The character of a person and his illness can be determined by his blood type.

“The face is the mirror of the soul,” we were once taught at school. But modern researchers do not agree with this formulation of the question. Not a face, but a blood type can tell, if not everything, then a lot about a person. “Tell me what your blood type is, and I’ll tell you who you are,” they joke. However, is it funny when people are hired based on their blood type, diagnosed, and even selected for life partners...

A couple of years ago, Peter Davik, an enterprising bachelor from Stuttgart, being absolutely sure that people should look for a partner solely by blood type, organized his own dating service on the Internet.

For a certain amount, its employees matched all single citizens with a suitable partner based on their blood type. There was no end to those interested, and the business quickly took off. However, this did not surprise Peter himself at all. After all, he, having behind his back medical education, was sure that the composition of blood can tell a lot of interesting things about a person, his character and preferences.

For example, people with blood type I are incredibly purposeful and strong-willed. They love conquests and victories. At the same time, they are despotic. They like everything to be as they say.

Those with blood type II are responsible and prudent. Vulnerable, compassionate, a little pessimistic. They are straightforward and do not know how to get around sharp corners. They are afraid of novelty and never make spontaneous decisions.

Do you have blood type III? You are a sociable, cheerful, passionate and freedom-loving person. Don’t feed you honey – let me go on an adventure or have another affair.

And finally, a few words about citizens with IV blood group. They can find an approach to any person. Sensual, sociable, know a lot the right words, but never forget about themselves beloved. Everything they do is done only for themselves.

The first outbreak of interest in blood groups appeared in Japan when Dr. Daveik was walking under the table, namely twenty years ago. Back then, not a single self-respecting newspaper was published without an article on this topic. And professors and academicians appeared on television every now and then. They uttered sophisticated words and stunned the audience with scientific terms, the meaning of which boiled down to one thing - blood type most directly affects our character, which means that with its help it is quite possible to choose a life partner.

Further - more, and now dating sites based on blood type have appeared on the Internet. Their popularity grew by leaps and bounds. Today, young men and women who frequent these sites are less interested in a potential partner's appearance or occupation. The main thing for them is to know what his blood type is.

What about personal life? The Japanese have to take a blood test even when applying for a job. But according to HR directors, it's worth it. The “bloody” method is called “ketsuekigata”. And they have been practicing it since the 1930s. Maybe this is the secret of the Japanese economic miracle?

Jokes aside, express analysis machines are everywhere in Japan today - at train stations, department stores, restaurants. It is believed that by combining people with certain blood groups, you can assemble an ideal team: able-bodied, friendly, stress-resistant.

By the way, one of the Japanese prime ministers, Taro Aso, frivolously announced his blood type - II. And he suffered a complete failure in the elections. It is very likely that voters (like the lady from the dating club) did not like character traits Characteristics of second-graders are stubbornness and irritability. After all, in the Land of the Rising Sun, the majority of residents are people with the first blood group. They consider her the best.

American cardiologists are skeptical about the relationship between “blood type and character,” but they are one hundred percent sure that the composition of the blood can tell a lot about a person’s diseases, even those that have not yet manifested themselves.

Thus, in their opinion, the rarest blood group IV, found in only 7% of people, carries the greatest risk of developing heart disease - 23%. Those with blood group III have an 11 percent risk, and those with blood group II have a 5 percent risk. And the vast majority of people born with blood type I (43%) can sleep peacefully - they are practically not threatened with heart problems.

And all because blood of groups II and III is characterized by increased production of lipoprotein - soft cholesterol, which clogs the arteries. Group IV blood is susceptible to inflammatory processes that disrupt the functioning of blood vessels. But the substance, which plays an important role in organizing blood flow and blood clotting, is higher in those with blood group I.

“Unfortunately, a person cannot change their blood type, but our discovery will help doctors better understand who is at risk for developing heart disease,” said study leader Lu Qi, professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. – We believe that knowing your blood type is as important as controlling your cholesterol and blood pressure. After all, the level of risk can always be reduced by healthy image life and following certain rules."

Our scientists from the Immunological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences completely agree with the Japanese specialists. In their opinion, people with blood group I are prone to asthma, allergies, stroke, low blood clotting, and hemorrhages. But they are not afraid of any neuroses, because their nervous system is extremely strong, and God did not harm them with endurance.

