Innovation (innovation) - in the socio-psychological aspect - the creation and implementation of various types of innovations that generate significant changes in social practice.
- New - created or made for the first time, appeared or emerged recently, to replace the previous one, newly discovered, relating to the immediate past or to the present, not familiar enough, little known.
- Innovation (innovation) is a complex process of creation, dissemination, implementation and use of a new practical tool, method, concept, etc. - innovations to meet human needs.
- Innovation is a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements (innovations) into the implementation environment, causing a transition of the system from one state to another.
- Innovation is precisely a means (a new method, methodology, technology, curriculum, etc.), and innovation is the process of mastering this means.
- In general, the innovation process is understood as a complex activity for the creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations.
The main reasons for innovation can be identified:
1. The need to actively search for ways to solve existing problems preschool education problems.
2. The desire of teaching staff to improve the quality of services provided to the population, to make them more diverse and thereby preserve their kindergartens.
3. Imitation of other preschool institutions, teachers’ intuitive understanding that innovations will improve the activities of the entire team.
4. Constant dissatisfaction of individual teachers with the results achieved, a firm intention to improve them. The need to be involved in a big, significant matter.
5. The desire of recent graduates of pedagogical universities and students of advanced training courses to implement the acquired knowledge.
6. Increasing demands from individual groups of parents.
7. Competition between kindergartens.

Participants in the innovation process must always remember that the new achieves recognition and makes its way with great difficulty; is of a specific historical nature and can be progressive for a certain period of time, but become outdated at a later stage and even become a brake on further development. Innovations often include originality (not better, but in a different way), a formal change of names, and inventive little things.

The directions of development of innovation processes can be divided as follows:
Innovations in management activities:
- program-targeted pedagogical management;
- creation of a unified management program;
- broad delegation of powers and expanding the degree of participation of employees in managing the development of the institution;
- concept development development of preschool educational institutions, Development programs, educational programs;
- changing the algorithm for conducting internal control over the quality of education, introducing new forms of it, delegating control functions.
Innovations in educational content:
- adaptation and implementation of new programs;
- development individual programs education;
- organization of additional educational services.
Innovations in working with personnel:
- creation of a system of continuous education for teachers;
- development of a program for the formation of human resources;
- development of individual programs for the creative development of teachers;
- individualization of forms and methods of methodological work depending on the level of professional skills of teachers;
- use of master classes, pedagogical rings, internship sites, pedagogical projects;
- self-realization forms of advanced training - creative competitions and laboratories, publications of work experience. Creation of a bank of innovative ideas
- active teaching methods.
Innovations in working with children:
- organization of various forms of children's activities, hobby classes in clubs and studios;
- providing an individual-personal, differentiated approach;
- development individual route development and compilation of a portfolio of achievements in working with gifted children;
- organizing simple experimentation and modeling situations.
Innovations in working with parents:
- application of interactive methods;
- the use of informal ways of interacting with parents, involving them in the life of the children's community through clubs, family holidays;
- organizing a press service to publish a newspaper for parents.
Innovations in the subject-development environment:
- enrichment of the macroenvironment of preschool educational institutions and the microenvironment of groups, taking into account the author’s developments;
- construction of a developmental space for preschool educational institutions based on the principle of integration and modeling;
- transformation of the subject-spatial environment based on the gender principle, reflecting the interests of girls and boys;
- development of alternative forms of preschool education;
- organizing the work of the weekend group.
Innovation in technology:
Innovative technologies are a set of methods and means aimed at maintaining the stages of implementation of a specific innovation.

Modern educational technologies include:
health-saving technologies;
These are, first of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health for preschoolers.
Orthopedic gymnastics; Gymnastics for the eyes; Relaxation; Stretching; Breathing exercises; Finger gymnastics; Corrective gymnastics; Outdoor and sports game; Dynamic pause.
Healthy lifestyle training technologies: Physical education class; Communication game; Game therapy, game training; Acupressure.
Corrective technologies: Technologies of musical influence; Fairytale therapy; Logorhythmics; Color therapy; Art therapy.
technologies of design and research activities;
This is a purposeful activity with a specific purpose, according to a specific plan for solving search, research, and practical problems in any area of ​​educational content. The main goal of the project method in a preschool institution is the development of free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of children’s research activities.
When organizing work on creative project Pupils are offered a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.
Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research activities: conversations; observations; modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);
recording the results: observations, experiments, experiments, labor activity; “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;
use of artistic words; didactic games, game-based educational and creative development situations; work assignments, actions.
information and communication technologies;
1. Selection of illustrative material for GCD and for the design of stands, groups, offices (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation).
2. Selection of additional educational material for GCD, familiarization with the scenarios of holidays and other events.
3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.
4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.
5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.
The following programs are used in the educational process:
- Development of imagination, thinking, memory
- Talking dictionaries foreign languages
- The simplest graphic editors
- Travel games
- Teaching reading, mathematics
- Use of multimedia presentations
person-oriented technologies;
The goal of the technology of person-centered learning is the maximum development (and not the formation of predetermined) individual cognitive abilities of the child based on the use of his existing life experience.
Research (problem-search)
Characteristic feature This technology is the teacher’s implementation of the “learning through discovery” model
Communicative (discussion)
A feature of this technology is the presence of discussions characterized by different points of view on the issues being studied, their comparison, search through discussion of the true point of view
Simulation modeling (game)
A characteristic feature of this technology is the modeling of vital professional difficulties in the educational space and the search for ways to solve them.
Psychological (self-determination)
A characteristic feature of this technology is the student’s self-determination to perform one or another educational activities.
A characteristic feature of this technology is the child’s ability to design upcoming activities and be its subject.
A feature of this technology is the child’s awareness of the activity: how, in what way the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, and how he felt at the same time.

Gaming technologies.
It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:
games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features objects, compare, contrast them;
groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;
groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.
Compiling gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every educator.
At the same time, games have many cognitive and educational functions. Among the game exercises we can highlight those
which help to highlight the characteristic features of objects: that is, they teach to compare;
which help to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
who teach the child to separate fiction from reality;
which foster communication in a team, develop speed of reaction, ingenuity, and more.
Technology "Teacher's Portfolio"
Modern education needs a new type of teacher (creatively thinking, proficient in modern educational technologies, methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, ways of independently constructing the pedagogical process in the conditions of specific practical activities, the ability to predict their final result, who should have a dossier of successes that reflects everything joyful, interesting and worthy of what happens in the life of a teacher.The teacher’s portfolio can become such a dossier.

