"Image"(from the French “image”) - “image”.

A positively created image is one of the important factors in the successful work of a teacher.

High demands have always been placed on teachers. The teacher must be interesting as a person. Without interest in the personality of the teacher, there is no interest in the subject. Therefore, the image of a teacher should be inspiring.

By “image” we mean:

· visual, visual image (appearance, appearance);

· way of thinking, acting, doing.

Components of a teacher's image :

· appearance;

· use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

· internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner “I”;

· stylistic features of pedagogical activity;

· professional orientation

Appearance. An old proverb says: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” For the first 20 seconds, the teacher carefully examines: shoes, hairstyle, note the manner of holding himself, evaluate the posture, look at the face. The next 20 seconds assess speaking and listening skills, then determine communication skills and monitor gestures.

It is necessary to develop your own style of clothing, since fashion changes, but style remains. Fashion experts advise wearing what really decorates, what makes you look elegant. Elegance is a manifestation of good taste. Clothes are a kind of calling card.

The following items are not allowed in teacher clothing:

· too revealing (low-cut and figure-hugging) dresses, blouses, skirts, trousers;

· mini and maxi;

· open belly;

· trousers that are too tight or wide.

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts” ().

The appearance of a teacher can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or complicating pedagogical communication.

They look at the teacher carefully... The image of the teacher is preserved in memory in the most vivid external characteristics. An example of this is the memoirs of various writers and publicists.

“I don’t remember his name and patronymic. I don't remember the last name either. But the face, although not noticeable, has not been forgotten to this day...” wrote V. Astafiev.

Or in the memoirs of M. Shaginyan we read: “I remember we had an Armenian, a history teacher. He was very ugly in appearance, shaggy, overgrown, stooped.” These and many other memories of people show that the image of the teacher is preserved in memory in the details of his appearance.

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication- important components of the image. What and how we say, whether we can attune a person to ourselves with words, what gestures and postures we demonstrate, what happens to our facial expressions, how we sit, stand and walk - all this affects other people’s perception of us.

When interacting with students, the teacher must comply with the basic professional requirements for communication: be friendly, quickly remember the names of students, show the importance of everyone in the class team.

The teacher's speech should be:

· literate;

· correct;

· emotionally rich

Internal image- this is, first of all, the culture of the teacher, personal charm, human attractiveness, emotionality, intelligence, the impression of a healthy and happy person, positive mood, self-confidence, optimism, a developed sense of humor, activity, individual style of activity and communication, responsibility and many other components.

A teacher who creates his own image not only looks better, but also feels better, is more confident, and ultimately works more successfully!

The qualities of an “ideal teacher” remain unchanged:

· love for children;

· goodwill;

· sincerity;

· ability to communicate.

“A teacher who is in love with children and passionate about his work intuitively and consciously chooses those models of behavior that are most adequate to the dignity of children and their current needs. The image of such a teacher is impeccable,” he writes.

REMEMBER! The image of an educational institution is determined by the image of the teachers working in it.

No one can learn from a person they don't like


The concept of pedagogical image

The cherished desire of every teacher is the desire to feel the interest of students in studying his discipline and good results in mastering it. Achieving this goal is facilitated by the ability to establish contacts with the student audience, establishing the teacher as an authoritative source of information, as an individual, with his knowledge and behavior can fruitfully influence the younger generation. So, an important condition for ensuring a high level of culture of relationships between faculty and students is an attractive, pedagogically positive image of the university and the personal image of the teacher as his official representative. The image of a teacher - as a principle of self-education, is one of the important principles of humanistic pedagogy: the personal image of a teacher should be attractive to those who study.

The word “image” in the English-Russian dictionary is translated as “image”, “reflection”, “likeness”, “icon”, “face”. A successful image is the ability to convince others that the bearer of this image is the embodiment of those ideal qualities that they would like to have if they were in this person’s place. The concept of image determines not only the natural properties of a person, but also socially developed ones: it is associated with both the appearance and the internal content of a person, his psychological type, the features of which meet the needs of the time of his society. The achievement of a positive professional image by a university teacher is not an end in itself, but its possession constitutes an essential personal and professional characteristic of a person and has a deep practical meaning. In forming an image, Rodzhnev has the opportunity to convey information about himself, his true, deep (personal and professional) views, ideals, plans, and activities through certain image signals.

Image of an educational institution: structure and ways of formation

Creating a positive image of a higher educational institution is a long and complex social and pedagogical process, in the structure of which the most general view The following components, interconnected in form and content, can be distinguished: appearance, arrangement and logistical support of classrooms, reading rooms, libraries, laboratories, optimally designed class schedule, professional competence, scientific and pedagogical level of teaching staff and products of the university’s activities (level professional training and education of graduates, their competitiveness in the global labor market (Fig. 32).

The external design of the university premises should provide information about the departmental affiliation of the university, its name, level of accreditation, etc. Construction design, size and decoration entrance doors, the neatness of the surrounding territory attunes students and visitors to a “certain register” of behavior, shapes their aesthetic tastes and emotional attitude towards the educational institution.

Additional information and specific impressions can be obtained by entering the premises. Impeccable cleanliness, information about the schedule of classes, consultations, the work of sports sections, reading rooms, libraries, a distance education center and individual services are necessary attributes of a modern educational institution. It is also advisable to have information about excellent students, named scholarship holders, as well as the scientific achievements of teachers, which also makes a favorable impression about the activities of the higher school.

The overall image of a university is a complex sum of various factors, the main one of which is the personal image of each scientific, pedagogical and pedagogical worker.

The ancient Greek philosopher Xenophon said: “No one can learn anything from a person he does not like.”

The formation of personality is a process of transformation of nature and society.

