Man has always remained susceptible to temptation. In childhood and adolescence, on the path to becoming a healthy, full-fledged personality, each of us, to a greater or lesser extent, faces bad habits. While drinking alcohol, smoking packs of cigarettes, and even trying drugs, teenagers do not fully understand the likely consequences of “imitating” adults.

Drugs are Russia's problem

Being one of the most acute problems of Russian society, the illegal sale of narcotic substances poses a threat to the country's population, especially to its younger age group. Criminal proceedings related to sales, storage and distribution in different parts of the country are huge. Moreover, every year the situation is aggravated by the emergence of new dangerous substances.

Several years ago, the so-called spice - smoking mixtures - appeared on the territory of post-Soviet countries. It is imperative to know the signs of their use. This will help parents timely prevent multiple negative consequences in children who succumb to weakness. Such mixtures consist of natural herbs and synthetic fibers.

Why is spice dangerous?

It is not enough to say that spice has a negative impact on human health. Smoking such mixtures destroys brain cells, affecting the psycho-emotional state of the user. Their effect on the body can easily be equated to the use of potent cocaine, amphetamine, etc.). In addition to the clinical “side effects” from smoking spice in the form of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, their lovers often suffer from hallucinations, feelings of anxiety and panic fear. Often the addiction leads smokers to a psychiatric hospital.

In addition, it is impossible not to mention the damage to the liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs that occurs even after short-term or irregular use of drugs such as the spice smoking mixture. Signs of use (photos of patients with addiction will clearly help to recognize them in an adult or child) are quite difficult to confuse with the use of anything else.

Mental instability as a sign of spice use

There are several symptoms that should always serve as alarm bells for family members. Spice smoking mixtures, the signs of use of which are described below, can cause irreparable harm to a growing body.

It is necessary to take decisive action if the child begins to frequently experience sudden, unreasonable mood swings. The absence of real reasons for this, not related to any circumstances or situations, is the first symptom that a teenager has tried spice. Smoking mixtures (every parent who is worried about their child should know the signs of use) have a variable effect on the psycho-emotional background, resembling peculiar “waves” of mood. At the same time, they are capable of varying within extreme limits in a fairly short period of time: unbridled fun and joy are instantly replaced by apathy and a depressive outlook on life. Such cyclicality has no connection with current events or related news.

Stays awake at night and sleeps during the day

Disturbances in biological rhythms in a child who likes spice also become noticeable to the naked eye for parents. Smoking mixtures, the signs of use of which are clearly evident, affect the shift in the phase of wakefulness and sleep. For example, throughout the day a teenager was lethargic, sleepy, leisurely, and in the evening, after a walk or meeting with friends, he became energetic and active. Such a child can sit all night in front of the TV or computer, listening to music or watching movies.

The next day, the lethargy returns, and the desire to stay awake is completely absent.

Hunger pangs are proof of the use of spice

The first signs (spice consumption becomes noticeable in stages, and it is unlikely that all manifestations will be detected immediately) also include in their list such a symptom as a failure in the eating pattern. Changes in appetite become noticeable immediately. As a rule, a child becomes hungry towards the evening. But during the day he has no desire to eat anything at all. Parents should be surprised that after meeting with friends, the largest adult portion of food may seem insufficient to the child.

You should also pay attention to the way you eat food. Often it is she who attracts the gaze of shocked family members: the child seems to have eaten nothing for a whole week, he greedily grabs and bites off every huge piece.

What can happen to spice smokers?

By the way, these signs of spice use by teenagers are also characteristic of people who use other drugs. For example, after smoking marijuana or being in a state of recovery from intoxication, a person feels almost the same. Basically, only having become addicted to the so-called mixes, a teenager tries to return home only after sobering up.

It is important to understand how poisonous spice smoking mixtures are. All parents should know the signs of use and the consequences for children. Complex synthetic compounds present in smoking compounds have a devastating effect on the child’s health, sometimes leaving no chance for rehabilitation and recovery for organs and systems affected by toxins.

