Yuri Kotler, who had just celebrated his 50th birthday, shot himself in his apartment in the center of Moscow. He was a well-known PR man who worked successfully for many years and chose the right places to work. The first thing worth noting is that the person who took out a loan to buy an apartment in the most prestigious place in Moscow was going to live long and well. And Kotler took out a loan of 50 million to buy an apartment for 80 million...

Kommersant has collected all the currently known information about how events around Yuri Kotler developed.

He was a prominent figure in both business and political circles: until recently, he was a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia and the head of the Moscow representative office of PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP). The investigation does not rule out that the depression that Mr. Kotler was in could have led to the tragedy. He was fired from all positions, and VTB, of which Mr. Kotler worked as a senior vice president until 2015, filed an application with arbitration to declare him bankrupt for an unrepaid loan for the purchase of an apartment that became the site of the tragedy.

Kotler with his wife Natalya

The body of Yuri Kotler was found on May 16 in his apartment in Bryusov Lane, 2/14, building 4. According to the preliminary conclusions of experts, Mr. Kotler committed suicide. Sitting on the sofa, he held a Winchester Super X3 sporting shotgun between his legs and shot himself in the head. A suicide note was found next to the body, addressed, according to some sources, to his wife, who had been living in France for a long time. No signs of violence were found on the body of the deceased, and the door of his apartment was locked from the inside.

As it turned out, Mr. Kotler committed suicide on May 14, the day after he celebrated his 50th birthday. On the day of suicide, he allegedly planned to personally participate in a pre-trial conversation in the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow, where in mid-April he filed a lawsuit against Novorossiysk Sea Trade Port PJSC, but in the end he sent his representative. In this structure, from 2015 to February 2018, Mr. Kotler was deputy general director - head of the Moscow representative office. His previous place of work was VTB, where he served as senior vice president until 2015. The main shareholders of NCSP are Transneft and the Summa group, whose co-owners Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov were arrested on charges of organizing a criminal community to steal budget funds. According to Mr. Kotler’s acquaintances, as part of this case he was summoned for questioning as a witness. However, representatives of the defense of the Magomedov brothers claim that Kotler’s surname does not appear in the materials with which they were familiarized.

Transneft representative Igor Demin told Kommersant that the decision to dismiss Mr. Kotler was made by NCSP General Director Sergei Kireev (appointed on December 26, 2017, previously worked at Transneft). It was due to the fact that Mr. Kotler had more than a month of recorded absenteeism. The latter challenged this decision in court, demanding from the former employer about 5 million rubles - salary for the period from the end of January and compensation for allegedly illegal dismissal. A hearing on the lawsuit was scheduled for June 25.

At the same time, Yuri Kotler participated in the arbitration process. As follows from the VTB application submitted to the Moscow Arbitration Court, in May 2015, shortly before leaving the bank, Yuri Kotler used a loan of 80 million rubles received from it. bought an apartment on a mortgage in the same Bryusov Lane where he was found dead. In court, VTB representatives argued that Mr. Kotler stopped servicing the loan, owing the bank more than 50 million rubles. On May 3, 2018, the court recognized the application as justified, concluding “on the advisability of introducing a debt restructuring procedure against Kotler,” since he did not provide evidence of its repayment. At the same time, Mr. Kotler was limited in the right to dispose of any property belonging to him. The hearing of the personal bankruptcy case was scheduled for November 1, 2018.

Yuri Kotler, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, worked at the RIA Novosti agency in the early 1990s, and was also a correspondent for Time and The New York Times. Later he worked in the press services of government agencies and in the election headquarters of Vladimir Putin.