Gaining self-confidence, a mirror reflection of socio-economic conditions in the consciousness of the individual, actualizes the demand for a “realized personality: all this determines the formation of an objective need for the individual to find a worthy form of manifestation of his inner essence, which is the image. Today the role of interpersonal communication in the life of society is increasing. The brighter a person realizes himself socially, the greater the prospect of society, and the brighter the personality in society, the more colorful it itself becomes. In our time, a person is greatly aware of the value of human and social recognition for him, especially for his peace of mind and satisfaction own life. In practice, this is manifested in the expansion of her communication ties with people, in the growth of her public recognition rating, so image today is a communication tool, an urgent request of society and the individual.

Modern children and their parents take the image of a teacher more seriously. Working conditions in today's educational organizations require teachers to find ways to increase their reputation and authority in the eyes of others. And you can’t do without consciously building your professional image. A well-created image evokes respect among students and increases the authority of the teacher.

What is image?

Image. This beautiful mysterious word appeared in our language in the late 80s. Translated from French, “image” is an artificial, purposeful image made up of many factors. Psychologists, sociologists, stylists, and makeup artists are working on its creation. When they talk about a person’s image, they mean:

  • image of the environment (what his office, study, car looks like);
  • public image (objects that he created and uses: a written letter, business card, gifts and flowers that he gives);
  • verbal image (from Latin Verbalis - “verbal”; this is his manner of speaking and writing);
  • kinetic image (non-verbal means of communication: gestures, facial expressions and body movements);
  • habitual image (from Lat. Habitus - “external”; includes suit, hairstyle, accessories);
  • mental (worldview, moral and ethical guidelines, social stereotypes);
  • background image (this is information about us received from the people in whose company we are).

Thus, the image is formed not only by the person himself, but also by those who surround him.

Therefore, image includes the ability to communicate, the art of speaking and, especially, listening. The correctly chosen tone of conversation, timbre of voice, grace of movements largely determine the image in which we appear before people.

Image is a kind of human toolkit that helps build relationships with others. " Pedagogical dictionary” gives us a definition of the image of a teacher as “an emotionally charged stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming a teacher’s image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.”

Every teacher has an image, regardless of his personal views on this topic. The process of building an image depends largely on the teacher himself.

A teacher who creates his own image not only looks better, but also feels better, is more confident, and ultimately works more successfully. In the list of ten professionally significant qualities of a teacher at the end of the twentieth century, image ranks second from the point of view of students and only eighth from the point of view of teachers themselves.

In the structure of the image of a professional proposed by L.M. Mitina, external, procedural and internal components are identified. The external component includes facial expressions, gestures, timbre and strength of voice, costume, manners, and gait. The appearance of a teacher can create a working and non-working mood in children, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or complicating pedagogical communication.

Professional activity is revealed through such forms of communication as professionalism, plasticity; expressiveness, etc. An emotionally rich teacher is able to enliven the lesson, make it expressive, and bring it closer to natural communication.

The internal component is the inner world of a person, an idea of ​​his spiritual and intellectual development, interests, values, his personality as a whole.

Society, generating requirements for the professional image of a teacher, influences its content. But from generation to generation, such qualities of an ideal teacher as love for children, goodwill, sincerity, and the ability to communicate remain unchanged.

Pedagogical ethics.

Pedagogical ethics plays an important role in creating the image of a teacher. Pedagogical ethics studies the nature of the moral activity of a teacher and moral relations in a professional environment, the foundations of pedagogical etiquette are developed - specific rules of communication, manners, and behavior of people professionally involved in teaching and upbringing. Pedagogical ethics includes such categories as professional pedagogical duty, pedagogical justice, pedagogical honor, pedagogical authority, pedagogical conscience and pedagogical tact.

Justice is a moral quality of a teacher, manifested in his assessments of students’ actions, their attitude to learning, and socially useful activities. The most important level of a teacher’s positive impact on a student is the combination of reasonable demands and trust in him.

Professional pedagogical duty includes a set of requirements and moral instructions imposed by society on the personality of a teacher. This is the right way to build relationships with students and their parents, work colleagues, the need for a creative attitude towards one’s work, special demands on oneself, the desire to expand professional knowledge and improve teaching skills, and the ability to resolve complex conflicts in educational life. The teacher is the subject of moral relations in the teaching environment. It provides moral education to students regarding morality, introduces them to the criteria of moral assessment, reveals the possibility of freedom of choice of moral action and the extent of individual responsibility for their behavior.

Professional honor in pedagogy is expressed in awareness of its significance, public recognition, public respect, its moral merits and qualities.

Pedagogical authority- this is his moral status in the team of students and colleagues. With the help of his authority, the teacher can regulate the behavior of students and influence their beliefs. Pedagogical authority depends on moral, ethical and psychological-pedagogical preparation. The level of authority is determined by the depth of knowledge, erudition, skill, attitude to work, etc.

Pedagogical conscienceь monitors the teacher’s fulfillment of his professional duty. The conscience of a teacher must be incorruptible and untainted. Otherwise, he will lose the moral right to educate others.

An integral component of teacher ethics is pedagogical tact- an intuitive sense of proportion, helping to dose the effects and balance one remedy with another. The teacher’s behavior tactics consist in choosing a style and tone depending on the time and place of the pedagogical action, as well as on the possible consequences of using certain methods.

Visual appeal is a primary component of a teacher’s image.

The entire appearance of the teacher should be modern, inspiring respect and trust. A teacher’s appearance is either a continuation of his merits, or another negative trait that interferes with his life and career. Every teacher simply must be beautiful. Successful self-presentation requires effort to maintain the impression created. Here, the color scheme of the work suit, the correctly chosen makeup, and fashionable haircut or styling. Often a teacher loses the authority of his students because he is uninteresting as a person. And without interest in the personality of the teacher, there is no interest in the subject. Interest in the personality of the teacher, therefore, is a means of activating interest in the subject. Therefore, the image of a teacher should be inspiring. No matter how professionally trained a teacher is, he is simply obliged to constantly improve his own image, which includes visual appeal.