Negative consequences after consuming smoking mixtures

The harm from smoking mixes for children is as follows:

  1. Brain cells are destroyed, as a result of which its functions may be partially or completely lost. This is primarily due to the resulting hypoxia of the brain during the use of the substance. It is the result of the protective function of blood vessels, trying not to let harmful microcomponents through. The result of oxygen starvation is the death of neurons.
  2. The process of puberty is slowed down in boys who buy spice. Smoking mixtures, signs of use of which, if recognized in a timely manner, will become a life-saving signal for the start of treatment, discourage young men from showing interest in the opposite sex.
  3. For girls, the consequences are no less dire: when using smoking mixtures in early age Girls may not get their period at all. It is possible to develop infertility, menstrual irregularities, and complete loss of reproductive function.

The most common health problems after spice

Cardiovascular diseases can occur not only after long-term use. First, the heart rhythm shifts, arrhythmia appears, tachycardia becomes almost constant, and blood pressure rises. The risk of cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is high. It is usually characteristic of older people, but spice can accelerate the onset of this disease. Multiple inflammatory processes in the liver, lungs, the development of oncological processes - all this, unfortunately, occurs quite often, leaving an indelible mark on the health of the smoker.

Short-term memory loss that becomes more frequent over time can also be called side effect from drug use. In addition, smokers pose a danger not only to themselves: their behavior can become a real threat to others. Mental disorders- quite common phenomena with regular use of spice.

Smoking mixtures are a type of narcotic drug, usually made from herbs and having a psychotropic effect. After their appearance, they immediately began to enjoy popularity and increased demand; initially they were allowed by the government.

Nowadays, the harm caused by these drugs has been proven, and they are banned in many countries around the world. However, their creators manage to find loopholes and create new chemical compositions, as a result of which a product appears on sale that is not yet banned.

This “legality” creates confusion and gives a false impression of the threat of these mixes. In fact, they cause lasting damage both physically and mentally.

Composition of smoking mixtures

They are sold under the guise of incense, which, according to sellers, is absolutely harmless. They are based on natural ingredients.

The gifts of nature (seeds, leaves, stems, roots, flowers of various plants, as well as all kinds of their extracts) are packaged in small bags. In such mixtures you can find a huge number of medicinal flora representatives.

According to the implementers, they have the following qualities:

  • Promotes complete cleansing of the body;
  • Calming and antidepressant effects;
  • Relaxing effect;
  • Love of life.

The harmlessness of this product can be questioned, since they do not have any documents that could confirm the passage of examinations in the relevant departments. And you will not be provided with any certificates or licenses. So you can rest assured that they are harmful to your health.

From the scientific side, they have not yet been divided into specific classes, since specialists in this field cannot systematize them, since varieties and components are constantly changing, and previously unknown specimens enter the market every day. They can be divided according to duration and depth of action:

  • Weak;
  • Average;
  • Strong.

Video about the problem “Drug addiction” from Oleg Boldyrev

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Types of smoking mixtures

Based on their constituent elements, they can be divided into the following types:

  1. From the ingredients natural origin, mixing in their ratios;
  2. From components that are treated with special chemicals for greater effect.

They may consist of the following representatives of the flora:

  • Rose, clover;
  • Water lily, lily of the valley;
  • Motherwort, marshmallow.

These herbs grow in our country. These poisons may also contain foreign variations:

  • Blue Lotus;
  • Marine ditch;
  • Makkona brava;
  • Indian warrior.

Most of the herbs contained in such mixes are psychotropic:

  • If you take the predictor sage, then it contains salfinorin, which is a provocateur of hallucinogenic effects.
  • The Hawaiian rose, or rather its seeds, is similar in effect to LSD, it disrupts orientation in space, in addition, thinking and perception suffer, and also forms persistent depression.
  • Blue lotus is distinguished by the presence of apomorphine, it acts like ecstasy.

If at least one of this list of ingredients is present in the mixture being sold, then its distribution is prohibited.

The most popular drugs with added chemical compounds are the following:

  • Spice Diamand;
  • ZoHoi;
  • Yucaton Fire.

It should be noted that in the presented synthetics the content of the chemical cannabinoid JWH-018 is greatly overestimated.

Hemp contains a natural cannabinoid, it should be noted that this is the main psychotropic component of this plant. Scientists have created a replacement for it from synthetic components with a similar effect on humans.

