The cause of obesity in many people is the hope for fast weight loss. Gradually gaining overweight, a person consoles himself with the thought that he can throw them off very quickly at any moment, if only he wants to. But years pass, the body accumulates 2-3 kg of weight every year, and the person still does not find time for himself and accumulates excess fat.

Postponing weight loss until next Monday, until the 1st of next month, until next spring, until next year, he brings himself to such a state that, waking up one morning, he notices pain in the chest and slight dizziness. Obesity is a disease that sooner or later inevitably leads to an increase in cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which contributes to the development of hypertension, diabetes, thrombosis, and disruption of the heart and metabolism. Overweight heavy burden fall on the heart. Accumulation of fat in the abdominal area especially increases the risk of developing heart disease.

Inattentive attitude to yourself and your health become the cause of heart disease. Both weight loss and sudden weight loss are harmful to heart health. Typically, a person who has excess weight, set a goal for yourself - to lose 10 kg in a month and go on a strict diet. According to WHO recommendations, weight loss of 2-3 kg per month for women, and 3-4 kg for men, is not dangerous to health. If you want to lose more than 4 kg in a month, you must first consult your doctor.

Sudden weight loss is unfavorable affects on the work of the heart muscle, the contractility of which decreases and the heart does not cope well with the load. And if a person, while following a strict diet, also trains in the gym, this can lead to a serious failure of the heart. Rapid weight loss is especially dangerous for people who have a hereditary predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. How older woman, the less she needs to experiment on her body.

After 45 years, a woman begins to age perestroika body, if she goes on strict diets during this period, this will certainly lead to prolapse of the uterus, sagging skin and muscles, metabolic disorders and heart function. When preparing a diet, you must strictly adhere to next rule: the daily diet should be at least 1200 kcal for women and 1500 kcal for men. The body can withstand a strict diet with less than 700 kcal per day without harm to health only in the first three days, and then the absorption of proteins, vitamins and minerals begins to be impaired.

Setting a goal lose weight by 10 kg per month, a person exercises until exhaustion physical exercise and tries to eat only vegetables and fruits. Meanwhile, such nutrition does not meet the needs of the body of many people, which causes a person to become depressed and nervous during a diet, which can cause heart disease. When choosing a diet, you need to choose the one that most appeals to your taste preferences.

If you wish, you can lose weight and from fatty foods, the main thing is to find a nutrition plan that suits your lifestyle and stick to it for life. As shown medical statistics, diseases of the cardiovascular system are twice as likely to occur in people who were determined to fight excess weight. Surveys of patients with cardiovascular diseases show that during their lives they lost 5-10 kg per month several times during their lives, and then their kilograms returned with a plus.

So as not to harm your body, you need to lose weight wisely, and to do this, adhere to the following rules:
1. Don't try reset extra pounds in large quantities for a short time. Fat breaks down slowly, it takes time.

2. Don't accept " miracle pills"for weight loss, with the help of which you can lose 2-3 kg in a week. There are no miracles in the world; you can lose weight this way only through dehydration and diarrhea, which is the effect of the pills.

3. Eat every day breakfast, lunch and dinner, but at the same time reduce the amount of serving. Count calories and write them down. Eat boiled meat, vegetables, fruits and greens. Avoid all fried foods. Stick to an eating plan where you lose 2-3 kg per month until you reach a healthy weight. At the same time, try to avoid drastic prohibitions and changes in diet. If you like chocolate or ice cream, please, but not in large quantities and not every day.

4. One day a week arrange a fasting day for yourself. Drink this day more water, this will help cleanse the body of toxins. Avoid carbonated drinks, they are high in calories.

5. Exercise at least three times a week sports. After you have lost excess weight, do not give up playing sports, but simply replace them with long-distance walking. This will help keep normal weight and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

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Can the contents of your plate save a life? The results of most studies suggest that yes. It turns out that in almost 70% of cases, cardiac problems could be avoided by choosing the right products and avoiding heart-healthy foods. Would you like to know what a menu looks like that can save lives and prevent cardiovascular disease? Below you will find universal recipe, how to maintain and improve heart health with regular food.

Eight rules of a heart-healthy diet

Control your portion sizes

How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. Regular overeating is a direct path to obesity. Obesity is the shortest path to disruption of the heart muscle and blockage of blood vessels. There is probably no need to explain what consequences such a scenario might entail.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals. They also contain, as a rule, a minimum of calories and a maximum of . In most products plant origin Scientists are finding beneficial substances that prevent cardiac diseases.

Give preference to whole grains

Whole grains are a good source of fiber and other beneficial components that play a significant role in maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Increasing your whole grain intake is easier than you might think.

