Sayings and aphorisms about a good mood They once again convince us of how important it is to be in an excellent mood throughout the day, month, year and entire life. Aphorisms and sayings about a good mood talk about the role of a positive attitude in building your own success. Let's read.

« When, due to circumstances, the balance of the spirit is disturbed, restore your composure as quickly as possible and do not remain in a depressed mood for too long, otherwise nothing can be done to help you. The habit of restoring harmony will improve you." Aurelius M.

« If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first." Spinoza B.

« They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No, success comes to those who get up in a good mood.” Ashar M.

« I began to seriously analyze how important it is to have a positive attitude. I often asked myself questions: why you, Arnold? How did you win Mr. Universe just five years after you started training? Other people also asked me the same questions. I began to look for the difference between me and other bodybuilders. And the main difference was that all the other bodybuilders did not think “I WILL BE A WINNER.” They never allowed themselves to think in such terms.» Arnold Schwarzenegger

« A good mood is kindness and wisdom together." Meredith O.

« Positive attitude- ability catalyst." Shevelev I.

« Control your mood, for if it does not obey, it commands." Horace

« To be in a good mood is to inflict torment on your envious people." Diogenes

« Do not succumb to vulgar mood swings. Great is he who is not subject to whims." Gracian y Morales B.

« The best decoration in life is a good mood." Batievsky A.

« A good mood is the best tie.” Rojek

« The one who finally succumbs to the hopeless black mood throws out the white flag of unconditional surrender." Grishankov A.

« Positive mood makes all things bearable." Beecher G.

« Dejection and bad spirits are not only painful for others, but also contagious..." Tolstoy L.

« Gloomy mood is a blank wall between us and the rest of the world." Fisher W.

« Success is a good mood.” Mozgovoy V.

« The most effective medicine for physical health there is a cheerful and cheerful mood of spirit." Bostrom K.

« A bad mood is one of the varieties of laziness

« Catch a good mood - it visits us so rarely." Goethe I.

« What mood will you wake up in and the day will be like this.»

« What episode we remember from the past, this becomesmood." Ramishvili S.

« The events of your life directly depend on your mood." Amos W.


« Yes, I am the master of the mood!.. But he has a different opinion." Karpin Yu.

« I wanted to lift my spirits and got over it." Tsitkin A.

« In life, a bad mood should be expressed by a thoughtful mood, bow lips, meaningful sighs, melancholy in the gaze, lack of appetite and sexual desire, tears, lying on the bed, sniffling nose into the pillow." Ilyichev A.

« Probably only in our country, if you fall and break your leg, you will cheer up random passers-by." Vlasenko V.

« The mood needs to be adjusted! Muravyova O.

« The most the best remedy to treat mood - joke injection or money potion

« It all depends on my mood. If you are in the mood, you lie on the couch with enthusiasm. Well, if you’re not in the mood, then you lie on the couch without any inspiration

« A subtle relationship: the higher the mood level rises, the lower the level of liquid in the bottle falls." Tatarkin Yu.

« Mood can be high or low." Tsitkin A.

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"Good afternoon!" – we hear this phrase every day and don’t even think about its meaning. Sometimes we are in a bad mood and it seems to us that the day is not only good, it is simply terrible. This is a deep misconception and a gross mistake. The day cannot be bad, if only because we have the opportunity to live it. And all sorts of troubles are just a reason to make us stronger, wiser and more experienced. Let's spend today in a good mood, and let the quotes and sayings from our selection help us with this!

Sometimes it seems to us that days are just gray everyday life. In fact, everything is in our hands and at any moment we can “color” everyday life with colorful paints. For this you need very little. Sometimes it’s enough to look out the window and admire nature, go for a walk in the park, call to a loved one or just say “I love you!” and hear in response “I love you too!” Every new day is a great opportunity to change yourself and your life, it’s a reason to become happier than yesterday.

