, while reaction speed is not needed here. You can play with anyone, but it is better to choose a stronger opponent who can show the fastest and most effective combinations. After just a few games, you will notice that you yourself are playing complex etudes, counting on a move or two ahead.

There are also a lot of other games - entire thematic sets are offered, based on the plots of popular books or TV series. This is a great way to pass the time with friends or family, while at the same time keeping your logic in good shape.

There are also plenty of such games of intelligence. This is a great tool for those who are thinking about how to develop logic. Some of them come with a countdown, but this should not be annoying.
They all use the “cause-effect” principle. That is, the initial data may have several solutions, but only one will be correct. Despite all the apparent simplicity, it will be difficult for an unprepared person at first - the answer options often seem mutually exclusive, although they are composed in such a way that it seems that any one is suitable. This is the essence of training.

Did you know? The Russian philosopher Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vasiliev is considered one of the “fathers” of modern (or non-classical) logic. Having started his work back in tsarist times, already in 1918 he entered the list of “old” scientists recognized by the Soviet government.

The number of questions can be any - from 10 or more, so you can “indulge” in such tasks even during your lunch break.

Crosswords and puzzles

Everything is simple here. Trying to fill all the cells with missing words, we “scroll through” all our knowledge.

Japanese Sudoku is more difficult. The cells have to be filled in so that in each 3x3 square (and there are usually 9 of them) the numbers from 1 to 9 appear once, and the same story with large lines and columns. Start with the simplest ones, usually the difficulty is indicated in the task.

An excellent way would be to solve graphic crosswords, at least the Japanese ones. They have one solution in the form of a picture. It will work if you shade the cells correctly (based on the indicated numbers). Here, too, you can peek at the solution and compare it with the initial data - it can be difficult to get your bearings right away.

You can try making your own crossword puzzle. Making riddles can be more difficult than looking for the answer, especially since you have to correlate the location of letters and cells.

Study of deduction and induction

In order not to complicate things, we immediately note that the deductive method provides a conclusion from the general to the particular, and induction, on the contrary, brings the disparate to the general.

Important! A diary helps analyze the connection between events. To some it seems archaic, but at times it is useful to re-read old notes and restore them in subsequent actions and “calculate” possible options their development.

Deduction- this is pure logic, but it has one weakness: the initial facts must be true. Here is an example of such a conclusion: “all racing cars are difficult for ordinary drivers”, “I am an ordinary driver”, therefore “I cannot cope with a powerful car on the track”.

In life we ​​use more often inductive method, such reasoning is based on facts that may turn out to be untrue. Then our conclusions have to be substantiated. This often leads to hasty generalizations and wrong decisions. There is also the so-called incomplete induction, in which the conclusion significantly exceeds the “sum” of the individual facts.

These abilities can be developed by mentally “driving away” various everyday situations and cases.

Developing logical thinking in children

When working with, you have to take their age into account. This is worth remembering when thinking about how to develop logical thinking in a child.

At different stages of development, equally diverse logical methods are used:

  • For the youngest (up to 3 years old), clarity and simplicity are important. At this stage, the foundations are laid: kids learn to distinguish between different things and (objects for different purposes and cubes with different colors are used).

Did you know? Mastering logical techniques in early age sometimes leads to unusual results. For example, the legendary mathematician William Sidis consciously called himself an atheist at the age of six, which was a bold step for America at the beginning of the 20th century.

  • At 3–4 years old, verbal and figurative logic is consolidated. The easiest way is to draw with one extra object. The child is asked to tell why he is not suitable. You can also “play” with words.
  • Before school (5 - 6 years old) they take the simplest tasks with numbers and graphic games, and make speech and question games more complex;
  • After 7 years, they try to improve speech skills, develop the ability to generalize, analyze and search for cause-and-effect relationships. During this period they move on to abstractions.
To make it interesting for children, classes are conducted in a playful way. Individual inclinations are also taken into account. At the same time, problems are not solved “head-on” - if it is difficult for a child, then they are simplified. And, of course, no notations.


They must be age appropriate. At the same time, the child imagines what objects or phenomena are mentioned in the task. The main emphasis is on imaginative thinking - in the form of a riddle, kids usually reveal new “facets” of the things around them.

This approach allows us to evaluate everything that is happening in a multi-faceted way. The most effective interval for such exercises is from 2 to 5 years.

There are many such sets on display in any children's store. Again, they choose based on age.

