* The calculations use average data for Russia

The entertainment industry remains one of the most profitable areas of business. It is especially developed and in demand in major cities, where every year more and more entertainment and sports complexes, clubs and agencies open. Their target audience is teenagers and young people under 25 who love extreme sports and belong to one or another youth subculture and follow the latest trends in the world of sports fashion and equipment.

But even in large cities there is a shortage of specially equipped areas for extreme sports (for example, skateboarding), although the demand for them is quite high.

Even existing roller rinks and skateparks do not accommodate everyone, or are located on the outskirts of the city, where it is inconvenient to get from other areas.

Requirements for opening a skatepark

To open your own skatepark you will need a premises of at least 400 square meters. m. Ideally, it should be covered and heated, since it is during the autumn-winter period that the park will be most popular.

Pay attention to the location of your skatepark - it should be close to a transport intersection, ideally not too far from the city center.

A locker room, a room for storing personal belongings and a medical office must be equipped on the skatepark territory. Extreme sports are characterized by an increased risk of injury, so you must have a doctor on your staff. Don’t forget about the equipment rental station (knee pads, elbow pads, helmets), boards and rollers.

Keep in mind that in addition to the ban on riding without protective equipment, there may be additional safety requirements that need to be clarified with your regional Youth Policy Committee. physical culture and sports ( General requirements specified in Gosstandart of Russia No. 52024-2003).

All necessary equipment for the site, it is better to order from special companies engaged in the manufacture and sales of ramps for skateboarding and motorbikes.

Ready ideas for your business

You should not save money and hire a construction crew to equip the site, which has no idea about the technology of ramp construction, methods of strengthening it and general standards. If you turn to specialists for help, the savings will ultimately be greater, and most importantly, you can be confident in the reliability of all sports structures in your park.

When the work on the construction and arrangement of the skatepark is completed, take care of its advertising. As a rule, the opening of such a sports ground arouses interest among the media. Therefore, when minimum investment in advertising and spending on a PR campaign (for example, organizing the grand opening of a new park, sending out press releases, etc.), you will get a good return and attract the attention of your target audience.

Enlist the support of the authorities, in particular the Youth Policy Committee: this can bring fame to the park, and, in addition, certain benefits and funding. Regular skateboarding and roller skating competitions are also a good opportunity for information and provide additional income its organizers (by collecting a registration fee from participants, paid entry for spectators and advertising in the park).

Carefully plan your budget and advertising campaign strategy. Look for your target audience where they spend the most time - on the Internet. Create groups on social networks, place ads on websites dedicated to extreme sports.

Also offer cooperation to youth clothing stores - you can post your flyers with them, give out your discount coupons or an invitation to a free trial lesson when making a purchase for a certain amount.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition to the doctor, the staff at first must have a cashier who accepts payments, and at least one administrator and a skating instructor.

At first, you can perform the functions of an administrator and instructor yourself, if, of course, you have the appropriate knowledge and experience.

In the future, if this business idea is successfully implemented, you should think about opening a specialized store selling clothing, shoes, accessories, equipment, spare parts and everything necessary for skateboarding and roller skating.

The main cost items for opening a skatepark:

  • registration of a legal entity - about 20 thousand rubles,
  • premises rental - from 60 rubles,
  • repair costs - about 40 thousand rubles. (and more, depending on the original condition of the room),
  • construction of ramps - from 80-100 t.r.,
  • musical equipment - about 80 t.r.,
  • staff salary - from 50-60 thousand rubles,
  • advertising costs - about 15 thousand rubles.

Add to this the cost of paying taxes, unforeseen expenses and the cost of renovating the hall after it opens. As the experience of skatepark owners shows, to create such a site you will need from 450 thousand rubles.

With an average attendance of 80-100 people per day during the season (usually from autumn to spring), all investments in opening a skatepark pay off in the first 3-4 months due to entry fees, rental of equipment, paid classes with an instructor, etc.

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Attachments: from 300,000 rubles

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Skateboarding is one of the most common types of street sports and entertainment among Russian youth. Opening a skate park can be a great business for interested people. Let's look at it in more detail.

Business concept

The main consumer in this case is young people who like to spend free time for boarding.

There are two types of skate decks: wooden and concrete. They can also be divided into open and indoor. But it is advisable to immediately exclude open ones, since in the country’s climate this is not advisable.