People with blood group II are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, and contracting a viral infection. They should not be overcooled or walk in windy or rainy weather. When overworked - both mental and physical - they are advised to rest longer.

Those with blood type III are at risk of chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis. Despite the fact that they the immune system Quite active, it doesn’t bother them to learn to relax. Auto-training and yoga are their salvation.

People with blood group IV need to monitor their skin condition and gastrointestinal tract. More often than others, they need to resort to cleansing procedures. In addition, they should not be overtired or nervous, since they are more susceptible to neuroses and depression than others.
Does everyone know their blood type?

You can judge your health status by taking a blood test from a finger or a vein. The procedure is common and does not raise any unnecessary questions for anyone. But just a hundred years ago this was unthinkable. Scientists knew very little about blood flow in the body at that time, what can we say about common man. Well, red water runs through your veins, they knew how to stop it if you cut a finger or toe. And they didn’t even suspect that it could be used to determine the state of health. Let's say that high blood sugar indicates diabetes.

But what blood actually is, what it represents, no one could really say. Only at the end of the 19th century it became clear that the red liquid in the body has a certain composition, consisting of red and white blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and platelets ( blood platelets).

In addition, proteins are present in the blood, in particular such complex ones as hemoglobin, mineral salts and glucose. The content of all these elements is different for men and women. Based on their number, we can give an opinion about the general state of health.

An important factor was the discovery of blood groups by the Austrian chemist and immunologist Karl Landstein in 1900. For his contribution to medical science, he became a laureate Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine (1930). Actually, he discovered the first three types of blood circulation, and the fourth was already tested by his students.

Much later, Landstein developed a blood indicator called the Rh factor. This is a protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If it is present in red blood cells, such people have a positive blood type. Its absence means that they have a negative blood type. The vast majority of men and women are Rh positive, and 15 percent are Rh negative.

U healthy person the presence or absence of the Rh factor does not affect your well-being. However, it must be taken into account when the child is born. Let's say that different Rhesus of husband and wife can affect the health of the baby.

Doctors have noticed that human health depends on the composition of the blood. For example, people with the first (zero) group are more susceptible to pneumonia and flu. Breast cancer is more common in women. Men are more susceptible to stomach and duodenal ulcers.

It is important to know! There are four blood groups, which determine a person’s susceptibility to certain diseases.

The relationship between blood type and character

Psychologists believe that blood type influences character; it can be used to determine mental health men and women. Rh positive or negative is not a serious factor in determining personal characteristics. Special attention“blood” indicators are given priority in Japan. When applying for a job, be sure to be interested in them; this may serve as a refusal to hire.

The relationship between blood type and character in men

The qualitative characteristics of blood flow in the male body are noticeably different from those in the female body. Let's say that men with the first blood group are prone to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and have increased sensitivity to various allergies. An indicator such as the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction (ERS) in men under 60 years of age is 1-8 mm/hour. For women of this age, the index approaches 20. Physical properties blood affects the mental state and affects a person’s character. The character of men by blood type establishes the following relationship.

It is considered the most ancient, when people just emerged from the primitive world and were engaged in hunting and fishing. The relationship between blood type 1 and the character of men is often pronounced. They are the leaders in companies and strive to dominate others, they are temperamental and purposeful, persistent in achieving their goals.

In relationships with women, they behave selfishly, are jealous, and certainly want to get their way. They often consider a friend to be their thing, and therefore over time they may lose interest in her. Such people see their spouse in a subordinate position.

Marriage with a woman with the same character traits is short-lived. Sometimes they don’t get married for a long time, because ambition prevents this.

Character flaws include excessive emotionality and nervousness; they can be overly pretentious - mannered in their behavior.

The first blood type was found in the musician and performer of the famous rock group "The Beatles" John Lennon, as well as the famous American singer Elvis Presley.

Second blood group (A)

One of the most common. There is an opinion that humanity managed to survive in primitive conditions thanks to the appearance of just such a blood flow in the body.

