As a rule, a weight loss training program for women involves a progressive, that is, gradual increase in load. This happens due to the fact that the number of repetitions and approaches gradually increases. A program designed for weight loss, in addition to everything else, improves metabolism, activates the immune system and significantly increases the overall tone of the body.

Today there are a great variety of methods and programs: you can train 4 days a week and rest three, you can train every other day or every day. There are also a variety of exercise techniques that are aimed at burning fat, strengthening muscle tissue, and shaping problem areas of the body. Experts advise training in sports club, fitness center, gym. The advantages of such classes are obvious - the help and control of a professional trainer, increased motivation for classes, because there will be more people around slim figures as an example to follow. In addition, specialized centers have a lot of equipment that helps you quickly lose weight and “sculpt” your figure. However, there is an option for training in a more intimate setting, that is, a workout program for losing weight at home, which involves more high level self-discipline and a minimum set of items - a jump rope, a fitness ball and small dumbbells.

Principles of training.

  • If you are performing exercises with a load (weight), you need to choose the weight so that it makes the last two repetitions of the intended movement difficult. If you choose too heavy weight(dumbbells), you will not be able to perform the exercise with the required technique, but if the weight is insufficient, there will be no result. How to determine weight? Using a small sports “experiment”: the plan is 12 repetitions, but you don’t get too tired and can do 14-15, therefore, the weight needs to be increased.
  • Between approaches (sets) you need to take very short, but mandatory breaks (30-40 seconds each), this way the high pace of the workout will be maintained, and the body will get a short break.
  • A weight loss training program is impossible without warming up. Unprepared, “cold” muscles are often subject to injury, just as unprepared ligaments are susceptible to sprains. Therefore, before starting the main exercises, you need to “warm up” for at least 10 minutes, and after finishing the workout you should also let your muscles calm down, that is, move a little, reducing the pace.
  • A weight loss training program should improve your health, and not expose it to risks, therefore, if you have a chronic or exacerbated disease, you should consult with your doctor before starting a training program. In addition, when practicing under the guidance of a trainer or independently, you must strictly adhere to the chosen technique and its rules.
  • It should be remembered that not even the most fashionable method excludes adherence to a diet and the rules of reasonable nutrition.

Strength training program for weight loss

How long does a strength training program for weight loss last? The basic course is a cycle of classes lasting three to four months. Then you need a two-week break and repeat the main course, but with a heavier load. The break can be a month, it all depends on what results you want to achieve. A long “vacation” can be given to the muscles in the summer, and classes can be resumed in the fall.

A strength training program for weight loss is all about precise adherence to technique and the ability to “listen” to your body and muscles.

The first stage of training lasts from 2 to 4 weeks, when Weight Limit dumbbells or other equipment, in total - no more than 6-8 kilograms. The task is to transform the exercise into automaticity and teach your muscles to be in good shape.

The second stage is to increase the weight by 25-30% and gradually increase repetitions and sets. Peak load is the 4th week from the start of training. This is certainly stressful for both the body and nervous system However, this increase in effort is mild and beneficial stress. It is this kind of shake-up that will neutralize excess calories and fat deposits.

A strength training program for weight loss includes three sessions per week that last 50-60 minutes. In addition, during the time period of each lesson, you need to include time for warming up and “cooling down”. Warm-up involves light exercises for all muscles of the body, starting from the top, ending calf muscles legs Be sure to warm up your tendons and joints with rotations and swings. Stretching is appropriate after finishing a workout, as this is when the muscle tissue needs to gradually calm down.

An option that involves a strength training program for weight loss, designed for three days:

First day:

  • Squats - 5 sets of forty times. Please note that your legs should be shoulder-width apart, your feet should be parallel to each other, and your arms should move forward along with the load while squatting.
  • Straight crunches (pulling the shoulder girdle to the pelvis), with the feet resting on the bench - 2 sets of 30 times. Make sure that the range of motion is not too large, because then the hip muscles and joints will work, and not the abdominal muscles. Crunches are one of the most effective exercises offered by the training program for losing weight on the sides and abs.
  • Lifting legs bent at the knees, sitting on a bench, arms with a load at the top – 1 set, 50 lifts.
  • Shallow squats, legs slightly narrower than the width of your shoulders, back straight, arms going forward to squat - 3 sets of 35-40 times.
  • Classic deadlift - one set, 40 reps. The row is carried out from a position where your knees are slightly bent, your feet are shoulder-width apart, and your back should be kept straight. The weight of the bar (load) in the first days should not exceed 1/10 of your weight (80 kilograms of your weight - no more than 8 kilograms of devices). This weight seems small, but the number of times it is lifted more than compensates for the apparent lightness.
  • Lifting on your toes, arms spread horizontally to the sides while lifting – one approach, 50 times. This exercise is the most effective of all that the training program for losing weight offers.
  • Straight twisting - one set, 30-40 times until fatigue.