It should be noted that hallucinations exceed the natural analogue by approximately 5 times. However, addiction also develops rapidly.

Any mix that contains synthetic components among its ingredients is prohibited by law in our country.

The dangerous thing is that most young people are not afraid to use them, as they assume that they are not able to cause harm or become addictive, however, addiction to some mixes can develop after just one use, thereby causing harm to both physical and mental health.

Currently, legal mixes for smoking include the following:

  • BST (euphoretic stimulant);
  • HOT MIX;
  • Volcano MIX;
  • Bawl MIX.

It should be noted that the mixtures listed above pose a greater health hazard compared to traditional marijuana, since they contain a huge number of harmful components. It is enough to smoke this “harmless” mixture for two months for addiction to develop.

Impact on the body

Smoking mixtures not only provoke addiction, but also have a strong psychotropic effect, it should also be noted that they negatively affect the health of the body as a whole, all internal organs suffer.

Systematic smoking of these compounds provokes irritation of the mucous membranes, and the following consequences are also observed: dry throat, tearing, and cough. If the intake of mixes is carried out for a long period, then the formation of all kinds of inflammations occurs in respiratory system, pharyngitis, bronchitis, which becomes chronic, and laryngitis. As a result, there is a high probability of malignant formations occurring in the bronchi, oral cavity, larynx, and pharynx.

As a result of consuming mixtures containing herbal ingredients, the drug addict exhibits varying degrees of damage nervous system. Here great importance It is the composition of the smoking mixture that plays a role. A person may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • A causeless fit of laughter;
  • Manifestation of hysteria;
  • Euphoric state.

If a person has consumed spice, he is unable to control his movements and behavior in general. If you use smoking mixtures for a long time, irreversible consequences can occur in the nervous system, and the following negative consequences will also be observed: memory impairment, mental retardation, and decreased attentiveness. The use of smoking mixtures may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, convulsions, a sharp increase in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and coma.

Only as a result of studies that proved the presence of psychotropic substances in their composition that have a detrimental effect on human health, many civilized countries adopted laws prohibiting the free import and distribution of such mixes.

But developers of smoking mixtures manage to circumvent the law by finding new chemicals and put on sale products that are not yet on the prohibited list.

Conditional legality turns into false confidence in the safety of spice. In fact, the harm of smoking mixtures is quite great.

Composition of smoking mixtures

Smoking mixtures are offered to the consumer as incense, which in no way harm the body. All mixtures are of plant origin.

Natural raw materials (leaves, stems, roots, seeds, flowers of various plants, including their extracts) are packaged in small colored bags, hermetically sealed. The mixes include many herbs that are medicinal.

According to the sellers of this product, consumers will experience cleansing of the body, relaxation, increased vitality, antidepressant and sedative effects.

One might believe that the consequences are harmless if one does not pay attention to the lack of documents confirming the examination by Rospotrebnadzor and indicating the safety of the products consumed. The idea that the harm of smoking mixtures is undeniable suggests itself.

Smoking mixtures have not been scientifically classified; scientists do not have time to systematize the rapidly multiplying product that has filled the market. Regarding the depth and duration of the effect, smoking mixtures are divided into weak, medium and strong.

Types of smoking mixtures

The composition of smoking mixtures is conventionally divided into two types: I - mixes, the components of which are exclusively natural, mixed in certain proportions, II - mixes with processed components chemicals.

Plants such as rose, meadow clover, motherwort, marshmallow, lily of the valley, white water lily, growing in middle lane Russia, in smoking mixtures they have exotic neighbors: blue lotus, makkona brava, Indian warrior, sea ditch. Many plants included in the mixtures are on the list of narcotic drugs.

  • Divination sage leaves contain salvinorin, a substance that can cause severe hallucinations.
  • Hawaiian rose seeds affect a person like LSD, disrupting thinking, perception, spatial orientation, and causing a persistent depressive effect.
  • The flowers and leaves of the blue lotus contain apomorphine, the psychotropic effect of which is close to ecstasy.

The distribution of smoking mixtures that contain at least one of the above components is prohibited by law.