Every person has special days, unlike others, those that are remembered for a lifetime. This could be the day of your first declaration of love, prom, a wedding day, a baby's birthday, or just the day we discovered a new writer or tried a special coffee that has since become a habit.


Think about the fact that this day will never come again. (D. Aligeri)

Therefore, take advantage of every opportunity and live every day as if it would never come...

Let the hours of oblivion flow by,
I eliminated sadness and joy;
The time of healing is near,
Believe again in the radiance of the day! (Goethe)

Believe that the new day will bring you happiness!

One day followed another, but I didn’t know that this was life. (S. Johansson)

What a day, every minute is also life...

If the morning was good, it means the day will be successful. (G. Palych)

Wake up in a good mood, and you are guaranteed a good day!

Days are better when you put on an open and welcoming face. (Kramar)

The days will get better when you want them to.

Use every day to increase love and kindness. (S. Adelaja)

Commit every day good deeds, and there will be no place for evil in life.

One must look at the day as a small life. (M. Gorky)

Every day needs to be loved and accepted as it turned out to be.

Every day you have to do something that scares you, and you will change in better side very fast. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Then you will definitely become stronger!

Always enjoy every day. Anyone, as soon as a splash of light! Because you never know which of them will be the last in life. (Eduard Asadov)

Don't put anything off until tomorrow, it may not come.


Don’t forget to thank the Lord for every day you live, because He doesn’t forget to wake you up every morning!

Thank God for today, He will give you tomorrow.

It doesn't matter how many days there are in your life. What matters is how much life there is in your days.

Let not a single day in your life become an abyss.

The day you have lived can no longer be exchanged or corrected, but this is a chance for tomorrow new plan make up...

Every day gives us experience and gives us the opportunity to correct mistakes.

Let every day begin with a smile!
With wonderful words and sun outside the window!
Wishes and dreams come true!
Happiness and good luck come to the house!

How you start your day is how you will spend it!

Smile more often at the new day, and don’t forget to tell your loved ones: “I love you!”

Meet every new day with a smile and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings!

May the new day bring a ray of sunshine,
Brave smiles, an island of happiness.
And let, one day, a goldfish
It will sink your fishing float.

Every new day is a reason to make your dreams come true.

A day is a small life, and you have to live it as if you were supposed to die now, and you were unexpectedly given another day.

Never put anything off until the next day, do everything today!

You can enjoy life only when life itself allows it. And anyone who says that he enjoys life every day is either lying or doesn’t understand anything.

You don't need permission to rejoice!

Remember, the day spent today cannot be exchanged or returned!

The day you live is part of life, and you cannot complain about it.

Sometimes it seems that life is difficult, but remember one thing: after every dark night the day is coming!

If it’s difficult to live, it means you’re living in the wrong environment...

Each person has at least ten opportunities to change their life during the day. Success comes to those who know how to use them.

A new day is already an opportunity to change something...

A happy day is almost a miracle.

And in general, the day itself, whether it is happy or with a drop of sadness, is a miracle.

If you don’t expect the day to be important, then it’s lost.

Take every day as important, because it is a reason to change your life for the better.

Every day he proudly wears a hat in the shape of the sun on one side.

Sometimes, it seems, the day completely forgets to put it on...)

Every day you live is a step into the future.

In order for the future to be bright, every day needs to be like this...

The next day is the student of the previous day.

Sometimes there are intermediate days, so to speak, time to work on mistakes...

Everyday life confronts us with periodic problems at work, which are sometimes difficult to solve without a sense of humor. That is why you need to have a couple of funny aphorisms in reserve that will completely defuse the stop.