Second day:

  • Classic deadlift - four sets of 35-40 reps.
  • Straight twisting - two sets of 35-40 times.
  • Reverse crunches, which work on the abdominal muscle tissue when the pelvis is pulled towards the shoulders, and not vice versa, as in simple crunches. The position is horizontal, hands are gripping the bench at the head, legs are bent. Make sure that the amplitude is small and that each time the lower back is first pressed against the plane and then pulled away from it with a twisting jerk. One set of 35-40 reps.
  • Medium foot position, shallow squats - two sets of 40 reps.
  • Bent over row. To avoid injury, make sure your knees are slightly bent and your back is not rounded. – one set of 35-40 approaches.
  • Simple straight crunches – 35-40 times, one approach.
  • Reverse crunch, 35-40 times, one approach.
  • Exercises to develop the pectoral muscles – bench press, close grip. Three sets of 25-30 reps.
  • Deadlift – three sets of 30 reps.
  • Calf raises – two sets of 35-40 reps.
  • Straight twist - as much as you can.

The third day:

  • In a lying position, press, wide grip – three sets of 20 reps.
  • Straight crunch – 2 sets, 30 reps.
  • Leg turns with effort - three sets, 20 times.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, squats - two approaches, 40 times.
  • Bent-over rows – two sets of 30 reps.
  • Straight crunch – one set, 40 times.
  • Leg twists – two sets of 20-25 times.
  • Bench press, in a lying position, narrow grip - three sets of 30 times.
  • Deadlift – two sets of 35-40 reps.
  • Calf raises – 2 sets of 35-40 reps.
  • Straight twisting - as much as you can.

The weight loss training program can also be designed for two sessions per week, when you need to perform only 10 exercises during the workout, alternating between two of the three proposed options. Please note that the most effective training program for losing weight on the buttocks, training program for losing weight on the sides, thighs, abdomen and other problem areas operates in the presence of a professional trainer, who can either add or limit the load. In addition, the gym has very useful exercise equipment that you will not find at home.

Weight loss workout program for women

A complex aimed at losing weight can be short-term, when you only need to correct your figure, for example, remove the “breeches” or the so-called “ears”. Then a specific complex comes to the rescue - a training program for losing weight on the thighs, which fulfills the task. If you need to tighten your figure as a whole, exercises are selected as varied as possible and the process itself lasts at least a month.

Workout program for quick weight loss

This complex is designed to achieve fairly stable results in a short time. Fat deposits literally “melt away” provided that you work out in a specialized gym under the guidance of a qualified trainer. Working in gyms, in principle, is always more effective, since there is a moment of active motivation, control on the part of the program manager, and in the company of the program participants, competing, it is much more interesting and the desired result is achieved faster.

A training program for losing weight at home requires the availability of sports equipment and exercise equipment; if they are available, then it is enough to study basic course under the guidance of a trainer, and then continue to practice at home.

The complex includes a training program for losing weight on the buttocks, a training program for losing weight on the thighs, and a training program for losing weight on the stomach and legs. The proposed course consists of aerobic exercises on various specialized cardio equipment, designed for a month of training.

  • You should not exercise for more than 4-5 minutes on each simulator. You can increase the time after a week, and this should be done gradually over a month.
  • Before starting a workout, you need a mandatory warm-up to warm up your muscles.
  • During training, you need to take short breaks of 1-2 minutes, during which you can take a sip of water. The liquid should be drunk in small sips, but no more than one liter during an hour-long workout. Experts recommend drinking a glass of still water before starting exercise, and 100-150 ml of liquid every 15-20 minutes during training. After exercise, you also need to drink for the next two hours to restore moisture lost during sweating.
  • Change exercise machines immediately, without long breaks, alternating between a treadmill, a stepper and a bicycle ergometer.

Training program for fast weight loss fits in a small table in which there is an indicator - load level. The level is indicated in a ten-point measurement, where the highest division should correspond to the highest heart rate. The maximum indicator is calculated simply: 220 minus age. For example, 220-28=192. If a load corresponding to 5 points is indicated, then it is designed for half the maximum, 6 and 7 points - 60 and 70% of the maximum, and so on. Any gym has cardio equipment equipped with heart rate and pulse sensors, making it quite easy to control the level of exercise intensity. The workout takes about 20-30 minutes, it is better to do it twice a day, then in just one month you will notice how your figure has tightened and the weight has begun to go away.

Laysan Utyasheva's training program for weight loss

The weight loss training program for women, compiled by a professional gymnast, world champion and multiple European champion, is obviously one of the most effective and popular methods used by women to improve their figure. The peculiarity of Laysan Utyasheva’s training program for weight loss is special clothing that helps to achieve quick and lasting results. This is thermal clothing that creates a “sauna” effect, helping to effectively remove fat deposits in problem areas. If there is no opportunity to purchase such workwear, Laysan offers a simple solution: an anti-cellulite agent is applied to the body (hips, buttocks, sides), then the problem areas are wrapped with regular cling film. The uniform for training can be any comfortable, the main thing is that it is made of cotton material. It is mandatory, as in all other methods, to warm up, after which the exercises are performed on a special gymnastic mat. The proposed complex is essentially a training program for losing weight at home, it is so simple, effective, and also does not require special sports equipment.

