Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Work plan for self-education on the topic: “Fiction as a means comprehensive development preschooler."


M. V. Oreshkina

Relevance of the topic

Everyone knows that fiction serves effective means mental, moral and aesthetic education of children and has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of the child’s speech.

Educating a growing person by introducing him to book culture is an important pedagogical task. Through fiction, a child comprehends the values ​​without which the spiritual life of society and the individual is impossible.

Currently, the problem of inclusion of children is relevant preschool age to fiction. Almost every family has a computer, the Internet, television, and parents do not consider it necessary to read to their children. In this regard, pedagogy faces the problem of rethinking the value guidelines of the educational system, especially the system of preschool education. And here the mastery of folk heritage, which naturally introduces the child to the basics, becomes of great importance. fiction.

As an analysis of the practice of introducing children to fiction has shown, in the upbringing of preschool children, familiarity with fiction is used insufficiently, and only its superficial layer is affected. In addition, there is a public need for the preservation and transmission of family reading. Educating preschoolers with fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative inspiration, but also becomes an integral part of Russian literary language.

When working with children, turning to fiction is of particular importance. Nursery rhymes, chants, sayings, jokes, shifters, etc. that have come down from time immemorial, best reveal and explain to a child the life of society and nature, the world human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops a child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions.

It should be remembered that fiction is the main source of education, promotes the development of imagination, develops speech, and instills love for the Motherland and nature.

Fiction reveals and explains the life of society and nature, the world of feelings and relationships. Also, reading works of fiction contributes to the development of the child’s thinking and imagination, enriching the child with emotions.

Do not forget that a book is, first of all, a source of knowledge. From books, children learn a lot about the life of society and nature. And the ability to perceive a work of art and elements artistic expression It does not come to a child by itself; it must be developed and educated from childhood.

One of the main values ​​of reading fiction is that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with a child.

It is especially important to convey to modern parents the importance of a book on a child’s development.


Planning and conducting various events with participants in educational relations using fiction, the use of techniques aimed at analyzing works of fiction creates conditions for the comprehensive development of children, in particular: development creativity child, formation of universal human values ​​and culture of speech in communication.

The purpose of the work on the topic of self-education: create conditions to ensure the comprehensive development of children of senior preschool age through the formation of a sustainable interest in fiction.


Analyze methodological literature on this topic;

Improve your professional skills.

Compile a card index of dramatization games using literary texts in order to develop children's speech, imagination, and creative abilities.

To develop a series of observations in nature for preschool children using literary texts that contribute to the development of a positive aesthetic attitude towards a work, the ability to feel the figurative language of poetry, and the development of artistic taste.

Create conditions for aesthetic development through replenishment of the subject-development environment (book corner).

Contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas;

To promote children's involvement in verbal art;

To develop interest in fiction, ensure the assimilation of the content of works and emotional responsiveness to it;

Involve parents in introducing children to fiction in the family;

To generate parents’ interest in working together in this direction;

Expected result:

A plan for studying methodological literature was drawn up and analyzed;

a series of observations in nature has been developed for preschool children using literary texts;

a card index of dramatization games has been compiled;

The subject-development environment has been replenished (book corner).

are interested in fiction, use it in communication literary speech, treat books with care;

have an idea about the family, about the small Motherland, about gender;

make up stories on their own certain topics, compose quatrains, stage excerpts from works.


regularly use reading works of fiction in Everyday life;

show interest in interacting with the teacher and children.


work on the topic of self-education

Stage 1. Preparatory (identification)

Implementation deadlines

Determining a topic for summarizing work experience, justifying its relevance and need for consideration


Setting goals and work objectives


Proposing a hypothesis


Stage 2. Analytical (study)

Implementation deadlines

Drawing up a work plan for self-education


Conducting an examination of children on a problem of interest (diagnosis)


Stage 3. Organizational (generalization)

Implementation deadlines

Theoretical part:

    Studying methodological, pedagogical, psychological and other literature, Familiarization with the requirements for preparing the theoretical part of the work

During a year

Practical part:

    Compiling a card index of dramatization games using literary texts, developing a series of observations in nature for preschool children using literary texts, preparing manuals for retelling the text, attributes for theatrical activities, replenishing the RPPS.