So, let's look at wooden platforms. A huge plus is the cost; they will cost much less, but will not last long. Skating involves constant impacts, falls and increased stress on the surface. It is precisely because of this that the most profitable business There will be a skate park with concrete platforms.

What will be required for implementation?

First of all for proper organization this kind of business you need a good place. You can rent a large site for at least 60,000 rubles per month. Of course, prices depend directly on the region, but in any city you need to pay attention to transport connections and distance from the center. The skate park may be located in a residential area, but it must be accessible by regular transport. It’s even better if a university or school is located nearby.

Repairs are also necessary if the premises are not in perfect condition. To create a good skate area you will need a smooth floor covering, good sound insulation and ventilation.

Step-by-step instructions for starting

  1. Registration legal entity necessary to ensure that your business is completely legal. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents and contact the nearest tax authority. Within a few weeks you will become an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Selection and renovation of premises. It is better to consult with specialists who ride skateboards themselves. They will tell you which areas are best to consider. Selection and renovation of the site will take at least a month.
  3. Creation of curbs and ramps. This stage is key, since it determines how many and how often clients will come to you. Again, it is best to consult with skateboarders to create the optimal park layout.
  4. Team formation. First you will need a cashier and a security guard. The requirements for them are not so stringent, so you can offer an average salary.
  5. Opening. Run a promotion on opening day - this will attract customers.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Let's consider how much money will be needed to initially open your own skate park:

  • rent of a site for a skate park – 100,000 rubles;
  • repairs – 30,000 rubles;
  • equipment for skateboarding – 150,000 rubles;
  • registration of individual entrepreneur – 20,000 rubles.

In total, it turns out that the starting capital will be about 300,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

Every month you will have to pay money for:

  • utility bills - about 10,000 rubles;
  • rental of premises - 100,000 rubles;
  • employee salary – 60,000 rubles;
  • cosmetic repairs – 3,000 rubles.

Thus, the amount will be 173,000 rubles.


The average cost of a visit per hour is 500 rubles. It is also necessary to issue subscriptions for a month, three months and a year, for 12, 24 and 60 visits. The cost of such subscriptions is determined based on the average market offer.

Provided that at least 20 people visit the skate park every hour for an hour, the monthly profit will be 300,000-173,000=123,000 rubles.


Based on the data presented above, we can conclude that the payback is quite fast. You can fully recoup your investment within 4-5 months.

Risks and disadvantages of business

The main risks are injuries and lack of clients. In order to secure the enterprise, it is also necessary to hire a medical employee. It is recommended that you prepare a document that states that the skate park is not responsible for injuries.


Opening a skate park makes sense in large cities. Especially if the director of the future company himself understands the specifics and can do without additional consultations. The right approach will allow you to make a profit in the shortest possible time.

Roller skating and skateboarding are one of the most popular sports among modern youth. To conduct quality training, you need a prepared place, which cannot always be found in the city.

The solution to this problem can be skate parks equipped to meet the needs of athletes. You can learn more about such structures on the website http://www.xsaramps.com/.

Preparatory work

Construction of skate parks is quite a complex task, requiring not only money, but also experience.

Before you start building such objects, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. First you need to find the appropriate place. Both abandoned premises of enterprises and open areas may be suitable for this.
  2. Create several projects. This will allow you to choose the best options for the location of all elements. It is important to take into account the recommendations of specialists in order to ensure an optimal level of safety.
  3. Register the project and obtain a special construction permit. Please note that if you launch an object without proper documentation, you may be subject to a large fine.

Let's start construction

The process of building a skate park is a complex operation that requires experience and time. This complex may include many structural elements from steps to railings. At the same time, it is important that they are equipped with smooth angles that cannot harm a person if they fall.

The knees are spaced at a distance of more than 2.5 meters from each other. In the center of the territory, experts recommend placing structures for performing feints and jumps.

Also, the park must have several tracks for rolling out or acceleration. It is advisable to locate this part separately from the training area for beginners. The width of acceleration tracks can vary from 3 to 10 m.

When building a park, it is also important to choose the right coating. Today, all structures are made of concrete, metal, wood and other similar substances. The floor should be covered with sand or other material that provides a soft fall.