Laysan Utyasheva's training program for weight loss, brief description:

  • Starting position – sitting on the mat, legs stretched, buttocks tightened. Bend backwards at an angle of 40-45 degrees. You need to perform 8-10 bends back.
  • While sitting, leg raises are performed, first in turn, each 8-10 times. Afterwards, both legs are raised 8-10 times. Make sure your socks are pulled out as far as possible.
  • While sitting on the mat, you need to raise your legs one by one, but the leg is extended according to the “scissors” principle. Repeat with each leg 8 times. Then perform “scissors” 8-10 times, keeping your legs at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
  • Starting position: lying on your stomach. The body is raised 40-45 degrees, hands behind the head at the back of the head. Leg movements are performed 8-10 times, similar to what you did while sitting on the mat. This is actually a training program for losing weight on your legs and a training program for losing weight on your buttocks.
  • The next series is a workout program for losing weight on the sides and a workout program for losing weight on the thighs. Lying on your back, legs slightly bent, feet resting on the floor, hands behind your head. The body is raised with an amplitude of no more than 30-40 degrees, repeated 8-10 times.
  • Exercises for the waist are the well-known crunches. The body rises completely, alternately approaching the right, then the left knee. Repeat 15-18 times.

Training program for losing belly fat, name and sequence.

  • Lifting the body and bending from the “lying on your back” position with your arms extended back. Bends alternately to each leg, repeats up to 20 times. The goal is to work out the small abdominal muscles.
  • Lifting the pelvis with an upward push from the “lying on your back” position, with your knees bent and your feet resting on the floor. The goal is to work the large abdominal muscles.
  • Lifting the body up with a push from a “lying on your back” position with your legs extended, your toes pointed and your arms pulled back. The goal is to work the upper abdominal muscles. Repeats up to 20 times.
  • Lifting the body from the “lying on the left side” position, legs crossed (right leg on top), hands behind the head. Repeats up to 20 times.
  • Lifting the body with a push upward from the “lying on your stomach” position, legs straight, arms extended.
  • Lifting the body from the “lying on the right side” position, legs crossed (left leg on top), hands behind the head. Repeats up to 20 times.

The famous gymnast also has more complex complexes designed for “advanced” fitness enthusiasts; in addition, there are videos that clearly demonstrate examples of exercises. However, a workout program for weight loss at home is no less effective, provided it is carried out regularly and you want to lose weight.

Nutrition program for weight loss

A strength training program for losing weight, a training program for quick weight loss, and a training program for losing weight at home are inconceivable without following the rules of rational nutrition. Compliance following principles will help you quickly lose weight and “sculpt” a figure that others will admire:

Don't eat too much before training. Meals should be eaten at least two hours before the start of classes.

  • Fasting before training is also inappropriate. In order for classes to be effective, the body needs energy, which means it needs carbohydrates. It is useful to “recharge” with buckwheat and oatmeal two hours before starting physical activity. A small portion of salad, dressed vegetable oil and fruits (except grapes and bananas) for dessert will allow you to get enough and get the necessary nutrients. The total volume of a serving of porridge should not exceed 250 grams, 100 grams of salad is enough, and 1 apple or 1 orange is preferable for fruit. If training takes place in the early morning hours, you can recharge your energy with the help of fruit salad, eaten 30 minutes before class.
  • A nutrition program for weight loss involves drinking a sufficient amount of fluid, the task of which is to remove toxins and harmful deposits. If you are actively involved in training, cocoa will help saturate the body and at the same time strengthen the heart muscle, no more than 2 cups per day with minimum quantity Sahara. Also effective in promoting weight loss green tea without added sugar, a mixture of green tea with honey and lemon is especially effective. If you decide to lose weight, healthy drink should always be at hand, that is, you can carry it with you in a small container and drink it in small sips every half hour.
  • Losing weight will be beneficial and the results will be sustainable if you combine a weight loss nutrition program and a weight loss workout program. Therefore, the diet should contain protein products, which are able to saturate the body, bring required quantity energy. Foods such as low-fat cottage cheese, boiled poultry meat (breasts), egg whites (omelettes and soufflés), boiled sea ​​fish and squid. Green salads with vegetable oil will complement the diet essential vitamins and microelements, but salt and sugar should be limited as much as possible.

The weight loss nutrition program involves one day of fasting per week; during this period, it is recommended to consume the following foods to choose from:

  • 1 liter of low-fat kefir and 0.5 liters of non-carbonated mineral water.
  • 2 glasses of orange juice (preferably fresh), 1 liter of still mineral water and one boiled egg.
  • 200 grams of green salad (in two doses), two apples and 1.5 liters of still mineral water.
  • 200 grams of buckwheat porridge (in two doses), 2 oranges and 1.5 liters of green tea.

A weight loss training program is a way to start shaping your figure well in advance of your arrival. beach season when you really want to show off your toned abs and thin waist. It doesn’t matter which training program you use for quick weight loss, you will get results within a month. Moreover, famous figure shaping specialist Arnold Schwarzenegger claims that muscles need to be “surprised”, that is, periodically change exercise techniques. The choice of methods is wide, the main thing is to have motivation and a certain amount of perseverance.

