In times of crisis business activity decreases noticeably. Create new business units are solved. It is extremely difficult to predict the development of the market situation, and the risk of losing investments is very high. But experienced businessmen and outstanding economists are sure that the crisis is best time to create a new business. The reason is a decrease in competition due to mass bankruptcy. It is important to minimize the costs of organizing your business and operating costs.

Based on these criteria, the most viable option is home business. We bring to your attention 15 business ideas that are in demand even in the most difficult periods and do not require significant investment.

1. Food

This area is only partially affected by the crisis - the demand for expensive products is decreasing. The need for everyday goods - bread, cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits, inexpensive meat remains and even increases due to the decrease in the share of delicacies. Oddly enough, the demand for chocolate is not falling either. Most likely, the desire to please children and sweeten life at least a little during stressful periods is too high.

Study the needs in your locality and choose the most popular direction. A significant part of the products can be grown in the country house or garden, or cooked in the home kitchen. Register as an individual entrepreneur and start working.

2. Car repair

Sales of new and expensive cars are falling. But the demand for vehicle maintenance and repair is growing. That is why auto repair is recognized as one of the anti-crisis business areas.

You can even start in your personal garage, the only requirement is professionalism.

3. Virtual assistant

During a crisis, businesses face a vital need to cut costs on non-essential tasks that do not bring immediate profit. Permanent employees are laid off and some of their work is outsourced. Freelancers who work on the Internet can perform many tasks.

Large companies need such specialists individual entrepreneurs. This direction is very promising and is not subject to economic cataclysms.

4. Home staging

During the crisis, the real estate market suffers seriously. Finding buyers for housing is becoming very difficult. One of the ways to help sell real estate is to increase its attractiveness. That is why the need for the services of designers, including landscapers, repairmen and other home staging specialists, is growing.

5. Green business

The world community is seriously thinking about preserving the ecology of the planet. Manufacturing products from clean raw materials, recycling waste, and growing organic products are very popular areas. This trend will strengthen; now is the best time to occupy a new and promising niche. It's worth considering how possible variant and the scope of consulting on waste recycling optimization.

6. Help for the older generation

The aging of humanity does not stop. Help for people of retirement age and people with disabilities is becoming an increasingly relevant area. Caring for them is not limited to medical care. Help with everyday life, organizing leisure time, traveling, and even organizing feasible options for earning money are in demand.

7. Cosmetics

In any, even the most difficult times, women need to look well-groomed and elegant. Dear ladies are ready to give up a trip to a restaurant, a trip to a resort, or new jewelry. But they will definitely buy the necessary minimum of cosmetics. It is worth paying attention to the production of natural soap - this is a very promising area that can be mastered at home.

8. Online video

Even regardless of the crisis, interest in the entertainment offered by the Internet is growing at an impressive pace. It is not necessary to make high-quality films and videos - an interesting plot is important. Are extremely popular funny situations from real life, videos with animals, video blogs. You can shoot and sell your videos to special channels or create your own resource and earn money from views and advertising.

9. Sales consultant

IN modern conditions this profession has acquired new features. In search of affordable goods, Russian consumers began to become interested in the world-famous platforms eBay and Craigslist. They hold auctions where quality items are offered at very low prices. Not everyone can understand the intricacies of how these online stores work. You can offer your services. Wide range of possibilities offered special programs to participate in an auction on behalf of another person. You can help the client purchase the right thing and receive a pre-agreed percentage of the transaction.

10. Sites about discounts and sales

Another opportunity to make money on the massive desire to save. You can create a special website that will offer network users information about all planned or current discounts and sales. Your earnings are a commission from stores whose products are advertised on the site.

11. Direct sales

Work in network marketing relevant again. Most people are familiar with cosmetics companies. But manufacturers use a similar method of distributing products. kitchen utensils, household appliances and chemistry, innovative products and natural remedies for promoting health. Look for a direction close to your preferences, be sure to check the availability of certificates and start a new business.