For kids, it is better to choose a set of large figures (the same cubes or balls). They do not contain elements that a child could inadvertently swallow. By assembling simple structures from them (snakes, houses, etc.), you activate the logical apparatus - the baby remembers character traits and tries to recreate them.
For those who are older, prefabricated Lego-type modules are available. Here you have to work according to the instructions, correlating the parts with the image. Parents' help will be very helpful. Such sets have another advantage - the nodes can be combined. For example, assemble another house or another car from “blocks”. This will only be beneficial, developing your thinking.

WITH younger schoolchildren It’s more difficult - it’s not easy to tear modern children away from gadgets, and they won’t be interested in banal cubes. This is where parents come into play. In stores you can see kits for assembling models of airplanes or ships. If you buy a kit of initial complexity with a small number of parts, you can not only interest the child, but also spend more time with him - without the help of his father, he is unlikely to immediately assemble what is in the picture.


Games with geometric figures are suitable for kids. Offer to find an extra one or collect identical ones. At the same time, ask how they differ.

Did you know? We started solving Rubik's cubes for speed immediately after they appeared. The current record is held by Colin Barnes (5.25 sec). But the Brazilian Pereira Campanha, with a result of 25.14 s, is hardly inferior to him in skill - he assembled the figure... with his legs!

Association also comes into play here - when showing a figurine, you can ask what it resembles. For spatial imagination, they are folded into simple structures such as a house.

Speech games are also important, especially those focused on the difference: “in spring it’s warm, and in winter it’s …”. If this stage has already been completed, they name the objects and ask them to say which group they belong to.
Older children can be shown the basics of playing chess or checkers. By explaining the movement of the figures, you seem to provoke the child to try different variants. Simple “tac toe” should not be forgotten either.


Such logical “ABCs” lay the foundations of thinking. Their elements are made large and safe for children.

Popular types are dies that are connected if the patterns on them match the desired color or letter. For example, on one there is a black cat drawn

True, it is better to postpone complex monochromatic areas such as the image of the sky - if it is not possible to assemble it right away, the child may lose interest or lose faith in his abilities.

We learned how to “develop” our logic skills and what it takes to do so. As you can see, it is quite simple for both an adult and a child. Good luck in your training!

Logical thinking is exactly what helped our ancestors survive in the wild primitive world. Only the ability to analyze the situation and assume its possible development saved us from complete extinction.

With the development of computerization, humanity began to lose quite a lot of memory, intelligence, attention and logic. Now all these qualities are simpler and easier to transfer to a machine than to use your brain, and this state of affairs can simply lead to catastrophic consequences.

In addition, a person who does not load his “gray matter” with problem solving and analysis has a high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, the so-called “senile dementia.” Moreover, this disease is getting “younger” every year. If forty years ago it affected elderly people in their seventh decade of life, now cases of the disease are recorded in young people under forty years of age.

In order to be in good shape and have clear thinking at any age, you need to take care of yourself and not allow your brain cells to atrophy. And the best activity for his work is logical problem solving.

The ability to think logically can be developed at any age.

So, even if you have never been distinguished by coherent logical conclusions, everything can be fixed. Want to know how to develop logic? We begin to perform special exercises that will awaken dormant abilities in you.

Exercises to develop logical thinking are games that can be played either alone or with a group of friends. It's even more fun this way.

Logic development games

  1. The quintessence of logic is chess. Perfectly develops logical thinking. Reaction speed is not important here, but thoughtfulness and analysis are necessary qualities;
  2. Crosswords, puzzles, scanwords, Sudoku and Japanese crosswords are what will keep your brains awake. Solve at least one small mysterious text every day and you will see changes pretty quickly;
  3. Associations. Choose any object or action and give it as many associations as possible. For example: shaman - tambourine - dancing - spirits - mysticism - the unknown - real - creepy, etc.;
  4. Solve problems to develop logic. There are many of them, both in paper form and on the Internet. Don’t jump at the difficult ones right away, start with the basics and gradually increase the difficulty. Very soon you will begin to “click like seeds” any intricate task, correctly building logical conclusions;
  5. Invent new words and find an explanation for them. For example: “pervodactyl” is the very first dinosaur on the planet. Or: “Tatar treatment” - medicine in Tatar. Sometimes such pearls arise that the cheerful mood returns at any time, you just need to remember the invented neologism;
  6. Make up your own crosswords and puzzles. Making a guess is a little more difficult than guessing. Thinking begins to work in a different direction, building new logical connections;
  7. Enough fun game, allowing you to see the world through the eyes of another being. Imagine that you are a cat. Describe your vision of surrounding objects. Or you are a fool. What does the world look like in this case? Or maybe you came from another planet? Describe such sensations as well. The development of logic and expansion of worldview in this game are guaranteed;
  8. Come up with several options for what this or that item can be used for, in addition to the main one. For example, a chair can be used as a stepladder, as a latch, and upside down you can ride on it small child and so on. The more such options you come up with, the better.