TRIZ technology is a theory for solving inventive problems.
The goal of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place. That is, the goal is to develop, on the one hand, such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, systematicity, dialecticism, and on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty, the development of speech and creative imagination.
TRIZ gives you the opportunity to show your individuality and teaches children to think outside the box; develops such moral qualities as the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the desire to help, the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation.
- Brainstorming method. This is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which participants in the discussion are asked to express as many possible solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones. Then from total number Based on the ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.
- Directory method. The method allows us to largely solve the problem of teaching preschoolers creative storytelling.
- Method of focal objects. The essence of this method is to transfer the properties of one object or several to another. This method allows you not only to develop imagination, speech, fantasy, but also to control your thinking.
- Method "System analysis". The method helps to consider the world in a system as a set of elements interconnected in a certain way, conveniently functioning with each other. Its goal is to determine the role and place of objects, and their interaction for each element.
- Method of morphological analysis. When working with preschoolers, this method is very effective for developing creative imagination, fantasy, and overcoming stereotypes. The essence of it is to combine different options characteristics of a certain object when creating a new image of this object.
- Method of substantiating new ideas " gold fish" The essence of the method is to divide situations into components (real and fantastic), followed by finding real manifestations of the fantastic component.
- MMC method (modeling with little people). modeling of processes occurring in the natural and man-made world between substances (solid – liquid – gaseous).
- Thinking by analogy. Since analogy is the similarity of objects and phenomena according to some properties and characteristics, we must first teach children to determine the properties and characteristics of objects, teach them to compare and classify
- Typical techniques of fantasy (TPF). To help develop a child’s imagination, six wizards are brought in to help. The goal of wizards is to change the properties of an object. Magic techniques: increase-decrease, division-union, transformation of signs of time, revival-petrification, specialization-universalization, vice versa.
So, the general goal of innovative activities in preschool educational institutions is to improve the ability of the kindergarten pedagogical system to achieve qualitatively higher educational results.
The problem of managing innovative processes in preschool educational institutions has become the subject of serious study due to the focus of a modern preschool institution on the development of the child’s personality, on revealing his creative abilities, which requires appropriate professional and personal development of teachers, the priority of the tasks of developing the personality of the child and the teacher, ensuring the continuity of the educational process and a professional approach to his organization.

Using innovative technologies in kindergarten

Today, teams of teachers working in preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions) direct all their efforts to introduce various innovative technologies into their work. We will find out what this is connected with in this article.

What is innovation activity in preschool educational institutions?

Any innovation is nothing more than the creation and subsequent implementation of a fundamentally new component, as a result of which qualitative changes in the environment occur. Technology, inmy turn is a set of various techniques that are used in a particular business, craft or art. Thus, innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions are aimed at creating modern components and techniques, the main purpose of which is to modernize the educational process. For this purpose, teaching teams in kindergartens are developing the latest models for the education and intellectual development of children, which differ from other preschool institutions. In their professional activities, educators use methodological tools, teaching methods and techniques that are fully consistent with the accepted model. Modern educational technologies are being used more and more often in preschool educational institutions, and the results of their implementation will be evident for many decades to come.

Requirements for educational technologies

Experts say that it is not only possible, but also necessary to introduce innovative technologies into preschool educational institutions. However, it should be taken into account that several strict requirements are imposed on pedagogical technologies used in the educational process of preschool children. These include:

    Conceptuality suggesting that educational process must be based on a specific scientific concept.

    Systematicity is a requirement stipulating that technologies must have all the features characteristic of a system. That is, they must be holistic, logical, and their constituent elements must be interconnected.

    Manageability is a requirement, which means that the teaching staff must be provided with the opportunity to set certain goals, plan the learning process, and adjust certain aspects along the way.

    Reproducibility is a requirement according to which technology must be equally effective regardless of the personality of the teacher who uses it in practice.

Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions in mandatory must comply with all of the above points.

Types of technologies

Today, there are more than a hundred educational technologies used in kindergartens. Among them, close attention should be paid to:

Health-saving technologies;

Technologies related to project activities;

Technologies used in project activities;

Information and communication technologies;

Technologies focused on each individual person (person-oriented);

So-called gaming technologies.

Modern health-saving technologies

These technologies are being developed to make the transition from simply treating and preventing disease to promoting health as a self-cultivated value.

The goal of health-saving technologies - provision high level real health kindergarten students, education of valeological culture, i.e. a child’s conscious attitude to health and human life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, support and preserve it, valeological competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance .

Forms of organization health-saving work:

· physical education classes

Independent activities of children

· outdoor games

· morning exercises(traditional, breathing, sound)

· motor-health-improving physical training sessions

Exercise after nap

· physical exercises in combination with hardening procedures

· physical exercise walks (to the park, to the stadium)

· physical education

· sports holidays

· health procedures in the aquatic environment.

Currently existing health-saving educational technologies can be divided intothree subgroups:

1. Technologies for preserving and promoting health

Stretching no earlier than 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age, in a physical education or music hall, or in a group room, in a well-ventilated room, special exercises accompanied by music. Recommended for children with sluggish posture and flat feet.

Dynamic pauses during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye exercises, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity.

Movable and sport games as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - low, medium and high degree of mobility Daily for all age groups. Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game. In kindergarten we use only elements of sports games.

Relaxation in any suitable room, depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature. A special relaxation room has been created in our kindergarten.

Finger gymnastics - With younger age individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time).

Gymnastics for the eyes daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. It is recommended to use visual material and demonstration by the teacher.

Breathing exercises - V various forms of physical education and health work. Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure.

Dynamic gymnastics (invigorating) daily after nap, 5-10 min.

Corrective gymnastics in various forms of physical education and health work. The form of implementation depends on the task and the number of children.

Orthopedic gymnastics in various forms of physical education and health work. Recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot.

2. Educational technologies healthy image life

Physical education lesson 2-3 times a week in the gym or music hall. Early age - in a group room, 10 min. Young age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes. Before class, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Problem-based gaming (game training and game therapy) – in your free time, maybe in the afternoon. The time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the child, by including the teacher in the process of play activity.

Communication games 1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Lessons from the “Health” series - Once a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Can be included in the lesson schedule as cognitive development.

