Attention! Sometimes the appearance of menu items, as well as their names, may differ slightly, depending on the version of your OS and installed updates, add-ons and themes.

Windows XP :

1) In the "Start" menu, select " Control Panel" (in some systems it is a sub-item of the "Settings" item, i.e. You need to select "Settings", and then " Control Panel")

2) B " Control panels" select, depending on the type/theme of the control panel
- Either " Network connections"

Either " Network and Internet connections", and there " Network connections"

3) B " Network connections"right-click on the icon""
(your name may be slightly different, but NOT "1394" and NOT "") and click "Properties"

4) In the window that appears, click on the line " Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)", so that it stands out, and then, to the right and below, click the "Properties" button

5) In the window that opens, place dots in the radio buttons in the positions "" and "

6) After you return to the previous window, at the bottom you need to click “Close” or “OK” (Depending on what item you have).

7) After some time, the computer should receive settings (May take up to 2-5 minutes). If this does not happen, double-check the sequence of actions and disable and enable the network connection (Or restart the computer). If for any reason you will not be able to work and you are sure that the current month has been paid for (or the test period is included) - call technical support

Windows Vista and Windows 7 :

(!) * If the system asks permission to continue, click "Continue"

1) Click Start, select there Control Panel

2) In the control panel, depending on the type, click "" or "Network and Internet", and then " Network and Sharing Center"

3) Select from the list on the left
- In Windows Vista" Managing network connections"
- In Windows 7" Change adapter settings"

4) Right-click on the " icon LAN connection" (You may have a slightly different name, for example "Local Area Connection" or have some number. Please note that this should NOT be connection "1394" or " Wireless network connection") and click "Properties"

5) In the window that appears, find the item " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", click on the line itself so that it is highlighted, and then, to the right below, click "Properties"

6) In the window that opens, place marks on " Obtain an IP address automatically" And " Obtain DNS server address automatically", and then click the "OK" button

7) When you return to the previous window, click “Close” or “OK” at the bottom, depending on the button you have.

8) After some time, the computer should receive the settings (This may take up to several minutes). If this does not happen within 10 minutes, recheck the sequence of actions and disable and enable the network connection (Or restart the computer). If for any reason you will not be able to work and you are sure that the current month has been paid for (or the test period is included) - call technical support at 600-00-66

[updated 11/11/2012]

Windows 8:

1) Click on the “Desktop” tile

2) Right-click (bottom right, in the tray) on the connection icon (Can be with an exclamation mark, cross or without) and select “Network and Sharing Center”

3) Click “Change adapter settings” on the left side of the window that opens

4) Right-click on the local network connection icon (in this case, “Ethernet”), make sure that the connection is enabled and there is no “Enable” item at the top of the menu (enable if necessary), then select “Properties”

Today, there is an Internet connection in almost every home. Some people limit themselves to one computer. Others buy routers and create a home local network for several devices (including smartphones). In any case, in order to do everything correctly, you need to know how to properly configure a local network in Windows 7. This is the topic that is discussed in this article.

Network and Sharing Center

This menu is the heart of all network connection settings in Windows. Set up a local network, change the IP address, find out the MAC address of your network card, create a new PPPoE connection - all this can be done here. Of course, all actions can be performed through the Windows command line, but for most users this method will be very inconvenient.

To bring up Control Center in Windows 7, you can go in several ways:

Connecting to new network equipment

Let's assume you connected to a provider and bought yourself a new router. The router setup itself is not covered in this article - there is too much variety. When the device is fully configured and ready to use, you need to connect your personal computer to it.

You connect the router and PC using a patch cord, and the network connection icon in the Windows tray changes its appearance. This means that everything is fine with the network card and cable. If your router is in DHCP mode, i.e. independently assigns IP addresses to new devices - most likely, you will not need any additional settings.

The operating system will ask you to select a connection type: “Public”, “Home” or “Work” network. For the average Windows user, this step has no meaning. Select, for example, home and click “Ok”. Try going online - if everything works, you don’t need to do anything else.

If not, you need to configure the adapter, which is discussed below.

Note! If you don't have a router and you connect a cable from your ISP to your computer, it probably won't work. Modern providers rarely use DHCP technology, preferring PPPoE or Static IP. In this case, follow the further instructions.

Configuring adapter settings

This section of the manual is intended for those users who need to configure the properties of the adapter (network card). If, according to the agreement with the provider, you need to assign a specific IP or mask, or specify a specific gateway, proceed according to the instructions. If the contract specifies a login and password for connection, skip this step and go to the section dedicated to PPPoE.

New home connection

If you connect directly to your provider by cable, bypassing the router, most likely you will need to do the following.

Microsoft continues to actively improve Windows 10, introduce new features and change the interface. One focus of these changes is the move away from the classic Control Panel, which was previously used to customize Windows, and towards a more modern Settings menu.

For example, previously, in order to open the Network and Sharing Center, you had to right-click on the network connection icon on the taskbar. Until recently, this method worked in Windows 10, but for the latest versions it is no longer relevant. In this regard, many users have a question about how to open the “Network and Sharing Center” in new versions of Windows 10.

In fact, the “Network and Sharing Center” opens almost the same as before, but now you just need to make one extra click. To do this, right-click on the network connection icon on the taskbar and select “Open Network and Internet Settings” from the menu that opens.

As a result, the “Settings” menu will appear in front of you with the “Network and Internet - Status” section open. Here you need to scroll to the very end of the page. Almost at the very bottom there will be a link “Network and Sharing Center”. By clicking on this link you will have access to the “” section you need.

In addition, the “Network and Sharing Center” can be opened using the command “control /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter”. To do this, press the Windows-R key combination and execute the specified command in the window that opens.

If you wish, you can even make a shortcut that will execute the command “control /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter” and thereby open the network control center. To do this, right-click on the desktop, select “Create – Shortcut”, enter the command and save.

Do-it-yourself Windows 7 setup. How to make work easy and convenient Gladky Alexey Anatolyevich

Network and Sharing Center

In the vast majority of cases, to work with a local network, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center. This is where almost all the basic tools necessary for setting up and administering local networks are contained.

The Network and Sharing Center (Fig. 4.1) is located in the Network and Internet category of the Control Panel.

Rice. 4.1. Network and Sharing Center

In this mode, you create new and edit existing connections, switch to the mode for setting adapter parameters and sharing, as well as perform a number of other functions. Here you can view information about the current network status in real time. You can also determine whether this computer is connected to a local network or the Internet, and if so, find out the connection method and level of access to computers and network devices. This information is needed both to set up your network and to troubleshoot connection problems.

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