Blood type 2 and character are associated with calmness, composure, thoroughness in all matters, a measured, harmonious flow of life. Such people tolerate stress well, love communication, are very romantic, and value friendship. They are adapted to live in big cities, good workers, sensitive to others, peaceful.

They are timid in relationships with women, but once they get together, they show sincere care for their other half, often to the point of pedantry. It depends on the character of the friend how to react to this.

If a child is born, they dote on him. In a word, this Ideal husband and a father who tries to surround his loved ones with comfort.

A disadvantage should be considered excessive stubbornness, which can be characterized as “found your scythe on a stone.” After long and hard work, they do not know how to relax, which can lead to a nervous breakdown when they start shouting and quarreling. Although by nature they try to avoid conflicts.

Such individuals are very ambitious and strive to achieve as much as possible in life. Famous historical figures with blood type 2 - Adolf Hitler, US President Bush Sr.

Third blood group (B)

It is believed that people with this type of blood flow appeared in ancient times among those migrating from Africa to other continents. They are good opportunists in the best sense this word. New living conditions, a completely different climate, mixing with the aborigines brought significant changes to the functioning of the body.

3 blood group and character are correlated according to the following parameters: they are smart, reasonable and creative personalities, psychologically stable, as well as resistant to illness, inclined to engage in large business projects. Research has shown that more than a third of American millionaires are like this.

These people, at any age, are lovers of sexual pleasures; frequent changes of partners are simply necessary for them. Breaking off relations with another passion does not become a tragedy. In communication, they are relaxed, but not persistent: if it doesn’t work out with this one, it will work out with the next one.

Marriage is not the main goal in life; first you need to achieve some success, become financially independent, and then you can get married. Actually, this is the principle that young people live by Western countries. But once they get married, they become exemplary fathers of the family, take care of their wife and children, divorce is not included in their plans, nor is infidelity on the side.

TO negative traits character may include egocentrism, excessive isolation, sometimes it interferes with the establishment of necessary contacts and contributes to the development of stress.

Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa and the famous American actor, Oscar and other prestigious film awards winner Leonardo DiCaprio had the third blood type.

Fourth blood group (AB)

It is extremely rare. Appeared as a result of the merger of the second and third types of blood flow.

Character and blood group 4 are associated with such individual traits as calmness and ease, which is characteristic of sanguine and melancholic people. These are versatile educated, noble, humanistic natures, sociable and sensible, they know how to attract attention, but they are not leaders; they rather like to be subordinate. They are picky about the means to achieve their goals and do not make dubious compromises, which is why they enjoy well-deserved authority among friends and acquaintances.

Natures are very cautious in marriage, they tend to experience love within themselves, they marry only when they are confident in their own and reciprocal feelings, in family life They completely trust their wife.

Character flaws include doubtfulness and indecisiveness; such people can be arrogant, sometimes they do not know how to concentrate on the goal, and therefore become scattered, which leads to discord with conscience.

They often suffer from the flu, other colds, heart disease and cancer. Important for them exercise stress, but are very reluctant to engage in physical education.

Famous personalities with this blood type are Jackie Chang and American President John Kennedy.

It is important to know! Traits masculine character, described for each blood type, do not necessarily manifest themselves in this way. It all depends on many life factors during which the personality was formed.

The relationship between blood type and character in women

The character of a woman's blood type is not much different from a man's. However there are some individual characteristics, inherent only to representatives of the fairer sex. Sometimes you can hear that such a character is in her blood. American psychologists became interested in this and came to the conclusion that such an opinion has a right to life. Having studied more than three thousand women, they found out how blood flow group affects female temperament. Let's consider the relationship between blood group and feminine character more details.

First (zero) blood group

Women with this type of blood flow are strong, self-confident, they have a lot of will, they often achieve success in entrepreneurial activity(can lead a large enterprise), in creativity, sports, politics.

These are passionate natures. In their personal life they are loving, but picky in choosing a partner. But if the relationship has already begun, sexuality is off the charts, a man needs to be “on the level” to satisfy such a “tiger”. It’s not for nothing that the Japanese believe that for good sex you need to choose beauties with the first blood group. Loyal to their macho, not interested in others, but jealous. It’s not easy with such people; if the partner turns out to be weak-willed, a break in the relationship is inevitable.