In the morning hoursacupressure self-massage p It is carried out on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time of the day. It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Recommended for children with frequent colds and respiratory diseases. Visual material (special modules) is used.

3. Corrective technologies

Music influence technologies in various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals. Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

Fairy tale therapy 2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from an older age. Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children, and the rest of the children repeat the necessary movements after the storytellers.

Color influence technologies – as a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the assigned tasks. Correctly selected interior colors in our group relieve tension and increase the child’s emotional mood.

Health-saving technologies used in combination ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle.

Hardening - an important link in the system of physical education of children. It provides training of the body's defenses, increasing its resistance to the effects of constantly changing environmental conditions. Hardening gives a healing effect only if it is carried out competently and the following must be observed:principles:

· hardening activities fit harmoniously into all routine moments;

· are carried out systematically against the background of the optimal thermal state of children, against the background of their positive emotional mood;

· carried out taking into account the individual, age characteristics of children, health status, level of hardening;

· the strength of impact and duration of hardening procedures increases gradually.

Any hardening procedure gives a positive result only in a complex of hardening measures carried out in Everyday life DOW. The use of special forms of health-saving technologies with the use of a developmental health improvement program should lead not only to the preservation, but also to the development of the health of pupils.

Only a healthy child is happy to participate in all types of activities; he is cheerful, optimistic, and open in communication with peers and teachers. This is the key to the successful development of all spheres of personality, all its properties and qualities.

Project activities in kindergarten

Project activities is a didactic means of activating the cognitive and creative development of the child and at the same time forming personal qualities child. The knowledge acquired by children during the implementation of the project becomes their property personal experience. By experimenting, the child seeks the answer to the question and thereby develops creativity and communication skills. Using the project as a form of joint developmental activity for children and adults, teachers organize educational activities in an interesting, creative, and productive way.

The use of a project in preschool educational practice has the right to be considered as a pedagogical innovation, since the basis of the project method is the idea of ​​​​directing the cognitive activity of preschoolers towards the result that is achieved in the process of joint work of the teacher and children on a certain practical problem (topic).

A feature of project activities in the preschool education system is that the child cannot yet independently find contradictions in the environment, formulate a problem, or determine a goal (intention). Therefore, in the educational process of a preschool educational institution, project activities are in the nature of cooperation, in which children and teachers of the preschool educational institution take part, and parents are also involved. Parents become direct participants in the educational process, enriching their teaching experience, experiencing a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the successes of their child.

In addition, the project method takes the form of integrated education for preschoolers and is based on the individual interests of children, thus increasing the independent activity of kindergarten students.

Use of ICT (information and computer technology)

Information and computer technologies are actively used both in educational and methodological work preschool educational institution. Such activities allow you to integrate audiovisual information presented in various forms (video, animation, slides, music), and activate children's attention due to the possibility of demonstrating phenomena and objects in dynamics.

For teachers who are active Internet users, the computer helps them obtain additional information that is not available in printed form, as well as diversify illustrative material when selecting visual material for classes.

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, the computer has a number of advantages:

Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful manner arouses great interest in children;

Contains a new type of information that is understandable to preschoolers;

Movement, sound, animation attracts attention for a long time;

Problematic tasks and encouraging the child to solve them correctly with the computer itself are a stimulus for children’s cognitive activity;

Provides the opportunity to individualize training;

The child himself regulates the pace and number of game learning tasks to be solved;

In the process of his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence in the fact that he can do a lot;

Allows you to simulate such life situations effects that cannot be seen in everyday life, unexpected and unusual effects;

The computer is attractive to children, like any other new toy; the computer is very “patient”, never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

Cognitive and research activities

The development of cognitive interests of preschool children is one of the pressing problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. It is experimentation that is the leading type of activity, both in junior and senior preschool age, as L.S. has repeatedly said. Vygotsky.

During experimentation, the child learns about the object. In practical activities, it carries out and performs a cognitive, orientation and research function, creating conditions in which the content of a given object is revealed. For example: during the implementation of the educational project “Autumn”, when introducing vegetables to children of the younger group, the teacher conducts a “drowning or not drowning” experiment with the children: potatoes, onions, tomatoes. During this experiment, the children learned that potatoes sink, but tomatoes and onions float. “What I hear, I forget. What I see - I remember. What I do - I understand", Confucius said so many centuries ago.

The method of exploratory teaching must be understood as training in which the child is placed in a situation where he himself masters concepts and an approach to solving problems in the process of cognition, more or less organized (directed) by the teacher. In its most complete, expanded form, research training involves the following:

1) the child identifies and poses a problem that needs to be resolved; offers possible solutions;

2) tests these possible solutions against the data;

3) draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the inspection;

4) applies conclusions to new data;

5) makes generalizations.

Developmental education technology

In traditional teaching, a system of concepts is set for assimilation through the formulation of these concepts and their definitions. Therefore, there is a rigid list of what a student should know. In developmental education scientific concepts exist in an easy version - a method of action.

The child must master this method, its basis, the ability to construct this action, justify it, prove it. Therefore, in developmental education it is undesirable and, apparently, impossible to set ready-made definitions. The formulation of the concept is the result that must be achieved ultimately as a result of analysis.

Changes in content also lead to significant changes in teaching methods.

The basis of the traditional teaching method is demonstration of the method, explanation, training, evaluation. This is an illustrative and explanatory method. In developmental education, the subject of which is not a method of action, but a principle, this method is not suitable for the reason that the principle, unlike the method, cannot be demonstrated. Clarification of the principle is possible only as a result of an independent analysis of the action, situation, conditions and generalization of those objective connections on which this method is based.

Personality-oriented technologies

Personality-oriented technologies place the child’s personality at the center of the entire educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, and realizing its natural potentials. The child’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but also a priority subject; it is the goal of the educational system, and not a means to achieve some abstract goal. Such technologies are also called anthropocentric.

Thus, personality-oriented technologies are characterized by anthropocentricity, humanistic and psychotherapeutic orientation and are aimed at the versatile, free and creative development of the child.

Within the framework of personality-oriented technologies, humane-personal technologies, technologies of cooperation and technologies of free education are distinguished as independent directions.

Collaboration technology implements democracy, equality, and partnership in the subject-subject relationship between teacher and child. The teacher and the child jointly develop goals, content, and give assessments, being in a state of cooperation and co-creation.

Technologies of free education place emphasis on providing the child with freedom of choice and independence in a greater or lesser area of ​​his life. When making a choice, the child realizes the position of the subject in the best way, going to the result from internal motivation, and not from external influence.