    Conducting an open event (GCD on speech development)

    Speech at pedagogical council

    Participation in the work of creative groups

In current of the year

During the year

in current of the year

Stage 4. Final (implementation)

Implementation deadlines

Registration of the results of examination of children on the problem

During the year

Formalization of work experience:

    Systematization of the theoretical part

    Systematization of practical material

    Selection of materials and preparation of the “Appendix” (work plan for self-education, presentations, photographic materials, etc.)

in current of the year

Stage 5. Presentation (distribution)

Implementation deadlines

Speech at the pedagogical council:

Providing work experience in the methodological room of electronic material on speech development

Preparation of material for publication on the preschool educational institution website

In current of the year

Participation in distance teaching competitions

In current of the year

Work plan for the year

Practical solutions

Studying methodological literature

September – May

1. Bogolyubskaya M.K., Shevchenko V.V. Artistic reading and storytelling in kindergarten. Ed. -3-in. M., "Enlightenment", 1970.

2. Gerbova V.V., Introducing children to fiction. Program and guidelines. Mosaic-Synthesis. Moscow, 2008.

3. Gurovich L. M., Beregova L. B., Loginova V. I., Piradova V. I. Child and book: St. Petersburg: 1999.

4. Karpinskaya N. S. Artistic word in raising children. M., “Pedagogy”, 1972.

5. Naydenov B.S. Expressiveness of speech and reading. M., “Enlightenment”, 1969.

6. Ushakov O. S., Gavrish N. V. Let’s introduce

preschoolers with literature. – M., 1998.

Analysis of the studied literature (in terms of self-education).

Work with children


Teacher reading from a book or by heart, storytelling works of art.

Daily reading evening.

Reading fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.

Exhibition of drawings based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.

Reading and making up riddles, tongue twisters and counting rhymes.

Competition “Who knows more riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes?”

Reading your favorite poems.

Entertainment “Tell poems with your hands”

Dramatization games based on your favorite works of art.

A performance with the participation of children based on Russian folk tales “Russian folk tale through the eyes of children."

Reading works about the Motherland, the Great Patriotic War, her heroes.

Evening of remembrance.

Working with family


Information in the corner for parents.

Preparing photographs of children while they are staging works of art, reading poetry at matinees, and looking at books.

Photo exhibition “Our young talents”

Involving parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten.

Family competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a reading family.”

Show educational activities on the topic “Reading V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Bag of Apples””

Parent meeting



A selection of works of fiction to read to children based on weekly themes.

A list of works of fiction to read to children by weekly theme.

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of the child.”

Speech at the pedagogical council.

Generalization of the work “Education ethical standards in preschool children through fiction."

Registration of work.

Report on the work done on the topic of self-education at the final teachers' meeting.

Speech at the teachers' meeting.

The perception of works of fiction depends on the age of children, their experience, and individuality.

The study of age characteristics shows that preschoolers can develop an emotional aesthetic perception of literature, i.e. the ability to understand and feel not only the content, but also the form of a work, to demonstrate a poetic ear, stage creativity.

Nowadays, one of the main components of the professional competence of preschool teachers is self-education. How does it happen?

The need for professional growth

Realizing the imperfection of knowledge and skills in professional activity, the teacher receives a powerful incentive for professional growth, deepening knowledge and mastering new methods of educational activities.

How and in what way can the process of professional development be organized?

In order to be in the trend, a modern teacher needs to systematically follow news in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology, become familiar with the best pedagogical practices, be in constant communication with colleagues, work to increase general erudition and improve pedagogical skills, and become familiar with the legal and regulatory framework. preschool education and analyze your own professional experience.