From 2007 to 2008, he oversaw work with the largest institutional and private clients at Troika Dialog. In 2008, he was offered to lead the United Russia project called “Personnel Reserve - the country’s professional team.” Its goal was to create an electronic database of personnel who could be recommended by the party for managerial positions different levels. Andrei Isaev, who then held the position of first deputy secretary of the presidium of the party’s general council, admitted to Kommersant that “the person is not known to the party, but if he good professional…” (see “Kommersant” dated June 10, 2008). Several interlocutors of Kommersant from United Russia recall that Yuri Kotler was invited to the party by the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration, Vladislav Surkov. Another Kommersant interlocutor admits that “even though the party project was initiated by the AP and primarily by the then curator domestic policy Vladislav Surkov, but the idea to offer it to Kotler came from another person.” According to him, the AP perceived the project as “the opening of social elevators.” However, one of the former party employees recalls that “2009–2010 was the time when they tried to invite various celebrities and businessmen to the party, who would each work on the image of the party in their own group. Kotler was invited precisely as a businessman; such measures in terms of PR really gave a lot to United Russia.”

Moreover, just six months after the party one, another personnel reserve appeared - President Dmitry Medvedev. At that time, Mr. Medvedev was not yet connected with the party in any way, but Vladimir Putin was the head of government and chairman of United Russia (he left this post in 2012). After the presentation of the first presidential hundred, United Russia members stated that they expected their nominees to be included in the presidential list (however, this, it seems, never happened). At the same time, one of Kommersant’s interlocutors recalls that Vladislav Surkov tried to involve Mr. Kotler in working on the presidential personnel reserve.

In the spring of 2013, Mr. Kotler went to work at VTB. A source in United Russia then told Kommersant that Yuri Kotler, a year and a half earlier, was looking for a place “in any large business structure, preferably in a bank.” However, after leaving, he remained an adviser to the head of the party’s Supreme Council, Boris Gryzlov. After the revival of the expert council of United Russia in 2018, of which Mr. Gryzlov became the chairman, Yuri Kotler received an offer to join it. Kommersant's interlocutors emphasize that during the leadership of the party project, Messrs. Kotler and Gryzlov developed a good relationship(party projects were then supervised by the Supreme Council). “The country’s professional team is an opportunistic project, although Yuri Kotler himself was a competent manager,” sums up one of former employees parties.

Moreover, from 2012 to 2018, Yuri Kotler was a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia, from which he was recently removed. One of former colleagues Yuri Kotler, a party member, told Kommersant: “During our conversation with him, he was cheerful and positive - nothing foreshadowed such a sad event.”

Several media outlets report Yuri Kotler's suicide note:

"Boar, you a true friend, strange and funny, but real. But not me. And I love my family dearly, and I have let them down so bad.

And I love my mother, if she said at least once in her life that she loves me, maybe. everything would be different.

Be strong! :))"

Background biography of Yuri Kotler:

Yuri Kotler was born in 1968 in Moscow.

In 1990 - graduated from the international department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow state university them. Lomonosov.

In 1990-1993 - economic observer and correspondent for the main editorial office of economic problems of APN and RIA Novosti, associate correspondent for Time magazine and the New York Times newspaper, director of the Russian version of the economic weekly Financial and Business News.

In 1993-1994 - Deputy Director for Corporate Governance at Bozell SMG and Director for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights Berson-Marsteller.

In 1994-1995 - press secretary of the Federal Department for Insolvency and Bankruptcy under the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation.

In 1995-1997 - press secretary of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market.

In 1997-1998 - Director of Public Relations and Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Interros-Soglasie CJSC, NPF Interros-Dostoyinstvo and Interrosleasing CJSC, united into the Interros-Fincom holding.

In 1999-2000 - head of the press service of the Chairman of the Council of the Center for Strategic Research.

In 2000-2003 - associate partner and senior consultant at Ward Howell.

In 2003-2006 - head of the public relations department of the Menatep MFO.

In 2006-2007 - member of the board of directors of JSC Miel Real Estate.

In 2007-2008 - Vice President management company Troika Dialogue.

Was married. Wife - Natalia Kretova; son, 17 years old.

Kotler Yuri Yurievich (born May 13, 1968, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR - died May 16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation) - Russian journalist, media manager and manager. Member of the expert council of United Russia (since 2016), former member Supreme Council of United Russia (until 2016) and deputy general director until January 2018.

In 1990 he graduated from the international department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. At the same time, he studied at the Karl Marx University (Leipzig, German Democratic Republic) with a degree in international relations.

