When will there be Honey, Apple and Nut Spas in 2017?. Every year the Orthodox Church celebrates three Saviors - Honey, Apple and Nut. These holidays are immutable, that is, they are celebrated on the same dates from year to year.

When will it be in 2017. Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Honey Savior August 14, 2017. This is the first of three Spas. He is also called the Savior on Water and Makovey. It is believed that Honey Spas is the end of summer. From this day preparations for the winter begin. One of the products that is usually prepared for future use is honey.

On August 14, you need to go to church for a service, and also to bless fresh honey. After honey has been blessed in the temple, it can be eaten.

When it will be Apple Spas in 2017. The second Spas is Yablochny. It is also called Medium or Great. As usual, in 2017 the Orthodox will celebrate the Apple Savior August 19. On this day, freshly harvested apples are blessed in churches. After which they are allowed to eat.

Traditionally, festivities are held on this day, and a variety of treats are prepared from apples. Poor people are treated to apple pastries.

When will the Nut Spas take place in 2017? The third Spas is Nut. Always checked August 29. The Nut Spas is not celebrated by the people as widely as the Honey or Apple Spas. This is probably due to the fact that it occurs at the peak of the harvest.

It is also customary to go to church on Orekhovy Spas. On this day, freshly harvested nuts and dishes prepared using them are blessed. On this day, Christians thank God for a rich harvest. It is customary to leave some of the consecrated dishes in the church, and the rest, brought home, is eaten at a festive family dinner.

The tradition of celebrating Honey, Apple and Nut Spas in August originated in ancient times and has survived to this day. Have a beautiful Savior and a rich harvest!

Summer church holidays have a special connection with folk customs and nature. Today we will talk about the three most important of them and try to find out what date the apple, honey and nut holiday of 2019 will take place, as well as what dishes are best to eat on these days.

Our Slavic culture is fraught with many summer customs, the essence of which lies in the deep connection between pagan beliefs and Christian morality. So, Spas are very interesting - holidays celebrated in the second half of summer. The number of these holidays is small: only three. The very name of the holiday contains a reference to Jesus Christ, who is called the Savior. In the popular understanding, this name hides the deep idea that the people at this time are saving themselves, trying to survive on the three main summer products: apples, bread (nuts) and honey.


Apple Spas 2019 is one of the first days of the harvest in the Slavic tradition. Celebrated at the very beginning of August, to be precise - on the 19th of the month according to the new style. Fast to follow the first rescue. The meaning of this day comes down to the fact that nature begins its transformation and prepares for autumn.

On Apple Spas, it is customary to light up apples from the new harvest in the church. This day is especially revered by parents of dead young children. It is believed that if the family has not consumed apples up to this point, then the child in the next world will receive the fruit of the tree of paradise as a gift. For this reason, it was impossible to eat apples before the apple rescue. It was considered obligatory that a woman in whose family a misfortune had occurred would take several fruits to the church for service in order to illuminate them and hand them over to the graves of the dead.

On this holiday, it was customary to see off the sunset in the field with many songs and dances. Our ancestors also loved round dances with songs and dances. In addition, it was customary to prepare various dishes using apples. Just imagine: rosy baked apples on the same table with pies and pancakes seasoned with apple jam. Lenten dough wickets with mushrooms and berries were also favorite dishes for families at this time. Their photo is shown below.

What date will Apple Spas be scheduled for 2019? Apple Spas in 2019 will be held on August 19, Saturday, which is very good, because many people on weekdays simply would not be able to visit the church and enjoy this wonderful event, which is so important for those who want to join the culture of their ancestors. When it is convenient, you can bake various apple pies and charlottes, which even the lazy can make.


Honey Spas 2019 is a holiday falling on August 14 according to the new style. This day is dedicated to the memory of trees from the trunks and branches of which the cross was created, which became a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In addition, it is believed that from this moment the Assumption Fast begins, during which it is allowed to eat vegetables and collect honey. Traditionally, on this day it was customary to perform religious processions, bless water and bathe in rivers. From that moment the sowing of fields with winter rye began. Honey Spas pictures will help you understand how artists see this wonderful holiday.

In addition, it was customary to illuminate not only water in temples, but also honey from the new harvest. By folk beliefs On this holiday, women were forgiven all their sins that had not been forgiven before.

It is also interesting that August 14 is the day of veneration of St. Macabeus, timed to coincide with the poppy harvest. That is why on this holiday it is customary to bake and eat not only pancakes with honey toppings, but also prepare poppy seed pies, rolls and, of course, buns.

Honey Spas in 2019 will take place on Monday, August 14th. If you are unable to attend church on this day, then in the evening, arrange a gathering at home with your family for a festive celebration. delicious table. Prepare your loved ones a poppy seed roll with honey and tea based on thyme or mint. All of these components have excellent reviews and work very well together.