  • Tapping on the keyboard does not mean controlling the joystick.
  • The programmer is sleeping - work is in progress.
  • System administrators don't die - they go offline.
  • I am a politician and I know how to send people so that they will look forward to the journey with pleasure.
  • Users social networks and those who like to play “Klondike” at work have greatly developed the ability of lateral vision and quick reaction.
  • Give me a point of support, I’ll at least lie down there (analogy with “I’ll turn the Earth upside down”)
  • The boss wants to find a wizard, but he only gets storytellers.
  • If management disagrees with you, then immediately explain why you are wrong.
  • Don't agree with the team? Become the boss. Let them try to disagree with you.
  • Russia is an amazing country. Everywhere they work to get a bonus, but here they work so as not to lose it.
  • The boss is always right, because this unique person decides to take a courageous act: to voice with his mouth the decision made by the back seat.
  • A woman has two options: get married successfully and not work, or find a job that doesn’t require getting married.
  • The best corporate party is the one after which, when each colleague enters, everyone applauds and hoots in unison.
  • They either say good things about their bosses or they talk about other jobs.
  • The first vacation is when you relax yourself, the second is when you are your boss.

It won't be difficult to cheer up your colleagues easily. And you will also become a great comedian, which is priceless in a team. After all, finding friends and like-minded people is priceless, and that’s why it’s worth using cool phrases to lift the mood in the team.

How to make others laugh

If you want to become the life of the party, then you will need eloquence in your arsenal interesting sayings about life to lift your spirits. They can be used in absolutely different situations and easily juggle expressions in dialogues with others. What encouraging phrases with a slight touch of irony and humor can be used?

  • Does your wife refuse to talk in the morning? Rejoice, the corporate party was a success.
  • A man should have great family, so that he would happily return home and a terrible mother-in-law, so that he would hurry to return to work.
  • Small children in the back seat cause accidents, and accidents in the back seat cause small children.
  • And why aren't women like dogs? They understand everything, but they can’t say it.
  • What goes around is never found again.
  • With alcohol you need to know when to stop, otherwise you might end up drinking less.
  • I know my limit, but will you drink it?
  • — What does a child lack in his body if he eats plasticine? - Brains!
  • We are frightened by clients who are interested in how to get to our car dealership by bus from the metro station. After all, they are interested in Gelendvagen.
  • You have to work for a stingy person, he pays twice.
  • Drinking tap water is harmful, but an apple washed with it is immediately bacteria-free.
  • To print photos of winter St. Petersburg, you just need to have a black and white printer on hand.
  • Life experience comes only with bastards.
  • Millionaires earn hundreds of times more than me, but the tax authorities are only interested in me. Apparently there are problems with delivery.
  • Does your grandmother let you go for walks without a hat in the winter? Check, apparently she is not your family.
  • The alarm clock is like the sound of a gunshot. Most lie as if killed.
  • -Good afternoon, we are coming to you from St. Petersburg. Well, there’s no point in making threats right out of the gate.
  • If your boyfriend doesn’t go out with friends, doesn’t interrupt, is with you all the time, then poke him with a shelf - he’s probably dead.
  • If before work you look at the opposite sex with pleasure, but after that you don’t, it means that the intimacy was somewhere in the middle.
  • When on Monday the boss says: “Well, let’s get to work!”, the main thing is not to think that this is a toast.

Use your humor to add something of your own to the suggested phrases. It is quite possible that in the company you will be valued precisely for improvised jokes and understanding of other people’s moods; and very soon your statements will be quoted. Sometimes with one word or sentence you can establish contact in a team, if you bring a genuine smile to people’s faces.

Laughter is the solution to all problems

Even when you feel tension in the team or are very depressed yourself, it is enough to remember positive thoughts to lift your spirits, and everything around will sparkle with new colors. And if you are positive, you can give a charge of positive energy to everyone who is near you.

