How to send a newsletter by email?

In order to send email newsletters, it is best to use special services. Of course, you can do the mailing yourself directly from your server, but in practice this is often difficult to implement. There is only one problem - these are the spam filters of the largest email services; they require numerous digital signatures(DKIM), domain verification via SPF and sometimes even an encrypted data channel. But we will not delve into the technical details of this issue.

In this article we will help you understand all the intricacies of email newsletters and get the maximum benefit from the chosen service, you will also learn How to make an email newsletter yourself.

We are forming a database of email addresses for mailing.

Free and useful content.

Typically, website visitors do not want to leave their Mailbox, fearing spam. But if you interest them, they will leave it without hesitation. Create useful articles and send them to the addresses provided. These could be lessons, cases, reviews, anything.

Purchase of a ready-made base email address ov.

You can buy an email database for mailing. This method is associated with certain risks; you can buy a low-quality database with non-existent email addresses, or simply turn the mailing into outright spam if the database audience is not interested in your product, service, etc.

Offer discounts.

Offer your visitors a discount on your website if they leave their email address. It may be a small discount of 5%, but you will get the contacts of your potential client.

Set up automatic chat.

By installing automatic chat, you can automatically collect questions and contact information from interested visitors to your site. Accordingly, then form a base for email newsletters from these contact details.

Choosing a service for email newsletters.

To begin with, you should decide on a list of your needs. Using the list below to formulate it will allow you to make the right decision.

  • Service language– availability of an interface in Russian;
  • Technical support– paid, free, in Russian, response speed, etc.;
  • Price– how much you are willing to spend and how large your base is;
  • Payment Methods– not critical, but for some it is very important;
  • A/B-testing– ability to conduct A/B testing.
  • Convenient analytics – the ability to analyze email clicks, deliverability, email opening, etc.
  • Mailing scheduler, trigger mailings – the ability to create “smart” mailings for the most suitable audience at the moment.
  • Import/export, integration with CRM– the ability to flexibly work with the mailing list.
  • Letter design– availability of a large number of letter templates, including adaptive letter design for mobile devices.

Selecting letter templates for email newsletters.

When choosing email template Three points need to be taken into account:

  1. Adaptability on mobile devices.
  2. Attractiveness of the template.
  3. Its focus on your customers.

Services for email newsletters already contain ready-made letter templates for email newsletters for any task, business, etc. If they do not suit you, you can find other free templates and download them on the Internet, or order them from designers.

We write text for email newsletters.

  1. Who is this letter for?
  2. How to interest this audience?
  3. What is the purpose of this letter? Selling, informing, maintaining interest, etc.

Don't look for ready-made ones examples of text for mailing. Most likely you won’t find them for your narrow task. But you will definitely find a lot interesting ideas for writing mailing text to clients, unusual examples of mailings from large companies.

We tried to do this for you and collected the most interesting recommendations:

  • Grab attention from the first word.
  • Make the client feel special.
  • Segment your database, do not send unnecessary mailings that irritate customers.
  • Avoid technical terminology and unclear words.
  • Don't be afraid to “show off.” Show your benefits.
  • Make your newsletter text short.
  • Give as many numbers as possible.
  • Anticipate questions and write counterarguments.
  • Call to action, why then do you need a newsletter?

Review of email marketing services.

While studying the capabilities of the services, we realized that in fact most of their functions are the same, but there are some that highlight one or another system. We have settled on three services that we recommend to you.

Review of the email newsletter service Mailchimp.

MailChimp excellent email newsletter service, was created in 2001, has long established itself in the international market and today is one of the leaders in services mailing lists.



  • Technical support is in English only.
  • There is no interface in Russian.
  • High cost of service.

Review of the Unisender email newsletter service.

UniSender excellent service that was created in 2008. Its distinctive feature is that in addition to mailings, this service offers the opportunity to send SMS messages, as well as the services of a personal manager and marketer.


  • Technical support in Russian: they answer very quickly, they are interested in helping.
  • SMS distribution function.
  • Beautiful templates.
  • So many ways import contacts.
  • High speed of letter delivery.


