How to usefully spend time on the Internet?

The Internet is equated to a drug that modern society is firmly hooked on.

This is not surprising; this technology has opened up wide possibilities and partially replaced our usual actions. People spend too much time online, and this has a negative impact on their lives.

How to usefully spend time on the Internet? If you enjoy sitting in front of a computer so much, then at least try to find some benefit in it.

Not necessarily monetary, you can learn something, develop, establish useful connections, and so on. There are many options, and there are enough sites for this.

Where to spend time usefully on the Internet?

There are currently over 3,000 posts on the blog. different topics. Browse through the menu of our website and choose interesting categories. You will find a bunch interesting information, which will help not only learn how to make money on the Internet.

Our project is far from the only site for useful pastime, There are many other quality resources:

  1. – a real find for those who want to engage in self-development. Here are courses to improve your reading speed, healthy image life, psychology, memory development, improvement oratory and much more.
  2. – when you have nothing to do, you can read a book. In order not to go to the library or store, just go to this site and choose something suitable absolutely free.
  3. – do you like to travel? Then this site is for you. Here you will find foreigners and can chat with them to arrange a meeting. This real opportunity save.
  4. – the Internet has erased geographical boundaries, but the language barrier remains. Use this site to learn foreign languages ​​playfully. You don't need to pay anything.
  5. – an educational online encyclopedia, which is filled with the most interesting articles on a wide variety of topics. You can read about radioactive places on the planet, laugh at the latest jokes, and so on.
  6. – a modern hobby is photography and videography. With the help of this site you will gain useful knowledge. Even if you don’t intend to become a professional, this will be useful for creating high-quality photographs and processing them.
  7. – what will definitely come in handy in life is knowledge of the rules of the Russian language. Use this site to educate yourself. Learn spelling rules.
  8. – dating site for adults. On it you will find new acquaintances with guys and girls. Communicate, find interesting people, like-minded people or soulmate.
  9. – here people take interesting online surveys and get points for it. These points can be used to order notepads, pens, wallets, stickers, pencils, hats, pillows and much more.
  10. – from the name it is already clear that this is an interesting site with many original posts. It covers all serious events and publishes entertaining content.
  11. – why not spend some quality time practicing photo editing. The site will definitely appeal to everyone who loves photography, there is different styles, frames, fonts and much more.
  12. – every day we satisfy our hunger, and to please yourself, use the recipes from this site. It’s convenient that here you can specify a list of products and the system will select the best recipes.
  13. – a useful generator through which you can learn a lot of new things. Visitors are randomly given Interesting Facts, information about cities, wise thoughts and much more.
  14. – another quality resource for learning foreign languages. To allow visitors to practice, a communication function has been added. Look for friends among foreigners and communicate, this is effective learning.
  15. – real professionals register in this system to conduct their training courses. Most courses are available for free. A professional from any field can also register here.

These sites are definitely enough to find something new. interesting hobby and spend time on the Internet profitably. Everyone has their own interests, so it is not advisable to recommend any one project. Although the ability to write or speak competently foreign language, will be useful to everyone.

Making money on the Internet is the best way to spend your time profitably

There are financial benefits to sitting in front of a computer. Now many systems have been created so that even a beginner can easily earn extra money. As already mentioned, there are many articles on our website describing different methods.

To get started without investment or training, try the following systems:

  1. – write articles about anything and sell them on this site. You can even rewrite any material in your own words; rewriting is also accepted here.
  2. Wmmail – the easiest tasks are posted specifically for beginners. They ask you to write a comment, download a file, subscribe to Email newsletter and so on.
  3. – here they make money through social networks on retweets, likes, joining groups, etc. You can receive your payment directly to your phone.
  4. – an online survey system, you fill out questionnaires and receive cash rewards for it.
  5. is a unique game where thousands of people earn rubles. Register and receive a bonus so you don’t have to invest anything.
  6. – Express your opinion about movies, food, restaurants or even dishes on this site and get paid for viewing your review.

I was once a workaholic, and the word “day off” almost broke out in a cold sweat. In order not to be left alone with my own idleness, I took work home, so Saturday and Sunday were almost no different from Monday, and I was happy that I was spending every day usefully. Imagine my surprise when I realized that the weekend can be spent meaningfully and without any work! Moreover, working on weekends is even contraindicated. And so, if you constantly ask yourself questions: “How to spend a day off profitably?” and “What to do on the weekend? " - this article is for you!

Long box

In my diary, the number of current tasks is growing at the rate of hamster reproduction. Nothing can compare with this wonderful feeling when you put a tick in front of an item, which means “done.” It turned out that ticks are ticked much faster if you open the notorious “long drawer” on weekends and take out everything that has been lying around.

Two years ago I bought myself a bicycle and dreamed of riding it all the time. warm time a year, enough for me for a couple of trips. But it’s so cool to ride around the city, go out into nature, and feel how the wind blows your hair. That’s it, it’s decided, this year I’ll go skiing regularly on the weekends.

I’m ashamed to admit, but for some reason I couldn’t send my friend the promised book for two months. My favorite reader has been waiting for six months for me to buy him a beautiful backlit cover. The toilet tank was leaking, increasing my water bills.