12. Blog

To maintain and make money on your own blog or information site, writing talent is not required. It is important to find a topic that is in demand and interesting to you, and regularly update the resource with new articles. You can hire a specialist to write articles. When you reach the required number of visitors, you can make money by advertising.

13. Franchise

Popular brands offer their developments, experience and trademark to budding entrepreneurs. Among the franchises there are also attractive options for home or family businesses.

14. Educational courses

During periods of crisis, learning new and in-demand professions begins to be in great demand. Don’t forget about your children – parents don’t skimp on their education and harmonious development even in the most difficult times.

This area is not suitable for everyone; deep knowledge in the financial sector is required. The crisis period is characterized by a sharp increase in debts and a decrease in interest in investing. Many are simply afraid of losing their funds.

The need for advice from an experienced professional on safe investments and ways to get out of difficult situations is very high at this time.

A crisis is an ambiguous time. For some, this is a difficult period. For others, it opens up great prospects when born interesting ideas when a person intensifies his activity. And this is the most correct option to overcome a difficult stage of life.

People have always lived according to their capabilities. Some save their already small salary, while others can afford expensive purchases even in times of crisis.

To understand what kind of business to start during a crisis, you must offer favorable conditions for the purchase of your services or goods to all these people. You will need to tailor your business idea to the demand of consumers in your region.

Will the business be profitable during a crisis?

The important point is to have the necessary information, which means finding a profitable idea.

To do this, go shopping in your city and observe in which departments more people which product is purchased more often. Consult with entrepreneurs you know about what problems there are in running a business, what obstacles there may be. This will help you avoid these problems in your business.

Buyer demand in each region is different. AND profitable business during a crisis is possible if you choose the best product or service for your city. Analyze all possible services and products that you can and should do. Food, shoes and clothing will always be in demand. People use the services of hairdressers and loans, car repairs and the services of lawyers.

Ideas for business during a crisis can be found on the Internet. Beginners, of course, will not be able to earn a lot of money right away, but there are many ways, you can learn a new business if you have the desire. By becoming a professional in online business, you can gather a large customer base and earn a decent income.

Now let's look at a few specific ideas that will help you open your own profitable business. The main thing is not to give up and not to panic. Choose the idea that is closest to you and act.


Your idea must be extraordinary and in demand. To reduce their expenses, many entrepreneurs turn to professional experts for advice. Opening a consulting company will help you earn good money if you have the appropriate education.

No start-up capital? Limit yourself on our own. Choose a field of activity in which you are an excellent specialist and know everything.

Find clients online and conduct consultations via Skype. And when you have enough clients, think about opening a company, attracting specialists in various fields. Profitable and in demand business.

Repair of household appliances

Do you like to repair various electronics and household appliances? Are you good at it? Why not open a repair shop. At first, you can do this at home. Costs for renting workshop space will be reduced.

Repairing household appliances is a profitable and promising business

And you will find clients quickly, because in times of crisis people try to save on everything. It is cheaper to properly repair old equipment than to buy new ones. To attract customers, use leaflets, advertisements on poles and in entrances, and on the Internet.

Collection agency

Almost every one of us has lent money to someone at some point. During periods of normal work and good salaries, we do not rush to repay debts. But during a crisis, money is needed, and careless debtors are in no hurry to repay their debts. And people turn to debt collectors.

You can offer your services. And then you can receive your commissions from each returned debt. There are no investments, income depends on the amount of debt. Not everyone will do this type of work, but it can be considered as an option.

A business that not only manages to stay afloat, but also gets rich.
AND we're talking about not even about speculators, financial pyramids and those who offer debt collection services. Everything is much simpler, almost to the point of banality: there are many companies that have been on the market for a long time - it’s just that during the crisis their business has become even more relevant and profitable.