Disadvantages include egocentricity, when another opinion different from one’s own is not taken into account. This leads to serious conflicts at home and at work. Conflict situation accompanied by increased excitability and aggressiveness, when someone else’s opinion is perceived with hostility.

Such ladies are risky, love extreme sports, and can become addicted to alcohol or drugs, which often leads to health problems. Lovers visit stores for their own pleasure and can spend quite a lot of time on this.

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain has blood type O.

Second blood group (A)

A third of women in the world have this type of blood circulation. They are smart, savvy and patient, friendly, with a sense of responsibility. Prudence and thrift, the ability to restrain one's emotions and not invite scandal, the lack of desire to be a leader, the ability to find a compromise and see romance in relationships - these are exactly the qualities that help save a family.

Married people are reliable, devoted wives and excellent housewives. In sex they are very reserved, even shy; in love they rarely take the initiative, but if their libido is awakened, they become irresistible lovers.

Character flaws include taking your responsibilities too seriously. This enslaves you and does not allow you to relax, relieve fatigue and unnecessary worries, which can develop into stress and serious illness. Therefore, they often develop severe diabetes, heart disease, stomach disease, and leukemia.

Famous woman with the second blood type - American rock singer Britney Spears.

Third blood group (B)

The majority of women with this type of blood circulation are in Asia. Maybe because the Eastern worldview is characterized by calmness and restraint. Such female representatives strive for internal and external harmony - comfort of the soul and comfortable relationships with friends and at work, so that there is comfort and order all around.

Their mindset is more philosophical than practical, but this does not prevent them from being good housewives. They are proud and independent, and therefore individualists, sort of “mysterious persons” who attract men to them. They can be eccentric, lovers of all kinds of adventures, when an unusual environment excites the blood, they love extreme sports. Sometimes this has undesirable consequences.

And although they are relaxed in communication, sex is not in the foreground. But if they’ve already gotten to intimacy, they give it their all, showing their ingenuity, pleasing their partner. Even if there is no orgasm, they skillfully imitate it. They don’t get hung up on one “favorite” and don’t make a tragedy out of it, because it’s the process itself that’s interesting, not its participant. This “sexual defect” is combined with inconstancy, a superficial attitude to life, the ability to lie, hypocrisy, selfishness and gambling.

A negative character can lead to various diseases: chronic fatigue syndrome, purulent mastitis, multiple sclerosis. Although in general, representatives of this blood group are less susceptible to disease and live to an advanced age.

The third type of blood circulation in the American actress and mother of many children (several adopted children), UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador (UN Children's Fund) Mia Farrow is one of the most influential women in the world according to Time magazine.

Fourth blood group (AB)

The youngest, it is believed that it is no more than a thousand years old, therefore it is not very common. Occurred as a result of the merger of the second and third types of blood circulation.

Such women think loftily, are easy-going and easy-going in communication, but are demanding of themselves and those around them. Men are not always comfortable with them due to excessive severity. However, in marriage they are very tolerant and reliable, they love their husband to the point of “ coffin board" They take care of a good family climate and look after the children.

Sex for them is not just momentary pleasure, but a natural continuation of the relationship with their man. Therefore, they are not enslaved in intimacy and demand the same from their chosen one.

A character flaw is considered to be great suspiciousness and indecisiveness, which is associated with low self-esteem and the inability to defend one’s interests. Closedness in communication can develop into a disease - neophobia (fear of everything new).

The famous Hollywood film star Marilyn Monroe had the fourth blood type.

It is important to know! Women are very mysterious representatives of the human race. It's unlikely detailed description character by blood type will clarify their deep essence. However, there is still a rational grain in such judgments. It's worth listening to.

The influence of the Rh factor on personality character

If psychologists can say something definite about the types of blood circulation and their relationship with character, then how, for example, the absence of the Rh factor affects the character of people with a negative blood group, no studies have been conducted. Because it doesn't have any effect.

The Rh factor only has an impact on health, it must be taken into account when giving blood transfusions, as there is a problem of rejection. For example, the first positive group can be mixed with all others who have the same Rhesus. And people with type I blood circulation (+) only need to be transfused with the same blood.