  • There is too much information to enter when registering.
  • The complexity of API integration cannot be solved without your own programmer.
  • No integration with social networks.

Review of the Getresponse email newsletter service.

Getresponse was created back in 1999. Distinctive feature The service is the presence of a huge number of templates, pictures, and great functionality.


  • Very simple and well thought out interface.
  • Multifunctional.
  • Trigger messages: triggered by time and action.
  • Click map (will allow you to understand the behavior in user emails).
  • Ability to create landing page.
  • More than 500 email templates.
  • Has its own gallery with the possibility of purchasing photos for mailings.
  • Possibility of creating polls.
  • Technical support in Russian.


  • High tariffs compared to other services.

Conclusion. What should the best email marketing service have?

If you have not yet made a profit, then you have free opportunities to start in almost all services. By conducting a newsletter, if it is really well done and the base is targeted, it will be able to attract you many more customers and retain existing ones.

Choose best email service impossible . Each of them has its own advantages that you should consider according to your goals. We tried to reveal exactly these advantages.

You decide buy email newsletter or use free email service. Find program for sending emails for free in Russian not that hard, much harder to do right choice. We hope you will do it with the help of this article.

Today I will give you instructions on how to create an email newsletter yourself in just 90 minutes. I tried to make it as simple as possible so that you can understand the main stages of email marketing.

Please note that each of the stages can and should be greatly improved, complicated and brought to perfection.

So, you and I will need:

  • your own database of email addresses of subscribers (mail address or mail address and subscriber name),
  • account in the UniSender service with a replenished balance (at the rate of 0.005 USD per 1 subscriber),
  • desire to learn something new and 90 minutes of time.

Stage 1. Create a subscriber base in Unisender

The first time you enter a new email in this field, Unisender will ask you to confirm it. This is a standard procedure for confirming an address, you will quickly cope with it.

  • Field " From whom" I recommend filling out the field in the format "name + company name". This will make the letter seem personal and remind you of your company. Try to fit in 20 characters.
  • Field " Letter subject" As you can see in the screenshot, the topic begins with the construction ((Name|Attention)). It is needed to address the subscriber by name if the “Name” field is filled in (if not filled in, “Attention!” will be written).

The subject line also conveys the main essence of the letter to the reader and contains several numbers that will attract attention.

Try to put the main essence of the letter into 35-50 characters. Please be aware that long topics may be cut off on some devices.

Filling out this field - separate topic for discussion and experimentation. In the future, we will write instructions with more complete recommendations for working with the subject line.

After filling out three fields and selecting a mailing list, click on “Continue”.

Step 2.2. Design and content

This seems to be the most difficult part of creating a newsletter. However, let's use the special "Block Editor" and quickly create a simple and meaningful letter.

After selecting a completed template in the block editor, all you have to do is:

  • remove blocks you don't need,
  • fill required blocks with your content,
  • mark all links to the site with UTM tags according to the instructions.

So, here is an example of quick editing and filling of this template:

Please note that the height and padding of some blocks have been changed, and some blocks have been completely removed. Changed font size and line spacing, added P.S. and a “See all” button.

To understand what you need to write in a letter, at this stage I recommend you do two things:

  1. Look at letters from other companies: what language they are written in, what they focus on, and how they format the content. Surely you can note something useful for yourself.
  2. Read a book " How to write so that people trust you"(K. Rowman, D. Rafaelson). An excellent book, adapted for modern means of communication.

I advise you not to linger on creating the letter. This stage can last for several days, and in some cases for several weeks. Keep your first letter simple. And you will gradually improve the second and subsequent mailings yourself or make Beautiful design and layout by contractors.

After you finish editing the letter, look at how approximately it will look like on computers and smartphones, and don’t forget to send a test letter to your email using a special button:

If some elements have moved out, then you need to edit them: change the indents, height, add empty blocks, etc.