Among the mixtures treated with chemicals, the most popular are Spice Diamond, Yucatan Fire, Chillin, ZoHai, in which the concentration of the synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018 is simply off the charts.

Natural cannabinoids are found in hemp leaves, representing the main psychotropic active substance of this plant. Professor John Hoffman (USA) developed synthetic analogues of psychotropic substances.

The hallucinogenic effect of synthetic cannabinoids is five times greater than natural ones. Dependence on “synthetics” develops twice as fast.

All smoking mixtures containing synthetic components(there are 23 of these in smoking mixes) are prohibited for use and subject to confiscation.

For many young people, the use of smoking mixtures and powders does not raise any concerns that addiction may occur from the first time and considerable damage to health will be caused.

The so-called legal smoking mixtures BST (euphoretic stimulant), HOT MIX, Bowling MIX, Volcano MIX, IDEA MIX are much more dangerous when used than smoking marijuana due to the overwhelming concentration of harmful substances found in their combinations. Dependence on such “innocent” smoking can occur within two months.

The effects of smoking mixtures on the body

In addition to the fact that the harm of smoking mixtures manifests itself in the form of an addictive effect and psychotropic effects, such a product can have a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole and on individual organs.

Smoking mixes often causes irritation of the mucous membrane, causing coughing, lacrimation and hoarseness in the throat. With regular contact with smoke, various inflammatory processes, chronic laryngitis, bronchitis, and pharyngitis may develop in the respiratory tract.

As a consequence, the development of malignant tumors in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and bronchi cannot be ruled out.

After consuming herbal mixtures, varying degrees of damage to the nervous system are noted. The composition of smoking mixtures matters. A person may experience a causeless fit of laughter, a euphoric state, or hysteria.

During the effects of spice on the body, a person is unable to control his behavior. Long-term use of smoking mixtures can cause irreversible disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, slow down mental activity, and reduce attentiveness and memory.

The effect of large amounts of aromatic smoke in combination with psychogenic drugs on human body. This is fraught with nausea and vomiting, a sharp increase in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, convulsions, fainting and coma.

Consequences of smoking spice

The popularity of Spice smoking mixtures was gained due to the availability and pronounced narcotic effect, which manifested itself in the form of tachycardia, dry mouth, mental changes, increased blood pressure, and hallucinations. The ban on the distribution and use of spice was not long in coming; smoking mixtures were given the status of drugs.

Consequences of regular use of spice - in men - irregular in women menstrual cycle. Suicidal thoughts are noted. As a result of brain and consciousness fog, people are able to perform actions in which there is absolutely no logic. There is a transformation of a person into a “vegetable”.

The effect of spice on the human body is 5-10 times greater than, for example, from. Powerful hallucinations that occur almost immediately after consuming smoking mixtures can result in tragic consequences.

The intoxication lasts much longer than after using marijuana. Spice smokers face inevitable personality changes, the possibility of severe disability and the horrors of drug addiction.

Poisoning from smoking mixtures

Describing the condition of young people and teenagers who ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of “poisoning from smoking mixtures,” doctors in almost all patients note the presence of a panicky feeling of fear of death, lack of coordination, rapid heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, and nausea.

At the same time, someone can talk to the wall, talking about poisoning attempts and asking it for help, someone is not able to recognize their my own mother, someone asks to urgently restart the heart, claiming that it has stopped. All these people are united by one diagnosis - intoxication psychosis.

A hobby that is considered innocent can be very short term turn into serious problem. The main difficulty in treating poisoning after consuming smoking mixtures is that it is almost impossible to detect narcotic substances in the blood of patients. This factor makes it much more difficult to diagnose poisoning and prescribe adequate treatment.

The degree of poisoning can only be determined by a qualified specialist, as well as the prescription of necessary and long-term treatment. So is one minute of pleasure worth the most complex rehabilitation and treatment process?

In Russia, the problem of drug addiction has existed for quite a long time. However, not so long ago drugs such as smoking mixtures began to appear here. They are still very popular among young people. First, smoking mixtures appeared in Europe, then they began to spread throughout the world and reached Russia. Any teenager can now easily get them if they want. The availability of these drugs has a devastating effect on large numbers of young people. Dealing with this is also not easy. That's why this problem is still relevant today.