But, let’s say, those with the fourth positive group can be transfused with any other blood, and it doesn’t matter what the Rh is. If the 4th type of blood circulation is negative, other blood only with the same negative Rh factor will do.

How to determine a person’s character by blood type - watch the video:

How blood type affects a person’s character is still quite difficult to say. Some people think that there is nothing serious about it. This is just a pseudoscientific theory that has the same meaning as the signs of the zodiac. Whether this is true or not, let everyone judge for themselves. However, why not find out something interesting about yourself from your blood type? Then you can just smile, a smile will warm your heart and brighten your mood. And that's already good! Today, questions about the influence of blood type on a person’s character and health are answered by Peter D’Adamo, a famous American scientist, author of numerous works on the connection between blood type and a variety of aspects human life. He continues the work of his father, James D'Adamo, who was the first to conduct research into the properties of various blood groups in the United States.

Dr. D'Adamo, is research into the connection between a person's character and his blood type your know-how?

The idea itself first appeared in Japan, where the problem was studied by scientists from the famous Nomi dynasty. In 1980, Toshitaka Nomi and Alexander Beshear wrote the book “You Are Your Blood Type,” in which they described character traits and recommendations for people with different blood types.

They gave advice on how to succeed in life, who to marry, what to avoid. In my opinion, this is a somewhat extremist approach. It is unlikely that you should think about blood type when choosing a life partner. And in general, in my opinion, it is impossible to divide all people into four groups and strictly follow this classification.

At the same time I am sure that cellular structure body influences the characteristics of human character. Undoubtedly, there is a connection between your blood type and how you react to stress and what diseases you are predisposed to.

So, what are the main character traits of people with the most common blood type - first?

They are very strong in spirit. They are born leaders, enthusiasts, and optimists. Of all the types, this one is distinguished by the highest sense of purpose and ambition. Among the qualities that hinder their successful progress in life are jealousy, narcissism, and arrogance.

They take comments and criticism very hard. At the same time, all representatives of this type are very self-confident, energetic, easily make contact and are able to find a common language with a wide variety of people.

What distinguishes those with the second blood group?

These are very integral natures. They value order, system and organization above all else. These people always pay great attention to detail, they are very hardworking, obliging and neat. Representatives of this type make excellent workers: they easily join the team, are friendly and patient. These people strive for a comfortable, conflict-free existence. Their problem may be stubbornness and irritability. Often these are lovers of alcohol and rich food. They tend to hide their experiences and grievances, which sooner or later leads to emotional outbursts.

Let's move on to the characteristics of the owners of the third blood group.

These are individualists creative people, original and unbridled. They often have remarkable abilities, a rich imagination, and can fully concentrate on a matter that interests them. At the same time, they do not make contact well, are uncommunicative and laconic. The highest values ​​for people of this type are freedom and independence.

These are very sensitive personalities, sometimes aggressive. At the same time, they always take into account someone else’s point of view, they know how to sympathize and empathize. Outwardly, they are usually calm and reserved, but in their souls lies a real volcano of passions. Ladies with this blood type are extremely jealous.

What features are characteristic of representatives of the rarest, fourth blood group.

They are wonderful organizers, gentle and very balanced. They are distinguished by rationalism, tact, and honesty. They love to communicate, can be the life of the party, and are easy to get along with. They do not attach importance to trifles, often striving to learn and do everything possible, without thinking about the consequences of their actions. Thanks to their innate diplomacy and forbearance, they usually have many friends. They make remarkably sensitive and faithful spouses. At the same time, representatives of this type have a very difficult time making decisions. They are often torn apart by internal conflicts that negatively affect self-esteem.

How does blood type affect the health of its owner?

Scientists have found that people with different blood groups are predisposed to various diseases.

Thus, representatives of the first blood group are very hardy; they are most common among long-livers. People of this type are much less likely than others to suffer from neuroses and other disorders. nervous system. They often have the following diseases: stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased susceptibility to all infectious diseases.

Those who have the second blood group are less emotionally stable and are sometimes prone to depression. They often lead a sedentary life and partly for this reason they are very susceptible to the diseases of civilization: rheumatic diseases, diabetes, coronary disease heart disease, myocardial infarction, bronchial asthma, allergies, leukemia, cholecystitis, gallstone disease, kidney stone disease.