I am sure that if you have done all of the above and read the article up to this point, then it will take you about 10 minutes to master the block editor. J You can do it - there’s just a little time left until your first newsletter!

Step 2.3. Sending letter

If you have already looked at the trial letter and are satisfied with it, then let's proceed to the final stage - sending the letter. Make sure all fields are filled out correctly. Click on “View” to look at your letter again.

All. Now all that remains is to wait for Unisender to send out the newsletter. Usually this does not happen instantly, but once every 10 minutes. However, it doesn't take much time.

Stage 3. Analysis of mailing results

And to evaluate the quality of the headline, email content and the offer itself, use open rate (Open Rate) and click-through rate (CTOR) indicators. In Unisender, you can view these statistics on the “Mailmails > Sent Reports” page by going to the desired mailing list.

If any of the indicators is significantly lower, then the matter is most likely due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Your proposal is too weak. People don't benefit from what you have to offer. Perhaps the benefits need to be made even greater.
  2. Your audience is not interested in this offer. In this case, try to understand how else you can attract your subscribers, or divide your audience into segments so that you send only offers that interest them.
  3. The title is not attractive. As a rule, this happens if it does not reflect the benefit or looks suspicious. Try to completely change the structure of the title.
  4. Poor presentation of content inside the letter: the text is difficult to read, links are not highlighted or absent at all, the essence of the proposal is not clear, there is no call to go to the site.

Try to find weak points in your mailing and eliminate them. Remember that the main task of the headline is to encourage the reader to open the letter, and the task of the letter is to interest and “sell” the transition to the site.

So why 90 minutes? In fact, all the described stages of work take me from 30 to 180 minutes. The total time depends mainly on the complexity of the letter itself. If the content of the letter is not very complex, you can definitely do it in 60 minutes.

If you have any difficulties or have questions about how to organize an email newsletter on your database, then look for answers to them in the Tactics blog or write to me about it in the comments. I'll try to help you. Good luck!

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to get information to people. No need to count mass mailings e-mail evil by definition. It is not the method of delivering information that is to blame, but the content that is delivered with its help. If in the next letter they offer me to lose weight in 60 seconds or increase something by the same number of centimeters, then I will get angry, but if in the same letter there is, for example, an offer to buy something interesting for me, and even at a good price. discount, then I won’t be indignant. If you are a business owner and you have a subscriber base, as well as information that is really necessary and useful for them, then use the newsletter, just do it wisely.

In this seemingly simple matter, there are a huge number of nuances, taking into account which you can get a positive return and not anger people. You can spend time studying this science, but it is much wiser to turn to a specialized service that will do everything itself and as competently as possible. You will still be paying someone for this service, so choose the right service.

As a life hacker, we use email newsletters, and we have good experience working with similar services. Today we will tell you about one service we love under the cute name “”. It stands out from others in that it takes into account all the subtleties of competent mailing and has extremely low threshold occurrences - even a person who has never dealt with before will be able to use it email marketing ohm

Fast and easy

Let's start with the fact that Pechkin is very friendly to new users. The import of the database happens really quickly, and the figures stated on their website “30 thousand subscribers in 1.5 minutes” correspond to reality. At the same time, the service will take into storage all the media content that is planned to be used in the newsletter.

Pechkin’s coolest feature is the drag&drop editor for the body of the letter. A beautifully designed email that is displayed correctly on a smartphone certainly helps ensure that it is read and followed by a link. The design should not be ignored under any circumstances.

We once thought that a WYSIWYG HTML editor was the height of convenience, but when, when designing and composing a letter, you don’t come across any code at all, and any manipulations are carried out by simply dragging elements with the mouse, then somehow you don’t want to go back to visuals.

We have not encountered such editors in other services we have tested.

Paranoid's Corner

The second point (and often the most important) is data security. Do you often think about future fate the address of your mailbox left for another good service? Things can be even worse if you are not a user, but a custodian of the subscriber base. Such information is a tasty morsel both for stupid spammers and for competitors with a similar target audience. It needs to be protected, and in this regard, Pechkin offers a very convenient thing - confirmation of login to your account via SMS. After entering your login and password, a message with a code is sent to the number specified in the settings, which must be specified during authentication.