Additional development of a teacher is a mandatory part, which is included in the self-education plan of a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The plan helps to systematize the work, is a reflection of the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities, and creates opportunities for prospects for communication with children.

Drawing up a self-education plan: stages

Let's look at a few points that you need to pay attention to. The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard can be drawn up taking into account the following factors:

  • justification for choosing the topic;
  • the relationship between the topic of work and the goals and objectives of the preschool institution;
  • preliminary work, including the study of methods and programs for preschool education and upbringing;
  • choosing forms of interaction with preschoolers;
  • own methods;
  • expected result of working on the topic;
  • conclusions and dynamic statistics of child development;
  • prospects for improving performance;
  • results of self-education.

The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard requires careful preparation, during which a lot of questions arise. The main issue is the choice of topic. A methodologist or senior educator mainly helps with this, but the teacher can also make an independent choice, depending on the relevance and practical significance of the topic of educational activity.

In determining their readiness for self-education, young specialists are also recommended to familiarize themselves with the map of G. M. Kodzhaspirova. The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard must be drawn up taking into account the following recommendations:

  • When studying any issue, you need to research several sources in order to form your opinion.
  • It is advisable to work with library catalogs and material from the Internet in order to obtain the necessary literary source.
  • When searching for material, it is important to focus on innovative methods in education.
  • Communication and exchange of experience with colleagues - important point teacher self-education.

An individual self-education plan is drawn up in two types:

  • Annual planning
  • Long-term planning, which provides for annual revision of the educational activity plan

If an individual self-education plan is drawn up according to the second type of planning, you can use the project method appropriate to the age of the children. Long-term planning must certainly include current issues of preschool education in dynamic development.

Approximate list of topics for teacher self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The teacher can choose the following topics provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

  • Amplification methods for the development of preschool children.
  • Features of pedagogical diagnostics in preschool educational institutions.
  • Method individual approach in DO.
  • Methodology for the formation of life safety.
  • Emotional intelligence of a preschooler.
  • Methods for guiding gaming activities.
  • Formation of local history ideas (small homeland).
  • Creative abilities of preschoolers.
  • Preparation for educational activities.
  • Developing curiosity.
  • Familiarization with objects of the surrounding world.
  • Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  • Formation of EMF.
  • Development of sociability.
  • Coherent speech.
  • Elementary analysis of a literary work.
  • Literacy training.
  • Application unconventional techniques activity.
  • Basics of healthy lifestyle in preschool educational institutions.
  • Formation of CGN and self-service skills.
  • Ensuring psychological comfort in a child care facility.
  • Information and communication technologies in educational institutions.
  • Continuity between kindergarten and school.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support for families.
  • Fundamentals of inclusive education in preschool educational institutions.
  • RPPS kindergarten.
  • Partial programs of preschool educational institutions.
  • Innovative forms of interaction with parents.
  • Organization of experimental activities.
  • Quality and evaluation criteria for educational institutions.

Organization of work by topic

Each topic requires analytical work. When analyzing literature, the teacher must highlight the main thoughts and ideas of the authors in order to determine the direction of work on this topic. For example, if the topic “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children” is chosen, the teacher needs to devote Special attention methods of organization and general content of work on this topic in various age groups of kindergarten.

One of the urgent tasks of education in kindergarten is environmental education. How to draw up a self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard? Ecology, for example, should include activities and conversations to become familiar with nature native land, experimental activities, work with parents, promoting the development of environmental knowledge in preschool children.

Self-education plan for preschool teacher junior group should cover work on assessing capabilities, physiological and psychological characteristics children of this age category, identify the range of problems related to working with younger preschoolers, include the use of interactive teaching methods and modern techniques early development. Work on the topic can be carried out with the participation of several teachers who are directly familiar with the tasks and goals of the preschool educational institution. A properly organized process of self-education provides great opportunities for deeper personal development and effective increase professional competence of the teacher.