There was no way I could cross paths with my cousin, who had already moved to my city three years (!). For some reason I didn’t have time to do my hair, and one day in the mirror I saw something like Kurt Cobain. This was the last straw.

The “long box” burst. Now every weekend I clear out my “to do” sheets and write new ones with a feeling of incredible relief.

Poster and lot

On Friday evening I open an online poster. Sometimes it seems to me that there is nothing in it that would please me. This is a false impression. If I don’t know this jazz singer, am indifferent to this film premiere, doubt the excitement of this exhibition, then I simply listen to my intuition.

Yes, sometimes it really is better to stay at home and re-read one of Freud's bestsellers. However, more often than not, the world reveals something amazing to me: an amazing voice, a touching story, moving slides. All you have to do is take your eyes off your Facebook feed and your butt off the soft chair. And - voila! - life is in full swing.

One movie, one book, one post

Movies aren't just about Spider-Man. I rarely have a day off without a good movie that gives my brain a dose of healthy food.

I usually read several books at once and try to finish one of them over the weekend. It’s wonderful when you can escape into another reality for a few hours. Here it is - a real chance to live several lives in one. It's strange why not everyone uses it.

I make sure to systematize the thoughts that have accumulated over the week: I write a post on LiveJournal, pouring out everything into it, but especially tears and bile. This way my loved ones receive a little less negativity from me.

Strange things

There was a time when I only ate ice cream. I just didn’t want to experiment, you never know, I’ll take the strawberry one, but it will spoil my mood. Needless to say, the day when I ordered non-creamy ice cream became epoch-making (well, maybe a little less than the day of the storming of the Bastille, but still...)!

Sometimes friends invite me to do something that they really like. For example, shoot at a shooting range. You know, I’m not at all a fan of military style and stories about partisans. But! “Shooters,” as it turns out, are great for clearing your thoughts.

I also have a special “sport”: I buy discounts on entertainment on coupon sites. No, I’m not at all chasing a supposedly low price, I’m interested in something else - the very opportunity to do something unusual.

This is how I discovered squash. Now my loved one and I go to the court at least once a month to thoroughly torture each other in this crazy dance with a small black ball. Friends ask how I made these for myself Beautiful legs, but for some reason they don’t believe my stories about the miracle squash and continue to eat Pringles for dinner.

I also attended a tea ceremony, rode an ATV, rode a horse, and flew a paraglider. I’m thinking about trying rope jumping... So the question about “What to do on the weekend” disappeared from my mind. Well, at least for next weekend...

All this expands my boundaries, opens up new thought patterns, and energizes me. I like to call the weekend an EXHALE weekend. This is a really deep exhalation, followed by a full breath.

Now you know how to spend a day off with benefit for your soul and body, and I hope you will apply this knowledge on your next day off.

After returning from work and finishing our daily chores, we don't have much time left before going to bed. It is of great importance, since it belongs only to us. Spending this time on your interests is important for promoting well-being and self-esteem.

But the reality is this: after a long day of work, we feel tired, and all we want to do is relax by watching a TV or YouTube show. In this article we share ideas on how to spend time after work to benefit your professional and personal life.

60/30 minute rule

Organize a marathon: for 30 days, devote 60 minutes to an important or interesting matter, be it professional activities or a hobby. The main task is to achieve at least a little progress in it. If it's not possible to set aside one hour a day, try to find at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted activity.

Start by reading

The habit of reading can change your worldview, expand your perception, teach you to think creatively, even if you are far from it.

No matter what you want to achieve in life, knowledge is the key to it, reading is one of the ways to get it. Try not just reading, but perusing, finding and highlighting new ideas in the text. Even if you have half an hour before bed, you can read a short book in a week, thanks to which you will learn new things.

Spend an hour a day studying one topic

Any new knowledge stimulates the brain, which allows you to think flexibly and find innovative solutions. Learning different skills, being exposed to ideas, and gaining knowledge about other cultures can have a positive impact on your view of the world. Learning something new every day is a proven way to ensure career and improve self-esteem.

Calligraphy course Steve Jobs went through college, helped build the first Mac. You never know what knowledge will be useful in the end, so you can't have too much of it. Take new offline, online and video courses, sign up for lectures and master classes - expand your knowledge base in any way possible.

Start blogging

Blogging can help organize your thoughts. When you begin to share knowledge with others, you explore topics of interest in depth and learn to express thoughts more clearly. Through writing, you will learn to perceive and process information faster.

Also, do not forget about the visual side of the issue: if you are attracted to Instagram, you will have to master not only writing, but also the art of photography.

Get in shape

Oddly enough, sport helps restore strength and stimulates brain activity. Stop watching exercises on YouTube already and try doing them. And if you need motivation, sign up for classes with a trainer.

Take a break from social networks

VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are designed so that you stay there for long minutes and sometimes hours. If you want to use free time useful, limit use social networks. For example, watch your feeds at a strictly defined time, set a timer that will “tear you away” from them, or switch your phone to black and white mode.

Use your free time profitably, learn new things and grow with TeachMePlease!