In 1990-1993 he worked as an economic observer and correspondent for the main editorial office of economic problems of the APN and RIA Novosti. He was an associate correspondent for The New York Times and the head of the Russian version of the economic weekly Financial and Business News.

In 1993-1994 - Deputy Director for Corporate Governance at Bozell SMG and Director for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights at the PR company Berson-Marsteller.

In 1994-1995 - press secretary of the Federal Department for Insolvency and Bankruptcy under the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation. Since 1995 - press secretary of the Federal Securities Market Commission. In 1997-1998, he was Director of Public Relations and Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Interros-Soglasie, NPF Interros-Dostoinstvo and CJSC Interrosleasing, united into the Interros-Fincom holding.

In 1999-2000, he was the head of the press service of the chairman of the board of the Center for Strategic Research. From 2000 to 2003 - associate partner and senior consultant at Ward Howell. In 2003-2006, he headed the public relations department of the MENATEP group, after which for two years he was a member of the board of directors of the MIEL Real Estate company. He also worked in personnel selection at the recruiting agency Ward Howell International.

In 2007-2008, he oversaw work with the largest institutional and private clients at Troika Dialog. He was a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party (until 2016). He led the party project “Personnel Reserve - the country’s professional team.” In 2013, he moved to VTB, where he took the position of senior vice president and advisor to the head of the bank (he left VTB in 2015). After that, he worked as Deputy General Director - Head of the Moscow representative office of PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. Also headed the Institute of Contemporary Leadership Russian Academy National economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

In February 2018, he was included in the list of 30 experts agreed upon by the presidium of the General Council of United Russia to rebrand the party. On May 8, 2018, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared Yuri Kotler bankrupt. On May 16, 2018, he was found dead in his apartment in Moscow.

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“Yura, how can this be…” Death of top manager Yuri Kotler. Facts, opinions, versions

Yuri KotlerStill from the Open Government video/YouTube

On Wednesday, May 16, a former top manager of the Menatep group, Troika Dialog, VTB, NCSP and a member of the expert council of United Russia, Yuri Kotler, was found dead in an apartment in the center of Moscow. On May 13 he turned 50 years old. A weapon and a suicide note were found near the body. According to preliminary information investigative committee, death was due to suicide.

In 2012 he was elected to the Supreme Council"United Russia". In 2013-2015 he worked as senior vice president of VTB. Afterwards he worked as Deputy General Director - Head of the Moscow representative office of PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. According to Kommersant’s interlocutor close to the company, Kotler was fired for numerous absenteeisms. This information was confirmed to RBC by the adviser to the head of Transneft (the largest shareholder of NCSP) Igor Demin. He added that the dismissal took place in January of this year. In February, Yuri Kotler was included in the expert council of the United Russia party as a businessman.

“Gazeta.Ru”, citing data from the Center for Corporate Information Disclosure, reports that in March the deceased joined the board of directors of the largest microfinance organization “Home Money”, and in April the organization committed a technical default of 840.2 million rubles due to “lack of funds.” funds in the required amount."

Bankruptcy and the “exit parachute”

As it became known, Kotler planned to sue NCSP, which is part of the Summa Group of Companies, owned by the arrested brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov. In April 2018 of this year, Kotler filed a lawsuit against NCSP in the Savyolovsky District Court of Moscow. As stated in the court file, literally on May 14, the judge held a preliminary conversation on the claim and scheduled the hearing for June 25.

As the site was told in court, the claims consisted of collecting unpaid wages And monetary compensation for late non-payment of wages. When asked whether Kotler himself or his representative was present at the conversation, the press service could not give an answer.

In addition, Yuri Kotler could soon be declared bankrupt. As follows from the materials published in the file cabinet Arbitration Court Moscow, VTB Bank, where Kotler previously worked as a senior vice president, filed a lawsuit demanding that Kotler be declared an insolvent bankrupt due to the fact that Kotler owed the bank 50 million rubles on a loan that he took out on a mortgage to buy an apartment in Bryusov Lane, 2 /14, p. 4 in Moscow. The bank tried to collect from Yuri Kotler 48.8 million rubles for the principal debt and 1.6 million rubles as a penalty (fines and penalties for late payments).