So which business benefits in a crisis and which business is most profitable to run in difficult times? You don’t have to look far for an example: let’s see who benefited the most during the 2009 crisis.

  • Fast food workers.

Cafes and restaurants are empty: you no longer need to book a table in advance on Friday. Where have all these people gone? They sit at home and cook. Or they go to fast food. McDonald's average income increased by 10% during the 2009 crisis, and KFC decided to open 300 new outlets around the world during the same period. Whatever you say, in a crisis it is most profitable for a business to feed people hamburgers, not Chilean sea bass.

  • Tabachniks.

Have Russians started smoking less? Especially from such a wonderful information field, stress at work, salary cuts, the need to pay for loans and other joys? Well, of course not. Therefore, one of the cheap brands of cigarettes increased its sales by as much as 27% during the last crisis. However, why be surprised: tobacco producers were the only ones who made a profit during the American Great Depression. Chocolates are neither possible nor profitable.

  • Soap dishes and shampoo boxes.

As Rosstat surveys showed in 2009, furniture and household goods are the first to fall under the knife of cost cutting. But for some reason people do not agree to eat less often, wash less often and comb their hair less often under any circumstances. This is what allowed companies such as Procter & Gamble, as well as Johson & Jonson, to feel even more confident and boldly take 22nd and 42nd place in the ranking of the largest companies in the world.

  • Large hypermarkets.

As mentioned above, people are also not going to eat less often. But for the sake of safety family budget, our compatriots are not lazy even to go to the damn middle distance to get to some large and cheap hypermarket and buy for the year ahead. Food monsters feel calm, they manage to add a few zeros to their income items, but they are in no hurry to tell what kind of business is profitable to run now.

  • Landlords.

Owners of large retail spaces in good location there will always be something to live on. We can talk for a long time about the fact that many companies go bankrupt and move out - but others come to take their place? The Tashir group of companies in 2009, for example, grew in revenue and assets, even despite the active acquisition of problematic properties: its turnover increased by 11% and reached $1.5 million. One RIO mall on Dmitrivskoye Shosse brought in a cash flow of $100 million.

  • Anti-crisis lenders.

No, we still couldn’t do without creditors! But we will not talk about microloans and pawnshops, which also earned a lot, but about larger players. For example, investor Warren Buffett earned $10 billion during the 2008 crisis by providing loans to the largest US companies. According to the Wall Street Journal, he earned more than $680 million from his company Berkshire Hathaway's deal with Mars Inc. alone.

  • Hedge funds.

Even Wikipedia considers hedge funds to be one of the riskiest forms of investing. But this does not prevent such a business from being one of the most profitable during a crisis. Simple facts: after Black Wednesday 1992 and devaluation English currency, one of the funds earned $1 billion from this. And the crisis year of 2009 allowed 25 heads of global organizations to pocket $25.3 billion and double their income. It’s a pity that there are only 12 thousand hedge funds in the world and it is almost impossible to enter this market.

Meanwhile, in Tchaikovsky, the organizer of the financial pyramid enriched himself by 70 million rubles. A 60-year-old entrepreneur offered to invest money in her highly profitable business and promised to pay off debts at high interest rates, from 25% to 36%. Thus, she stole more than 70 million rubles from 211 people and received five years in prison. So don't listen to others and start your own profitable business: You can earn a lot of money during a crisis by playing fairly.

A person who considers himself a businessman must, by definition, be a risk taker. But this does not mean that you need to act at random. On the contrary, each financial transaction should be carried out only after drawing up a business plan that takes into account all possible situations. During the crisis, many noticed that not all entrepreneurs lost their savings; some of them were even able to improve their financial situation.

It turns out that everything is quite simple, these people just invested very wisely in a business that, even in a difficult economic situation, was able to generate income. Any person with professional skills and knowledge in a certain field can do the same.

home kitchen

Many were unable to open or, on the contrary, lost their business during the crisis due to lack of money. But this problem is far-fetched, since you can always do something that does not require special investments, but at the same time brings regular income. Of course, such advice will not be able to bring in billions of dollars in income, but they will go to the bottom financial world They won't allow it either.