Nut Spas in 2019 is the last in a series of August festivities. It is celebrated on August 29 according to the new style. Dedicated to obtaining the miraculous image of the Savior - one of the most revered icons in Slavic culture. Nuts are not the only symbol of this holiday. In addition to them, bread is held in great veneration on this day. This is precisely the essence of the second name of the holiday - Bread Savior.

It is customary to bake various dishes at this time. bakery products from freshly harvested grains that can be eaten with nuts, berries or honey. Such food will not only be tasty, but also healthy to eat.

What date is Nut Spas 2017? In the new year, Nut Spas will take place on the 29th, which falls on Tuesday. On this holiday, try to please your loved ones with some tasty but simple pastries or homemade bread. Congratulations on the Savior of Nuts are best accompanied by buns and pies with walnuts or hazelnuts.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Walnut pie Photo 2. Honey pie

Apple Spas in 2019 is celebrated on August 19. This is a folk Christian holiday, the second of the three Spas. Its official church name is the Transfiguration of the Lord. People also call this day the Second Savior.

history of the holiday

Apple Spas replaced the pagan apple harvest festival. The first celebrations took place in the 4th century.

IN Orthodox Church The Apple Savior is dedicated to the transfiguration of Jesus Christ before the apostles Peter, John and James on Mount Tabor. When the Savior began to read the prayer, his face was illuminated by light, and his clothes became white. Descending from Tabor, he ordered his disciples to collect apples so that the Lord would consecrate them.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

Apple Spas has established church and folk traditions celebrations.

On this day, services are held in churches. Parishioners try to wear clothes to the service white. They bless baskets of fruits and berries in the church: apples, pears, plums, grapes.

In Apple Spas it is customary to show generosity and mercy. People make donations and provide fruit to the poor.

On this day, housewives begin to make preparations for the winter from apples: they make jams and compotes, and dry them. They bake pies and pancakes with fruit filling from lean dough.

Before the holiday, they try to harvest grain crops. On August 19, the grape and pea harvest begins.

On Yablochny Spas, people remember the memory of deceased relatives. It is customary to bring fruits blessed in the temple to the cemetery and leave them on the graves.

In Rus', autumn was celebrated on this day. People went out into the field and said goodbye to the sun. They believed that with its sunset, summer was leaving.

Before the holiday, parents whose children died did not eat apples. They believed that in the next world they would be given gifts for this - apples of paradise.

What not to do in Yablochny Spas

On this holiday, it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical labor, cleaning, sewing and knitting. From homework Only gardening and kitchen chores can be performed.

On this day you should not kill insects - this can scare away good luck. If a fly or wasp lands on any part of the body, you should not drive it away. It's worth waiting until she flies away on her own.

Signs and beliefs on Apple Spas

  • The weather is clear - autumn will be dry, rainy - wet.
  • The last piece of apple eaten that day has magical power. If you make a wish immediately after consuming it, it will come true.
  • If you treat a beggar with an apple on a holiday, then the next year will pass in abundance.
  • If a fly lands on your hand twice, then the person will have good luck all year.
  • Picking unripe apples on this day is a bad omen.


    So the Apple Savior came to us,
    You can taste the ripe apples now.
    Please accept my congratulations on this holiday,
    I wish you divine favor.
    So that apple trees give birth in your garden,
    And may everyone in your family be healthy.

What date is Apple Spas in 2020, 2021, 2022

2020 2021 2022
19 August Wed19 August Thu19 August Fri

From the conversation of Archpriest Maxim Kozlov in the program “Looking into Traditions,” you will learn what the Apple Savior is and what date it falls on in 2019.

What is Apple Spas?

Certificate from the editors of the portal “Orthodoxy and Peace”

What date is Apple Spas in 2019?

History of Apple Spas

Apple Spas is celebrated at the height of the summer harvest. Apples these days become ripe and juicy. People make preparations for the winter, cook apple jam, next to the calendar is the Feast of the Honey Savior.

Apple Spas is celebrated every year on the same day - August 19. The appearance of Jesus Christ before the apostles, His disciples, in the Divine nature is celebrated. On Mount Tabor, Jesus was with His close disciples when they saw the beautiful transfigured face of Christ, and a voice from heaven told them that before them was the Son of God. Thanks to this event, the Apple Savior is also called the Savior on the Mountain.

On this day, Orthodox Christians try to transform themselves internally, and although we are not given the opportunity to get closer to Divine holiness and purity, people try to change their lives, get rid of bad habits, and correlate their actions and thoughts with the Holy Scriptures.

Traditions of Apple Spas

On the evening before the holiday there is a big church service, and in the morning - liturgy with procession. Temples are decorated with lamps, and priests serve in festive white vestments on this day. Parishioners often bring with them baskets of apples, grapes and other tree fruits, as well as ears of wheat. After consecration, the fruits can be eaten.