So, all of the above technologies are primarily aimed at improving the quality of education. However, the very concept of “quality of the educational process” is characterized differently from the point of view of each participant:

For children, this is learning in a fun way for them.

For parents this is effective training children, i.e. training in programs that prepare children well for school:

Training without fatigue;

Preserving the health of children, both mental and physical;

Successful learning;

Maintaining a desire to learn;

Ensuring the opportunity to enter a prestigious school;

Training in prestigious subjects (foreign language, choreography).

For educators, this is, first of all, a positive assessment of their success by preschool leaders and parents:

Their successful completion of all training programs;

Optimal selection of methods and techniques for working with children;

Maintaining children's interest in the educational process;

Successful development of children in the process of their education;

Preservation of mental and physical health children;

Rational use of children's educational time and teacher's working time;

Provision of the pedagogical process with all necessary aids and equipment.

Modern pedagogical technologies, such as collaborative learning, project-based methodology, interactive interaction, and the use of new information technologies help to implement a person-centered approach to children, ensuring individualization and differentiation of the pedagogical process, taking into account their abilities and level of development. Today the focus is on the child, his personality, and his unique inner world. Therefore, the main goal of a modern teacher is to choose methods and forms of organizing the educational process that optimally correspond to the goal of personal development.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Problem: insufficient application of modern pedagogical technologies in practice in modern preschool education.

Target: increasing the efficiency of training students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.


  • increase your level of self-education by mastering modern teaching technologies;
  • apply the acquired knowledge in practice;
  • determine the effectiveness of modern pedagogical technologies;
  • improve the quality of education for students.

Subject of research: modern pedagogical technologies.

Research hypothesis: learning and development of the student’s personality will be deeper and more complete if teachers master, effectively implement and continuously use new pedagogical technologies.

Federal State Educational Standard since January 1, 2014 came into force and approved the requirements for the structure of the Program, the conditions for the implementation of the Program and the results of development.

In modern conditions, the child acts not as an “object”, but as a “subject” of education; the child is a valuable person in his own right.

The innovation process at the current stage of development of society concerns primarily the preschool education system, which is considered the initial step in unlocking the child’s potential. This approach places high demands on the system of preschool education and upbringing. There is a search for more effective technologies in preschool education and the use of modern, already proven technologies, as well as psychological and pedagogical approaches to this process.

Pedagogical technologies determine new means, forms, methods used in the practice of pedagogy and, of course, they should be focused on the development of the child’s personality and his abilities.

So what is “technology”, what is its difference from methodology?

Technology – Greek. the word means “skill, art” and “law of science” - this is the science of mastery.

The problem of pedagogical technologies was dealt with by: Selevko, Bespalko, I.P. Volkov, V.M. Monakhov and others.

On this moment There are several definitions of ped. technology, we will choose the most advanced one for today:

Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize forms of education (UNESCO).

In other words, technology is recorded sequential actions that guarantee the achievement of a given result. It contains an algorithm for solving assigned problems; its use is based on the idea of ​​complete controllability of learning and reproducibility of educational cycles.

Differences from the method:

The technology is not subject-specific; it can be implemented on any subject, regardless of the content. The technology can be implemented any teacher Technology includes a set of methods, forms, means and techniques.

Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies. They are classified by organizational forms, by subject, by author, by approach to the child, etc.

Among the main reasons for the emergence of new psychological and pedagogical technologies are the following:

The need for deeper consideration and use of psychophysiological and personal characteristics of students;

Awareness of the urgent need to replace the ineffective verbal (verbal) method of knowledge transfer with a systemic activity approach;

The ability to design the educational process, organizational forms of interaction between teacher and child, ensuring guaranteed learning results.

Why no innovations recent years didn't give the expected effect? There are many reasons for this phenomenon. One of them is purely pedagogical - low innovative qualifications of the teacher, namely the inability to choose the right book and technology, conduct an implementation experiment, and diagnose changes. Some teachers are not ready for innovation methodologically, others – psychologically, and still others – technologically. In recent years, teachers have been trying to turn their face to the student, introducing student-centered, humane-personal and other education. But the main problem is that the process of cognition itself is losing its attractiveness. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to school is increasing. Positive motivation for learning has decreased, children no longer show signs of curiosity, interest, surprise, desire - they don’t ask questions at all. There is no connection with school technology, where the authoritarian system is still strong.

Currently, the use of modern educational technologies, which ensure the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity (reproduction of what remains in memory) in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of children, and more efficient use of time.

Requirements for a teacher.

Today, a teacher does not have enough knowledge about existing technologies; he also needs the ability to apply them in practical activities. The demand for teaching masters is always high. To feel confident, a teacher must master at least three fundamentally different technologies: productive (subject-oriented), gentle (personally-oriented), and collaboration technology.

The same technology can be implemented by different performers more or less conscientiously, exactly according to instructions or creatively. The results will be different, however, close to some average statistical value characteristic of this technology.

Sometimes a master teacher uses elements of several technologies in his work and uses original methodological techniques. In this case, we should talk about the “author’s” technology of this teacher. Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowings. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at the technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state.

Using technology in practice.

Modern educational activity is primarily the skill of the teacher. The use of elements of different technological approaches in the practice of teaching the subject, their critical analysis can become the basis for the formation of one’s own pedagogical style. Any educational technology must be reproducible and health-saving.

Interactive learning technologies. Recently they have become more important (interactive museums of the world)

They make it possible to implement a qualitatively new effective model for constructing an educational environment. They are aimed at organizing comfortable conditions for the upbringing and development of children, in which interaction, mutual development and mutual enrichment are actively realized. They teach the ability to exchange experiences and interact in groups, develop communication, cultivate tolerance, and contribute to the formation of a social position in the future.

1. Work in pairs. (pencil test)

2. Carousel.

4. Work in small groups.

5. Aquarium.

6. Unfinished sentence.(Once upon a time there were a king and a queen, and then one day...) in a chain.

7. Brainstorming.

8. Brownian motion.

9. Decision tree.

10. Role-playing (business) game.

11. Workshop.

ICT technology is an interactive technology.

The use of ICT is the result of the implementation of the “Electronic Russia” program

ICT is a generalized concept that describes various methods, methods and algorithms for collecting, storing, processing, presenting and transmitting information.

On the one hand, this is a computer, on the other, communication.