Nowadays, one of the main components of the professional competence of preschool teachers is self-education. How does it happen?

The need for professional growth

Realizing the imperfection of knowledge and skills in professional activities, the educator receives a powerful incentive for professional growth, deepening knowledge and mastering new methods of educational activities.

How and in what way can the process of professional development be organized?

In order to be in the trend, a modern teacher needs to systematically follow news in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology, become familiar with the best pedagogical practices, be in constant communication with colleagues, work to increase general erudition and improve pedagogical skills, and become familiar with the legal and regulatory framework. preschool education and analyze your own professional experience.

Additional development of a teacher is a mandatory part, which is included in the self-education plan of a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The plan helps to systematize the work, is a reflection of the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities, and creates opportunities for prospects for communication with children.

Drawing up a self-education plan: stages

Let's look at a few points that you need to pay attention to. The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard can be drawn up taking into account the following factors:

  • justification for choosing the topic;
  • the relationship between the topic of work and the goals and objectives of the preschool institution;
  • preliminary work, including the study of methods and programs for preschool education and upbringing;
  • choosing forms of interaction with preschoolers;
  • own methods;
  • expected result of working on the topic;
  • conclusions and dynamic statistics of child development;
  • prospects for improving performance;
  • results of self-education.

The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard requires careful preparation, during which a lot of questions arise. The main issue is the choice of topic. A methodologist or senior educator mainly helps with this, but the teacher can also make an independent choice, depending on the relevance and practical significance of the topic of educational activity.

In determining their readiness for self-education, young specialists are also recommended to familiarize themselves with the map of G. M. Kodzhaspirova. The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard must be drawn up taking into account the following recommendations:

  • When studying any issue, you need to research several sources in order to form your opinion.
  • It is advisable to work with library catalogs and material from the Internet in order to obtain the necessary literary source.
  • When searching for material, it is important to focus on innovative methods in education.
  • Communication and exchange of experience with colleagues is an important aspect of teacher self-education.

An individual self-education plan is drawn up in two types:

  • Annual planning
  • Long-term planning, which provides for annual revision of the educational activity plan

If an individual self-education plan is drawn up according to the second type of planning, you can use the project method appropriate to the age of the children. Long-term planning must certainly include current issues of preschool education in dynamic development.

Approximate list of topics for teacher self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The teacher can choose the following topics provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

  • Amplification methods for the development of preschool children.
  • Features of pedagogical diagnostics in preschool educational institutions.
  • Method of individual approach in preschool education.
  • Methodology for the formation of life safety.
  • Emotional intelligence of a preschooler.
  • Methods for guiding gaming activities.
  • Formation of local history ideas (small homeland).
  • Creative abilities of preschoolers.
  • Preparation for educational activities.
  • Developing curiosity.
  • Familiarization with objects of the surrounding world.
  • Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  • Formation of EMF.
  • Development of sociability.
  • Coherent speech.
  • Elementary analysis of a literary work.
  • Literacy training.
  • The use of non-traditional artistic techniques.
  • Basics of healthy lifestyle in preschool educational institutions.
  • Formation of CGN and self-service skills.
  • Ensuring psychological comfort in a child care facility.
  • Information and communication technologies in educational institutions.
  • Continuity between kindergarten and school.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support for families.
  • Fundamentals of inclusive education in preschool educational institutions.
  • RPPS kindergarten.
  • Partial programs of preschool educational institutions.
  • Innovative forms of interaction with parents.
  • Organization of experimental activities.
  • Quality and evaluation criteria for educational institutions.

Organization of work by topic

Each topic requires analytical work. When analyzing literature, the teacher must highlight the main thoughts and ideas of the authors in order to determine the direction of work on this topic. For example, if the topic “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children” is chosen, the teacher needs to pay special attention to the methods of organizing and the general content of work on this topic in various age groups of the kindergarten.