  • Do you want to enjoy life? So live and be happy about it.
  • Fate often throws us back a step, but this is only a running start before a big leap.
  • It’s nice to think that I’m also a rake in someone’s fate.
  • You need to dream about what you are forbidden to even think about.
  • They said you were born to crawl? Rejoice, you are one of those people who will never do shit from above.
  • Always go towards your dreams. Tired of walking? Crawl. There is no strength to crawl, but at least lie down and lie towards your dreams.
  • I have a conscience! I spend it rationally.
  • I fell ill with a good mood. I don’t even think about getting treatment, let everyone else get infected.
  • Is every damn lumpy? So sculpt cool lumps.
  • The dark streak of my life will only come from the best chocolate.
  • If life is a series of black and white, then I intend to stop at white and go along.
  • Only the one who doesn’t lie when asked: “How are you?” is happy.
  • Happiness just doesn’t come, I’ll go and step on it myself.
  • I want a miracle! Do not offer yogurt!
  • If a man leaves you, do not hold him back, but ask him to throw out the trash on the way.
  • And wherever I went. I didn’t go to the Maldives, I didn’t go to Cyprus, I didn’t even go to Greece. I'm thinking about where to go this year.
  • Why did you decide that I am vindictive? I have quite bad memory, you have to write everything down.
  • Previously, if a girl met a guy with a cool car, she knew that he had money, but now that he has a loan.
  • Dad, I ask you, when he asks for my hand, just say that you don’t mind. Don't hug him and call him your savior!
  • My parents said it was time for me to live alone. Well, I collected their things and am waiting.
  • It’s clear in my cat’s eyes that I’m the one living in her apartment and it seems like it’s time for me to move out.
  • I like that you are not sick with me... I don’t like that you are sick in life.
  • Came home. My husband cooked dinner and cleaned the apartment. I thought I had messed up something, but no, the computer was broken.
  • Are you trying to spit in my back? Great, that means I'm ahead.
  • Look for the positive in everything. They're putting out a fire in your apartment above you, so it's time to throw a foam party.

It’s not difficult to remember words and phrases for every day to surprise your friends, colleagues or family. But you will be the star of the program at any party and gatherings. Of course, you shouldn’t say them out of place, but it’s easy to wait for the right moment to amaze others.

Always joke about everything

Sometimes even laconic sarcasm will not cause dissatisfaction. A subtle joke on someone will only add zest to your humor. It is worth remembering that this can only be done in the company of close friends. People you don't know well won't appreciate your impulse. But any positive statements addressed to someone will always go off with a bang. Aphorisms to lift your spirits will become the reason for your popularity.

Funny phrases to lift your spirits, short and long, that you should keep for yourself:

  • I'm a cat and I don't care what mice think about me.
  • I was not noticed in connections that discredit me. – Were there no such connections? - What are you, you just weren’t noticed.
  • Even if I fall face first into the mud, it will be healing.
  • Horseradish is a very educated plant, because it knows everything.
  • All poisonings begin with the words: “Nothing will happen to this in the refrigerator.”
  • Everyone has a hobby. Some people collect stamps, others collect ship models. My husband has been assembling a wardrobe from Ikea for three years.
  • We just ran and jumped around construction sites as children, and now we do parkour.

You can easily find and come up with many witty, positive statements for every day, if you look at it with humor the world. In every problem, even the most serious, one can find something curious and funny. The main thing is not to lose heart, then it will become easier to worry.

Status is an epigraph that can be applied to life. This is subtle humor, a witty and “caustic” phrase. The status can be optimistic or pessimistic, philosophical or naively stupid.

If you set for example sad status in contact, then people may think that you are a pessimist or maybe disappointed in life. Funny status will make others smile and make your friends smile. Therefore it is best to write funny aphorisms that will give people joy. We present to your attention selection best statuses about a good mood that will become sources of goodness and optimism!