Even daily physical exercise exercise in the gym will be ineffective for weight loss if not accompanied by well-chosen nutrition. This separate topic, it is vast and complex, in this article we will touch upon it briefly. Let’s discuss in detail what a program for women aimed at burning fat should look like.

Principles of nutrition

For women, physical fitness is much more important than for men. Girls work hard in the gym, can go on diets for months, and torture themselves in all known and unknown ways. And all this for the sake of slimness and fit.

However, if you approach the weight loss process thoughtfully, it will no longer be a pain and will not create unnecessary stress. This is especially important for girls, since most breakdowns occur precisely as a result of strict restrictions.

The key principles of nutrition for weight loss are as follows:

  • Reducing caloric intake. It is considered safe to reduce the amount of calories by 20% of the usual norm.
  • Reducing the amount of fast carbohydrates and saturated fats, increasing the amount of protein in the diet.
  • Replacing harmful refined products with healthy natural ones.

In general, a healthy diet does not tolerate extremes. For example, you cannot completely eliminate carbohydrates and switch to protein foods alone. Or stop eating fatty foods. Fat is also necessary for the body. Nutrition should be varied, moderate and balanced. Then overweight will begin to go away naturally.

When the fat layer begins to disappear during the process of losing weight, muscles will become visible. If they are dystrophic and flabby, the figure will not look its best. To preserve muscles, physical training in the gym and protein nutrition are important. Of course, when you lose weight, some muscle will still go away (it is impossible to force the body to burn 100% only fat). However, proper weight loss sets the goal to preserve as much as possible the muscle reserve that you have.

It is also important not to overdo it when getting rid of excess fat. After all, our internal organs surrounded by a fat capsule, which they need for normal functioning. In addition, for girls, the presence of a certain amount of fat (about 13%) is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Thus, a simplified diet can be represented as follows: a small calorie deficit, more protein, less carbohydrates. Fats - in moderation, so that the body receives unsaturated fatty acids and substances necessary for ligaments and joints.

Which workouts are best?

Any workout in the gym, be it strength training or general strengthening, leads to the consumption of calories. Therefore, all this will be training for weight loss. Due to it, you can burn a certain amount of subcutaneous fat.

Which load is better for girls? A set of basic exercises, or something else?

It is known that strength exercises with weights (namely the base) consume a lot of calories. Indeed, heavy exercise requires enormous energy expenditure. It’s just that you won’t be able to make a base often, since the body’s strength limits are very limited. This kind of training is important. But if your goal is to lose weight, and therefore your diet is in a calorie deficit, they will exhaust you very quickly. That is, strength exercises during weight loss are given in doses.

But long-term loads at an average pace (running, aerobics, work with light weights in a large number of repetitions) - do not exhaust the body as much as strength exercises, so by giving them priority you can lose weight more effectively.

This way you can do it more often and for longer, as a result of which the final fat-burning effect will be stronger than when using a base and other heavy techniques.

There is such a thing as a fat-burning heart rate zone. This is 60–70% of your maximum heart rate. It can be calculated by subtracting your age from 220. Then calculating the percentages, on average you will get 120-130 beats per minute. It is believed that at this heart rate maximum amount The body takes energy from fat.

Any physical activity for losing weight in and outside the gym is useful and important, as it expends energy.

How to create a weight loss program correctly

The principles that should be followed when creating a fat burning complex for women are somewhat different from those for men. They are slightly different, although they are based on the same physiological laws.

  • The “do no harm” principle. Following it means wisely using a set of exercises and dietary restrictions to achieve the effect of burning fat. Weight loss training should help you achieve a harmonious figure, and not harm your health.
  • Impact load on problem areas. For girls, this is the inner thigh, buttocks, stomach and sides, back of the arms. The program is structured in such a way that the main emphasis of the load in the exercises is given precisely to these areas.
  • Age characteristics. Girls aged 20 should not be given the same physical exercises for weight loss as women aged 40. This is, at a minimum, ineffective. Each organism is individual, but still, the older a person is, the more careful one should approach the loads on the heart and joint-ligamentous apparatus. The set of exercises must be adapted to the physiological characteristics of the body.
  • Work with bad habits. Smoking or frequent drinking of alcohol will negatively affect the process of losing weight and no set of exercises can compensate for the harmful effects.
  • You also need to take into account hormonal status, the absence or presence of abnormalities in the endocrine system and their severity. In such a situation, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  • During pregnancy, a gentle load should be given so that weight loss training does not harm the fetus and does not provoke premature birth or miscarriage. At this time, it is better to completely abandon the gym and limit yourself to special gymnastics for pregnant women, water aerobics, yoga and pulmonary exercises.
  • You also need to pay attention to your predisposition to being overweight or thin. In each case, the natural metabolism will be different. A general standard diet and training program (complex) for burning fat may not be ideal for all types of metabolism.