Before answering the question about what kind of business is relevant during a crisis, you need to understand that selling your own products is much more profitable than being a reseller. In times of financial stress, speculators are the first to go bankrupt.

Thus, the first tip will be useful to those who love and know how to cook. Many women, being housewives, can earn more than their husbands. Moreover, the impact of the crisis on the culinary business is minimal, because everyone always needs to eat.

Where should you start? First of all, decide on 1-2 signature dishes. After all, even with the culinary skills of a chef, you can’t take on everything at once. The primary goal should be to occupy your specific niche, and not compete with catering.

It is better to choose something that cannot be bought elsewhere. This could be, for example, various confectionery products and baked goods prepared according to grandmother’s recipes. If you have a car and an assistant, you can arrange home delivery, which will help expand the sales market.

Financial advice

Conducting financial consultations is the most profitable business in a crisis. People frightened by the situation in the stock markets are ready to pay knowledgeable person so that he could tell them what to do with their savings.

Having knowledge in the field of economics, you can make very good money yourself and help others do the same. True, in this case you may encounter many problems, one of which is the difficulty of obtaining a license to conduct such activities.

Car repair

During the 2008 crisis, the auto mechanic business not only did not suffer, but even noticeably increased its pace of development. This is due to the fact that people decided to save money on buying new cars. In their opinion, it is much cheaper to clean up your old car.

In addition to the influx of visitors, such a business has another noticeable advantage during a crisis, which is lower prices for spare parts. Many specialty stores, being in a pre-bankruptcy state, prefer to have sales rather than go completely bankrupt.

Internet and high technology

The global network today is an inexhaustible source of information. And if ordinary business does not feel very good during a crisis, then in the media sphere everything is a little different. Live without the Internet to modern man almost impossible. He uses it almost every minute, visiting entertaining and educational sites, as well as communicating on social networks.

This craving for high technology must be used to your advantage. There are many options here. The most profitable thing is to create your own website and place advertising links on it.

You can also start creating various Internet content. This can be anything, from simple articles to conducting webinars and training courses.


Transferring your knowledge to another person is not only a pleasant pastime, but also very good business in crisis. Intelligence is valued at any time, and every parent wants a better future for their child, for which they try to give him an excellent education. Unfortunately, the modern state education system is not able to fully provide this.

Tutoring pays very well, and you can tutor students right at home. One hour of such intellectual work costs an average of $50, which for an ordinary teacher high school is a daily wage.

You can go much further than standard classes, and if you have the skills, then write a training software(you can resort to the help of professional programmers). Selling interactive textbooks will also help supplement your savings.

Other business ideas that will help you survive during a crisis

During financial difficulties, the business that can quickly adapt to the new rules of the game wins. Only small businesses that employ a small number of people can do this. As for the desire to open your own business during a crisis, the following options can be recommended:

  1. Retail trade in food products.
  2. Bureau of funeral services.
  3. Collection agency.
  4. Legal agency.
  5. Retail trade of household goods.
  6. Second Hand Store.

The inclusion of each of the above items in the top 6 can be explained from a logical point of view. Indeed, the demand for food and household goods, even with rising prices, falls slightly. People die too, no matter what the stock markets are doing.

Collection and legal agencies do not lack clients in difficult times. The former try to shake all debts out of the borrowers, and the latter come to their defense. As for Second Hand stores, clothing is exactly what they think ordinary people, you can save money.

Crisis with different strengths has an impact on Russian citizens: some try to save every penny, and the most enterprising come up with options for opening a profitable business. In order to decide on a niche in business, you should assess your abilities.

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If you have computer knowledge, you can work as a remote worker. The ability to bake confectionery will allow you to start baking at home, since it does not require large investments.