Additional actions

Games are, of course, good and very effective. But besides them, there are also actions, the implementation of which will allow your thinking to quickly and flexibly respond to any situation, instantly analyze and make the right decision.

The main rule: You must be sincerely interested in the subject you are studying.

  1. In order for the brain to get used to analyzing deeply, and not “crawl along the surface,” then when studying new material or performing any actions, explain to yourself why it is needed, where it came from, what it will give, etc.;
  2. For any situation, come up with at least five ways to resolve it. Even the most incredible ones appeared oil tycoon and quickly solved this problem;
  3. Summarize information. Use inference from the general to the particular, and induction from the particular to the general. Systematize any knowledge in two ways - this will develop flexibility of thinking;
  4. To take things a step further, learn to write with your left hand (if you're right-handed), master the macramé technique, or learn the basics of playing the cello;
  5. Move more in the fresh air. Just a twenty-minute walk activates brain function by almost 60%. And if during your walk you count how many men, women and children you met along the way, then even more;
  6. While doing any work, take short breaks every 40-50 minutes, diverting your mind to something else. You can wash the dishes, jump rope, stand on your head, or just lie down and relax as much as possible. This way your brain will always be in good shape, and your vital activity will always be at its best.

All these rules are not complicated. It’s difficult to focus on this at first. But with a little patience, you will be able to tell your friends how to develop logic and achieve clarity of thinking.

Have a good trip!

Image: Cristian V. (

Thinking- a tool that every person has who solves various problems in life. Thinking can be developed, its speed, depth, freedom, and meaningfulness can be changed. Also, thinking can become more interesting and positive.

Development of logical thinking

Logical thinking very useful for every person. It will facilitate the understanding of any laws in science or society. Logic is often needed in everyday life.

The brain needs constant training to maintain it mental activity, have good thinking and memory. Regular exercise can improve your thinking skills.

Have fun with benefits

  1. Start solving logic puzzles for children and adults (puzzles, find 10 differences, attention riddles).
  2. Find games that develop attention and logic that you can play with friends and no matter how old you are, it will be fun and have a good time with friends.
  3. Use IQ tests. There is interesting tasks, which require quite a bit of logical thinking. Although there are many others besides IQ tests.

Educate yourself

For example, you can start with the mega-useful course “Money and the Millionaire Mindset.”

Development of critical thinking

Critical thinking is a step towards active, creative methods. What is critical thinking?

  1. Thinking is independent, and the owner puts his own ideas, evaluates the situation, has his own beliefs independently of others.
  2. Receiving information is just the beginning, and the end will be processing, that is. generating a complex thought as a conclusion. Another thought is subjected to critical reflection.
  3. This kind of thinking starts with asking questions and identifying problems.
  4. Critical thinking is convincing arguments, evidence, conclusion.
  5. This kind of thinking helps to exchange opinions and points of view.

How to develop critical thinking?

  1. Evaluate reality. Reality is a world independent of your desires. Your thinking will be most effective if you learn to understand and “translate” this reality.
  2. Mass hobbies. A concept becomes popular a large number of people accept it, that is, they create a crowd. And there can be no talk of critical thinking there, but only of consistency. Think before you join.
  3. Draw parallels between observation and inference.
  4. Don't judge a situation or person until you are sure of your information.
  5. Don't lose your sense of humor.
  6. Be curious. There are many unknown, interesting, shocking things in the world. Having curiosity indicates intelligence. A curious person looks for new ways, ways to solve problems, for example, which gives him new opportunities.
  7. Do not give free rein to your emotions, because they can cloud your mind. A striking example is anger, under the influence of which you can do things that you will regret.
  8. Don't overestimate your self-esteem.
  9. Learn to listen to people.
  10. Use your intuition, don't ignore it. Because such thoughts may come to your mind on a subconscious level. This is the result of information that was once received, which you probably no longer remember.

Tasks for the development of thinking

1) What number is hidden under the car?