Limit unhealthy fats

Limiting saturated and trans fats is an important step to reduce blood levels and therefore prevent ischemia.

High cholesterol leads to the accumulation of lipid plaques in the blood, which can lead to atherosclerosis and increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.

The best way to reduce your intake of saturated and trans fats is to limit the amount of solid fats (butter, margarine) you consume. To do this, you can slightly reduce the portions of fat in sandwiches, porridges, soups, and also trim the fat from meat as carefully as possible, giving preference to lean varieties. Also instead of fried potatoes use baked ones, instead of baking with creams - less high-calorie cookies.

In the process of cooking it is better to give preference to, such as olive oil, and , which are found in some types of fish, nuts, seeds, and avocados. Eating these fats instead of saturated fats helps regulate cholesterol levels.

Focus on proteins without fats

Lean meat, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products, and eggs are considered the best sources. Meanwhile, it is important for people prone to cardiovascular diseases to choose leaner versions of these products. For example, instead of whole meat, choose low-fat meat, and replace fatty meat cutlets with boiled chicken breast.

Fish is also an excellent choice for a “heart diet,” as it serves as an exceptional source of beneficial fatty acids that lower triglyceride levels in the blood. Best choice In this regard, salmon, mackerel, etc. are considered. Plant sources of Omega fats: flaxseeds, walnuts, soya beans.

Good sources of low lipid and cholesterol-free proteins are legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas.

Minimize sodium intake

Eating large amounts of sodium may cause growth blood pressure, which increases the risk of cardiac diseases. Limiting sodium intake is an important part healthy eating for heart.

Doctors recommend that healthy adults consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day, which is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of table salt. People over 50 years of age, as well as people with high blood pressure, chronic kidney dysfunction, and diabetes are advised not to exceed the 1500 mg sodium limit.

And it is important to remember that most of the excess salt does not come from freshly prepared food, but as part of canned foods and food. instant cooking, semi-finished products. It is also important to choose your seasonings carefully to reduce sodium portions.

Plan your menu

Now you know which foods are good for your heart and which you should avoid. Use this knowledge to plan your menu. But it is important to introduce foods from different categories into the diet, focusing on foods from the list of allowed ones. Make sure that the menu is varied and not repeated from day to day. Consider the recommendations listed above.

Sometimes you can relax

Of course, it’s better if your diet doesn’t include foods on the list that are harmful to your heart. But a piece of chocolate or a few chips won't harm your heart if included in your diet from time to time. Give yourself a little indulgence when you really want it. But remember: this is just a small indulgence, not a rejection of a healthy eating plan.

Take our advice and review your menu. Let not only your stomach rejoice, but also your heart, which also has its own favorite and hated dishes.