Forming a teacher’s personal charm brings good results: it forms students’ positive attitude towards him, makes communication with him pleasant and comfortable. The saying goes: “You are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind.” For students, the information received from the visual image of the teacher is a “data bank” on which they build their attitude towards him. And the more accurately the visual image of the teacher is created, the easier it is for students to communicate with him, and the less effort is required to find a common language with students.

Visual attractiveness includes a significant number of external components that depend directly on the teacher. These are clothes, hairstyle, makeup.

Cloth. The main style of the teacher is classic. It emphasizes authority, confidence, self-control. The classic style has clear and strict forms. By adding fashionable proportions, nuances of cut, using fabrics of new textures and current color shades, you can make this style modern, appropriate fashion trends. Warm colors in clothing promote trust, while cold colors distance and discipline. A teacher's clothing carries a great psychological burden. Firstly, neat and clean clothes of the teacher cultivate these qualities in students. Secondly, teacher clothing can be a distraction during class, undermining the learning process. Multi-colored and too bright clothes can have a negative impact on students. A tasteless and frivolous style of clothing often causes their irritation and mistrust.

Makeup should be fashionable, but not flashy, soft color scheme. The aroma of the perfume is light. The hairstyle is modern, but without fashionable details. The face of the teacher is an instrument of powerful influence on students. You must learn to master this instrument perfectly and be able to control it very subtly. The teacher's face should be friendly and interested. This facial expression shows that what is happening in class is interesting and important to the teacher himself, and therefore should be interesting and important to the students.

The teacher's hands must be clean with well-groomed nails. Business etiquette instructs women to wear nails of medium length, oval shape and cover them with a light color that matches their lipstick: pale pink, solid, light beige. False nails are not acceptable in a business setting.

Verbal behavior

Not only visual attractiveness, but also verbal behavior forms the image of a teacher. The perception and understanding of the teacher’s speech by students is associated with the process of educational listening, which accounts for approximately 25-50% of the teaching time. Therefore, the quality of mastering educational material depends on the perfection of the teacher’s speech. Students are very sensitive to the teacher’s speech characteristics.

Therefore, fluency in speech today is the most important professional component of a teacher. It includes the ability to express one's thoughts and feelings clearly and clearly through speech and facial expressions. The teacher’s speech in the lesson is always addressed to the students, does the teacher tell new material Whether he is commenting on the student’s answer, expressing approval or encouragement, his speech should be distinguished by inner strength, conviction, and interest in what he is saying. The expression of his thoughts is clear, simple, understandable for students. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right strategy for verbal influence on the audience.

The strategy includes:

1) personal qualities teacher,

2) knowledge of the basics of psychology of pupils,

3) knowledge to determine values ​​that are close to students,

4) follow the necessary rules for compiling and transmitting information.

There are rules speech culture teacher:

  • The teacher should speak quietly, but so that everyone can hear him, so that the listening process does not cause significant stress.
  • The teacher must speak clearly.
  • The teacher should speak at a speed of about 120 words per minute.
  • To achieve expressive sound, it is important to be able to use pauses - logical and psychological. Without logical pauses, speech is illiterate, without psychological pauses it is colorless.
  • The teacher must speak with intonation, i.e. be able to put logical emphasis, highlight individual words that are important for the content of what is being said.
  • Melody gives the teacher’s voice an individual coloring and can significantly influence the emotional well-being of students: inspire, captivate, calm. Melodics are born based on vowel sounds.
  • Here we must not forget that you are not only heard, but also seen. Therefore, do not forget about non-verbal behavior (facial expressions, gestures, postures, gaze, gait, posture). An attentive look, a friendly smile, and friendly gestures have a prepossessing effect. It is important to remember that explanatory gestures contribute to better assimilation of information.

Thus, a modern teacher can fully realize himself as an individual, achieve effective fulfillment of learning goals, organize effective educational cooperation and pedagogical communication. To do this, you need to be aware of your professional and personal qualities and want to improve them by working on your image. All this can be accomplished on the basis of a personal-activity approach to learning that meets the requirements that the modern stage of educational development places on the learning process and on the teacher.

What is the image of a teacher?

In everyday understanding, the word “image” is used in relation to a person in two senses: as a person’s appearance and as his reputation. In fact, these two facets of the image are fused. We can say that an image is an image that includes internal and external characteristics.

“Is there a specific image of a teacher?” - asks the famous Russian psychologist L.M. Mitina and answers in the affirmative: “Teachers are identified very quickly in an unprofessional environment.” The author sees the reason for this in the fact that “... most teachers drive their individuality and originality into a Procrustean bed of outdated and unconstructive traditions and rules...”

The “Pedagogical Dictionary” gives us a definition of the image of a teacher as “an emotionally charged stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming a teacher’s image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.” In a modern world that has lost many of its former landmarks Russian society, the teaching profession has lost its former heights, and the need for its rehabilitation is beyond doubt. Of course it is required governmental support teacher But is it always only the economic factor that determines the image of a teacher and the attitude towards him on the part of pupils, students and parents? What can educators and teachers themselves do to raise the prestige of the profession? The answer to this question is largely related to the individual images of each teacher, because the general idea of ​​any profession is formed as a result of identifying the typical characteristics of its representatives in the public consciousness.