Former member of the General Council of the United Russia party, Yuri Kotler, voiced the motives for his suicide in his suicide note. On May 16, 2018, a man was found dead in his apartment. In the past, Yuri Kotler was the vice president of VTB, so the first thing investigators suspected was that the official was killed. As it turned out later, a member of the United Russia Council of Experts took his own life with a pistol shot to the head. On this moment the investigation continues.

On May 13, Yuri Kotler celebrated his last birthday. According to preliminary data, the official was left alone with his difficulties. The man was declared bankrupt a few days before his suicide. The court ordered him to pay compensation in the amount of 48 million rubles. IN last days life, Yuri Kotler completely refused to contact his family and friends.

Yuri Kotler rented an apartment on Bolshaya Nikitinskaya Street in Moscow. The man's family lives abroad, so he lived alone. The entrepreneur recently turned 50 years old. In the apartment they found traces of a festive feast and gifts that the man most likely received from friends on his birthday.

For three days the man did not contact his wife. The wife of the deceased lives in France, so she could not meet Yuri in person. Ultimately, the woman asked the politician’s personal driver to check if everything was okay with the official. The driver had the keys to the deceased's apartment, so he agreed to fulfill the request of the boss's wife.

Yuri Kotler locked the door from the inside and could not open it. The driver decided to call the police, who arrived and broke the door lock. The dead body of an official was found in the premises. Initially, no one believed in Kotler’s suicide: the man had grandiose plans, according to people from his close circle. No traces of outside interference were found in the apartment.

Yuri Kotler's suicide note

In his suicide note, Yuri Kotler admits that he committed suicide solely for personal reasons. First of all, the entrepreneur confessed his love for his family, which, according to him, he greatly let down. In addition to his wife, Yuri Kotler has a 17-year-old son.

The deceased also thanked his former comrade for his friendship, whom he did not mention by name in the note. Only the nickname of Yuri Kotler’s friend “Boar” is known.

“Boar, you are a true friend. Scary and funny, but real. But not me. And I love my family madly, I let them down very much,” the note says at the very beginning.

In his dying message, the man spoke about the lack of love from his mother. The deceased writes that he loves his mother, but has never heard from her kind words and did not feel maternal love.

At the end of the note, Yuri Kotler wished everyone to be strong and not to lose heart. He added a cheerful emoticon to his text.

What prompted Yuri Kotler to commit suicide?

Over the past five years, Yuri Kotler has been engaged in entrepreneurial activity. In the past, he was vice president of VTB Bank. In 2018, he joined the expert council of United Russia.

In March of this year, Kotler was elected to the board of directors of the largest microfinance company in Russia, Home Money. In May, the company announced that it could no longer fulfill its responsibilities to customers due to financial difficulties.

Similar problems accompanied Yuri Kotler. In 2015, he worked at VTB, where he took out a mortgage loan and bought himself an apartment on Bryusov Lane. Two years later, he stopped paying the loan, after which VTB demanded that the man be declared bankrupt. The court decided to deprive the borrower of the right to dispose of the apartment.

Before his death, Kotler sued PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port for not paying him his salary after his dismissal. The man was fired from his job for constant absenteeism. Some sources suggested that, most likely, Yuri Kotler was unable to cope with his problems and chose to take his own life.


YURI KOTLER, head of the project "Personnel Reserve - Professional Team of the Country", Advisor to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party"UNITED RUSSIA", member of the General Council of the Party

Midday in summer Moscow is not an easy test. Leaving behind the busy streets of the capital, we find ourselves in an inconspicuous alley. It would seem that everything has long been predictable. And this day is like hundreds of others in editorial life. And the upcoming conversation is like many meetings over the years of the magazine’s existence. But this is only at the first, most superficial glance. Got too sharp in Lately The problem is the lack of management personnel - there are many managers, but only a few can get people to work. What should be the system for searching for effective managers who are able to accept not only fast, but also right decisions, and at the state level - our question to the expert today.