Care must be taken to ensure safety and ensure that all sites are located on a short distance from each other.

If you want to build a high-quality skate park, seek help from specialists who will help you choose best option its execution.

We constantly hear requests from all over the country. Today we will try to answer your frequently asked questions, so We have prepared instructions for action for enterprising extreme sports enthusiasts. What to do, where to go and what to say if you want a skate park built or renovated in your city? First, it’s worth understanding how the construction of extreme infrastructure usually occurs in our country.

DC-Russia team at the opening of the first concrete skatepark in St. Petersburg

Most frequently asked question:
« How do we get a skate park built?»

95% of skateparks in Russia were built under the state order program. The remaining interest comes from private investors or DIY projects. A federal project was launched in 2017 “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”.

More than half of all skateparks in 2017 were built under this program. Despite the success of the project, there is an acute shortage of skate parks in our cities. Most of them are in a worn-out condition; the sites require repairs or comprehensive reconstruction. Special places for extreme sports enthusiasts to train are an important attribute of a modern city and a necessary, sought-after component of a comfortable urban environment. It's time to voice the infrastructure needs of the extreme community!

Concrete skatepark near the new FC Krasnodar stadium

The main condition of the Federal project is the direct participation of citizens in the selection of improvement projects. You should know that local residents can initiate the creation or reconstruction of an improvement project and participate in the design and all subsequent actions related to the implementation of the project!

Grand opening of a frame skatepark in Pervomaisk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

“It is recommended to devote Special attention the process of involving schoolchildren and students. This contributes to the formation of a positive attitude of young people towards their own city, and through school and preschool students educational institutions Adults can be involved in the discussion.”
Ministry of Construction of Russia

Civil initiative- This effective method achieving socially significant goals. The collective will of citizens is an obvious way to prove the need to build a skatepark in your city! Thus, you have the opportunity to attract the attention of officials to the problem of lack of infrastructure.

Governor Leningrad region A.Yu. Drozdenko opens a skatepark in Annino.

You won't believe it, but city leaders are waiting for your initiatives.
Where do we start?

Stage 1. Collective initiative

The task is to unite citizens interested in the construction of a skatepark and form an initiative group. The initiators of construction can be users of the improvement project and city residents who sympathize with the problem. We recommend starting by creating a community of like-minded people on VK. You should discuss the possible location of the skate area, select successful examples of completed projects in other cities and decide which ones will suit you best.

Has your city ever had a skatepark?

It is very important to choose a convenient location for your future improvement project. Skate areas are usually located in city parks, embankments or public gardens. This is due to the availability of infrastructure and affects the success of the skatepark as a public space. To build a decent project you will need about 1000m2.

Comfortable urban environment in the capital's Altufevsky Park.

There's a skatepark, but it's falling apart?

It is necessary to photograph all damage to equipment and defects in the asphalt/concrete surface of the site.

Skatepark in Orenburg

At the first stage, it is important to understand what initial data is available from previous initiatives. It happens that your older comrades have been “attacking” the reception office of the head of the city for several years now with a request to build a skatepark. Very often, individual initiatives do not receive the proper response from officials. Another thing is hundreds of teenagers who need a special place for self-realization! Availability of a platform for dialogue in social network will allow you to coordinate the actions of the team and conduct conversations with officials on behalf of the initiative community.

Stage 2. Tell us about your initiative

Once you have gathered a stable community of like-minded people and selected successful examples of skateparks in other cities, we recommend creating a petition on the website change.org ! Online voting is a full-fledged tool for choosing an improvement project, so we recommend that you pay attention to disseminating information about your initiative. Write to your friends and ask them to repost your petition! The higher the audience reach, the more support for the initiative you will receive in the early stages.

It is worth considering that initiative construction of youth infrastructure - This is an informational occasion on an urban scale. At this stage it is important to attract attention interested "opinion leaders". With the help of a clearly formulated initiative, you can easily get in touch with journalists from city publications, bloggers, deputies of the municipal assembly or other political figures.

Stage 3. Active actions

The federal program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” involves various methods of interaction with city residents. City administrations conduct surveys, focus groups, seminars, workshops and forums in order to determine the task of improvement, but you can significantly speed up the process! Your initiative group can use signature collection method. This is an effective way to prove the relevance of a future project. You will need

Skateboarding is not only a great pastime, but also useful sport. However, in the city, as a rule, there are no specialized sites for performing various stunts. And if you open a skate park now, you can be the first in this direction and take all the laurels for yourself.