In fact, this reduces the risk of account theft to zero. All data that is transferred from the user to the service and back goes through HTTPS. Even if paranoia is off the charts and anxiety doesn’t let you sleep, you can simply go to your profile and look at the history of visits to the service from your current account.

The problem with the need to provide access to the service to one of the employees is being solved simple creation for him a subaccount with limited rights.

Can do everything

The third point is that very literacy - a set of actions with the help of which dull spam turns into an exchange of information useful for both parties (there are really a lot of them, we will briefly describe an approximate work process, but it is better to read about them in full).

We quickly upload the database to the service -> the built-in tool will check it for typos and, if desired, segment contacts into separate target groups according to any relevant parameters -> we draw several options for mailing templates -> we immediately check them appearance on all current browsers and mobile devices right inside the service -> at the same time we run an A/B test, during which some recipients will receive an experimental version of the letter -> add a personalization element to the letters (take the name of the subscriber and paste it into the body of the letter addressed to him). All this is done right inside the service. Without using third-party utilities and tools, without leaving your Pechkin account at all. Cool? We like it too.

As a bonus, information about geographical location addressee at the moment of reading the letter, dead and inaccessible addresses are recorded, and all this is entered into the current recipient database.

If the user has not previously dealt with mailings at all and has not collected data from subscribers, then you can add a subscription form to your website directly from Pechkin. This way, the data will go directly to the service, without unnecessary import procedures.

Bottom line

What else is needed to organize a competent and effective email campaign? We don't know, but current funds are abundant. With quite affordable flexible tariffs and such a huge number of necessary auxiliary tools that do not require any specific knowledge and skills, anyone can work effectively in this environment.

Sending by email is enough effective method interaction with potential audience. It remains an indispensable tool for online marketing even with the active spread of social networks. But how to send a newsletter by email?

Statements that you will need a good budget at least to purchase a base email addresses and payment for services that allow you to automate the process are partly correct. But even the most a long way starts with one step. At first, the answer to the question of how to make a mass email campaign is simple - do it yourself. But when the tool begins to bear fruit in the form of an increase in conversion - the ratio of the number of customers who performed the target action (subscribed to the newsletter, bought a product, called, registered) to users who visited the site or read the letter - you can think about automating the work.

What do you need to know to send a newsletter?

How to send an email newsletter yourself? Before you start creating a newsletter and directly sending letters, you should study not only the technical aspects, but also determine the target audience, interests and needs of subscribers. Only by knowing your client in person can you successfully sell a product more than once. So, the first thing you need to do is to at least superficially familiarize yourself with the basic principles of successful Internet marketing.

Which path to choose: educational, informational content or direct sales

So, technical knowledge of how to send an email newsletter is completely insufficient for the successful use of the tool in Internet marketing. The newsletter must be structured correctly. You cannot persistently ask a potential client to buy something in every letter, otherwise the chain of messages will look like spam. Such mailings are blocked by automatic services and added to the blacklist.

The most common three ways to turn an ordinary subscriber into a satisfied customer.

Educational (cognitive) content - information in the form of text, images, videos, infographics, and so on. Letters with this strategy should be useful and informative. An online clothing store, for example, can tell girls how to create their own personal style.

Direct sales. Direct sales are recognized as the most ineffective method of building audience loyalty. These are the types of emails that often end up in spam. At the same time, the conversion part should complement previous strategies with educational and entertaining content.

First step. Determine the scope of work

Preparatory stage: you should determine the target audience and its needs, think over a content plan and sales strategy, and collect a database of email addresses.

Technical points: you need to create a letter template, develop materials for mailing (write texts, find or make pictures, videos), set up sending letters.

    9:00-10:00 - suitable for any topic;

    15:00-17:00 — good time to send advertising messages (Monday to Thursday);

    17:00-19:00 - it is best to send out newsletters advertising entertainment events;

    19:00-22:00 is the most active time for shopping in online stores;

    Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - better days for mailing on any topic.