Features of cardio for girls

Cardio exercise in the gym is an important part of training for weight loss for girls and women. Depending on age and individual characteristics For some, 20 minutes on the elliptical is enough, but for others, even 40 minutes will seem unnoticeable.

If you have no heart problems, with circulatory system, you can standardize the load and do cardio before training for 30–40 minutes and after – 15–20 minutes.

If you have heart problems, the trainer should give you a test load to understand the capabilities of your body. After this, individually select the load necessary to burn fat deposits.

For example, start by walking on a treadmill. Walk for 5 minutes at an average pace. Gradually increase the speed until you feel a heaviness in your chest. There is no need to speed up the track anymore. This is the first limit. Gradually it will need to be overcome.

A set of exercises designed for weight loss must include cardio. The program should begin and end with a similar load.

Universal weight loss program

It is preferable to work out in the gym three times a week. For example, if fat burning workouts take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

This program is aimed at shaping and sculpting the muscles of the entire body, with an emphasis on problematic female areas.


  1. Cardio – 30–40 minutes.
  2. Barbell squat – 3 x 15 (light weights).
  3. Plie squats – 3 to 15.
  4. Lunges with dumbbells – 3, 20 on each leg.
  5. Hyperextension – 2 to 20–30.
  6. Curling arms with dumbbells or hammers – 3 to 20.
  7. Press – 3 to 30. Raising the torso on a Roman chair and lifting the legs while lying down.
  8. Cardio – 15 minutes.
  1. Cardio – 30 minutes.
  2. Hyperextension – 2 to 20.
  3. Romanian deadlift or deadlift – 3 to 15.
  4. – 2 to 20.
  5. Dumbbell bench press – 2 x 20.
  6. Raises of arms with dumbbells on a horizontal bench – 2 to 20.
  7. Raising arms with dumbbells on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees – 2 x 20.
  8. Arm extension on a block – 3 x 20.
  9. Oblique twists – 3, 20 on each side.
  10. Raising the body on the floor – 4 x 20.
  11. Cardio – 10 minutes.
  1. Cardio – 20 minutes.
  2. Leg press (feet on the top of the platform, widely spaced) – 2 to 15.
  3. Leg extension in the simulator – 2 to 20.
  4. – 2 to 20.
  5. Mixing and – 2 to 20.
  6. Calf raises – 4 x 30.
  7. Seated dumbbell press – 3 x 20.
  8. Lateral raises of dumbbells – 3 to 15.
  9. Cardio – 20 minutes.

This program is a calorie burning complex for girls in the gym. It is designed in such a way that 2 days pass between leg exercises, that is, the leg muscles are loaded on Monday and Friday. We do not recommend moving these days to Monday and Wednesday.

If the program is difficult, you should remove one approach from each exercise, and after some time add it with a minimum number of repetitions (for example, 5), gradually increasing the repetitions to the required number.

It is advisable to take a break of 45–60 seconds between exercises, and 30–45 between approaches. At this pace, the workout will take you 40–45 minutes (excluding cardio), your muscles will tighten, and you will become the owner of a beautiful, toned body. Of course, if you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, and not various kinds of diets. This is the optimal mode for burning fat.

This complex will help you improve your well-being and give you the figure of your dreams.

Fitness program for weight loss must be done in the gym. However, if you have an almost full-fledged gym at home, with all the necessary exercise equipment, then going to the gym is not necessary.

First of all, I would like to note what is happening due to weight loss according to our program. I have already written about this more than once, but as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.

This fitness program for weight loss It can only help you burn calories, but if you consume more calories than you need, it will not help you.

However, this program does not consist only of cardio training, as some may think. Many people think that in order to lose weight you need aerobic exercise and it’s all in the bag. This is a misconception. It is necessary to combine aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise, which also burns enough a large number of calories, and most importantly, they will tighten and tidy up your muscles, increasing their volume. Just don't think that strength training will make you Schwarzenegger, it will myth. By the way, you can read about this and other myths in the article: “.

Remember, muscle mass is lost quite quickly (especially with improper aerobic exercise), but it is so difficult to gain it. And every kg is very important to us muscle mass: this is both beauty and good basal metabolism(after all, 1 kg of muscle per day burns about 30 kcal, and fat burns only 6 kcal). Therefore, this set of exercises includes both strength training and cardio exercises.

And so, this complex is designed for four days training: 2 power and 2 Cardio workouts. However, if you don't have time, then convert this program into three days, removing one cardio workout. Although I would like to warn you in advance that I am not a supporter of long-term cardio training. I recommend short but intense cardio sessions to everyone. Believe me, a 15-minute intense workout will give more effect than a 40-minute run at an average pace. Therefore, I think it won’t be difficult for you to devote a maximum of 30 minutes a day to proper cardio training.

Before you start the complex, you must carry out.

Fitness program for weight loss (weight loss)

Day 1 - Legs, back, abs









Or (with additional weight)






Or on a special simulator (possibly with weights)



Day 2 - Chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, abs

Before executing the program, be sure to warm-up!