Teachers themselves have different attitudes towards image. Those representatives of the older generation of teachers who understand it as a “mask” have a negative attitude towards it. They are convinced of the priority of internal content over external content and believe that the main thing is “to be, not to appear.” He perceives any talk about the teacher’s image with caution, as a call to be insincere. However, supporters of this position forget that one of the results of the student’s perception of the teacher is the formation of the image of the teacher. Every teacher has an image, regardless of his personal views on this topic. Modern domestic researchers have identified a contradiction in the importance of a teacher’s personal image for students and teachers. According to E. Russkaya, in the list of ten professionally significant qualities of a teacher at the end of the 20th century, image ranks second from the point of view of children, and only eighth from the point of view of the teachers themselves. The image of a teacher is manifested in some generalized form, which may contain the following structural components: individual characteristics, personal, communicative, activity and external behavioral. The image of a particular teacher combines individual, professional and age-related images. People around them make judgments about both the personal, age, gender, and purely professional qualities of the teacher. In the structure of the image of a professional, proposed by L.M. Mitina, external, procedural and internal components are identified. The external component includes facial expressions, gestures, timbre and strength of voice, costume, manners, and gait. The teacher's appearance, of course, can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or complicating pedagogical communication. Professional activity, according to L.M. Mitina, is revealed through the procedural component of the image, which is concretized by such forms of communication as professionalism, plasticity, expressiveness, etc. “An emotionally rich teacher who masters the techniques of verbal and non-verbal manifestation feelings and purposefully applying them…” is able to “revive the lesson”, make it expressive, and bring it closer to natural communication. The internal component is the inner world of a person, an idea of ​​his spiritual and intellectual development, interests, values, his personality as a whole. There are other points of view on the structure of the image. Thus, the image of a teacher contains the following structural components: individual and personal qualities, communication, features of professional activity and behavior.

In the public consciousness, there is, first of all, the image of the teaching profession, which summarizes the most General characteristics, characteristic of different teachers, and consolidates them in the form of a stereotypical image.

What is a good teacher?

Research by E.A. Petrova shows that the image of a “good” teacher in the perception of all studied categories of students and parents is clearly associated with such universal qualities as peaceful, cheerful, tactful, frank, active, generous, confident, cooperative, organized, hardworking, smart and pleasant.

The qualities included in the image of the stereotype of the “ideal” teacher can be regarded as a “system of requirements” presented by students to the image of the teacher in modern conditions. Creative correlation with the stereotypical example of an ideal teacher should become an internal stimulus for the improvement and self-development of each teacher with the actualization of their own capabilities, with the development of creative potential. At the same time, no one calls on the teacher to uncritically follow a model (ideal model) that is incompatible with his specific individual psychological make-up.

Image and career. The role of image in professional activity.

Modern realities require a person to have self-confidence. Without it you cannot achieve success. It is necessary to “put on” an image confident person and soon real self-confidence will come. Let us turn to the image of a modern teacher. Student surveys made it possible to create an image of the “ideal” teacher and identify the components of his image. This is professionalism, fairness, honesty, charm, accuracy, respectful attitude towards people, high level culture, self-esteem, communication skills, ability to dress, well-groomed appearance, ability to behave. A teacher must be strict, restrained, open, and friendly at the same time, because he works with students. Its visually perceived appearance must correspond to this image.

Currently, most teachers do not think about what information their appearance conveys. Only a few of them think about whether their costume and appearance as a whole will be “professionally suitable”, i.e. be perceived by students, colleagues, and others as corresponding to the image of a modern teacher. The reasons explaining such statistics are: limited material capabilities, widespread image illiteracy, the virtual absence of both professional image makers and a sufficient amount of specialized literature on image. However, a person who consciously creates his own appearance is able to succeed even within the framework of limited success. Knowledge of the laws and mechanisms of managed impression, recommendations from specialists, allow you to create the “correct” image, based on material capabilities.

In modern business world It is customary for teachers to choose classic or business style clothing that suits a certain type of appearance, both in color and body type.

As A.A. wrote Bodalev: “The child’s first impression of the educator and teacher is the most important aspect of interaction in educational activities.” It used to be that only frivolous people could “think about the beauty of their nails.” Now times have changed: others often judge us by our appearance. And the appearance of the teacher serves as an example for his children to follow. By the way, parents also pay attention to how teachers look, how they communicate with children and each other, and how smiling they are. But if we talk about a professional image, then external characteristics should be supported by internal personal qualities. Spirituality and morality are identified as important conditions for creating an attractive professional image, and its basis is considered to be business and leadership qualities, the ability to resolve conflicts, establish partnerships, communication skills, persuasiveness, adaptability, optimism, and goodwill. Features of a professional image are to be able to harmonize the interests of the organization and employees, to be principled, attentive to the needs and demands of people, to be impeccable, decent, reliable, honest, noble, disciplined, etc. Public professions, including the profession of a teacher, are connected with popularity and authority among the general population, and their professional success is determined by an attractive image. For the purpose of professional self-improvement, such specialists need to master the technology of forming and adjusting their image. This is especially useful for educators and teachers who have communication and personal influence on people - important tool professional activity.

Model of teacher image. Business style.

The work of a teacher is altruistic, which means that the image of a teacher is not only an individual goal. The teacher’s personality contributes to the formation of the student’s personality. Everyday direct influence is more effective than formulaic education. A teacher’s concern for his image is an important task in teaching. Teaching children is the essence of a teacher's work. Consequently, a teacher’s concern for his image is also a professional requirement.

Let's consider a model of a teacher's image.