Benefits of different types of products

Product Why is it useful? Notes
Rich source of Omega-3, ; strengthens blood vessels and the cardiovascular system Serve baked
Sardines, Rich in Omega-3 acids, lower cholesterol and prevent the risk of sudden heart attacks Avoid canned foods that contain a lot of salt; if possible, give preference to “wild” fish rather than pond-grown fish
Liver Contains fats that are healthy for the heart and vascular system Avoid excessively fatty
Source of polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3, fiber, which contribute to the functioning of the system Avoid salty ones
Almond Known for its rich Omega-3 content Can serve as an alternative to walnuts
Oatmeal Reduces cholesterol Avoid instant cereals with unhealthy additives
Blueberry Contains resveratrol and , which prevent coronary heart disease Give preference to fresh fruits; they can be combined with oatmeal and yoghurts.
Cherry A source of heart-healthy components (,), which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, has the ability to lower blood pressure, and improves blood clotting
Strawberries Reduces blood pressure, cleans the walls of blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, regulates cholesterol; a diuretic that is useful for lowering blood pressure
Cherries The berry is rich in C, potassium and , which strengthen blood vessels
Red Ribes Contains oxycoumarin, which promotes proper blood clotting and prevents myocardial infarction
Black currant A storehouse of useful components, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, regulates the process of hematopoiesis
Red wine Contains antioxidants (from grapes and other dark berries) that lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure Abuse leads to the opposite effect
Green tea The product is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and catechins, which have many benefits for the cardiovascular system, in particular preventing the formation of blood clots Consume at least once daily
Soy milk A rich source of isoflavonoids, which lower cholesterol and also contains benefits for blood vessels.
Black chocolate Due to the presence of flavonoids, it stabilizes blood pressure and improves blood flow to the heart. The composition must contain at least 70% cocoa and not palm oil or other saturated fats
Lowers blood pressure, contains lots of potassium and immune-boosting antioxidants A handful of raisins a day is enough
Broccoli Rich source of powerful antioxidants and fiber It is better to boil, bake, steam without excess fat
Brussels sprouts Contains many heart-healthy components, prevents inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels
Cauliflower Richest source of antioxidants, fiber, contains allicin, which prevents heart attacks and lowers cholesterol
Sweet potato Excellent source of vitamin C, calcium and iron, which help stabilize blood pressure Give preference to vegetables with skin – most of the heart-healthy substances are concentrated in it.
Legumes ( , ) Important sources of potassium, iron, fiber and flavonoids, which strengthen the heart and blood vessels, prevent system disorders, and lower blood pressure When consuming a lot of fiber, remember to drink enough
This and other yellow, orange and red vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium, which are useful for preventing atherosclerosis, regulating water-salt balance, and lowering blood pressure Cook with a small amount of vegetable oil (for better absorption of carotenoids)
Whole grain Regulates cholesterol levels Avoid processed grains
Apples Extremely rich in antioxidants, in particular polyphenols, as well as pectin and fiber, which prevent high cholesterol, relieve swelling, stabilize blood pressure Minimum daily norm– 1 apple per day
A rich source of pectin and flavonoids, which lower blood pressure and prevent inflammatory processes in the arteries; contain hesperidin, which improves blood flow to the heart; contains large reserves of vitamin C, which is a powerful protector against stroke Avoid by people allergic to citrus fruits
Grapefruit A good source of vitamin C, which reduces the risk of strokes, regulates cholesterol levels, protects against heart attack and atherosclerosis Avoid eating grapefruit for breakfast if you are taking heart medications.
Contains antioxidant substances, stabilizes blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosis Drink at least a glass of juice a day
Avocado A fruit rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamins B6, C and E, as well as heart-healthy iron; improves cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, prevents blood clots and hardening of the arteries, which is the cause of most heart diseases It is important to remember that this is a fairly high-calorie product.
Olive oil A source of beneficial antioxidants that “cleanse” arteries, it is believed the best oil for heart Must be natural, pure, without impurities
Linseed oil Exceptional source of Omega-3 fatty acids, prevents blood clots It is important that it does not contain harmful impurities

Food as medicine

Disease Healthy foods Prohibited Products
Atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic disease Fruits, vegetables, cereals, seafood, vegetable oils Fatty dairy products, fatty varieties meat and fish, processed meat, confectionery
Circulatory failure Dried fruits, fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, leafy greens Salt, mushrooms, spices, spicy vegetables, fatty broths, chocolate
Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction Chopped, boiled or baked vegetables and fruits, nuts, seafood, fermented milk products, fruit juices, broth, greens, yesterday's bread Fatty and processed meats, confectionery, warm bread, canned food, a large number of salts and sugars, offal, grape juice, cocoa, legumes,

Also as a preventative or medicines our great-grandmothers used it against cardiac ailments healing power herbs

And for tachycardia, an infusion of motherwort. Our ancestors treated arrhythmias with hawthorn, lemon balm, valerian and yarrow. For heart rhythm disturbances, they also consumed black currants, peaches and horsetail tea. Heart pain is relieved by cherries, an infusion of asparagus or juniper berries.

Meanwhile, it is important to consider: alternative medicine recipes, especially if we're talking about about cardiac disorders, can be consumed only after consultation with a cardiologist and only after his permission.

You should not self-medicate.

Food and medicinal herbs can be an excellent preventive measure, but not a replacement for treatment for serious pathologies in the heart or blood vessels.

The principle of a hypolipidemic diet is to significantly reduce the consumption of cholesterol and easily digestible carbohydrates, and for overweight patients, to significantly reduce the caloric content of food. Patients with coronary heart disease after coronary artery bypass grafting are a high-risk group. Therefore, diets published in popular literature aimed at preventing atherosclerosis are not strict enough for patients with already developed critical stenoses of the heart vessels and a high risk of new damage to coronary bypass grafts.

Hypolipidemic diet wears general character. For various lipid metabolism disorders, the attending physician makes appropriate adjustments. It is very important to avoid eating after 7 p.m. In this case, dinner should consist entirely of foods containing a large amount of fiber and absolutely no cholesterol (vegetables, fruits).


eat foods containing large amounts of saturated fat. These include the following products:

  1. Milk and dairy products (condensed milk, cream, sour cream, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, ice cream, milkshake), as well as milk porridge.
  2. Pork and cooking fat, margarines, coconut and palm oil.
  3. Pork, lamb (respectively ham, bacon, brisket, ham, carbonate, neck), lard and smoked meats and, accordingly, those products in which they can be included (smoked and boiled sausages, frankfurters, sausages, cutlets, steaks, meatballs, canned meat, meat in jelly), fatty meat broths.
  4. Liver (respectively pate) and other offal (kidneys, lungs, brains).
  5. Red poultry meat, leather.
  6. Sturgeon, fish caviar, fish liver, crayfish, crabs, shrimp, shellfish.
  7. Eggs (respectively mayonnaise).
  8. High quality bread and crackers made from it, confectionery products (cakes, cookies, pastries, biscuits), as they contain milk, eggs, sugar.
  9. Pasta.
  10. Cocoa, chocolate, coffee beans.
  11. Sugar, honey
  12. Cold drinks: sweet carbonated drinks (Fanta, Pepsi-Cola, etc.)
  13. Alcoholic drinks: beer, sweet fortified wines, liqueurs.


consume in moderation (no more than 2 times a week or more often, but in limited quantities as prescribed by your doctor), the following products:

  1. White poultry meat without skin, lean beef. Preferred cooking method: boiling, grilling, cooking microwave oven. Undesirable cooking method: stewing, frying.
  2. Secondary broth from lean beef and lean chicken (portion) of meat is boiled in water a second time, the first broth is drained).
  3. River fish, including red fish.
  4. Bran bread and rye flour, crackers from it.
  5. Buckwheat (cook in water without adding oil).
  6. Potatoes soaked in water, peeled, for an hour. Preferred cooking method: boiling. Light frying is allowed vegetable oil.
  7. Mushrooms.
  8. Ketchup (not sweet), mustard, soy sauce, tkemali sauce, adjika, vinegar, spices, herbs.
  9. Tea, instant coffee without sugar.
  10. Chewing gum without sugar.
  11. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts.
  12. Alcoholic drinks: vodka, cognac, whiskey, dry wine.


Consume the following foods daily in large quantities:

  1. Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, salad, olive, soybean, rapeseed, cottonseed).
  2. All vegetables (fresh, frozen, canned without sugar, dried fruits) with peel: carrots, beets, cabbage, turnips, radishes, radish, zucchini, squash, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower. peas, beans, soybeans, corn. When preparing a vinaigrette, the vegetable oil should not be excessive (that is, remain at the bottom of the dish). Cold vegetarian borscht is healthy.
  3. All fruits and berries with peel.
  4. Onions, garlic, herbs (parsley, celery, cilantro, basil, lettuce, spinach, wild garlic, sorrel, etc.).
  5. Sea fish (cod, hake, navaga, ice fish, haddock, sprat), including fatty fish (halibut, herring, tuna, sardine). Method of preparation: boiling, baking, frying in vegetable oil, under marinade.
  6. Sea kale.
  7. Oatmeal (from unrefined oatmeal or "Hercules"), boiled in water.
  8. Cold drinks: mineral water, fruit juice and fruit drink without sugar.

Attention! Patients with moderate weight are allowed moderate consumption of small amounts of pasta, rice, large amounts rye bread or bran bread.

Tells cardiologist highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences Galina Znamenskaya.

10 kg per month?!

It’s great when a woman has a desire to take care of herself and lose extra pounds. By becoming slimmer, we usually not only look younger and more attractive, but also feel healthier. But it is worth warning those who are determined to fight too decisively with their own weight. The body is a delicate and complex system, everything in it is interconnected, so you need to act thoughtfully and gradually.

Let me give you an example. One of my patients came with complaints of heart pain. After talking with her, I learned that she had set a goal for herself - to lose weight. She moved decisively towards this goal: she went on a diet and began spending whole days in the gym. As a result, 10 kg per month disappeared. The woman was very pleased, if not for one “but”: pain in the heart area began to bother her. By the way, according to her constitution, the lady was broad-boned and even in her youth never looked like a fashion model, but then she decided to change radically - and at almost 40 she became slimmer than she was at 20. Fortunately, the examination did not reveal any serious violations, interruptions in the heart were caused by excessive physical activity and stopped after the patient began visiting the gym not five times a week, but two.

The other side of the coin

According to WHO recommendations, weight loss for those who lose weight on their own, not in a clinic, should not exceed 3 kg per month. Losing weight faster can cause a number of unfavorable changes: drooping internal organs, sagging muscles and skin, metabolic disorders - including in the heart muscle. This means that the contractility of the heart deteriorates, it copes poorly even with the usual loads, not to mention increased ones. In addition, rapid weight loss can be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure - as a result, the heart suffers from a lack of oxygen, and this can lead to shortness of breath and tachycardia. All these processes begin slowly, with minor disturbances, which can then lead to more serious problems, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition.