During working week or day a person works or studies so much that he simply needs rest. And it’s best if this vacation is radically different from his activities. For example, when a person is engaged in mental work, best vacation for him there will be an active pastime - sports, games in nature, forays out of town. But when a worker already spends all his time outdoors work time, does something with his hands, constantly moves actively, then the best way for him to relax would be to read interesting book, do crossword puzzles or chess. A change of activity is The best way give the body a rest and switch to another type of activity. However, this is just a recommendation, not a mandatory requirement.

It often happens that a person follows his habits even on vacation. And here a lot depends on the makeup of each individual. Thus, an inactive person engaged in mental activity is unlikely to give up the tranquility of his home environment for a long time and go in for active sports. Conversely, an active and energetic athlete will not want to stay at home for a long time, doing quiet activities, he will actively explore new areas and places. Therefore, in any type of activity you need to count not only on what is good for the body, but also on what each person likes to do.

When there is little free time, it is better not to waste it on pointless study of television programs or the Internet. Organize a meeting of friends, go to the cinema or theater, play Board games or get out into the fresh air and engage in active sports. Together with your family, you can organize an unusual dinner, and then enjoy it with your favorite movie. Come up with an activity that the whole family could do and that would be interesting to both adults and children. This could be crafts, modeling, putting together puzzles or construction sets, writing stories or drawing. Reading together as a family is also great for relaxation and bonding.

If you like to spend your free time alone, then you can do any of this activity alone. Quiet reading, watching movies, walks around the city or in the forest, playing with a pet, crafts or creativity will perfectly help you relax and occupy your leisure time with interesting things.

When there is a lot of time for relaxation, for example, there is a holiday ahead, a long weekend or a vacation, you can go to a country where you have never been before. Traveling is the best way to leave behind the worries and sorrows of working time, forget about everything and be transported to another world. These can be either short trips to nature or long trips around another country. Be sure to try something new every time on these trips. If you have never hitchhiked, spent the night in a tent, climbed even low mountains, or gone on excursions, do it. New activities will bring even more impressions, even if traveling is familiar to you.

Our lives are not endless, so the issue of free time is much more important than it seems at first glance.

We do not have an infinite number of years to allow ourselves to waste time pointlessly and leave the most important things for later. Then it may be too late, so let's think about what needs to be done so that our free time is not wasted.

Planning your free time

In general, we don’t have much free time from work, so we need to plan it much more carefully than a working day. A couple of hours on weekdays and one or two days off is all we have, but we spend this time most often without benefit.

Why are people so drawn to the sofa and TV? It’s simply the most comfortable place after a hard day. Modern world and our responsibilities squeeze almost all the juice out of us, so we really want to relax while watching some movie or TV show.

This is all nice, of course, but it’s better to spend your free time wisely. All successful people At this time they were engaged in their self-education and constant development, both mental and physical. Sports, books, music, communicating with people, cooking - all these are wonderful hobbies, at least one of which you should definitely do in your life.

It is very important that your free time is spent with pleasure, otherwise there will be little benefit from it

If your job involves a sedentary lifestyle, then sports will be an excellent leisure activity. Nobody talks about professional and difficult sports, but no one forbids you to do cross-country or attend Gym, and 15 minutes of exercise on the horizontal bar will be a great addition.

However, the main activity can be different and sometimes quite physically demanding. Therefore, to give your body a rest, you can allow yourself to lie on the bed, but replace the TV with a useful book. Reading fiction or self-help books would be a great alternative. This will allow you to forget about physical stress and give food for consciousness.

Our brain is capable of many things, even creating the most colorful theatrical performances in our heads. So why not develop this ability in yourself and become interested in literature? There is nothing more pleasant than a good book that you just want to continue reading while at work. And so, once at home, you have dinner, and then pick up the long-awaited novel and plunge into a different reality! Not a bad way to spend your time usefully, isn’t it?

Of course, all this is far from fundamental. Not only sports and books are something useful. There are many other ways to spend your time productively. Each of us has our own hobbies, so you can and should devote time to your hobby. Hobbies are very valuable. The main thing is that leisure should contribute to our learning, training and spiritual growth. There is nothing wrong with listening to music, watching a good movie or playing the guitar. All this is very cool, and just as great as preparing a delicious dinner for your family or going for a walk in the fresh air.

It is very important that your free time is spent with pleasure, otherwise there will be little benefit from it. So cleaning the house (an equally important leisure activity) can also be enjoyable. Without forcing yourself, you can wash the dishes, mend clothes, wipe off dust or replant flowers. Why not start repairing electronics or restoring home furniture? You can get down to business that has been put off for a long time. If you don’t take it up now, then it’s not a fact that you’ll ever get around to it.

So, there are plenty of options to usefully spend your free hours. Everyone chooses for themselves what is more important to them, but there is no need to do something that will only bring harm in the future or will not bring any benefit at all. Relieving stress through alcohol is very stupid, although many of us, understanding this, are still not averse to drinking and relaxing in this way. But why not replace alcohol with something else that will fill life with meaning? This is also the case with computer games, which are very time-consuming and provide no value.

So let's gradually give up unnecessary things in life and do only what will bring joy and satisfaction over time!