What are smoking mixtures and what do they consist of?

Initially, smoking mixtures were presented as analogues of marijuana. They were said to have the same effect as using marijuana. But the difference is supposedly that smoking mixtures are not as harmful as marijuana. To be more precise, they are generally harmless. However, over time, this statement began to be questioned.

It is important to know! All more people consuming smoking mixtures began to show signs of dependence on them. The main components of smoking mixtures are synthetic cannabinoids. An analogue of this component is also found in hemp. Such smoking mixtures are produced only in laboratory conditions.

At first, it was difficult to find synthetic cannabinoids in them, since their presence was deliberately hidden by adding a huge amount of ballast compounds to smoking mixtures. Nowadays, the production of smoking mixtures is mainly carried out by China.

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Types of smoking mixtures?

Need to know! The most popular and widespread type of smoking mixture among young people is spice.

It is a mixture of herbs, but the mixture also contains a synthetic cannabinoid. Spice is a strong substance that can cause psychological dependence in the person who consumes it. Spice is consumed in the form of powder. The most powerful mixture in terms of the amount of synthetic drug inside is the mixture in powder form.

Also, such mixtures are consumed in the form of crystals that contain designer drugs. This mixture looks like coarse salt, which is why it is called that. They cover it up when selling it under the guise of bath salts or plant fertilizer. Flour is another type of smoking mixture. It is used in the same way as powder. Smoking mixtures may be sold as brands. They are small pieces of paper that are saturated with a synthetic drug. One dose of such drugs is equivalent to one brand. This type of smoking mixtures has strong impact on the human psyche. The last type of such mixtures can be called solid mixtures. They are also called plasticine.

Consequences of using smoking mixtures?

It is known that smoking mixtures have a negative effect primarily on the psyche of the person who uses them. This manifests itself, for example, in the development of a nervous disorder. This nervous breakdown leads to depression, and suicidal tendencies as a result of depression are also possible. In addition, young people who use these mixtures are very likely to develop physical and mental dependence on them. Moreover, such addiction is not much different from drug addiction.

Also, this person’s memory, thinking and understanding decrease, movement coordination is lost, and he can no longer control his emotional condition. U this person Personality disintegration may manifest itself as an extreme degree of personality change. In addition to all this, a person dependent on smoking mixtures may experience sexual dysfunction. This also manifests itself in reduced immunity. The use of smoking mixtures can even lead to the development of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, oncology.

The extreme degree of harm from using mixtures is death as a result of an overdose of this type of drug. In addition to all these named consequences of use, there is also Negative influence on social life person dependent on smoking mixtures. Such a person may lose his job and constantly look for funds to purchase formulas, as a result of which he may even take extreme measures.

Signs of using smoking mixtures?

Recognizing that a person uses smoking mixtures is not so difficult. To do this, you just need to pay attention to certain things that may be signs of using such mixtures. Thus, a person who uses smoking mixtures of any type can be recognized, for example, by a sudden change in his mood, which can occur without any apparent reason.

His activity may be replaced by lethargy, lively interest by indifference to everything. Also, such a person may have a disturbed sleep rhythm. For example, he may be lethargic and prone to sleep during the day, but at night, on the contrary, he can be active and suffer from insomnia. In addition to the rhythm of sleep, the rhythm of eating may also be disrupted. He may have no appetite throughout the day, but at night, on the contrary, he may eat in large quantities. Indifference and indifference to all those things in which he once showed a keen interest is one of the main signs that a given person uses smoking mixes.

Another sign is the manifestation on the part of the person using the mixture of causeless aggressiveness and irritability towards the people around him. There are also physical signs, by which you can identify a person smoking a mixture. This is, for example, the appearance of redness in a person’s eyes, snotty eyes, lacrimation, inflammation of a person’s respiratory tract, and ulcers in the oral cavity are also possible. During the high itself, this person experiences laughter for no reason, hysteria, low mood, hallucinations, the inability to focus on specific things, the inability to control one’s actions and, finally, euphoria.

In legislation on smoking mixtures?