The older a woman is, the more careful she needs to try various “weight loss” techniques on herself. Some people decide to go on a strict diet after gaining weight as a result of menopause. But if in youth various experiments on oneself can still do without any special consequences (and even then not always), then after 45 years, when age-related adjustment begins, such “trials and errors” often lead to serious metabolic disorders.

No matter how much you dream of losing weight, remember: your daily diet should be at least 1200–1500 kcal! The body can safely withstand a diet limited to 600–700 kcal per day for no more than three days - then protein deficiency occurs and the absorption of vitamins and minerals is impaired.

The famous doctor Christian Barnard, who performed the first heart transplant in the world, wrote in his book “50 Ways to a Healthy Heart” that diets often lead to completely the opposite result: “They make you fat, depressed and sick. Weight loss fanatics are 2 times more likely than other people to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and 5 times more likely to diabetes mellitus. What you need is not a diet, but a nutrition plan that suits your lifestyle. You may be able to survive on a fruit and vegetable diet for a week, but what good is that? A nutrition plan can and should be followed throughout your life. At the same time, try to avoid sudden changes and do not forbid yourself anything. If you like ice cream or chocolate, please, but not every day.”

If you don't have time to visit gym, you can safely replace this event with vigorous walking - 100-120 steps per minute - over long distances. This will both help you become slimmer and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

Always remember: optimal exercise stress should bring a feeling of pleasant fatigue, and not lead to exhaustion. The most productive work on yourself, on your figure, is the one that gives you pleasure!

When, after eating, there is pain in the area of ​​the heart at least once in your life, everyone has felt it. Some immediately turn to a cardiologist, others ignore the problem, blaming it on overeating. But in one case or another, the heaviness in the sternum in the middle is caused by constant stress, abuse alcoholic drinks, smoking and environmental degradation.

Pressing pain in the middle of the sternum does not always occur when you overeat. Most often, this is a sign of pathological complications in the body, which indicate the manifestation of a disease of a cardiac, vascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, infectious and psychological nature.

Thanks to some tests, you will be able to identify the cause of the disease in the heart area, and you will be able to undergo a course of treatment.

Cardiac pressing pain in the heart area

Causes of heart pain after eating

There are a huge number of factors that can cause unpleasant pressure and pain in the heart after eating.


Gastritis is an inflammatory process that affects the cavity of the gastric mucosa, leading to a malfunction of its functioning.

One of the root causes of the disease is the formation of antibodies to the stomach’s own cells. Sometimes pathology occurs against the background of:

  • non-compliance with dietary nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking cigarettes;
  • failure of normal regulation nervous system person.


Gastritis in chronic form does not imply the presence of certain symptoms outside the period of exacerbation. And depending on what type of gastritis manifests itself, in the absence of a diet menu, pain appears immediately or within half an hour after eating.

Can a stomach ulcer cause pain after eating?

Of course yes. After all, a mandatory manifestation of this pathological disease is an ulcerative defect in the stomach cavity.

And depending on the location of the ulcer, exacerbation attacks may be accompanied by:

  • pain in the heart area after eating half an hour or an hour after eating. There may be hunger pains that occur at night.
  • dispersion phenomena;
  • such attacks can worsen during certain seasons of the year, for example: in autumn or spring.

The pain syndrome does not disappear after:

  • use of antacids and antisecretory drugs;
  • applying a hot heating pad to the location of the pain.

Binge eating

Constant overeating leads to indigestion, which becomes an active provocateur of pain in the sternum. There is increased gas production and a feeling of heaviness after eating. Although fatigue after eating can become a response (reaction) to foods, for example: sweets or flour products. Discomfort may occur from garlic. It all depends on individual characteristics body.

What should you do if your heart hurts after eating?

Those who have ever experienced chest pain after eating try to understand the causes of this phenomenon and what measures should be taken.

Considering that various factors can cause heart pain after eating, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Only highly specialized specialists will help identify the cause of discomfort. It is worth contacting a therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon, oncologist, and, if indicated, a psychologist. But no one says that you have to make an appointment with all doctors at the same time. Come to a therapist, he will examine you and give you a referral to specialists.

Only after an appointment with a doctor and a series of tests will you be able to determine the cause of heart pain after eating

It is necessary to conduct a number of laboratory and clinical studies that will determine:

  • why do you feel pain in the heart area after eating;
  • assign the correct and balanced diet in a particular case, a course of drug therapy.

Don't put off seeing a doctor until later. After all, timely detection of pathologies at the initial stage of development will guarantee the effectiveness of treatment and complete recovery.


Discomfort instead of satisfaction: why does extrasystole occur after eating? Why can the heart hurt at night, and why is this symptom dangerous?