A crisis- these are total changes in the economic and political life countries conditioned by external government factors. The encyclopedia says that a crisis is<<острое затруднение с чем-либо (к примеру, со сбытом товаров или производством); тяжелое положение>>.

John Kennedy said that in Chinese the meaning of the word crisis includes 2 characters: the 1st means danger, and the 2nd means opportunity. That is, this is a period of recession and difficulties. As a result, income stops growing or begins to fall. So, the market changes during a crisis. You can get out of any crisis with the help of a well-established system of the entire business as a whole.

What should businessmen be wary of during a crisis?

The first thing that comes to the mind of the head of a small profitable business with the onset of a crisis is: “Cut down costs, reduce costs, lower profit targets.” Cost optimization is always a useful thing, since you shouldn’t waste money. The goal of optimizing costs to reduce profits is to retain and attract customers! Rogozin: Uncertainty. For business owners, this uncertainty represents a feeling that ordinary residents rarely experience. Alarming expectations arise against the backdrop of a deteriorating economic situation. The main concerns of entrepreneurs are not related to inflation, as can be seen from opinion polls.

The main entity that introduces unpredictability into the market situation is the government. Our respondents admit that there are competent people in the government, and there is no need to teach them. They do not understand on the basis of which the Central Bank’s policy is changing, how decisions on support are made. They just understand that when it comes to support, it means that you need to prepare for the worst.

How rational is it to think about starting your own business in such a situation?

Do you have an opinion that times are tough now and business will not develop? should be opened when you are ready for it. When can you say to yourself: I want to achieve success and earn a lot of money. You live now, and this is the best time to create a profitable business. No need to wait!

It will be difficult to do things on your own during the crisis of 2015 and subsequent years, but you will be your own commander. Doubts that arise when starting your own business are understandable; however, starting a business during a crisis is a risky undertaking.

However, starting a business during a difficult economic situation has its advantages. You will become more purposeful than those who started before the crisis.

Advantages of starting a business in times of crisis:

  1. You will learn how to run a business and withstand the blows of the economy. Entrepreneurs who started a business earlier do not always survive the period of sudden changes in the market. You will be prepared for all the ups and downs. Even a quick restructuring of your own business will be within your reach.
  2. During a crisis, companies go bankrupt. They were unable to adapt in time and survive in this situation. You have new opportunities: to learn a lot and take their place.
  3. If you start your own business during a crisis, you need to take into account the basic needs of citizens. We invite you to read the materials of Maslow, an American psychologist. If you want to find out which business is growing during a crisis, then you need to take a closer look at what a person needs: food, clothing, warmth and medicine. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the basic needs of the population.

In a crisis, it is not large or small enterprises that will survive, but the most flexible and fastest! That is, those who can quickly react to changes and adapt to them.

The challenges of opening during an economic downturn

Business relies on the activities of companies and enterprises. It influences the level of employment in the state, participates in the manufacture of goods, various industrial and scientific developments and research. Some companies operate in unpromising industries.

There are 8 difficulties of business development:

  • high risk leading to market instability;
  • business management has given problems and shortcomings;
  • little competence of owners;
  • dependence on large industry firms;
  • business is sensitive to changes in business conditions;
  • uncertainty when concluding contracts;
  • problem with additional financing and lending;
  • a significant difficulty, according to business owners, is the high responsibility;

High responsibility applies to all personal property, for example, a house, cottage, car and others. This extra responsibility negatively affects the work of enterprises. Often, most company failures, according to experience, are associated with the incompetence of managers. The chances of material success increase in long-standing companies that have stable and highly growing income.

The success of the company significantly depends on the professionalism of the manager, who is constantly working to improve the level of qualifications of the staff. The longer the owner of the company works, the more experience he has in business, the greater the fortune and success of the company will be.

Many problems can be solved more easily:

  1. The head of the company hires an additional team.
  2. The larger the initial total capital, the greater the chances of the company's continued operation during the crisis.