A welcoming gesture. Open look. My interlocutor, Yuri Kotler, immediately shifts the conversation to the implementation of the project for training the country’s personnel reserve, speaking as if it were something close and important.

For reference:
Yuri Yuryevich Kotler, head of the project “Personnel Reserve - Professional Team of the Country”, adviser to the chairman of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA”, member of the General Council of the Party. The project “Personnel Reserve - Professional Team of the Country” started in 2006.

The mission of the project is to identify talented Russians and provide them with the widest public recognition; forming a constantly updated database of management professionals and innovators who are actively changing the reality around them.

It just so happened that for centuries in Russia, people and their fate remained behind the scenes during the implementation of large-scale government tasks. Talents made their way through an atmosphere of misunderstanding, did not receive due public recognition, and sometimes were simply sacrificed to great plans. Today, the country's leadership proposes a fundamentally different approach.

Unlocking a person’s creative potential and creating comfortable conditions for this is the key to Russia’s success and global leadership. Building an innovative economy, improving the quality of life, winning in global competition - all this is impossible without highly professional, talented, bright people with an active lifestyle. People who offer a new perspective on problems, have strategic thinking and the ability to go beyond traditional approaches, while carrying the energy of creation rather than destruction.

The problem of finding talented people is a global task, which is unlikely to have a clear solution - some become stars, while others remain in the shadow of their more successful colleagues. For example, why did Yeltsin choose Vladimir Putin?

The question, of course, is for Yeltsin. As far as I know, the selection process was long and quite difficult. It seems that Boris Nikolaevich was not mistaken. It can be assessed differently, but he really chose a person who grew up and in a few years turned into a professional leader. Talented, successful, he is able to manage big country, and in very difficult conditions. Moreover, the goal that he set for himself is consistently implemented. This is very good quality for a leader, it is necessary.

The project has the same task - to find those who have not yet been noticed?

Yes. People immediately associate the talent pool with the highest management level. And they ask us: “When will you start changing ministers and governors?” Maybe we won't start. Our task is slightly different: to create a reserve from which, perhaps, ministers and governors will emerge who have proven through their actions and professional achievements that they are successful.

We have identified five areas of search: the social sphere, the business community, the media, party and public activities, state and municipal administration. Each of them has its own categories.

For example, for the social sphere it is management in the field of education or science, culture or health care. In party work, these are not only the three levels of the management vertical, but also the leaders of trade unions or youth organizations. In business - managers from industry, the service sector, the agro-industrial complex, as well as those who are introducing the best standards of corporate governance today and are engaged in innovation management. Returning to the beginning of our conversation, based on the proven criterion, we built a system that, in our opinion, allows us to successfully search for such people.

We have regional coordinators in sixty regions. In fact, everyone’s task is to analyze the situation within their region: communicate with experts, attend specialized events, monitor publications in the media. Thus, a certain professional circle is already forming around the project. And each person can independently declare themselves by filling out the form posted on our website. Please note that the questionnaire is quite complex. But, on the other hand, if you want to get into the reserve, you have to work. The second stage is testing, which allows you to give some personal and professional characteristics and declare your own achievements.

The final stage is the interview. We interview people who are in the reserve personally. This is a competency based interview. And then our reservists go through the selection of an expert council. Thus, we get a kind of super top. In terms of numbers, more than 19 thousand people have completed the survey to date. Of these, a little less than 1,500 selected are the same reserve. 300 people passed expert advice. They all received no gold medal, rather, a recognition that imposes additional obligations. Candidates for some positions will be selected from these people, and there are already examples. But at the same time, relatively speaking, if applicants do not annually prove that they are worthy of being in the reserve, there is a chance of falling out of it. Entering the personnel reserve is very big professional achievement. But if you don't move further and higher, then this opportunity will be missed.

How did the idea for such a project come about?

The idea arose quite a long time ago. Since 2000, we have discussed the problem of finding management personnel with representatives of government, business communities, and the public. I note that both the state and business have been repeating the words like a mantra for several years now that the bench is short and there are few professional people. At the same time, there is a feeling that somewhere there must be such competent, successful, enterprising people capable of occupying responsible positions, including in the civil service. I have had enough work experience famous company Ward Howell, which specializes in the search and selection of top managers. At some point, these practical developments and contacts with professionals in the personnel world also became part of our project.