Smoking mixtures are legally classified as narcotic drugs due to the substances they contain. Yes, Art. 6.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses determines the responsibility of persons for the illegal trafficking of such drugs, for their storage and transportation. This article establishes for this an administrative fine of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days. If the same is committed by a person with foreign citizenship or without citizenship at all, then the deportation of the person from the country is also added to the specified measure of responsibility.

However, a person is exempt from such administrative liability if he himself voluntarily surrenders the narcotic drugs he purchased. In Art. 6.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes the same liability for drug consumption without a doctor’s prescription. In the Criminal Code, liability for drug trafficking is specified in Art. 234.1. In this article, for illegal trafficking, a fine of up to 35,000 rubles or a fine the amount of which is similar to the amount is imposed on a citizen wages the convicted person or his other income received by him within a period of up to 2 months.

It also provides for restriction of freedom of such a person for up to 2 years. If a group of people committed the same thing or this act resulted in harm to the health of a citizen, then a fine of up to 200,000 rubles or a fine in an amount similar to the person’s salary or other income received for a period of up to 1 year is imposed on the convicted person or convicted persons. Compulsory work of up to 480 hours or forced labor of up to 5 years are also provided. Such a person may also be imprisoned for up to 6 years. If such an act ends in death or it was committed by an organized group, then the convicted person faces forced labor for up to 5 years or imprisonment for up to 8 years.

Where can I go for help?

For all questions about smoking mixtures, drug use, drug distribution, drug sales, you can call 8-800-777-32-63 on the Russian Legal Portal. Criminal lawyers provide free legal consultations throughout Russia.

IN last years, a constant flow of new drugs enters Russia from China and spreads throughout the country by post, and direct trading is carried out via the Internet. The names of these drugs in slang: spices and salts. It is difficult to fight them because they are lately included in the list of prohibited drugs, and also because the distribution occurs via the Internet, and the organizers themselves do not touch the drugs. The main consumers are young people born in 1989-1999.

These drugs are extremely dangerous because they are accessible, easy to use, and act primarily on the psyche.

The state is not able to protect our children, so we are obliged to protect them ourselves. No one will do this except us.

Don't be careless, don't think that this can affect anyone but you. Remember, you don’t choose drugs, you don’t choose whether you’re a teacher’s son or a general’s daughter. And the main reason for drug addiction is the availability of drugs.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no tests for these types of drugs in Russia, therefore, testing carried out today in educational institutions, does not reflect the real state of affairs at all.

The most common drugs among young people are JWH smoking mixtures (plan, jivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, placer, rega, smoke, green flag, blooper, splash, etc.) are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids, but many times stronger.

The effect of the drug can last from 20 minutes to several hours.

Accompanied by cough(burns the mucous membrane)

Dry mouth(requires constant fluid intake)

Cloudy or reddened whites of the eyes(an important sign! Drug addicts know that’s why they carry Visine and other eye drops with them)

Loss of coordination

Speech defect(lethargy, elongated tape effect)

Slow thinking(stupid)

Immobility, freezing in one position in complete silence(if you are heavily stoned, for 20-30 minutes)


Rapid pulse

Laughing fits

After consumption, for several days or longer:

Decline in general physical condition

Lack of concentration

Apathy(especially for work and study)

Sleep disturbance

Mood swings(from one extreme to another)

From experience:

The main sign is that a teenager begins to skip classes, his grades drop, and he stops going to school altogether. He lies all the time. Friends appear that he doesn’t talk about. When talking to them on the phone, he goes into another room, or says that he will call later. Irritability to the point of rage appears, he avoids any serious conversations, he avoids contact with his parents, he turns off his phones. With constant use, degradation becomes obvious. He thinks for a long time, is unkempt, constantly asks for money, gets into debt and starts dragging him out of the house. Loses the sense of reality, paranoia develops.

Stoned teenagers often hang out in hallways and computer clubs in winter.

Use of smoking mixtures - common reason teenage suicides. As a rule, they come out of windows. This does not mean that the teenager wanted to commit suicide; perhaps he just wanted to fly.

And further. In 99% of cases, those who already smoke cigarettes start using smoking mixtures.

They buy these drugs either online or from peers. As a rule, teenagers go to well-known sites selling drugs by typing several keywords, receives a contact, is debited via Skype or ICQ, makes an order, he is immediately told the account number, he pays through terminals, and he is told where to pick up the hidden drugs.