2) Find the extra figure. Only 15% of people can cope with this task.

3) Where is the bus going?

1. 87, just turn the photo over.
2. The answer is -1, because it is the standard, because the rest of the figures are modifications of it, either the shape, or the color, or the frame has been changed.
3. Even though the bus is moving forward and moving along right side, as usual, he moves to the left. Because the door is not visible.

Development of speed reading

Reading quickly will always allow you to read more interesting and useful books, as well as excellent will develop thinking. Sign up for our Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days. We will teach you not only to read faster, but also to think faster, understand and remember text, as these are the basic requirements for the reading process.

Verbal counting

Learn to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers, and even take roots. I will teach you how to use easy techniques to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Knowledge of the psychology of money and how to work with it makes a person a millionaire. 80% of people take out more loans as their income increases, becoming even poorer. On the other hand, self-made millionaires will earn millions again in 3-5 years if they start from scratch. This course teaches you how to properly distribute income and reduce expenses, motivates you to study and achieve goals, teaches you how to invest money and recognize a scam.

Development of creative thinking

Creative thinking is thinking in which the owner finds unusual solutions, improved or shorter, the best. Creative thinking will allow you to generate new ideas.

Creative thinking will give you the opportunity to try your hand at art. You might be able to find yourself in music or drawing, poetry or something unusual. For example, creating sculptures from scrap materials and so on.

We offer several interesting exercises for developing creative thinking:

  1. Find a drama or horror film and remake it as a comedy.
  2. Also try the opposite. Turn the comedy into a drama.
  3. Come up with a script for the film. Take 2-3 pairs of people who have disagreements with each other and develop this plot.
  4. Imagine any person or animal or object that could become a serial killer.

In this way, scripts for films and books can appear. And the process of such a game itself will be fun for you and the circle of people with whom you will try to discuss it. This exercise is more interesting to perform in the company of friends and acquaintances.

Development of thinking in children

The mental activity of a child has a special structure of cognition. When a baby is born, he begins to study everything around him, draw parallels, and look for connections between his discoveries. Gradually developing, the child begins to reason, imagine, a fantasy world appears, and speech not only appears, but also becomes more literate over time.


Gorbov-Schulte tables

Color matrix game

The “color matrix” game will be an excellent trainer for your thinking. A field of cells will open in front of you, each of which will be painted in one of two colors.

Your aim: determine which color is greater. The game, of course, is for a while and therefore you have to try. As the game progresses, the field will expand if the answers are correct or narrow if the answers are incorrect.

Game "Quick Count"

The game "quick count" will help you improve your thinking. The essence of the game is that in the picture presented to you, you will need to choose the answer “yes” or “no” to the question “are there 5 identical fruits?” Follow your goal, and this game will help you with this.

Game "Simplification"

The game “Simplification” is a wonderful simulator, not only for mental arithmetic, but also for logic. You will come across examples both simple and complex. But not everything is so complicated in reality, you just need to figure out how to simplify or find the answer from the proposed answers. To do this, you will have to think logically!

Game "Number Reach: Revolution"

An interesting and useful game “Numerical Reach: Revolution” that will help you improve and develop memory. The essence of the game is that the monitor will display numbers in order, one at a time, which you should remember and then reproduce. Such chains will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points can you score in this game?

Game "Memory Matrix"

"Memory Matrices" is a great game for training and developing memory. In the presented game you will need to remember the placement of the colored cells, and then reproduce them from memory. How many levels can you complete? Remember, time is limited!

Lessons in the development of thinking

A good exercise for creativity, as you finally fill out the field, you will understand how highly developed your thinking is. Below you will see a field of crosses. Your goal is to add a picture to each cross. Thinking, creativity and imagination come into play:

When you fill it out, pay attention to this picture (below), maybe you will find some drawing from the ones you just drew.

Also try a field not with crosses, but with other figures or, simply, with a different blank. These can be triangles, circles, squares, and so on. For example:

And another example:

Exercise - Architect

Imagine that you are an architect. Your goal is to design a house. It doesn’t matter whether you can draw or not, whether you can draw, it doesn’t matter. The essence is completely different and no less interesting. Place a piece of paper in front of you and write ten nouns on it. They can be absolutely anything: Orange, water, tomato, cloud, smoke, and so on... Then the fun begins. These ten words become the customer's terms and conditions. If it's orange, then you can paint the roof of the house orange. Water? Make a river behind the house. Tomato? Paint the floors in your house red. Here your imagination and thinking are unleashed. Try to make it as interesting as possible, make up words as complex as possible.