This is the use of television, DVD, CD, radio, tablets, media, computer, telephone, game consoles.

The modern educational process cannot be imagined without the use of multimedia technologies, which provide unique opportunities for the implementation of creative initiatives of the teacher and student.

From the point of view of using ICT in the classroom, it seems appropriate to divide them into four groups. The belonging of a lesson to a particular group determines the technical conditions and the availability of appropriate software for its implementation.

1. Demonstration type classes - presentation.

2. Classes – quizzes, tests.

The high effectiveness of control programs is determined by the fact that they strengthen feedback in the teacher-student system. Test programs allow you to quickly evaluate the result of your work and accurately identify topics in which there are gaps in knowledge. Today, educators themselves develop and create computer versions of various tests and use them in their classes.

3. Educational computer games.

Educational programs existing on the market for this age can be classified as follows:

1. Games for developing memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

2. "Talking" dictionaries of foreign languages ​​with good animation.

3. ART studios, simple graphic editors with libraries of drawings.

4. Travel games, “action games”.

5. The simplest programs for teaching reading, mathematics, etc.

4. Physical exercises, relaxation exercises, problem posing after watching the video.

5. Working with parents.

Self-presentation of the teacher, creation of a portfolio of the child and teacher, use at meetings, as a collection of information on the problem, for home teaching. The teacher can post consultations, exchange photographs, give announcements, hold debates on the websites of preschool educational institutions, or on social media. networks.

6. Use for the professional growth of the teacher.

Collection and storage of information, participation in competitions at the interregional and international level, collecting material for a portfolio. You can make meth on the pre-school website. a piggy bank where teachers can put information available to group members: regulations, card indexes, lesson plans, poems, etc.

The use of ICT technologies in the classroom allows you to:

  • to intensify the cognitive activity of students;
  • ensure a high degree of differentiation of training (almost individualization);
  • increase the amount of work performed in the lesson;
  • improve knowledge control;
  • to develop skills of genuine research activity;
  • provide access to various help systems, electronic libraries, other information resources.
  • And, as a consequence of all these components, there is an increase in the quality of students’ knowledge.

The use of mnemonics technology in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.”

MNEMOTECHNIQUES is the art of memorization through the formation of artificial associations using a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, the purpose of which is the development of not only memory of various types (visual, auditory, motor and tactile), but also thinking, attention, imagination.

We easily incorporate this technology into all types of activities, and from my own experience I believe that it is more rational to introduce it with children 4-5 years old, since they have accumulated the basic lexicon. In my work, I use mnemonic tracks, mnemonic tables (schemes that contain certain information). In classes on speech development, they are especially effective and are used as a support system for retelling fairy tales, short stories, and for composing descriptive stories. Also, with the help of mnemonic tables and mnemonic tracks, I introduce children to the world around them. educational activities. For example, in environmental education of children, it helps them form the concept of “season as a time of year,” remember the signs of the seasons, learn the principles of writing descriptive stories about the seasons, describing wild and domestic animals, and various objects. You can depict anything that you consider necessary to reflect in this table, but in such a way that it is understandable to children.

I widely use mnemonic techniques in mathematics and art classes.

Thanks to teaching children mnemonic techniques, according to the results of the examination, positive dynamics were noted in children: the volume of visual and verbal memory significantly increased, the distribution and stability of attention improved, and mental activity intensified. Children also began to realize the auxiliary role of images in retaining verbal material in memory.

The most important principles of mnemonics.

The development of memory is based on two main factors - imagination and association. In order to remember something new, you need to relate this new thing to something, i.e. make an associative connection with some already known factor, calling on your imagination to help. Association is a mental connection between two images. The more diverse and numerous the associations, the more firmly they are fixed in memory. Strange, illogical associations promote better memory.

Basic techniques:

  • Formation of semantic phrases from the initial letters of memorized information
  • Rhyming
  • Finding bright unusual associations (pictures, phrases) that connect with memorized information
  • Patterns
  • Familiar numbers

The mnemonic device unloads information, making new material “easily digestible.”

Let's look at how you can use mnemonics in the classroom. From my experience I know that information in poetic form is remembered for a long time.

To remember forward and backward counting: – we need to weigh our thoughts. - now we are completely adults. – that’s all your master.

Temporary relationships: Morning, afternoon, evening, night - a day away;

Geometric material: beam, wavy, curve, broken, segment.

Mnemonic tables for months, greater than, less than, minus, plus signs.

Memorizing numbers, composition of numbers, addition tables. The names of the numbers of the second ten forty, ninety, one hundred - examples in the tables.

Project technology.

It is difficult to imagine the work of a modern educator without the use of design in their work. We have been engaged in project activities for more than a year.

This technology has a number of advantages: the ability to study a topic in depth and obtain quick practical results. The project activity method is especially successfully implemented when working with older preschoolers. This age stage is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. You can also carry out projects with younger children, but shorter in time: one day, two, three.

The project can combine educational content from various fields of knowledge; in addition, it opens up great opportunities for organizing joint cognitive-search activities of preschoolers, teachers and parents.

The main purpose of the project method is to provide children with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge when solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. As a result, project activity makes it possible to educate a “doer” rather than a “performer”, to develop strong-willed personality traits and partnership interaction skills.

Advantages of the project method:

It is one of the methods of developmental training, because it is based on the development of children’s cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and navigate the information space;

Improves the quality of the educational process;

Helps develop critical and creative thinking.

Helps improve the competence of teachers.

Disadvantages: low motivation of teachers and parents;

Insufficient level of development of research skills among students

Algorithm for working on the project: choice of topic, thematic planning, organization of the environment, joint work of the teacher with the children.

In project activities, the child’s subjective position is formed and his individuality is revealed.

Projects are family, personal, collective, group.


Analysis of the essence of pedagogical technologies allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Pedagogical technologies are focused on students and are aimed at ensuring the success of learning through their own activities;

Pedagogical technologies make it possible to achieve learning goals through personal development; due to its assimilation of goals and objective control and self-monitoring of the quality of vocational education.

Innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions in the work of teachers - used by preschool workers educational institutions the latest methods of organizing the educational process, which have a positive effect on learning ability, contribute to increasing the effectiveness of methods of teaching and raising children, and the intensive development of intelligence in preschool age.

Types of innovative pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions

The nature of the tools used (methods, techniques, software and technical means) the specifics of the educational model are determined, depending on which different types are distinguished:

  • gaming;
  • design;
  • problem-based learning;
  • using information and communication tools;
  • collaboration and group activities;
  • personality-oriented, etc.