One of the urgent tasks of education in kindergarten is environmental education. How to draw up a self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard? Ecology, for example, should include classes and conversations to familiarize oneself with the nature of one’s native land, experimental activities, and work with parents to promote the development of environmental knowledge in preschool children.

The self-education plan of a preschool teacher of a junior group should cover work on assessing the capabilities, physiological and psychological characteristics of children of this age category, identify the range of problems related to working with younger preschoolers, and include the use of interactive teaching methods and modern early development techniques. Work on the topic can be carried out with the participation of several teachers who are directly familiar with the tasks and goals of the preschool educational institution. A properly organized process of self-education provides great opportunities for deeper personal development and effectively improving the professional competence of a teacher.

Self-education is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself to acquire systemic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life and so on. S.I. Ozhegov defines self-education as “the acquisition of knowledge through independent study without the help of a teacher.”

Self-education allows you to replenish and concretize your knowledge, and carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise when working with children. A teacher who has the skills of independent work has the opportunity to prepare and move on to focused scientific and practical, research activities, which indicates a higher professional and educational level, and this, in turn, affects the quality of educational educational process and effectiveness pedagogical activity.

An important condition professionalism is properly organized and carried out work on self-education. In this, each educator is helped by planning his work, correct analysis of activities, setting goals, choosing forms and methods. For this purpose, educators draw up various self-education plans. Below is the experience in this area.


1. Full name teacher - Lifanova Tatyana Nikolaevna

2. Education - secondary specialized, 1st qualification category.

3. Theme of self-education: “Implementation of FGT in the educational process.”

4. Work started on September 1, 2011.

5. Expected to finish on May 30, 2012.

6. Purpose: to study FGT for the structure of the main general education program of preschool education.

7. Tasks:

  • study and implement the “From birth to school” program across all educational fields(new edition in accordance with FGT)
  • develop long-term plans for all educational areas
  • develop a model of the educational process that meets FGT
  • test this model in practice

8. Expected result: reassessment of pedagogical values, one’s professional purpose; desire to improve the educational process.

9. Form of self-education: individual.

10. Actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic:

  • studying literature on the topic
  • visiting educational activities with teachers of your preschool educational institution and district;
  • attending teacher councils, seminars, conferences;
  • self-analysis and self-assessment of GCD in your group;
  • development of a model of the educational process that meets FGT
  • testing the developed model in practice. Making necessary adjustments;
  • holding a series of open events for peer review;
  • summarizing the results at a meeting of the methodological association.

11. Practical solution: workshop.

12. Form of a report on the work done: message at the teachers' meeting; presentation on the topic.

MBDOU- kindergarten"Firefly",
Saratov region, r.p. Bald Mountains.

Municipal preschool educational institution - general developmental kindergarten “Batyr”, Buinsk, Buinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Latypova Leili Raisovna

Topic: “Implementation of a system of measures aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, development of curiosity and cognitive activity”

academic year.

Self-education is designed for 5 years.



Municipal preschool educational institution - general developmental kindergarten "Batyr" in Buinsk, RT

“Teacher self-education plan”

Latypova Leili Raisovna

Topic: “Implementation of a system of measures aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, development of curiosity and cognitive activity”


academic year.

Theme of self-education of MBDOU "Batyr":

Spiritual and physical education - as a basis modern approach in the education of preschool children.

The problem of the teacher: “Implementation of a system of measures aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity”

Thematic planning of self-education activities topic “Implementation of a system of measures aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, development of curiosity and cognitive activity”

Goal: Improve your professional level; systematize work on implementing a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical development of children.

Implementation stages




Study of psychological-pedagogical,

methodological literature

on the topic of self-education



Software development methodological support educational process

2011-2012 academic year


Generalization own experience pedagogical activity

2012-2013 academic year


Analysis of the created pedagogical conditions for development


Goal: Continue to improve the pedagogical level and professional competence. Introduce new methods and directions in the upbringing and education of children. Involve parents in the moral education of children.