Conversion tracking: It is imperative to monitor the statistics and take reactive measures if the conversion is insufficient.

Determining the target audience

How to send emails to unknown subscribers? When starting to create a newsletter, you should determine who the potential client is. The main task is to succinctly describe the characteristics of a person in living language. Next, it is important to understand where you can find the target audience; this will be required to collect the email database. If you need to sell a product that is in seasonal demand (winter tires, swimsuits, sleds, sunscreen), you should actively remind yourself precisely during the period of traditional sales activation.

How to send an email newsletter to those who feel like a fish out of water when it comes to online marketing? Option for advanced users: start intelligently promoting the product so that by the time the client needs to purchase it, the person would already know where to purchase a certain product. For example, stretch ceilings are sold. The structure is installed at the end of the renovation, so you can start promoting the product at the stage of planning the renovation and its further implementation.

Drawing up a content plan


  • a letter confirming your subscription to the newsletter (this is one of the rules of politeness in Internet marketing);
  • welcome letter (the first one after confirmation of subscription, preferably in it in general outline inform the user about when and with what information letters will be sent);
  • farewell letter (for unsubscribed users);
  • gratitude for the completed conversion action (registration, making a purchase, etc.);
  • “resurrection” letter (sent to potential clients who are not active long time: they don’t read emails, don’t follow links).

You should also develop a chain of letters. They can either be interconnected or be separate “tiles” of information.

Formation of a database of email addresses

How to send a newsletter using an email database? First of all, decide on this very database of email addresses. For successful mailing, you only need a high-quality email database. Each user must express their consent to receive emails. It is better to abandon shady methods: buying an email database, collecting addresses fraudulently and other not entirely honest ways to get a potential client.

But how to find your potential clients? You can make a one-page website (stub) with an offer to subscribe to the newsletter, offer the user useful content for subscription (a small e-book on the topic, an interesting checklist or video manual), collect addresses directly from the feed in in social networks, offer a discount for subscribing to the newsletter, use social proof (for example, reviews about the informativeness of the newsletter).

Creating a letter template

You will also need an HTML template for the letter. You can make an email newsletter template “from scratch,” that is, write the html code yourself, or use ready-made solutions. In any case, it is necessary to learn the basics of html. You can get inspiration from great sample letters.

What else you need to consider when creating a template:

    take care of how the letter will look in mobile version postal service;

    use responsive design - adapt letters, including for widescreen monitors;

    pay attention to typography - you should not choose an elaborate font, as well as one that is too small or very large;

    highlight a call to action - this could be a button “Order”, “Register” and so on, but the main thing is that the call to action should attract attention;

    don’t complicate things—the text should be concise but informative; you shouldn’t overload your emails with images or videos.

Choosing a service for organizing mailings

How to send an email newsletter yourself? It’s worth taking care of automation and turning to email newsletter services. Such tools can be either free or paid. Fixed fee services tend to provide more features. The webmaster has complete statistics at his disposal, differentiation of the database based on any criteria (gender, age, etc.), and other useful things. But it’s better to start with free tools: they are simpler and will help a beginner get used to the difficult task of Internet marketing.

Free (more precisely, shareware) services include the following tools:

    SendPulse. You can send 3000 emails per month for free, maximum amount subscribers - 200. The service provides a large number of ready-made templates for letters.

    Smart Responder. No more than a thousand addresses and 50 thousand letters, 10 MB of disk space is also provided.

    UniSender. Up to 1500 messages per month and no more than 100 subscribers.

    Cogasystem. Up to one hundred addresses in the database and up to 500 letters per month.

    Mailchimp. The English-language service allows you to send up to 12 thousand letters per month to no more than 2 thousand subscribers.

    MadMimi. Unlimited number of letters, no more than 100 addresses. Service in English.

Some services are more functional, but all of them contain the minimum required set of tools for email marketing.