These people should pay increased attention to rest and relaxation and adhere to a vegetarian diet. The best medicine for them will be hatha yoga and tai chi, as well as any relaxation exercises.

Representatives of the third blood group, for health reasons, occupy an intermediate position between the first two groups. To maintain good shape, they can choose the most different types activities: from aerobics and running to martial arts. Owners of this blood type often have the following diseases: pneumonia, infections after surgery; in women - purulent mastitis, sepsis after childbirth, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases.

Representatives of the fourth blood group often have reduced immunity. They are active and highly mobile. Walking long distances, cycling, and swimming are suitable for them as necessary physical activity. They may be susceptible to the following diseases:

ARVI, influenza and other infections,

Sore throat, sinusitis,

Heart diseases.

Their defense system is literally open to viruses and infections. Therefore, to protect their health, they should constantly strengthen their immunity with the help of herbal medicine and hardening procedures, eat moderately and take vitamin supplements.

The book “The Secrets of Your Blood Type” was recently published in France. Its author, Jean-Louis Degandenzi, believes that the blood type determines the love temperament of its owner.

Representatives of the stronger sex with the first blood group are real geniuses of seduction and love games. Ladies with this blood type like strong and temperamental men. They have incredible sensuality and magnetism and are also extremely jealous.

Men with the second blood group are somewhat shy and are able to hide their feelings for a long time. They need constant proof of love from their partner. Such men tend to start romantic relationship with older ladies, enjoying their maternal care. A woman with the second group is also quite shy and will never take the first step in a romantic relationship. It is these ladies who make ideal wives - faithful and loving.

Men with the third blood group are often considered real Don Juans. But in fact, they are simply afraid of serious relationships, preferring fleeting intrigues. Despite this, they subsequently become good husbands. Ladies of this type are somewhat extravagant, but they make the most faithful wives.

A man with the fourth blood type is a real favorite of the ladies, adoring their company. He prefers short but stormy novels. A woman of this type is very attractive and makes high demands on her chosen one. She needs a strong partner who will give her maximum attention.

Taiwanese psychologists also studied the connection between blood type and human character. They were able to identify the main features of each type:

Group I. Confidence, independence, courage, stubbornness.

Group II. Slowness, weak will, caution, common sense, analytical, attention to others.

Group III. Sociability, optimism, creativity, sudden mood swings, increased excitability, imbalance.

Group IV. Compassion, altruism, selflessness, temper, harshness.

with Olga PERESADA

“Is it true that blood type affects a person’s weight? Yana Onufrieva."

Minsk Region.

- IN last years More and more new research is emerging on how blood type affects a person’s health, life, and even temperament and preferences. For example, from various literary sources it is known that people with the first blood group are purposeful, while those with the second prefer peace and order in life. A person with the third group is easy to distinguish by individualism, and the fourth group gathers the most balanced and friendly. American scientist Peter D. Adamo and his father James found a relationship between blood groups and nutrition. Their theory is this. At different stages of evolution, man changed his lifestyle and, accordingly, his diet, which means that the components of the digestion process and metabolism were transformed. AND different groups blood require a different diet. As strange as this theory may seem at first glance, it may be worth listening to. It is not without reason that there are studies that prove that the incidence of certain infections, as well as somatic diseases, and even life expectancy directly depend on what blood type a person has.

So what do they think Adamo is? People with blood type O feel good if they follow a diet rich in animal proteins and lead an active lifestyle. They are not very interested in dairy and flour products, or cereal dishes. I must say, this blood group is considered the most ancient. The ancestors of its owners were hunters and ate animal meat in large quantities(according to some sources, primitive people consumed protein in an amount close to 40% of the total diet). Descendants should do the same. People with the first blood group are recommended to eat lean meats, fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables (in unlimited quantities), but they should avoid eating sausages, smoked meats, fatty pork, pickled foods and limit flour products, coffee, giving preference to olive oil and tea. The Achilles heels of this cohort are problems with blood clotting, a tendency to inflammatory processes, joint diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as allergies.