We receive a significant part of information through vision. A suit is the most subtle, accurate and unmistakable indicator distinctive features society, a small piece of lifestyle, thoughts, activities, professions. Each era creates its own aesthetic ideal of a person, its own standards of beauty, expressed through the design of a suit, its proportions, details, and material. It is not indicated anywhere how a teacher should be dressed, but everyone understands that, for example, low neckline, jeans, massive jewelry, bright provocative clothing, strong odors, transparent blouses, tight trousers and skirts are unacceptable.
Some teachers believe that the unspoken dress code violates their rights. “I have beautiful legs, so why can’t I show them off by wearing a mini?” If she asks such a question, then she simply feels sorry for her. Is there really no one other than her students to show her these legs?! This is why the visual appeal of our image is so important. At all times, people valued harmony and beauty. The first impression effect is based on visual perception. According to experimental data from psychologists, outwardly attractive people more easily gain the sympathy of others. The teacher's influence on the student depends on the latter's disposition. Visual attractiveness is not only our physical data, but also a significant number of external components that depend directly on us. Our attractiveness often depends on the overall impression of being well-groomed. Grooming is an indicator of a person’s culture. The French say that clean hair is already a style. And style is the person himself. This is the business card of our data, which is emphasized with the help of clothes, hairstyles, and makeup. The main style of the teacher is classic. This style symbolizes the following qualities: self-confidence and self-control, determination and psychological flexibility, as well as authority. These qualities are professionally necessary for a teacher. Classic style is a style approved by time, but with the inclusion of fashionable elements. For example, clothes of a classic style have clear and sometimes strict shapes, but fashionable proportions and nuances of cut are not ignored, fabrics of new textures and current color shades are used. The classic style includes suits of semi-fitting and straight silhouettes: a jacket and skirt combined with a blouse; dress and jacket; dress and vest; three-piece: dress, vest and jacket; trousers, blouse and jacket. Knitted jumpers, vests, etc. are excluded from business clothing. A plump person looks even plumper in a suit or dress made of cross-striped fabric, with a large pattern, in very light colors. A-shape skirts will flatter any figure. In wide full skirts tall women do not appear businesslike. Better put it on long skirt, cut along an oblique line. The classic style is distinguished by restrained simplicity of lines, laconic cut, the techniques of which have been worked out over decades, restrained delicate color scheme, presupposes a sense of proportion in everything: shape, volume, decoration, decoration. Clothing in a classic style looks strict and moderate. It does not catch the eye due to its brightness and originality, but attracts attention with its high quality workmanship and should fit perfectly on the figure and have no defects. Products made in a classic style do not lose their relevance, i.e. do not go out of fashion for several seasons. Fashion does not make drastic changes, but it is expressed in changes in the width of the shoulder girdle, in the tightness of the figure, in the materials used, in the shape of finishing details. In addition, they go well with clothes of other styles, which contributes to their many variations, and this is important when putting together a wardrobe. For women, shoes are the most important part of the toilet. The most elegant are pumps with closed toes and heels. Ivory, beige, beige-gray, etc. shoes are desirable. Dark shoes go with dark dresses. Shoes with colored details, “metallic colors,” or decorations are unacceptable in the classic style. Shoes with flared heels, as well as closed shoes, are worn only with trousers. In summer, sandals with an open heel but a closed toe are acceptable. As a rule, stockings and tights are combined with the color of shoes. They should not have a pattern. Shoes and dark-colored stockings visually make the feet smaller.

Speaking of color. Color is one of the main characteristics of a suit. It affects those around you first. This or that shade immediately evokes certain sensations and associations and is associated with mood and well-being. It is worth considering that the color of our clothes affects both us and our environment. It is our psychological characteristic, which is perceived by others at the subconscious level. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basics of color psychology in order to manage impressions. For example, warm tones promote trust, cold tones distance and discipline. Before choosing a costume, you need to think - what impact do you want to have on children?

Speaking about clothes, we should first say two words about the current situation in school. "Democratization" school life led not only to the abolition of school uniforms, but also brought an avalanche of inappropriate, uncomfortable, and often simply vulgar clothing into school life.

The clothing of an educator, teacher, college or university professor seriously influences not only the attitude of students towards the teacher and the subject being studied, but also determines their attention and behavior in the classroom.

A teacher's clothing carries an even greater psychological burden.

Firstly, a neatly, cleanly and tastefully dressed teacher cultivates these same qualities in his students.

Secondly, a teacher's clothing can become a distraction during class, undermining the learning process.

Thirdly, tight-fitting, excessively open and short, as well as transparent clothing can generate sexual fantasies and experiences in the minds of students instead of comprehending and remembering educational material. That is, an improperly dressed teacher can give rise to a lot of pedagogical problems that will have to be solved for more than one day. Speaking about clothes, we especially need to focus on accessories. The classic style presupposes the absence of jewelry, and if jewelry is used, then only from noble metals (gold, silver, platinum) and natural stones. The ideal option is to have a watch (on your wrist or hanging on a chain) and a smooth wedding ring.

If the teacher wears earrings, then you should choose small, non-dangling earrings. Dangling earrings will move in time with the movements of your head. And if they also shine, then the students’ attention can be riveted to these moving shiny objects throughout the lesson.

The same can be said about dangling bracelets and numerous chains. They need to be excluded because they are not consistent with the classic style. Accessories can also include glasses. Glasses must be precisely matched to the facial features and should not distract from the teacher’s facial expressions and eye expressions. The frame should be thin. Glasses must be adjusted so that they do not move when you move your head, do not slide down, and do not pinch anywhere. Otherwise, you will have to constantly correct them, which distracts students and the teacher himself. The classic style means that the makeup will be fashionable, but not flashy, in soft colors. The scent of the perfume is light. The hairstyle is modern, but without fashionable details.

The teacher's face is an instrument of powerful influence on students. You must learn to master this “tool” perfectly and be able to control it very accurately. People who are not specially trained usually are not aware of the expression on their face. This is due to the fact that facial muscles have few nerve endings, and their weak impulses must be learned to be perceived. When our face is in calm state, the facial muscles are relaxed and the face sometimes takes on an expression that is inappropriate in a specific communication situation (for example, the corners of the lips droop and the face takes on a dissatisfied or offended expression).

In standard communication situations, standard facial expressions are assumed among its participants. Psychologists call such standard facial expressions masks. The psychological significance of the mask is very high. On the one hand, its presence allows you to not be personally involved in a specific communication situation, preserving mental energy. What should a teacher's mask be like? The teacher's face should be friendly and interested. The student's expression on the teacher's face should create the impression that he is waiting and wants to communicate with him. This facial expression creates an attitude, something that happens in the lesson is interesting and important to the teacher himself, and therefore should be interesting and important to the students. The external attributes of the classic style inspire respect. Pupils and parents should see attractive, well-groomed people with a smile on their faces.