Technologies for the development of thinking

The technology for developing critical thinking is presented in three stages:

1. Challenge. A gap is sought in previously acquired knowledge or experience, which is now the goal of elimination. That is, a goal is set to close this knowledge gap.

2. Understanding. A person who has a serious goal of developing critical thinking must realize that it is necessary to keep a diary and draw tables to determine the level of understanding specific topic, information.

3. Reflection. At the stage of reflection, a person forms his attitude towards the text, information, book, picture. This attitude is often written down or discussed with someone. This method will help not only in developing critical thinking, but also in developing communication skills.

Development of thinking in children 4-5 years old

Eat good exercise for children to help them develop and train their thinking. These are the most simple exercises, which will surely help them think, and apply thinking to answer the question. If the child finds it difficult, just push him.

Examples of exercises to develop thinking

Exercise 1. The child's goal is to find superfluous word. Below are rows of 4 words, and one of them is extra and your child must determine which one. Ask him the question “why did he choose this word?”

Birch, pine, linden, apple tree.
Bed, table, chest of drawers, spoon.
Oak, chamomile, rose, tulip.
Fork, spoon, chair, knife.
Candy, soup, halva, jam.
Skirt, hat, dress, slippers.
Apple, beets, pears, grapes.

Exercise 2. You come up with a word for the child, and he answers what this person needs from things. It may not be a person at all, but an animal or a bird, and the child names their elements. For example:

Sparrow - branches, grains, puddle.
Doctor - gown, mask, syringe.
Janitor - broom, bucket, rake.
Small baby - rattle, diaper, pacifier.
Dog - booth, bone, leash.
Seller - cash register, goods, calculator.
Bee - flowers, nectar, hive.
Artist - paints, brushes, canvas.
Mother - ...?
And you will learn a lot of interesting things about your status :)

Exercise 3. Name the components of certain items and objects. The task is very difficult. During the exercise lexicon the child will be replenished, since not all the words are known to him yet, and you will help him with this. So:

Car - wheels, body, headlights, steering wheel (let the child name as many elements as possible) ship - ...
airplane - ...
train - ...
bike - ...
trolleybus - ...
table - ...
armchair - ...
book - ...
computer - ...
guitar - ...
piano - ...
drum - ...
house - ...
fence - ...
flower - ...
tree - ...
mushroom - ...
bug - ...
butterfly - ...
dog - ...
Human - ...
apple - ...
watermelon - ...

Development of thinking in children 6-7 years old

Exercise 1: Which vehicle is the odd one out of the four?

Exercise 2: Logic problem. Petya is stronger than Misha, but weaker than Kolya. Which of the guys is the weakest?

Exercise 3: There are three buckets: green, yellow, blue. Grandfather, grandmother and grandson carried water in different buckets (each with its own color). Grandfather's was neither green nor blue. Grandmother's is neither green nor yellow. What was the grandson's?

It would also be helpful to teach your child how to play chess. This game perfectly develops the sense of thinking, logic, mental calculation and many other senses.

For the game “chess” a lot of problems are constantly being written and invented. For example: checkmate in 1 move or checkmate in 2 moves, this can also happen in 4. The problems are very interesting, and being able to solve them means having good thinking.

Development of thinking in children 8-9 years old

What becomes older child, the more difficult the tasks should be for him. Below are exercises that will help your child tense up, think, reflect and give reasons for his answer:

Exercise 1: What may be common and what is the difference between next pairs words?

  1. table chair
  2. Bird, plane
  3. Heaven, earth
  4. Day Night
  5. Slide, hole
  6. skis, skates
  7. Tree, bush

Let them explain their position.

Exercise 2: How can you seat 6 children on 2 sofas? How to seat 3 sofas? The answer should be given in numbers, and all possible answer options should be used.