Information and communication technologies

Information and communication technologies (ICT) of preschool education are a complex educational materials based on the use of technical means and software in raising children and aimed at improving the pedagogical activities of preschool workers.

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ICTs involve the use of educational videos, audio recordings, multimedia presentations, electronic manuals, etc. in the pedagogical process.

In addition to computer equipment and output devices (multimedia projectors, screens), interactive whiteboards, work with which involves not passive perception of information, but dynamic interaction.

Depending on the purpose of using technical means, the following types of ICT implementation in the educational process are distinguished:

  • way of relaying new knowledge;
  • a tool for self-knowledge and creative development of a child;
  • object of study;
  • a means of automated monitoring of results and subsequent correction of training.

The use of information tools and electronic educational systems has a number of advantages:

  • integrates audiovisual information, develops the child’s mental perception;
  • makes it possible to simulate unexpected situations, uncharacteristic of everyday life;
  • activates children's attention through illustrative material;
  • develops computer and multimedia skills at an early age in a fun way.

Problem-based learning technology is a set of techniques and methods that ensure the formation of a child’s independent cognitive activity and the development of creative thinking by overcoming mental difficulties caused by a lack of knowledge. The goal of this method is to master general principles self-study.

The specificity of the technology lies in the fact that the teacher only defines the problem and then provides preschoolers with the opportunity to find solutions based on previously acquired knowledge and acquired skills. To involve preschoolers in cognitive activity, the problem situation must correspond to an accessible level of complexity and be implemented in a fun way.

The solution to the problem problem is carried out under the guidance of the teacher according to the following algorithm:

  1. Awareness of the contradiction inherent in the task.
  2. Formation of a hypothesis for its resolution.
  3. Joint search for confirmation of the hypothesis.
  4. Formulating a conclusion that clarifies cause-and-effect relationships and expands knowledge about the subject.

The described algorithm assumes a sufficient level of development of analytical thinking, which is why it is advisable to use problematic technologies in groups of older preschool age.

Project technology is understood as a teaching methodology that ensures children consistently complete an educational, research or creative task aimed at creating a project.

This method is based on individual interests and increases the independent activity of kindergarten students. The knowledge acquired during the preparation of the project becomes part of their personal experience.

A distinctive feature of the activity under consideration for preschool institutions is the specific nature of cooperation, in which children, teachers and parents take part in the preparation of materials. This is due to the fact that the child is not aware of the contradictions in the world around him, as a result there is a need for the active involvement of an adult to formulate the problem, define planning and goal setting.

Depending on the type of activity being implemented, training projects are divided into:

  • gaming (involve children playing assigned roles in fictitious situations);
  • creative (aimed at unlocking creative potential, providing for the creation of a holiday, an exhibition of drawings, favorite toys, etc.);
  • practice-oriented (oriented towards results and related to the formation of the child’s social values: planting and caring for a plant, creating a family tree, telling a story about one’s future profession);
  • cognitive (collecting information about some object of reality, modeling a process).

The project is always limited in time, but the knowledge gained is used even after its completion. For this purpose, materials can be collected in an interactive folder (lapbook). It is a mini-book with envelopes, pockets and drop-down windows. It accumulates material

Anna Kondratieva
Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions

« Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions» .

Today we will talk about pedagogical technologies and their effective use in preschool institutions. The term itself « technology» - from Greek this is art, skill, skill, a set of techniques and methods of obtaining, processing and processing of raw materials, materials. Currently, the concept has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon "pedagogical technology» . Pedagogical technology- this is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B. T. Likhachev).

There is a classification of pedagogical technologies.

After the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education into the preschool system education educational process; decide educational educational activities education; build educational

Today, any preschool institution, in accordance with the principle of variability, has the right to choose its own model education and construct a pedagogical process based on adequate ideas and technologies. The basis for the activities of all subjects of the pedagogical process is the model “I learn myself, and they don’t teach me”, That's why modern The teacher needs to have a whole arsenal of pedagogical technologies, allowing to stimulate the child’s cognitive activity. In addition, the teacher must be ready to respond flexibly to emerging changes in content. education, adapt it taking into account the emerging and constantly changing cognitive interests of children.

Mastering new ones by teachers is the key to the successful development of a child’s personality.

Pedagogical technology- this is a structure of the teacher’s activity in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and imply the achievement of the predicted result. Modern pedagogical research shows that the main problem preschool education - loss of vitality, the attractiveness of the learning process. The number of preschoolers who do not want to go to school is increasing; Positive motivation for classes has decreased, and children’s academic performance is falling.

Based on the above, there is a need to use a range of innovative educational technologies. In their professional activities, our preschool teachers use the following: technologies:

1. Technology developmental education (D.B. Elkonina V.V. Davydova, aimed at developing the individual cognitive abilities of each child, self-knowledge as an individual, self-determination and self-realization in the learning process;

2. Gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions:

3. Pedagogy of cooperation (K. D. Ushinsky, N. P. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy) ;

4. TRIZ technology(G.S. Altshuller, A.M. Strauning, aimed at developing creative abilities;

5. Information and communication technologies;

6. Health-saving technologies(N. N. Efimenko) to improve children's health;

7. When interacting with children, a person-oriented approach is used (I. S. Yakimanskaya).

8. Technology problem-based learning (J. Dewey)

9. Technology project activities (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina)

The teachers of our preschool educational institution comprehensively solve the problems of the child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development, preparing him for school, actively introducing the most effective methods into this process. health saving technologies. Today we will focus on some of them.

"Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions»

The period of preschool childhood is the most important in the development of personal qualities, the formation of the foundations of physical, mental, intellectual and social health

Our preschool educational institution has developed a set of measures aimed at timely providing each child with age-appropriate conditions for the development and formation of a full-fledged personality, preservation and promotion of health, formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Federal state requirements determined the content and conditions of the organization educational process for the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of preschool children, ensuring their social success, preservation and promotion of health, and also highlighted the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational areas . Teachers need to solve all these problems in an integrated manner, ensuring the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. Such integration is possible only if the processes of training, education and development are truly connected into a single whole. In this regard, the integrated inclusion of health-saving technologies in the educational space of preschool educational institutions.

Under health-saving technologies is understood as a set of pedagogical, psychological and medical measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, the formation of a conscious and value-based attitude towards their health.