Each person has his own status image. Otherwise, it can be called an image. Image (from the English image - image) is the totality of society's idea of ​​​​what an individual should be in accordance with his status. Inconsistency with status is a challenge to society, it is opposition to society, which is destructive for the psyche of a person who is social by nature. Forming an image and taking care of it provides the opportunity for self-development and psychological harmony.

The process of building an image depends both on the teacher himself and on the individual characteristics of the student, his gender, age, as well as on experience, knowledge, nationality and other factors. A teacher who creates his own image not only looks better, but also feels better, is more confident, and ultimately works more successfully!

GBOU SPO NO "Krasnobakovsky forestry-technical school"


Topic: “Image as an element of professional

teacher culture"


Ignatenko O.Yu.

r.p. Red Buckies

1. The concept of “image”

Conceptimage V last years firmly in the dictionary modern man. What is image?

In Russia, the concept of image has become a subject of public attention and scientific analysis only at the end of the 20th century. In the mid-90s, the first serious domestic developments in image development appeared, dedicated to psychological aspects image formation (R.F. Romashkina, E.I. Manyakina, E.V. Grishunina, P.S. Gurevich, F.A. Kuzin, V.D. Popov, B.G. Ushikov, V.M. Shepel, I.A. Fedorov and others).The first edition of the book by V.M. was published in 1994. Shepelya: Imageology: The Secrets of Personal Charm marked not only the justification of the new concept of image for the Russian mentality, but also the formation of a new field scientific research - imageology, and in professional field formation of a new specialty - image maker.

Image is a concept applicable to: a person (personal image), an organization (corporate image), a social position (the image of a politician), a profession (the image of a teacher), education (the image of a Harvard University graduate) and, finally... to things (a Mercedes - not just a car!). In the common sense, the word image is used in relation to a person in two senses: as a person’s appearance and as his reputation. Image is an image that includes internal and external characteristics.

It is advisable to divide the image intocorporate (image of a company, firm, enterprise, institution, political party, public organization, etc.) andindividual (image of a teacher, politician, businessman, artist, manager, leader of a social movement, etc.). The content and mechanisms of formation of these images will be different, but they are connected.

In both cases, i.e. in relation to the organization and the individual (personality), we can talk about imageexternal and internal. The external image of an organization is its image, the idea of ​​it, formed in the external environment surrounding it, in the minds of the “counterparties” of this organization - clients, consumers, competitors, authorities, the media, the public. The external image of an individual consists of various forms of verbal, visual, ethical, aesthetic expression and behavior, and the subject is those people who come into direct or indirect contact with him.

Researchers offer three possible approaches to image classification:functional, in which different types are distinguished based on different functioning;contextual, in which these types are in different implementation contexts;comparative, in which similar images are compared.

Based on existing definitions of image, its main components are identified. The most significant of them: appearance; use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication; internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner “I”.

Two groups of image functions can be identified:

1.Value functions of image:

-Personally uplifting. Thanks to the creation of an aura of attractiveness around a person, she becomes socially in demand, uninhibited in the manifestation of her best qualities.

-Comfort of interpersonal relationships. The essence of this function is that the charm of people objectively brings sympathy and goodwill into their communication, and therefore a moral measure of tolerance and tact.

-Psychotherapeutic. Its essence is that a person, thanks to the awareness of his individual uniqueness and increased sociability, acquires a stable, positive mood and self-confidence.

Thus, the value functions of image indicate its undeniable importance in building a healthy mental organization of the individual.

2.Technological functions of image:

-Interpersonal adaptation. Thanks to a correctly chosen image, you can quickly enter a specific social environment, attract attention, and quickly establish friendly relations.

-Highlighting the best personal and business qualities. A favorable image makes it possible to visually present the most attractive qualities of a person, allowing people in contact with him to recognize precisely these traits that evoke sympathy or goodwill.

-Shading of negative personal characteristics. Through makeup, clothing design, accessories, hairstyle, etc. you can distract people from the shortcomings that a person has.

-Organization of attention. An attractive image involuntarily attracts people to itself, it impresses them, and therefore they are psychologically more easily disposed to what it says or demonstrates.

-Overcoming age limits. By skillfully mastering the technology of self-presentation, which is specifically manifested in the successful choice of behavior models and the performance of various roles, you can feel comfortable communicating with people of different social status and professional status, without being constrained by the “complex” of your own age.

In the scientific literature on political imageology (A.Yu. Panasyuk, G.G. Pocheptsov, V.M. Shepel, etc.) the following components of image or their classification are highlighted: environmental image, habitual image, materialized image, verbal image, kinetic image .Environmental image involves characterizing a person by his artificial environment - by his office, home, car, etc. It is clear that the human-created habitat depends on many factors that are not always subject to our desires. The main principle of forming this image is: a little better than everyone else.Gabitary image is a characteristic of a person by his own appearance - by suit, makeup, hairstyle, etc.

Personal image is an important component for career growth, because:

Image influences those who make decisions in matters of professional growth;

We believe what we see;

We are all busy people and often make decisions based on first impressions;

We all act, whether we realize it or not, as ambassadors for our profession or organization;

Looking good and feeling confident is good for us.

An image that is not constantly supported by real major deeds sometimes melts like snow in the spring sun. Effective mutually beneficial contact with the outside world is very important for a professional, therefore the defining part of his image is:

High self-esteem, self-confidence;

Faith in the benevolence of the Universe and faith in a good person;

Social and personal responsibility (“I am the cause of everything positive and negative in my life”);

The desire to change and the ability to take risks with a healthy sense of self-preservation.