On this day, believers ask to bless their crops. The main symbol of the holiday remains the apple, which is not eaten until it is consecrated. During the holiday, the Assumption Fast continues, so other restrictions on eating food also remain in force.

Previously, it was believed that on this day Angels treated the souls of dead children with apples in heaven, so it was customary to leave an apple on the grave of a deceased child. But this is nothing more than a secular belief that has nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Poems about the Apple Savior

Alexander Blok – Transfiguration

The mists open up,
Petrel on the wave,
Hurricanes fly by
In the endless heights.
On the bright day of Transfiguration
The madman's spirit is struck:
Out of bondage, out of confusion
He heard Your voice.
Now mournful, now poor,
In the bosom of the Eternal Father,
Close to You, in the pale azure
Longing for a new end...
Only one country in the fog
(Petrel on the wave) –
Restless desire
Together with God - on high.

Sergei Yesenin – Transfiguration

Apple Savior, celebrated annually in August, symbolizes the onset of autumn and the time of harvest in the orchards. In addition, on this day all Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the very important Orthodox holidays - the Transfiguration of the Lord. Therefore, August 19, the date of the change of seasons and a revered Christian event, is famous for its wide festive feast and noisy fun. After all, in fact, this is a day that contains only positive notes.

When is it customary to celebrate Apple Day (celebration date – August 19)

Apple Spas is the second Spas of three celebrated in August. According to church canons, it is correct to call it “The Transfiguration of the Lord.” Why it is called that will be discussed a little later. Apple Spas is celebrated annually on the same day, August 19 or August 6 according to the old style. Thus, if you do not understand the intricacies of Orthodox holidays, remembering this number will be easy, because it remains the same every year. Even at this time, the time comes to collect apples, which will definitely remind you of the Apple Savior.

Apple Saved: what this date symbolizes and how it is customary to celebrate

“Apple Saver” owes its name to the people.

Spas means Savior. This is what people have always called Jesus Christ. On this day, August 19, the collection of fruits and other fruit crops began. Before this date, it was not customary to pick them and eat them. You could only eat cucumbers.

Now, of course, this tradition is no longer observed. After harvesting, the fruits were lit in the church and carried home to the table.
In addition, Apple Spas, celebrated on August 19, symbolizes the change of seasons and the coming cold snap. After this day, the sowing of winter crops and the harvest of spring crops began. On this holiday it was customary to hold wide celebrations and fairs.

History of the Apple Savior holiday

According to church canons, this day, August 19, symbolizes not only the onset of autumn and the harvest, but also the Transfiguration of the Lord. This holiday, as indicated in the chronicles, has been celebrated since the 4th century, when in Palestine on Mount Tabor, by order of Empress Helena, the Church of the Transfiguration was erected in honor of an event that took place on this site many centuries ago.
According to the Gospel texts, Jesus Christ, long before his execution, tried to prepare his disciples for this event. Despite their strong belief that Jesus was destined to become king, he tried to convey to them the understanding that he was the son of God and had come to save humanity. And then one day, Jesus and his disciples climbed Mount Tabor. While praying, Peter, John and James were amazed to notice a bright glow emanating from their teacher. Next to him were the prophets from Old Testament Elijah and Moses. They talked to Jesus about the exodus from Jerusalem. And then a cloud descended from heaven, and a divine voice sounded, saying that Jesus was his son.
Shocked by everything they saw, the disciples froze in place and did not dare to move until Christ touched them. Jesus forbade them to talk about what they saw until the moment of the crucifixion on Calvary.
An interesting fact is that, according to what is indicated in the gospel texts, this event occurred in February, exactly 40 days before Easter. However, according to Orthodox tradition The Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated on August 19, so that it does not fall on the days of Great Lent. 40 days after this holiday, the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is celebrated.

Traditions and signs associated with the date of the celebration of the Apple Savior

It is believed that after August 19 it begins to get colder and the seasons change, so on the night of this date it is customary to say goodbye to summer and prepare for autumn.
On Apple Day, it was customary to bless apples and other fruits in the church and treat them to loved ones, relatives, and friends. This tradition helped to remind people of the importance of kindness and spiritual transformation. It was believed that if you give a meal to a beggar or an orphan on this day, then the next year will be fruitful.
In addition, you can make a wish with the last piece of the apple, and it will definitely come true. Since ancient times, it was believed that on this day, August 19, these fruits have magical properties.

An interesting sign is that if a fly lands on one hand twice, it will bring success. Therefore, on Yablochny Spas you should be more patient with these insects.

You can predict the weather on this day. If it is very hot on this holiday, then there will be little snow in winter, and if it rains, then January will be snowy.
There was another tradition in Rus'. Those who had a lot of apple trees in their garden or a grape harvest filled carts with them and took them outside to treat everyone for free. If someone did not do this, then they were still considered an evil and wicked person.
On the day of the Apple Savior celebration, it was also customary to bake apple pies and dip these fruits in honey or sugar. After sunset the feast continued with songs.