  • It happens that an ordinary smile can provide a good mood for the whole day; at that time one offensive word can ruin your mood for a whole week!
  • Who it best friend- this is the one who will always forget about his good mood if suddenly you are in a bad mood.
  • The one who laughs the longest is the one who inhales the deepest.
  • If you want things to work out, put it in New Year's Eve chocolate under your pillow when you wake up covered in chocolate!
  • You shouldn’t take life to heart; unfortunately, no one has ever come out of it alive!
  • What a good mood is when you pee while dancing.
  • A cup of coffee to lift your spirits. Chocolate - eating bad luck. Bitterly sweet taste tested for a long time, it seems to whisper: “Everything will be all right.”
  • Chocolate really improves your mood, up to a certain point until you want to step on the scale.
  • The secret of success in life is to always be in a good mood, the most important step to failure is to be a hostage to your bad mood.
  • My mood is like a mirror. Smile, be friendly, kind and I will certainly answer you in the same way!
  • If you meet a face without a smile, then smile!
  • The end is when your body is cold and your arms are crossed on your chest, if this is not the case, then everything is fine!
  • You shouldn’t wait for a feeling of happiness to laugh, otherwise you risk dying without ever laughing.
  • An emo girl sat on a pipe, dreamed of death, grieved over fate, well: the pipe explodes... Gazprom, your dreams come true!
  • Now everyone great mood! They brought polyethylene with pimples to our office, and all our work was covered with a copper basin.
  • In women, and men too, a good mood can often be transmitted exclusively through sexual contact.
  • How wonderful it is when you don't drink, I feel great, the mood is just super, there’s more than enough energy, you know, life is worth living, and suddenly a thought creeps into your head: maybe we should have a beer?
  • If you dream that fate will turn its face to you and smile, first you need to give it a good mood!
  • Are you doing great? The sun is shining brightly, you are in a great mood, you are going on vacation to the sea... Then we are already coming to you (critical days)!
  • Do you know what the main decoration in life is? Your good mood!
  • I lend you a good mood. The percentage is high!
  • If you are in a good mood, catch it and never let go!
  • I’m in such a good mood that I don’t want to remember the past or think about the future!
  • What's your mood? Beautiful? What are your plans for the evening? I need to disinfect my soul. For what? Because my great mood in fact - “I feel bad.”
  • You just need to throw the past into the trash, download yourself a good mood, and then just start your new life.
  • Do you know what makes men and women very attractive? Smile and good mood!
  • Change settings: Good mood (100%), optimistic attitude (100%), constant mode - smile, default - life is good!
  • Whatever happens in your life, pretend that everything is exactly as you planned.
  • Nothing makes a woman look better than a good mood. At the same time, it is cheaper than any jewelry.
  • If you got up in the morning, you got off on the wrong foot. Don’t even try to spoil the mood of others!
  • So what if I was fired from my job, it doesn’t matter that my wife left for someone else, it doesn’t matter that the doctor found worms in me. The most important thing is that no one can ruin my mood!
  • Although you can’t buy a good mood in a store, other purchases do a great job of lifting your spirits!

I'm in a musical mood today, I don't care!

I'm in such a good mood that I'm ready to ruin it for anyone!

My soul is open to everyone, but I arrange excursions only for a select few...

Normal healthy man, presenter correct image life, gets up at six thirty in the morning in the most disgusting mood.

To be in a good mood is to cause torment to your envious people.

I wanted to lift my spirits and got over it.

We evaluate everything that fate sends us depending on our mood.

When cats scratch your soul, everything goes down the drain.

Pouring cold water gives you a good mood... Moreover, it doesn’t matter who you pour on...

Untranslated aphorisms about mood

There is always a friend who will spoil a bad mood!

I won’t be easier and you don’t have to reach out to me!

Today I’m in such a mood that I want to tell people what I really think about them, but good upbringing doesn’t allow it.

Stunning untranslated aphorisms about mood

The most effective medicine for physical health is a cheerful and spirited mood.

They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No - success comes to those who get up in a good mood.

Beauty changes your mood.

A wonderful life begins with wonderful thoughts!

The spring wind carries the smell of happiness!

As soon as I find the keys to happiness, someone changes all the locks.

Tell me what sentiments prevail in the minds of young people, and I will tell you the character of the next generation.