In our kindergarten, teachers and specialists use the following when working with children: technologies:

- Technologies conservation and stimulation health:

dynamic pauses, active and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics

- Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles: Physical education classes, rhythmics, biological Feedback(BOS).problem-based games, communicative games, conversations from the series "Health", acupressure self-massage,

Corrective technologies: technologies development of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavior correction, psycho-gymnastics.

The tasks of each of these groups are related to common tasks health of the person concerned education in our kindergarten.

Important place to use technologies Preserving and promoting health in our preschool educational institution is devoted to teaching preschoolers how to breathe properly.

In our institution, specialists and teachers have introduced methods into the system of physical education and health work that allow teaching children the correct nasal breathing: paradoxical gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova, sound breathing by M. L. Lazarev, breathing training using the biological method feedback A. A. Smetankina.

The various attributes used when performing breathing exercises also ensure integration in the development of preschoolers. The importance of using non-traditional material: snowflakes, ribbons, bright tubes, pinwheels, etc. cannot be overestimated, since a preschool child is characterized by visual imaginative thinking. When using paraphernalia, children get a lot of impressions. This has a beneficial effect on their emotional mood, as well as on the entire body as a whole in educational and educational and physical education and health process. Breathing exercise complexes developed by the institution’s teachers are included in all types of children’s daily activities.

Much attention is paid to foot therapy, prevention of flat feet and maintaining posture. The use of various non-traditional equipment allows you to instill interest in performing these exercises. To achieve a positive result, exercises are included in all routine moments. The use of health tracks, massage mats, training exercises and much more increase the effectiveness of such exercises.

In connection with the increase in physical inactivity among children, the issue of including play stretching techniques in health-improving work has become relevant.

Game stretching technique used (or, in other words, stretching) is aimed at activating the protective forces of the children's body, mastering the skills of perfect control of their body and psychoenergetic self-regulation, and developing and releasing the creative and health-improving capabilities of the subconscious.

The method of play stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the joint-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, and spine, which allows one to prevent and correct postural disorders and have a profound healing effect on the entire body.

Movement is life

The time for computers has come

Living actively has become more difficult.

And children are like old people

They carry backpacks to school.

Movement is life and beauty,

Healthy Mind and Purpose clear:

Run away from laziness and illness,

Sport for health is the most beneficial of all.

How to teach to be healthy

And love physical education?

Just do something yourself

And give everything to the kids.

There is sparkle and ringing laughter in the eyes -

So much joy for everyone.

Jump, run, throw at the target -

Everyone wants to become dexterous.

The conclusion comes without a doubt:

“Health is life,

And life is movement!”

"The use of gaming pedagogical technologies in the work of a kindergarten teacher. "

Currently in educational In the process, the idea of ​​self-development of the individual, his readiness for independent activity, comes to the fore. The functions of the teacher are changing. Now he is the organizer of intellectual search, emotional experience and practical action. To do this, it is necessary to master new pedagogical technologies, forming the active role of the learner.

Pedagogical technologies must necessarily develop curiosity - the basis of cognitive activity; ability to independently solve creative problems (mental, artistic) and other tasks that allow you to be successful in different types activities: creative imagination as a direction of intellectual and personal development; communication - the ability to communicate with adults and peers; the ability to reflect - as one of the main personal qualities; understanding and self-awareness (actions, speech behavior, feelings, states, abilities).

After the introduction of F GT into the preschool system education The educator must be involved in the development of the child, based on the complex thematic principle of construction educational process; decide educational tasks not only within the immediate educational activities, but also when carrying out regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education; build educational processes on age-appropriate forms of working with children.

Teachers mastering new technologies in preschool education- the key to successful problem solving and the development of the child’s personality.

The purpose of the gaming technologies is the solution to the series tasks: didactic, developing, educating, socializing.

Gaming technologies are widely used in preschool age, since play is the leading activity during this period. Educational games are used in the development of preschool children technology B. P. Nikitin, V.V. Voskobovich, Kuzener, Dienesh.

Technology of educational games B. P. Nikitina.

The game activity program consists of a set of educational games. In his books he offers educational games with cubes, bricks, Montessori frames and inserts, plans and cards, squares, sets "Guess", etc. Tasks are given to the child in different form: in the form of a model, a flat isometric drawing, a drawing, etc., and so on way introduce him to different ways of transmitting information.

Do we have enough games and toys in our group? Quite: soft, plastic, with attributes of role-playing games; various construction sets, pyramids, fasteners and lacing; didactic games and educational games, games, games, games. Many and different, all of them are aimed only at little man grew and developed.

So it's okay: every child finds a worthy occupation for himself. But manifold games does not exclude the fact that each toy and game performs a limited number of functions (most often 2 – 3).

But there is one game that should be discussed in more detail and precisely because of its versatility and simplicity at the same time - this is a complex containing a set of geometric figures, each of which can be characterized by four properties: color, shape, size and thickness - and in full, all these four features completely describe a specific figure. The thin, large, red circle is only one, there is no other like it.

These are Dienesh's logical blocks.

Logic blocks were invented by the Hungarian mathematician and psychologist Zoltan Gyenes. Games with Dienesh blocks are accessible and visually introduce children to the shape, color and size of objects, and mathematical concepts. I have been using them in my work for about 7 years now, and I have trained a group of children who used logic blocks and their standards.

What are Dienes blocks?

Dienesh's blocks are a universal educational game.

Dienesh logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric figures:

a) four forms (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles);

b) three colors (red, blue and yellow figures);

c) two sizes (large and small figures);

d) two types of thickness (thick and thin figures).

The most interesting thing is that there is not a single identical figure in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four signs: shape, color, size, thickness.

What do Dienesh blocks develop?

Blocks develop logical and analytical thinking in children (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization, creativity, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination. While playing with Dienesh blocks, the child performs various substantive actions (groups by attribute, lays out rows according to a given algorithm).

At what age can you play with blocks?

Dienesha blocks are intended for children from three to 10 years old. In practice, you can give blocks to children from 2 years old. years. Using an album for the little ones.

To start, I introduce the children to blocks. I lay out the set in front of them and let the children play with details: touch, sort, hold in your hands.

1. Find all the shapes of the same color (not the same color as this one (show, for example, a yellow figure). Then you can ask the child to show all the triangular shaped blocks (or all large figures, etc.).

2. Give the bear all the blue figures, the bunny yellow ones, and the mouse red ones; then we distribute the shapes by size, shape, thickness.