Dates (start-end)

Results submission form

1Study of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on the topic of self-education 2010-2011 academic year

Goal: Improve your professional level,development of curiosity and cognitive activity"

1. Find new long-term plans for all types of activities.

September October

Drawing up a long-term work plan for all age groups.

2.M.A.Runova, A.V.Butilova “Acquaintance with nature through movement (Integrated classes). 2006.



Studying the level of environmental knowledge of children;
Drawing up an observation system for the year.

3. Study articles on the physical education of children in the preschool educational institution of the magazine “Child in Kindergarten”:

No. 5 2006
No. 2 2007
No. 4 2007
No. 5 2007

During a year

January February

Selection of methodological equipment.

Making notes for classes and entertainment.

4. Study articles on improving children’s health in the preschool education magazine “Preschool Education”:
No. 7 2007 No. 6 2009
No. 5 2007 No. 8 2009
No. 4 2009 No. 32011

March, April

2. Development of software and methodological support for the educational process for the 2011-2012 academic year


Improve your professional level; develop software and methodological support for the educational process.

1. Develop long-term work plans for all types of activities for different age groups

September – May

Calendar and thematic planning

2. Make lesson notes for all types of activities.

During a year

Card indexes

3. Systematize practical material on this problem: * Internet resources (children's presentations).

*Developmental computer presentations “Gymnastics for the eyes”, “physical education” and others..

Study the work experience of educators through Internet resources.

October November



March, April

Visual material

4. Workshop for educators: “Visiting geometric figures.”

Viewing teacher activities

6. Parent meeting "".


Parent meeting (Consultation for parents on the topic: “Games in the family”).

7. Preparation of material for information stands.

Open Day.

  1. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities 2012-2013 academic year


Improve your professional level; publications on social networks.

1. Final diagnostics according to environmental education children.




Information sheets in the form of a table with results

3. Generalization of work experience, systematization of the received material for its dissemination.


Preparation of calendar and thematic planning, lesson notes, consultations for parents and educators,
entertainment for physical education.

Operating period: 2013-2014 academic year.

Topic: “Unconventional use of health-saving technologies in physical education and health improvement of preschool children.”

Direction: physical education and recreation.

Goal: to create a comprehensive system of physical education and health work with children, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, developing responsibility among parents and students in maintaining their own health.


Protecting and strengthening the health of children, improving their physical development, increasing resistance protective properties body;

Formation of a conscious attitude towards their health in children and parents;

Involving parents in organizing health activities with children.

I. Preparatory stage.

II. Work with children.

Selection of literature, conversation with m/s, parents.

Monitoring children's behavior and health status in everyday life.

II. Work with children.


Diagnosis of the level of physical development.

Identification of frequently ill children, identification of physical fitness and motor skills.


Effective hardening system.

Mastering self-massage and gymnastics;

Sports games and competitions.

November December.

Corrective work

Games for developing correct posture,

Games to prevent flat feet.

January February.

March April May.

Creating ideas about healthy lifestyle

Development of ideas about the structure of one’s own body and the purpose of organs.

Formation of ideas about what is harmful and what is useful.

Application of psychohygienic and psychoprophylactic means and methods.

Aroma and herbal medicine;

Music therapy;

Monitoring the child’s well-being and timely correction; Constantly.

III.Working with parents


Questionnaires, conducting seminars, consultations, organizing joint activities, holidays.

IV. Study of literature.

- “The Green Light of Health” by M. Yu. Kartushin;

- "School healthy person» G. I. Kulik;

- “Health work in preschool educational institutions” according to the “island of health” program;

- “Health Improvement of Children in D/s Conditions”, edited by L. V. Kochetkova;

- “Organization of physical education and recreational work in preschool educational institutions» M. V. Romanova

V. Expected results:

Creation of an educational environment that creates a healthy, physically developed, socially adapted personality, passionate about sports, who consciously uses knowledge about healthy way life;

Decrease in morbidity rate;

Positive dynamics of indicators of physical development of children.