I agree with you. You can find people with good potential - the country is large, and the educational base was one of the best at one time...

Certainly. But it was also obvious that the problem was complex, I would even say global. It’s not enough to find people; you need their training, motivation, and development. At some point we decided it was time to start. And actually the first step was to search for those very “heroes” who, after some time, I would like to see in key positions in the state, in party work, in business, and in the social sphere. Thus, all our efforts resulted in the project “Personnel Reserve - Professional Team of the Country”, the main task of which is to find “new” people. When we started, the idea of ​​who the “new” people of the country were was approximate. That’s why we initially tried to draw a portrait of the person we would be looking for. They brought in educational and government agencies, trying to understand who they needed, foreign and Russian consultants, in order to somehow systematize the information and formulate certain criteria. The result was a kind of synthetic model of searching for people who meet four competencies, conventionally called EDGE.

What does this abbreviation mean?

Competence, development, active life position and intelligence. Competence is operational efficiency, stability of success, unique results achieved and high potential. Development - the ability to listen and hear, take other people’s opinions into account, broad outlook and communication skills, decency and desire for self-improvement, teamwork. An active life position is the desire to be an “agent of positive change”, to serve the people and country, belief in the opportunity to change the world for the better, leadership skills, lack of fear of responsibility. Intelligence is critical and constructive thinking, complex, strategic approach to the point. Naturally, we live in a competitive environment, so those who demonstrate these qualities most clearly will be selected for the personnel reserve.

We did not discover America, but followed the path followed by all global personnel services. You first define the criteria, then the range and geography of your search, and then you search further. You get a certain number of the best of the best, the best of the existing ones. Since our task was not specific - to find a financial director or governor, but more general, and the criteria turned out to be quite general - what criteria should the people who are supposed to replace the old elite meet? I would like to point out that one of the important criteria (we were criticized by the business community, but I think it was in vain) is patriotism. A statesman must have his heart in his head. Unfortunately, recently the word “patriotism” has acquired an ambiguous connotation, no matter how unfortunate. We called this quality an active life position. No matter how successful a person is, if in principle he is not interested in working for the country, then this is not our client. This is neither bad nor good. But such candidates will most likely be cut off.

You said interesting phrase about patriotism - as a quality of a successful leader. Our recent survey showed that a true professional should not be loyal to the employer and, as a rule, is not. What is more important - patriotism or professionalism of a person?

Patriotism does not work in a vacuum. If a person doesn’t know how to do anything, then it’s not for us. There are people who are ready to love their homeland simply for the pine trees, but as professionals they are nothing.

Our task is to find those who have achieved success in their field and become recognized leaders. We are looking for new faces. Our reservists must have all the qualities of managers. At the same time, relatively speaking, they can have recognition at some certain level - a successful manager, professional specialist, - but it is also possible that due to some circumstances they have not yet been noticed. Patriotism is only one of the components. Again, for business, loyalty may not be important. Although I would argue here. A manager who is not at all loyal will change jobs every six months in search of better conditions. There must be some kind of certain attachment to the business, the team. And from the point of view of the interests of the state - not just loyalty, but patriotism.

What about age restrictions? In terms of age, you are a new generation.

Yes, we have set the bar for 25-45 years, so I qualify.

I’m 10 years older and I consider myself a new generation, in my opinion. But there is one paradox. Talented people who achieve success in business, I won’t say that they are disloyal, they are sometimes quarrelsome. Having their own principles and views, they are not always ready to compromise. What about them?

Fine. Just don't confuse style and result. If a person is hot-tempered, but at the same time he has a team that works successfully, they do a common job - great. If he really is ready to fire every second person, trample him and nothing moves, then this is not an example effective management. Style is still an outer shell. All people are different.

Your work will not be a waste of effort if you do not overcome the problem of the obvious discrepancy between the compensation of officials at the federal level and regional and municipal ones? How quickly, in your opinion, should this issue be resolved?