2 12-15 Day 3 and Day 4 - Cardio training

This day fitness programs for weight loss includes only aerobic exercise. You can get acquainted with intensive and effective cardio programs. These are ideal for cardio training. simulators, How: treadmill, bicycle and elliptical trainers. If intense training is not suitable for you, then run or pedal at an average pace for 30-40 minutes. After which you can jump rope to train your calves. You won’t be able to jump rope at the same pace for a long time. Therefore, you can do it in approaches: gallop, rest, and do it again. In total, a pure “jump” of about 15 minutes will be enough.

Before execution cardio training Also be sure to do it!

If you don’t have a treadmill or an exercise bike in your gym, then I recommend just running on aerobics day. Unfortunately, we cannot replace such a load with anything else, and a weight loss program must contain a load of this type. You can go for a run in the morning or evening. The main thing is that you perform it separately from the strength program. Or at least later 8 hours after strength training(for example, strength training in the morning and cardio in the evening). In this fitness program, cardio sessions are performed on separate days.

This is designed not only for you to simply lose weight, but also for correcting your figure as a whole, through properly selected strength exercises and the number of their repetitions.

I hope this one fitness program for weight loss will do you good. Thanks to all!

A beautiful body, figure, without unnecessary fat deposits on the sides and buttocks, healthy skin, tone - the goals that both women and men strive for. For the weaker sex, weight loss training in the gym is more important. A woman gives her appearance higher value and focuses on maintaining physical fitness Special attention. A gym training program for weight loss is effective if you approach this task wisely.

Exercises for weight loss in the gym will show results if the training is systematic. By not forgetting to follow a number of rules, monitoring your health, following a diet and giving up bad habits, you will improve your figure and health.

Women's weight loss in the gym

Working out for weight loss in the gym increases the body's caloric expenditure. Whether it be weight lifting, pull-ups, or running on a treadmill - any physical exercise will help you lose weight in the gym.

Unlike men, a weight loss program in the gym for girls is not created for muscle growth, but for burning fat in the body, not for weight gain. The stomach and sides will get in shape if the workout for weight loss in the gym is suitable in intensity, but you cannot overdo it with the loads. Common mistake that beginners allow - excessive loads. Increase the duration of your weight loss workout in the gym gradually, without forcing the process, but also without giving in to laziness.

Photo 1. Names of muscles that work when lifting a barbell in a lunge

Strength training in the gym for weight loss requires increased energy consumption, but depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Follow the rules of gradually increasing the intensity of exercise. The purpose of exercise is to fight excess weight, not to exhaust the body. Fat mass is burned, there is a lack of energy resources, which with excessive loads will lead to overexertion and exhaustion. When setting the goal of losing weight, we must not forget about the principles of rationality, moderation and a gradual increase in physical activity.

Photo 2. Competent technology performing pull-ups on the bar for women

Exercise equipment

Losing weight in the gym for women includes several blocks of exercises on special simulators:

  1. Warm-up includes running on a treadmill, bending, jumping and squats. 15 minutes are allotted for warm-up.
  2. Aerobic (cardio) training promotes intensive burning of fat deposits. Cardio exercises take at least 40 minutes.
  3. Power loads on different groups muscles - 50 minutes.

Photo 3. Before doing exercises in the gym, the body needs stretching

Circuit training for weight loss in the gym will require:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • simulator for raising and spreading the legs at the hips, “Butterfly”;
  • dumbbells;
  • rods or apparatus for T-traction;
  • pull-up bar, wall bars.

Movement speed


Fast walk

Improving general health, rehabilitation

Jogging 6 km/h

Increased endurance, weight loss

Jogging 9 km/h

Improving aerobic exercise

Fast run

Increased power in short runs

Running on maximum speed

Maximum speed development

Table for identifying the optimal running speed according to your goals

A training plan in the gym for weight loss is developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of training of the athlete. Excessive loads, instead of benefiting and burning excess fat accumulation, will harm your health.

Photo 4. The “Butterfly” simulator (raising arms to the sides with effort) forms beautiful shoulders

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Sample program for women

When drawing up an individual training plan in the gym for weight loss for women, pay attention to menstrual cycle. Periods of increased physical activity and recession. 12-14 days after the end of menstruation, an increase in performance is noted and at this time the intensity of training can be increased, and immediately during ovulation and before its end, a light training regime can be prescribed. Effective weight loss workouts in the gym are developed based on periodization with maximum intensity two weeks after menstruation and a gradual decrease over the subsequent period. During ovulation, take a break or reduce exercise to a minimum.

A strength training set for weight loss in the gym will not lead to success if it is not combined with cardio exercises and without following the principles of proper nutrition. The combination of all elements of the program will help achieve results.

Photo 5. Ideal breakfast for weight loss: muesli with milk, hard-boiled egg, half an orange, a glass of freshly squeezed juice, coffee without sugar

Taking into account the characteristics of the female body, strength training sessions are carried out with lighter weights than for men, but the intensity of the training can be high. It depends on what physical shape the girl is in and how quickly she wants to lose weight in the gym. A typical beginner's mistake is that, wanting to quickly get results, he starts going to the gym every day. This leads to adverse consequences. A rational regimen is three times a week for 1-1.5 hours, although for some women a regimen of 1-2 workouts is suitable. Strength training should be alternated with cardio exercises and once a week you should give yourself two days of rest. When working out at the gym to lose weight, follow a proper diet.