According to Adamo, people with the second blood group feel better if they adhere to a vegetarian diet, because their ancestors were the first farmers. Therefore, cereals, legumes, vegetables, and products from rye flour, fruits in large quantities, seeds, dried fruits, fish in small quantities. Again, you should limit pork, sausages and smoked meats, the consumption of milk, fermented milk products and cheeses and completely eliminate semi-finished products and canned food. With the second blood group, there is a predisposition to anemia, liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases, type 1 diabetes, and neoplasms.

But the diet for people with the third blood group includes a wide range of foods (milk and dairy products, lean meats, fish and all seafood, vegetables and fruits). However, the consumption of sausages, smoked meats and pork, flour products and corn in all forms, seeds and dried fruits should be kept to a minimum. This cohort is predisposed to chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.

The fourth blood group is relatively young and rare: it appeared, the authors of the idea point out, about a thousand years ago and is now present in 2–5 percent of the planet’s population. Adamo believe that this is the result of the merger of the eastern conquerors with the last representatives of conquered Europe. Perhaps this is why people with the fourth blood group are credited with unique opportunistic abilities, and their bodies are credited with increased resilience. Accordingly, the diet should include foods recommended for both the first and third groups. It is recommended: limit meat consumption (with the exception of poultry), exclude smoked foods from the diet, as well as all types of canned meat; eat fish and seafood, milk, dairy products and cheeses, do not indulge in flour and pasta, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, giving particular preference to tomatoes, eat fats plant origin, especially olive oil, exclude vinegar and marinades, red wines. Coffee and tea are also recommended. Such people are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, and neoplasms.

Evidentiary scientific research No regarding this theory. Therefore, to be slim and healthy, you just need to stick to balanced nutrition, do not burden the body with excesses and stress, and also do not forget about physical activity.

Olga PERESADA, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of BelMAPO, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

As you know, the blood flowing in the veins different people, differs in its composition. All human blood is divided into four groups.Previously, they were designated as follows: Group I, II, III, IV.

Today, according to international system classifications, blood groups are designated as follows: O, A, B, AB. The designation of the Rh factor remains unchanged: Rh+ - positive Rh factor, RH- - negative Rh factor.

Scientists have found that people with different blood groups are susceptible to certain diseases to varying degrees. In a word, if you know your blood type and are aware of the predisposition to certain diseases inherent in people with this group, you may be able to somehow protect yourself. So.


People with this blood type are 20% more likely than everyone else to suffer from cardiovascular disease. In addition, they are three times more likely to suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis) and some autoimmune diseases.

To minimize the risk of disease, you should limit the amount of salt in your diet, but vegetables and fruits should come first on the menu.

There is also an optimistic prognosis for carriers of the first blood group: they are much less susceptible to schizophrenia than others.


The body of people with this blood type produces more of the hormone adrenaline than others, which is fraught with increased levels of glucose in the blood, the occurrence of diabetes and cardiovascular complications.

More often than others, owners of the second group also suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.

The ability to constantly keep yourself in good shape and at the same time the ability to relax will help reduce the risk of these diseases. Foods containing tryptophan can be a good help: turkey, dates, bananas.


Japanese scientists have discovered the following pattern: among all the centenarians they examined who had crossed the 100-year mark, there were twice as many holders of the third blood group as all the others.

Among the main disadvantages inherent in this group is the significantly greater risk of developing Parkinson's disease than in carriers of groups I and II.

In this regard, owners of the third blood group are advised to regularly consult a neurologist, and their diet should contain enough foods containing omega-3 acids (primarily - sea ​​fish and nuts).


One can only be glad for the owners of this blood group: they are not prone to any more or less serious diseases. True, acute respiratory infections, allergies and eczema cling to them much more often than to everyone else, but against the backdrop of the “diseases of the century” these are such trifles!

So, if the blood type is “prescribed” to get heart problems or gastritis, then that means a person will definitely get them?

Of course not. In order to really get sick with some serious disease, in addition to blood type, many other factors must coincide. And we must remember that our health still depends to a very large extent on ourselves - our lifestyle, nutrition, ability to relax and see something good in every day and every situation. So relax! Common sense in everything, timely medical consultations, a healthy lifestyle - and you will live up to a hundred years, no matter what your blood type is.