Thus, the successful use of an image presupposes knowledge of the initial psychological and pedagogical principles that determine it. These can be the following principles: the principle of harmony of the visual image, the principle of communication - the variety of forms and methods of information interaction, the principle of self-regulation and orthobiosis (the science of the technology of self-preservation of body and soul), the principle of speech influence. They act as constant factors, skillfully embodied in various forms and methods of improving the professional skills of a teacher.

2. Professional image of the teacher.

Each profession requires a set of abilities, the manifestation of feelings and thoughts. The longer a person is engaged in any type of activity, the more professional imprint is manifested in him. The specificity of the teacher's pedagogical activity is active mental activity and constant tension of the nervous system. The main load falls on the brain, which, being under tension, subjugates all the body’s resources. Higher nervous activity experiences tension, as it is constantly exposed to factors such as a large volume of analytical and synthetic brain activity, chronic lack of time and a high level of personal motivation.

Today we have the right to talk about the professional image that representatives of various professions must correspond to - the ideal teacher, the ideal doctor, the ideal engineer, the ideal entrepreneur, etc. The secret to the success of a teacher's professional image directly depends on how much he manages to create an image that meets the expectations of other people.

The image of a teacher is an emotionally charged stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming a teacher's image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

Every teacher has an image, regardless of his personal views on this topic. The process of building an image depends both on the teacher himself and on the individual characteristics of the student, his gender, age, as well as on experience, knowledge, nationality and other factors. A teacher who creates his own image not only looks better, but also feels better, is more confident, and ultimately works more successfully!

The image of a teacher is manifested in some generalized form, which may contain the following structural components: individual characteristics, personal, communicative, activity and external behavioral.

The image of a particular teacher combines individual, professional and age-related images. People around them make judgments about both the personal, age, gender, and purely professional qualities of the teacher.

In the structure of the image of a professional proposed by L.M. Mitina, external, procedural and internal components are identified.

External component includes facial expressions, gestures, timbre and strength of voice, costume, manners, gait.

The teacher's appearance, of course, can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or complicating pedagogical communication.

Appearance helps a teacher attract attention, create a positive attitude towards himself, and seem not only like a nice person, but also an excellent teacher. A teacher must win over students and adults with his entire appearance. You should always remember that children learn from adults, and above all from their favorite teacher, how to dress correctly. One of the main rules is manifested in the manner of dressing: looking beautiful means showing respect for the people around you. This means that such requirements for a person’s appearance help the teacher improve his professional image. Choosing the right clothes helps you achieve professional success. .Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are important components of the image. What and how the teacher says, whether he can attune a person to himself with words, what gestures and postures he demonstrates, what happens with facial expressions, how he sits, stands and walks - all this affects the perception of other people. A separate component of a teacher’s appearance carries its own meaning in the perception of students, but in each specific situation in a lesson it can be important or insignificant. In one case, facial expressions are important for a child, in another _ gesture, in the third - a teacher's costume.

In a situation whereappearance meaning the teacher becomes at the forefront of the conditions for first success, according to sociological research(according to V.M. Shepelya, 1997), only 19% of teachers are satisfied with their appearance. This is a problem that needs to be solved immediately! - calls V.M. Shepel.

To improve his professionalism, a teacher needs to pay attention to the ability to present himself to others in the most favorable way. It has been proven that a person receives 35% of information through verbal communication and 65% through non-verbal communication.

The internal correspondence of the image of the profession is the inner “I,” the leading component of the pedagogical image, since the ability to please and win over other people is a necessary quality in professional and personal contacts. It is equally important that the image does not diverge from the teacher’s internal attitudes and corresponds to his character and views. By creating his own image, the teacher thereby improves himself. The personal as something internal manifests itself through activity, in specific products of creativity. At the same time, activity acts as a facet of the transition of the personal internal into the external - productive. The internal image is, first of all, the culture of the teacher, spontaneity and freedom, charm, emotionality, play of imagination, grace, the reverse way of posing and solving problems, associative vision, unexpected bright moves in the lesson scenario, an internal mood for creativity, self-control in public conditions and many other components. External image is a playing technique and game presentation, special forms of expressing one’s attitude to the material, conveying one’s emotional attitude to reality, mastering the skill of self-presentation, leading students to game level, skillful direction of the entire course of the lesson. Professional activity, according to L.M. Mitina, revealed throughprocedural a component of the image, which is concretized by such forms of communication as professionalism, plasticity, expressiveness, etc. An emotionally rich teacher who knows the techniques of verbal and non-verbal expression of feelings and purposefully uses them... is able to enliven the lesson, make it expressive, and bring it closer to natural communication.

The term professional image of a teacher can be defined as the professional reputation of a teacher (the opinion of him as a professional), which develops as a result of communication with colleagues, students and their parents in the process of his professional activities. The professional image of the teacher and the culture of communication determine the strength of his authority, that is, generally recognized by the participants educational process, the significance of his personal and professional qualities and merits and the power of his influence based on this on the views and behavior of colleagues, students and their parents. The result of the increasing authority of the teacher’s personality is the recognition of his right to make decisions that are significant for students. The professional image of a teacher is subjective, changeable in nature and determines the readiness of others (participants in the educational process) to actin relation to the image bearer in a certain way. In this regard, the teacher must constantly strive to create and maintain his positive professional image.