3. What is this figure in color (shape, size, thickness?

4. Several figures are laid out in front of the child that need to be remembered, and then one of the figures disappears or is replaced by a new one, or two figures are swapped. The child should notice the changes.

5. All figures are put into a bag. Ask your child to touch all the round blocks (all big or all fat). It is also possible to characterize all figures according to one or more characteristics. Or names the shape, size or thickness without removing it from the bag.

6. Lay out three shapes. The child needs to guess which one is extra and according to what principle (by color, shape, size or thickness).

7. Find figures that are the same in color, but not the same in shape, or the same in shape, but not the same in color.

8. Continue the chain, alternating blocks by blossom: red, yellow, red, yellow (can be varied in shape, size and thickness).

9. Lay out a chain so that there are no figures of the same shape and color nearby (by color and size; by size and shape, by thickness and color, etc.). You can also lay out the figures so that each one differs from each other in color, shape, size

10. Lay out a chain so that nearby there are figures of the same size, but different in shape, etc. Or lay out a chain so that nearby there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes (same size but different colors).

I have given only a minimum of games with these blocks; in fact, there are a very large number of games. I use blocks both in classes and in individual work with kids.

V. Voskobovich and his "Fairytale labyrinths".

Vyacheslav Voskobovich is an inventor who came up with more than 50 aids for the development of a child’s mental and creative abilities. During perestroika, while looking for some kind of educational toys for his two children in stores and not finding anything suitable, he decided to invent and make a game himself. He beat and pounded everything by hand. He didn’t copy someone else’s stuff, and that’s why his new games aroused such interest. Voskobovich's first developments were constructive in nature - it was a search for some kind of zest. Realizing that tasks and exercises are not as interesting to children as games, I approached the matter creatively and combined my ideas with game moments.

His games teach how to model, relate the whole to its part, and develop thinking, memory, attention, and creativity. Vyacheslav Vadimovich not only made a contribution to alternative pedagogy, but created a new era of educational games. Now a large number of children's institutions have been created that work according to its technologies.

What sets Voskobovich's games apart from everyone else?

Voskobovich's educational games have a number of features:

1. Wide age range of game participants.

Children of 3 and 7 years old, as well as schoolchildren, can play the same game, since simple physical manipulation is supplemented by a system of ever-increasingly complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks.

2. Multifunctionality of games.

Can solve a large number educational tasks Unbeknownst to himself, the baby masters numbers and letters, remembers colors and shapes, learns to count, navigate in space, trains fine motor skills, improves speech, attention, memory, imagination.

3. Variability of game tasks and exercises.

Each game has a large number of various game tasks and exercises aimed at solving one educational task.

4. The creativity of every game.

Educational games give both children and adults the opportunity to invent and implement their plans into reality.

Technology solves the following tasks:

Development of a child’s cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.

Development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.

Development imagination, creativity of thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle).

Harmonious, balanced development in children emotionally - figurative and logical principles.

Formation of basic ideas (about the world around us, mathematical, speech skills.

Construction of a pedagogical process that promotes the intellectual and creative development of children in play.

According to the solvable educational tasks, all Voskobovich games can be divided into 3 groups:

Games aimed at logical and mathematical development.

The purpose of these games is to develop mental operations, and game actions include manipulation of numbers, geometric shapes, and properties of objects.

Games with letters, sounds, syllables and words.

In these games the child decides logic problems with letters, composes syllables and words, and engages in word creation.

Universal game educational tools. They can be material for games and teaching aids. Game-based learning tools create comfortable conditions for the teacher’s work and bring pleasure to children.

To organize games, you can use the fairy tale methods of the Violet Forest or adapt famous fairy tales. The tasks are set not by an adult, but by a fairy-tale character. The plot may include one game or combine several familiar games. Voskobovich's games can be used in joint, independent activities, and also integrated with other activities. The learning task is presented in a game form. In the situation of a developmental game, an internal need arises to acquire new knowledge and methods of action.

In educational games (this is their main feature) manages to combine one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex - with the very important principle of creative activity independently according to ability, when a child can rise to "ceiling" your capabilities.

Developmental technologies I have been using it in my work for a long time, I graduated a group of children, in whose training I used logical blocks and their standards, educational games by B. P. Nikitin, V. V. Voskobovich. Educational games do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

"Music therapy in kindergarten."

Today there is a sharp increase in the number of children with various forms of psycho-emotional disorders. By confining themselves to televisions and computers, children communicate less with adults and peers, but it is communication that enriches the sensory sphere.

Having studied the methodological literature, we concluded that communication with music is also very necessary for children.

Music therapy is one of the most promising areas in the life of a preschool educational institution. It helps to correct the psychophysical health of children in the process of their life, makes it possible to use music as a means of ensuring the harmonization of the child’s condition, relieving tension, fatigue, and increasing emotional tone.

In our kindergarten we listen to music all day long. This does not mean that it sounds continuously. Music is listened to in doses depending on the time of day, type of activity, and mood.

In the morning we turn on sunny, major-key classical music, good songs with good lyrics.

For relaxation, stress relief, pleasant immersion in daytime sleep - calm melodic classical and modern relaxing music, sounds of nature, sound of the sea.

Children calm down and relax on a subconscious level.

Quiet, gentle, light, joyful music helps awaken.

It is easier and calmer for children to move from a state of complete rest to active activity.

There are active (motor improvisations to the appropriate character of the music) and passive (listening to a soothing melody or as background music)

Listening right selected music with the performance of psycho-gymnastic etudes increases the immunity of children, reduces tension and irritability, headache, restores calm breathing, promotes health, improvement of well-being, and uplifting mood.

How to reduce feelings of anxiety and uncertainty?

Major melodies with a tempo below average will help you with this. Ethnic compositions and classic: Chopin "Mazurka", Strauss "Waltz", Rubinstein "Melodies".

How to reduce nervous agitation?

It is useful for hyperactive children to listen to calm, quiet music often and for a long time. Bach "Contata 2", Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata", etc.

Do you want peace of mind?

The sounds of the flute, violin and piano have a relaxing effect. The sounds of nature have a calming effect.

Classic: works by Vivaldi, Schubert "Ave Maria", Brahms "Lullaby".

To reduce aggressiveness and disobedience.

Classic: Bach "Italian Concerto", Mozart "Symphony No. 40", Haydn "Farewell Symphony"