In slang - pick up a bookmark, find a treasure. The same actions can be carried out on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. Often, information is read from the walls of houses when they see the inscriptions: Legal, Mix, Kurekha, Plan, etc. and ICQ number, less often - telephone number.

For teenagers it all seems interesting game. In order to understand that your child is buying drugs, it is enough to check his correspondence; as a rule, they do not erase it.

Peers and classmates who start selling drugs at school immediately become noticeable, they have different phones, iPads, laptops, they dress better. The elders turn to them. They become negative leaders, and, as a rule, positively minded children do not have enough reasoning to reverse this situation.

From experience:

A teenager who starts selling drugs and uses this activity as a way of communication with elders and self-affirmation among peers will never give up this activity voluntarily.

What does this drug look like?

JWH comes here as a reagent (concentrate). This reagent is a powder similar to regular soda. He's being scammed different ways, and applied (sprayed) onto the “base”. Most often, the “base” is ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile. Maybe coltsfoot and any pharmaceutical herb in general. Sometimes, for viscosity, it is mixed in a mixer with prunes or hookah tobacco. But young users, as a rule, take ready-made drugs.

The most common way to consume smoking mixtures is in a small plastic bottle with a hole (if such bottles with a burnt hole are found in school toilets, this is the most sure sign drug use at school). Also, mixtures are sometimes smoked through different pipes. They tend to be kept to themselves and they stink horribly. Sometimes, before going home, a teenager leaves such a tube in the entrance (in the shield).


Alcohol, and even beer, potentiates the effect of the drug. The person goes crazy, the vestibular apparatus turns off, loses spatial and temporal orientation, and completely loses memory. It occurs frequently in teenagers.

From experience:

None of those who use smoking mixtures consider themselves drug addicts. He has no self-criticism at all, it’s difficult for them thinking process, they communicate only with their own kind, so they are convinced that everyone smokes.

At first, one or two puffs are enough. Then the frequency of use increases. Then the dose. They accelerate quickly. Later, they begin to smoke the undiluted reagent. From this moment on, the addict can no longer do without the mixture and experiences incredible discomfort and anxiety if the drug is not with him.

They take a very long time to come to their senses. As a rule, several months pass before they begin to adequately assess what is happening. We have seen the irreversible consequences of using smoking mixtures.

You can show this video to your children (VIDEO)

Also, even more terrible drugs, MDPV (salts, legal, speed, whistle, etc.), are popular among young people.

The danger of these drugs lies in their availability and ease of use (they are snorted, less often smoked, diluted in any liquid and drunk, and the worst thing is injected into a vein).

It is very difficult to calculate the dose, and with overdoses of salts, the mortality rate is much higher than with overdoses of opiates. And, perhaps, the worst thing is that these drugs act on the psyche and destroy the personality. When consuming salts, a person rapidly degrades, and this degradation has irreversible consequences.

What parents need to know

If smoking mixtures can be used unnoticed for some time, then one who starts using salts can be seen immediately.

Under the influence immediately and for several hours after consumption:

Wild look


Anxious state(the feeling that you are being watched, that they have come for you)

Speech defects(convulsive movements of the lower jaw, grimaces)

Lack of appetite

Hallucinations(usually auditory)

Gesticulation(involuntary movements of arms, legs, head)

Complete lack of sleep

Incredible burst of energy(the desire to move, to do something, all actions are usually unproductive)

Desire to do any painstaking work(as a rule, they begin to disassemble complex mechanisms into their components).

Delusional ideas(for example, to rule the world)

And all this is accompanied by sincere ambition, arrogance and complete absence self-criticism.

Later - sudden loss weight (up to 10 kg per week).

When not taking drugs - excessive drowsiness (sleep for several days).

Severe low mood, depression, suicidal thoughts.

Untidy appearance.

A “side effect” comes out - the face becomes covered with acne and pimples.

The limbs and face often become swollen.

A sharp decline in intellectual capabilities, and constant lies.


Through the eyes of toxicologists.