Of course, we need to decide. But we again return to what we were talking about. In the central office, no matter what, there are not so many people. There is a special civil service department that deals with personnel issues. As soon as we go lower - to the regional, municipal levels - the situation changes radically. Of course, motivation is important, but the salary level there is not the same as in the capital. This is the first. For people, recognition itself plays a much larger role. And in the regions we are faced with the fact that specialists are ready to enter the civil service and the social sphere, provided that their efforts and talents are in demand. On the one hand, the regions give the impression of being more inert than the more advanced Moscow and St. Petersburg. On the other hand, there are entities where they actually work very interesting people and they face serious challenges. Of course, the issue of motivation is very important - a matter of development and, at the same time, demand. Of course, the fifteen hundred people we have selected will not all receive new assignments at once tomorrow. This is impossible, the system is not ready for this. People cannot be deceived. And the question of their future is very important. We said that, guys, the country wants to see you and is counting on your knowledge and skills. The country should really take advantage of this and give opportunity to the best. Let's see what happens. The process is underway, there are appointments. They are single - dozens, relatively speaking, but there are very illustrative examples. So, one of our reservists became governor. We are proud of this. And moreover, now new governors are calling with a specific request - give people.

We created a special online platform that united reservists throughout the country. Gradually a certain professional community is emerging; Teams are beginning to form, and not only within one region. For example, Kamchatka and Petrozavodsk are coming up with some projects, some of them are reaching the regional level and, I think, will begin to be implemented. This is also interesting. Plus, the reservists themselves are people with an active lifestyle; they are prone to self-organization.

Thus, their congresses are already taking place in federal districts independently of us. Many themselves come to the governors and offer their

Do they have any documents indicating that they are part of this personnel reserve?

Everyone who passed the first stage of selection received the honorary badge of a reservist. Plus their names are on the project website. Everything is public. But at the same time, we are trying to warn people against the illusion of receiving a pass to another world. And some people perceive their inclusion in the project this way. They come and say that I am a reservist, appoint me as a deputy minister somewhere in the province.

Recently, a law was passed on the declarative nature of the publication of income information for government officials. Maybe this should be made mandatory in the near future?

Let's see, it seems to me that in any case, this is rather a public action, which speaks of the attention of the country's leadership to the problem of corruption. It's just the beginning. When the second or third year passes, you will be able to see what everyone said. If an official suddenly has a yacht, this raises suspicions. The process has been started... But, in fact, today there are a lot of people who are really building their careers, value their reputation, and in this sense, many are simply afraid of getting dirty. People come to power with completely different motivations.

Yuri Shchekochikhin said in an interview with our magazine in 2001 that “corruption is the air we breathe.” It seems to me that the situation has changed significantly since then...

She changes a lot. Indeed, there is a lot of corruption. But perhaps because we communicate with such a contingent of people who appear like islands, there is no feeling of some kind of total catastrophe. Yes, there are many dishonest officials at the regional and federal levels, but this is not only a nationwide problem. Therefore, the measures taken should bring a certain effect. The main thing is the arrival of a new wave of people who stand up not only for their future, but also for the future of our state. There should be an overwhelming majority of them, then everything will be fine.

Some experts call for the use of a so-called lie detector for job applicants. Do you think this is an effective measure for weeding out dishonest people?

In the process of preparing the project, we communicated with very by different specialists- from psychologists, consultants to representatives of special services, including talking about the possibility of using a lie detector as one of the elements to identify potentially dishonest people. But I'm not sure about its effectiveness. At one time, at a well-known company, I myself went through the MindReader verification procedure. This is approximately the same as a polygraph. In my opinion, not serious. Perhaps for some separate category civil servants who, for example, come across state secrets...

Customs officers?

Maybe customs officers... Where resistance to stress is important, crystal honesty really is important. But it seems to me that this is a pointless thing, although I could be wrong. Again, when talking about using a lie detector for people who have already gone through a certain career path, one must understand that if a person has reached some heights, he has interacted with a fairly large number of people; It’s both easier and more effective to make 10 calls to find out about it. This will give more information than any lie detector. If we talk about young people, I don’t know. It is important that the eyes sparkle - enthusiasm, the right teachers. So I'm not sure. I have a rather negative attitude.