You feel like it's time to try email marketing. Or even more, create and send a newsletter. How to start? What and where to look? "Mass email newsletter messages" sounds difficult and sometimes scary. In addition, you are limited in time as you are busy running your business. This article, no, rather a guide, is just for you!

There is no need to repeat how important, necessary and useful email marketing is in promoting your products and services on the market. The mass mailing service is an effective and inexpensive two-way communication method that helps build a successful business.

So let's get started.

Step 1.

Reconnaissance: identifying opponents and their positions

Before you start working on message design, writing text and sending the letter, you need to decide on the audience. Once you have recipients, deciding what to tell them about will be much easier.

If you already have a list of recipients, who are they? The easiest way to determine is to find out how they got on this list. If they signed up during the checkout process, they are unconditionally your customers. But if you were found through a website or publicly (at an exhibition, show, etc.) - these are potential clients.

If you don't have followers yet, what is your target audience? How will you find these people? And what do you think they will want to read about in your newsletters?

If, for example, you are a blogger or publisher, your followers will be interested in the content you write. If you are a seller - new products, promotions, etc.

By the end of this step, you should have decided on your audience and what interests them.

Step 2.

Setting up equipment, coordinating call signs and getting in touch.

Now that you know who you'll be communicating with, it's time to think about what you're going to tell them. This is your information. Think about why this audience subscribed to you, then focus on the main thing that interests them and formulate your thoughts. Next, it would be a good idea to decide about delivering your ideas to them.

The choice before you is great, and it’s worth carefully weighing the pros and cons of each of the mailing services.

By registering in the service, you are taken to your personal account. They are presented differently in different services, but in general they contain information about available features: news, statistics menu and much more. Let's look at the capabilities of various platforms using an example:

When using the service for the first time, create an address book and upload recipient addresses. In the future, it is saved, and when you resend, you use the already existing address book.

Since you have already thought through the text, and, most likely, it was written down in a text file, let’s begin creating the message itself. As a rule, at this step you choose which of the recipients will see your message in their email, the sender's name, and the subject of the message. Enter text in the message field. Many services offer the use of templates for sending letters. The message is bright, colorful, unique. Such letters attract more attention than letters that contain bare text. We recently wrote. It has long been no secret to anyone that appearance matters a lot.

Some tips for creating and collecting content

  • Treat your clients like VIPs. You are honored that someone has subscribed to your mailing list. Therefore, each recipient expects special treatment from you.
  • Send mailings only from useful information. There is no need to test the endurance of your subscribers. Think about whether you yourself open emails with a subject that doesn’t interest you at all.
  • Be individual. Nobody wants to read dry, uninteresting messages. Try to write as if you were communicating with the client live. Who knows, maybe your humor, tone, writing style, etc. will bring you considerable profit?
  • Don't stretch your text to 10,000 words. Most people receive a dozen emails every day. They do not have time to read the entire text of each of them. If you have a large amount of information for a client, insert a link to the page with the text. Allow your clients to skim your emails when necessary.

The text was entered, recipients were identified, and the topic was entered. All that’s left to do is click the “Send” button.

Congratulations!You're right on target! Your customers receive notifications from you about new products, discounts, promotions, news, etc.

Step 3.

Determine attack frequency and targets

Not all messages should be sent daily. The optimal period in which you won’t be able to bore your clients is 1 week. Remind yourself every 7-10 days. Don't forget to send your newsletter on holidays: Birthday, New Year and Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc.

ePochta Mail Service has a “Scheduler” function. The mailing will be sent automatically on the date and time you specify. You didn’t forget to congratulate your customers -> they are happy -> you have a profit.

Decide for yourself what goal you are pursuing: to attract more clients to the website? Stimulate sales? Increase people at events? We have set a goal - track the statistics of email campaigns. Over time, you will realize what might be worth changing in your strategy.

Step 4.

Always have a set schedule.

A schedule that is in front of your eyes every day is a great help. You won't miss an important event, promotion or goods arrival.

If you are not used to using a schedule, and the information is already well in your head, you can skip this step.

We wish you to always achieve your goals!