Exercise 3: The child is called a series of words, and the child’s goal is to combine the words into one concept:

  1. perch, crucian carp, pike (fish)
  2. elephant, giraffe, ant (animals)
  3. autumn, summer, winter (seasons)
  4. shovel, rake, broom (tools)
  5. cheese, sour cream, butter (dairy products)
  6. hand, ears, legs (body parts)

Properties of thinking

There are several properties of thinking, which we discussed below:

Speed ​​of thinking

Each person has his own own speed thinking, and therefore each person copes with the task differently. There are techniques for increasing your thinking speed:

  1. Do facial exercises, that is. normal warming up of the facial muscles.
  2. Stop being lethargic, sleepy and with an expressionless face. The more alive you and your facial expressions, the more alive your thinking!
  3. Increase the speed of internal reasoning and thoughts. This will help speed up your thinking.
  4. Try to massage your head regularly. Massage stimulates the blood vessels in the brain, which improves their functioning, and at this moment great thoughts may come to your mind.
  5. Speed ​​reading training. By perceiving text faster, you not only improve your reading speed, but also your thinking speed. Indeed, if you read faster and remember what you read, then your thoughts also speed up.

Meaningful thinking

The most common type of thinking is internal chatter - this is negative thinking, it “seems to fill” the spiritual emptiness, it is an illusion. Such thinking is a problem, an obstacle to concentration on any task. To keep your thinking clear, you need to perform actions with full understanding of them. It is also advisable to write down thoughts, draw, tell stories to friends, acquaintances, and relatives.

    Take Notes and Drawings Get into the habit of expressing your thoughts in writing or drawings. Some people, when explaining or telling something, not only speak, but also draw, that is, they give you a picture and clarify the situation.

    Tell your thoughts It will be useful to express your thoughts to others who will be really interested in it. Telling this to someone will help you get feedback. Another plus is that the more you tell your thoughts, the more clear they will be for you (if there were any points that were not clear).

    DiscussDiscuss thoughts - effective thing. One head it's good, but two better. The main thing is that the discussion does not turn into a quarrel. If you suddenly do not agree with your interlocutor’s thesis, then make up your own, but do not start a heated argument, but have a calm conversation.

    Watch your speech Thinking and speech are closely related to each other. Therefore, in order to contribute to the development of thinking, it is worth constructing your speech correctly. Advice: exclude the words “problems”, “horror”, “difficult”, include “interesting”, “goal”.

Why are speech and thinking closely related? Thinking is fleeting and difficult to remember, but speech is a different story. Speech is memorable and easier to follow. Do you want to improve your thinking? Pay attention to your speech.

    Pay attention to other people's speech It is easier to monitor someone else's speech than your own. Because someone else’s speech is something new and all the shortcomings and failures in logic can be heard in it. Studying the mistakes of other people's speech will help you find mistakes in your own speech.

    Improve your skills in working with texts Text analysis can be compared to listening to someone else's speech. In both cases, you look for mistakes, roughness and take notes. Improved thinking depends on word processing skills.

Depth and freedom of thinking

People use their thinking in different ways and with varying degrees of freedom. It all depends on the position of perception. Depth and freedom of thinking can be represented in the form of several criteria:

  1. Template thinking, as a rule, this is the view of an egoist: “Forgot - it means he doesn’t respect”, “Didn’t kiss - it means he doesn’t love” and so on.
  2. My interests: Does this concern me and my plans? “I was cooking dinner, but he didn’t distract me - oh well. If I wanted to kiss, then that’s exactly what I wanted, which means I’ll kiss when he comes.”
  3. Interests of loved ones: "He was in such a hurry that he even forgot to kiss me. I love him :)"
  4. Objectivity: “The world is a stream of neutral events, nothing serious happened, it was just in a hurry.”
  5. Systemic view: He ran to work, takes care of us! My love!
  6. Angel Position: My husband works for people, and this is very important. I'm proud of him!

Efficiency of thinking

To create more effective thinking, you need to master meaningful thinking, and then master areas for increasing the efficiency of thinking:

  1. Move from your worries to specifics.
  2. Replace negative thinking with positive thinking.
  3. Find the bridge from correct thinking to productive.

Thinking control

Control of thinking is primarily related to the development of thinking and higher functions of human psychology, the development of will and attention.

It happens that useless and unnecessary thoughts are spinning in your head that you want to discard. Don't bother trying to eradicate them, but try:

  1. Think positively and constructively
  2. Do something so that your thoughts are involved in this activity.
  3. Start remembering funny moments, positive stories and pleasant things that will create a good atmosphere.

Courses for the development and training of thinking

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump up your brain and improve memory, thinking, and concentration:

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson helpful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception intensifies many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as when fast reading they are extremely important
  3. Read a book a day and finish your work faster

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting tasks.

Bottom line

In this article, we examined the features of thinking, learned how to develop thinking, what browser and Board games and exercises help develop thinking.