Photo 6.Cardio exercises (in the photo - treadmill) for weight loss are also notnecessary, just like power

Rough plan workouts in the gym for weight loss include:

  1. Warm up. Before starting any exercise, prepare your muscular, joint and nervous systems. This allows you to increase the efficiency of loads and prevent injuries. Makes 5-8 minutes.
  2. Twisting - to improve blood circulation and create stress on the abs. During the workout, 5-8 approaches with the maximum possible number of repetitions are recommended.
  3. Squats with a barbell are prescribed to train the legs and gluteal muscles.
  4. The bench press helps develop the triceps, deltoid and pectoral muscles.
  5. Pulling the barbell up to the chin area serves to train the shoulder girdle.
  6. Rope extension - for training the triceps.
  7. Raising the legs while hanging on the horizontal bar is necessary for developing the abs and gluteal muscles.
  8. Lunges with dumbbells.
  9. Pulling dumbbells up to your chest while bending forward.
  10. Squats with dumbbells between your legs - with your legs apart, take a dumbbell in your hands, lower it between your knees and do 10-15 squats.

Photo 7. Exercise using a bench to increase the elasticity of the gluteal muscles

The weight loss complex in the gym is performed in 5-7 approaches. It is not recommended to take long breaks - the interval between trips is 30 seconds.

Aero load on an exercise bike or treadmill - 20-30 minutes at a slow pace with a heart rate no higher than 120 beats/min. Choose the order of exercises yourself, but many doctors and fitness trainers prefer running, since when exercising on a treadmill and exercise bike, all muscle groups work, the heart muscle is trained, the maximum amount of subcutaneous fat is burned, and muscle mass increases, as after strength exercises are not observed.

Photo 8. Bends with dumbbells and using a bench with leg locks

Effective workouts in the gym for weight loss for women is a task that requires individual approach. For one woman, one set of exercises will be suitable, but another will not bring benefits or will be excessive. It is important to consult with your personal trainer, who will assess your health and, if necessary, make adjustments to the exercise plan for weight loss in the gym, reduce or increase the load, cancel some exercises and prescribe others, give recommendations on proper nutrition and daily routine.

Photo 9. The trainer tells you how to perform the exercise correctly for maximum effect

A girl who wants to lose weight in the gym is recommended to:

  • fractional meals in small portions up to 5 times a day;
  • water - 1.5-2 liters per day;
  • exclude or limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates, flour and fatty foods, sweets;
  • additional consumption of fat-burning foods or medications, for example, Turboslim, green coffee, etc.;
  • Don’t skip workouts, but don’t over-exert yourself;
  • in addition to weight loss classes in the gym, include jogging in the morning, swimming in the pool, active games, visiting the sauna;
  • give up bad habits - alcohol, tobacco.

One of the main negative consequences of drinking alcohol is dehydration of all body systems. Along with water, very important microelements are also lost - calcium (necessary for bone tissue), magnesium ( important element for the functioning of the nervous system), potassium (essential for the cardiovascular system). These elements play a significant role in full muscle activity, which is very important in the process of losing weight.

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Very often, having signed up for a gym, girls for one reason or another do not use the services of a trainer to draw up a training program. Read our material about which gym training program is right for a girl.

The gym is a place where you can not only realize yourself as a successful athlete, but also significantly improve your physical condition in many ways. So, you are for relatively short term You can lose weight, gain weight due to muscle growth, and get leaner by increasing the definition of existing muscles, and increase the indicators of various physical qualities. It just takes a little effort. And in order not to waste time and not make trivial mistakes, you need to prepare a plan that you will have to strictly adhere to.

If you are working out to lose weight or get in shape, you need to train three times a week, training all muscle groups in the correct sequence. The optimal number of workouts per week is 3, this can be Monday-Wednesday-Friday, or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday. For effective training the body needs to rest, so daily training is not advisable. The exception is the process of losing weight, but in this case, on the intermediate days, just train on cardio equipment. When going to the fitness club, follow the following training program for girls.

How to create a weight loss program for girls

The principles that should be followed when creating a fat burning complex for women are somewhat different from those for men. They are slightly different, although they are based on the same physiological laws.

  • The “do no harm” principle. Following it means wisely using a set of exercises and dietary restrictions to achieve the effect of burning fat. Weight loss training should help you achieve a harmonious figure, and not harm your health.
  • Targeted load on problem areas. For girls, this is the inner thigh, buttocks, stomach and sides, back of the arms. The program is structured in such a way that the main emphasis of the load in the exercises is given precisely to these areas.
  • Age characteristics. Girls aged 20 should not be given the same physical exercises for weight loss as women aged 40. This is, at a minimum, ineffective. Each organism is individual, but still, the older a person is, the more careful one should approach the loads on the heart and joint-ligamentous apparatus. The set of exercises must be adapted to the physiological characteristics of the body.
  • Working with bad habits. Smoking or frequent drinking of alcohol will negatively affect the process of losing weight and no set of exercises can compensate for the harmful effects.
  • You also need to take into account hormonal status, the absence or presence of abnormalities in the endocrine system and their severity. In such a situation, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  • During pregnancy, a gentle load should be given so that weight loss training does not harm the fetus and does not provoke premature birth or miscarriage. At this time, it is better to completely abandon the gym and limit yourself to special gymnastics for pregnant women, water aerobics, yoga and pulmonary exercises.
  • You also need to pay attention to your predisposition to being overweight or thin. In each case, the natural metabolism will be different. A general standard diet and training program (complex) for burning fat may not be ideal for all types of metabolism.