To solve difficulties, it is necessary to study and adapt to changes in the needs of the population. If such small companies will be flexible, agile and have sufficient capital, their chances of survival will be good and business difficulties will be reduced.

How to minimize risks?

An important factor when starting a business– registration and organization of work.

Here are some tips for beginners that can help you significantly reduce your costs at first:

  1. Refrain from using intermediaries during document registration.
  2. Refrain from overpriced office space, furniture and other luxuries when starting a business.
  3. Choose good ones advertising companies, inexpensive.
  4. Instead of hiring employees, do the bulk of the work yourself.

And most importantly, you need to keep track of costs and income, and use your first profit wisely. Even during a crisis, there are many options for starting your own business. You need to make a choice taking into account the region in which the future profitable business will be developed.

Nowadays, opening your own franchising business is gaining popularity; in this case, the experience of establishing a profitable business for companies that are already popular in the market is also used.

At this time, it represents a good benefit, since you can save on the office and employees. And if there is something innovative in the content of business ideas, this will make it possible to save costs on materials, labor costs, time - such a business of your own will develop well during a crisis.

To help entrepreneurs in business:

  1. Business consulting can be obtained on VKontakte “Business Secrets for a Beginner” for free.
  2. Money for your own business on an online lending site: it is possible to take out a loan.
  3. Video training courses: a kit for a beginning businessman.
  4. Online store: high quality commercial equipment.

The danger is that behind the risks, problems and dangers of the crisis, we can release the advantages of this situation, prospects, emerging chances for business development.

Promising business

A crisis always affects consumption demand. Sales are declining. Therefore, a competent choice of field of activity plays an important role.

Expensive goods, luxury goods and tours abroad will not find the required number of buyers during a crisis. While the needs for essential goods will remain at the same level.

A future entrepreneur should pay attention to these areas:

  1. Food products at inexpensive prices. However, people will continue to buy food products, preferring low-cost products.
  2. Clothes at an affordable price. Mostly stock, or from domestic production.
  3. Budget hairdressers. They will be visited much more than beauty salons with expensive prices.
  4. Lawyers' services. The most needed will be lawyers who specialize in bankruptcy and closure of companies.
  5. Vending is the sale of services using vending machines. To open such a business you will not need licenses or permits.
  6. Services for cars. They are in demand during a crisis due to a decrease in the number of new cars purchased by citizens.
  7. Workshops engaged in the repair of computer and household appliances. The number of customers will increase due to the fact that instead of buying new things, old ones will be repaired.
  8. Pawnshops. Their services will be used frequently due to the volatility of income and a decrease in the issuance of loans from banks.
  9. Courses for unemployed people with further employment. Many people will be able to visit who want to learn a new profession that is in demand in times of instability.
  10. Care services can be provided old people, the population also needs them, regardless of the economic situation in the country.
  11. Livestock– this is, for example, or. A rabbit farm will not cost much. Rabbits are animals that grow quickly and sell well. In addition, raising rabbits is a waste-free production; in addition to meat, you can sell skins.
  12. You can also create a farm using or .

Opinions of successful businessmen

  1. Owner of the company “Don - MT” Galina Pivovarova And CEO GC “Ideal” Roman Losevskoy noted that currently there are favorable conditions for opening a profitable business. We rent advertising space at a cost 4 times lower than before the crisis, and advertising companies make offers to us, noted Mr. Losevskoy. Employee expectations have also been lowered, and their professional level has increased significantly.”
  2. According to the owner of the business, the Rostov branch of Promsvyazbank, Anna Nesterenko, if a businessman has a business idea, then now is the time to implement it. General Director of Novocherkassky Meat Processing Plant OJSC Lyubov Akulovich noted that a business can be opened at different times: “And now it’s better to start in the field of manufacturing food and essential goods. It will be much easier if you have work experience in these industries and have established contacts,” she noted.