The system-forming characteristics of a positive professional image of a teacher include a high level of formation of such personally and professionally significant features as:

an active, emotionally positive style of attitude towards students and a democratic style of pedagogical management of them;ROSYTHEORY

openness, complicity and assistance to each child, elevating his personality in the process of communication;

pedagogical skill;

unity of respect for the student’s personality and demands on him; culture of the teacher’s appearance (an appearance conducive to communication and a stylish suit corresponding to the status of the teacher and the communicative situation);

impeccability of manners (culture of speech and nonverbal communication, observance of etiquette);

spirituality, morality, erudition, interest in knowledge and the desire for self-improvement;

personality activity, sociability;

citizenship and patriotism;

commitment and accuracy in keeping promises and agreements (as a manifestation of duty and honor, discipline and mutual respect, a guarantee of reliability);

kindness - can be restrained, but always takes place in the behavior and tone of the teacher, sensitivity and social and communicative adaptability;

fairness, validity, businesslike and predominantly indirect nature of the requirements;

self-esteem and self-confidence;

pedagogical observation, pedagogical imagination, justice, exactingness and pedagogical tact;

tolerance based on recognition of the diversity of cultures and people,

autonomy and inviolability of the child’s personality, his right to free self-determination and self-realization, that is, the right to join such political, religious, moral ideas that he finds true and attractive;

emotional expressiveness and ability to manage your emotions;

creativity and ability to improvise;

responsibility for the child’s success at subsequent stages of his education;

cheerfulness and optimism;

artistry and sense of humor.

All of the listed components of a positive professional image and communication culture can be attributed to teachers teaching all ages

groups, although the significance of one or another component varies depending on the age group of students and the situation of pedagogical communication. In a number of cases, the absence or insufficient level of formation of any component of a teacher’s professional image, while the bearer of the image is serious about improving professional skills, can be compensated to one degree or another by others.

As a rule, in the process of assessing the professional image of a teacher, students are guided, first of all, by his personal, individually unique traits, and teachers - by purely professional skills. Significant discrepancies are also observed in the ratings of significant image characteristics of a teacher, built by teachers and students, for example, students place the well-groomed and stylish appearance of a teacher approximately in the third position, and teachers - in the eighth position.

The level of culture of pedagogical communication is of decisive importance for the formation of a teacher’s professional image and authority.

Pedagogical communication – this is a specific form of organizing interaction between a teacher and students. The main specific functions of pedagogical communication include:

informational (skillful application in practice of deep knowledge and a variety of methodological tools to ensure

optimal transfer of knowledge to students and their durable, meaningful assimilation by children);

mobilization (activation cognitive activity students, organizing their independent work, maintaining and developing children’s interest in learning, useful work and social work);

developmental (development of the student’s abilities, the personality as a whole, taking into account the individual psychological, gender, age and other characteristics of the students);

orientational (formation in students of culturally consistent value orientations, worldview principles, socially approved motives of behavior, active life position).

Communication with students of highly qualified successful teachers is characterized by:

the teacher’s confidence in the great capabilities of children’s intellect and the subordination of the entire educational process to this task (the intellectual richness of the lessons);

the desire to make maximum and comprehensive use of what is being studied

in-class material;

encouraging students to search different ways performing actions;

the positivity of the pedagogical requirements presented;

taking into account the socio-cultural characteristics of the student, knowledge of foreign cultural modes of communication, individual learning styles of the student (conditions, ways and methods of learning that the student prefers);

the ability to value perception of reality and convey it to students in an emotional and aesthetic form both at the semantic and psycho-physiological levels of contact (which ensures that children live a personal value attitude and develop in them value orientations, spirituality, the ability to empathize, and acquire skills to evaluate any phenomena and events on the basis of moral reason, the dialectical unity of the ethical and aesthetic in the assessment of all phenomena and events);

democratic style of pedagogical leadership.

The conditions for the effectiveness of pedagogical communication are the teacher’s knowledge and observance of the laws of communication, his desire for respectful and caring mentoring, for active creative co-creation with the student and for comprehending the communicative situation intellectually and emotionally.

In the process of communicating with students, the teacher intentionally and unintentionally continues himself in them, carrying out transformations of their personal meanings and motives of behavior that are significant for children. Pedagogical communication and interpersonal relationships between the teacher and students significantly influence emotional condition and the child’s attitude towards the educational subject, the learning process, educational institution, on

formation of a student body, development of the personality of schoolchildren, preparing them for subsequent independent adult life. This dictates the need to constantly improve the methods used by the teacher to influence, develop and stimulate the self-development of students, including in the aspect of reflection of the semiotic components of their own expression, as well as correction by the teacher and students of external technologies of self-presentation.

The teacher’s speech must comply with modern regulatory requirements. The teacher’s normative speech allows him to maintain communicative leadership in such active forms of professional speech as dialogue and monologue. The professional qualities of a teacher’s speech should include such properties of the voice as purity and clarity of timbre, euphony, flexibility, and flight. Good diction makes it possible for professional speech to become effective, that is, to encourage people to change - external and internal.

Thus, the teacher’s image contains the followingstructural components: individual and personal qualities, communication, features of professional activity and behavior.

Society, generating requirements for the professional image of a teacher, influences its content. But from generation to generation the following qualities of an ideal teacher remain unchanged:love for children, goodwill, sincerity, ability to communicate. A teacher who is in love with children and passionate about his work intuitively and consciously chooses those models of behavior that are most adequate to the dignity of children and their current needs. The image of such a teacher is impeccable, writes V.M. Shepel.


Often a teacher loses the authority of his subordinates because he is uninteresting as a person. And without interest in the personality of the teacher, there is no interest in the subject. Another thing is that subsequently interest in the teacher’s personality fades away, and interest in the subject flares up. Interest in the teacher’s personality is thus a means of activating interest in the subject. It is the students who give the energy of life to the teacher, and the teacher who gives the opening of “new horizons”. Therefore, the image of a teacher should be inspiring. No matter how professionally prepared a teacher is, he is simply obliged to improve his personal qualities, his professional qualities, thus creating his own image. How a teacher creates and thinks through his professional image will determine his professional relevance, professional suitability, professional satisfaction, professional success, professional competence.


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3. A.A. Kalyuzhny Technology of building a teacher’s image/Additional education, 1-2004