A little about skateboarding

This sport came from abroad to our country quite a long time ago. Back in the 90s, one could meet young people who, standing, rode on a board, and were propelled by attached reverse side 2 or 4 wheels. Today, fashion for healthy image life, so bicycles, rollerblades and skateboards can be seen everywhere. But there's nowhere to ride them. The state has equipped quite a lot of bicycle paths, but there are practically no special tracks for skateboards.

Why don't you build such a site? It can be indoors or outdoors.

As for the material, the bases for riding and stunts are made of concrete or wood. The first option is definitely more durable, and this is a very important quality for skateboarding. After all, while performing tricks there are constant impacts and falls.

But the costs of creating a concrete platform will be higher. At the same time, having made a one-time investment, you will not have to change or repair anything soon. Therefore, concrete platforms are much more common.
A concrete skateboarding area will last a very long time.

Skate park project

This is an important document where not only the plan of the skateboard area will be presented, but also the execution necessary calculations, and also indicates schemes for attracting clients. By the way, if you are planning to launch such a business with the help of a sponsor, the project will help you quickly find an investor. It is important to present here real numbers, show ROI and create an interesting and vibrant presentation .

Well, finance for this can be sought in various ways. We invite you to read our following articles:

Business registration

If we talk about the opening of a skate park by a private individual (businessman), then, of course, we mean that the entrance to it will be paid. Therefore, to make a profit, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur.

This is followed by the development of a development plan and the creation of a model of the future skateboarding park. Typically, authorities react positively to the construction of sports facilities. The main thing is to find a suitable place.

Skate park location

It makes no sense to open such a park on the outskirts of the city. It is best to give preference to the center or near it. How more people will be able to get to such an object, the greater the profit will be.

To get the most out of your investment, it's important to consider building an indoor skate park right away. Alas, the realities of many regions of our country are such that dry and sunny days We don't have much. Therefore, it is advisable to arrange an area indoors so that there is an opportunity for skateboarding all year round.

The indoor playground will be profitable all year round


It is impossible to work in a skate park alone. You will definitely need staff. Moreover, we are talking about a paid project. The following employees are required for full operation:

  • Cashier
  • Security guard
  • Medic.

Additional sources of income

At first, you won’t have to count on big profits. After all, entrance to the park will be paid, and this will scare away many. But if you interest visitors additional services, then it is possible to attract much more clients.

So what can we offer?

  • First of all, offer equipment rental. Not all people have the necessary equipment for skateboarding. And not everyone has skateboards themselves, but many will want to try.

The equipment includes helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, as well as skateboards and roller skates.

  • Training instructor. This service will also bring additional income. He will tell you about the basic rules of skateboarding, teach you how to do tricks and make sure everything is done safely and correctly.
  • Dot fast food. After active exercise, hunger always appears. Therefore, a small kiosk with ice cream, soft drinks, and buns will also be in demand.
  • Shooting gallery Not everyone is gifted or interested in skateboarding. But if a group of young people or parents with children come to your park, everyone should find their own entertainment. Many people love the shooting gallery, so we should assume that there will be enough visitors here too.

Skate parks can also be visited by bicycles and rollerblades.

Business promotion

It is very important in such a business to give good advertising. Few people will know about you if you silently open up and just wait for passers-by to pay attention to your site.

At first, do not spare money on promotion. Advertisements in the media, advertising on the Internet, promotion of services through schools, institutes, signs, pillars, banners - all this together will certainly bring the right number visitors.

A good way to promote your service would be to distribute leaflets, as well as enter into an agreement with sporting goods stores to advertise your facility.

We calculate income and expenses

As practice shows, opening a skate park requires at least 500 thousand rubles. Provided that 100 people visit per day during peak season, the investment will pay off within 3 months.

A skate park is a great opportunity to have a good time and engage in useful and interesting sports. Therefore, if you really arrange good platform, set reasonable prices and approach advertising wisely, you will be guaranteed a flow of customers all year round!

If you are interested in other ideas from the world of sports, we suggest reading the following articles:

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