The woman shines - the whole house shines, the woman is gloomy - the whole house is plunged into darkness.

If you want life to smile at you, first give it your good mood.

Success is a good mood.

Yesterday I went with the flow. Boring!!! Today I'm rowing back...

A good mood makes us attractive.

Lack of mood is compensated by presence of spirit.

Even if there is no reason to laugh... laugh for credit)))

A good mood does not come from a good life, but from good attitude To her.

Funny untranslated aphorisms about mood

To cheer me up, all you need to do is raise my salary...)))

I will lend you a good mood, at interest.

Tears are not a woman’s weapon, her weapon is a sincere smile.

Is our peace of mind or confusion depend not so much on major events in our life, how much depends on the successful or unpleasant combination of everyday little things for us.

A woman’s mood changes so quickly that she herself cannot keep up with it. She no longer loves, but is still jealous... She has already forgiven, but she still swears...

A kiss has an anti-stress effect, calms the nerves, and improves mood. Kiss more often!

There is such weather when making the bed is completely pointless...

Household chores help relieve stress. She took out a chicken, called it Sasha, and told him everything... and cut it all off. And then I looked closer and thought: “Why the hell do I need such a plucked one? For the soup!”)))

A light knock was heard... It was the mood that dropped...

Women don't have it, they only have the mood!

I was born with a good mood and by death it becomes better.

A smile is such an interesting curve that can straighten out a lot of things.

Lucky untranslated aphorisms about mood

They sent me an emoticon one evening. So cute, blinking one eye. Accidentally sent. For some reason, this accident improved my mood. I went to bed in good spirits, woke up and remembered a random emoticon. He smiled and left for work with a smile. With a smile, I read the report on the truant, and accidentally decided not to fire, but to believe last time and forgive. And the truant gratefully fulfilled his daily quota. And he left home in a good mood. I made peace with my wife. They went to bed and accidentally conceived a child. Great Hockey Player. Or the Artist. Or the Smiley Maker. And he made up a smiley face. So cute. And he sent it to someone - completely by accident...

Don’t yearn for impossible happiness, rejoice in the misfortune that never happened.

When there are no reasons for a bad mood, it means they will soon be.

When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness.

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood!

When, due to circumstances, the balance of the spirit is disturbed, restore your composure as quickly as possible and do not remain in a depressed mood for too long, otherwise nothing can be done to help you. The habit of restoring harmony will improve you.

The weather can affect your mood, and your mood can affect the weather in your home.

It's terribly annoying when the person who ruined your mood asks: “Did something happen?”

Happiness is a mood in which we are filled with pleasant thoughts most of the time.

Often your mood depends on who is next to you, some people like energy vampires, suck positive emotions out of you, rewarding you with apathy and negativity in return...

If you want your mood to always be good, just don’t let anyone spoil it!

Cheer yourself up on a dull, gray winter Friday - write a vacation application with colorful markers!

If cats are scratching your soul, don’t hang your nose, the time will come when they will purr loudly with happiness!

Serious untranslated aphorisms about mood

When I'm sad and to cheer myself up, I paint my nails... to a sleeping person : D

When will the time come when I start waking up in the morning, and not resurrecting?

He was so gloomy that even thoughts stopped visiting him.

Probably everyone has a person who, after talking for 5 minutes, remains in a good mood for the whole day...

Amputation is the best remedy for getting up on the wrong foot.

There is such a sign: the better your mood, the faster it will be ruined.

Do not succumb to vulgar mood swings - the one who is not subject to whims is great.

Bring a good mood with you and please those who are going to spoil it.

A good mood is the best tie.

If you can't smile bad weather, then you won’t even see her in a good mood, because she won’t even have a reason to smile back at you.

A good mood is a magnet for good luck!

Don't be upset about the missing shine on your nails - the main thing is that it remains in your eyes!

Vitaly came home wearing this bad mood that his wife, not knowing what he wanted more now, lay down naked in the dumplings.