Rules for effective training in the gym for girls

  1. Choose the right load for yourself. Firstly, such loads should involve as many muscle groups as possible. Secondly, they should be selected based on the person’s physical fitness (for unprepared people, the easiest exercises should be used).
  2. In the classic version of training for weight loss, there should be at least eight standard exercises: push-ups, barbell press, abdominal swing, pull-ups, squats and others.
  3. You should correctly determine the time and quality of training so as not to overload your muscles and joints. Also, when performing exercises, you must always adjust your breathing correctly: make an effort as you exhale, and relax as you inhale. This is one of the most important rules activities, because if breathing is inaccurate, or a person holds it altogether, dizziness, etc. may occur.
  4. The weight of weights and barbells must be selected so that a person can lift it at least twelve times in one approach.
  5. You need to come to training full of strength and motivation. Without these two components, you will not try.
  6. You need to be able to recover after each workout so that you don’t feel like a squeezed lemon the next time. To do this, you should have full, healthy sleep, good mood and peace of mind.
  7. You should monitor your water balance, especially during exercise. You can also drink water during training.
  8. It is recommended to stop drinking alcohol to avoid giving your body extra calories.
  9. To make sports more effective, it is very important to adhere to proper nutrition.
  10. It is best to eat nutritious but low-fat foods: greens, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and nuts. Fast food, processed foods, smoked foods and other things should be avoided. In addition, food should be rich in vitamins and protein, so the diet should include fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cheese, homemade juices and eggs. You should not eat immediately before training. It is best to eat an hour before or an hour and a half after.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Basic training program for girls

Do each exercise in the program the specified number of times for 3 approaches.


  • Squats – 15 times

  • Lunges with dumbbells in hands - 10 times with each leg

  • Dumbbell rows to the waist with one hand - 10 times with each hand

  • Pull-ups – maximum number of times Incline bench press – 12 times


  • Barbell row to the belt – 15 times

  • Block rows to the chest with a narrow grip - 12 times

  • Plie squats with dumbbells – 15 times

  • Squats on one leg (scissors) with a barbell - 10 times with each leg

  • “Book” on the press – 20 times


  • Deadlift – 15 times

  • Squats with one leg on a bench (Bulgarian split squat) – 10 times with each leg

  • Lower block row to the waist while sitting with a narrow grip – 12 times

  • Dumbbell bench press – 12 times

  • Dumbbell flyes – 12 reps

  • Cool down (at the end of the workout) – stretching.

When drawing up a fitness training program for girls in the gym, you should take into account that optimally you need to exercise 3 times a week with a break of 1 day between classes. If you can’t take a break, you can train 2 days in a row, but such cases should be an exception.

Any exercise can be replaced with its analogue on a simulator if there are health problems. For example, if you have a sore back during training in the girls’ gym, you can do squats on a Smith machine, and bent-over rows on a special T-lift machine. In this case, you should definitely consult with your doctor and trainer.

Useful information for losing weight

Workouts for girls in the gym

The gym training plan for girls for weight loss is designed to accomplish several tasks:

  • improved endurance;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • fat burning;
  • muscle preservation.

All muscle groups will be divided into three days, each exercise should consist of 3-4 sets and 15-20 repetitions. It is optimal to train in the mode of 3 sets of 20 repetitions or 4 of 15.

The first day we pump our legs, abs, shoulders, back, biceps:

  • hyperextension and leg lift;
  • platform press and alternating dumbbell press;
  • sitting hip extension in a crossover and overhead pull-down;
  • adduction of the leg in the crossover and traction of the horizontal block.

The second day we train legs, abs, chest:

  • crunches on an incline bench and bending over with a barbell on your shoulders;
  • squats and dumbbell bench press (30 degrees);
  • seated leg extension and dumbbell fly;
  • lying leg curl and pullover.

The third day we pump our legs, calves, abs, back, shoulders, triceps:

  • raising your legs on a bench and raising your toes with dumbbells;
  • deadlift and lat pulldown (reverse grip);
  • standing lunges and overhead presses;
  • Hack squats and French press.

Video program in the gym for girls

Every gym workout program for girls is designed to improve the body where it needs it. An important factor for effective training is adherence to the exercise schedule and technique. If these are violated, the effectiveness of the training is significantly reduced. Below are video tutorials that will help girls avoid mistakes.

Helpful information

First level

Strength exercises for women in the gym

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