During 2010 - 2012 We are seeing a rapid increase in the number of acute poisonings with synthetic psychostimulant drugs. The severity of poisoning lies in the development of acute psychosis and disturbances of vital functions, including cardiac dysfunction (a sharp increase, then a drop in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, circulatory failure), acute respiratory failure; in some cases (4-5% of patients), acute renal or hepatic-renal failure develops. However, the most severe manifestation of this poisoning is uncontrolled hyperthermia (up to 8% of patients) and the development of cerebral edema. When body temperature rises to more than 40-41ºC, the patient quickly develops cerebral edema, acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, and the patient dies within a few hours.

For your information: the number of people admitted with overdoses increases by one and a half to two times every month. The mortality rate is very high. Sometimes intensive care in intensive care is required, patients need hemodelysis. An acute psychotic state can be relieved within 24-48

hours, but some patients do not leave it and need long-term treatment in a psychiatric ward.

When to call " Ambulance» in case of poisoning with psychostimulant drugs? One indication from the following is sufficient:

1. Consciousness: responds only to painful stimuli or there is no consciousness

2. Angina-type chest pain (pressing, squeezing)

3. Convulsions similar to epileptic ones, even one-time

4. Temperature more than 38, not falling after 15 minutes of rest or more than 40 with a single measurement

5. Heart rate more than 140 per minute for more than 15 minutes

6. Arterial pressure: systolic less than 90 or more than 180, diastolic more than 110 with two measurements with an interval of 5 minutes

7. Confusion, severe agitation or aggression without improvement within 15 minutes

They buy these drugs using the same scheme as JWH (see above)

What does this drug look like?

Like crystalline powder. Look like powdered sugar. Color ranges from bright white to dark.

They are usually stored in the house in the toilet, in the ventilation, on the balcony, under the floor covering, in bed linen, or in the entrance on your floor. Each person has a special box or bag where syringes, drops, and everything needed for use are stored.

From experience:

Teenagers who start using have behavior changes. They ask for leave to go to nightclubs, they are always away from home. They may disappear for several days. Returning, they sleep for a very long time, and the zhor attacks.

Later, suspicion and auditory and visual hallucinations arise. When there are several people at the hangout, the paranoia becomes collective. As a rule, they close the curtains, windows and doors, they are afraid of everything.

Listen to loud, fast music without words, or rap.

They don't sleep at night.

If consumed longer, they disappear from home for a long time. They don't answer calls. Aggression increases. They are not aware of what is happening. They communicate condescendingly, with arrogance.

Hallucinations become stronger and can lead to bullying and murder. In this state they keep weapons at hand. They can even attack their mother.

None of the salts ever know today's date.

They often keep eye drops “Tropicamide”, “Metriocil”, “Cyclomed” with them. Added to the solution and used as prolangators.

Under the influence, all character traits are hypertrophied.

On rehabilitation:

Salts are the hardest position. Conscientious narcologists honestly say that they don’t know what to do. For now they are just being dug up.

From experience:

There are a lot of salts in rehabilitation. At some point, at the end of their life (at the end of the action), they are quite suggestible, and agree with their parents to go to rehabilitation.

They take a very long time to come to their senses. The vision becomes clearer in the third or fourth month, and all illnesses appear. Most continue to think only about drugs. Some people dream that they are under the influence.

After leaving the center, they try to use it on the first day. When they bring him back a day or two later, everyone sees how quickly the person has degenerated. Having observed a lot, I am convinced that in most cases, the systematic use of MDPV leads to irreversible consequences.

Half of the saline cases come to us from mental hospitals, many already diagnosed with schizophrenia.

There are no methods for working with salts. So far the only thing I see is a closed room and no access to drugs. This is a chance. And every day spent without drugs adds something to the chance.

What else is important to understand

It is believed that smoking JWH has its own symptoms and is not as quickly addictive as using MDPV. But! Lately, in JWH, at the preparation stage, MDPV components are added. This dramatically changes the effect when consumed, and instant addiction occurs. We understood this from experience, and this point was confirmed by toxicologists. Overdose survivors claimed to have used JWH and tested positive for MDPV!

This is what the behavior of salt addicts looks like (VIDEO)

You ask: what to do?

First and required condition- deny access to drugs in any way.

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