What are the requirements for executive assistants? public service?

The requirements in the civil service and in business are the same. In fact, I can say absolutely seriously that this is the most difficult position. I have many acquaintances in business structures and in the public service, and for many, finding an assistant is a hundred times more difficult than finding a general director. Why dont know. A person must be highly organized, have a wide range of professional and personal qualities. The assistants I see among our leaders are usually people whose careers run parallel to the career of their leader, and for many years. This is the rear that you trust unlimitedly. Plus, the manager always has so much to do that some problems may arise, he may forget something, and the assistant literally becomes his right hand. Therefore it is very difficult. Where to look for such people? There are really very few of them. A good assistant is a person who must also have some other set of internal qualities and ambition. I know examples where people rose from assistants to the highest positions, including in business.

Do you know Stanislav Shekshnya?


Sometime at the very beginning of his career, in 1993, he offered us his books for publication, and they became bestsellers. What can you say about him, about a formation of people like him?

Stas helped us with the methodology in preparing the project. He produced very strong impression. Firstly, smart; secondly, he knows a lot. He has a unique combination of consultant and practitioner experience. This is always important. A person who simply spends his life consulting is usually less persuasive and specific. Plus, it seems to me that he knows how to structure everything, he can break down complex things into understandable, simple modules. Stacks like bricks. He always has a very solid picture and very practical from the point of view of the application. I've seen a lot of business coaches, but he really is one of the best.

Over many years of working in business, you have probably developed your own intuitive view of people who are capable of becoming very successful. Thousands of flowers are blooming, but which one will bear fruit?

The more I work, the less answers I have to these questions. There are very different cases. I think we need to create conditions - this is important. Plus, professionalism, the possession of certain qualities. And then there is still an element of chance, which, in my opinion, is quite high. The more conditions you have for these people to grow, the better.

Nikita Belykh is apparently one of these people. Recently became governor.

So we'll see. But I think we need to get together in two years and evaluate. When three or four candidates are considered, they certainly look at people. Whether he succeeds or not is a matter of time. A very difficult region indeed, if it shows up, great. Do you know what is the beauty of our project? The point is that reservists are a kind of base from which leaders will grow if conditions are created for them now. 1,500 is not enough, there will be more. Intuition also periodically deceives and fails - anyone can make mistakes. Therefore, the larger the clearing, figuratively speaking, the lower the cost of error. When you have only one person making a decision, if his intuition fails him, this is bad.

They say that the Japanese style of decision-making, where many participate, also does not always pay off.

I'm not talking about style. Rather, it is about freedom of choice - both by people and by people. In Japan, the level of opportunity is very limited. The system is built completely differently, and a step to the right, a step to the left causes great difficulties.

There is betrayal everywhere. How do you feel about this? Why does it happen?

Is it professional?

Not in a personal sense, but in terms of business and work. Also corruption.

This is rather a moral and ethical question.

Of the 19 thousand selected candidates, is this issue taken into account in tests and competency assessments?

It is taken into account, but not as much as we would like. Now we are slightly finalizing the test - it was more business-oriented. Social aspects are difficult to measure. We did our best, and the system allows us to identify a lot in the candidate’s personal profile. Firstly, these are quite experienced interviewers who are able to determine some qualities of a person. Secondly, again, when we're talking about about appointments, you will still try to find out the opinions of others about him - his acquaintances, colleagues, managers. Especially if we are talking about those people who have gone through a certain path. If a person has not betrayed anyone in his 15-year career, there is probably a chance that he will not betray anyone. We had a case where we excluded a person from the reserve simply because he provided false information. Perhaps he really is a super professional, but, nevertheless, this fact speaks volumes.

Experts, characterizing our Prime Minister, note such a quality as his inability to betray.

This is true. The topic of betrayal and human reliability is important in relationships. Any manager must be reliable, and a leader must be doubly so.